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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 11, 2016
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United States
Well, it's mostly about the characters. Especially Ironwood D:
I don't like what they're doing to him.
I can understand that. Ironwood went from a respectable leader who inspired the people who follow to a lunatic who will shoot anybody that argues with him.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I really wanna hear you guys’ thoughts on the final episode.

This was dark. I genuinely can’t believe they killed Penny again. If we’re including the virus body that’s technically the third time. Even worse, they had Jaune kill her. I feel like we don’t talk about how bad he’s got it enough. I thought Penny was going to make Ruby a maiden but I guess Winter works too.

Cinder is the MVP of this volume she essentially “killed” pretty much all her enemies and got 2 relics. This is pretty much the first time Cinder has won since she became a maiden.We got her backstory in this volume too. Cinder is turning into a great secondary antagonist. She killed Watts over a conversation the viewer probably forgot and Neo over a threat I had to go back and find to remember. I didn’t realize how much I liked Cinder. She’s so evil I forgot Salem was the main antagonist until she showed up at the end.

Overall, I really liked this volume. It’s the best one in a while. In the next Volume we’ll probably get more Neo than we’ve ever gotten since she fell with RWBY so I’m looking forward to that.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Welp, saw the final episode.... A few comments.

Most of everything concerning penny is utter bullshit and i hate it. Her being alive at all after volume 3 is a pretty damn hard pill to swallow. But fine, I can buy she was a robot and a few spare parts and chakra or whatever could do the trick to bring her back. But then whoever came up with her story arc after just followed a pretty fucking bill pill with a shot of pure BS. Followed with then a second dose of it.

Having survived choking from the fucking pill we are given the virus bit. Which was a bit interesting at least. But then this is followed with the first shot of BS... Using the staff to separate her robot parts from the rest. Penny is without a doubt a person with a soul but she was not a cyborg, she was a robot. She had no blood of organs. Using the staff to move her robot parts doesn't leave behind a living penny. That's just "moving robot parts". The only thing the fucking request should have done is have the staff lift penny and place her down a little bit further to the right.

But FINE, setting aside that we literally got a shot of shit directly to the vein this sort of brings her whole Pinocchio thing full circle. Penny is a real girl. Geppetto can rest in pieces knowing his waifu came to life and is unequivocally real. Which I would assume would make a waifu worthless to a weeb but what do I know as I am about to receive a second shot of BS.

Then after penny became a real girl (hopefully, she might as well be entirely smooth down there and I have no idea of why moving her robot parts would give her female anatomy anyways) SHE FUCKING DIES. As in, WHAT!? The fuck is her story arc even supposed to be? I have no words, this is just infuriating over how little sense it makes.

And now, a shit lollypop after having being injected with BS twice. Penny dies and from limbo she sort of gives her power to... winter? The fuck? Penny might have known winter longer but they weren't "friends". It barely even makes sense that penny would think of winter at all. Obviously the one penny should have thought of is Ruby. Ruby was penny's first friend, BY FAR her most important friend. In Penny's list of friends Ruby takes the spot's 1 through 10. Then the following positions would be filled by the rest of team Rwby, team Jnpr.. And then maybe winter. I could have understood if penny went "Being a maiden is a shit job whose only benefit is almost needlessly tragic character arcs. I kinda want to spare ruby and my other actual friends from that so you get this shit job now." but that's not what we got...

As for Jaune killing penny... The fuck? I mean, he could have thrown penny into the void.. The void was right there. Which would have at least spared him having to stab his friend. Just as jaune more or less got over his phyrra grief he now has to deal with having stabbed his friend in the heart. At least his sword was destroyed so he won't carry around the murder weapon.

I liked how cinder was handled. Feels like a return to form. Cinder has been basically a lunatic over the past couple volumes. Just doing random pointless stupid stuff which serves no one, not even herself. Seeing her come to her senses was great. seeing her once again being smart, calculating and fucking precise was awesome. That said, I did find the waltz bit to be... weird.

Waltz made cinder come to her senses. Sure, he was an asshole to her but once cinder stopped being an random lunatic they got along splendidly and waltz was ultimately instrumental in her victory. And yet... she killed him? Just as she stopped being a random lunatic? This feels more like the writers wrote themselves into a corner. It makes sense that waltz would die during or after an atlas arc. Since his deal was clearly about that... probably? his background was never properly addressed iirc. But since they didn't have a rational reason to actually kill him they just went with whatever. Walts deserved better.

