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Discussion The Prophecy

Brandish μ

The one with the mic
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
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Oct 24, 2015
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There are several terms within the prophecy which are worth discussing:
  • Darkness - has been mentioned a few times in the series to represent feelings in people such as anger and despair; portrayed as evil as well. Is it the same for the prophecy?
  • Covenant of Old - it does signify the dream is tied to the past. Not exactly a hot topic but worth noting
  • Four dragons - Obvious.
  • Sword and Shield - Who are they? Hak and Soo-Won? Or do the terms apply to more than 2 people?
  • Red Dragon - The reincarnation of King Hiryuu; is it Yona?
  • At dawn - This puts a time-stamp on the red dragons' return. Dawn and darkness are also related. So in a dark situation, the red dragon will appear. This may have occured in Xing arc?

Do you have any ideas, theories or predictions relating to the prophecy?


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 2, 2017
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Actually I have been thinking about the prophecy.

Do you guys think Il knew about the prophecy and someone told him that Soo-Won is the King in the prophecy while Yona is the red dragon?

This could be why he doesn't like Soo-Won at all.

Maybe even Zeno knew the prophecy and that Soo-Won is the king, which is why he looks at him to strangely all the time. Zeno probably saw Soo-Won grow up as a child after all.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Sep 29, 2015
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United States
Wow, happy that the prophecy is slightly unfolding....
I now come up with an idea the reason that King Il separated Suwon from Yona is because of a prophecy told by priests.
The priests might have warned King Il that Suwon would be a threat to Yona in the future (which is true currently LOL). At that time King Il realized that Yona was Hiryuu's incarnation. Yuhon opposed this fortune telling and took an action against, so both King Il and Yuhon came to conflicts. Consequently, Yuhon and Suwon pose hostile towards the priest. Since then they don't believe in divine power.
I feel Suwon doesn't think himself as Hiryu reincarnation as well. When King Il told Suwon that he was different from Yona, I think he meant Yona was not a ordinary girl, but had a soul of a deity while Suwon he was just a normal boy.
Also now, I personally don't think that Yona is really King Il's daughter. King Il never mentioned about her mother. It's likely he adopted Yona due to her crimson's hair.
Still, there should have something with King Il happened terribly for sure as we can see most sky tribe members are now on Suwon's side and turn back to Il on the day of assassination.

As the story goes, it becomes clearer that Suwon is a part to Ik-Soo's prophecy (I'm sure yall see this yeah).
Haha Lili my girl, can I ship her with Suwon? They are alike marriage couples now. Well, only wife can find everything hubby is hiding ikr :D
So far, Suwon freak-out face is occurring with Lili secret agent mostly.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 2, 2017
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As the story goes, it becomes clearer that Suwon is a part to Ik-Soo's prophecy (I'm sure yall see this yeah).
Yes! I just posted something similar in the prophecy thread. I think Il knew that Soo-Won would be the future king, and really didn't like it or him. Someone maybe told him he will be the "king" of the prophecy.

Also now, I personally don't think that Yona is really King Il's daughter. King Il never mentioned about her mother. It's likely he adopted Yona due to her crimson's hair.
This is interesting. She is also quite different from him personality wise.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 1, 2017
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I'm pretty sure that Yona is Il's daughter, though. Her mother was mentioned at the very beginning to have been killed by insurgents. I also think that if she'd been adopted, we would know about it by now - hiding an information like this for so long wouldn't be a sign of good writing.

Plus, let's not forget that Hak's the adopted one.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Sep 29, 2015
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United States
I'm pretty sure that Yona is Il's daughter, though. Her mother was mentioned at the very beginning to have been killed by insurgents. I also think that if she'd been adopted, we would know about it by now - hiding an information like this for so long wouldn't be a sign of good writing.
I used to think that she is really Il's daughter, however, it puzzled me now when Ill pointed out she had Hiryu soul at her early young age (in Suwon's flashback).
Yes, Il mentioned about Yona's mother, but never spoke out her name at all, right?
This is pretty peculiar in my view since even Suwon's mother name was given but not Yona's mother once...why? Then I don't know if Il really got married? We only know Yona's mother was murdered.
Yona doesn't seem to have memory about her mother at all. It implies to me Il didn't tell her anything about her mom. It is really really odd, how come he never mentioned a story of his wife to the daughter, well at least tell her how sweet her mother was....something like that.
Could that be her mother was killed by the royal troop and Il took her to the palace due to the priest guidance? Idk, It's possible, up until now Yona probably may not know she is not his daughter if Il took her from her real family since she was baby. (But other sky folks may know?)
If this is true, Suwon killing Il issue can be solved peacefully bwahahaha.

