Fun Thread - 203+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime | MangaHelpers

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Fun Thread 203+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime


Scientist of Anthropology
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Isle of Man
This is the list that the staff of this forum made in a moment of rest. We felt like sharing this list with you for the sake of fun and laughter. :tem

Brought to you by the combined efforts and humor of:
rykarreolacr, ichimaru_gin_n_tonic, Raine_Joybringer, Gold Knight, LadyHatake, Predator, bax, eni, glasskatana, BoffenJL, Hermie, Dragonzair, Khaludh, Xophien.


"When do you know that you've been reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime?"

1. You end every paper with "DATTEBAYO!"
2. You say no to a date because it's RAW Day and it's the most important day of your week.
3. You start praying to Touch whenever your life is in danger >.>
4. Whenever you hold a sword you yell: BANKAI!!!
5. You become a member of MangaHelpers
6. You practice Dragon Ball's "Fusion Dance" with your best friend
7. You wait for someone you know (family member, friend) on a corner and you suddenly hit him/her on the stomach with your open hand yelling "Rasengan" or "Chidori".

8. You start thinking of Thursday as the beginning of the week instead of Monday
9. You start relating real people's personalities to anime characters and then accidentally call them the anime character's name
10. Your dreams no longer have motion. Instead, they have become manga panels that you read in your sleep.
11. You drawn a seal on your floor and put the ingredients for making a human in the middle.
12. Every book you read looks like Icha Icha Paradise.
13. You complain your mom's cooking because it's not HQ.
14. You asked your dad to typeset.
15. You think all Pez contains Mod Soul.
16. Your friends begin to stay away from you because you kick their butt whenever you're happy.
17. You think that California Roll is a boxing move.
18. You started to create spoof series of the manga you like.
19. You compare your new hairstyles to that of manga characters.
20. You're drawing yaoi pics of your male classmates.
21. You think Haruhi Suzumiya is the center of the universe.
22. Your teacher give you an F after you spent 10 pages explaining why mecha is so cool, because he/she doesn't know what a mecha is.
23. You scream "AKIRAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" whenever you get a headache.
24. You think your president is a Homunculus.
25. You dug up your childhood notes to look for world domination plan.
26. You think one of your childhood friends stole your world domination plan.
27. You made bread from a recipe you found in a manga.
28. You do weird reactions after eating a tasty food.
29. Jason Voorhees is a Vizard and you want to have that kind of power.
30. Dorayaki is your staple food.
31. You left right after joining the Navy because they didn’t give you a cute sailor outfit.
32. You write people's names on a random black notebook along with horrible causes of Death, while smirking in a very creepy way.
33. Every time you play tennis and it's your time to serve, you kick off with a Twist Serve.
34. When your opponent commits a mistake you yell Mada mada dane.
35. When playing football and about to shoot (soccer for Americans) you raise your leg as much as you can and scream "Tiger Shoot" or "Drive Shoot" etc..
36. Everything you do is to please Ilpalazzo-sama.
37. You wear close-fitting black clothes and set out to annihilate aliens.
38. You don't fear death, since the Dragon Balls can resurrect you.
39. You think that Jesus was a ninja since he could walk on water.
40. When someone says 666 Satan you never think of the prophecy.
41. When a guy speaks Spanish you accuse him of being a hollow.
42. When you are listening to a Michael Jackson song you immediately think of Orochimaru.

