Chapter 42: Resonance | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 42: Resonance


Author's note:
WAH IT'S FINALLY MY TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!! w000t GLAD TO BE BACK PPL!!!! XP XP XP XP I've been really depressed lately and writing my chapter seems like the perfect pick-me-up at the moment. So enjoy... AND PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE SONGS I HAVE UPLOADED AND LISTEN TO THEM WHERE I PLACE THE DL LINKS (If I place them at the beginning then listen to it at the beginning and etc.) BTW: Zeran will be VERY Out of Character in this chapter because he's planning to die.

OP theme for this chapter:

Part 1:
Zeran knew he had to end it all today. It's been a couple of weeks since he last found out Shia had been resurrected as an Akuma. Since today was... He needed it to end on his own terms today. He gently stroked the blade of Jigoku. Come on out... My Innocence....
"What are you doing?" Ying suddenly appeared behind him.
"GAH!" Zeran jumped and fell over. "Itatatata...."
"Interesting..." Ying looked over Zeran's fallen body.
"Who said you could come into my room?" Zeran moaned.
"I came to deliver what you requested," Ying said in that trademark monotone.
"Ah, that," Zeran stood up and dusted his clothes.
Ying took out a small bottle with three pills in it. Two white ones and a black one could be seen clearly.
"The two white ones allow you a temporary increase of strength and speed, but will like I guessed, corrode your body. Since you are not a parasite type, most likely, you will die if you take one. The black one should be avoided altogether. It pushes your body past their original limits and you will become near-god. But it will also corrode your body twice as fast. It is a more concentrated solution. I tried diluting it with your blood, but the corrosion can’t be stopped completely." Ying said all in one breath.
"Thanks, but when did you take my blood?" Zeran asked.
"When you were asleep," Ying said without hesitation.
"Thanks for the invasion of privacy..." Zeran said sarcastically.
"Please answer my first question," Ying said emotionlessly. "What are you doing?"
"Shut up and watch," Zeran closed his eyes and stroked the blade of his Jigoku. A faint light was emitted from Jigoku and Zeran applied pressure to the spot where the light was being emitted. He then quickly swept his hand across the blade all the way to the tip and a small explosion of light appeared in his hand. He was clutching a piece of raw Innocence.
Ying slowly backed away. "Innocence... I didn't know you could do that."
"Well I didn't either. I just randomly did what came to mind," Zeran shrugged. He held it out to Ying. "Doesn't it look pretty?"
"I'm not that fond of Innocence..." Ying answered truthfully.
"Really?" Zeran shrugged. "I think it's quite beautiful. And it'll grow even more beautiful if it finds the one it's meant to be with. Right now I'm compatible with this Innocence because of my beliefs. So if someone believed the same things I did but with even stronger feelings, then they'd have a higher compatibility rate."
"Why are you telling me this?" Ying asked uncertainly.
"Because I won't be here for much longer..." Zeran clutched the tiny bottle of pills.

Part 2:
Zeran arrived at the train station and bought some tickets.
"Where's Zeran going?" Tabitha asked Stephanie. The two had just come back form shopping at a nearby store. "He seems to be lost in thought."
"Who knows who cares?" Stephanie replied jerkily. "It's his business."
"But I want to see," Tabitha quietly followed behind Zeran.
"DAMN IT! Tabitha! WAIT UP!" Stephanie followed her and the two of them got into the car behind Zeran's. They found the nearest empty seat and sat down.
"Ara?" Shima blinked. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Eh??? Shima???" Stephanie blinked. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm going to visit a friend," Shima answered. "What are you guys doing?"
"We're stalking Zeran," Tabitha grinned.
"Eh? Is that so?" Shima said nervously.
"Don't tell me, you're stalking him too?" Stephanie eyed her suspiciously.
"I admit it," Shima lowered her eyes. "He was acting WAY too nice to everyone today. The only time he's ever nice is when he talks of my sister... So today MUST have something to do with Shia."
"Ah... is that so?" Stephanie looked away. That guy... Always making us worry like this... I DEFINETLY WON'T LET HIM OFF THE HOOK UNTIL HE TELLS US EVERYTHING
Zeran sneezed. I just had a really chilling feeling...
On the very last car behind the one that the three girls were in, Ying sat silently, pondering what Zeran had said.

