Theory - Merlin and Escanor Sin commited theory thread | MangaHelpers

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Theory Merlin and Escanor Sin commited theory thread

Gut's is the man

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 28, 2017
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United States
Basically the idea here is that unlike the rest of the sin's Merlin and Escanor did in fact directly commit the sin's they are guiilty of.

The Backbone of this comes from the fact that Escanor's kingdom was revealed to have been destroyed in the past. We know his power activated after being assaulted by his brother and his parent's cast him out and called him a monster. What we did not see was that Escanor in his pride form as the day got closer to noon committed worse and worse act thanks to his power causing him uncontrollable pride. He actually killed his brother and his parent witnessed his state and called hm a monster for it and called the guards. As it got closer to noon and the situation escalated Escanor eventually unleashed his power and DESTROYED! his kingdom and killing his parents. That mob we saw were the survivors who were out to kill the monster who in his pride destroyed their kingdom.

With Merlin it's tricky and I have no direct Idea. But I do think her sin's involves Uther Pendragon and Arthur's conception this time. Merlin was behind Arthur being conceived in the legend and Arthurs birth has not be elaborated on yet. (I would theorize given how Merlin took issue with Vivian almost freeing the demon but not with Brainwashing Gilthunder to imply that Merlin doesn't see it as a terrible crime and may herself admitted her love for Uther but he was already married and turned her down and she used a potion to make him fall in love with her. The circumstances made it look like all she wanted was access to the kingdoms knowledge and so she was accused of being Glutinous.) If you're curious how this ties to Arthur....... I feel it's so obvious that saying it out loud would be insulting to anyone who read this.


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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I stopped believing that they were really guilty of their Sins once we got Gowther's Gaiden. Merlin maybe, but Escanor? No way. He is far too nice.

Gut's is the man

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 28, 2017
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United States
I stopped believing that they were really guilty of their Sins once we got Gowther's Gaiden. Merlin maybe, but Escanor? No way. He is far too nice.
did you even read the thread?


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
It's highly unlikely that Merlin and Escanor are actually directly guilty of their Sins. The common element in these Gaiden Chapters are that the Sins are always decent people who are at the wrong place, at the wrong time and willingly take punishment for their perceived failures or short comings surrounding those circumstances.

Mel: Fell in love with a girl and wasn't prepared for the emotional trauma her death caused him.
Ban: Fell in love with a girl and couldn't protect her.
King: Couldn't save his best friend or be there for him during his time of need.
Diane: Eh...pass.
Gowther: Fell in love with a girl and wasn't prepared for the emotional trauma her death caused him.

As for the impetus for Escanor and Merlin's sins?

I can imagine Escanor was caught up in a war or a battle that was far beyond the level of a group of people he was teamed up with. Most likely, he was seen as the leader, and I can see him being blamed for causing their deaths as he was far to prideful to retreat from a losing battle. When in actuality, he probably tried his best to protect them, but it was well after noon and he was getting weaker as time went by.

As for Merlin, I can imagine that her "Sin" has to do with the fact that she might have wasted precious resources in an attempt to learn some forbidden magic or sate her gluttony for magic, but in actuality, she was trying to solve a problem for the greater good, but wasn't successful and was blamed for the failure. Or, she had an excess of magical items and some of them fell through the cracks into the hands of someone with less than pure intentions, and she was blamed for the aftermath due to her "careless" handling of the number of the items she had.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 14, 2016
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Holy Britannian Empire
Why are most of you guys call Meliodas innocent when he blew up a kingdom when he was enraged :/ ?


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Weren't Danafor's people dead already? Destroying the kingdom wasn't really that bad.

Gut's is the man

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 28, 2017
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United States
Why are most of you guys call Meliodas innocent when he blew up a kingdom when he was enraged :/ ?
I was actually gonna include Meliodas but I thought i'd get too many accusation of Meliodas only destroying a kingdom that was already ruined and coultn't really connect Meliodas killing two commandment and doing alot of damage to the demon realm in the process. So I took it out.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Weren't Danafor's people dead already? Destroying the kingdom wasn't really that bad.
That's only a assumption for now, though a good one.


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
Why are most of you guys call Meliodas innocent when he blew up a kingdom when he was enraged :/ ?
In the story's context, he didn't "willingly" blow up Danafor. The fault was basically put on Fraudrin for putting Mel in that situation. I don't necessarily agree to a certain extent, but that's how the series seems to want you to see these circumstances.

Weren't Danafor's people dead already? Destroying the kingdom wasn't really that bad.
There were probably some stranglers. Still, without much knowledge, it looked like Mel was the one who actually killed them, when, in fact, Fraudrin and random dragons were probably responsible for a larger portion of the deaths.

