Theory - Speculations Concerning Chaos, DK, & SD! | MangaHelpers

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Theory Speculations Concerning Chaos, DK, & SD!


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 25, 2013
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In the recent chapter, we got to know so much about "Chaos" aka MoC including its primordial form:

Doesn't that Light & Dark sphere remind you of something?

Anyway, this chapter confirmed that Chaos is the progenitor of "this world and all the races". Now pay attention to the words used here. We know that the Demon clan and Goddess clan are two of the "5 main clans", which in turn belong to and covered by the category of [All the races]. So when Nakaba said through Merlin that Chaos gave birth to All the races, he definitely meant ALL the races including demons and goddesses. But why did he add right after that: [ ... Including the Demon Lord and Supreme Deity]. Categorically speaking, those two were two special entities/gods, so there's no way they would identify individually as "race". And we have sheer evidence that they didn't create their races (DC & GC) because (1) Chaos itself did that, and (2) it was mentioned that the DK waged a war and divided his power in order to unify the Demon world and rule the demons (I'd assume the SD did the same in the Celestial Realm).
Now my Theory is that, the Demon and Goddess clans / races may have in fact "preceded" their gods (DK & SD) in the timeline of creation. Chaos had to make those two gods to unify their realms and maintain the balance. Chaos did that by dividing its own essence which is formed by "an Impure Darkness that even the demons fear & a Pure Light that even the goddesses worship".

Now you can see that the two verbs "fear & worship" were not used arbitrarily there! There's plain evidence in the manga that the demons DID actually fear the DK and that the latter (according to Meliodas and Zeldris) ruled and unified the Underworld through FEAR. On the other hand, we can infer from the way the 4 AAs were addressing and obeying the SD that the goddesses revered and worshiped her, and that's how she unified the Celestial Realm too.
There are two more key points that enhance this speculation:
1- Chaos's return comes after the era of gods (DK & SD ... Darkness & Light) ends.
2- We have no idea where DK & SD go when they die (Probably return to their Primordial state as Chaos).

In the end, We haven't yet get to know why did DK & SD rejected so much the relationship of Meliodas & Elizabeth that they even decided to work together and end their lives. I believe that has to do with something they know about Chaos.
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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 25, 2013
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Another speculation (but this time less-probable):
Many fans believed that what Ellie wanted to discuss with Meliodas here

... might be the issue of their "expected Child". Assuming that was the case, the said child died when the SD & DK killed Elizabeth. Maybe Elizabeth managed to cast the same spell of Reincarnation we've seen with Mael on her unborn child during her last moments. Merlin might have speculated that and was looking for the reincarnated child since then, until she found Arthur Pendragon.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2018
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Gotei 13
In the end, We haven't yet get to know why did DK & SD rejected so much the relationship of Meliodas & Elizabeth that they even decided to work together and end their lives. I believe that has to do with something they know about Chaos.
I think since if their child was to be born, it would have both darkness and Light , The child might be Chaos Reborn and that's what DK and SD were Against, also the reason He was so intent in not get defeated by the sins and tried to get into a younger body to sustain his lifeform...
And DK never punished Zel as he did with Mel even when he knew about Zel not killing vampires and instead sealed them , because Zelx Gelda child would not pose a threat like melxeli child of chaos..

Many fans believed that what Ellie wanted to discuss with Meliodas here

... might be the issue of their "expected Child". Assuming that was the case, the said child died when the SD & DK killed Elizabeth. Maybe Elizabeth managed to cast the same spell of Reincarnation we've seen with Mael on her unborn child during her last moments. Merlin might have speculated and was looking for the reincarnation of their child since then, until she found Arthur Pendragon.
I don't think that's necessarily true since if anything..Elizabeth had 100+ lifetimes to say about that child to mel itself during the 3 days after she regains her memory....and even if it would be so weird if arthur had to call now 17yrs old Elizabeth "Mom'
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Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
It should be fairly clear why the DK rejected mel's relationship with elizabeth. The DK wanted meliodas to gather the commandments and become his new vessel.... Which meliodas wouldn't do if his priority was to be with elizabeth. As meliodas would be physically incapable of being with elizabeth if he became demon king.

As for why the supreme deity rejected this... No idea. Maybe plain old racism?


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
I used to think of the Yin Yang depiction as a proof of Mael and Mel's equivalence and Mael's great might. It didn't last for long because the chapter proved Mael retreated. I still like to see the light side gets some love too. They were always completely stomped by the dark side, and now Chaos is even stronger than plot controlling darkness.

There is another interesting fact about that picture, the very fact that Mael in the picture is armed with Sunshine. There was another less obvious Light/Darkness duality between Meliodas and Sunshine too (no yin-yang type mixing between the two sides):

Considering it's special situation among the graces, I won't be surprised if the Sunshine has a very specific meaning for the light side. :hmm
(I still love Escanor more than the grace, and hope to see him again in action, but Sunshine is an interesting concept too.)
Oh, I had forgotten about that doublespread.... who is the old man above king?

