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Discussion If you had the potential to rewrite the series, what would you change?

Son Detective Asurei

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 25, 2017
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United States
I wish that :

- Elizabeth had Liz personality and could fight a bit more instead of needing to be saved all the time. They could have elizabeth be kidnapped then mel and the others rushing to save her only to find that she already beat the strongest enemy there.

-that Drole and Gloxinia got the respect they deserved. They are the two legendary kings yet they lose to a nerfed mel and night escanor ? Ridiculous
Also how do they get foderrized by the demon clan's chandler? Imo the fairy or giant king outside of harlequin should not lose to another clan's member that is not at least their strongest.

- for Zeldris and other villain's psyche was explored more.
We didn't get their motivations until the very end of the story thats bad imo.
I wish that they were more fleshed out, that they werent as one dimensional as they appeared to be.

- Galan should not have lost to mel right after he got his power up, it killed the tension too fast, also I wish that he wasnt so weak he was the most entertaining commandement.

-The ten commandements lived longer and had personalities and stories that would complement their cool designs.
I wanted other sins to be able to fight them and interact with them more so that they had more understanding of each other or at least a reason to fight other then oh they are demons so they must be killed. It feels like the story with them was rushed

-Mael doing more, fighting more being more impactful.
After the big reveal, the character went to shit, he didnt even want to fight seriously and now he is giving his grace back to escanor instead of going against the dk in his one mode (wich I assume we will never get to see)

- heaven and Hell realms and the world in general to be more fleshed out and explored at points in the story. Going to purgatory was a nice change of pace why didnt the sins get to go to heaven or hell during the story?

-The godess clan was waaay underutilized and lacking.
We are told that the godess clan rivaled the demon clan yet they only had the 4 AA when the demons have the 10C, the masters, indura, Meliodas etc... It's not making much sense unless The supreme deity is that much stronger than the DK (wich I would easily believe right now.)

-I wish that we got a flashback of Mael beating Meliodas. This would make the balance more believable and would be super satisfying.

-I wish that every sin were around the same power level and got around the same screen time. The first arc lf the manga did great on this front but then it was all mel with a side of escanor.

-Diane was way more relevant, she is my biggest dissappountment in this manga. She could have been so much more... She was the strongest sin physically at first, she had crazy magic (mother catastrophy) and potential to use unprecedented earth magic, diamond skin hardening, she could have perfected and improved Drole's dance to give her the highest power level of the sins under the right conditions and many more incredible battle option that would make her a top character...but she was reduced to the cute love interest that somehow helps a little in battle.
All your pointa are completely, undeniably true. It’s pure shame that the series was dragged thanks to the awful execution.

Actually if you think about it Nakaba did give a lot of exposition about the world but he didn’t really explore any of it. It’s like the complete reverse problem in Naruto. Where Kishimoto does explores his world but gives little to no explanation or desires to flesh it out, which comes out as wasted potential. I’m not saying that Taizai has to been on the same level as Hunter x Hunter or One Piece in terms of world building, but it still doesn’t excuse the series for this flaw.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

1. Get rid of Mel's several forms. He doesn't need like 5 while other characters have maybe 1-2 forms. The emotions issue was also a load of crap from the start that doesn't seem to affect any other demons.

2. The Sins should not be drastically stronger than all the other villains before endgame. Excluding Escanor because he can have the plot written around him by just making it past 12:00, no one should be able to oneshot this many people.

3. Demons should've been kicked out as the villains long ago. 300 chapters of the same race with the same generic abilities is getting old

4. Demon King should not be a two time villain

5. Arthur never should have been introduced.

6. Sunshine should never have been a grace.

7. Meliodas should never have carried the demon clan. Realistically Mel is one person and he cannot be everywhere and prevent the 4AA and Elizabeth from wiping our everyone else just because there's more of them. The goddess clan would've wiped out the demon clan regardless of Mel by basic math and probability. Unless Mel can teleport, then any 1v1 scenario easily favors the goddess clan. 10C would've been dead unless Mel happened to follow them 24/7. It's ridiculous. 4AA+ Elizabeth can easily cover more ground and kill more people in the time that it would take Mel to kill one. For every one kill Mel gets the 4AA and Elizabeth could theoretically get 4 more.

I mean who's gonna win
Race 1: 200K+, 200K+, maybe 200K, 100K+ 100K+ or
300K, 100K, 50K 50K 30K 20K. 4/6 are useless for the demons and Chandler and Cusack don't even have access to their innate magic and they never fought to begin with
The major problem in why these problems exist in the series is because Nakaba takes too many concepts from Dragon Ball Formula which itself is an already overly butchered, flawed, and cliched formula that usually has more cons than pros.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 29, 2018
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United States
All your pointa are completely, undeniably true. It’s pure shame that the series was dragged thanks to the awful execution.

Actually if you think about it Nakaba did give a lot of exposition about the world but he didn’t really explore any of it. It’s like the complete reverse problem in Naruto. Where Kishimoto does explores his world but gives little to no explanation or desires to flesh it out, which comes out as wasted potential. I’m not saying that Taizai has to been on the same level as Hunter x Hunter or One Piece in terms of world building, but it still doesn’t excuse the series for this flaw.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

The major problem in why these problems exist in the series is because Nakaba takes too many concepts from Dragon Ball Formula which itself is an already overly butchered, flawed, and cliched formula that usually has more cons than pros.
And a pinch of one piece minus the world building


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 8, 2018
Reaction score
Let me contribute again.
Chronologically ordered:
  1. The War for Britannia is a battle for the most valuable resource: magic. And the clans are actually fighting for it HARD. Much like how people fight for oil and gas in the real world.
  2. All living beings have the ability to absorb magic from its surroundings, but they can also produce by magic by themselves, though at a limited rate.
  3. The Demons and the Angels (not Goddesses, let's make it gender-neutral) are the previous superpowers, though they are from foreign realms where demand for magic outweighs supply. Of all the races, they have the biggest capacity for magical energy.
  4. Fairies and Giants are local superpowers post-Holy War. Both are isolationists and wants to keep their magic knowledge for themselves.
  5. Humans are genetically inferior when it comes to Magic, but outliers appear once in a while. Some of these outliers can be as strong as other races.
  6. Elizabeth is the heir of the Supreme Deity, with the innate magic called Domination, which is nigh-irresistible mass suggestion. She isn't aware that she's being used as a tool.
  7. Meliodas is the runaway Demon Prince who thought he was in love with Elizabeth but is actually a victim of her magic (she does it unintentionally). He is very strong, especially with his magic Rage, which increases his attack power the angrier he gets (talk about Hulk). He also has a more convenient power, Full Counter, that reflects attacks with twice the power or more.
  8. King (Harlequin) is a runaway king who wants to escape the fate of all Fairy Kings: To forever serve as the avatar of the Sacred Tree.
  9. Diane is a lost Giant "lab rat". She was one of the genetically modified (through magic) Giants with the innate magic of the Earth King Drole called Mithril, which gives its user adamantine body that passively absorbs magic.
  10. Gowther is a golem/marionette that serves partly as a soul container for Gowther the Demon. Gowther is the holder of a very powerful psychic magic, though he is barely a factor in physical combat, especially CQC.
  11. Ban has a voodoo type magic similar to Hidan from Naruto. Using Courechouse, he can mark opponents with a curse that lets them take damage that Ban takes. This works well with the Fountain of Youth.
  12. Merlin is one of the outlier humans. She was born with Infinity, the ability to produce infinite magical energy but with a catch: When she dies, her soul dies as well and dissipates into magical energy, giving her no chance for an afterlife. Only Arthur's Excalibur can keep her soul intact and give it a home.
  13. Escanor is an outlier human with Angel ancestry. His inherited magic is Sunshine, which gives him solar powers that rises from midnight + peaks at noon, then falls after noon + hits his threshold at midnight. However, his true innate magic is Sunburst, which gives him super-strength and superspeed when he is exposed to sunlight.
  14. Graces are catalysts that awakens powerful magic abilities in Angels. They are not extra PL boosts, but extra powerful abilities. If the Angel is not "worthy" it kills its host. If he is worthy, a new power awakens. The Grace is only as powerful as its host.
  15. Ryudoshel is female, and the older sister of Mael. When Elizabeth left, she became the next candidate to be the Supreme Deity. She feigns concern for Elizabeth but she actually wants her dead.
  16. Mael is Escanor's ancestor. Mael was betrothed to Elizabeth but was actually in love with Escanor's female human ancestor.
  17. Sariel's Grace is Tornado but his innate magic is Ghost: Renders him intangible and undetectable but cannot do anything at this state.
  18. Tarmiel's Grace is Ocean but his innate magic is Leviathan: Enables him to transform into a gigantic powerful flying sea monster.
  19. Ryudoshel's Grace is Hourglass, which gives her the power to greatly slow down time up to a certain radius for limited periods. Her innate magic is Parasite: Aggressively absorbs the life force of anyone she's in physical contact with.
  20. Mael's Grace is Sun, which is basically similar to Escanor's but he knows how to use it better. His innate magic is Wildfire, which ignites the life force and magic.
Will update later.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 29, 2018
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United States
Not have the dk cocoon thing with mel happen, but instead have the entire camelot demon squad fight off assualt squad

In short i just wanted to see am mel smash ludo
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Son Detective Asurei

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 25, 2017
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United States
Not have the dk cocoon thing with mel happen, but instead have the entire camelot demon squad fight off assualt squad

Im short i just wanted to see am mel smash ludo
True, I kind of wished Meliodas be the villain because it would’ been very original and different to the battle shonen genre. The only other shonen series I’ve seen do this was Death Note with Light.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
Not have the dk cocoon thing with mel happen, but instead have the entire camelot demon squad fight off assualt squad

Im short i just wanted to see am mel smash ludo
Then have Mael with sun fodderize Prime Meliodas?

Oh yeah, I want this as well ( :cheez)


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 20, 2017
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Then have Mael with sun fodderize Prime Meliodas?

Oh yeah, I want this as well ( :cheez)
Lol you mean that he will run away again.🤣

Lol at fodderize him. His Darkness will once again engulf his Sun.
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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jun 12, 2019
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Fairy Tail
To be honest mine are more what I would like to happen rather than what I would have liked to happen or what I could have changed. All of my ideas are fanfiction lol
  • My number one priority: I'd give Elaine a super ugly human form and have her try to seduce Ban
  • I would definitely not make the Supreme Deity a villain, maybe an antagonist but not a villain. I'd make her a caring mother for Liz but not very bright and also blind with completely white eyes but has the triskele every time. Instead of curse of immortality, I'd give her the blessing of immortality whom she was supposed to bless upon Liz but due to getting tricked SOMEHOW by the Demon King she ended up using it on Mel (how that would happen I have no idea since I'm not very bright myself). Plus I do not want shame on Supreme Deity after the Demon King so it's better if she didn't fight
  • Kill Matrona and give Gerhearde a reason for being old and then kill her off to reunite with Gloxinia
  • Okay, I'd never make Jericho fall in love with Ban. Instead hook her up with Howzer or even Guila. Plus make every requited love canon. Specifically referring to Deldry and Arden
  • Make it so that losing emotions is not part of the "curse" but just something Demon King does of will, just like how falling in love every time is not an actual part of the curse but something Liz does of will
  • Give Goddess Liz a form/mode much stronger than her normal version and she can activate and deactivate it at will. In this form/mode she has 4 pair of wings (8 wings) and her face is hidden in bright light. Only her goddess body can access this
  • Make Elizabeth a diplomat/messenger of the Goddess Clan to convey the words of the Supreme Deity to the Four Archangels and other clans. She would often go around to convey the message and become fascinated by their clothing preferences, which would explain why she wears such a differing style from the likes of Supreme Deity and Nerobasta despite being a royal herself
  • Drop a hint of Liz and Mel's actual age at some point of the first big arc just to shut up some people who think MeliodasxElizabeth is pedophilia
  • The goddess inside the Horn of Cernunnos would be Liz's loyal teacher who would obey her every order. Despite disliking Liz's relationship with Mel, she supports her. However she turns hateful towards Mel after hearing and believing the news of Liz's death and blames him. And Mel would know that the goddess inside the Horn of Cernunnos was Liz's teacher, and would not kill her because he understands her hatred. And the way she looks is Sariel's original design (the witch one)
  • Have a Divine Lance Corporal serve directly under the our Archangels (like Nerobasta under Ludoshel, Jelamet under Mael)
  • Sunshine should have been Escanor's innate magic and not a Grace. Instead the fourth Grace could have been another celestial body (like perhaps the moon)
  • Make Gil and Margaret the next king and queen of Liones. I don't like their 'no we are not fit for the job'
  • Give more importance and power to the creations of Mother of Chaos. Literally every single one of her child is so weak it's laughable. I wonder how Gelda would even get close to DK and trying to talk Zeldris out without getting protected by Liz and Mel. Also, Izraf should have been more powerful
  • Give Liz her goddess body back (because I still think that's her prettiest form with those amazing wings and besides currently her bangs are awful) and give her a newfound ability to change into any of her reincarnation's body. For example, Liz can turn into her life as a Danafor warrior. Or as a hunter in the Savage Tribe. Or even when she accidentally got killed as a ponytailed little girl or as an old woman who died of old age
  • Give a bit more information on the Demon Queen and Goddess King despite them not being very strong
  • Some backstory on how Merlin met Meliodas and Elizabeth and how she got her Sin (I'd prefer a Gaiden about it)
  • Have Gowther ask Meliodas about Elizabeth cos it's logical and why not
  • Have Gowther open up a puppet show at the end cos again why not
  • Give more information on Dahlia and her Spirit Spear, plus her brother who was the Saint.
  • Have Liz summon a killer whale or megalodon in her current fight at least once because I think they could do more damage than her basic Arks as they are sea animals (just my logic)
  • Kill Mel and Liz in the end to get reincarnated with no memories of their past lives. They would fall in love and have children together.
  • Since Ark has many variants and the goddesses are able to use it in different ways other than the basic Ark, the Supreme Deity could use an Ark which looks similar to Noah's Ark and it would be the strongest form of Ark, surpassing even the Omega Ark (and my dreams)
  • Just as Druids worship the holiness of goddesses, I would have a group of people worship the darkness of demons, the Savage Tribe worship the might of giants, and lolicons worship the loliness of fairies
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Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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Well I would have just made the series from the beginning a inter galactic story BOS characters would be star crushers and end of series will be universe busters, get absolute haxes to the verse, make threatening villains, a proper and consistent power scaling, that's it and others have already said what would have they changed and many of them are similar to mine so I'm not going on that part

Son Detective Asurei

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 25, 2017
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United States
One Last thing I would change from the series is never introduce the Ten Commandments Saga and just continue with a massive tournament similar to Dark Tournament or an exploration saga after the Holy Knight Saga with Hendy still being a villain.

