Chapter 34: Heaven and Hell | MangaHelpers

Chapter 34: Heaven and Hell


LOLZ snoogen-chan I'm sorry. Everytime you write a long chapter I feel like I just have to match it in some way.
OH BTW DO NOT KILL OFF ANY OF UR CHARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I enjoy their exploits it'd be a shame if they stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A must listen to for this chapter:

Part 1:
Lione looked up from his desk.
"Ah have you all returned?" Lione grinned. Rinvak, Flames, Ying, Legno, and the finders they went with all stood in front of Lione's desk. "How was the search?"
"The only bookman we found has been.... killed," Rinvak said silently. "There were swarms of Level 2 Akumas around him. We were lucky enough to make it out alive."
"Cheh," Lione spat. "The Noahs are having trouble so they send the Akumas to do their dirty work. What about your team Flames?"
"We have found ONE bookman. He says his name is Blade. He's currently resting in a room we prepared." Flames said in a calm manner.
"That's it???" Lione sighed. "So we have Blade and Legno. Only two bookmen?"
"Well I know the old panda is still alive if that's what your thinking," Legno said coolly. "Him and his bookman-in-training Lavi."
"Besides you never know what happened with Stephanie's team right?" rinvak said optimistically. "They could've found loads of bookmen!!!!"
"I hope so," Lione sighed. "For all our sakes...."
Part 2
After the Akuma departed, Zeran moved swiftly to make a grave for Edward. Stephanie helped as much as she could but deep inside she was worried about Tabitha. After saying a quick eulogy for Edward, Zeran went over to Tabitha's side and did various things to get her up and moving. After 10 minutes of silence however...
Zeran shook Tabitha back and forth. "Move DAMN YOU!!!!!!"
Tabitha just sat there muttering, "Onii-san, onii-san."
Stephanie held back tears. My sister... I can't believe this...
"Want a cookie?" Zeran suggested. Stephanie shot him a glare. Zeran gave her a look that said 'Well what the hell do you want me to say?'
Stephanie gently nudged Tabitha. "We have a long way to go," Stephanie said gently. "You have to be strong. It's what your brother would've wanted as well."
Tabitha got up slowly and awkwardly. She collapsed again after 5 seconds.
"This isn't going to work...." Stephanie sighed dejectedly.
"Damn this," Zeran bent down and allowed Tabitha to ride on his back. "Get on, or we'll never move." Tabitha moved as though she was being controlled by a puppeteer and got onto Zeran's back.
"DAMN she's heavy!" Zeran grunted. "How many of those damn cookies does she eat a day????????"
Stephanie sighed. It can't be helped. There's no other way we can get her to move.
"The next bookman is close by." Stephanie checked her map. "It's only a mile or so into the countryside."
"A mile of sunshines and daisies," Zeran said, his voice dripping with sarcasm and straining under Tabitha's weight.
"Just grin and bear with it," Stephanie said crossly, yet secretly enjoying Zeran's suffering (<-----SO EVIL!!!!!!)
Part 3:
A mile of back pain later, Zeran and Stephanie with the now sleeping Tabitha arrived at where the bookman was staying. Tengoku (Heaven) trembled slightly in its hilt as they approached. What's going on? What is Tengoku resonating with? Zeran thought quietly.
An elderly man came out of the house.
"Are you the bookman?" Stephanie called out.
"YES THAT WOULD BE ME!!!!!!!!" the old man shouted. "PARDON MY SHOUTING BUT I AM A LITTLE DEAF!!!!!!!!"
"That's okay," Stephanie stuck her finger into her ears to make sure they were still operating.
"COME ON INSIDE EXORCISTS!!!!" the old man continued shouting. "LET'S DISCUSS A FEW THINGS!!!!!!"
When Zeran and Stpehanie entered, Zeran gently set Tabitha down on a nearby chair.
"SO WHAT DID YOU COME HERE FOR?" the bookman shouted.
"WHAT? MY WIFE IS IN DANGER? THERE ARE MOAS COMING TO CHEW?????" the bookman misinterpreted Stpehanie's shouts.
"NO!!!!!" Stephanie sighed and began trying all over again.
Tengoku was vibrating quite loudly now, but among the two people's yells, it was easily drowned out. Tengoku... what is it? Tell me... Zeran closed his eyes.
Nothing in this house seems out of porportion. the old man may be senile but he's sane. He has the same smell as this place which means he isn't an akuma. If he was an akuma his smell would differ from this drunken infestation of a house. Tengoku why are you reacting? Why is Jigoku (Hell) staying quiet????? What's going on???? Tengoku continued to vibrate when Zeran inspected it.
"It's chance I'll have to take," Zeran sighed quietly. He pulled on Stephanie's sleeve gently.
"WHAT?!?!!?!?!?!" Stephanie shouted right in Zeran's face, and he was so surprised he fell backwards.
