Theory - Pariston, Beyond, and Kakin: Chimera Ant king | MangaHelpers

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Theory Pariston, Beyond, and Kakin: Chimera Ant king


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
The new queen
Born with human blood in her

Ancient civilization on the Dark Continent have their own languages.

The queen can't talk, unlike the new Chimera Ants she gave birth to after eating humans.

Even though the queen can't talk, the signal that she uses to communicate with is complex, unlike those of the Chimera Ant peons. The queen is also capable of complex self-reflective thoughts, and can understand the complex signal from the human born Chimera Ants.

The way the queen leads her squadron leaders is kind of individualistic, meaning she lets them have "freedom", which is something of a "human-trait", and her body also has human-like features and limbs.

She finds their "human-like" behavior curious & amusing, while musing to herself that however faint it may be, she probably has human blood in her too, because her behavior is also similar to that of the squadron leaders'.

Why was she born with human blood?
There are 2 possible reasons I can think of:

Reason #1

The previous king that mated to give birth to the NGL queen, was a Chimera Ant from the Dark Continent, born from another previous queen that had already been consuming humans.
In which case, the NGL queen's "human blood" should've been much more prominent, and yet she can't talk, but as we also know, ancient civilization on the Dark Continent have their own languages, so it doesn't make much sense:
  • 1. Old king born with human blood
  • 2. Old king mated => with ancient humans or a creature
  • 3. NGL queen born with human blood
  • 4. NGL queen has slight human features, but can't talk

And also: The last few humans from the real world to travel to the Dark Continent "should've been" 50 years ago. So how did a previous Chimera Ant queen find enough humans to consume to the point that she transmitted human genes to 2 new generations?(Old king, NGL queen)
Reason #2
The previous king that mated to give birth to the NGL queen, was a Chimera Ant from the Dark Continent that mated with a human female. Since it was the first human DNA to get mixed/assimilate with this specific ant lineage's DNA, it led to the NGL queen bieng born.

Which explains why the NGL queen has faint traces of human blood in her and why she also had human-like limbs.

Important question to consider: why was the newly born Chimera Ant queen greatly injured before she drifted to NGL?

A Chimera Ant queen stays on the move until she finds a site she likes. My opinion is that someone injured her in order to force her to have to start producing her army straight away & also to prevent her from being able to leave NGL in search of a better breeding environment. By bringing her to NGL greatly injured, both of these scenarios are forced upon the newly born queen.

Whoever injured the newly born queen wanted her to immediately begin her mission of giving birth to the Chimera Ant king without any hesitation at all.

So that by the time any information about the sighting of a giant creature in NGL got out, it would've already been too late, as the queen would've started to build her nest already.

The old king
Brought to the human world ~3 years ago
  • Netero once went on a secret undocumented trip to the continent with only 3 people (344)
  • Beyond accompanied kukan'yu kingdom's team to the continent. This trip drove Netero to make travel to the Dark Continent taboo for the association (344)
  • Ging had secret plans for a 1 person voyage to the Dark Continent that he was looking forwards to, before Kakin's sudden announcement interfered with his plans (339 & 347)
  • Pariston became vice-chairman 3 years ago, in that time, 18 hunters have gone missing. The strange part is that Mizaistom doesn't think they are dead since the association keeps track of all the hunters out in the field, and hunters dying in unusual fashion happens often, but hunters missing in action is an extremely rare occurrence. Before Pariston became vice-chairman, the rate of missing hunters was about 0.6 per year (319)
  • Muherr, the leader of Beyond's mercenary crew, and Golem, the firepower of the mercenary crew, first met each other about 3 years ago (347)
  • Ging says that the temp hunters joined the hunter association just for Kakin's expedition to the Dark Continent. They also maintained a power balance in the association to keep Pariston as vice-chairman. Meanwhile, they pretended to be opportunist while sharpening their claws (345)
  • Beyond's goal on the Dark Continent is to keep the exploration adventure going until they can successfully bring back the fruits of their voyage, hence Beyond's reason for assembling a large scale specialized crew (345 & 346)
  • Very quickly after Isaac Netero died, Beyond & the Kakin royal family were ready to lunch their full scale Dark Continent "colonization" mission (340 & 340)
  • By the time Netero had died, Beyond's mercenary crew was completely assembled, around 200 temp hunters(with about 25 going to the continent)had also finished sharpening their claws and were ready for the expedition (340 & 345)

