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Bakuman 129 – Youth and Destiny
A Review by alphabeta
A Review by alphabeta
Small Summary: Nakai vs Hiramaru starts. Hiramaru gets pumped up, however on the very next panel he gets pumped dooooooooown. While Hiramaru is flying through Tokyo, looking for an airport to land, Nakai remembers with the little brain he has left, why he came, and gets ready to take Aoki by force… (Die, Nakai, DIE!!!). Ashirogi gets sentimental, suddenly starting to think about their live, and how they failed at their goal.

Long Summary: “Move Aside” – “No way in hell”. So… you thought you’re reading one of the Big 3, but sooner or later you found out you’re reading Bakuman, and since you can’t understand what’s going on, you read this review.

Just like everyone else, I thought that Hiramaru was butt-naked, the first time I saw that page. But, really, with Obata drawing Hiramaru’s a** that detailed, you can’t blame me. Hiramaru uses Bulk Up. Hiramaru’s Special Attack and Special Defense sharply rose. And really, if you judge the chapter by it’s first page, it definitely seems like Hiramaru is going to one-panel Nakai.

Meatball-no-jutsu *Nakai-style*
Nakai, unexpectedly, shows us that he didn’t slept in physic’s class, back when he was a kid. So he decides to some experiments. Experiment Nr.1. A body that has been pushed by a force will keep moving in that direction, until the rubbing will cause it to stop. Hiramaru, because he is such a good guy, decides to help Nakai solving his physic-problems, and tells him he should rush at him, with everything he’s got. Nakai, who now doesn’t want to make Hiramaru feel bad, because he will think, he isn’t trying hard enough, rushes forward, with speed of light, and sends Hiramaru flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying.
Aoki hears the sound of something crashing into the wall and looks, who’s responsible for the ruckus. Nakai notices her and eagerly wants to tell her, that his Experiment has worked, hence the sluggish smile, when he looks at her.

You spin my head right round, right round~
Hirmaru notices that Nakai wants to impress Aoki, and decides to help him out even further. He jumps at his back, shouting “BANZAI!”, and Nakai really appreciates it. Nakai starts his 2nd Experiment. A body will fly the longest distance if it is thrown by an angle of 45°. After successfully finishing his 2nd Experiment, Nakai, not being able to surpress his desire to get Aoki’s kiss for being such a good boy, rushes towards her house himself.
Meanwhile in Saikou-palace. Shuujin:… Saikou:… (Who said Bakuman is a wordy manga?

*re-read page 4 & 5*
Nope, I stay by my opinion. There’s nothing to comment. Who cares who Shuujin was in love, back in 2nd grade? It’s not like he’s going to cheat on Miyoshi, when he meets up with her. (Even tho, that would make Bakuman probably even more realistic.) Who cares what school Yama-chan went after elementary school? It’s not like Saikou is going to cheat on Azuki, when he meets up with him. (Even tho, that would make Bakuman a freakin’ Yaoi manga…

@Obata: Next time you draw a panel, give it a border…

Nakai’s Experiment Nr. 3: Someone who says, he is Aoki’s tea friend will kiss the ground on the next panel. *checking*. Nakai was right. Really, he’s the second Einstein… (no, he ain’t). Ashirogi, suddenly show us, that they posses, aside the ability to draw manga, the ability to use telepathy. Hiramaru was sending information, using Morse-language, through the stream of Energy in the ground of the Earth, saying “Help Guys, we’re running out of ideas for Experiments. Come and save our asses souls”, and Ashirogi went to help him out.
Experiment Nr. 4: If you have read Naruto, you can use Gentle fist yourself. (Page 7, the last two panels.

Team Badass (Saikou excluded…

Page 8. Nearly half of the Chapter is finished. Perfect chance to change my “bashing-attitude” to a more serious one… … … lolno, like I’m ever going to do that.

Fukuda instantly understands the situation, and gets of his bike, to help Hiramaru out. However, we find out, that Hiramaru has the talk-no-jutsu-illness, which has spread further and further into all of WSJ’s mangas, to the point where it makes me wanna change a famous quote from Nabokov’s “Lolita”. “If I see another plot-no-jutsu I’m gonna vomit.”
Finally Nakai realizes, that his experiments are useless, because we all know physics already. So he decides to play another game. Point-at-you. He starts, with himself with pointing at Aoki. Hiramaru instantly gets the rules and points at Nakai. Man, he likes this game. He pulls away his finger, and points again. Heck, this is fun

Is just me, or have Aoki’s boobs grown?

Another illness that the manga world has inherited from Naruto is Kakashi’s habit to appear out of nowhere. This time it’s Aoki who joins the IGASEC (IGotASharinganEyeClub). Everyone’s reaction was: WTF?! My reaction was: *looking at those legs*

Anyway, even if I don’t like SM, that doesn’t mean Nakai shares my opinion. Even Shuujin points it out. “If he really hits her, then never mind mangaka, he fails even at being human”. (I’m a genius when it comes down to taking things out of context

There’s something in my mouth. I just don’t know what. Tell me. Tell me! TELL ME!!!
Somehow I don’t know what to write anymore…

Nakai gets a flashback. (flashback? Soon Death? Light’s comeback?

