Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island (6th Movie) | MangaHelpers

Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island (6th Movie)


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 17, 2005
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I decided to create a thread for the 6th movie, since it left too many questions unanswered, unlike the other movies. There are a lot of things I want to know, and I created this thread in the chance of at least finding out speculations, if not facts. I'm desperate here, basically. :p

Now, I skipped the 6th movie when I decided to download the movies. I watched only the ones with Robin in it, though. XD Reasons for leaving out the 6th was because I found the animation too drastic, and I heard from others that it wasn't that good.

But reading through Wikipedia about the movie, I read that the mood is different, moreso people calling it 'freaky' as well. So that piqued my interest. So there I am watching the movie.

My first initial reaction was: =/ - due to the weird looking animation. But somewhere around the first half, I started laughing. It captured the light hearted moments I always enjoyed in OP. My face turned to: =D

But suddenly, during that scene with Nami talking to Muchi, and the moment his face started melting into that old look of his, my face just went downwards. D=

And after that, all the joy I had from the previous day (due to Bleach and OP spoilers being very exciting), was all forgotten. >_< I swear. But seeing this, this and this, scared the major crap out of me. XD

Also, when the crew started whispering Luffy's name, I just couldn't stop staring. O_O Scared me too. XD I'm such a wimp. XD

Anyway, that's not why the thread is here, though.

I'm confused about a lot of things. First, when Muchi was talking to Nami, he mentioned seeing Gol D. Roger. Later, we also find out that the Baron had believed his crew to have died due to the storm. But in the end, the crew (in Baron's mind), tell him that he shouldn't worry since it wasn't the storm that killed them.

Now, how did Gol D. Roger come into the topic? Unless the movie I downloaded had cut of some bits, then I don't think Muchi had really explained what happened to them, since he starting aeging right then. What exactly did Muchi see that scared him, and possibly may have killed the whole Red Arrows crew. Gol D. Roger died 22 years before the storyline. As Nami stated, it was impossible for him to have seen Gol D. Roger.


Eh. Unless, they died a long time ago? BAH. Now I'm confused. I may have just answered one of my questions. Still...


Another thing. Wht exactly does the the Lily Carnation do?

Does it makes living humans, out of plants, provided it eats strong willed humans as well? Also, if that was the case, how does it make Baron's crew exactly the way they were. Up to their living minds. What I mean is that, if his crew were made up of plants, then how do they remember certain scenes before they died?

Which makes me believe that, that is not the case. And that maybe, Lily is using the real bodies of the crew and...augh. Blah. You get the idea.

So...any specualtions on your part? I seriously can't think of any, so I'm leaving it up to you guys. <3 Any ideas? :wtf It's me begging here. :nuts


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 22, 2006
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United States
I forget exactly how the Gold Roger topic started, but I think Nami and Muchi were just talking about random things. If I remember correctly (I really need to go check) they ran into the storm after meeting Gold Roger. I know the crew definently died a long time ago, because they broke up all those other crews, like the family and that mustache guy. Anyways, I think Muchi started aging because his memories came back.

I think that the baron's crew started aging when they doubted their existance (this is totally speculation btw). Muchi remembered the storm and realized he died or something. DJ didn't understand how he could still be alive after Zoro's attack, and that triggered the aging as well. The theory kinda works for both cases even if it's still not all that clear.

About the Lily eating people, I know it somehow eats them and makes the red arrow crew come back to life or something, but I totally don't get how. And I didn't get why when the crew was talking to baron omatsuri they said the storm didn't kill them. So how they died wasn't totally clear, but I DO think it was the whole doubting their existance thing that caused the aging.

Personally, I liked the movie BECAUSE it was so different from normal. When I saw it I was like 'woah', and yeah I was kinda freaked out too, but I just thought it was cool. I dunno. Also, I like creepy things (unless I'm watching/reading/whatever them at night and then I'm like 'OMG I'm gonna die' and I flip out and totally can't get any sleep the rest of the night. But that doesn't really have anything to do with this so whatever) so half the reason I liked it so much was because it was freaky. I also liked the beginning because it was so cute. The animation just made me think it was cuter than usual, I guess. =P


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Sep 10, 2006
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South Korea
I loved this movie. I thought the animation quality was great. One of the more memorable scenes for me was the scooby-doo door chase scene between Luffy and that mustache man.

But yes, the general creepiness that emerged in the second half of the movie was so very unlike One Piece. I still liked it though.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 12, 2007
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i loved this movie! id say it was the best one out of all of them
the animation was awsome and the first two games they played awsome and funny
but towards the end things started to get sad T_T
but luffy made it to save them ^^
and thus a happy ending ^^ ^^ ^^


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 30, 2005
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hm ok, here i come.
the 6th movie is realy my favourite movie, with great distance to the other movies. i like the style in which the mugiwaras are drwed, looks much more like the manga than the other movies or the episodes.

my explantation: this lily is an evil plant, which made a pact (or something else, perhaps she also bewitched the baron) with the red arrow pirate captain, who was desperate about loosing his crew ( i think they were all killed by Gold Roger, so it wasn't the storm).
perhaps she collects the spirits/souls of his dead crewmembers or she created them out of the barons memory ( i prefere the first option), and relives them with the help of little plants as body.
in exchange the baron has to feed the plant and with his shock of loosing his crew he plays this wicked game with pirates.

i watched the movie online on, also at night >.<
ah, you're right these pictures are so scary, but i realy sat on my hair and was thinking "woah....".

i hope you think this explanation fits and helps ya alittle bit ^^


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 19, 2007
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Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island was one of the best movies so far. I agree with Dragonzair that there were too many questions unanswered and I really think there should be a sequel. Throughout series, carefree Captain Monkey D. Luffy cares more about adventure and stuffing his belly than the wellbeing of his crew. In this movie, Sanji was the true Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates not Luffy. :D


Celestial Belgian
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 27, 2006
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This movie was indeed really great, but for me another main reason: the depressing story how luffys nakama end up fighthing and rguing each other and facing death