How did a king end up in the human world?
There are 2 possible scenarios I can think of:

Beyond knowingly, or unknowingly, brought a Chimera Ant king back with him, on his last expedition, but he kept it secretly hidden, for whatever reasons, or maybe in anticipation of his father's reaction to his failed V5 expedition.
This all began 50 years ago. Soon after his father convinced the V5 to make travel to the Dark Continent taboo for the Hunter Association until his death, Beyond quietly began to assemble his future expedition crew:
Scenario #1
Netero manages to defeat the Chimera Ant army without losing his life, but Beyond, Pariston, and Kakin all use this incident as an excuse to bring forth their expedition plans to the public.

Because of the politics involved, and because of the fact that Kakin still didn't sign the Dark Continent treaty, then Netero couldn't do much to involve himself with the political side of things, without also having to drag the entire association into it, and also risk losing the V5 as a client in the process, just by trying to forcibly stop Beyond & Kakin.

This seemed to be a scenario that Pariston was ready for, or at least considered, before Netero died.
Scenario #2
Netero dies fighting the Chimera Ants, which fulfills his wish:

Lots of speculation in here, but what are your thoughts!?
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 8, 2011
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Wouldn’t call it speculation. But a summary of probably what happened or what most likely happened..

Why the Queen has human blood doesn’t matter....A King Chimera never visited the Human World......Yes, Beyond & Partison set up the Chinera Ant Arc to keep Issac busy & potential kill him which the threat did.

Thing is we addressed this exact same thing somewhere ok this forum


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
Why the Queen has human blood doesn’t matter...
Where is this NGL queen from then!? And why was she born with complex signals unlike her peons!?

A King Chimera never visited the Human World.....
  • Netero once secretly went there with 2 friends.
  • Netero made it taboo for the HA to go there.
  • Ging had secret plans for a 1 person voyage there.
  • Beyond wants to successfully explore there again.
So How did a 2m tall queen end up in NGL??

Beyond & Partison set up the Chinera Ant Arc to keep Issac busy & potential kill him which the threat did.
How did they accomplish that!?

Thing is we addressed this exact same thing somewhere ok this forum
Oh, I didn't see a dedicated thread for it.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 8, 2011
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Where is this NGL queen from then!? And why was she born with complex signals unlike her peons!?

  • Netero once secretly went there with 2 friends.
  • Netero made it taboo for the HA to go there.
  • Ging had secret plans for a 1 person voyage there.
  • Beyond wants to successfully explore there again.
So How did a 2m tall queen end up in NGL??

How did they accomplish that!?

Oh, I didn't see a dedicated thread for it.
The Queen is from the DK; From some hive that ate humans. Humans exist in the Dk continent. She was damaged by Beyond/Pariston & put on NGL.

it’s not revelead How they did this? From Pariston convo with Cheadle, threatening the Hunter Association with the chimera Eggs & Ging’s dialogue about Pariston & Beyond’s Plans, The Zodiacs conversations about Beyond & his group. The little info we know about approved & unapproved voyages into the DK....All leads to my 1st paragraph. & Your very conspiracy/convoluted theory? That isn’t a theory. It’s been confirmed in the manga already.