"Ow....." Zeran said.
"I'M SORRY!" Stephanie helped Zeran up. "I was so used to shouting I accidentally did it to you!!!"
"Your saliva is on me," Zeran complained and dragged Stephanie's collar close.
"Oh... those two must be lovers," the old man chuckled to himself, but unfotunately he was unaware he was quite audible.
"There's something wrong with this old man," Zeran whispered. "Take care of Tabitha. I'll confront him outside. Act like nothing is wrong..."
"WE'RE NOT LOVERS" Stephanie shouted. "GEEZ!!!!!! Tabitha and I are going to sleep!!!!!!" She dragged Tabitha up the stairs of the small cottage.
"May I speak with you outside please?" Zeran said quite audibly.
"EH? OF COURSE YOUNGSTER!" the old man led Zeran outside to an open field.
Once outside, Zeran made sure Stephanie was out of the house by glancing and seeing a trail of ribbons take cover in the plains behind the house.
"sa-te-tou (Now, then) Dare desu ka (Who the hell are you)?" Zeran drew his swords and pointed them at the bookman.
"Eh? I'm a bookman of course!!!" the old man laughed.
"Oh? So I didn't have to shout for you to hear what I said," Zeran grinned having caught the imposter in his trap.
"Cheh," the old man's face began to deform and reform into a new shape. "Ya caught me."
Part 4:
"What the hell are you?" Zeran asked.
"First things first, how did you find me out?" the old man took the shape of Zeran with the same swords.
"My Tengoku trembled more and more whenever I got closer and closer to you," Zeran explained. "Now answer my question. What the hell are you?"
"I'm a Level 4 Akuma," grinned imposter Zeran. "Sent by Jacques to take care of you. He's still upset about that scar you know."
"Your ability is absolute manipulation, correct?" Zeran asked.
"Amazing!" the Akuma clapped. "If it wasn't for that sword you'd have never found me out, and you'd be dead..."
Absolute manipulation, a technique that can fool the five senses into beliveing what it wants us to. This Akuma made us believe that he looked like an old man, smelt like an old man, talked like an old man, probably even felt and tasted like an old man. There would be NO way whatsoever to tell the difference between real and impostor. What a dangerous power to have... Zeran thought.
"I can also copy whatever skills you can come up with," imposter Zeran grinned. "Like... Jigoku! OUGI! MAKAI NO ENJYU NO PHONEIX!!!!! (Hell's Cursed Phoenix)"
"YOU BASTARD!!!!!" Zeran came close and tried to slice the Akuma but it nimbly dodged and unleashed one ofZerna's most devastating attacks against him.
"YABEI! (Oh shit!)" Zeran braced himself for the attack. Suddenly ribbons shot out of nowhere, wrapped around his chest, and pulled him away so fast Zeran felt like his chest was being seperated from the rest of his body. The huge flaming phoenix erupted just as Zeran was being pulled away. I thought I was going to die for sure...
"Are you okay Zeran?" Stephanie released him.
"Aside from my chest nearly being torn out of its sockets, I'm fine" Zeran coughed.
"Aren't you Stephanie?" the Akuma walked over and shapeshifted to Stephanie's sister. "Your sister sends her greetings." She unleashed a barrage of ribbons against the two exorcists. Zeran and Stephanie dodged at the same time. But the Akuma jumped and grabbed Zeran by the throat.
"Cheh," Zeran grunted. "I lose..."
Just as the Akuma changed his hands to that of a blade and was about to point it at Zeran's throat, he paused.
"How about I give you a taste of suffering and a small reward at the same time?" the Akuma grinned evilly.
"What? Are you going to kill Stephanie?" Zeran grinned. "Allow me to feel relieved that I don't have to feel her gaze at my neck and I'll have to feel guilty for her death?"
"Better," the Akuma grinned and shape shifted once more. "I'll allow you to see my true form.
When the Akuma finished, she stood up and grinned at Zeran in the moonlight.
"Yasahiburi (it's been a long time) Zeran-kun," a young girl grinned at him
Part 5
"Uso... (it's a lie) Uso darou? (It's a lie right?)" Zeran looked in shock and disbelief. "I KILLED YOU!!!!!!!! SHIA!"
A slightly older Shia, wearing black make-up and black clothes grinned at Zeran. "Well actually you killed your parents trapped in that Akuma I had put them in. They were only wearing my body, so you didn't kill me at all."
She walked over and looked Zeran in the eyes. "However, I was well liked in that village we grew up in. One of the villagers who looked after me like his own daughter sought the Earl of Millenium to bring me to life. And now here I am..."
"ZERAN!!!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!" Stephanie shouted. Now I understand... why Tengoku reacted.... Zeran thought slowly.