43. You go to the fruit market and ask for the devil fruit.
44. Before knocking down your opponent on your world title match, you screamed "gomu-gomu rocket!"
45. Your mom tells you not to eat dinner with a knife on your right hand, a fork on your left and a spoon in your mouth.
46. Maria Sharapova could use a tennis lesson from Ryoma Echizen.
47. You got beaten by the basketball team for calling their captain Gorilla.
48. You try to run with your Tamiya.
49. You dont wanna go on school trips for fear of being drugged and sent to a remote island where you have to kill your classmates.
50. You decided to be a hikikomori to get a cute girl's attention.
51. You ask someone with a similar first name to move in with you.
52. You think e-mail is an upgrade for your right arm.
53. Every time you play cards you say: "It's time to duel!!!"
54. Your only goal in life is to find the One Piece
55. You think that Zorro should have green hair.
56. You are afraid of cool water since it might turn you into a panda.
57. You leave your exam blank and still think you will ace.
58. When a police case is solved you think of "L".
59. You relate heart attacks to Kira.
60. You call your teachers sensei.
61. You start poking other people's asses.
62. When a guy's wearing a mask he's definitely a Vaizard.
63. Every time you see a fire-eater in the circus you think he's a Katon user.
64. You often roll up your eyes and yell Byakugan.
65. You go to a Safari with the hope of catching a Pokemon.
66. You drop out college and start a trip with your bike while yelling "Benkyou" repeatedly.
67. When you see a pair of twins you think it's a Kage bunshin
68. You start to eat Ramen every day.
69. Every time you have a pimple you are afraid that a giant robot might come out of it.
70. You hope that cat-bus will pick you up on the way to school.

71. You start making cool poses and fighting moves when you think nobody can see you.
72. Your day moves a few hours forward (shorter morning, longer nights).
73. You start drawing character designs when bored.
74. You take a black pen and draw the Leaf symbol on your palm, and pretend to train your Rasengan.
75. You ran away when you see a little girl carrying a violin case.
76. You think pirated CDs are OP's soundtrack.
77. Orange is a natural hair color.
78. You say amefuto, instead of American Football or Gridiron.
79. You read the business section in a newspaper to find out how many Berry is a Ryo.
80. You named your cat Michael, Michael Jr. and Michael III.
81. You put tofu in the trunk of your car to improve your driving skill.
82. You feel naked if you don’t cosplay.
83. You spend hours making a sig for Mangahelpers instead of working.
84. You start compulsively reading western comics the wrong way, and then understand nothing when everything happens in a freaky order.
85. When your computer breaks you really start to panic and hope that you can borrow/steal a friend’s for RAW DAY.
86. You wonder what element your chakra would be aligned to.
87. You take internet tests to see what character you mostly resemble.
88. You log in to MH at work and try to cover up the screen when your boss walks by.
89. You create pen and paper RPG's based in the worlds of mangas.
90. You hope that you will be accepted to shinigami academy when you die.
91. You think that humongous swords are normal stuff.
92. You can't even burn a DVD since your HD is full of anime, manga, comics, soundtracks, etc...
93. You start believing that ninjas had telephone poles.
94. You are known as the Otaking by every anime fan in the area.
95. You have no more reason to live when your favorite anime/manga reaches its end.
96. You could be arrested for a year due to owning terabytes of copyrighted material.
97. You have more Japanese songs in your iPod than any other language.
98. You think that Haruka Kanata is the best hit of the new millennium.
99. You act like all your pets were summoned by you.
100. You are scared of hollows and refuse to go outside.
101. You have long debates with your friends about whether Shinigami are cool guys and girls holding a sword or ugly bat-like creatures with a note.
102. You remember every Bleach episode number that has appeared so far in the anime (they are different every time).
103. You start whistling the Naruto Main Theme compulsively.
104. You are sure that God is green.
105. When you hear the word cowboy you think of bounty hunters from the future.
106. You fear girls' kicks and punches since they seem to have superhuman strength when they are mad at you. And they send you flying...
107. You talk about fictional characters as if they were real.
108. You compare GK's Ten Comments with God's Ten Commandments.
109. You are sure that gray-haired kids are out there.
110. You either hate Sasuke or become an obsessive fangirl.
111. You make theories about Mr. Satan and Don Kan'onji being the same person.
112. Every monkey in the world is a Saiyan in disguise.

