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Games Mafia Game 109 - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike - End Game

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Baka Taichou

MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 20, 2007
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Tbh I went back to re-read some posts and it leaves me more sure about Baka. Especially the last response to Gajeel, randomly asking him if he is the det. In the previous posts as well, she was very clearly against his lynch, but tried not to make it seem too obvious. Otherwise, how or why exactly did she reply to him saying he lost interest in the game by asking if he is the det? Honestly feels she just tried to throw a lifeline, or atleast bait out the detective as a trade. Imo, that's more in-line with what a mafia would do to their dying mate.

Also @Baka Taichou you said today that you were certain Gry was det all along (until yday at least) so why did you did also think Gaj was ?
i didn't think gaj was det, i was trying to get him to say sth
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lol holt, now I know you're the mafia, trying to hang on threads like me asking him if he's det :)))


#1 Ranker
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
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Aug 6, 2014
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i didn't think gaj was det, i was trying to get him to say sth
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lol holt, now I know you're the mafia, trying to hang on threads like me asking him if he's det :)))
Yes but why? Asking him if he's det is not trying to get him to say something, it's oddly specific and this with your reluctance for him to get him lynched is rather incriminating for me. Also, you already said you won't debate so spare me those generic lines. Pretty sure you were hoping that lynching me would be very straightforward and you're trying to deflect
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Hmm this is hard
Sakura d1 really seems genuine to me.
She been talked about det being sane and about secondary role with james
D2, there a misunderstanding bit that she got very pissed at James.
Still the timing of her coming to thread was after gajeel was definitely dying

Meanwhile holt did nothing day 1, afk but then in day 2 gajeel and holt intersection is what makes me doubt if he really mafia
It's hard to fake all of that from the start
He was the one who pointed out that gajeel posts about mechanic were more interested about mafia side than townie

I dunno...

These are the post that start it....
Like I told Gry, the flaw with his reasoning from yesterday is assuming mafia came into the day expecting to fake a fight that will surely get one killed. I pointed out Gajeel's suspicious behaviors, but he also clearly tried to discredit me.

Baka Taichou

MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 20, 2007
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Yes but why? Asking him if he's det is not trying to get him to say something, it's oddly specific and this with your reluctance for him to get him lynched is rather incriminating for me. Also, you already said you won't debate so spare me those generic lines. Pretty sure you were hoping that lynching me would be very straightforward and you're trying to deflect
no my brother, I asked because I've seen past games people refusing to claim cuz they were det or medic, there was a chance i was wrong about gry being detectie, which is why i even changed my parry to him thinking that i was completely wrong after last day when he started susing me and asako, because in my opinion me and asako were the most town. Not to mention, making him false claim det would just make the det lock him, you keep avoiding the fact that I have NOT ONCE mentioned DET should STAY HIDDEN.

Nice try tho'
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and to make it clear what made me thing from D1 gry was det, it was when he posted a bigger comment where he directly excluded him as being either, which to me sounded like he was trying to go under the radar, since the rest of us weren't mentioning anything that would lead ppl to believe we're vanilla. At the end of D1 I even said that sth that gry said can be a double edge play cuz he could just say that to claim vanilla as mafia or as doc, and i said i need to keep that in mind, then d2 i think end i said I think i know who the det is already


#1 Ranker
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Global Moderator
Aug 6, 2014
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no my brother, I asked because I've seen past games people refusing to claim cuz they were det or medic, there was a chance i was wrong about gry being detectie, which is why i even changed my parry to him thinking that i was completely wrong after last day when he started susing me and asako, because in my opinion me and asako were the most town. Not to mention, making him false claim det would just make the det lock him, you keep avoiding the fact that I have NOT ONCE mentioned DET should STAY HIDDEN.

Nice try tho'
You're changing things a lot. You're citing examples of people not claiming because they're det, which means you asked Gaj if he was one with that in mind. But earlier you said that's not why you did, and you said knew Gry was det. You changing your thoughts yesterday doesn't affect the interaction with Gaj the day before. I'm simply saying, you were quite against Gaj's death, infact re-reading the posts you made are a lot more incriminating. You actually defended (or tried to) Gaj more than he did himself. Gry even noted this. And then you eventually went with it because you couldn't do anything about it either way.
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I've looked through most of your posts and honestly, you haven't been right at any point, and if anything you have tried to throw shit at anything. You also theorized that wojak fake claimed doc and I tried to cover for him with my op on D2

Here's a scenario for you, wojak is not doc, he fucked up to try to survive, and you're his buddy trying to help his fuckup with your affirmation that no mafia is insane enough to claim a single (announced) role D1.

Though in my eyes, him sacrificing himself and claiming early to flush out the real doc who would counter claim would be a great move for mafia, imo.

But that's a scenario for later.

Or maybe we're just being fooled by gry and asako combo, who after seeing wojak claim they jumped to save him to gain credibility for being town, no one would doubt their aliagence, even tho they did kill a town.