Also, just to get this of the way. Just saw the top ten best selling manga of the first half of the year 2019. Bad News: NNT was completely kicked out off the list similar to Food Wars, Bleach, and Toriko. There’s a possibility it can make to the top ten by the end of the year, but I do not see it reach the 8th or 7th spot.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 29, 2018
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United States
One Last thing I would change from the series is never introduce the Ten Commandments Saga and just continue with a massive tournament similar to Dark Tournament or an exploration saga after the Holy Knight Saga with Hendy still being a villain.

Also, just to get this of the way. Just saw the top ten best selling manga of the first half of the year 2019. Bad News: NNT was completely kicked out off the list similar to Food Wars, Bleach, and Toriko. There’s a possibility it can make to the top ten by the end of the year, but I do not see it reach the 8th or 7th spot.
Bad new for us, good news to the author as he wanted this to happen

Btw i agree with the delaying of the ten re-awakening, there should have been more that happened inbetween holy knights and tc sagas


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 1, 2015
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United States
Let me contribute again.
Chronologically ordered:
  1. The War for Britannia is a battle for the most valuable resource: magic. And the clans are actually fighting for it HARD. Much like how people fight for oil and gas in the real world.
  2. All living beings have the ability to absorb magic from its surroundings, but they can also produce by magic by themselves, though at a limited rate.
  3. The Demons and the Angels (not Goddesses, let's make it gender-neutral) are the previous superpowers, though they are from foreign realms where demand for magic outweighs supply. Of all the races, they have the biggest capacity for magical energy.
  4. Fairies and Giants are local superpowers post-Holy War. Both are isolationists and wants to keep their magic knowledge for themselves.
  5. Humans are genetically inferior when it comes to Magic, but outliers appear once in a while. Some of these outliers can be as strong as other races.
  6. Elizabeth is the heir of the Supreme Deity, with the innate magic called Domination, which is nigh-irresistible mass suggestion. She isn't aware that she's being used as a tool.
  7. Meliodas is the runaway Demon Prince who thought he was in love with Elizabeth but is actually a victim of her magic (she does it unintentionally). He is very strong, especially with his magic Rage, which increases his attack power the angrier he gets (talk about Hulk). He also has a more convenient power, Full Counter, that reflects attacks with twice the power or more.
  8. King (Harlequin) is a runaway king who wants to escape the fate of all Fairy Kings: To forever serve as the avatar of the Sacred Tree.
  9. Diane is a lost Giant "lab rat". She was one of the genetically modified (through magic) Giants with the innate magic of the Earth King Drole called Mithril, which gives its user adamantine body that passively absorbs magic.
  10. Gowther is a golem/marionette that serves partly as a soul container for Gowther the Demon. Gowther is the holder of a very powerful psychic magic, though he is barely a factor in physical combat, especially CQC.
  11. Ban has a voodoo type magic similar to Hidan from Naruto. Using Courechouse, he can mark opponents with a curse that lets them take damage that Ban takes. This works well with the Fountain of Youth.
  12. Merlin is one of the outlier humans. She was born with Infinity, the ability to produce infinite magical energy but with a catch: When she dies, her soul dies as well and dissipates into magical energy, giving her no chance for an afterlife. Only Arthur's Excalibur can keep her soul intact and give it a home.
  13. Escanor is an outlier human with Angel ancestry. His inherited magic is Sunshine, which gives him solar powers that rises from midnight + peaks at noon, then falls after noon + hits his threshold at midnight. However, his true innate magic is Sunburst, which gives him super-strength and superspeed when he is exposed to sunlight.
  14. Graces are catalysts that awakens powerful magic abilities in Angels. They are not extra PL boosts, but extra powerful abilities. If the Angel is not "worthy" it kills its host. If he is worthy, a new power awakens. The Grace is only as powerful as its host.
  15. Ryudoshel is female, and the older sister of Mael. When Elizabeth left, she became the next candidate to be the Supreme Deity. She feigns concern for Elizabeth but she actually wants her dead.
  16. Mael is Escanor's ancestor. Mael was betrothed to Elizabeth but was actually in love with Escanor's female human ancestor.
  17. Sariel's Grace is Tornado but his innate magic is Ghost: Renders him intangible and undetectable but cannot do anything at this state.
  18. Tarmiel's Grace is Ocean but his innate magic is Leviathan: Enables him to transform into a gigantic powerful flying sea monster.
  19. Ryudoshel's Grace is Hourglass, which gives her the power to greatly slow down time up to a certain radius for limited periods. Her innate magic is Parasite: Aggressively absorbs the life force of anyone she's in physical contact with.
  20. Mael's Grace is Sun, which is basically similar to Escanor's but he knows how to use it better. His innate magic is Wildfire, which ignites the life force and magic.
Will update later.
Holy shit this was amazing


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 6, 2019
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Nice topic idea, I think, apart from all the obvious thing that degrade the quality of the series what I hate the most is that Nakaba failed so hard to capitalize on his good ideas. First thing that comes to mind is the portrayal of demons.

One possible direction was that demon weren't that bad and vilains as depicted and that the so called holy war was only holy in names. Nor demons nor goddesses were good guy and they just wanted to defeat the other side. I would have loved to dig that route. To that end, goddess and demon would be much more balanced and commandements and archangels would really be equal (roughly). Mel and Eli would be the powerhouse of their clan (apart the gods) and cancel one another. Light and darkness would be more balanced and the war wouldn't be so centered about Mel and Eli.

Mel would be really powerful (but not as much) but he wouldn't have access to his power because of the darkness that would take over him. Like in the beginning of the story when he doesn't want lose control (idea that was thrown away quickly). So instead of the standard, here is a random power up, become the gary sue of the universe and the king of a$$pull, we would have someone that would constantly struggle to get rid of his past and become stronger by being a better version of himself.

Merlin would have a more interesting role as well and her strength would be from her cunningness rather than whatever was given to us.

Finally, the worst thing was the treatment of the 10C. This massive threat for the entire world. The 7dealdy sins were supposed to be the one chosen by destiny to defeat them. But in reality, if Merlin didn't play stupid by stealing Mel emotion, right at the beginning of the story, Mel and Escanor in a tag team match against all 10C would be enough to defeat all 10C at the same time by themselves at noon. Sure it would have been a more difficult fight than Escanor vs Estarossa but in reality they still would have won, which is I think a massive flow of your story when so much of it revolve around that. The entire point of having the 7dealdy sins was that they were basically the only hope to defeat the 10C and save britannia. But in reality, they weren't necessary at all.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 8, 2018
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At this point, just give more plot relevance and characters to the non-Demons.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
I like a lot of the ideas people mentioned. Specifically @OtakuFreak with some of his ideas on how the Holy War Arc should change.

I have some ideas on how to make the story better here. But here is the short version:
Arc 1 Problems/Potential Improvements:

1:For the Holy Knight Arc, there needs to be a logical explanation why they do not use Escanor and Gowther to thwart Hendy's conspiracy. For Escanor, it's because Sunshine will unavoidably kill 100s of civvies if he goes into a city and fights at full power. For Gowther, they are just unable to reawaken his old power as long as the Commandment of Selflessness isn't in his possession, even if Merlin tries to help him get his memories back. Otherwise Gowther would be able to just go God Mode after getting over his past, and easily thwart Hendy's conspiracy with zero effort.

2:Meliodas does not have Assault Mode at all after blowing up Danafor lol. In fact, Merlin should have sealed Meliodas's darkness right after he blew up Danafor, and he would have voluntarily consented to this because he saw himself as too dangerous. Also, the King shouldn't let him be a Holy Knight in Liones otherwise. This explains why Meliodas is weak when the Hendy conspiracy begins, and since all the Sins are turned into enemies of the state, he has no chance to do the darkness-control training with the Druids until this arc is over, they would stop him. Overall, Merlin sealing his magic away just made zero sense. She could have just let Assault Mode Meliodas easily defeat Hendrickson and Dreyfus lmao. Yes it would expose his identity as a demon, but so what? Nobody among Humans could do anything about him. Gowther could use his mindreading and telepathy powers on everyone Meliodas incapacitates and easily expose the truth. They would also easily save the King this way. TLDR, it's a massive plothole.

3:Fraudrin does not have the ability to go into his original form without taking a long time to power up. Otherwise he could have just killed everybody easily with his 30K+ PL and would have had no need to use Dreyfus. Meanwhile, he would get killed by holy knights if he tried to power up, his magic power would be sensed too early before he pulled it off.

4:Merlin's power level is severely limited unless she's away from civvies and can use her stored up Infinity spells that are on a Commandment's level, see the longer section for an explanation. Additionally she doesn't have 'no limits' in what she can create with Infinity, the spells can only be so powerful while still remaining under her control.

Arc 2 Problems/Potential Improvements:

1:The Commandments arc needs serious work to be made logical and more enjoyable in general as a complete experience. Why did the commandments split up and destroy random countryside towns instead of just going straight for Liones? Moreover as I explain in the longer section there is a way to make the good guys logically stand up to the Commandments even if the Commandments were serious. It could have totally made sense but Nakaba made them do nothing for a month for no good reason.

2:As OtakuFreak mentioned earlier, there needs to be a reason why the Archangels don't act earlier. I'd make it because they are stuck in spirit form until the seal breaks and it takes time for them to possess vessels without it being a rush job. Garan's greeting is too early for them to deal with but everything after that is fair game. However, Ludociel stays sealed since he's on Chandler and Cusack's level and they have not been released yet.

3:The defense of Liones battle is an actual battle rather than a series of easy stomps lmao, and it's a massive fight. Sariel and Tarmiel, Arthur, King/Diane/Meliodas/Elizabeth/Merlin/Ban, vs all 9 remaining Commandments at once. Additionally, the Commandment Curses are not forgotten including the overpowered ones like Pacifism, Love, and Piety, forcing them to make a great strategy to win the battle in spite of that. I explained more details of how it would go down in the spoiler section but overall there would be a lot of actual tactics involved. It would take a long time for Nakaba to have done something like this in manga, since he would need to spend tons of time on the one battle for readers to even understand everything that was going on, but he was well in position to do so after his success with the Holy Knight arc. It's a real shame he didn't.

4:Elizabeth has her memories awakened by Meliodas the day before the battle with the Commandments, because he knows she'd never forgive him for not letting her fight and possibly making everyone die as a result. However she is only close to Commandment Tier PL due to her human body. AKA around 40K or so at most. She would only be able to reach her original potential in Arc 3, because after this first giant battle is over, Sariel and Tarmiel are dead and she absorbs their graces to transform her body back into one of a Goddess. Essentially, at least one Grace is the push she needed to transcend human limits and get back her original body, it makes a whole lot more sense than 'I was suddenly always Ludociel tier lol'.

5:Arthur draws Excalibur in a logical way rather than after a stupid Leeroy Jenkins maneuver, he does so after Merlin tells him the Commandments have returned and he realizes the pressure is seriously on. He becomes commandment tier through this just like in the manga.

6:King and Diane train under Dahlia and Matrona before the big battle, the specifics are explained more in the spoiler section, but they both reach the commandment tier PL of 40K. Diane also does not have a trash tier base PL of 8K this time, but has 30K base and can double to 60K in the most ideal conditions, making her around equal to King.

7:Several commandments die in the battle and they are ultimately forced to retreat, but they manage to get more of Elizabeth's fight and use it to unseal Chandler and Cusack. I'll explain more in the spoiler section about how the battle specifically goes down. Meanwhile, Ludociel is freed as a direct result of Chandler and Cusack getting free. Also, Meliodas dies, but this time it's because he was forced to use Assault Mode to drive the Commandments off due to how the battle went down. Also, Elizabeth kills him while the others restrain, because only when looking at her can he maintain his sanity and hold off from going fully evil. Before dying, he tells her he will come back to life, but that doesn't stop the dramatic Elizabeth scream moment which would be all the more heartbreaking when she had to kill him herself.

Arc 3 Problems/Potential Improvements:

1:This leads into Arc 3 which takes place not too long afterwards. When Meliodas revives from the dead, he is fully evil/emotionless/controlled by DK, but Elizabeth and especially Ludociel are capable of keeping him physically restrained and prevent him from escaping with Assault Mode. I'm not sure on the exact method, but Meliodas is rescued by the Commandments, Chandler and Cusack. They either battle directly for him or use a more nasty method. Perhaps the DK can remotely kill Meliodas through his curse and hasn't been revealing that power this whole time. Meliodas's body fully dissolves and he is revived through the SD's portion of the curse, unbeknownst to her, at the place where the most of the DK's power is gathered:The 10 commandments. AKA, the commandments who are still alive give their commandments up to Chandler one by one, and a new body for Meliodas appears there, absorbing them one by one. The commandments are given up the moment he finishes absorbing the one before, so that they will be of use if the Sins decide to attack at any given moment. The Sins attack a few minutes from noon on the next day, since King Bartra foresees with his powers that they will have enough time even if they wait, and Meliodas won't transform too early. Obviously the plan is to use Mael and his Sunshine powers to their maximum potential alongside everyone else's power, there's no reason they wouldn't plan the ultimate attack to be near noon if they have the option.

2:There is a second massive battle at the cocoon, in which most of the remaining commandments die, same with Chandler and Cusack. In Zeldris's case at the very least he would be spared. In this rewrite, Piety makes him effectively a mind controlled slave of the DK, since he accepted Piety at a time in the war when the Demons weren't genocidal, and had no choice but to stick with it or else be automatically mind controlled by said commandment. This way Meliodas forgiving him isn't utterly ridiculous and nonsensical.

Chandler and Cusack's fusion dies, but manages to kill Ludociel and Mael. Ludociel dies in the fight, and Mael and the others manage to beat the Sinner up. Unfortunately, he manages to kill off Mael with an extremely overpowered Revenge Counter which is pushed much further than normal by Crisis.