113. You make omake for every chapter on your final paper.
114. You ask your mom to scanlate every RAW food in your fridge.
115. You wish to learn Hanage Shinken.
116. You hate Angels for injuring Rei Ayanami.
117. You got arrrested because you offered a high school girl to model your latest clothing line.
118. When the doctor asked you for a clamp in the operating room, you gave him TRC.
119. You performed trepanation on yourself.
120. When you have a tattoo of a weird leaf symbol, or a brand that summons small monsters and bleeds a lot when big monsters appear.
121. When you hear someone talking about how cool a sports star or actor is, you calmly tell them that ninja-pirate-alchemist-shinigami-vampire-demon-swordsman are much cooler.
122. When thinking, instead of just putting your hands under the chin, you find it more comfortable to make a hand seal.
123. You find most of public events/parties boring unless you find someone, who likes manga/anime as well.
124. You spend the rest of the event mostly talking to that one person. The rest are just mortals to you two. >.>
125. You always sit in a very weird position (L's style)
126. You expect animals to be able to say their species' name like a Pokemon does.
127. At church you keep using the word kamisama.
128. Your parents can't spell your favorite anime/manga title properly which is not understandable since it's 90 % of your life. (my dad still says "Nakuto" after 2 years...)
129. Your diet is based on sweets only.
130. You jump from the 8th floor of a building thinking that concentrating your KI is all you need to fly.
131. When your parents ask you to take out the garbage you use lame excuses such as "I don't have enough chakra left".
132. You call cartoons anime.
133. You call comics manga.
134. The Rio de Janeiro Carnival is the biggest cosplay event of the year.
135. You start watching Hollywood movies dubbed in Japanese with English subs.
136. You cry all night and complain all day when your favorite character(s) didn't make in the the Top10 favorite character poll.
137. You have a hard time finding a girlfriend (this one is not funny... I know... T_T)
138. When you read the Genesis, you picture giant robots and Tokyo 3 getting destroyed by evil angels.
139. Girls with animal attributes turn you on.
140. You start calling porn "live-action ******".

141. You get selfish about the anime you download and show them to your little brother/sister only after he/she bribes you with sweets.
142. You have only two choices: adapt your appearance to your favorite character or make up a manga version of yourself.
143. You aren't afraid of guns, because swords are a more powerful weapon and a strong KI is even better.
144. When angry, you try to oppress everyone with your reiatsu.
145. When running, your hands instinctively tend to be located behind your back unless holding something.
146. For some unknown reason your umbrella gets swung around like a sword pretty often.
147. You constantly play the VCR hoping that a hot girl will come out of the TV screen.
148. You practice hand seals every day.
149. You often tell your little brother that he lacks hatred.
150. You would seal an evil beast in your son's belly without regretting it.

151. You're not afraid of going to hell since you know that Satan is THE hotness.
152. You rather try going to hell then heaven just to meet sexy Lucifer.
153. You strive to cosplay as many characters as you can.
154. Your whole closet is full of cosplay costumes.
155. Your whole closet also happens to have nothing BUT cosplay costumes in it.
156. You start to write fanfiction.
157. You write self-insert fanfiction.
158. You write smut fanfiction.
159. You write self-insert smut fanfiction.
160. You start using your favorite character's last name as your last name.
161. You yell: "Henshin!" before putting on your clothes every morning.
162. When you grow up, you want to be a medic-nin.
163. You call your mayor Hokage-sama.
164. You start comparing your friends to manga characters.
165. You start comparing the couples you see to your favorite pairing.
166. You got into a fistfight when somebody call your favorite character *lame*.
167. You spend more money on cosplay accessories then on "real" jewelry.
168. You propose marriage with Itachis Akatsuki ring.
169. You propose to somebody upon finding out they like your favorite manga/anime. >.>
170. You accept the proposal simply because they like the same characters you do <3 (and are just awesome in general<3).
171. You say all animal names in Japanese, adding -chan to the end of it. (Guilty as charged... [...])
172. You name all your pets after whatever series you're following at the moment. (I've known a girl who called all her pets after Inuyasha characters)
173. You remember your favorite character(s) birthday, but you forgot your family members' birthday.
174. You're so excited when you found out that you have the same birthday as your favorite character.
175. You dont celebrate your birthday, you celebrate your favorite character's birthday.
176. You look for a character with the same birthday as you, so that character can be your favorite character.
177. You contemplate the next reason for "When do you know you've been reading too much manga".
... :amuse

Later updates from this thread itself:

