Blank's Observations - Chapter 370 | MangaHelpers

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Blank's Observations - Chapter 370


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I made a picture that may amuse some

Well then, back to the observations I go! But first, thanks go to Kylara for the raw and the great people over at MangaShare with their great quality and fast scanslations as always (scan by Blud and Kylara for the MS this week). Thanks to Nihongaeri for the translation in this scan as well. I must also thank all the other translators and scanslators that work hard each week to bring us our Naruto.

1. Pein the body-snatcher

The text indicates that 'Pain rises', as was postulated last time, he does in fact seemed to be able to switch bodies or possibly just control them all from a different location. I'm inclined to believe that the machine allows him to transfer himself into each body thereby allowing him to gain full advantage of that body's respective powers.

Pein started in the chamber closest to door on the right hand side. When he rises in this chapter the entrance can again be seen, indicating that he is on the right side (from the layout of the first picutre). It is fairly difficult to get his bearing. By approximating the distance from the entrance (unseen) from the first picture to the first chamber in addition to the distance between each subsequent chamber, and then comparing that to the distance between the two chambers, and then finally of that of the last seen chamber to the entrance in the last picture, it can be reasonably extrapolated that Pein is rising from the middle chamber.

On a sidenote: I believe I saw one of the translators explain the markings on the chambers as numbers. The only thing I recognize, I think is 6, on the left side closest to the door. Logically they would either ascend or descend. If they are numbers, the significance varies. At best it gives us all something more to speculate on.

2. Jiraiya's Style

Jiraiya's statement that interrogation isn't his style strikes me as rather ironic. He has been the iconic source of information throughout the entire series (that might change). From the amount of information he has amassed, he obviously has a knack for gathering it. His system, which can even detect lies with a fairly legitimate method, is bound to be well practiced and quite efficient. Why then, would he tell his captive that interrogation doesn't fit his personality?

A couple scenarios came to mind:

A) He could be using it as a tactic. This seems unlikely for many reasons. Building up tension would be the obvious goal in walking away, but that wouldn't be very practical for someone as accomplished as Jiraiya.

B) He is going to tell the captive this for no substantial reason because he will kill him anyway. This is about as far from logical thinking as one can get, but I thought I would mention it because I'm sure it might come to someone's mind. Even if you view it as: this man will die anyway, so anything Jiraiya says to him can be considered unimportant - it still rings hollow.

Why, you ask, would I present you with two worthless theories? Now that I have wasted about six seconds of your life I shall give you the answer: but of course, it's three-fold. One, C, which happens be my actual stipulation, looks quite good by comparison. Two, many illogical theories are the ones people jump to when they dismiss something as an insignificant, and therefor casual statement. This way, people are less inclined to just see it as just a casual statement. Three, now that I just wasted another few seconds (and I really hate to use these in reviews...but, "lol"), you might find C to be a bit more interesting.

C) It could be construed as a genuine reflection of Jiraiya's character. If this is the case then it seems disconcerting at first. Jiraiya, the most prevalent information gathering Ninja in the series (at least for important Konoha issues, unlike Kabuto's ghetto cards), must have interrogated more people than even Ibiki, especially considering his age. It would seem that Jiraiya's style is more akin to the silent observer (seen to be his favorite method for Icha Icha research).

Whatever the verdict, the comment itself is just very out of place coming from Jiraiya, the infamous information-hub protagonist.

Part 2: All That Other Stuff

Jiraiya's Legacy: Toadem Pole

As most people have been speculating, It seems Jiraiya might die in the near future. The foreshadowing is fairly apparent. By signing away this storage scroll away to Naruto he basically validates the hypothetical of his death. There is no doubt in my mind that he will die shorty. If not to Pein then defiantly to Madara. Tsunade's fate is looking fairly grim too. Most of the older generations must die eventually (at least the important or strong ones), but I'll save that speculation for a later chapter.

Minato's Super duper seal!

It's always been known that Minato did more than a basic seal. Just how much he was able to prepare and get done before his death has just recently been fully revealed. It's astonishing that he was able to provide a key in addition to make two seals (more on the sealing later). This preparation and foresight does give a very pragmatic reason as to why during the kybuii attack the fellow Ninjas had to wait for the yellow flash, arguably the fastest ninja in existence at the time.

The Key

Frogs like to argue. I do love the fact that Jiraiya treats them as equals, going so far as to justify his claims to them. I wonder to what extent this key can be used? From the manner in which they speak of it, resealing doesn't really seem to be a reusable feature. But unlocking (to some extent) must be considering that Jiraiya already tried releasing the seal a bit. I imagine this loosening resulted in Naruto's emotional rage being enough to release the four tailed form. If the key can be continuously used, one would think it would have been used already since people keep mentioning Naruto's seal is weakening. Not using it until it is necessary indicates that it has some malignant effects.

"That Jutsu" Again..