Part 3:
"What do you mean you might not be here any longer?" Ying asked questioningly.
"Who knows?" Zeran shrugged.
"Are you planning on doing something today?"
"Something like that..."
"What is it?"
"Nothing you need to be concerned about. And like I said, smiling when you don't have to isn't right... You should only smile when you're happy."
"Don't try and change the subject."
But he had already left.
*end flashback*
there has to be something important he's doing today Ying thought.
Then the train stopped at a station and Zeran walked off...

Part 4:
"Hey isn't this..." Tabitha trembled.
"Why would he come here???" Stephanie curled her hand into a fist.
"What's wrong?" Shima asked.
"This place is..." Tabitha started to cry. "Where Onii-san..."
"That bastard..." Stephanie growled. "It's the place where my sister killed Edward."
Shima looked shocked. "But what does this have to do with him being so nice today?"
"We'll find out," Stephanie said.

"Ah, Edward," Zeran knelt down beside his grave. "Sorry, I couldn't do much for you on that night. I hope you can forgive me." He knelt down and silently prayed. When he finished, he stood up. "Sorry, but my business here today isn't with you. I have to go do something else."
"Eh? He's walking to the Bookman's place?" Stephanie exclaimed.
"Why would he go there???" Tabitha asked questioningly.
"We'll find out." Shima gulped.
Behind the girls Ying silently followed.

At the old Bookman's house Zeran sat down in the grass.
"You can come out now," Zeran said quietly.
"Eh???? Did he know we were following him????" Tabitha exclaimed.
"My Tengoku has been trembling again," Zeran said quietly. "So come on out Shia."
"Ah you found me out," said a voice from behind the house.
"Of course," Zeran stood up and drew Tengoku. "It's your 'Purity' after all."
"Keh," Shia spat. "Like I believe that."
Zeran threw his Jigoku katana at Shia's feet.
"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH???" the three girls exclaimed. "Why would he do that?"
so that's why he took out his Innocence earlier Ying thought.
"Today is the 5th anniversary of the day I met you," Zeran grinned.
"So you remembered..." Shia said coldly.
"How bout it? A duel to the death between the two of us?" Zeran grinned. "I removed the Innocence from that blade, but with your ability you can still activate the same attacks as if it had Innocence."
"Interesting," Shia grinned cruelly. "Why do this?"
"I win your soul is saved," Zeran said. "You win, I'm killed by my 'Sin' so I don't mind either way."
Shia picked up Jigoku and grinned. "Bring it, EXORCIST!"
"Innocence Hatsudou," Zeran took a stance.

“I’ll make the first move,” Shia grinned and disappeared.
“Where did she go?” Shima watched in horror as the huge battle began.
“Too slow,” Shia appeared from behind Zeran and pointed Jigoku at his throat.
Zeran ducked and countered with a swing to Shia’s face. Shia jumped backwards and a small cut appeared on her face.
“Oh? You’ve gotten stronger,” Shia grinned. “IT WOULDN’T BE FUN IF YOU DIDN’T!”
She jumped into the air and tried to slice downwards, but Zeran blocked the strike with Tengoku.
“Ugh,” he groaned. The two swords stared to beat along with each other in a strange rhythm.
“What is it?” Stephanie strained to see. “Something is happening with Tengoku and Jigoku!”
The flash of light between the two swords became bigger and bigger until it engulfed everyone.
“I don’t believe it…” Shima gasped. “It’s… Shia?”

A young Shia grabbed a young Zeran by the hands. “Hey come on… We’re going to be late.”
“Late for what?” Zeran struggled to catch up.
“You’ll see!” Shia grinned.
The two children arrived at an abandoned house.
“What’s special about our clubhouse?” Zeran said.
“Stop complaining and just come!” Shia pouted.
When they walked inside, Shia beamed. “TA-DA!”
Inside the house was filled with decorations everywhere. On a small table, there was an even smaller cake sitting on top of a plate there.
“Shia… You…” Zeran tried to speak.
“Sorry, Zeran-kun,” Shia grinned apologetically. “I tried to get you a better present, but I didn’t have enough money. This was all I could buy.”
“You spent… all of your money?” Zeran uttered.
“Because… it’s Zeran-kun’s birthday right?” Shia smiled brightly.
“YOU IDIOT!” Zeran shouted. “Didn’t you say you’ve been saving up for the past year to look for your sister? Why? Why did you spend all of it on me?”
“Because Zeran-kun is my special friend,” Shia said brightly. “And it’s your birthday, so be happy okay?”
Zeran grabbed Shia and hugged her. “You idiot…” Tears started to flow from his face. “I’m not worth anything.”
“Zeran-kun…” Shia hugged him back. “You’ll always be my most important friend. Forever and ever.”

