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  • PSA: ATTENTION Manga Helpers, if you were Downloading Tegami Bachi Chapter Manga Raws from the years 2007 to 2014, Please Check your Harddrives/PC/Computers for Zip Files of Tegami Bachi JUMPSQ Chapters. If you have any of these materials, please PM me. I am Currently on a massive search to archive all tegami Bachi original JUMPSQ publication Versions of chapters.
    Anything will help in the search, so feel free to share any valuable information or any information you know.
    Could someone please answer this question? Who was/who is Vicissitude? I always see them being brought up when it comes to manga Raws. So dose anyone know who/what this is?
    Why are you searching for old manga Raws from a magazine? Well because believe it or not, there are differences between the original publications and the volume releases of Chapters. It’s also for preservation purposes and to make the Raws of the later chapters available online because i know that the later Edited Mangas of tegami bachi used watermarked Chinese scans (which the watermarks can get annoying).
    So A tumblr user (sadly there not active anymore) posted low Quality images which came from a raw of Chapter 62. These show that someone did post the raw online. So if anyone has any leads to we’re it was please let me know (not the Vol version, The original jump SQ publication version)
    Dose anyone know a Good way to bebind/take apart a jump square magazine?
    I always heard the safest (but slowest) is a hair dryer
    I have Gotten some Partial Tegami Bachi Chapter Raws, (Chapter 73 and 70), But I need someone to please scan or rescan some pages.
    If you would like to Help on Chapter 73, here is the Original Chinese forum thread to give an idea what pages are missing.
    As For 70, There are a Completed Raws, But Some Pages are Resized,Have Gradients or Both. if you would like to help with this one, here is the original Thread! So you can get an idea of what needs to be rescanned.
    Does anyone have a higher Quality version scan of this Tegami Bachi Color Page? (This Version, no Textless)
    That's all I could do :
    Oh Thank you! I greatly appreciate! Let’s hope someone can scan it in higher Quality!
    Also the Raws to Tegami Bachi Vol 11, the Raws are Terrible Beyond Useable Quality, So bad there unfixable volume raw. I Hope there’s s Higher Quality version out there, like with volume 12. I’m sure it’s out there, I probably need somebody to point me in the right direction or something to find it. (Same Issue with Vol 7, 10)

    Scanned The Vol 10 Cover (in Higher Quality),
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    Reactions: Brandish μ
    Brandish μ
    Brandish μ
    your passion for this made me place it on my ptr list
    Thank You! I like Hearing that! Just Make sure Later on if your reading the fan scans, that when you get to chapter 53 onwards you switch to official version because unfortunately later on the Horrible Watermarked Chinese scans started to be used.
    if anyone is interested in helping with my tegami bachi original jump sq publication chapters archival, please identify the chapter you have, if it is missing please reach out to me and share the raw (in a .zip file) Here is the Spread Sheet
    Please don’t be afraid to reach out me if you or anybody has tegami bachi japanese raw color pages or chapters. I would greatly appreciate it more than you would realize.
    Right now I’m working hard to archive as much tegami bachi manga raws as possible, as well as scanning tegami bachi content. I recently stated working on a chapter list, so I can keep track of what ones I have found the original publications Of and also which ones I have scanned. I also am making a list of which volumes I need to rescan soon
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