Another bit that irked me... cinders tells salem that the girls saved thousands via ambrosius. But.. that doesn't check out. presumably there were enough gates for everyone in atlas and mantle to get out... So wouldn't that be millions? Sure, a lot of people would have necessarily died but if we go by cinder's numbers then still 99% of the population in atlas was annihilated.

Another bit that seems weird looking back... The girls had time to actually come up the plant o create the gates. But.... Why send everyone to vacuo then? Vacuo is supposed to be a rather inhospitable place within a dessert. So... why send an entire kingdom there? Why not create gates to vacuo AND minstrel. Or every city they know for that matter. Instead they sent everyone to the most inhospitable and dangerous environment they could find.

Very importantly though, our supreme goddess neopolitan has survived the arc. Which is fairly surprising considering her vendettas like hers don't usually end up all that well. It's a shame she was subjected to cinder's pointless rage.

As for the girls... Even from when yang fell it was incredibly obvious she would not die. The question of course is where are they. The theories I can think of:

1.- The first thing I thought and IMO the most likely one is that falling just causes people to fall in random places in remnant. The main downside to this possibility is that the girls will likely be split from one another again. The upside to this possibility is that by sheer math falling to the void and just appearing at a random remnant location is probably safer than going to vacuo on purpose. I an frankly surprised people didn't jump to the void when hearing the girls were taking them to vacuo... To be fair, the locations probably won't be too random otherwise the girls will never find each other.

2.- the second possibility is that they fall outside remnant. Maybe the world of the gods or some shit from where they have to return from.

And finally... that's a big ass tree at the end. No idea of what it could be. Nothing we've heard from the lore before says anything about big ass trees. Took a look at the remnant map but it didn't offer any clues. Any fairy tail around with a big ass tree like that? If that's the deku tree the next volume will be the best of all.


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
This is my favourite volume since volume 3.

Fantastic I really liked most of the things happened this volume.Now for Volume 9 when Team RWBY returns.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
This is my favourite volume since volume 3.

Fantastic I really liked most of the things happened this volume.Now for Volume 9 when Team RWBY returns.
Ah, yes... team rwby reunion... again
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

After all the shit jaune has gone through I hope he at least gets to kill cinder. He deserves it at this point.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

Also... now that salem has ambrosius.. what will she build?


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
Reaction score
Ok, I kept on putting the last few episodes on hold for like....a month? Following the show was becoming somewhat tedious (Mostly did not like how the volume was playing out because of the Ironwood stuff). But today I finally mustered the enthusiasm to binge through the last few episodes. I have to say, I am.....actually kind of impressed. This was a strong end to the volume. Very strong. A few pointers:

-To date, Cinder has remained the best antagonist in the series. By a landslide, it isn't even close. I feel what she has going for her is that she is so proactive. Like she's actually doing stuff. Rather than sitting behind a chair and waiting for results (Salem). Ironically, most of the RWBY fandom I have seen dislike her greatly :Haha Which kinda made me feel like an outlier for liking her? But these last few episodes have solidified my belief. I like that she is a force of chaos/nature, and she ends up being unapologetically evil. When she told Penny "I want it all." Great line.
-Winter has really grown on me. I used to be indifferent to her, but I like how she stepped up for her sister at the end. And also rebelled against Ironwood. Btw @kkck I agree, her being the winter maiden feels kinda random. Like the set up was for her to become one in the beginning (With the death of the previous one), so I feel like the authors just wanted to give Penny a reason to stick around rather than be RWBY's buddy. Maybe Penny gave Winter the powers because she thought she was the most capable person to wield them. Also Ruby had already fallen into the chasm, so Penny's assumption was probably that Ruby was dead? Just my two cents.
-Qrow continues to be a massive disappointment. Man, since Volume 6 his character has just been going into a slump. I still have no idea why he is so beaten up over Clover's death. You only knew him for....a few episodes? :oh Though seeing him team up with that faunus girl was awesome.
-Good riddance to Papa Schnee. No idea how Ironwood survived the same blast from the same gun when Winter reflected it back at him though, lol. I really, really don't like how Ironwood has been written this volume. The tyranny stuff was just overblown. WAY out of line. Trying to make him into a villain was just.....a terrible writing decision. I get his paranoia over Salem after the tournament stuff, but there was a better way of handling this.
-Penny's character......she became a normal girl....just to die again two episodes later? What :lmao I don't even know what to say. She should have just remained dead in Volume 3 anyway.
-Salem is the second best villain in the show btw. Though I really hope we are not heading for a Salem vs Cinder showdown. I kinda get the feeling Salem knows Cinder is lying to her, but keeps her around because she's good at her job.