*3 years ago*
"These two swords I got from that ossan (old guy)," Zeran looked them over. "I think I'll name the black one Jigoku. Because it'll symbolize the horrible thing I put Shia-chan through. I'll name this white sword Tengoku. Because it's surely where Shia-chan is now. I'll use my sin and Shia's purity in battle. My new swords! Jigoku and Tengoku!"

*present time*
"Now time to die" Shia grinned and turned her right hand into a sharp blade. "Goodbye, Zeran-kun."
"Yabei!" Stephanie used her ribbons and grabbed the blade that was about to swing down on Zeran's head.
"Get out of my way girl!" Shia swung her blade across trying to loosen the hold the ribbons had on her hand-blade. It swept across Zeran's neck and a small locket fell to the ground, having its string been cut by Shia's blade.
Shia quickly dashed over and knocked Stephanie unconcisous.
"No more interference," Shia grinned an evil grin that did not suit her beautiful features.
"You know... Shia," Zeran stood and picked up the fallen locket. "I met your sister a few weeks ago. She told me... That she wanted to make her sister happy in Heaven."
"Ah, so you met Shima-onee chan." Shia paused.
"I failed," Zeran walked slowly towards Shia. "It's my fault you're like this. I couldn't fulfill you or your sister's desires... So go ahead... Kill me if it will ease your suffering..."
"Zeran-kun..." Shia's features softened for a moment, then reformed it into hatred. She kicked Zeran across the field and growled. "I thought I had suppresed the will of this girl, but the purer they are, the harder they are to control. I will break this girl's will completely when I kill you. Remember that Zeran!!!!!!" Shia flew off into the sky. And Zeran lost consiousness.
Part 6
The three were rescued by finders who happened to be near the vicinity when they heard the commotion. They were successfully brought into HQ and had their wounds treated.
A few days after that incident....
Zeran quietly left the ward and went back into his room.
"I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON ZERAN!!!!!!" Lione screamed at Zeran from behind.
"Gather everyone at the briefing room if you want to know that badly, include shima too," Zeran sighed.
After everyone had assembled, Zeran explained everything.
"We went out to look for the bookman when we were attacked by Stpehanie's evil twin who had been turned into a Lvl 4 Akuma. Edward died in the struggle."
A few finders and exorcists gasped at this sudden death. Edward was very well liked in HQ.
"Soon after, Tabitha lost her will and I carried her to where the bookman was said to be located. It turned out to be an Akuma with the absolute manipulation ability."
"Then what became of the bookman?" Lione asked quietly.
"Most likely she killed him..." Zeran said quietly.
"She?" Lione asked quietly. "If it was an absolute manipulation akuma how would you know its true gender?"
"Because she showed me." Zeran took in a breath. "The Akuma is a girl I know named.... Shia."
"WHAT?!?!?!?!?" Shima and Lione jumped in surprise.
"Who is Shia?" Rinvak looked at Zeran confusedly.
"Yes I am sure we would all like to know," Flames said.
"Is she hot?" Legno said offhandedly. A ring of blue flame encircled Legno and started to close in. "I WAS JUST KIDDING!!!! HEY ZERAN CUT IT OUT!!!!! OW THAT STINGS!!!!! HEY I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!!" the flames slowly died off.
"Like I was saying," Zeran said quietly. "Shia is a childhood friend of mine. When the Akumas killed my parents, Shia was always supportive of me. At first I gave her the cold shoulder, but eventually I warmed up to her. She and I became inseperable friends. She was always kind, would always smile, and never be angry with anyone. Almost like an angel in a human body. She had one desire and only one. To see her onee-san again." Shima averted her eyes to the ground. "But on her birthday I wasn't able to get her anything that would make her happy. And Shia felt the same about me. It was agreed that on our birthdays we would each give each other a present. Shia decided to revive my parents via the Earl of Millenium. She and I heard about reviving people from finders nearby but we had no idea what it would lead to. My parents killed Shia and wore her as a suit. I recieved innocence from General Cross and killed my parents. Now she has been revived as a Level 4 Akuma..."
"oh..." Rinvak sniffled.
"That must be very painful," Flames gave a sympathetic look. "Having to kill the one you love... I can understand..."
"Sorry bout my comment earlier," apologized Legno.
"My sister... was always an idiot..." Shima whispered.
"I will be the one to kill her once and for all," Zeran said firmly. "Otherwise... her soul which hasn't been fully taken over will never be able to reach heaven."