At least those are the 2 scenarios I concluded after D1.
You also did try to put things on me and James. And tbh the one person you have actually not gone after is Gaj, who happened to be the only mafia we have gotten so far.

Also, above you praise counter-claiming as a great move (I disagree but that's beside the point), and that is also what you tried to do with Gaj when you asked him if he was det in a bid to try wojak 2.0

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Ah yeah, another reason why I believe Baka to be town - she voted early today, same as me and she voted before me. As last standing Mafia on the last day you don't want to vote too early or even vote first as you might need to switch your vote depending on how the townies act as usually they are super careful on their potentially last lynch. Sure Baka could have guessed that Holt looks super sus but still risky move to vote first if the other three are like "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, let's talk first before we actually put down our first votes" and then the Mafia is in trouble if he needs to switch his vote to save his own skin if things turn south.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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James what do you think about holt argument about det part?


#1 Ranker
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Global Moderator
Aug 6, 2014
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Ah yeah, another reason why I believe Baka to be town - she voted early today, same as me and she voted before me. As last standing Mafia on the last day you don't want to vote too early or even vote first as you might need to switch your vote depending on how the townies act as usually they are super careful on their potentially last lynch. Sure Baka could have guessed that Holt looks super sus but still risky move to vote first if the other three are like "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, let's talk first before we actually put down our first votes" and then the Mafia is in trouble if he needs to switch his vote to save his own skin if things turn south.
Not sure why this is a town read for you. Voting early when a mislynch will cause a loss is not exactly smart.
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I’ll Votelock Baka. Unlikely to be back in time, but do go back and re-read her posts, especially the ones regarding Gaj.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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@James Rye i been seeing you in thread yet you not answering, I want to hear your opinion about what holt said about det

like im stuckkkk
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I'm going back and forth between sakura and holt

like I read sakura comment and I know she talking about me when I didn't reveal as det in past game

but also its vanilla game
and reading holt comment make sense too

James Rye

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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You didn‘t fully get my theory. The fall guy was never Gajeel but whichever of the 2 mafias that fought each other lost. In this case it‘d be Gajeel and Holt.

But that‘s if they did that. If they didn‘t stage a fight and Holt was town, then there was no clear fall guy just a „if one of us is in trouble hop onto it don‘t defend“. Which is more in line with what you did DD.

If it‘s either Baka or Asako we may have lost because it seems like they‘re both too trusted to be voted either today or tomorrow.
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What I wrote DD above^

You‘re making it sound like the best play was to defend the mafia in trouble, but then you just lose both if 1 is in trouble. For no reason.

So unless it‘s you and Gajeel who staged a fight, it would have to be either DD or Asako(or Baka who was MIA). I don‘t know why you vote James this badly, either really trying to capitalize on Gajeel‘s death or you‘re thinking too simple. Ain‘t no way they would jeopardize both members to save one, when it doesn‘t speed up the win.
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Det should investigate the other of Holt/DD who isn‘t lynched today, and either finds mafia or last day becomes Baka vs Asako.
Thing is that Gry made it pretty clear he would investigate Holt last night if he was alive. So you'd assume that Mafia Holt would assume Gry is Det due his changed behavior towards me and try to kill him before he can investigate him.
Like Holt was the only one who was interested as to why Gry was so sure I ain't scum anymore whereas Baka didn't cared about that and saw me as smelly due my misunderstanding and missing his reply post. From those two behavior Holt feels more scummy as in trying to find the det whereas Baka's direct det question towards Gaj felt too plumb for me to see as an actual try to get someone to reveal as det.

i was certain gry was the DET up until yday when he started sounding very sus with slowly starting to try to shift blame to me or asako.... which made me actually change my block to him last night.

Ok I'm pretty sure holt is the mafia, not even gonna try debating it y'all do what you want

!votekill Holt
Holt is kind right though, why try to parry a kill that would get red parried anyway? Like best our parries can do would be to parry a block or a poison and even those could be red parried if the mafia guessed right that his target tried to parry his action. Or parries are really weak in this regard.
Still voting first as Mafia is really risky.

James what do you think about holt argument about det part?
You mean about Baka throwing a lifeline to Gaj? I dunno tbh. After all at that time the doc was confirmed and still alive for whatever reason, so a det coming out on day 2 seems highly unlikely except if you are the lynch target. And since det couldn't know if gaj dies as escort he wouldn't want to reveal to prevent being blocked. Doesn't make sense to me why a Mafia buddy would try to coax his only friend into claiming det when we all knew that there is only a single det in-game. Except ofc in hopes that if Gaj did so the real det would reveal but then the doc still had to die first and like I said det would not reveal on day 2 due escort and so far having only one finding. Which is why Gaj never claimed it and why it wouldn't make sense to subtle tell your partner to go commit suicide by claiming det when there was already a large lynch mob forming. Baka did vote last while Holt voted 2nd on Gaj but eh, I don't see that as a big problem due most Gaj votes coming after.