Nobody’s has made a thread for it. It’s discussed either in the DK thread or some other thread. Either way, not trying to rain on your parade, a thread about it is fine. Just figured the whole Queen thing wasn’t much of a mystery at all anymore for the reason la I mentioned above. So much info about the HxH verse has come out since filling in these gaps.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
The Queen is from the DK; From some hive that ate humans. Humans exist in the Dk continent. She was damaged by Beyond/Pariston & put on NGL.
Are humans from the Dark Continent unable of speech of any sort?

it’s not revelead How they did this? From Pariston convo with Cheadle, threatening the Hunter Association with the chimera Eggs & Ging’s dialogue about Pariston & Beyond’s Plans, The Zodiacs conversations about Beyond & his group. The little info we know about approved & unapproved voyages into the DK....All leads to my 1st paragraph.
How does that somehow explain why a Chimera Ant queen that was born from a hive that had been consuming "ancient humans" is unable to talk?

Your very conspiracy/convoluted theory?
Wouldn’t call it speculation. But a summary of probably what happened or what most likely happened..
That isn’t a theory. It’s been confirmed in the manga already.
hmm okay.... you say it's been confirmed in the manga, but you also say it's convoluted!?

Just figured the whole Queen thing wasn’t much of a mystery at all anymore for the reason la I mentioned above.
Are humans from the Dark Continent capable of speech!?
Yes or No?

If they are, then why is the queen unable to speak!?

Just figured the whole Queen thing wasn’t much of a mystery at all anymore for the reason la I mentioned above. So much info about the HxH verse has come out since filling in these gaps.
It is really, really simple actually:

1) Old queen consumed large amounts of ancient humans.

2) Old king is born with ancient human blood.

3) Old king mated with an animal, or a ancient human female.

4) NGL queen is born with human blood.
  • she is unable of speech, but is capable of complex thoughts and communication signals, and also has human like features.
Human blood transmitted across two new Chimera generations, but yet the NGL queen only has a faint amount in her.

This is NOT how the Chimera Ant's Phagogenesis works.

Nobody’s has made a thread for it. It’s discussed either in the DK thread or some other thread. Either way, not trying to rain on your parade, a thread about it is fine.
I appreciate your participation in my thread, but absolutely none of what you said above is coherent or makes any sense, at all.
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 8, 2011
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Ok kool good luck understanding Where the Queen comes from and why she can’t speak English. You appear to read the manga yet are asking me questions the manga has not yet revealed so they are redundant questions, you know I cannot answer them. But like I said all of this has been explained, hinted at, & highly inference by Ging & others within the manga.

Sucks that you are still struggling with it.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
You appear to read the manga yet are asking me questions the manga has not yet revealed so they are redundant questions
But like I said all of this has been explained, hinted at, & highly inference by Ging & others within the manga.
Ancient civilization on the Dark Continent have their own languages.

We know what happens when a Chimera queen consumes humans.

The NGL queen has slight human like features. But she can't talk.

Why is that? The most likely explanation is:
She is the result of the first instance of human DNA mixing with this specific ant lineage.

The Queen is from the DK; From some hive that ate humans.
Sucks that you are still struggling with it.

Cheers for the enlightening discussion pal.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jul 23, 2013
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I think this question about why she can not talk but still having human genes boils down to one other question you don't pay attention to.

We know for certainty that when the queen produces offsprings, she is able to select traits for them to have.
But when the king mates with a female, we don't know if he does the same thing. It maybe possible that he can choose and alter the DNA in his sperm, but it is not shown anywhere.

If he is not able to, then the queen got all her traits at random, if he can choose her traits, then beeing able to communicate telepathically has an evolutional advantage over vocal speaking in the dark continent.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
We know for certainty that when the queen produces offsprings, she is able to select traits for them to have.
She is able to do that because of Phagogenesis, the ability to consume creatures and reincarnate them, all within her own body(she lays the offspring's egg outside of it), which we can see the results of amongst her offsprings.

But when the king mates with a female, we don't know if he does the same thing. It maybe possible that he can choose and alter the DNA in his sperm, but it is not shown anywhere.
Let's look at this a little further:

Old king mated with an ancient human female:
This doesn't make much sense right away, if the previous king mated with ancient humans.