3:By the time all enemies are defeated or dead, it is just too late to stop the transformation. Even Gowther's Commandment gets automatically pulled away from him against his will because all the other ones are gathered up and pulling each other towards Meliodas with their collective force. Meanwhile, Elizabeth absorbs the last 2 Graces that Ludociel and Mael dropped after death. She already took Sariel and Tarmiel's the previous day when they died in the first battle and absorbed them before this final battle even got started. Also, nobody knows at all about the possibility of DK possessing Meliodas or SD possessing Elizabeth, so this course of action is logical, it's intended to create someone fully equal to Meliodas to reduce the risk of massive casualties against his absurdly high PL. It'll be too late to stop Elizabeth's possession by the time they find out that Meliodas has been possessed by the DK.

4:There is a big battle to defeat DK-Meliodas which requires the teamwork of all remaining protagonists except Elizabeth, who they now realize is doomed to be possessed very soon. They manage to restrain him and allow Meliodas to subdue the DK in an internal battle, thus taking possession of the Commandments as his own. However this is still at a cost, as the DK is not fully driven out. His spirit is still there because Meliodas has the commandments. He does not discard them as they are going to be very necessary for him to stop Elizabeth in her possessed state.
16:Sins+Meliodas fight SD-Elizabeth, but just as she seems to be defeated, Meliodas had to use the full power of the commandments to do so, and therefore reawakened the DK's spirit. Neither DK nor SD are strong enough to overpower Meliodas and Elizabeth's control completely, but they manage to momentarily control them, using their power to open a rift to their true bodies in heaven and hell and transfer over. Neither Meliodas nor Elizabeth were god level in the past, but they were still OP enough to absorb multiple graces and commandments and as a result transform to god level. A risky process, since if the power was too much they would explode, but it in the end it was worth doing. Also, Gowther dies as a result of overloading his mental powers to help Elizabeth and Meliodas free themselves from possession.

5:Meliodas and Elizabeth vs SD and DK is the final battle. The Sins are probably too exhausted at this point to help and would just get caught up in the crossfire of a battle between 4 god level characters.

6:One possible ending is a bittersweet one where they decide the only way to stop future conflicts risking all realms is to just seal away their realms from humanity forever, but this requires them both to rule their respective realms forever as the new gods and thus be eternally separated. Either that or they both stay in one realm and just plan to stay there forever as a deterrent to stop the other one from starting a new war, since a new Supreme Deity or DK could always potentially emerge in the future. I think it would be a decently satisfying ending either way.

Anyway here is the long version, although I did not update my Arc 3 ideas in here yet.

Arc 1:Holy Knights Conspiracy
This arc is mostly very good, but some key things need to change for the plot to make sense. For example, we need to get the explanation that Merlin and Meliodas just can't reawaken Gowther's memories of being a Ten Commandment member and thus bring him back to full power. If they could then this would be a major plothole since it would mean they refused to acquire someone of 34K power level who would be God mode vs Hendrickson and easily win the plot. Instead, the reason they can't do that is that Fraudrin must die first and release his Commandment of Selflessness for Gowther to have any chance of regaining memories. In the story this is contradicted because Gowther gets his memories back before Fraudrin dies. In this version Fraudrin will die much earlier, when he breaks the seal as OtakuFreak recommended, even though this would make Meliodas very empty and depressed at his unfulfilled revenge and so on, it logically fits the story.

Next is Escanor. It makes no sense that Merlin failed to find him for 10 years straight. Surely with her op scanning spells and the ability to sneakily teleport all over the place, she could have found him by then. In this version she does find him and has known his location for years when the action starts, but they are unable to use him much during the Holy Knight arc since Sunshine would outright kill hundreds of people in the city if he fought there during the day, and most of the plot conveniently takes place within cities in this arc. He still would remain a usable superweapon against Hendrickson if Merlin had teleported Hendy to Escanor's location, but they end up having no need to go that far and Revenge Counter finishes him off the same as normal.

This time around, Meliodas does fly over to where he Revenge Countered Hendrickson and either knocks him out or outright kills him, before he can get to the demon clan seal. Or more likely, Hendrickson is just lying on the ground barely conscious a few miles away from Liones as he tries to desperately regenerate and so on, and Merlin teleports him to jail. Since Hendrickson made no difference in the end result of the Demon Clan reawakening this is really no big deal. It also helps explain why the 10C didn't simply kill Hendrickson because they had no more use for him and he'd failed them badly. Meanwhile, Merlin or Meliodas sense that Dreyfus is already at the Demon Clan's seal and realize that if Meliodas rushes over there right now, the Demons will just slaughter him, which is why they don't go there. This way there is no implication that Meliodas could've easily averted the whole plot if he'd been thorough and checked the Demon Seal to be sure nobody had gotten there, and then remained on watch there for a long time while they searched for Dreyfus and anyone else in on the conspiracy.

Escanor and Gowther are generally the key flaws in this arc because they were usable instant win cards which the protagonists inexplainably did not use, but with them fixed the whole story flows pretty well. The last one is Merlin. In my version Merlin would be essentially equal to a Ten Commandment like Monspiet, but only as long as she has a stockpile of superweapons available to use, IE, spells which she took extremely long time to create. Her normal PL is still a terribly low 4.8K, but her spells are far more powerful because she can use Infinity to make them far stronger and ready lots of them. Unfortunately, she can't make them on the DK's level, because there is a limit to how much energy she can manipulate directly. Meanwhile she has similar limits as Escanor, where she can't fight in cities at anywhere near her full potential power because her superweapons would be very dangerous if used for too long and not stored in stasis. This will matter later because the Liones Defense battle will not take place in the city itself, but in plains far outside.

Also, the origin of Infinity is different here.

Infinity is not a natural magical ability she simply got for free by birth. Her original magic talent is 'Blank Slate', which allows her to learn absolutely any unique ability anyone else might have as long as it's magical, and it allowed her unfathomable potential. This is not just by random chance either, but something that a clan of human mages working for Stigma has been trying to develop over countless generations. The way they do it is by making mages with natural talents opposite to each other marry each other. For example, fire mage marries ice mage, wind mage marries earth mage, and so on. The reason it is Humans doing this and not Goddesses is the short lifespan of humans allowing them to reproduce far more often at the rate needed for this project to work. And after a few hundred years, Merlin was finally born with this power that allows her to learn anything, since she is not limited by any one magic affinity, but can have perfect efficiency in all categories without limiting her growth in other areas.

The Supreme Deity's plan was to transform Merlin into a member of the Goddess Clan and make her one of the Four Archangels due to this ridiculous potential, and step one on doing so was granting her a blessing based on her original magic power, "Eternal Light". This power allows the Supreme Deity to make any spell she casts last forever without decaying, and in addition to that, she can also make living things never decay. This is why she's able to bestow an immortality curse onto Meliodas and make Elizabeth perpetually reincarnate while looking the same. However, there are still limits to how much she can do with it. She can't just bestow immortality on infinite people as that would create a plothole where she should've made the Archangels immortal so they can never lose in battle. There's a limit in number. Overall though, the Supreme Deity took the time to give Merlin a fragment of her power, so she obtained Infinity, and also got the training of the Druids which allowed her to use healing abilities like the Goddesses. In fact, the specific person training her is Elizabeth, which leads into the 'sis-sis' bond. Elizabeth also doesn't want the SD to use her as a weapon and tells Merlin of this. Her plan originally was to only openly turn against SD once Merlin became a Goddess, and she promised to make sure Merlin survived that betrayal. This was before the SD and Ludociel forced urgency later on when they switched to a Genocidal agenda, and in the best case scenario, Elizabeth was hoping for a relatively bloodless end to the war.

The plan was that she would finally accept the position of being one of the Four Archangels, as would Merlin soon after. But with this position comes great authority and ability to redirect the war towards a peaceful resolution, as the SD is not an almighty dictator in the society of the Celestials. Elizabeth realizes her relationship with Meliodas would spark outrage if they had kids regardless of if she accepted a Grace and earned more status than she already has. She also knows that if they had Human kids as a result of Goddess/Demon blood canceling out, said human kids would live a trifling amount of time compared to her and Meliodas, so they really couldn't enjoy it as much as you might think unless they want to see themselves become great-great-great-great-great grandparents. Their kids would also almost definitely be envious of their over 10x longer lifespan and overall it's just not a recipe for having a happy family whatsoever. Even more so if she and Meliodas became the new SD and DK respectively.

Essentially, her planned compromise to prevent the clans from going crazy against her and Meliodas was to just not have children with Meliodas, but maneuver the SD into allowing marriage while keeping the war from going too far. Especially since she is the only candidate right now to become the SD's successor and the SD has been pushing her towards that for a long time. Finally, her marrying Meliodas would effectively grant everlasting peace between the Demon and Goddess realms if they both became the new deities of their realms. Overall, at least earlier on in the war when they weren't doing the genocide and all that, she would have felt that she could stop this from going too far and get to an ending that would resolve the conflict. The Angels/Celestials and Demons would still probably remain racist against each other, but they'd no longer be able to cause major problems. Also, the specific way it would work if Elizabeth had gotten that 'Good Ending' is that the SD and DK would still technically remain immortal, but their power levels would greatly diminish now that they are no longer controlling their realms and channeling the energy of the whole realm to some extent into themselves. Meanwhile their power levels would essentially swap with Elizabeth's and Meliodas's, both because they would become weaker by nature without the Graces and Commandments being connected to them anymore, and because it just wouldn't be allowed for them to be so powerful compared to their children who are the new rulers.

Merlin appreciates Elizabeth's offer to protect her and stop her from being brainwashed/used, but rejects it due to her own secret plan which she subsequently trusts Elizabeth with the details of, as her plan is faster and doesn't force her to die. This is a big development point in the older sister like status elizabeth has for Merlin and it leads them to bond a lot. Merlin is really happy to not have to do this alone.

While Merlin is personally receiving this training, she is enacting her master plan to trick the Gods.

One little thing about Merlin's life is that she's essentially used by her family as a tool and seen as someone whose destiny is to serve the goddesses. She can't stand this 'destiny' assigned to her, especially knowing she'd probably just die in the war. On top of that, something else happens which drives Merlin to despair. She was the 1st child, but her parents don't stop there, even though they already got someone with the powers they wanted. Furthermore, they know the SD can only grant Infinity to one mage anyways. Essentially, they have a second daughter with the precise intent of her being merely a 'backup pawn' to be potentially used in case Merlin dies, if she is lucky enough to be born with the "Blank Slate" talent. Merlin is several years older than her younger sister who is born to this fate, and is around 17 when her genius powers really start developing and she starts getting her training from Elizabeth. Her younger sister Morgan is 12, and next year, her parents will know for sure if she has the 'Blank Slate' talent. If she does, she'll undoubtedly just be used for the war one way or another, and if she doesn't, they'll see her as useless and just discard her for adoption/abandon her, since she is no longer useful for the family effort to attempt to breed Blank Slate mages or for being one herself.

This leads to Merlin desperately trying to think of a plan to save her, which is after she hears of Elizabeth's plan and rejects it as too slow to save Morgan, even if it might work. Merlin ultimately discovers that with her newfound magic powers there is something she can do. One power she learned by herself but only told Elizabeth about was her newfound ability to bestow powers onto others and change their natural abilities. She couldn't bestow 'Blank Slate', unfortunately, but she could change someone's natural magic to a significant degree. She then realizes she can even grant magical talent to someone before they would normally get it, and this leads to her plan to save Morgan.

Essentially, her plan is to fake Morgan's death which will be needed for the overarching master plan with Infinity to work. Merlin does some unethical experimentation using fake deaths on criminals who are already set to be just executed, putting a dead corpse in their place and covering it with illusion for the moment of execution while learning some important info from the actual living person. She finds out how to reliably get humans to gain dark powers from Demon Blood without dying, and what level of magic power a human needs to have before drinking a certain type of demon blood safely. She also does research on Demon Assimilation as done by gray demons and so on to learn more. When Elizabeth encounters partly assimilated humans who are irreversibly deformed and impossible to save either way without letting them be turned into demons, she helps Merlin acquire them secretly so she can analyze them with observation magic and do experiments. After a little while she has full knowledge of how human to demon transformations work and how darkness interacts with human bodies.

Finally, the day comes when Morgan turns 13 and should be awakening her powers at the same time as puberty starts. As she starts to awaken magic, she seems to run out of control of her power and screaming in pain as she activates Fire and Ice related magic against her will. Eventually, in shock, Morgan's parents watch her die before their eyes in a burst of fiery and icy magic power that destroys her body, and conclude that just like a rare few children in these sorts of mage families, the contradictory powers of her parents conflicted too much within her and ultimately destroyed her rather than awaken [Blank Slate].

...Or so they think, when in reality Merlin just swapped in the body of a to-be-executed criminal while simultaneously teleporting her out, and had it explode while covered in an illusion of Morgan the moment before it exploded. With no body left to examine, nobody has any way to discover that it was a fake death, and they have no reason to believe it was fake either, especially since the family is covering up their unethical experimentation and won't appeal to authorities to investigate anything. As far as they know, Merlin has never learned any illusion magic or invisibility, since the Supreme Deity had commanded them to never teach her anything like that or else they will be put to death. Obviously, if the SD made a threat like that, they concluded she would never let Merlin be taught this by any Goddess. Of course, they were wrong, and Elizabeth cooperating with Merlin was very important for her to get the illusion talents she needed. At the time, SD trusted Elizabeth because her romantic involvement with Meliodas wasn't known.

All according to Merlin's plan, the Supreme Deity has never made it public knowledge among Humans or Celestials(a better name than 'Goddesses' lol) that she is slowly granting Merlin Infinity, as this would lead the Demon King to mount an attack on Merlin's town to prevent her from gaining the SD's powers.

But as Merlin learns these spells, she is not just having Morgan sit around while everyone thinks she's dead. She uses her healing magic and Elizabeth's help, in combination with a time acceleration chamber type of spell that can speed up time in an area by up to 5 times. In just a year, Morgan's the same age as her and has a high magical power level. Very importantly, this is not modern society with the Internet and picture databases of what people look like or anything. Since Merlin's name and face aren't really known to the world at large, the Demon Clan doesn't know her face or know she exists.

