A fic about a strange journey to Japan | MangaHelpers

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A fic about a strange journey to Japan

ThE WoRm

英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 29, 2006
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Well, this story is a fiction about a journey to Japan, I already will tell you, there is more to this story than a journey, I translated this from hebrew, which is the language I wrote it in, so if someone wants to help and proofread this, I'll be happy.

This is only the first part, there are more where this came from ^^" (although I only wrote the first part so far)

The journey to Japan, The trail - part 1

It all began in that day, it was the first day of their trip to Japan, a trip that should have taken a month, if it would have go as planned, but in such things, you can never know, especially because that star that lights red in the sky. In Japan, there are some stargazers who say it's a bad omen for everyone who comes into Japan by birth or transportation of the red star. In all of the years that there are records for Japan, only twice was that red star seen in the sky, that's why not many people talk about it. The most disturbing fact is that the red star appeared on the day Yoshiro Togashi was born, which we know sits in bed right now, fighting cancer. All of the journey members have read his famous manga, Hunter X hunter, but no one knew about the red star, even Togashi didn't know about it...
They were four, each of them called himself an Otaku, although some may see differently, and for none of them was this journey for manga and anime only, or so they have thought...
When they landed in Tokyo, everything seemed usual, They got to their inn, and slept through the first night in their private holy land, Japan, Tokyo's suburb.
Neri was the first to wake up that day, it was 7:30 AM, Neri loved to have a shower on mornings, he was taller than average, but he preferred being taller or shorter, he wasn't really satisfied with his height. His hair was brown with a dark blonde spot in the corner, everyone thought he bleached his hair, but it was completely natural... When he got out of the shower the sound of the television from the lower floor got to sneaked into his ear, he went down there. The news has started, Neri didn't like to watch the news, but to the sound of the word "CLAMP" he knew he just had to see it this time. Neri was lucky that he studied Japanese before he got to Tokyo, so he could understand them. He went down the stairs, there he saw the land lord, a nice old man, and he managed that inn at least. He looked like most of the old people you see in manga, so Neri just couldn't stop laughing when he first saw him, Neri has read enough manga to know that all of the old people look alike.
"Onegai shimasu, nani sore wo itte kuremasen ka," Neri asked, but for the sake of the readers, all of the conversations will be translated into English, so everyone could read them "I beg of you, can you tell me what is that?" That's what he said, or at least that's what the writer thought when we wrote those words.
"That's the trail against CLAMP, it's a group of nine girls who started with doujinshis, which are comics made by fans and are based on random pictures or other Japanese comics, and became a famous comic drawers, or so they said," Answered the old man, and to keep the authentic of the conversation, the translator translated some parts in the best way he thought they'll fit the Japanese spirit, with all of those who have hard time reading this, he's really sorry.
"Ah, sorry, but I already know who CLAMP are, you shouldn't have explained so much," Neri was a little embarrassed, "On what are CLAMP on a trail?" he asked, tried to talk as much formal as he could, it's really not a good idea to insult your landlord, especially not when you're in Japan, he knew.
"The accusations against them is corruption of youth with immoral values, and the general corruption of the entire society, that's why their stuff should be taken off the shelves," said the old man, he was amused by it, or so Neri thought.
"What? Why? Why should they accuse CLAMP and not accuse Hirano Kouta or Kentaro Miura, they wrote worst things than CLAMP," Neri tried to defend, but he knew nothing about how much most of the Japanese people know about the all subject of Manga, he liked so much.
"Hirano Kouta? Kentaro Miura? Who are those? I never heard those names, the reasons they give in the trail is that little kids series, like kart captur cherry blossom, contains messages that corrupted the youth, and that series, X, was suicidal but still considered appropriate for little kids," said the old man, we're very sorry, but the writer fell on guard, and heard something he didn't recognize, and that's how such a bad translation occurred, the old man said "Cart capture sakura", a series that does not exist, or that's what people who understand say.
"Well, might be," said Neri, he understood what the old man tried to say, he sat on the second comfortable sofa that was there, and started watching the trail


"Dear CLAMP members, in the past or in the present, Is card capture sakura not filled with a lot of pedophilia in levels that can not be interoperated differently except support in pedophilia?" Ask the prosecutor, his hair looked very familiar to Neri, he just didn’t know from where, he had a brown hair with a dark blonde spot in the corner, but Neri cared about the trail more.
Agaha Ookawa was the one who approached to speak, “the main idea of Card capture sakura was not how the main character is in love with an older man, after all, in the end Sakura ends up with a boy her age, the all idea of Sakura revolves the clow cards, to get into minor details like the young girl is in love with an older boy, although in the end there is nothing to it?”
“But doesn’t the first opening song encourage pedophilia in some way? I want to quote. ‘I want to see you, I can’t see you, those feeling hurt, I can’t say, I want to say, I just let the chance slip away, but, but, we’ll spread our wings together, and run through the sky, I want our dreams to be united’, the first thing I can understand from this song is the strong hints that such a love is possible, because the girl want it so much, but that’s how pedophilic relationships are created, I can not but think that spread our wings is a entirely a sexual request, which hurts many girls…” The prosecutor kept on talking and was stopped by the defense attorney, “I object! The prosecutor is just interoperating from the text, he doesn’t show firm evidence.”
“Sustained,” said the judge, “Will the prosecutor please speak facts only.”
“Fine, if so, I, the prosecutor, want to call for the first witness, a 18 year old girl who had suffered sexual abuse since she was 10, I call forth Sakura Taisen,” he said as the witness got in and set on the stand. The prosecutor started asking the questions.
“Sakura, can you tell me how it all started?” Asked the prosecutor, the girl had black hair that flew down to her shoulders, he started slightly crying.
“It’s fine, you can tell us what happened,” said the prosecutor.
“It all started when Card capture sakura first started airing, I’ve seen some chapters with my private tutor who was older than me, and which I thought I felt something for, after the first couple of chapters…” She started crying.


