Fun Thread - An idea that might not work, for this coming holiday period | MangaHelpers

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Fun Thread An idea that might not work, for this coming holiday period


Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
Ok, so players are:

Tell me what dates work (or, rather, don't) for you guys

As I said above, I should be reasonably free from the 18th -> 1st (though we could plan for after, if people are especially busy over the Christmas period)
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Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
Hey guys,

Anyone want to try out an idea that I had a while ago, but never had the time to test?
I'mma need 5 players (as it'll be more difficult to test with more and [probably] less fun with fewer) - and I warn you, this might not work at all (and is pretty likely to be as unbalanced as hell)

The game is a world domination game (a little like Risk)
You have
and 5 generals
Each player will have:
  • One level 4 general
  • One level 3 general
  • Two level 2 generals
  • One level 1 general

aim = to score as many points as you can before the time is up - as I have no idea how long this will take, I suggest a 5 day game?

Points can be scored for the following:
The value of points earned will depend on the strength difference between your commander and your opponent's
1 point for capturing a tower or a mine
2 points for capturing a castle
1 point for defending a castle, tower, or mine, against an attack
These will be given at the start of the game - and each time you complete [and score] one, you will receive an additional one

examples are:
Hold onto the central castle for one round -> +4 points
Kill 10 enemy troops -> +2 points
Hoard 3 gold -> +2 points
Team up with another player in a combat -> +1 point
Kill the green player's level 3 or 4 general -> +1 point
Largest single army = +2 points
Most territory = +2 points
Most gold hoarded = +2 points
Holding a tower or a mine = +1 point
Holding a castle = +2 points
There are 4 main turns [per round]
  1. Spend cash/place troops
  2. Move troops
  3. Combat
  4. Distribute casualties and score secret objectives (if applicable)
Here is a link to an example round

Combat is completed entirely mathematically - there are no random number generators used
At the start of combat, assign one general to each fight you are involved in (you can not move more armies than the number of 'free' generals you own)
  • If you moved into a fight then you must play a general - if you did not, you do not need to if you do not wish to (for this, your general power will be '0')
  • You then state how many troops you will commit to this fight. You can not commit more troops than you own, but you can commit all your troops if you wish
  • You can not commit 0 troops
  • All committed troops will die
  • Your combat score is the number of your committed troops + your chosen general's power (if applicable)
  • The player with the highest combat score will take that value off of their opponent's army (if a draw, skip this step)
  • If troops are left over, these will remain in that tile for next round (where combat will continue, unless the troops are withdrawn)
  • You can not push your troops further than 1 tile into any other player's area, unless you both agree to not fight
If you choose to fight together with someone else, then (assuming they agreed to fight with you) your general's powers will be added together (the highest power will be taken at full value and all additional generals will be worth half strength).

If you beat more than one opponent at once, you will score at their highest general's power (as normal), plus half the score [rounded up] of their additional generals

Wounds can be distributed amongst enemies at your own discretion

  • Each turn you receive 5 troops, +2 more troops for each tower or castle you own (these can be placed as you like)
  • You can not put more than 4 troops in one area, in one round
  • You can spend 1 gold on 2 troops
  • You get 1 gold per castle, or mine, each turn
  • Gold can be given to other players, if you wish
  • Just because you agreed to not fight another player in a PM, does not mean you have to hold to this in the combat phase
  • Only actions taken in the private PM conversation with the host (me) mean shit - this includes giving gold, or non-aggression pacts
  • You are actively encouraged to communicate with other players outside of the game
  • You can choose not to fight with another player in a combat round (but if they wish to fight you anyway, a random general will be chosen for your fight [if you moved into combat] or a non-general [if you didn't])
  • You can not re-use a general until you have played all your general cards - at which point, you will regain all the general cards back again [next round]
  • Defending a tower or castle gives you +1 combat score [in addition to your current combat score]
There's a chance I've missed out some rules/ideas, but I am typing this up quickly before bed - as I likely have a rather full-on day tomorrow

so, who's game?

As I am on holiday from next Saturday, the plan is to run it sometime either before Christmas, or before the New Year (I get that this is a busy time for you lot, so could always shift if it turns out that no one will have the time/effort during the holidays)
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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Will still need to read this more with a clear head tomorrow but seems interesting.
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Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
Main idea is to encourage people to plot via PM/discord - then communicate with me, before day is up

Probably best to have a timelimit per day - non-PMing will just mean that your empire will do nothing that round
Time waits for no emperors (not even the Muad'Dib)

The game thread (this one) will be used for me to post announcements - as well as a place for you to do propaganda, open plotting, etc.

If you can find a way to cheat, then be my guest!
though... what I say goes, so don't think I'll let you off just 'cause I'm such a sweet and caring guy


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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Consider me in, if you end up hosting this. Sounds like it could be fun, and we can go into it knowing it's a test so all numbers may not be fully fleshed out yet.