Assuming that the king can choose and alter the DNA of his offsprings, just like, or on a similar level that of the queen:
  • The queen has human-like limbs.
  • She even seems to have human teeth.
  • She understands the concept of human emotions and abstract behaviours(amusing, curious, individuals, foresight of her unborn son's physical appearance/potential, names, etc..)
Every single Chimera Ant, from the lowly peons, up to the queen, and including the squadron leaders, are capable of communicating with signals.
  • It seems like the royal guards, and the king, are the only ones not able to communicate with signals, they just have normal speech, and it's most probably because they are a large concentration of beings.
BUT, just like a queen is able to do so using Phagogenesis, the old king decided to alter the DNA of his offspring, and made it so that she is unable of speech, even though she should've already been capable of using signals by default.

The curious question is this:
Using your same line of thoughts:
  • 1. Old king born with human blood =>
  • 2. Mated with an ancient human female =>
  • 3. New queen born with human blood, but can only communicate through signals, instead of speech.
Do you think that this would make sense/be logical for Meruem to do?
  • 1. Meruem born with human blood =>
  • 2. Mated with a human female =>
  • 3. His offspring is born with human blood, but is incapable of speech, and can only communicate through signals.... (since the offspring is not a large concentration of beings, like the royal guards or the king are, the signal comms. trait returns)
This could be possible, but it's unlikely for 2 reasons:

1. Communicating with signals seems like an inherent trait that belongs to Chimera Ants (Chimera Ants not made from large concentration of beings, like the king and the royal guards are)

2. The king having the ability to choose and alter DNA, similar to that of the queen's Phagogenesis. <== I believe the queen can alter DNA because she doesn't impregnate, like a king would have to do, she only consumes and reincarnates, all started within her own body.

Old king mated with a beastly creature: The queen has mostly human features, so why does she seem closer to a human than to a random beast?

The old king himself must've been born from a large concentration of humans, and the human trait then got passed on when he impregnated a random beast, though the human traits were more prominent then the beast traits were, somehow.

Old king mated with a human: If the old king himself already had human blood, then why can't the queen talk? and why are her human features slight?

If he is not able to, then the queen got all her traits at random, if he can choose her traits, then beeing able to communicate telepathically has an evolutional advantage over vocal speaking in the dark continent.
Which once again doesn't make much sense.
  • She has mostly human-like features, even down to her psychology, and complex self-reflective thoughts.
So her traits couldn't have been chosen by random.
  • And also: every single human born Chimera Ant is capable of speech AND is capable of communicating with signals, unless they are the king or royal guards (large concentration of beings)
So in essence:
  • The queens traits are mostly human-like, not random.
  • Having both signals AND speech is more advantageous then having only one of them

I think this question about why she can not talk but still having human genes boils down to one other question you don't pay attention to.
What if the NGL queen is the result of human DNA
assimilating with this specific ant lineage the 1st time?


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jul 23, 2013
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First of all
In this forum we all agree that she has human genes.
Noone denys it.

What if the NGL queen is the result of human DNA
assimilating with this specific ant lineage the 1st time?

Your big question is, why does she not speak vocally.

The reason is, that she does not have vocal chords.

What aware or unaware descion of her ancestor lead this is useless to discuss as it has not point on the story.

Old king mated with an ancient human female:
  • The queen has human-like limbs.
  • She even seems to have human teeth.
  • She understands the concept of human emotions and abstract behaviours(amusing, curious, individuals, foresight of her unborn son's physical appearance/potential, names, etc..)
Apes also have human-like limbs.

Okay, what does ancient actually mean?
Maybe you should clarify what you mean with "human".
Do you mean Homo Sapiens Sapiens or some other human species like Homo Neanderthalensis?

HxH is fiction.
Humans from the known world might have been separated from those from the dark continent for eons.
On the dark continent might have evolved a human species unable of speech, but able of telepathy.
Such a species would develope its own language to write down information to preserve knowlegde.
The first ant soldiers beeing able to speak vocally were those after the queen ate Kurt and his Sister.
So there it might have happend for the first time she came in contact with Known world human genes and gave vocal chords to her offspring.