178. whenever you hold any kind of thing in your hand (pen, hammer, saw, stick whatever). you wonder how a ninja would use it as a weapon. and then try it but end up injuring yourself.
179. when you answer the phone you say: Mushi mushi!
180. you wonder if Jack Sparrow is close to finding One Piece, and how big his bounty is, and if he has eaten a Devil Fruit.
181. You yell "Gomu Gomu no XXXX" when you hit someone.
182. You are very fond of straw hats.
183. You call your classmates nakama.
184. You expect every cook to be able to make powerful kicks.
185. Naruto Shippuuden episode 1-2 was the biggest event of 2007.
186. The word "4KIDS" makes you cry in pain.
187. Whenever you see a snake you immediately think: "OMG WTF??!!! Why won't Orochimaru die!!!!!!????"
188. Who the hell is Frank Sinatra? "Fly Me to the Moon" is an Evangelion original song!
189. You start singing "You are my friend!!!! Ahhh ahhh" while moving your head from side to side and walking forward.
190. You start putting dynamite in birds' butts and yell "KATSU!!!!" while you watch them explode.
191. Your entire diet consists of choco cornets.
192. You have long philosophical talks with your friends to determine which side of the choco cornet is the head and which the butt.
193. You are sure that Sai would have been Sigmund Freud's favorite subject.
194. Aizen had his glasses on and was a nerdy and week guy, now he took them off and changed his hairstyle and he's as strong as two freaking captains. OMFG!!! Aizen is freaking Superman!!!!!
195. Was Brook part of the Curse of the Black Pearl?
196. You are ready to blow up your entire hometown with the purpose of obtaining a weird key.
197. You constantly try to steal your little brother's eyes for no apparent reason.
198. You type "balsamic vinegar" on your cell phone waaaaay too much and waaaay too slowly.
199. You would do anything to be able to erase your memory and watch your favorite animes/mangas all over again.
200. Konata is your wife.

201. You never go to Egypt, because that was historically Orochimaru base.
202. You have no interest in normal humans. You want to have fun with aliens, time travelers and espers. ^^
203. You are no longer depressed. You are in despair and try to make yourself taller. >_>
204. For some odd reason, your Geass doesn't work and C.C. isn't around anymore. But you still are trying to take over the world.
205. You say "Itadakimasu!" before every meal and "Itekimasu!" every time you leave home.
206. The only reason you know the rules of a sport is cause you saw/read it in a manga/anime.
207. You're waiting for your behelit to come/return to you.
208. You're sure that a human body consists of 100 litres of blood and a 100 litres of tears.
209. You know what is over 9000.
210. When youre having trouble sleeping you try "Tanuki Neiri no Jutsu"
211. You believe that all terminators and cyborgs should wear Hawaiian shirts and speedos.
212. You hate English dubs. Believe it!
213. You start to slowly forget your first language...
214. You search constantly for new h-doujins of your favorite mangas.
215. You develop an obsession with Asian girls/guys.
216. You barf on people hoping that that will heal them.
217. You (attempt to) dance the "Hare Hare Yukai" and the "Motteke! Sailor Fuku" compulsively when nobody is watching you.
218. You find yourself singing/humming your favorite openings in public.
219. You only know mainstream songs because you heard them in AMVs.

220. You've tried unsuccessfully to learn Japanese from a book at the library, only to find out that it won't teach you what your favorite jutsu's name means.
221. As soon as you get into a fight you start calling yourself the "Battosai".
222. When asked how your day is going, you respond "terrible. Sasuke is still alive."
223. You've counted the weeks until the fillers end in the English dub, even though you know you're not going to watch it.
224. You neglect your studies just to take part in a heated discussion on who would win a fight between Superman and Goku.
225. You pretend your metal meterstick is actually a katana and wave it around like an idiot.

I'm hijacking this thread!!!! All the posts in green were made by me. That's right: I love attention. XDDDDD rykarreolacr
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Undercover Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

nice work, guys :rofl
really nice work :D


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 31, 2006
Reaction score
Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

Lol nice list...I hope we can expand that one xD


Intl Translator
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi
Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

is it expandable? or open for suggestions? i need to read all of 'em 1st wkekeke


MH's Socialworker ٩( ᐛ )و ♡
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 21, 2006
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Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

MangaDictus said:
is it expandable? or open for suggestions?
Go ahead :D

The Boff

MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

178. whenever you hold any kind of thing in your hand (pen, hammer, saw, stick whatever). you wonder how a ninja would use it as a weapon. and then try it but end up injuring yourself.