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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He is most probably Escanor, the old version of him like his wanted poster to be exact.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Hey what is chaos turns out to be Escanor but the one in the wanted poster and Mael is his right hand man
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Maybe there is more to story like we've got the yin yang stuff of Mael and meliodas's confrontation maybe that's an foreshadowing that Mel might have the cosmos power incarnation and Mael might have been the chaos power incarnation, since Meliodas destroys and Mael might be someone who creates and gives life.

Mael and Meliodas might be restricted by the demon and goddess bodies


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2018
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Gotei 13
Hey what is chaos turns out to be Escanor but the one in the wanted poster and Mael is his right hand man
You need to accept that escanor was a human who was worthy to obtain a grace..nothing more nothing less..and ch333 was nothing short of a nice farewell to the character.
Maybe there is more to story like we've got the yin yang stuff of Mael and meliodas's confrontation
That was just depicting them as Symbol of balance on both how Mel's Absence created holy war ..and Mael's Absence ended the holy war..

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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You need to accept that escanor was a human who was worthy to obtain a grace..nothing more nothing less..and ch333 was nothing short of a nice farewell to the character.

That was just depicting them as Symbol of balance on both how Mel's Absence created holy war ..and Mael's Absence ended the holy war..
No need to take them seriously it were all speculations. Still I'll put a penny over it


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2018
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Gotei 13
No need to take them seriously it were all speculations. Still I'll put a penny over it
didn't take it's just that u keep bringing mael and escanor into a plot which we see doesn't involve them as far as we know...yet....
I always enjoy Theory and stuff....that's why i joined this community site...I regret not being here when mael revelations happened last year, but i've read thru the pages when i had some time and it was interesting to see ppl's theories coming true..

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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didn't take it's just that u keep bringing mael and escanor into a plot which we see doesn't involve them as far as we know...yet....
I always enjoy Theory and stuff....that's why i joined this community site...I regret not being here when mael revelations happened last year, but i've read thru the pages when i had some time and it was interesting to see ppl's theories coming true..
Each fan has two sides one his fanboy side other the rational side.

My fan boy side says Mael and Escanor will come back in one form or other with something great.


My Rational side says no they won't be back, Mael's only thing that made him relevant is Escanor and sun grace both of which have gone, and he was scared of fighting DK let alone face off chaos to whom he'll just pee in his pants lol 😂😂😂. So I don't see any relevance of Mael, Escanor might be a different thing cause he's one of the MC and Arthur can bring him back if he wants.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Dunno, i see no obvios way in which escanor ties to this. Overall the special bit about him concerned his ability to handle a grace... since a normal human would simply explode upon contact. But that it inself was never elaborated on. Dunno how the grace choosing escarnor means escanor can handle it. You'd think the grace would "choose" escanor because he could handle it rather than him being able to handle it because he was chosen. Add to that, the grace should be a power of overwhelming light, basically it would put escarnor further away from chaos.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 16, 2019
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But I still dont get the part about CoED.
We were told since the beggining that the Coffin were a spell conjured by the goddesses to seal the demons away, and now even the Gods were afflicted by this?
Who sealed them there?
It makes 0 sense

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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The grace was not the only power without a proper host. The other one was chaos itself. Let's look at the difference between these two, so that we can easily understand how terrible Escanor's plot would become without further explanation.

1. The race who best represent chaos and its characteristics is human race. After Chaos was sealed away, Lady of the Lake made a sword and gave it to a human being. That human was the first chosen one. After that, each time a wielder died, the sword would absorb their soul or whatever by making contact with the blood, and both the sword and the chosen wielder grew in power and experience as the time passed. The final one was a human called Arthur, a king among kings, but not a random one of a kind form of chosen being because of some unexplained reason or no reason at all. However, unlike the others, he had the potential to break the seal on Choas or whatever will come next in NnT.

2. A power from GC loses its host. No one know what has happened to it. Suddenly after 3000 years, it is activated in a young human boy although human were supposed to be unable to wield such a tremendous power. Even some fail attempts showing Sunshine has been seeking a compatible host is enough to believe he was chosen because he could withstand. But what if he couldn't? How could Sunshine know who is able to bear the burden? Did it merged with other candidates and burn their bodies? Did Sunshine chose Escanor or there was a third entity,most probably a human behind all of it? Answering at least one such question is necessary for Escanor's plot to make sense. But nothing may happen at the end, and there might be no revelations regarding the most interesting grace and two of its hosts.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Let me disagree with your rational side man. For Mael/Estarossa twist to work perfectly, Nakaba didn't have to draw them like identical twins. Any kind of design would do the job and no one would criticize him for small differences in design. Mel and Zel are brothers and they are completely different from each other. Not to mention that their adult forms are even more distinct.