Unfortunately, that wasn't expanded upon and I'm not sure it even will be. I've a running theory that Nakaba lessened Danafor's significance in favor of the reincarnation cycle. I mean, Liz seemed like she had much more of impact on Mel early in the series, but she's since fell off to the side since the cycle thing came to be, which in turn, severely undercuts everything shown with Liz before.
Last edited:


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
TBH I am somewhat confused as to what even was meliodas' sin. Back when elizabeth met zaratras they used a spell to see the past and saw how meliodas met zaratras and bartra. And it didn't seem like meliodas was immediately charged with anything at the time. Meliodas simply went on to become a holy knight, no trial no fuss. So.... meliodas' sin does not seem to have been blowing up danafor. Whatever made him the dragon's sin of wrath would have had to happen later than that. If anything happened at all. I kinda get the impression that since bartra saw the seven deadly sins in his vision meliodas just kinda went along with the criminal thing. Even though unlike the other sins he was never even placed on trial. Heck, given the circumstances its more than possible that merlin also was never even accused of anything, at least by liones, and simply went along with the theme for the lulz like meliodas did.

As far as merlin or escanor, I would argue they absolutely did not do whatever they were charged with. The sins in general simply did not do the stuff they are accused of. More so, the lot of them deserve medals and parades and all the bitches for their actions in general. Well, not all the sins but at least a couple. King and ban should be heroes for their deeds. It's not like helbram going crazy or the forest being attacked was their fault. Gowther and diane didn't really do much of anything at all. They don't deserve a parade but they were largely passive during their "sins".


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Mar 31, 2016
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United States
Y’all r forget sumthing. Meliodas, Merlin, and Escanor were recruited. Meliodas started da SDS. Merlin told Meliodas that she was one of the sins. When Bartra told them about their vision. And meliodas and Merlin ask Escanor would he mind joining the sins. These r facts. There sin come from other things that don’t hav nothing to do wit Liones.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Y’all r forget sumthing. Meliodas, Merlin, and Escanor were recruited. Meliodas started da SDS. Merlin told Meliodas that she was one of the sins. When Bartra told them about their vision. And meliodas and Merlin ask Escanor would he mind joining the sins. These r facts. There sin come from other things that don’t hav nothing to do wit Liones.
Wait, that is not entirely accurate. Ban, gowther and diane were in fact charged and prosecuted in liones because their crimes were committed in liones. King's thing was 200 years ago but he likely went through that process by another kingdom. With merlin, meliodas and escanor we are missing several important details in this regards to their crimes.


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
Y’all r forget sumthing. Meliodas, Merlin, and Escanor were recruited. Meliodas started da SDS. Merlin told Meliodas that she was one of the sins. When Bartra told them about their vision. And meliodas and Merlin ask Escanor would he mind joining the sins. These r facts. There sin come from other things that don’t hav nothing to do wit Liones.
I'm not sure what this has to do with whether or not Merlin and Escanor are guilty of their sins, but all the Sins were conscripted into Liones' army, with the possible exception of Mel. We do not know the specifics of how Merlin and Escanor joined yet, as we haven't seen their Gaiden's.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 21, 2023
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Basically the idea here is that unlike the rest of the sin's Merlin and Escanor did in fact directly commit the sin's they are guiilty of.

The Backbone of this comes from the fact that Escanor's kingdom was revealed to have been destroyed in the past. We know his power activated after being assaulted by his brother and his parent's cast him out and called him a monster. What we did not see was that Escanor in his pride form as the day got closer to noon committed worse and worse act thanks to his power causing him uncontrollable pride. He actually killed his brother and his parent witnessed his state and called hm a monster for it and called the guards. As it got closer to noon and the situation escalated Escanor eventually unleashed his power and DESTROYED! his kingdom and killing his parents. That mob we saw were the survivors who were out to kill the monster who in his pride destroyed their kingdom.

With Merlin it's tricky and I have no direct Idea. But I do think her sin's involves Uther Pendragon and Arthur's conception this time. Merlin was behind Arthur being conceived in the legend and Arthurs birth has not be elaborated on yet. (I would theorize given how Merlin took issue with Vivian almost freeing the demon but not with Brainwashing Gilthunder to imply that Merlin doesn't see it as a terrible crime and may herself admitted her love for Uther but he was already married and turned her down and she used a potion to make him fall in love with her. The circumstances made it look like all she wanted was access to the kingdoms knowledge and so she was accused of being Glutinous.) If you're curious how this ties to Arthur....... I feel it's so obvious that saying it out loud would be insulting to anyone who read this.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

It is clearly stated in Anime that The barbarians attack caused the destruction of The Kingdom or the village where Escanor lived .

I don't remember anywhere it is said that Escanor killed his brother or anyone innocent for that matter .

You seems to be suffering from the Sin of Envy from Escanor .

I came to this thread because I wanted to why Escanor at the time of dying said that he had a idea of the sins committed by Merlin but didn't know exactly what they where as there was deepest sadness in her eyes .