What Merlin does is have Morgan leave the city and approach the Demon Clan with an offer to join them forever. They doubt she could be useful, but she displays what seems to be infinite magical talent in all areas, along with the ability to make spells last forever. This is more than enough to get them to promise to have Chandler himself train her in the dark arts of the Demon Realm.

Ultimately, the DK thinks that Merlin is learning the dark arts of the Demon Realm all while pretending to still be loyal to Stigma, because Morgan promised the Demon King this was true and that she will serve the Demons forever after learning the dark arts of the demon realm. Additionally, she makes the promise while Garan is standing right there, so the DK has no reason to doubt. How exactly she does that without getting petrified is explained later on.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Deity plans to eventually reincarnate Merlin as a Goddess with memories intact once she has obtained full mastery of "Ark" and all magical abilities that exist, sure that while she might lose her talent of perfect magical genius at that point, it won't matter. She would still know all her abilities and have such mastery that her magic affinity will be total perfection rather than any one limited category. Merlin starts to approach this level of mastery, but slows down her development slightly to make sure that Morgan has learned all the dark arts of the Demon Realm by this time.

Furthermore, before she had Morgan train under the DK, she spent six months mastering Infinity under the SD. Using Infinity and long distance telepathy/magic control, she made it so Morgan appeared to be just as much a magic genius as her despite not being one. Part of the trick was having lots of Infinity-created spells hidden away in some pocket dimension Morgan used, so if the DK requested her to perform any given fancy spell, she could just release the appropriate automated spell to achieve what the DK wanted without him knowing the difference. But that would still not be enough against the security measures of the likes of Garan's lie detection and especially Gowther's mind reading powers, and it also wouldn't be enough for her to really be as much of a magic genius as she was, so Merlin took an additional step with her memory-alteration powers. Morgan agreed that for the sake of the master plan she would let Merlin wipe her memories and replace them with an altered version of Merlin's, so she genuinely believed she was a traitor to Stigma who was training under the DK to ensure the Demon Clan's triumph. There would be no way for Gowther or Garan to ever know. Additionally, by sharing Merlin's memories, she was able to achieve just as much magic genius as her, but lacked the raw magical talent to execute that genius knowledge, since she didn't have a 'Blank Slate'. However, this did not matter in the end, since Merlin supplied Morgan with a nearly endless supply of her own magical energy, hidden away with a pocket dimension spell, so that as far as Morgan knew, she was Merlin in every way. Even with Merlin's intelligence, she would never be able to figure out she was not Merlin, since Merlin's everlasting memory alteration spell would constantly maneuver Morgan's thoughts away from testing pocket dimensional spells on herself. An enemy using Absolute Cancel would also not end up ruining the whole plan, since said energy storage spell would automatically move out of her body and undetectably transfer the energy at a distance whenever Morgan got into a magical battle. And since she never got into 'real' battles while Chandler trained her, just controlled ones for training, there was no serious risk of the plan falling apart.

A year or so later, the master plan enters its final stages as both Merlin and Morgan have learned everything there is to know from both deities. The trouble with Infinity for Merlin is that it is a blessing like the Graces. Therefore, it is not truly her own power, and the SD won't make it so until she chooses death and reincarnation as a Goddess, which would confirm her loyalty beyond all doubt. Furthermore, the SD has not taught her the means to make it into her own ability, and that's impossible for her to attempt at all without someone knowing. Therefore, Merlin prepares for a little 'incident' that perfectly fits the SD's training style. The SD wouldn't reincarnate her until she proved her worth in battles, but Merlin declares that she will do so in just one battle. Morgan states the same to the Demon King. This is because their master plan has to work on the first attempt, not that they even remember that they are doing a grand master plan. They just feel overconfident and think this is the best way to make a good impression while achieving their goals. Merlin thinks she is a true ally of the SD who seeks to serve her as a Goddess, and Morgan thinks she is a traitor to Stigma who plans to defeat the Human and Goddess races. Both believe all the propoganda they are told and think of themselves as exactly who they're 'supposed' to be.

Both Demon and Goddess armies meet on the battlefield, and Merlin and Morgan are on opposite sides. Both the DK and the SD plan for their supreme mage to be revealed as their ultimate trump card to win the battle, and as the battle begins, Merlin and Morgan appear on both sides. Even now, the Goddesses simply think there is some human traitor among the enemy, not knowing Morgan ever existed or that the Demons see her as 'Merlin'.

Merlin unleashes a grand "Omega Ark" and Morgan releases a giant "Hellblaze Omega" sphere at each other, creating a giant clash of energy as the spells fight against each other. They each teleport into the midst of the spell and plan to fight each other inside, but the moment they get near each other, all the memories flood back at once and the struggle stops.

A littel while later, the clashing energy spheres of light and darkness finally explode, and before the leadership of either side even realizes what has happened, Merlin and Morgan have disappeared from the field, nowhere to be sensed within kilometers. At first, they are presumed dead, which gives them more than enough time to stealthily sneak away from the battlefield. However, around 15 seconds later, the SD and DK realize while sitting at their respective thrones that the powers they bestowed should have returned to them, just like how a Grace or Commandment is dropped when the user dies. This means that their suboordinate must still be alive and somehow concealing their own power from their senses.But it's too late, they have already gotten far far away and hidden their magic powers, leaving both sides outraged as they realize 'Merlin' has tricked them.

Nobody understands right away how Merlin did it, but what happened is that Morgan's dark enchantments from the DK disrupted the SD's connection to her and her Ark did the same for Morgan. In the midst of the clashing spheres of power, Morgan connected her 'blessing' from the DK to Merlin, interfering with the SD's and canceling out its healing powers, all while destroying both of their connections to the deities. In revenge, the SD and DK destroy Merlin's town later, but it's not like she planned for that part to happen, it was just a predictable but unavoidable consequence of her master plan for saving her sister along with conveniently getting immortality for the both of them and becoming able to help Elizabeth without turning into a Goddess.

Although now that she's cursed, she can't try to give Morgan her newfound immortality, Merlin can do the next best thing. She creates a pocket dimension called 'Avalon' where Morgan can watch human history in a sort of pseudo stasis. Her consciousness isn't suspended, but the rate of time inside the stasis chamber is infinitely slower than outside. She occasionally leaves it to get a glimpse of the changed world every century or so, but can't do so for long unless she wants to age like a normal human. Meanwhile, it is necessary for Merlin to keep Morgan alive forever because otherwise the DK's bestowed dark power will vanish with her and then the SD will be able to freely possess Merlin. Altough obviously they have a really close bond and trust each other either way, it just happened to qork out in putting them in somewhat equal positions. In fact, Morgan can even take turns living in the physical world by swapping her soul into Merlin's body and vice versa, and frequently does so for as long as Merlin. This way even though only one has an immortal body both of them get a relatively similar experience. This whole giant debacle leaves Morgan a total believer in destiny and in Elizabeth's set of ideals overall, and while Merlin is doubtful and more cynical, she can't help but be incredibly happy at how it went down. The cruelty of her family in having a second child they intended to almost certainly die, or just be a 'backup' at best, ended up being exactly what saved her from her assigned 'Destiny', along with her sister. If she'd just sought out someone else and tried to bestow powers to them to enact that plan, it wouldn't have worked and they wouldn't have been able to balance the dark and light powers they obtained due to the lack of a blood connection. That was the only way the automatic telepathy spell and subsequent memory restoration was possible.

Witnessing the gods senseless vengeance on her hometown only reconfirms for Merlin how necessary it is that she help Meliodas and Elizabeth. At this point she joins their side and everything that happens after that is just what is already shown in the manga.

Morgan as a character would be super grateful to Merlin and have a really close bond with her. If Merlin sees Elizabeth like her older sister, then Morgan would be like a younger sister to her. Her main hope is doing something for Merlin equal in value to the effective immorality Merlin bestowed on her.

As for Merlin's actual powers with Infinity and how it works, it's different than in the manga.
I explained a bit in my last post here, but essentially, Infinity does not grant her infinite magical power, it just defies entropy by making magic never decay no matter how much time passes. The way she can fight foes on the level of the Ten Commandments is by using spells that she took a very long time to create, which are on the level of the 10C's spells. However, she can only 'carry' so many of those at a time, and they can only be so much stronger than her own powers before they are impossible to control. Furthermore, most are only safe to use when far away from cities, in case the spell runs out of control due to being far stronger than her. The reason she avoids speed blitzing against far faster enemies like Garan is that she uses omnidirectional barriers far stronger than any could personally create mid battle, which she carries around with her using Infinity. She would also use automatic teleportation spells and illusions and so on designed to take her to safety whenever the barriers aren't enough. She also uses automatic spells against enemies who are too fast for her to possibly aim at. In effect, she doesn't cast magic at all when fighting someone far stronger than her, she just lets her automated magic she created long ago do the work for her, all while she is unable to process the enemy's superspeed or anything at all. It would be the case that her defense is usually far stronger than her offense, since she can safely have her omnidirectional barriers/teleportation spells/illusions active all the time without potentially hurting anyone even in a city, while automatic attacks are far more dangerous. For example, Garan would land on a barrier instead of getting right behind her, but she'd still curse herself with his Truth Commandment by trying to stall for the others.

In a fight against a serious 10C level enemy like Monspiet, while her sheer quantity of attack spells would be great, her defense would start to diminish over time. She can only bring so many stored spells with her at once, so if the enemy finds that out she could quickly start running out. Unlike normal mages who can keep fighting consistently, she would soon become useless in a very long battle, and as a result she seeks merciless instant win strategies to try to mitigate that. When she does get close to running out of stored spells, she would usually swap out with an illusion while secretly teleporting away to safety so the enemy leaves themselves open to someone else the moment they think they've killed her. Overall, her power level even with her stored spells would still have clear limits putting her on the level of Monspiet or other mid level Commandment mages, and she would not be a direct equal to the Masters like Chandler and Cusack, she'd have to rely on others to do the up front fighting while using tricks like Double Impact to turn the battle around.

This time, Merlin would participate in the battle against Hendrickson. She has a crystal ball which can view anywhere on the continent, there's no reason she wouldn't be watching and hear about the sudden disaster. While she has the power to easily defeat him if he wasn't close to the city, it's unsafe to unleash her automatic attacks in a place where civilians abound and she can't easily tell them who not to target, so it's impossible. She just contributes with her normal power level of 4.3K, which is unfortunately not quite enough to forcibly teleport Hendrickson a distance away from the city without him blocking the teleportation using his darkness.

Ultimately, Dreyfus reaches the seal and drops Elizabeth's blood as planned. However, there is a very good reason this time why he didn't simply turn into Fraudrin, use his power level of 30K plus and absolutely slaughter every last sin who attacked Hendrickson. There is a limit on his possession abilities which prevents him from recovering his original power for a very long time after he has exited his vessel, at least several days. Very importantly, he cannot begin this power recovery process without his power being easily sensible from a very long distance just like the power of a Commandment. This means that if he were to ever try to hide away somewhere and begin his recovery while keeping Dreyfus restrained, it would not work, the Holy Knights and mages would sense a great power appearing and come to slaughter him before he could get up to his true power. For example, in my hypothetical rewrite, Fraudrin wasn't anywhere close to full power when he killed Liz, he was only like 5K or so max even when he stepped out of his vessel to stab Liz, and that's why Meliodas easily oneshot him. He just snuck up close to her by using his possession for around a year on some holy knight in the same order of knights as her and Meliodas, and took his chance when he thought he had it. He planned to kill her, take her blood, then body-hop into another human and conceal his demonic energy before Meliodas could find him, all while eventually leaving to get to the seal once Meliodas failed to find the culprit, but the plan didn't work out and Meliodas caught him just in time due to his paranoid close watching over Liz.

During the Holy Knight conspiracy arc, Fraudrin can sense that Meliodas's true dark power has been sealed and can't be easily recovered, so he knows that his big conspiracy will not be low-diffed easily. Furthermore, if Merlin and Meliodas had somehow gotten the Druids to work with them instead of calling for help against the evil enemy to the state, Fraudrin would have sensed Meliodas's power starting to return and, as Dreyfus, had all the Holy Knights raid the place before Meliodas could do the training to get control over his darkness. In other words it would have massively backfired and led to the Holy Knights declaring Meliodas a proven evil demon who tried to attack the Druids, making it so that he has almost zero chance of ever clearing his name and exposing the Zaratras-murder conspiracy. Additionally, in this version of the story Meliodas actually has had his darkness sealed ever since shortly after the Danafor disaster. It makes way more sense for Merlin to seal it then and for Meliodas to accept this because he sees himself as too dangerous, than for Merlin to suddenly distrust his control of it 6 whole years later. Especially when he obtained full mastery of ASSAULT MODE during those 6 years, ayy lmao. This means that Meliodas was nowhere near as strong as Escanor during those years, however, Escanor is still recruited in this version because of Merlin's magic. Merlin defeats Escanor in combat in a duel at dawn(not noon lmao) by using her most powerful stored spells and a good deal of magical trickery to outwit him. As a result, Escanor's demand that the captain of the sins is stronger than him is not met, but when he sees how powerful Merlin is and is amazed by her magic, he agrees to join solely for her sake despite his disappointment at Meliodas. When he learns that Meliodas was once strong enough to defeat him and is only weaker because his power is being sealed away, he bonds more with Meliodas, given that both have dangerous powers that are hard to control, and even in his prideful day self he accepts that Meliodas is still technically stronger than him.

The only development that emerged as a result of Merlin sealing Mel's magic secretly was Meliodas suspecting there is a traitor among the sins, but that honestly never went anywhere anyways and this plot decision just creates huge plotholes. Like wtf, Merlin sees that a conspiracy among the Holy Knights is going down and decides to seal Mel's magic THEN? If he had his magic he could just easily defeat them all, thwart the conspiracy, and have Gowther expose the truth, plot over lol. There is no reason she should so suddenly lose trust in him right then when he has had control for years. It would be infinitely better if he got his magic sealed as a penalty for blowing up Danafor, and would also explain King Bartra trusting Meliodas as a holy knight when he is informed that Merlin sealed away most of his powers so he won't pose the same danger to his own kingdom.