Overall the volume is a solid 6-7/10. Updated ranks for the volumes:
1.Volume 3
2.Volume 6- The Apathy are one of the show's strongest points honestly. Maria's character was unnecessary, it's better if Ruby learns how to use the Silver Eyes by herself anyway.
3.Volume 2-Good set up/transition volume.
4.Volume 4- Same as above.
5.Volume 8
6.Volume 5
7.Volume 1
8.Volume 7


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Ok, I kept on putting the last few episodes on hold for like....a month? Following the show was becoming somewhat tedious (Mostly did not like how the volume was playing out because of the Ironwood stuff). But today I finally mustered the enthusiasm to binge through the last few episodes. I have to say, I am.....actually kind of impressed. This was a strong end to the volume. Very strong. A few pointers:

-To date, Cinder has remained the best antagonist in the series. By a landslide, it isn't even close. I feel what she has going for her is that she is so proactive. Like she's actually doing stuff. Rather than sitting behind a chair and waiting for results (Salem). Ironically, most of the RWBY fandom I have seen dislike her greatly :Haha Which kinda made me feel like an outlier for liking her? But these last few episodes have solidified my belief. I like that she is a force of chaos/nature, and she ends up being unapologetically evil. When she told Penny "I want it all." Great line.
-Winter has really grown on me. I used to be indifferent to her, but I like how she stepped up for her sister at the end. And also rebelled against Ironwood. Btw @kkck I agree, her being the winter maiden feels kinda random. Like the set up was for her to become one in the beginning (With the death of the previous one), so I feel like the authors just wanted to give Penny a reason to stick around rather than be RWBY's buddy. Maybe Penny gave Winter the powers because she thought she was the most capable person to wield them. Also Ruby had already fallen into the chasm, so Penny's assumption was probably that Ruby was dead? Just my two cents.
-Qrow continues to be a massive disappointment. Man, since Volume 6 his character has just been going into a slump. I still have no idea why he is so beaten up over Clover's death. You only knew him for....a few episodes? :oh Though seeing him team up with that faunus girl was awesome.
-Good riddance to Papa Schnee. No idea how Ironwood survived the same blast from the same gun when Winter reflected it back at him though, lol. I really, really don't like how Ironwood has been written this volume. The tyranny stuff was just overblown. WAY out of line. Trying to make him into a villain was just.....a terrible writing decision. I get his paranoia over Salem after the tournament stuff, but there was a better way of handling this.
-Penny's character......she became a normal girl....just to die again two episodes later? What :lmao I don't even know what to say. She should have just remained dead in Volume 3 anyway.
-Salem is the second best villain in the show btw. Though I really hope we are not heading for a Salem vs Cinder showdown. I kinda get the feeling Salem knows Cinder is lying to her, but keeps her around because she's good at her job.

Overall the volume is a solid 6-7/10. Updated ranks for the volumes:
1.Volume 3
2.Volume 6- The Apathy are one of the show's strongest points honestly. Maria's character was unnecessary, it's better if Ruby learns how to use the Silver Eyes by herself anyway.
3.Volume 2-Good set up/transition volume.
4.Volume 4- Same as above.
5.Volume 8
6.Volume 5
7.Volume 1
8.Volume 7
To me the issue there remains that the premise around the maiden's powers are passed along to people whom they cared about. But winter was never someone penny cared about more than she did anyone else. she was a colleague. Her friends were only ruby and the gang. Which also plays out rather poorly with how she finally became a real girl like an episode earlier (which just shouldn't have worked). It's somewhat jarring that out of nowhere it turns out maidens can simply choose their heirs and it can be pretty much anyone, for any reason.