"You shouldn't try so hard," Ying said eerily.
Part 7
After the meeting, Zeran was stopped by Tabitha. "How can you live with yourself?" Tabitha muttered.
"Were you listening?" Zeran asked.
"MY BROTHER DIED BECAUSE OF YOU, STEPHANIE, AND.... me..." Tabitha began to cry slowly.
"You never had to kill him with your own hands did you?" Zeran said quietly. "Until you've done that, you will never understand what I've lived through."
"BUT!" Tabitha began.
"Understand this," Zeran said quietly. "Your brother would not want to see you in this state. If you really wanted to make him proud, then get stronger. Get stronger so that you can protect the people important to you next time."
".........." Tabitha looked at Zeran quietly. "How would you know?"
"I wouldn't," Zeran shrugged. "But just picture him in your mind. Imagine the first thign he would say to you if he say you like this."
"He would..." Tabitha began. "scold me for being a crybaby... He would ask me to cheer up and not cry."
"Good," Zeran patted Tabitha on her head. "Now you know what the most important thing you have to do now is... I'll kill Shia and save her soul. You will get stronger and help Stephanie avenge your brother."
Tabitha nodded slowly.
"It took me two weeks to get over Shia's 1st death... If you can do it in a faster time, then you're stronger than I am," Zeran grinned. "Oh, here's a cookie I snuck from the ward." Zeran handed her a cookie then left.
"Onii-san," Tabitha said and looked at the cookie. "I'll definetly make you proud! Thank you Zeran nii-san...."
Part 8
"Ying!" Zeran called after her.
"What is it Zeran?" Ying looked at Zeran with the same bright smile as always. :eyeroll
"Have you ever experimented with Akuma blood?" Zeran asked.
"No, becuase akumas tend to blow up and the exorcists are always too lazy to collect the spilt blood if there is any." Ying spoke monotonely.
"I have some Akuma blood samples in my room," Zeran said quickly. "I need you to do me a favor and concoct a strength enhancer."
"With Akuma blood?" Ying looked surprised (or a ssurprised as she can look with that face of hers) "It'll kill you for sure!"
"I know," Zeran said. "But I can't beat Shia if I don't get strength enhancers. I need you to dilute it with some Innocence and try your best to turn it into a strrength enhancer."
Ying thought about it for a few seconds. "I can try, but at most the tiny amounts of innocence will only slow down the process in which it corrodes your body. If I add too much then the Akuma blood will completly dissolve. Where did you get this crazy idea from?"
"From a new exorcist which Europe HQ told me about called Aliester Crowley," Zeran shrugged. "If you can do it, I'll be indebted to you."
"Wait," Ying said. "Why are you trying so hard? I thought you didn't like to show emotions..."
"No," Zeran said. "If I fake something I'm not feeling it's not doing me any good. I can only count on the way I feel to pull me through... Otherwise, I'm no more of a human than an akuma is... I can't bottle something this important up. What about you? Don't you have something important you feel strongly about."
"Not at this moment," Ying smiled.
"Habit or not, you shouldn't smile when you don't have to," Zeran said quietly.
Part 9
"I heard you lost control again," "Stephanie" smirked at Shia.
"Shut up..." Shia growled. "The more I level up, the more innocents I kill, the weaker this girl becomes..."
"Oh well, Master Jacques won't be happy with you." "Stephanie" grinned again.
"I injured them more than you did," Shia countered.
"That's enough girls," Jacques closed his bible. "Shia did a fine job killing that bookman, and you did a good job with that finder. We should be celebrating, not fighting each other."
"Shia can't celebrate without her boyfriend," "Stephanie" teased.
Shia morphed into Stephanie. "And you can't beat your own sister." Shia taunted.
They began fightign again and Jacques sighed. "Even though they're akuma they still act like girls..."
Jacques stuck his hand into his pocket. "Oh I forgot to throw this out." He threw a small crumpled thing on the floor and IA picked it up. "Oh! Isn't this the picture you found at the foot of the tree near the NA HQ?" IA exclaimed.
"You mean that cute girl I saw?" Magier giggled.
"She looks a lot like..." IA began. "Shia..."
"Hmm?" Shia stopped and went to look at the picture IA held. "It is me... Or was... When I was a young human girl."
"I see," IA ripped the picture up. "You won't need it to give you badf memories anymore."
"Yes you're right Master I. Amateratsu," Shia bowed. Zeran-kun... I'll have to kill you the next time we meet... I'm... sorry...