Anyway, if all that gets changed, the whole arc flows very nicely, everything makes logical sense, and it all goes down well up until the Commandments appear. That's where there would need to be some more major changes.

Arc 2:The Ten Commandments:
As @OtakuFreak suggested, Fraudrin sacrifices himself to break the seal with Elizabeth's blood. However, in my version Fraudrin and Dreyfus die because Fraudrin had no time to return to his original power as one of the Ten Commandments, and his PL is nearly equal to Dreyfus' PL, allowing the curse the Goddesses put on the seal to easily kill him when he breaks it. I realize this makes Meliodas's revenge arc futile but it makes logical sense and will still result in good character development, as Meliodas will then have to realize it's not all about him.

The Seal breaks and the remaining 9 Commandments are all released. Zeldris permits Derierre's soul harvesting plan. This is because he has the Commandment of Piety, and must obey the Demon King's will in all scenarios, otherwise he will just be mind controlled to do exactly what he would want either way. But before any of them go out to the countryside to stock up on souls, Garan goes off to make a little 'greeting'. This part will change slightly but in some key important ways.

First of all, the moment that Merlin and Meliodas sense Fraudrin's death, the breaking of the seal, and that Garan will reach their position in just a minute, they pre-emptively move along with Diane, Elizabeth, and Arthur to a position that is outside the city of Liones so civilians won't be at risk when Garan or any of the other commandments attack them.

However, it doesn't go as planned. Garan simply chooses to kill a ton of civilians anyways because he feels like it, even though they're not in the way. Because Merlin sensed the commandments appearing, she got Elizabeth and Arthur safely behind perfect cubes.

After 'making room' and killing a lot of civilians with one swing, Garan is surprised to see Merlin there, recognizing her on sight. In the scene where Garan lands behind Merlin, she attempts to strike a deal, and she then turns to stone, Gowther shoots Garan with the mind arrow in the back of the head without him noticing, as he boasts about being the "Truth" of the 10C. This time, he recognizes her and calls her by her unpronouncable true name from 3000 years ago, pointing out how glad he is that she's finally been caught before attempting to shatter her to pieces. Meliodas interferes just like last time and tries to use his darkness, but this time, he only seems desperate to stop Garan and offers that impression with how he uses his darkness, because it was all according to plan that Gowther would hit Garan and Meliodas saw that work. Gowther prepared this plan offscreen before the holy knight saga reached its climax, but Meliodas accepted it and told it to the other Sins, it wasn't a big convenient accident. They know making him think he killed whoever he wanted was the only way, since if they directly killed Garan it would probably get all the rest to attack immediately in revenge.

Also, when Garan goes about killing(as far as he knows) everyone who is not behind a Perfect Cube(Diane and all the surviving Holy Knights who ran out to stop him stupidly), he spares Meliodas and Merlin on purpose so that they'll be around for the final fight. With his massacre complete, Garan stares right into Elizabeth's eyes and goes about his job as the messenger of impending doom delivering the message of the other Commandments.

"Convey this message to the human ants under you, Princess:We warriors of the Ten Commandments will come to raze Liones to the ground! You can run to the ends of the land and hide like rats, but it'll be of no use, as we'll be conquering all of Britannia soon enough! ... If you humans are really smart, you should start committing mass suicide right now! Kahahahaha! Humans, you should run away to cower before your Goddess in Heaven, because if you're still here when we arrive, we'll gobble your souls right up, and that'll be the end of you..."
Elizabeth is disturbed to hear all this and see Diane's fake death and is far too terrified by Garan to speak. Arthur speaks instead.
"We won't bow down to you Demons! I, Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot, will be here to fight you 10 Commandments, even if you all attack right now!"
"Kehahaha! You know what, I believe you! Hold on, I'll be back in a little bit."
Garan suddenly leaps away for no explainable reason, and the sound of a great impact is heard in the distance A few seconds later, he lands and tosses King Bartra onto the ground in front of him, leaving everyone speechless.

"Now, human kings, let me tell you something! We Commandments plan to attack Liones in full force seven days from now at dawn. That should give you human rats and all the other races plenty of time to assemble your forces and fight us with the greatest valor you can muster, and it will give us Commandments enough time to recover our full power, even without consuming souls. If you can't get ready by then, too bad!"

"However, I need you both to make a promise to me. If all Humans along with all other races agree not to attack us preemptively, we will allow you to freely prepare while refraining from attacking any humans or consuming their souls until the time for battle has come. If any Human or any other race attacks us before this time, no matter what causes it, the agreement is instantly nullified, and we Commandments will do whatever pleases us. "He turned his gaze to Bartra. "Naturally, if you refuse this agreement outright, I'll kill you right here and now, and all 9 of us Commandments will immediately come to raze the city!"

King Bartra is momentarily unable to recover his composure, but Arthur instantly answers.
"I agree. No Holy Knight in Camelot will attack you before then, nor will I!" Getting up from the ground and standing, Bartra somehow manages to be brave enough to face Garan. "I also accept!"

"Wonderful! Humans, Fairies, Giants, Celestials...Even the Four Archangels themselves. Assemble whatever forces you've got! In seven days, we'll do our best to shred you all to nothing..."
Garan unleashes a giant ranged slash shockwave which cleanly cuts a nearby mountain in half.
"Just like that. Farewell!"Garan then suddenly jumps away so quickly he seems to vanish while cratering the ground he jumped from with the force of the leap and making a thunderclap like noise with the impact.
By making the humans and others make an agreement not to attack before 7 days have passed, Garan unintentionally prevents the enemies from trying a sneaky Noon Escanor attack before then by making the wording cover all possible tricks they might pull. He chooses dawn because while midnight would make all of the demons more powerful and make most of the humans unable to see much, it would be unfair to the humans, and he has no reason to make it any later than dawn, since if the humans somehow brought an equal force, the battle could go on for a long while. The Demons would think it lowly and cowardly if they just attacked the humans immediately and slaughtered them without giving them a chance. In this rewrite, Demons are a lot like Saiyans from Dragon Ball in terms of their culture, being a warrior race type due to the harsh environment of their homeland and their bloody history. They've been sealed for 3000 years and want a perfect revenge on Stigma.

Garan here realizes exactly who Elizabeth is, but he has to not tell her who she is because he wants enough time for all the Commandments to regain their full energy. If he tells her right now, she will just die anticlimactically in three days, so he has no choice but to hope Meliodas will actually tell her.

The whole decision by the commandments to not attack immediately keeps many things in mind, though. For one, they know that Elizabeth won't be at her original absurd power even if all her memories come back, because she's now limited by a human body. Second of all, they know that only two Archangels can come back. In this version, Ludociel, being on Mael's tier as well as Chandler and Cusack's, is similarily treated by the seal:He must remain in spirit form to keep Chandler and Cusack sealed, so it'd obviously be a net loss if he tried to possess a vessel and thus let two enemies of his level become free, even though the seal just weakened enough for him to make the attempt. Similarily, Sariel and Tarmiel only became able to possess vessels the moment that the Commandments were freed from their seals, but it takes time for them to actually complete that possession process, allowing Garan to make his 'greeting' without any opposition from them.

In this version of the story, after Garan's greeting, many things go the same way, but some are decisively different. First of all, Meliodas immediately begins his training to control his darkness and succeeds the same as he did in the original story, but this time around he has flashbacks of not just Liz's death, but many other Elizabeth's before her. This is not explained at all in words and simply shown through images and panels he sees of previous Elizabeths dying while unleashing the Danafor explosion in his mind over and over again, but smart readers will deduce the entire mechanics of the curse from these panels. It makes sense psychologically for Liz to be the predominant image in his mind since she was brutally killed by a demon, and at that moment, Fraudrin was that close to freeing the whole Demon Clan, including the Demon King, but other Elizabeth deaths would still certainly show up in this 3000+ year old man's mind.

The next person to regain power is Gowther. Merlin and Meliodas immediately go about reawakening his memories through showing him the fake 'heart' he had, in order to bring his powers back, and this works as well as they'd hoped, bringing back 100% of his memories, although he is yet to fully cope with them. This is only possible now that Fraudrin is dead and the Commandment automatically returned to Gowther, unlike how it didn't return for some reason in the original story. Essentially, the Commandment acts as a 'stimulus' that reawakens his former massive power, which he would normally take a long time to get back through training even if he got his memories back. Because he can draw on a power source similar to his old self, he is able to more easily regain that power.

As Gowther and Meliodas do their training on day 1, Arthur does his own, which naturally is pulling Excalibur. He tried to do it many times before, but with all the pressure on him right now and all the resolve he showed that he doesn't want to make meaningless, he manages to pull the sword and uses the 7 day time period to try to train with the other relevant fighters under Merlin's guidance. Due to the ridiculous magic potential power he has of 48'000, it is 100% reasonable that he becomes a Commandment Tier fighter in a short period of time after drawing Excalibur, and this timing for him pulling Excalibur is infinitely more reasonable than what we got in the story. He was driven out of his own country and didn't manage to pull the sword before being forced to retreat, so it's silly that he was able to do so later on when he Leeroy Jenkins into the place for no reason and gets killed.

Merlin also retrieves Escanor during this time, and he does not power up. She was perfectly ready to teleport him in against Garan regardless of casualties, but had no need to do so since the plan with Gowther succeeded, plus, she accidentally got herself petrified. In this rewrite she still transfers her soul to Aldan, but even Absolute Cancel cannot dispel her petrification. The answer for how that happens comes with the next additions to the useful fighter roster.

These two additions are Sariel and Tarmiel, who manage to regenerate their bodies within a few days and join the human force. However, they don't manage to brainwash anyone this time around, with Merlin, Arthur, Escanor, Gowther, and Meliodas present as a mostly equal force to them, with Merlin and Gowther capable of dispelling the brainwashing and so on. With Ludociel still unable to appear, Sariel is the highest ranking Archangel despite his childlike appearance, and he makes the new Stigma pact in Ludociel's place. Additionally, due to his Grace which grants immunity to commandments, he can dispel even the petrification of Truth with his healing powers, which he proceeds to do for Merlin despite his disgust at her betrayal of the Supreme Deity. He has no choice but to admit that she will be incredibly useful in the upcoming fight to the point that she may be vital, both intellectually and with her magic. However, before he frees her, he tells all the humans about her betrayal of the Supreme Deity in the past, and this is when the readers learn part of her story. Merlin proceeds to tell the other Sins the full truth about precisely how she did it without telling Sariel himself, knowing it will only enrage him and Tarmiel further.

King trains in the Fairy Realm with Dahlia, who's close to death by old age but still barely alive due to the restorative powers of the Sacred Tree, which he used because long ago King Bartra's distant ancestor also had the power to see the future, and foresaw that Dahlia needed to stay alive longer. The Sacred Tree also has a fountain of youth, but it's an actual fountain, not just a cup. Rather than drink from it, Dahlia merely prolongs his lifespan a bit by bathing in it as necessary, even though this drains on the Fairy Realm slightly.

Dahlia explains to King that there's no time left for him to let his wings grow out normally before the Commandments attack, and the only option is for him to artificially stimulate King's growth with Disaster while putting him under even harder training than he ever gave him in the past. This stimulation is powerful enough that it could cause King's death if he fails to control all the energy he's given, but King accepts the risk and ultimately succeeds in gaining the PL of 40'000 he gained originally after Gloxinia trained him. Meanwhile, Matrona trains Diane in the ways of the Dolor Dance at Megadozer, and she makes some decent progress in becoming able to dance up to a PL of 20'000 after 3 days. King finishes his training after 4 days and goes to Diane, using his newly enhanced mindreading powers and magical senses to see what Diane feels like while she dances, and compares her dance to Matrona's. He starts to understand how the Dolor Dance works through this and uses this knowledge to help Diane master the last push she needs in her training to get to the same level as him, which she does. Her base level is 30'000 instead of being fodder tier, and with Dolor Dance it can potentially go all the way to 60'000 at most, but realistically she is mostly on King's level on average.

Finally, at around noon on the last day before the Commandments invade, Meliodas asks Elizabeth if she would want to become strong enough to be useful even if it almost surely meant her own death within mere days. He says he has a method to do so, but that it would likely cost her her life, and that he can't explain what the method is. Elizabeth says she would gladly die if it meant saving Liones and saving him, and Meliodas subsequently explains her past to her to awaken her memories. This is purely out of concern for them winning the fight. Obviously Meliodas plans to kill all the commandments during the fight and afterwards use all 10 to become a Demon King, then dispel the curse and so on before she can die. He would rather not tell her just in case they can't quickly finish the war, but he knows that even in human form she'll be on the level of most Commandments. More importantly, he knows she would never forgive him if he didn't give her the choice to risk her life rather than potentially let all humanity go extinct. She regains her memories and quickly trains to regain all her powers, gaining a power level of 35'000, the limit of what she can achieve in a human body without a Grace that can push it beyond its limits, as with Escanor. The reason she has such a high base beyond what humans can ever get is her curse of reincarnation allowing her to have a demigod-like status in between human and Goddess. It isn't exactly mere memories alone that are retained, but power itself, as shown with her never even needing the druid training to learn healing and somehow fight on par with Hendrickson.

At the end of the week, the Sins have gathered a formidable force to battle the Commandments with. Naturally, the strongest two are the Archangels, each at a power level of 90K. Meliodas is third, at 60K PL with his Demon Mark. Merlin effectively has a 'PL' of 55K in terms of how potent her strongest stored spells individually are, but in practice, she can prove useful beyond what her PL shows due to intelligence and extremely versatile magic. Arthur is 48K, but has essentially all possible sword skills, including all magical sword skills that can be learned. In this rewrite, Excalibur essentially makes him into the physical version of Merlin, having mastery of almost all possible talents that are either a mix of physical and magical prowess or pure physical talent, including all the abilities he displayed in the manga so far. King is 40K, Diane is ~40K in practice, Elizabeth is 35K, Gowther is 34K, and Escanor at dawn has a power level of only 30K. Finally, there is Ban, at a useless-looking 3K. However, in this rewrite it is explained why the hell he can steal so much more power than his body naturally has when that normally makes you explode(IE, like drinking demon blood). It's because he's immortal, he can steal a ridiculous amount more than he should be able to, but even so, he is limited at about 25K physical strength max, and has a problem maintaining that for long without hitting his body's limit and becoming useless. Additionally, the King has helped Merlin locate Corechouse for him during the seven days. Instead of giving him a niche 'homing attack' power like in the manga, it allows him to convert magical energy into physical strength. Aka he could use this move on Merascylla and steal her magic and take it as strength, when normally it's only really useful on melee fighters. It also assists him in tanking magical ranged attacks the same way as he does against melee fighters. Finally, he can use Corechouse as a versatile energy whip of sorts that lets him do more fancy ranged maneuvers like pulling enemies in from far away or grappeling to distant locations or throwing enemies around like they are tied up by a rope, or even restraining people at range while draining their energy. He's brought into the battle mostly due to his gimmick of immortality making him not likely to get instantly fodderized despite his low base PL, and because Merlin has a plan to abuse his immortality in an unexpected way.