Why should Nakaba use a similar design for these two characters and then mention it in the manga just to make a simple twist? Less similarity would even make the twist more believable. Nakaba intentionally made it more suspicious and out of place. Even your rational side has all the right to believe Mael is not a mere side character without any specific role in the plot.
Maybe Mael and Meliodas together are chaos incarnate....... Well no I don't think so literally I don't see any more relevance of Mael only because of facial similarities and all those of just thinking he's anyhow relevant to the plot anymore is just mental gymnastics

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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So why do you think Nakaba did all that and use such a design?
Why do you think he overhyped Sunshine so much?
OK Sunshine was always the loser when there was a battle between light and darkness, but it's nothing to be surprised about.
Even Chaos and any other villain should lick Mel's arse by the end of the series. But aside from Mel who is not bound to obey any rules, Sunshine was the second most overhyped power by the author not by my own fanboyism. It's true that Feats > Statements, but there is a reason why a writer uses the same concept in several statements as well. Even the Chaos is originated from ancient stars, and there is nothing to say that SD is the creator of Sun and Oceans. He created the goddess realm, but are we know for sure that Sun is shared among Britannia and goddess realm? Why should it be?
It's not about mental gymnastics, but about trusting an adult mind who was enough of a good writer to attract people from all over the world. These days are not the golden days for Nakaba and NnT, but we know it had better days before. Not trusting Nakaba just because the story isn't very interesting is not a reasonable decision. He sure knows who to write a good story.
You're thinking too much man, it isn't like that at all. It's just coincidence or nakaba doesn't have any ideas to draw new faces so he probably drew mael, mel chaos dude figure the same. Tho sunshine's missing years are still a mystery but knowing nakaba he doesn't have any idea for that as well


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Since we didnt get Merlin's gaiden yet, so there's still history to come, I'll leave the theory about Chaos that I've made before these revelations of 337:

The wisemen weren't neutral just because they didnt want to join any side in the war, but because they worshiped Chaos.
This way, doing a lot of experiments and studying all they could about this entity that created the world from nothingness, they were able to somehow contact to it and get the role to bring this back to the world.
So, using their own powers and Chaos' one, they created Merlin and made of her a chaosborn prophetic child, already destined to bring this era to the world again.
(But to create her, they used their leader's DNA, what would also answer why Merlin's father didnt give a shit about her).
And that could be her redemption, since she was already destined, because of the prophecy, to do what she did.
And her true wish would not fill this role in her heart, but actually, die. Since her greatest regret according to the fanbook is being born, and also because of this prophecy, she couldnt die before she had finished her role.

This history that the Lady told would just be something that Merlin faked to hide the true deep of her past and all the sadness that she's been thru since she was born.

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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Since we didnt get Merlin's gaiden yet, so there's still history to come, I'll leave the theory about Chaos that I've made before these revelations of 337:

The wisemen weren't neutral just because they didnt want to join any side in the war, but because they worshiped Chaos.
This way, doing a lot of experiments and studying all they could about this entity that created the world from nothingness, they were able to somehow contact to it and get the role to bring this back to the world.
So, using their own powers and Chaos' one, they created Merlin and made of her a chaosborn prophetic child, already destined to bring this era to the world again.
(But to create her, they used their leader's DNA, what would also answer why Merlin's father didnt give a shit about her).
And that could be her redemption, since she was already destined, because of the prophecy, to do what she did.
And her true wish would not fill this role in her heart, but actually, die. Since her greatest regret according to the fanbook is being born, and also because of this prophecy, she couldnt die before she had finished her role.

This history that the Lady told would just be something that Merlin faked to hide the true deep of her past and all the sadness that she's been thru since she was born.
What are the actual intentions of Merlin behind reviving chaos


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 16, 2019
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What are the actual intentions of Merlin behind reviving chaos
If you're asking according to my theory, it's all because she's the prophecy child. Somehow, the wisemen using the Chaos' power, wrote into her soul this prophecy, so she couldnt get rid of it and would have to follow what's written and already destined.

Samael Morningstar

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 15, 2018
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If you're asking according to my theory, it's all because she's the prophecy child. Somehow, the wisemen using the Chaos' power, wrote into her soul this prophecy, so she couldnt get rid of it and would have to follow what's written and already destined.
Nice one, any other possible explanations?


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Nice one, any other possible explanations?
I just thought about one which could fit in my theory and give more reality and coerence to it
Because at the end of the day, this background and wish we got from the Lady is not as good as I expected, so I'm still standing with this theory because her gaiden is yet to come.

Also, I was thinking: according to my theory, Merlin's wish is actually die, right? What if she created all this fake history we got to know from the Lady because she wanted the Sins to hate her so bad that they would kill her?