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Costa Rica
Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

I'm responsible for the following signs: 4-7, 32-42, 53-70, 92-112, 125-140, 147-150.
Total: 74 !!!!!!

I know, I'm a show-off. :p


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 31, 2006
Reaction score
Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

rykarreolacr said:
I'm responsible for the following signs: 4-7, 32-42, 53-70, 92-112, 125-140, 147-150.
Total: 74 !!!!!!

I know, I'm a show-off. :p
Now I know why they sucked so much xD

The Boff

MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

179. when you answer the phone you say: Mushi mushi!
180. you wonder if Jack Sparrow is close to finding One Piece, and how big his bounty is, and if he has eaten a Devil Fruit.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 20, 2006
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Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

wow i do like more than 75% of them :oh
is that bad?
actually i do less than 5% now that i read the entire list :noworry

The Boff

MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Re: 177 Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

Mugen said:
wow i do like more than 75% of them :oh
is that bad?
well.... its not great :nuts

nah its cool dude, we've all done a few of em :D


MH's Socialworker ٩( ᐛ )و ♡
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 21, 2006
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Re: 177+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

BoffenJL said:
179. when you answer the phone you say: Mushi mushi!
One of the few Japanese words i will never get used to :D


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
United States
Re: 177+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

42. When you are listening to a Michael Jackson song you immediately think of Orochimaru.

i didn't read the whole list i stopped when i got to this one cuz i immediately knew that i anime/manga too much...i also couldnt breath for like ten minuetes because i was laughign to much


Queen of The Damned
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
United Nations
Re: 177+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

Ha..that's true...I was laughing a lot too...!
And it creeps in.. like me saying " I'll bankify U!" when i'm fed up with something...


Pink Warrior
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 11, 2006
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Re: 177+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

hee 20% true for me. -_-


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
British Antarctic Territory
Re: 177+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

:rofl the list is funny! (however, i do some of them too.... :sweat )


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Costa Rica
Re: 177+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

181 - You yell "Gomu Gomu no XXXX" when you hit someone.
182 - You are very fond of straw hats.
183 - You call your classmates nakama.
184 - You expect every cook to be able to make powerful kicks.
185 - Naruto Shippuuden episode 1-2 was the biggest event of 2007.
186 - The word "4KIDS" makes you cry in pain.


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Costa Rica
Re: 177+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

370 days have passed... This thread kicked ass and deserves to be revived!!!!

187 - Whenever you see a snake you immediately think: "OMG WTF??!!! Why won't Orochimaru die!!!!!!????"

188 - Who the hell is Frank Sinatra? "Fly Me to the Moon" is an Evangelion original song!

189 - You start singing "You are my friend!!!! Ahhh ahhh" while moving your head from side to side and walking forward.

190 - You start putting dynamite in birds' butts and yell "KATSU!!!!" while you watch them explode.

191 - Your entire diet consists of choco cornets.

192 - You have long philosophical talks with your friends to determine which side of the choco cornet is the head and which the butt.

193 - You are sure that Sai would have been Sigmund Freud's favorite subject.

194 - Aizen had his classes on and was a nerdy and week guy, now he took them off and changed his hairstyle and he's as strong as two freaking captains. OMFG!!! Aizen is freaking Superman!!!!!

195 - Was Brook part of the Curse of the Black Pearl?

196 - You are ready to blow up your entire hometown with the purpose of obtaining a weird key.

197 - You constantly try to steal your little brother's eyes for no apparent reason.

198 - You type "balsamic vinegar" on your cell phone waaaaay too much and waaaay too slowly.

199 - You would do anything to be able to erase your memory and watch your favorite animes/mangas all over again.

200 - Konata is your wife.

Hollow Kurono

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 1, 2007
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Re: 177+ Signs of reading too much manga and/or watching too much anime

:XD this thread is funny,some of this things were kinda true to me,but just few,cool thread!


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 21, 2006
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Funny thread! :XD
My favourite being:
6. You practice Dragon Ball's "Fusion Dance" with your best friend
cause I've actually done it with my friend..... :shifty