Ah talking about the Hiryu split souls theory...I just rememberrrrrrr....
Zeno acknowledged Hiryu incarnation only one time (through the scene he went to meet Kija). At that time Kija should be around 4 yrs old and Kija and Suwon have 1 yr old difference. Basically, he sensed only one person should have Hiryu divine and that was when Yona was born...


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 4, 2017
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Water Tribe
Ah talking about the Hiryu split souls theory...I just rememberrrrrrr....
Zeno acknowledged Hiryu incarnation only one time (through the scene he went to meet Kija). At that time Kija should be around 4 yrs old and Kija and Suwon have 1 yr old difference. Basically, he sensed only one person should have Hiryu divine and that was when Yona was born...
Oh my ur right! I almost forgot about that scene!


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 28, 2017
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I wonder if Soo Won is the reincarnation of the Ouryuu...The way he is described is so similar to Yona in a way and Zeno. The split soul theory is interesting and sounds also possible,but the fact that both Soo Won and Yona are about 3 years apart...That s a little difficult.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 2, 2017
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I wonder if Soo Won is the reincarnation of the Ouryuu...The way he is described is so similar to Yona in a way and Zeno. The split soul theory is interesting and sounds also possible,but the fact that both Soo Won and Yona are about 3 years apart...That s a little difficult.
That would be interesting, but that would mean he is not the King of the prophecy right?


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 2, 2017
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Ah talking about the Hiryu split souls theory...I just rememberrrrrrr....
Zeno acknowledged Hiryu incarnation only one time (through the scene he went to meet Kija). At that time Kija should be around 4 yrs old and Kija and Suwon have 1 yr old difference. Basically, he sensed only one person should have Hiryu divine and that was when Yona was born...
I am personally not a fan of the split reincarnation theory in anycase. Let Yona be Yona and Soo-Won be Soo-Won. The only way their fates are intertwined are through the prophecy probably where Yona is the Red Dragon (hiryuu) and Soo-Won is the King.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 28, 2017
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That would be interesting, but that would mean he is not the King of the prophecy right?
I wonder about that.
We all agree that Yona is the Red Dragon,since she is the reincarnation of King Hiryuu and most likely she is either the king/sword/shield.
I think that would be possible for Soo Won too. He could be a reincarnation of a Dragon God, but simultaneously he would be also part of the prophecy.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
I wonder if the last part means that Yona will be joining the heavens as the Red Dragon again......


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 1, 2017
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Yes, Il mentioned about Yona's mother, but never spoke out her name at all, right?
This is pretty peculiar in my view since even Suwon's mother name was given but not Yona's mother once...why? Then I don't know if Il really got married? We only know Yona's mother was murdered.
Yona doesn't seem to have memory about her mother at all. It implies to me Il didn't tell her anything about her mom. It is really really odd, how come he never mentioned a story of his wife to the daughter, well at least tell her how sweet her mother was....something like that.
Could that be her mother was killed by the royal troop and Il took her to the palace due to the priest guidance? Idk, It's possible, up until now Yona probably may not know she is not his daughter if Il took her from her real family since she was baby. (But other sky folks may know?)
If this is true, Suwon killing Il issue can be solved peacefully bwahahaha.
This is a common trope, I'm afraid. Main characters form high fantasy (and not only) often don't have a parent or both parents, because having such nurturing figures present for them would hinder the plot. The reason why Su-won's mother is given a name is possibly because she might turn out important to the plot (if not the present one, then the past one). She already played a role, if indirectly, as she was the reason Min-su's life was spared. She's also supposed to have lived far away and been sickly, so she can be easily removed from directly influencing the plot and her general absence from the flashbacks is easily explained.