Neri rose up from the sofa, he understood there is no reason for him to watch it, after all, the trail was sold, and CLAMP had no chance winning. He walked up to his room and woke up Alex, one of his partners to the journey, Alex had glasses, short air, and was shorter than Neri by about an head, but that’s to be expected, after all Neri was tall.
Alex woke up and asked Neri, “What happened? Why are you waking me up so early in the morning?” He had Russian accent, he was born in Russia after all. “You wanted us to start the journey today at 9 AM, no?” Asked Neri, he knew Alex for a long while, but he didn’t expect Alex to get a jetlag. “Ah, right!” Alex replied, “Good you wake me up, why were you up so early in the morning?” He asked. “I was watching the news,” Neri said. “Since when do you watch the news? I would understand if it was me, but…”
“Why shouldn’t I watch the news? Anyway, CLAMP was on the TV…” Neri started saying. “And why should it interest me, huh?” Asked Alex. “Because it’s a trail…” Said Neri, “And they talked there about a rape too.” Neri usually had that problem arranging his sentences so they’ll be logical. It somehow always happened with Alex.
“Someone managed to rape all of CLAMP?” Alex was surprised. Neri answered quickly, “No, nobody raped them, some girl was raped by her private tutor.” “And how is that related to CLAMP?! You are so unrelated some times, Neri,” Alex couldn’t understand what Neri was talking about.
“Ah, no, CLAMP is on trail for corruption of the youth…” Neri said, trying to explain again. “And how is the rape related to this? You’ve opened a random ****** magazine again? Well, really, Neri, you know better than that…”
“But… I didn’t bring any ****** magazine with me… And I don’t really have any ****** magazine, but if you want to lend me one from your private collection…” Said Neri, he giggled.
“Well, we better go wake those two bums in the other room…” Said Alex. “You’ve a point there,” Said Neri, he knew Alex will try to change the subject somehow, and he knew they should go on on their trip.


“I think the best target will be tourists, Israeli preferred, especially if they arrived yesterday to Japan,” a voice came out of one of the screen, it was a green screen.
“Why Israelis?” Asked the red screen.
It was a round room, and all of the five screens were in front each other.
“I agree with Midori, Israelis will be easy to frame, especially when he’s around, he already mentioned his abilities,” It was the blue screen.
“He? You mean Zord, the one with diplomas?” Asked the black screen.
“Yes, that Zord, Kuro,” Answered the blue screen, “That Zord.”
“You really believe his story, Ao? I thought you from us all would understand he’s lying… I can never believe such a story…” It was the white screen.
“Anyway, I guess we can pick them with no problem,” the green screen interrupted the talk, “we need something that will not lead to us, and if we’ll set it up well enough, even they will not suspect…”
“But what if the Mutsu will suddenly…” Said the white, he was interrupted by the Midori. “The Mutsu disappeared, Shiro, understand it, he doesn’t exist in our opinion.”
“Hirano already knows, and so does Oogure, they will probably understand the truth…” said the red screen.
“Aka, who do you think will listen to two crazy mangakas like Hirano and Oogure? You are just hallucinating, nothing will happen, that’s the best way to act,” Midori was their leader, or so he acted at least.
“So, those four?” Asked Shiro.
On the floor our four travelers appeared, they don’t know what they got themselves into, even we don’t know.

I hope you'll enjoy, tell me what you think about it :P


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 31, 2006
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United States
Re: A journey to Japan

Wow i love it ^__^ it is real good ^_^ i can't wait tell the next part >______<

ThE WoRm

英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 29, 2006
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LOL, I didn't know someone posted in here :P Well, if more people will replay, I might do the next part, but the thing is that the next part is about the only part done yet, because I went out on a break for translations and manga reading ^^"

P.S. I might some time in the future post chapter one of the book I was writting and stopped a long time ago that I made in english for some english assigment, but we'll see about that ^^"[br]Posted on: September 21, 2006, 03:14:55 AM_________________________________________________Well, I changed the name of the topic, maybe now more people will come in and read --"

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
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Abu Dhabi
For some reason a lot of members here overlooks the Scrapbooks section =/ Not sure why.

ThE WoRm

英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 29, 2006
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Maybe because it's not a manga? :P
Well, don't know if there is any way to make the scrapbook section more looked ^^"