I'll probably have questions regarding the scoring and combat if we end up playing it. Alliances being entirely unsupervised could lead to silly things like 4 against 1, or all 5 allying and being friendly, so that's something to think about as well.
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Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
Will try to make an example of a round tonight (I should have the time this eve)

As for 4vs1, why not?

Sucks to be the 1, I guess - but tbh they should know better than to trust you lot to play fair

Unless everyone has exact same goals, it's hopefully only going to aid the genius who tricked the other 3 fools into helping them win

Example time!

The first round [not shown] has players sending me PM's stating where they want to place their troops [assuming that they receive any] and if they wish to spend any money on more troops

During this phase, the players move armies around the board

This is done via sending me a PM with the choices of where they wish to send troops and how many troops they wish to send
I will then update the map, like so:

Green has only 1 free [unused] general, so they can only move one army into a space that they do not own
Yellow has only 1 free [unused] general, but they decide to not move anywhere - saving it in case they get attacked
Purple has 2 free [unused] generals, so they can move 2 armies into spaces that they do not own (and they do just this)

Green and Purple had both agreed to work together, so both move troops into Yellow's fort square (Green moves 8 and Purple moves 3 [it's possible that they left troops behind, it's just a pain to note this in my example picture])
Yellow has 12 troops already in that square

Purple also decides to move 6 troops into another of Green's territories (Green already has 2 troops in that territory)
All the players choose what generals to use [if any]
The players decide how many troops to commit to each fight (via PM messages to me)
(rather than show one picture for each battle, here's a summary one)

In this example [not shown] Green has privately asked Purple for help - Green writes in the PM that they wish to gift Purple one gold (probably agreed via PM). As this is written in my PM message, it is counted as binding and the money is privately transferred.

Following seeing the troop movement map, the players will decide how many troops and which generals they wish to commit to each battle that they are involved in (they send this to me via a PM)

It's possible for Yellow to not use a general in their fight, but [for this example] they decide to use their last remaining general to defend - (they will get all their generals back next turn)
Purple and Green both have to use generals, as they are moving into a territory that they do not own (as Green is using their last general, they will get all their generals back next turn)

Yellow uses a level 5 general and decides to commit only 5 of their troops to that battle
Green uses a level 4 general and decides to commit only 5 of their troops to that battle
Purple uses a level 2 general and decides to commit only 2 of their troops to that battle

Total scores are added together and Green and Purple win - their combined combat score is 12, so they could kill 12 of Yellow's troops (this would be in addition to the 5 that Yellow committed to the fight [total 17])
Purple loses 2 troops and Green loses 5 troops (the troops that the committed to the fight)

At the end of the round, Purple will have 1 troop left in that territory and Green will have 3 troops left

As Green has no generals left (until next turn) he can not add a general to this fight. He decides to commit all his troops, just in case Purple acts in a stupid manner (he'd still lose all his troops if he 'won', but he'd also kill 2 of Purple's troops)
Purple decides to commit 3 of his troops as well as using his level 5 commander

Purple wins completely [8 vs 2] and so takes the territory
Both of Green's troops are killed, Purple loses the 3 that they committed and are left with 3 remaining after the fight

Yellow loses their castle
Purple and Green both end up with troops in the castle (1 troop for Purple and 3 for Green) - they will fight next turn unless both agree not to, or one decides to move out in their turn
Purple ends up with 3 troops in Green's lower territory (with Green losing control)

Purple would've gained 4 points for beating a level 5 general with a level 2... but as level 5 generals don't exist (can't be arsed to fix this mistake now), I will act as if all level 5 generals are level 4 for the purpose of this explanation...

with this said...

Battle 1
Purple gains 3 points for beating a level 4 general with a level 2
Green gains 2 points for beating a level 4 general with a level 4 (it would've been the same had it been beating a lvl 5 with a lvl 4 anyway...)
Both Purple and Green also gain an additional 2 points for taking a castle

Battle 2
Purple scores 1 point for beating a lvl 0 general with a level 4 (fsking typos in image files...)

Total Scores This Round
Purple = 6 points
Green = 4 points
Yellow = 0 points

Following this, secret objectives could be scored and gold could be collected - then the next round would start

Hope this example makes things a little more clear
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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To make sure I got it: for combat we basically do not want to overcomit. You want to send 3 vs 2 and not 50 vs 2. No benefits to overcomiting? You „lose“ every troop you send, if I understood correctly, so the enemy 2 kinda kill your 50? Though you get the territory.

So you wanna somehow predict how many the enemy player will send, and send just enough to overtake it?

Will the troop count and living generals of each player be public knowledge?
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

And would both purple and green get Points for their victory over the imaginary lvl5 general? Or just the one that was the „main“ force?
--- Double Post Merged, ---

I feel like I‘d end up trying to min-max income and troop count and just neglect gathering Points for victory.


Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
To make sure I got it: for combat we basically do not want to overcomit. You want to send 3 vs 2 and not 50 vs 2. No benefits to overcomiting? You „lose“ every troop you send, if I understood correctly, so the enemy 2 kinda kill your 50? Though you get the territory.
(well, technically, you don't lose every troop you move into a territory - only those you commit to that particular fight)

This is another risk of teaming up with someone to take a territory

1 - they might not move any troops in the first place
but even if they do
2 - they might only commit a single troop and use their general to make their power level stronger [or not], assuming that you will pick up the slack with what you commit - both do this and you will both lose the fight

So you wanna somehow predict how many the enemy player will send, and send just enough to overtake it?
That's certainly the most economical method - that and using your generals wisely

Will the troop count and living generals of each player be public knowledge?
The troops in any territory [and the troops moved] will be

You will have to keep track of the generals yourself (it shouldn't be hard, I'm just too lazy to constantly keep public notes of this)

The strength of each general will not be made public - you can work it out, sure, but I won't say
You will have to estimate it from the number of troops lost in each battle

And would both purple and green get Points for their victory over the imaginary lvl5 general? Or just the one that was the „main“ force?
Thought I had that mentioned in my spoiler tab

If not - all winners get points for each battle they win
Purple would get more, as they used a less powerful general - but Green would still get points for winning


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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I'd love to but these will be some very busy weeks I think and I'm not really comfortable committing to anything LOL

Looks like a very nice project though I hope it works well
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 22, 2014
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Ok, so players are:

Tell me what dates work (or, rather, don't) for you guys

As I said above, I should be reasonably free from the 18th -> 1st (though we could plan for after, if people are especially busy over the Christmas period)
Anytime is fine for me, so expect me in whatever time it fits others.
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Plan Deviser
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 15, 2016
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Imperium of Mankind
I'll give it a read and see if I can get a clearer picture later today. Looks interesting, nice idea to have a board game on here.


Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
I'll give it a read and see if I can get a clearer picture later today. Looks interesting, nice idea to have a board game on here.
It seemed the easiest of my ideas to implement

And, even if it does fail spectacularly, at least it'll hopefully still be a fun one-time event


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
Ok, so players are:

Tell me what dates work (or, rather, don't) for you guys

As I said above, I should be reasonably free from the 18th -> 1st (though we could plan for after, if people are especially busy over the Christmas period)
That works for me :verily
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Wanna play this? @Riku @Organizized @xi0
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Dirty Blonde
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 24, 2007
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Torumekian Empire
I'm curious but I don't have the time to play really.
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Plan Deviser
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
Imperium of Mankind
It's possible for Purple to not use a general in their fight, but [for this example] they decide to use their last remaining general to defend - (they will get all their generals back next turn)
Purple and Green both have to use generals, as they are moving into a territory that they do not own (as Green is using their last general, they will get all their generals back next turn)

Yellow uses a level 5 general and decides to commit only 5 of their troops to that battle
Green uses a level 4 general and decides to commit only 5 of their troops to that battle
Purple uses a level 2 general and decides to commit only 2 of their troops to that battle

Total scores are added together and Green and Purple win - their combined combat score is 12, so they could kill 12 of Yellow's troops (this would be in addition to the 5 that Yellow committed to the fight [total 17])
Purple loses 2 troops and Green loses 5 troops (the troops that the committed to the fight)

At the end of the round, Purple will have 1 troop left in that territory and Green will have 3 troops left
The highlighted Purple should be a "Yellow", right?

As Green has no generals left (until next turn) he can not add a general to this fight. He decides to commit all his troops, just in case Yellow acts in a stupid manner (he'd still lose all his troops if he 'won', but he'd also kill 2 of Purple's troops)
Purple decides to commit 3 of his troops as well as using his level 5 commander

Purple wins completely [8 vs 2] and so takes the territory
Both of Green's troops are killed, Purple loses the 3 that they committed and are left with 3 remaining after the fight
And should that Yellow be a "Purple", or was Green thinking ahead a lot and worried about Yellow's future moves? '3'

It's more straightforward than it looked at first glance, I wouldn't mind trying it out. I might be unable to depending on the timing, but for now you can count me in :verily


Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
Holy Britannian Empire
The highlighted Purple should be a "Yellow", right?
And should that Yellow be a "Purple", or was Green thinking ahead a lot and worried about Yellow's future moves? '3'
Yep and yep
Corrected the post

I blame trying to throw something together quickly, without taking the necessary time to check it over thoroughly

It's more straightforward than it looked at first glance, I wouldn't mind trying it out
I tried to make it as simple as I could (avoiding RNGesus as much as I could [he will make a divine appearance only in determining the players positions, generals and secret objectives])

however, I thought it'd be useful for people to have a reference for as many rules as I could think might be useful (subject to change if necessary), as this will help them decide what they want to do - as well as giving them a basic understanding of what their actions might end up doing [and what the other players might be able to do]

I might be unable to depending on the timing, but for now you can count me in :verily
Will probably put a poll up when I have 5 potential players
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