Also Baka wrote to Gry's suggestion for Det to come out on day 2 that he is against det coming out, speaks for Town baka. Then again he also wrote he doesn't see a single scum in the 5 mentioned which is huge considering we had 8 people left at that time and the remaining 3 were like wojak, gry and Asako meaning Baka seemed to suggest that the two mafia must be among those 3 while asking Gaj to not stop playing and that he needs a few minutes for his vote, lol, feels like Mafia Baka.

completely off topic @Shad did you know my "artist" pen name is ryu????? ahahahah
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are you the det?

also, since @wojak has claimed, why has no one asked him who he protected? I for one am curious.

for some reason I can't shake off a feeling around wojak, this feels very off to me...
Here he asked Gaj when Gaj was already pretty much sentenced to death and after Gry dismantled Baka's theories. And an off-topic post before merging his thrown-after question at Gaj.
Like why the heck would Gaj be low interest if he is the sole det in the whole game and likely got one more night due doc if he would have revealed before Baka asked him?

Think, Gry is right and it is between Holt and Baka.

Not sure why this is a town read for you. Voting early when a mislynch will cause a loss is not exactly smart.
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I’ll Votelock Baka. Unlikely to be back in time, but do go back and re-read her posts, especially the ones regarding Gaj.
Hm, votelocking doesn't seem a thing Mafia Holt would do at this point... or is he assuming we would assume to make us assume that he must be townie after all when he is in truth mafia?

Sigh. Overall I would still stick to Holt over Baka... What about you?
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I would stick to Holt because I think Mafia Baka would have seen how hopeless Gaj case was when she came online and instead of bothering why Gaj couldn't be scum would have gone straight away to earn townie trust instead to try and have Gaj reveal as det when it was already obvious that Gaj would die anyway no matter what he did so real det would have had no reason to reveal.. Voting last and interacting this way while being sus on wojak and gry (lol) feels like me not believing Gaj to be scum and to rather vote Holt over Gaj first. In other words the arguments Gry used to argue why I couldn't be scum for voting for Holt instead of Gaj on day 2 kinda applies to Baka as well for voting last.
And Holt was arguing more dubious with his lurker comment and his one question post regarding Gry's knowledge about my innocence whereas Baka seemed oblivious to the whole Holt-Gry discussion. Ofc Baka could have killed Gry for simply being townie ring leader but Holt posts seem to imply that he did made the connection last day that Gry has to be det himself.

I could be wrong ofc.
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Oiiiii, Asako, we could roughly an hour left and it is midnight in germany already, Who do you gonna vote? If you vote Baka, I will switch, if you vote Holt I will lock on him. What's your read?
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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my brain feels fried
but you correct sakura really seemed confused when she came day 2, if she mafia she probably could been more careful in her posts
I dunno

votekill holt
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Oiiiii, Asako, we could roughly an hour left and it is midnight in germany already, Who do you gonna vote? If you vote Baka, I will switch, if you vote Holt I will lock on him. What's your read?
I was thinking but I think I go for holt... that my decision currently

James Rye

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 18, 2014
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Alright, votelock Holt.
Guess that' it. But it is in line with Gry's reasoning

Final 4 not final 3. And if you enter final-4 as a trustworthy guy that lynched a mafia it‘s very worth it. Winning 1 phase earlier but not losing a single mafia 3 days in a row is much riskier than 1 extra day with leeway and credibility, no?
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Gajeel was actually super expendable if you think about it. His friend can forever use kill+block every night.
basically Holt's action makes more sense than Baka as mafia since he knew he would get to use Gaj's action anyway whereas Baka made herself look sus due believing Gaj not being scum and asking such an obvious "are you det?" question. Meaning Holt voting early for Gaj makes sense in that regard. At least more than Baka's behavior of trying to save Gaj.
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Well, that's it. 3 votes on Holt, one votelocked, 1 vote on baka, votelocked. I'm going to bed. Good night @Asako @Baka Taichou @Holt @Shad.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Feb 10, 2019
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Day ended
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Day 4 End

  • Holt x3 - Sakura (#228), James Rye (#229, #251), Asako (#250, #252)
  • Baka Taichou x1 - Holt (#247)

Alex isn't gonna still by idly until he finds Tom.

Alex and Gill are now best friends.
Alex left the island to travel back to New York with Tom.


Night 4 Start

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James Rye

Game Ended

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Final Results

Mafia Team Wins



Last edited:


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Feb 10, 2019
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Congratulations Asako and Gajeel, really cool team.
I had a lot of fun watching you all play.

Deadpad Linkt
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Just want to say that Chun-Li and Yun were top tiers in that game :heh.

Clear top 2 in fact.
As usual, Yeah lol, they are also both Chinese :D


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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In the end china rules

Post ending with me and sakura

I will post my thoughts tomorrow but I'm soo happy i finally wonn as mafiaa, first time
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