In total, they have the combined power of effectively 11 or 12 commandment level fighters, making them more than ready to put up a serious fight even against all 9 of their enemies. In sheer power they easily have the advantage, especially with Sariel and Tarmiel on their side, but face the serious issue of most of their members dealing with 9 Commandment Curses at once. This requires them to do mental training with Gowther to be sure they can control their emotions and not just become totally useless in the face of Love, and of course, they need a seriously good plan to handle problems like Grayroad's Pacifism Commandment. Naturally, the commandments plan to keep Grayroad safe and away from immediate danger so there is no instant and easy win there. In this theoretical rewrite there is no Breakable Bugs EZmode cheese to instantly win the battle with by covering the battlefield with bugs and making any enemy die if they move a muscle. This is because Pacifism only affects those who commit"Murder" here, AKA, the entity killed must be humanoid or at least sentient at a human level, so killing Hawk would count, but killing a random animal would not. Also, even if Grayroad could put innocent fodder demons on the battlefield, she/it wouldn't, since that would be considered 'acting with the intent to have them killed' and would violate the commandment. Plus, it would actually be against Grayroad's beliefs to sacrifice innocent lives pointlessly, as here, she is a medic of sorts for the 10 Commandments.

Nonetheless, Grayroad is still a major problem preventing them from going all out until they can kill her, and meanwhile, Zeldris makes retreat essentially impossible with Piety. TLDR, it's a pretty massive battle, so Nakaba would need to spend lots of chapters covering the same span of time for everyone to see all that is going on at once and show many things in 'slow motion', but that would be totally worth it for the sake of the story. Togashi did it in HunterXHunter with the Chimera Ant Arc, and Nakaba even showed he can choreograph multiple vs multiple battles with "The Ten Commandments vs The Four Archangels", so it's a real shame he never did a battle like this. It's not like it has to be on the level of quality of battles like the Marineford War in One Piece, but it would have made a ton of sense to do this.

Here is a little bit of what Meliodas would tell them shortly after Garan's greeting is over.
Before this whole battle begins, 7 days earlier and before all the training, Meliodas explains the powers and abilities of all the 10 Commandments to everyone who will fight them in 7 days, including the commandment curses and how they synergize. He goes over the 10 commandments in order of threat from least to most dangerous.

Starting off he mentions Garan himself, saying that his commandment is relatively nonthreatening and that all he really has is physical attack. He says that Garan can transform, but it doesn't last forever or give him any new abilities. Along with Garan, he mentions Merascylla, Garan's main partner in combat. She is not all too powerful either, having a PL of only 32K or so that's hardly higher than Garan's base, and her magic isn't suited for offense. However, her Gloom Cocoon is a powerful defensive tool which Meliodas expects correctly to be used in defense of Grayroad. Moreover, Meliodas warns them not to get caught in her Gloom Cocoon as it's a fate worse than death if they are too weak to escape, they will become her energy source and make her massively more powerful.He says her Commandment of Faith should be no problem for any of them to follow, but still lays out how it works. He also explains her skill at eating souls, mentioning that she's enough of a soul specialist to potentially eat even Ban's soul. In this hypothetical rewrite, even Purgatory Flames cannot bypass Ban's immortality and 99%of demons are incapable of eating his soul, since it generates new flesh around it instantly if extracted from his body. Moreover, his soul is very hard to extract in the first place because of the powerful regeneration it has. I feel it is very odd how easily Ban could be killed by any Demon stronger than him who knows how to use Purgatory flames or eat souls, and that acted too much against his unique unkillable nature and made it seem ineffective.

The next pair Meliodas mentions is that of Derierre and Monspiet. They have significantly higher PLs than the previous two, but their commandments are no real threat and their abilities are nothing that can't be dealt with as long as the right precautions are taken. He goes over everything they can do but dismisses them as less dangerous than the rest.

The third pair is Dolor and Gloxinia, with Meliodas rating Gloxinia as more dangerous. Their PLs are very similar to Derierre and Monspiet's, but their abilities are quite problematic. Dolor can see through illusions to a significant degree with his clairvoyance, on top of predicting the next few seconds of the future. Meanwhile, Gloxinia can read the mind of anyone who is much weaker than him, and can even read the minds of those stronger than him if they can't properly control their thoughts and defend themselves against this. King helps train everyone in resisting mind reading and tells them when they're doing it right, but it's still a serious problem. Obviously Meliodas also explains all their abilities with earth manipulation, the Spirit Spear, and so on. Their commandments of Patience and Repose are not a real threat. Patience just makes you stop doing anything if you are taking hasty actions you aren't objectively ready for(as far as you know), and Repose is a non combat oriented Commandment which forcibly puts Demon soldiers to sleep at night when they are unable to make their mind rest from the traumas they've experienced in battle.

Since Fraudrin is dead, there are only three left to explain.

The third most dangerous commandment Meliodas describes has a PL of merely 30K and isn't a combat specialist:Grayroad. However, Grayroad is still the third most dangerous of all due to her incredibly overpowered Commandment of Pacifisim that instantly takes the lifespan of anyone who commits Murder. Since the other Commandments only have to obey their own commandments, it's no problem for them, but a gigantic problem for most of the Stigma forces who will fight in this battle. Sariel and Tarmiel explain that they can extend their Grace's protection to one other person to grant them immunity to commandments, but they doubt they'll ever have the free time to cast lengthy support magic on an ally while constantly fighting 2 or more commandments at once. And since it takes your lifespan away instantly, you can't just have the Archangels cleanse you of its effects after it begins, you'll already be dead the second you kill one of the Commandments. Meliodas also explains that Grayroad has a wide variety of curses at her disposal, and is a serious threat so long as others protect her from ranged projectiles and keep melee attackers from getting near. She can also cast her curses on her allies and render them immune at the same time, making all their melee or magical attacks curse the enemy on contact. Her own body is also constantly enveloped in curses so that anyone who tries to hit her will get cursed badly. The curses chain through weapons like lightning so all melee combatants attacking her will get cursed no matter what, and while some ranged attacks can bypass that, she is almost always defended by powerful barriers made by other Commandments, which forces people to fight her up close. Meanwhile, if you kill even one of her heads it still counts as murder and the curse takes effect. Also, ranged attacks via weapons like Chastiefol which are continuously manipulated by the user actually allow her to attempt sending a curse back through that connection if she's strong enough and manages to overpower the opponent. Overall, despite all this, her body is still relatively easy to destroy and she lacks any defensive techniques beyond mere darkness manipulation, but her support abilities are simply too OP on top of her Commandment, and it is obvious the Commandments will do everything they can to prevent her from dying. However, even Grayroad pales in comparison to the threat level of the last two opponents.

Estarossa is the second most dangerous of the Ten Commandments, with a PL of 60K that puts him head and shoulders above the others, a ridiculously powerful Commandment, and his overpowered "Full Counter" ability on top of that. Even if Tarmiel himself attacked Estarossa, he'd have seriously trouble winning a one versus one, all due to Full Counter. He can counter any attack back no matter how strong, and is plenty used to fighting opponents twice his speed while still countering a good deal of their melee attacks. Only Ludociel would be able to truly overwhelm his counter speed. Meanwhile, ranged attacks can work just fine as he can't counter those, but he's still very fast and fully capable of dodging/blocking those, all while rushing in close against pesky mages so they're forced to melee. He is not unbeatable on his own and has some weaknesses, but his Commandment of "Love" is a huge issue. Everyone on the enemy side must constantly keep their cool or else be incapacitated by their own hatred. Moreover, Estarossa frequently taunts his enemies and psychologically messes with them to infuriate them all the more. Nonetheless, with Gowther's help in mentally training everyone, and Sariel and Tarmiel conveniently having Graces, he is not totally unbeatable. On his own, at least.

Then there's Zeldris, the leader of the Ten Commandments who has an absurd PL of 100'000 with the DK's lent magic boosting his PL further than normal. He has magic immunity from said borrowed power, on top of his original ability called 'Black Hole'. It's different than Ominous Nebula, which here is just his most powerful 1v1 technique using Black Hole. Essentially, he can pull people and objects towards him in any way he wants, whether it's a single targeted enemy he points his hand at, everything that's in front of him, or even everything in all possible directions. This seems a lot more flexible and dangerous for combat purposes and just feels like a cooler ability overall. Moreover, it combines with Piety in a deadly way, as Piety makes it so you can't 'run away' from him, so the only option when you're pulled towards him is to block/counter his attacks head on. On top of all that, his magic immunity means that if you use magic based rangned attacks while pulled towards him, you can't simply shoot him at a distance before you get pulled in close, allowing him to hard counter pure mages like Merlin. On top of all that, if you consider him teaming up with Estarossa it becomes beyond ridiculous. If Estarossa is allowed to work with him freely, he can just wait behind Zeldris while Zeldris pulls enemies in, using Zeldris as an invincible shield against any magic ranged attacks they could use while being pulled in. When they get close to zeldris, Estarossa just steps in and uses Full Counter on whatever physical move they might try and it's GG. Even if they don't attack, Estarossa will just send them flying with a physical attack of his own, Zeldris will pull them in with gravity once more, rinse and repeat. They're the most dangerous potential team among the Ten Commandments by far and Meliodas points out that they must be separated from each other, no matter what it takes, or the battle will be even more unwinnable than normal.
I could spend a ton of time writing out the theoretical battle in detail, but if you just want to know the end results, TLDR:

Several Commandments die(Grayroad, Merascylla, Monspiet, Derierre) and the remaining ones are forced to retreat, but the Sins only achieve this at a bitter cost. During the battle, both Archangels die, but more importantly, Meliodas is forced to use Assault Mode to drive the Demons off, and Elizabeth has no choice but to kill him as the Sins restrain him and stop him from killing all of them. Meliodas has a few moments of sanity when restrained the moment he sees her, and tells her to kill him in that moment, which she tearfully does after he says he will come back to life. When she goes down to him and realizes he's fully dead and she can't heal him at all, cue the horrified and traumatized scream she made when he died against the Commandments. It would have even more emotional weight here too with her being the one to kill him.

TLDR, 4 Commandments die, both Sariel and Tarmiel die, the Commandments retreat, Meliodas dies, and during the course of the battle, Zeldris inflicts wounds on Elizabeth which allow him to get more blood to break the Seal further. The 10C retreat and immediately proceed towards the Seal, making it their new base and summoning Chandler and Cusack with Elizabeth's blood. Meanwhile, Ludociel in spirit form becomes free of the seal, only to realize that both Sariel and Tarmiel are already dead while going through the traumatic episode of realizing Mael has somehow been alive all this time while tormented by being a demon against his will. RIP. At least he gets Mael back.

As for a more detailed explanation of events(not the battle fully written out in text, just me saying what happens one thing after another with a few exceptions):
The Commandments right now assume that Fraudrin's commandment wasn't present outside the seal where his body exploded because his commandment was taken by the Sins after he died and before the seal fully broke, which took several minutes to occur. They don't know that Gowther created a doll also named Gowther 3000 years ago. Right now, Gowther(the doll) is waiting in a pocket dimension of Merlin's for a chance to appear mid-fight as a surprise attack, which is why he isn't seen among the other forces present.

Meanwhile, Garan laughs about how weak the energy of one of the enemy fighters is(Ban), but Merascylla cuts him off. "Oh, he's definitely weak, but I just sensed something verrrry special about him. So that's what they're relying on. Fufufufu...they're pretty stupid." She raises her voice a bit and turns away from Garan.
"Hey, Zeldris-sama, I just got the most wonderful idea~"
She goes over and whispers her plan to Zeldris. He's momentarily shocked before grinning in satisfaction."Yes, that will work out wonderfully."

After half a minute, Meliodas speaks up and interrupts the in-group conversations on both sides, saying they're ready to fight.

The situation with how Zeldris's forces are arranged is like this:There's a frontline consisting of Estarossa, Zeldris, Derierre, and Garan. A good while behind them is Dolor. Merascylla's Gloom Cocoon is behind Dolor's back and both she and Grayroad are inside it. Gloxinia and Monspiet are floating high up in the sky, ready to use magic bombardment.

With the Sins, Merlin is up in the air with King, Elizabeth, Sariel, and Tarmiel, floating at a height level not too far above Diane's head. The Sins have a front line of Arthur, Ban, Meliodas, and Escanor. Gowther right now is just hidden in a pocket dimension spell of Merlin's and waiting.

I'm still working on the rest of how this generally goes down, but the Commandments front line blocks their charging enemies, while Zeldris leaps up high into the sky to intercept the Archangels team Omega Ark wand nullify it with "God" before subsequently pulling them into melee with a midair Ominous Nebula. Garan sees Ban trying to steal his strength with Corechouse, laughs as the chain hits nothing where Ban expected a heart, nd yanks on its chain to throw Ban back behind him up into the air. "Catch!" He throws Ban off towards Dolor, and a dark tentacle zips out of the Gloom Cocoon to impale Ban, subsequently pulling him inside."Nice serve, Garan-san~!"Merascylla says before the cocoon closes once more and she proceeds to mess with Ban.