So maybe vocal chords did not evolve on the dark continent.

What kind of Darwinist Reason might lays behind it is useless to discus.

Maybe a king was captured by an organisation and his genes were used to impregnate a human femal by having sex or with artificial insemination.
The new born queen afterwards was heavily damaged by those people and then tossed in the ocean to drift to an isolated place.
This last part sounds totaly made up. Any organisation that has a greater scheme behind this would not let luck be a decisive matter in their plans.

Having both signals AND speech is more advantageous then having only one of them
You don't know that. And there is no way you can tell that in an ecosystem as harsh as the dark continent.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Band of the Hawks 2
Your big question is, why does she not speak vocally.

The reason is, that she does not have vocal chords.
Like really? That's the best explanation you can come up with?

Apes also have human-like limbs.
Are apes also capable of complex human emotions and self-reflective thoughts?

Able to understand abstract concepts such as names?

So how exactly does an ape having human-like limbs explain:
The queen having mostly human-like features and behavior, But being unable to talk.

I mean you said it yourself, loud and clear:
First of all
In this forum we all agree that she has human genes.
Noone denys it.
Okay, what does ancient actually mean?
Maybe you should clarify what you mean with "human".
Do you mean Homo Sapiens Sapiens or some other human species like Homo Neanderthalensis?
Ancient humans = humans from the Dark Continent.
Humans = humans from the normal world.

We don't know how similar they are to regular humans, just that they are our ancestors, therefore to make the distinction between the two, I just say ancient humans.

On the dark continent might have evolved a human species unable of speech, but able of telepathy.
Okay that is a BIG stretch...But even then:

Ancient civilization have languages. Ging and Curly were practicing them. (Kappa & Nankul)

Piyon, the Zodiac, is doing an analysis of ancient languages, in case they contact civilization on the Dark Continent.

Beyond, Ging, Hui Guo Rou, and others, continuously point out that myths and ruins left behind by ancient civilization, were deciphered.

You can try to spin it how you want, but the case is extremely clear:
Civilization on the Dark Continent have spoken languages.

Such a species would develope its own language to write down information to preserve knowlegde.
LOL okay... for a civilization that evolved to have telepathy, this is an extremely odd thing to do, but sure.

If they have both telepathic and written languages, then surely they must also have a spoken one too right? I guess maybe not eh?
(must surely be a big disavantage to have speech on the continent eh?)

The first ant soldiers beeing able to speak vocally were those after the queen ate Kurt and his Sister.
The first Ants capable of speech were Colt & Shidore(Reina)

They were the first humans reincarnated by the queen, and were immediately capable of speech, unlike those born before she ate humans.

So there it might have happend for the first time she came in contact with Known world human genes and gave vocal chords to her offspring.
Civilization on the Dark Continent = telepathic speech
Humans in the normal world = vocal cords speech
Do you see the massive baseless jump in logic here?
So maybe vocal chords did not evolve on the dark continent.
What kind of Darwinist Reason might lays behind it is useless to discus.
So that is the best explanation you can come up with...

Maybe a king was captured by an organisation and his genes were used to impregnate a human femal by having sex or with artificial insemination.
The new born queen afterwards was heavily damaged by those people and then tossed in the ocean to drift to an isolated place.
Well since it's your idea, then please tell me if:
  • 1) It's a normal human world organization
  • 2) It's an "organization" from the Dark Continent
"Having both signals AND speech is more advantageous then having only one of them"

You don't know that. And there is no way you can tell that in an ecosystem as harsh as the dark continent.
What the in the actual "Lmaooooo" does this mean?

Having the ability to both be capable of speech and telepathy is less advantageous than only bieng telepathic?

Repeating myself has gotten tiring, please read my main post again.
Then answer me this question first, if you choose to reply to me.
First of all
In this forum we all agree that she has human genes.
Noone denys it.