On the other hand, Yona's mother would be a bother for the author. If she were alive, she would either have to run away with Yona (frustrating and difficult to write, and would put her in the leading position instead of Yona and Hak), get killed by Su-won (would paint his character in a truly evil light, since a queen consort can hardly be blamed for the country's state, unlike the king), or get caught and imprisoned by him (again, difficult to write, since the reader would expect to know what's going on with her, even if it weren't interesting, and it would also be expected of Yona to want to come back and rescue her). She would also have to have a presence in the flashback, since unlike Su-won's mother, she would be supposed to live in the Hiryuu Castle.

Together with the many orphaned heroes that had to go on a journey (Frodo Baggins, Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, friggin' Eragon as much as I hate this Gary Stue...), I take lack of even mentioning Yona's mother's name as a proof that she's not important whatsoever, and we should focus on Yona's present rather than her past. On the contrary, since Su-won's mother's name is mentioned, I take it as a foreshadowing that his past will be properly examined, which I think we all expect.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Sep 29, 2015
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United States
I wonder if Soo Won is the reincarnation of the Ouryuu...The way he is described is so similar to Yona in a way and Zeno. The split soul theory is interesting and sounds also possible,but the fact that both Soo Won and Yona are about 3 years apart...That s a little difficult.
Same here, one of my thought is SooWon is the Ouryuu (himself) in human form while Yona is the Hiryuu's dragon warrior.
I expect all dragon warriors' power shall be over in the end of the manga.
Idk, I think Zeno's immortal life should end there if Ouryuu may take the power back (or the red dragon returns to heaven?).


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 28, 2017
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What do you think about the idea that the original Dragon Warriors could reappear again...I think it was merely a joke and it sounds awfully unrealistic, but somehow it is an interesting idea. It would at least explain why the "Sword" and the "Shield" haven t awaken,since the original Dragon Warriors aren t assembled. Zeno is missing.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 1, 2017
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I've seen this idea coming up in many places, but I don't remember seeing it here, so I thought I might just as well write.

The idea is that the King in the prophecy is actually Tae-jun - and it ties with the idea that he will become Kouka's king in the end. The arguments for it I've seen are:
1) It would be unexpected.
2) Zeno told Tae-jun that he would become an important person for Kouka.
3) Tae-jun is shown as getting more and more skilled at administration and social interactions, especially with him facing Keishuk in the last few chapters.

I personally don't like it, but I can't really find anything to debunk it, so. What do you think?


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 28, 2017
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Well it is nice that I am not the only person who is against this theory. Tae Jun is hardly able to think for himself and didn t even consider the negative consequences for himself or the people who helped him, when he betrayed Soo Won. I think a leader needs a greater ability of foresight and has to consider calmly his possible moves. Tae Jun is far too emotional. If he should end on the throne I hope he has a lot of people around him who do the " mental work".


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 1, 2017
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Tea-jun as the King. Eh, I don’t like it either.

Firstly, I think he has still a long way to go. The question is: does Kusangi have time to pull it off?
Besides, the moment he agreed to Yona’s request to light the beacon, he put returning her a favour over the safety of his own tribe without hesitation, as it could have negative consequences for his tribe.

Secondly, unless Kusanagi has a brilliant idea for Yona’s development in this case I think making him the King would give Tea-jun the most remarkable development in the manga and the most remarkable development should be Yona’s. Not that I care much at this point if she actually receives it, but just saying.

Well it is nice that I am not the only person who is against this theory. Tae Jun is hardly able to think for himself and didn t even consider the negative consequences for himself or the people who helped him, when he betrayed Soo Won. I think a leader needs a greater ability of foresight and has to consider calmly his possible moves. Tae Jun is far too emotional. If he should end on the throne I hope he has a lot of people around him who do the " mental work".
Exactly, Tea-jun severely lacks foresight. So unless years will pass in the manga giving him a chance to develop this ability greatly, he will need it, I don’t see him becoming as an equally good option as Soo-won anytime soon.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 2, 2017
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Don't want Keishuk to be king, that seems like some sort of fan service for people who don't like Soo-Won.

I think most unexpected is that Soo-Won remains king. In any case who are Tae-Jun's sword and shield? Hak ain't his shield.