You know, I can actually buy the qrow stuff. He is someone that spent his entire life mostly alone and he finally found a bro that was straight up immune to his powers. The time they spent together could have been pretty long... Months even. Which is enough time to become best bro with someone. My issue here remains the nonsense from last volume where qrow teamed up with tyrian. Nothing that was happening at the time in any way justifies qrow temporarily working with tyrian at that moment. It's as random as the plan to turn penny into a real girl working.

I can genuinely buy penny being alive. But everything that happened around her in nonsense. Her becoming a maiden had potential but it was massively mishandled, her becoming a real girl made sense thematically but not even a tiny bit with the plot. As in, this show has actual magic and they still went with something that's just not rational. As I said, what the girls asked of the spear is just moving a robot, not making a real girl. Penny didn't have biological components.

I think salem keeps cinder around for basically two reasons:

1.- Cinder is extremely effective when not driving by anger. One of the better parts of the volume was seeing her coming to her senses thanks to walts (and then a low point in the volume is cinder killing walts for literally no reason because he was nothing but helpful to her).

2.- My crackpot theory, cinder is how salem gets the powers from all the maidens. CInder is out to get their power and she might actually succeed. And what happens when cinder, who is not even a fart in salem's insanely long lifespan, dies? The powers likely get passed on to salem, the roughly motherly figure cinder apparently cares about.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
Reaction score
To me the issue there remains that the premise around the maiden's powers are passed along to people whom they cared about. But winter was never someone penny cared about more than she did anyone else. she was a colleague. Her friends were only ruby and the gang. Which also plays out rather poorly with how she finally became a real girl like an episode earlier (which just shouldn't have worked). It's somewhat jarring that out of nowhere it turns out maidens can simply choose their heirs and it can be pretty much anyone, for any reason.
Wait, I just realized something. Maybe they are setting up for Weiss eventually becoming the Winter Maiden through Weiss's eventual death/demise. Which is....ironically something I thought when it was also revealed that Raven is the Spring Maiden. Perhaps by the end of the series, to fight Salem the whole team RWBY would need to become maidens themselves. So by having the Maidens be people close to them (Raven, Winter, Summer?), the set up is for the gitls to eventually take over. I do not really like that set up though, feels kinda predictable and dull.

My issue here remains the nonsense from last volume where qrow teamed up with tyrian. Nothing that was happening at the time in any way justifies qrow temporarily working with tyrian at that moment. It's as random as the plan to turn penny into a real girl working.
Yeah this was super dumb.

2.- My crackpot theory, cinder is how salem gets the powers from all the maidens. CInder is out to get their power and she might actually succeed. And what happens when cinder, who is not even a fart in salem's insanely long lifespan, dies? The powers likely get passed on to salem, the roughly motherly figure cinder apparently cares about.
I am not sure this is even possible anymore, the part of Cinder getting all the Maiden powers. In the finale she tried taking Penny's Maiden powers from her, and that failed to work (For some reason?) She also tried something similar with Vernal back in Volume 5 (Then she realized that it was actually Raven). It feels like the writers are telling us it might be impossible to have two of the Maidens powers in one body. Considering their powers all seem to work on one principle anyway, manipulating weather/natural phenomenon. Maybe possessing two of the same types of powers is redundant?
There's context we are missing here but I think this is a rather good working theory.

1.- Cinder is extremely effective when not driving by anger. One of the better parts of the volume was seeing her coming to her senses thanks to walts (and then a low point in the volume is cinder killing walts for literally no reason because he was nothing but helpful to her).
Lmao, I didn't even realize she had killed Watts until I read the comments after the episode :lmao But probably going forward, Watts will not be very useful as a villain. He was important in Atlas because of all the technology, but in the next city his skills will not be so important. And really, Cinder betrays everyone in the end. Even Neo. So this was rather consistent with her character?
I do wonder what will happen with Emerald now. I liked the focus she got in the volume, expecting good things going ahead :nod


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Wait, I just realized something. Maybe they are setting up for Weiss eventually becoming the Winter Maiden through Weiss's eventual death/demise. Which is....ironically something I thought when it was also revealed that Raven is the Spring Maiden. Perhaps by the end of the series, to fight Salem the whole team RWBY would need to become maidens themselves. So by having the Maidens be people close to them (Raven, Winter, Summer?), the set up is for the gitls to eventually take over. I do not really like that set up though, feels kinda predictable and dull.