But we know that: the queen is unable of speech, unlike human born ants.
Reason for that is:

reason 1:

She the first Chimera in her lineage to be mixed with humans.

reason 2:
The Queen is from the DK; from some hive that ate humans.

Reason 3:
On the dark continent evolved a human species unable of speech, but able to use telepathy.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jul 23, 2013
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Like really? That's the best explanation you can come up with?
It is the obvious reason.

Are apes also capable of complex human emotions and self-reflective thoughts?

Able to understand abstract concepts such as names?
If you google these question you will find the answers.
Complex emotions: Yes, some animals do have them.
Self-refelcting thought: As animals are not able to communicate them, we can't say.
Names: Yes, some animals do have a concept of names.

I mean you said it yourself, loud and clear:
Yes, because there is no way of telling other wise. Why waste time with a line of thought, that can never be proven or unproven outside the manga.
So, going with the not far to seek answer.

Piyon, the Zodiac, is doing an analysis of ancient languages, in case they contact civilization on the Dark Continent.

Beyond, Ging, Hui Guo Rou, and others, continuously point out that myths and ruins left behind by ancient civilization, were deciphered.

You can try to spin it how you want, but the case is extremely clear:
Civilization on the Dark Continent have spoken languages.
Nobody of them would be able to tell the precise phonetic of these languages.
If it is a spoken language or a telepathic language, they would not be able to find out.
Just look at europe.
Today nobody knows exactly how Latin is spoken correctly.
The same goes for ancient greek.
If you dont believe me on this. Then google it as well.

LOL okay... for a civilization that evolved to have telepathy, this is an extremely odd thing to do, but sure.

If they have both telepathic and written languages, then surely they must also have a spoken one too right? I guess maybe not eh?
(must surely be a big disavantage to have speech on the continent eh?)
No, just because they wrote their thoughts down does not mean they have spoken language.
Or do you always speak out loud when you are reading something?
Writing down information is useful for preserving knowledge over the generations.

The roman empire was on the verge of industrialization before it perished.
Their knowledge was lost in the span of one generation, because the library where they stored their knowledge got destroyed.

What the in the actual "Lmaooooo" does this mean?

Having the ability to both be capable of speech and telepathy is less advantageous than only bieng telepathic?
Well, beeing able to comunicate more silently is definitly better than whispering which already are 40 decible.
So for survival in a harsh environment as the Dark Continent is said to be, beeing less detectable is definitly better.
Also for an ant in its nest the telepathy communication will reach all ants you want to talk to without having get go to them.
Even if you would yell, you would not be able to gather all the squadron leaders in the entire nest.

Also I can imaging that a body capable of both telepathy and vocal speech consumes more energy.
Energy savings where ever possible are an evolutionary advantages.

Then answer me this question first, if you choose to reply to me.
What question?
You did not write one.

Maybe a king was captured by an organisation and his genes were used to impregnate a human femal by having sex or with artificial insemination.
The new born queen afterwards was heavily damaged by those people and then tossed in the ocean to drift to an isolated place.
This last part sounds totaly made up. Any organisation that has a greater scheme behind this would not let luck be a decisive matter in their plans.

Well since it's your idea, then please tell me if:
  • 1) It's a normal human world organization
  • 2) It's an "organization" from the Dark Continent
I was refering to:

How did a king end up in the human world?
There are 2 possible scenarios I can think of:




Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Band of the Hawks 2
Repeating myself has gotten tiring, please read my main post again.

Then answer me this question first, if you choose to reply to me.
What question?
You did not write one.

First of all
In this forum we all agree that she has human genes.
Noone denys it.
But we know that: the queen can't talk, unlike human born ants.
Reason for that is:

Reason 1: She the first Chimera in her lineage to be mixed with humans.

Reason 2: The Queen is from the DK; from some hive that ate humans.

Reason 3: On the dark continent evolved a human species unable of speech, but able to use telepathy.