We've had a few of these; two now with Naruto, and one with Sasuke (still yet to be revealed). Considering the context, this defiantly doesn't relate to Naruto's other "that jutsu". From what is being implied, the jutsu in question this time involves full control over the Kyuubi. Possibly it is releasing a controlled form of the Kyuubi or using the Kyuubi's power for some absurd technique. I'm going to end my speculation on this matter here for now.

The Seal

I had two theories when I first read the spoilers. Here is the one that (unless there prove to be discrepancies or further clarifications in the translations, which I doubt) doesn't seem to fit anymore. I want to gauge peoples' thoughts on it though.When reading in the spoilers that both the ying and the yang from the Kyuubi were separated and then stored in Naruto, at that time it seemed to me that the supplementary reason for the eight part seal was one four part seal for the light and one four part for the dark (aka or ying and yang). By this logical, Minato would have used the Deathgod to permanently store the Yin inside Naruto making that chakra inaccessible (except for the key). This would make sense, if the key was used to try and let out the ying chakra and the result was the overwhelmed Naruto. And, the yang chakra that was given to Naruto through the accesable flow seal would have been all of his normal Kyuubi chakra. Basically, this theory encompassed the idea that all of the Kyuubi's chakra was in naruto.

Edit / Notice: I sought some help trying to clarify the Japanese text pertaining to the act of sealing. I don’t understand the Japanese so I didn’t know the leniency of the English text. Lots of thanks go to Nihongaeri who graciously provided me with a clear clarification and greater understanding of the lines in question. I was correct in assuming that there weren’t really any discrepancies (wishful thinking on my part for the theory above to fit better).

After understanding the text more comprehensibly I now stand by the splitting of the chakra theory (below) completely (or at least more so than the other one).

After reading all the translations I could get my hands on, I have decided that my other theory fits better.

Minato seperated the Kyuubi's chakra into Ying and Yang.

He used Shiki Fuujin [the deathgod sealing technique] to store the Ying chakra inside his own body, thereby condemning that and him to eternal something rather..(an endless battle with chakra? That deathgod's belly is very Hokage rich) the important part here is that the Ying chakra is out of the picture.

He then used Hakke no Fuuin Shiki [the Eight seal technique] to store the Yang chakra into Naruto. He did this by making two Shishou Fuuin [the four seal technique]. Working together they somehow allow a portion of the Kyuubi's chakra to flow into Naruto.

~Things that stand out~

The seal that they tried to unlock using the key was one of the Shishou Fuuin, but which one? The one that regulates flow control or the more permanent seal (I'm just assuming that they both have these respective functions for this observation, but I place no steak to actually labeling the seals to have these individual abilities. At this point speculation is the best I have.)?

1/2 the Chakra? The Kyuubi inside Naruto, who apparently retains his whole personality only exists from half his chakra? It's not even half, its an opposing side. Yang or light, it seems odd that the Kyuubi exists so completly with a portion of his being (which is one of the reasons I had my first theory in addition to this one).

Madara vs. Shodai

Another nice theory to have confirmed, it's true that the statue is Madara. It also reaffirms what Kakashi said about Sasuke and Naruto fight being similiar to the other fight at the Valley at the End. Here is my issue with this, Madara is supposed to be some all-powerful Ninja (I would conceivably place him as the strongest Ninja in the series at the moment) and he was, according to Jiraiya, the only person ever cable of summoning the Kyuubi, so why did Shodai beat him?

When Shodai was resurrected he was defiantly the stronger of the first two Hokages. But the 3rd held his ground fine when he wasn't completely serious (at first). Granted, Shodai's fighting ability might have been reduced to Orochimaru's ability to control him, but to battle Madara, someone of a higher level should have been needed. Wait, despite what I have just said, this is not what I believe, simply put. One of the key elements missing from when we saw Shodai fight was his willpower. Throughout the series it has been a very prevalent theme - tenacious bastards are the ones that often thrive.

Shodai must have been victorious to the presumably all-powerfull Madara because of his specific skill set (which works perfectly with what I said before about him not necessarily seeming strong enough when compared with the 3rd). So here is how I think the battle had to have occured:

At some point, Madara summons the Kyuubi

Shodai turns the tables by altering the Kyuubi somehow (turning against, dissipating, controlling, etc.)

Madara gets badly hurt and loses

Later he makes steps to prolong his life/health

This is one of the few ways I can envision Shodai being able to beat Madara. Consequently, I have an interesting view on the origin of the Sharingan that is based mainly off actual context as opposed to mythology (e.g. tengu's - which has ..some..good points). I think I might cover that in my next review.

Generational Gap

The frog finds the idea that Madara could have been alive 15-16 years ago ridiculous since he was a founder of Konoha. From a purely generational standpoint, this is possible but highly unlikely (within the limits of a natural lifestyle, probably estimated around 85). Madara was 1st generation and the Kyuubi event happened around the time when the 4th generation was being born. The amount of young births for this to have happened would, again, be unlikely. Then again, this is not even that relevant considering, the ability to prolong ones life in the Ninja world is completely achievable. Obviously that frog hasn't seen as much as Jiraiya.

And then...

Oh yea...does this look familiar to anyone else =P

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