Yeah this was super dumb.

I am not sure this is even possible anymore, the part of Cinder getting all the Maiden powers. In the finale she tried taking Penny's Maiden powers from her, and that failed to work (For some reason?) She also tried something similar with Vernal back in Volume 5 (Then she realized that it was actually Raven). It feels like the writers are telling us it might be impossible to have two of the Maidens powers in one body. Considering their powers all seem to work on one principle anyway, manipulating weather/natural phenomenon. Maybe possessing two of the same types of powers is redundant?
There's context we are missing here but I think this is a rather good working theory.

Lmao, I didn't even realize she had killed Watts until I read the comments after the episode :lmao But probably going forward, Watts will not be very useful as a villain. He was important in Atlas because of all the technology, but in the next city his skills will not be so important. And really, Cinder betrays everyone in the end. Even Neo. So this was rather consistent with her character?
I do wonder what will happen with Emerald now. I liked the focus she got in the volume, expecting good things going ahead :nod
Welp, given the setting to me it remains weird that the girls have not turned into maidens yet. But there is a good chance that they are going to become maidens eventually. With winter as the winter maiden and raven as the spring maiden its fairly easy to see the two of them ending up with the powers at some point. The issue is the summer maiden's location and how cinder's powers would end up with one of the girls. Ruby represents fall so the setup is at least interesting.

I don't think the series has evidenced that. The issue is that stealing maiden powers by force is not an immediate process. When cinder stole the fall maiden's powers she only managed to take about half of them with the other hand remaining within the maiden. I don't think possessing two of the same is redundant. The more probable scenario is that more maiden powers equals to simply more power. Add to that, the 4 powers were originally one within ozma.

My issue is that this was after cinder apparently came to her senses. Walts was perfectly polite to her and overall immensely useful through the arc. It just doesn't seem like cinder had an actual reason to target him. She did it for the lolz. Basically she shot her own side in its foot because fuck reasons fuck the plot and fuck the viewers. It also feels like wats didn't get enough development in what should have been his volumes.

Emerald.. likely getting an awkward reunion in vacuo at least.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
United States
Has anyone brought up the fact that Winter is basically marked for death? I can’t see a scenario where Cinder doesn’t ultimately end up with all of the maiden powers.


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
Has anyone brought up the fact that Winter is basically marked for death? I can’t see a scenario where Cinder doesn’t ultimately end up with all of the maiden powers.
Cinder may or may not get the full Maiden power but yeah death flags are huge on Winter.

There is also some theories that Ruby will get the power of the Summer Maiden.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
I really dislike the idea of the gang getting maiden powers but thematically it just makes way too much sense. The main issue is cinder and how she'd pass those powers to the gang. It'd be interesting if cinder finally succeeds in stealing all the powers and upon death they all go to the girls rather than salem...


Ring Your Bell (In The Silence)
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
I have been seeing RWBY version of Batman around on internet. Is he in the show or...? :headscratch


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
I have been seeing RWBY version of Batman around on internet. Is he in the show or...? :headscratch
A crossover comics between DC and RWBY.


Ring Your Bell (In The Silence)
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
ah so it's in the comics only? i thought he was in the show too. thanks
Justice league crossover comics,from what I know Justice league members are natives in Remnant,I may be wrong as I haven't bought it yet,but this is only comics and no connection with the TV show which is canon.


Ring Your Bell (In The Silence)
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
Justice league crossover comics,from what I know Justice league members are natives in Remnant,I may be wrong as I haven't bought it yet,but this is only comics and no connection with the TV show which is canon.
it's still on-going, first publication date was march 2021 and latest chapter is may 25, right?

I think it's interesting to read :zomg


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
it's still on-going, first publication date was march 2021 and latest chapter is may 25, right?

I think it's interesting to read :zomg
Maybe yes,I plan to buy it,but first it needs to come to Amazon in physical version :awe


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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You guys seen this yet? Not sure what to think of it:hmm



Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 28, 2015
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You guys seen this yet? Not sure what to think of it:hmm

It's like a OVA ( but of a lenght of a season ? ) overall for now it's kinda good i would say even if it's only 3 episodes in.



Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
Reaction score

Took a while, but volume 9 is finally here :ninja