How was that? Don't kill Shia OFF!!!!!!!


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
WAH!!!!!! *glomps* Super great chappie~!!! Loved the conversation between Zeran and Tabby, just what she needed =D Couldn't have written it any better myself!!!! <D

"WHAT? MY WIFE IS IN DANGER? THERE ARE MOAS COMING TO CHEW?????" I lol'ed XD Genius~ Great battle too~

...Um......I have another request. Can Tabby stay at HQ for a bit to train? I sorta wanna write a chapter about her second opening. *figets nervously* I was sorta looking forward to writing something like that. >>;;;;;;

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Amazing chapter though I am feeling a bit competitve about the length now :rofl

This chapter had everything- humor, action, angst, drama in perfect proportion. I really liked the interactions between the characters particularly the level 4's.

I think the akuma are safe for now since no one would dare touch our creations. Buhahaha

It cracks me how my sister is considered the evil twin in this story while in real life, I am viewed that way. Oh the irony!

Overall, great chapter :thumbs

KeyBlade Master

wow thanx fro introducing my char i was wracking my brains on how to do it.


thanx for ur support!!!
And don't worry I have no plans to move Tabitha from where she is. She needs to recover, but she also wants to do it faster than 2 weeks to surpass Zeran XP


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
another lengthy and great-to-read chapter :D i like the way zeran interacted with everybody :)

why does everything go so fast? the chapters... >< everybody'll probably have to wait for a while for the next chapter >< sorry...


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
wow, great chapter, so long ^_^ and Zeran can be kind of "nice" sometimes. I'm impressed xD. I like the idea you used to let zeran kinda cheer Tabby up. The "If you can do it in a faster time, then you're stronger than I am". Graet idea and the OLD-MAN-Story was funny. "He even smelt like an old man" does an old man smell like? xD


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
mossy...i assume ? :D


Schwindelmagier said:
wow, great chapter, so long ^_^ and Zeran can be kind of "nice" sometimes. I'm impressed xD. I like the idea you used to let zeran kinda cheer Tabby up. The "If you can do it in a faster time, then you're stronger than I am". Graet idea and the OLD-MAN-Story was funny. "He even smelt like an old man" does an old man smell like? xD
Zeran's only "nice" to Tabitha and ying because he sort of sees himself in them and wants to change w/e possible outcome they have for their life.

An old man smells like rum, beer, wine, and decaying flesh XP


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Haha,, I know how an old man smells and to who Zeran is kind. ^_^