Ohba used Max Revive. Hiramaru gets his HP and Status problems healed. (I’m a genius. Praise me

I’m gonna pull of your skin, and I’m gonna enjoy every single second of it

Fukuda: Hey, that logic is screwed. So what? A Note which can kill people is the epitome of working logic, so leave my Ohba alone.

*reading page 18*… *dying form laughter*… *reviving from the dead*. I don’t know what Fukuda found screwed in Hiramaru’s logic, but I find something else screwed. You see how those two are tangled into each other? Hiramaru trying to crush Nakai’s head, and Nakai trying to crush Hiramaru under his own weight. Is that even possible, in real life. *trying it out*… *breaking half of my bones*…*realizing that my jokes suck*… *going for a drink…*
Die, Bakuman, Die!!! Why the fu** am I even doing this review? No one is answering anyway. 128-review got 110 views in two days. Even my 127-review got 150 views in just 12 hours after I published it. *trying to finish this review*
So, the newborn HiramruxNakai couble has been officially born, and they sail off to celebrate their soon-to-be-marriage. Ohba decides to pull of another thing from Naruto. The i-belive-in-you-speech. This time it’s Aoki who believes in Hiramru. What next? Fukuda believes in teletabies? Shuujin belives in Spiderman?
The last paragraph in “Long Summary”… hehe… *going insane*. Hiramaru wakes up, from realizing that Madara appered in the night and sucked him in, with his Sharingan, into another dimension, where his bed is kinda hard. He turns around and sees… Nakai lying in his bed… :vomit
The End… I hope…
My Thoughts: Say what you want. I laughed my a** off in this chapter. The whole Nakai x Hiramaru fight was hilarious. A.S.F., too, got some spotlight in this chapter. ‘course Fukuda stood out the most. Honestly, Fukuda has been getting more and more screen time lately, and I definitely approve of Ohba’s decisions.

The chapter can be divided into two parts. Before Aoki arrives, and after Aoki arrives. Before she did, Nakai’s and Hiramaru’s fight was a single-sided-go-and-die-fight. After she did, it became a who-the-fu**-am-I-now-supposed-to-hit-fight. No, jokes aside (yeah, that was supposed a joke just now

Also, even though you won’t like it, everyone (me included), who said that Nakai is a failed character, who should go and die, has been trolled, and it couldn’t have been any other way. Even Nanamine, who is/was Nr.1 Evil in the Bakuman-verse turned into a good guy. You didn’t expect Ohba to give Nakai a bigger show than Nana himself. Forget it. The times where bad people had their names written in a Death Note, have long since passed…

Light, L, Melo, Near, Ryuk, heck, even Misa-Misa at dead last, I miss you

Small Details:

So, you’re probably thinking now, why I put this pic in the Small Details section… Think about it. Doesn’t this scene seem familiar… think back… remember what happened in the early chapters of Bakuman… remember the first chapter… So? Ringed any bells? If not, then here you go.

Fukuda-kun is driving a good ol' Harley Davidson.

Yep, this is the eleven from “Otter 11”
Predictions: Spoilers for 130 are out. Go and read them. You did? Now go and comment this review. You did? Man, you’re easy to manipulate.

P.S.: So I finished my 4th review. 6 left till I become “Chapter Reviewer”.

Anyway, no “Death Manga” this week, next week, the week after that week, the week after the week after that week… Honestly, just go and forget I ever mentioned I’ll do “Death Manga”. Even if a miracle happens and I decide to do it… it’s not gonna happen sooner than I get my “Chapter Reviewer”, what is at least six weeks far away.
On to dedications. This weeks review goes to After_Image and goldb, who I have forgotten to mention in my good-bye post, from about three weeks ago. There you go guys. You have passed the ready-to-be-mentioned-in-my-review-exam’s, and no, it’s definitely not like I’m running out of ideas whom to dedicate this reviews to, so I had to pick the first one’s who came to my mind…
Yeah, I added a new category – Quote of the week. And remember. It’s seppuku for those who don’t comment!

Quote of the week:
Hiramaru: Manga is a scary thing. After being manipulated by my Editor I found that… my future is nothing but darkness.
(This speech is so great, I don’t even feel like trolling it. “manipulated by my Editor”


This was just asking for it.

P.P.S.: I just re-read this review, and I gotta say… this is my best one so far.

*re-re-reading my review*
Forget what I just said… There’s no balance between jokes and serious stuff. However that doesn’t change the fact, that this is my best review.

P.P.P.S: I was so eager to catch up with my reviews that I finished this one, one day before I predict in my 128 review. Anyway, guys, I’m being dead serious here. If you don’t comment or at least “thank you” my reviews, you can kiss their review-a**es goodbye. I don’t plan on doing reviews, that get no feedback.

[sally]small note that I edited your thread title to the correct chapter title[/sally]
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