When pulled inside, Ban is immobilized by an AOE "Dark Snowstorm" whirlwind that is constantly active throughout the inside of the cocoon, instantly killing anyone who might step in, each dark snow particle clearly on the level of Hendrickson's Dead End. While Ban's body gets quickly dissolved starting from the limbs, Merascylla mocks him. "Now I'm going to boil you niiiice and gooey until you're a few drops of blood. Then i'll feed your blood and soul to Zeldris, he'll become immortal, and all your friends will get slaughtered one by one! You thought you could survive by stealing strength just like you stole that immortality of yours, but all you've done is let me take everything from you! Hahahahaha-"
10 seconds have passed, and Ban's limbs are all gone. As his chest starts to be dissolved, Merascylla suddenly reacts in shock as she senses something and Ban laughs. "The one getting stolen from is you~(songnote) "
Merascylla starts to bodyflicker as she tries to teleport away after seeing an immense heat build up in Ban's chest, but it's too late. Ban's body bursts in a massive explosion that instantly kills both Merascylla and Grayroad. Dolor survives with Heavy Metal and Gloxinia manages to hide behind him just in time thanks to his mind-reading abilities and him seeing what Dolor foresaw with his precognition. As it turns out, Merlin had predicted Merascylla's strategy and stored a super explosive spell in Ban for exactly that reason. If Merascylla hadn't done that, Ban would've gone for the cocoon and tried to blow it up from the outside either way, it just wouldn't have guaranteed a kill on Grayroad.

Estarossa is battling the frontline when he hears the explosion. Using the moment of surprise when Meliodas is distracted, he Full Counters one of his slashes and ends up knocking Lostvayne out of his hands, after which Estarossa seizes it with darkness. Acting like the opportunist he is and recognizing the bad turn of events, Estarossa immediately flies to snatch Pacifism from where it fell from the exploded Grayroad. He grabs it and jumps away while absorbing it, but Sariel's Tornado sends him high into the sky. Sariel and Tarmiel have just switched priorities from Zeldris and left Meliodas and Arthur to handle him while they go for their most hated enemy. This leads into a short 2v1 of them fighting Estarossa. He absorbs pacifism to power up and to mess with everyone down below once more so they can't get any kills, but that stops working when they catch him in the Domain of God. Despite having Lostvayne and being essentially immune to melee with all the shadow clones he can make, Estarossa can't do much about the magic he's getting shredded up by. This leads into the sequence with the spell becoming undone.

Also, I haven't completely figured this part out yet, but it may make total sense for Mael's identity to get revealed right in the first major battle, since both Archangels see Estarossa and have their chance to confront him right away. Chances are they would try to split him up from the others, send him up into the air with Tornado, and kill him as fast as possible. By the time they separate him from the others, he might have picked up one or two commandments from dead allies and then used them to survive. Then he spots Elizabeth while deranged by the commandments and grabs her, leading Meliodas to join the battle, and soon leading the whole memory spell to come undone mid fight as the Archangels realize they can't remember Mael's face. However, I would have Mael be useless for the rest of the battle in combat after his memories come back, with Merlin teleporting him into a stasis chamber somewhere after recognizing that he is a potential ally and taking him out of the fight. It is just too much for the balance if Mael instantly regains his full power and instantly joins the good guys. Maybe he eventually passes out due to his own Love commandment draining his strength, since he begins hating everyone, including himself, due to confused memories and horror at his past.
Also, Monspiet and Derierre should use Indura one last time by sacrificing their final heart. They would use it to buy the time for the other Commandments to escape when Meliodas starts activating his Assault Mode and powering up in some pillar of overwhelming dark aura. The Commandments who are still alive retreat the instant he begins powering up, knowing he is guaranteed to either end up turning evil and killing his allies or just end up being killed by them, and knowing they won't be able to kill him before he powers up while all the others protect him. However, they still need Monspiet and Derierre to go into Indura forms and keep him busy for a while, since he will still maintain some semblance of his normal sanity for a while. It makes sense for me if they can go Indura with just one heart if said heart is their last heart, since that means they have the resolve to choose death rather than just choose to turn into monsters. Plus, it could be explained that their body releases way more energy as a sort of last ditch futile attempt to survive or something, using up their life force completely rather than just partially.

That's all I thought of so far, I'll add more in later and I didn't manage to include everything I thought of into this post just yet. I also have ideas for how the final battle could play out and for many more specifics of how the first massive battle with the Commandments would go down, but that will take a while to write out in detail. Some of this is redundant with the ideas I already proposed in my last post, like my explanation of how Infinity should work as an ability to make logical sense without making Merlin God Tier while still maintaining the core of how it was initially established. It is mostly the same as in the last post. It is just significantly different here in its lore and origin.

The Commandments and Archangels really need better lore as has been previously said by some others in this thread. Garan, Estarossa, and Fraudrin are fine for me, but a lot of the other Commandments are very lacking or have outright terrible lore.

I would have it be that Dolor and Gloxinia joined the Commandments on the condition that the Giants and Fairies respectively will be spared from extermination when the Demons conquer everything, and the DK swore to abide by this promise. Monspiet and Derierre would have some doubts about the war after getting saved 3000 years back, but they would ultimately choose loyalty over treason, estimating that if they betrayed the Demons, the Archangels would probably be the ones to come out victorious, not Meliodas and Elizabeth and the Sins. At that rate all Demons would be exterminated as a result of their treason. They're just not willing to take that bet. Also, before they use Indura one last time by destroying their final heart, Monspiet confesses to Derierre and she returns his confession, even though he becomes mute through his Commandment as a result of said confession. Not like it matters when he's about to turn into an Indura monster and die anyways.

As for Garan, he is such a good character that he gets a whole section lol:
Garan is already a pretty awesome character in how much he sticks to his Commandment and sets up Commandments as important for their wielders attitudes. That lore got ruined later but it was really well done. Even his defeat was still totally acceptable and set up the Commandment lore well. However, his backstory could be better if fleshed out.

I would say that in the past, Garan was once a flesh and blood Demon of the same 'Superior Demons' race Estarossa mentioned which Meliodas, Zeldris, Estarossa, the Demon King, Monspiet, and Derierre are from. Not all of them are super powerful but they have the highest potential among Demons. Back when he was younger, he was slightly stronger than Deriere is at current day in the manga, around 52K PL including the power boost of his Commandment. He once fought Sariel in a battle one on one to defend some strategic location, and after a while of fighting, he got absolutely rekt by an Omega Ark which destroyed most of his body beyond the point where he could regenerate, getting rid of all but one of his hearts and putting the last one in critical condition. Merascylla, Monspiet and Derierre arrive as reinforcements and force Sariel to retreat. Using her dimensional magic, Merascylla summons a suit of armor for Garan, and explains that she can transfer what's left of his body into it, but it's an irreversible procedure which isn't guaranteed to save him. This is how he becomes the armor knight we see nowadays.

Also, a bit more trivia on this version of Garan.That red control core in his chest is his only 'heart', and he has no biological hearts anymore. This could end up mattering if Ban attacked him in the first giant battle and tried to steal some. The core works the same way as the Sacred Treasure Aldan, it's just more advanced since he can regenerate his magic freely due to the flesh and blood he still has left. Also, he's more of a cyborg than a full robot, since in this version there is flesh inside the armor, and he even has artificial lungs, just no hearts. Basically, the last remnants of all his destroyed hearts were squished together into the red control core stone along with his barely surviving seventh heart, and it managed to work out enough to keep him alive. Also, he would actually have a brain inside his armor's helmet this time around, it's just that only his head and some organs survived the overpowered Omega Ark from Sariel. This also explains why he still bleeds and breathes, he just lacks any hearts.

Lastly, about Garan's role:As the 'Truth' of the Ten Commandments he is the one who often functions as their messenger. This matters when he first appears in my hypothetical rewrite, since it isn't just his own whim, he's functioning as the messenger of the Ten Commandments delivering a declaration of war and some terms of when the full scale attack begins.

Overall he's a great character and I'm honestly glad he died when he did, so that Nakaba never got a chance to ruin him like he did several other Commandments.

Grayroad is hard to improve, really, she/it is just too monsterlike and lacking in personality besides being a hive mind.

Then there is Meliodas himself. His backstory from when he led the Demons is very vague and is mostly just Meliodas wank. It would be better if we knew more concrete things. For example, Sariel's abnormally young age could be explained by him being a replacement for a previous Archangel which Meliodas killed, making Meliodas seem more dangerous since he actually eliminated important enemies. Right now we know he was oh-so-dangerous supposedly, but never hear of what he actually did. We never see how he meets Elizabeth either or how they specifically fell in love.

Finally, there is the Demon King who created the Commandments. He needs a NAME lmao. Other than that, his personality when he first emerged from the cocoon was perfectly fitting for the creator of those commandments. He didn't seem hateful, and seemed to essentially just be amused as he went about wrecking everyone for the brief period of time until Meliodas Wank easily stomped him. It got stupid when he started lying pointlessly and doing other actions which were totally unfitting, and then when he just got bodied over and over. Why does he kill Cusack with a lame sneak attack?! If he had the commandment of Faith his eyes would probably explode at that exact moment. It was completely contradictory and also irrational, when he could have just told Cusack that he's in control now and that he'd better either obey or try to fight. At which point Cusack attacks and the DK one shots him in return. That would make infinitely more sense. Oh well, he's a jobber now.

Also, here are some ideas I thought of on how the Commandments could work in the Demon society. Essentially the Ten Commandments have them not only as 'combat weapons'(obvious cases:Piety, Pacifism, Love), but also as ways to enforce laws in the demon society. Moreover, they would all grant a power boost in general in addition to the curse.

The Commandments each of the 10 warriors has is not intended solely for combat purpose(although some obviously are, like Love, Pacifism, and Piety) since the Four Archangels are immune after all. In that regard, they all mainly help the warriors by granting a power boost, not through the curse, which is intended as both a test of resolve for the warriors who want the power and as a means of enforcing the law. During peace time the commandments would still be used as a looming threat to the harsh legal system of the demon society. The idea is that if you disobey the commandments in the legal system, for all you know one of the real 10 warriors is nearby, and you could encounter some horrible fate with no warning, like your eyes burning out because you were unfaithful to a friend. Some like Pacifism are changed as a result in this theoretical rewrite, IE, it doesn't kill you if you kill a fly, but it will always kill you if you commit Murder. This means Grayroad cannot cheese it as much, but that's for the best really in terms of lore. The Commandment of Piety essentially states that the Demon King's word is always law, and is uniquely able to nullify other commandments if the situation calls for it. The Love Commandment states that Demons should ideally never kill out of hatred and personal emotions, but out of duty as a soldier. Silence would primarily be intended to prevent love based bonds from overrriding duty based bonds among the Demon army, IE, nobody is allowed to actively pursue romantic relationships while they are in the services of the army. Purity would fit in the same general role.The Faith commandment is relatively simple, it just applies as it does when Merascylla uses it, if you wanted to put it into Shonen terms, 'Never betray a Nakama' and so on. Patience has unclear implications so far, but I'd say it would make sense if it just stopped you from taking hasty actions when you personally think you are not objectively ready to do so. Repose seems hard to make work right now, since if Demons are like Saiyans they wouldn't have some religious day of the week where they refuse to mount invasions. Selflessness is self explanatory. Pacifism ultimately would be contradictory when used in the army, but it's intended as more of a weapon than many of the other ones. You could think of it like Grayroad's territory being a neutral zone where enemies are not supposed to attack because Grayroad is busy making baby demons often, or something along those lines.

TLDR, the Commandments could really work out well if Nakaba put more depth into why they are a thing. Naturally, as the creator of all ten, the Demon King should be a being fully capable of following all at once who does not contradict them at all in his personality, it's a shame he did that so much.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 20, 2017
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Fun Forum
4:Elizabeth has her memories awakened by Meliodas the day before the battle with the Commandments, because he knows she'd never forgive him for not letting her fight and possibly making everyone die as a result. However she is only close to Commandment Tier PL due to her human body. AKA around 40K or so at most. She would only be able to reach her original potential in Arc 3, because after this first giant battle is over, Sariel and Tarmiel are dead and she absorbs their graces to transform her body back into one of a Goddess. Essentially, at least one Grace is the push she needed to transcend human limits and get back her original body, it makes a whole lot more sense than 'I was suddenly always Ludociel tier lol'.
The flaw in this plan is that Elizabeth inside a human body would be incapable of absorbing grace as it would simply kill her immediately.

To remedy this, Elizabeth could temporarily leave her human body and return as a Goddess, having full access to her powers and capabilities of absorbing grace without death. However, her physical human body would be defenseless (think soulless) and should it be destroyed, she shall die.

She can only maintain this Goddess form for a limited amount of time and would weaken over time due to her body's integrity falling apart.

It's the same concept to the Four Archangels leaving their vessels without fully reforming their bodies and begin to fade away/lose power over time. Except, Elizabeth can never fully restore her original body since the curse bounds her to a human body. If she were to absorb the graces, she'd be unable to return to her human body as doing so would immediately kill her (thus forcing her to absorb all of them and break the curse before she fades away completely)

This way Elizabeth could use her full power at given moments but would still be limited. Plus, it would give her the chance to absorb grace without contradicting the whole "humans can't handle grace" plot point (with exception to Escanor)

4:There is a big battle to defeat DK-Meliodas which requires the teamwork of all remaining protagonists except Elizabeth, who they now realize is doomed to be possessed very soon. They manage to restrain him and allow Meliodas to subdue the DK in an internal battle, thus taking possession of the Commandments as his own. However this is still at a cost, as the DK is not fully driven out. His spirit is still there because Meliodas has the commandments. He does not discard them as they are going to be very necessary for him to stop Elizabeth in her possessed state.
16:Sins+Meliodas fight SD-Elizabeth, but just as she seems to be defeated, Meliodas had to use the full power of the commandments to do so, and therefore reawakened the DK's spirit. Neither DK nor SD are strong enough to overpower Meliodas and Elizabeth's control completely, but they manage to momentarily control them, using their power to open a rift to their true bodies in heaven and hell and transfer over. Neither Meliodas nor Elizabeth were god level in the past, but they were still OP enough to absorb multiple graces and commandments and as a result transform to god level. A risky process, since if the power was too much they would explode, but it in the end it was worth doing. Also, Gowther dies as a result of overloading his mental powers to help Elizabeth and Meliodas free themselves from possession.
Instead, I would've had 5C-Meliodas and 2G-Elizabeth fight each other. Showcasing their individual abilities and perhaps some of their shared past even more.

After some time fighting, Meliodas or Elizabeth would absorb the remaining grace/commandments and force the other to do the same, bringing the Supreme Deity and Demon King into Britannia, possessing their children at the same time.

Obviously, everyone would be shocked and the Gods would snicker in how they expected their children to do this, allowing them to bypass their circumstances of personal inaction (purgatory seal/no body). As they take control, the Gods release the curses on their children.

SD and DK would begin to fight each other, giving us a glimpse to why they're truly equals. Basically an amazing clash of each of them for a bit.

Zeldris and The Sinner would go against the DK and stop fighting the sins since the promise/mel isn't DK.

Ludoshel and Mael may assist the SD in killing the demons and perhaps be fought by the sins, who suggest to force the Gods out of Eliz/Mel's body before doing do. Of course, the AA would disagree and have faith in the SD to handle the DK. Maybe the sins vs AA? Idk

SD and DK fighting is pretty equal and is only stopped when Gowther/Sins intervene. Perhaps Gowther could use Invasion to connect the minds of Elizabeth and Meliodas? Through their love they can escape the possession, but would only do so due to Gowther's sacrifice (a similiar spell to his master's, using his life-force and magic of Merlin & etc). The Gods would be forced out. Ludoshel would disappear. The Sinner dies. Zeldris does Gelda. Eliz and Mel are reunited, curse-less. Sins are sad because Gowther dead?

Elizabeth and Meliodas during this period were able to fully absorb and take their parents powers under their own control. Elizabeth fully made the graces her own, making her equal to her mother. Meliodas did the same with the commandments, making him equal to his father.

Then eliz/mel vs SD/DK (who would be forced to team up to stand a chance).

Just a general idea of where it could go


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
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United Kingdom
The flaw in this plan is that Elizabeth inside a human body would be incapable of absorbing grace as it would simply kill her immediately.

To remedy this, Elizabeth could temporarily leave her human body and return as a Goddess, having full access to her powers and capabilities of absorbing grace without death. However, her physical human body would be defenseless (think soulless) and should it be destroyed, she shall die.

She can only maintain this Goddess form for a limited amount of time and would weaken over time due to her body's integrity falling apart.

It's the same concept to the Four Archangels leaving their vessels without fully reforming their bodies and begin to fade away/lose power over time. Except, Elizabeth can never fully restore her original body since the curse bounds her to a human body. If she were to absorb the graces, she'd be unable to return to her human body as doing so would immediately kill her (thus forcing her to absorb all of them and break the curse before she fades away completely)

This way Elizabeth could use her full power at given moments but would still be limited. Plus, it would give her the chance to absorb grace without contradicting the whole "humans can't handle grace" plot point (with exception to Escanor)
Well, idk. Normal humans can't have a base PL of 30K+, so Elizabeth could be special. Are you saying her human body is permanently limited to 3K and she can only go higher with her spirit form or something even when she doesn't have a grace yet? Not sure how that's supposed to work. Seems like you're saying that she would use her normal body until Grace absorption is needed, but having an extreme PL of 30K+ already defies normal human limits. Also, Escanor is special in being able to use Sunshine because he's a reincarnated former Angel as far as I can tell based on what other users like Mighty Escanor theorized. AKA, the former Sun user who seemingly was the one to sacrifice themselves for Ludociel. He just got hand-stabbed by the DK in literally the exact same way as the angel protecting Ludociel did when he turned into The Ultimate One, so it really seems like he is a reincarnated former archangel. Anyway, if that's the case it means Elizabeth's reason for being able to use Graces is exactly the same as his, it's just a more powerful version. He is a standard reincarnated former angel while she reincarnates with the exact same appearance and retains memories. To me that makes it seem like she should be able to wield Graces just as well as Escanor. The only reason I can think of for that to be wrong is Escanor way way way back down the line being descended from an angel, perhaps the same former Sun wielder, making him mostly human and some tiny fraction angel genetically. If it's a 'dominant gene' of sorts then it would make some sense, but that still seems like a stretch to assume, for now I feel like he's probably just a normal reincarnated being.

TLDR I don't think Elizabeth should need to go into spirit form to use a Grace. The only way I think she would need to is if Human limits are actually really hard set unless you use a Grace, and if Escanor's special because he's been holding a Grace potentially since birth while Elizabeth has not. AKA, let's say Elizabeth, even with her memories as a Goddess, is totally incapable of raising her body's PL beyond 5K because human bodies are just very strictly limited in what they can achieve, other than special exceptions like Arthur who uses a holy sword that potentially stores the power of countless past Excalibur wielders inside of it. At that rate, it'd make more sense to me that she needs to use her spirit form. The reason is, if her body's got 35K to 40K PL, and a Grace boosts you by a similar amount, shouldn't she be able to handle an equal amount of power to what she already possesses? It would be consistent with Commandments being obtainable by strong Demons at least. Like what specifically makes a human with 35K fundamentally different from a Goddess with 35K, in being able to get a Grace and go up to some crazy high PL of 80K? Considering that Escanor used a Grace despite being biologically human, I don't think it's a massive stretch for her to do so. Mael also got a Commandment despite being very contrary in biological nature to darkness and all that, presumably not exploding from the power because he was stronger than it was, so I just don't know if Elizabeth should be so restrained.

I also just feel like even if it could be perfectly reasonable for Goddesses to have unique biology that lets them use Graces and be compatible with them, it's easier in my mind to choreograph a realistic fight if there is no easily one-shottable body of Elizabeth lying around that any enemy could take out at will.

Like it could work for the first big fight if she can't use her body directly and it's lying safely in Liones Castle or something while they battle at a distance from there, but it wouldn't really work out for when she gets all four graces. It would just seem too anticlimactic if she was in god mode but had an easily killed body laying around to be shot at. If she had all four and fought SD and DK I would want the fight to go all over the place, which would make it seem easy for them to hit her body if she was separate from it.

OtakuFreak said:
Instead, I would've had 5C-Meliodas and 2G-Elizabeth fight each other. Showcasing their individual abilities and perhaps some of their shared past even more.
I guess it's perfectly reasonable that he could stop mid-absorption when he has 5 out of 10 absorbed. And if he is capable of doing that and sees the Sins and Mael/Ludociel begin their big invasion, it'd be realistic for him to stop absorbing commandments and help the other Demons out rather than let them be massacred while he watches for no reason. Sounds like a good idea actually, might be necessary for the Demons to not realistically get rekt by Elizabeth and the others. She would have a PL of at least 120K at that rate if Graces boost her by around 40K each. If not quite a lot more, due to the Graces pushing her base PL closer to what she had as a Goddess or something lol. Then again, since Meliodas has 5 commandments she would definitely need a lot more than 120K to equal him. I would make the power creep less silly though than in the manga, like, even Prime Meliodas would have a PL of 150K at most, probably even with the Love Commandment's boost included. 200K Ludociel just broke the plot altogether, that guy could have speed blitzed half the 10 commandments even in a 5v1, it's just too unbalanced lol.

But yeah, having the past development show up would probably be good. Y Nakaba, you never even showed them falling in love? Wut is this?:huh

OtakuFreak said:
After some time fighting, Meliodas or Elizabeth would absorb the remaining grace/commandments and force the other to do the same, bringing the Supreme Deity and Demon King into Britannia, possessing their children at the same time.
Could work I guess. Maybe during their 2 Graces vs 5 Commandments fight, Elizabeth starts off losing but gets closer to her original Goddess PL.

OtakuFreak said:
Obviously, everyone would be shocked and the Gods would snicker in how they expected their children to do this, allowing them to bypass their circumstances of personal inaction (purgatory seal/no body). As they take control, the Gods release the curses on their children.

SD and DK would begin to fight each other, giving us a glimpse to why they're truly equals. Basically an amazing clash of each of them for a bit.
OK, I agree with the SD and DK fighting to some extent. But the reason I didn't have them both awaken at once in my version was because it could be a serious tension breaker if they were both able to instantly massacre the Sins and any others who refuse to take sides. IE, SD would probably demand Ludociel and Mael, if they are still alive at this point, swear loyalty to her, while DK would want Zeldris, Chandler/Cusack, and any not-dead Commandments to swear loyalty to him. It becomes a big problem for the plot if they might decide to wipe out any unloyal suboordinates before going about killing each other in their children's bodies. Like, what would the Sins possibly do if that happened? Makes it seem like they would need the SD/DK to make the decision which is less optimal for them in terms of achieving their goals, rather than getting rid of the people who they are right now capable of dispatching that might interfere with their fight. Fortunately, the Sins at this point would potentially have enough OP individuals that even the Gods themselves couldn't easily wipe them out with a random Omega Ark or Hellblaze wave, but it is still a plot point of concern. I don't exactly know what is the objectively best plot direction at this point of the story either, I'm just saying this is a potential problem, unless I have come to the wrong analysis of what they would logically do or something.

OtakuFreak said:
Zeldris and The Sinner would go against the DK and stop fighting the sins since the promise/mel isn't DK.
I agree a lot with this, although it depends on if the Sinner is still alive at this point. But yeah, that could work. Zeldris would just need to play his cards really well though since he has a PL of 60K vs DK at like...probably 500K+ lol. Not that the DK in the actual manga is a real threat tho.

OtakuFreak said:
Ludoshel and Mael may assist the SD in killing the demons and perhaps be fought by the sins, who suggest to force the Gods out of Eliz/Mel's body before doing do. Of course, the AA would disagree and have faith in the SD to handle the DK. Maybe the sins vs AA? Idk
Guess it depends on whether either of them are dead at this point in the story. There could also be a split in loyalty where Mael joins the Sins or something and Ludociel has to choose between killing Mael and betraying SD. Could be good development for him.

OtakuFreak said:
SD and DK fighting is pretty equal and is only stopped when Gowther/Sins intervene. Perhaps Gowther could use Invasion to connect the minds of Elizabeth and Meliodas? Through their love they can escape the possession, but would only do so due to Gowther's sacrifice (a similiar spell to his master's, using his life-force and magic of Merlin & etc). The Gods would be forced out. Ludoshel would disappear. The Sinner dies. Zeldris does Gelda. Eliz and Mel are reunited, curse-less. Sins are sad because Gowther dead?
Yeah, Gowther definitely would help a lot. Power of love allowing them to win totally fits the story, and I'd definitely like it as a proof that their relationship has some meaning and depth...but the power of love is not in the story at all in this final fight LMAO. Meliodas even believes Elizabeth is dead when the DK lies to him and only feels a little sad despite believing him. Like wtf, shouldn't he be enraged if he stupidly believes the lie? RIP Plot Consistency.

OtakuFreak said:
Elizabeth and Meliodas during this period were able to fully absorb and take their parents powers under their own control. Elizabeth fully made the graces her own, making her equal to her mother. Meliodas did the same with the commandments, making him equal to his father.

Then eliz/mel vs SD/DK (who would be forced to team up to stand a chance).

Just a general idea of where it could go
Yeah that works out pretty well, I would be generally satisfied by that ending. Way better than what we got. I really do think you're right to say there is no Power of Love in this series though, I almost forgot about that for a minute as I was focused on trying to make the PLs or whatever really consistent. But yeah that is one big thing missing in the manga. As is the emotional weight of Meliodas finally confronting DK. If we were not told Meliodas's past earlier in the manga i would have no way to know this "Demon King" character is his 3000 year nemesis, I would literally just think he's a random fodder villain in Meliodas and Elizabeth's way. He literally feels no hatred towards this guy at all, and all he cares about right now is a random Zeldris bond we never heard about until 80% through the story.

Thanks for responding so quickly. I guess I'll try to add more about character relationships and development as I flesh out my ideas on the specifics of what happens. I especially like the 5C Mel vs 2G Elizabeth idea, I didn't realize until now that it is a major chance for development between them which is pretty much missed otherwise. I guess my version would have Meliodas fighting SD-Elizabeth but that's not really the same as Elizabeth having a chance to try to free Meliodas I suppose. It allows both of them to talk to each other directly and overall seems like an improvement in how it deals with their relationship while not compromising the logical consistency of the story.

If both SD and DK awakening at once turns out to be too hard to make consistent, it could happen that one of them starts breaking free of control periodically. Like if SD and DK would try to kill everyone first before fighting each other, then one of them would break free for a bit and stop the other. Maybe Elizabeth first, since she doesn't have to deal with emotion stealing like Meliodas does. Not really sure of super specific details or anything though. Overall I do agree that the Grace absorption concept is very necessary to have a logical outcome. It just makes total sense that they would try to use the Graces to get an advantage against the Commandments, and it turns out that it also allows good emotional narrative building with Meliodas and Elizabeth. Even Escanor's development could just maybe fit into this depending on how it goes. Like if Mael dies against the Sinner and Escanor then obtains Sunshine automatically by being the last wielder of it. If Elizabeth is already absorbing Flash from a dead Ludociel and hasn't finished doing that yet, there's no reason for him not to use Sunshine in the meantime while she fights AM Meliodas. And if he is going to sacrifice himself near-noon, it makes sense that he could make a momentary yet important difference in the course of the battle. I would personally have Mael be the one who uses The One first at Noon, since that should logically be part of the plan of attack. Not that he literally transforms into a hulking muscle man, he just obtains the same PL as The One. However, Escanor's self-sacrifice of life force would let him achieve The One even though it's a minute or two after noon at the time when he uses it. It would just doom him to ultimately exploding when he releases the last of Sunshine's full power in one final Supernova attack, but I think that is very fitting for Escanor's arc overall.

TLDR, yeah, a lot of those ideas seem pretty good and they would fill out the story a whole lot better than what Nakaba did. It really seems like he has to be somehow trolling everyone tbh.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I actually forgot one thing. Your idea of Elizabeth only being able to absorb them in spirit mode could actually work out without leaving a useless Elizabeth body for any enemy to oneshot in a battle, so long as they can find it. Even if she can't do a Super Saiyan style transformation into a Goddess where her body physically changes, she could get around that the same way the other Archangels did. They regenerated their bodies after taking lent energy from a human who served as their host. Elizabeth has her own physical human body so she could probably regenerate a brand new Goddess body even without using possession. Alternatively, she just leaves her body behind, possesses someone, and waits a while until she can regenerate a brand new one. It'd just disturb some people since she might leave behind a dead corpse of her old body. Although tbh, once she'd regenerated herself a new Goddess body, she could probably just convert her unconscious human body into energy and absorb it or something lol, if she doesn't want to scare everyone else.
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