“AHHHHHHHH!” Zeran shouted and pushed Shia back. “Tengoku! OUGI! Tenkai no Raionkei no Ryuu!” A gigantic lightning dragon flowed from Tengoku.
“Heh, let’s see how you deal with your own attack!” Shia shouted. “OUGI! Makai no Enjyu no Phoenix!” A gigantic flaming phoenix emerged from Jigoku.
“THIS WILL END EVERYTHING!” They shouted in unison.

Part 6:
The gigantic attacks clashed and the resulting explosion shook the earth and possibly the heavens as well. Shia and Zeran were thrown back to the ground and another bright light erupted.
“Another memory?” Stephanie braced herself for the aftershock.
“This is too dangerous!” Shima shouted. “You guys have to stay back!”
“We want to see,” Tabitha said with pure determination. “What makes Zeran the way he is.”
Stephanie nodded in agreement.
“He has some good friends, doesn’t he?” Shima grinned.

“OW!” the young Shia tripped. “It hurts…”
“That’s a big bruise,” young Zeran commented. “It’s even bleeding.”
“What should I do?” Shia frowned. “I can’t get home like this and I left my special medicine at home.”
“I’ll carry you,” Zeran looked away.
“Eh?” Shia looked at him in surprise. “Why?”
“I SAID I’D CARRY YOU DIDN’T I?” Zeran growled. He knelt down. “Now hop on.”
“Un!” Shia got on and Zeran carried her. Shia slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.
“Hey you’re heavy!” Zeran strained. He looked back at Shia’s sleeping face. “Heh, you fell asleep, eh? I guess it can’t be helped.” He hummed a small lullaby while he carried her home.

Shia got up first and charged at Zeran, Zeran jumped backwards barely avoiding her attacks each time. “TAKE THIS!” Shia thrusted the sword forward and struck Zeran in the chest.

Part 7:
Zeran coughed up a lot of blood while Shia laughed maniacally. “How’s that exorcist?”
“ZERAN!” Stephanie and Tabitha ran forth to aid him. Shima walked slowly towards Shia.
“Long time no see,” Shima said slowly.
“Onee-san,” Shia frowned. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I…” Shima began.
“Can it,” Shia pointed Jigoku at her throat. “I don’t want to hear anything from the sister who abandoned me.”
Zeran sliced the air where Shia was a second ago. “Oh? You can still fight?”
“You guys get the hell out of here,” Zeran commanded. “NOW!”
“Never take your eyes off your opponent,” Shia whispered from behind. Zeran jumped and barely dodged a lethal swing.
“I will protect Shima with all my strength, because it’s what Shia would’ve wanted,” Zeran said, his breath getting more and more shallow.
“You can’t beat me in that condition,” Shia scoffed.
“You’re right,” Zeran said and took a white pill from his pocket. “Itadakimasu.” He popped it in his mouth and swallowed it.
“Hahahaha…” Shia began to laugh but stopped when Zeran appeared behind her.
“Now who’s slow?” Zeran said silently.
“YOU BASTARD!” Shia swung again and Zeran dodged to the side with ease.
“How bout one last clash to settle everything?” Zeran suggested.
“BY ALL MEANS!” Shia rushed at Zeran. He appeared behind her once more and brought his sword downwards and she blocked it with all her might. I’ll give it everything I got they thought simultaneously. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” they yelled their battle cries and pushed the limits of their strength to their maximum.

“Mom… Dad… why did you die?” a young Zeran walked on a muddy road. It was raining heavily, but Zeran had nowhere to go so he didn’t care. “What were those things that killed you?” He tripped laid still. “Why… Why is it me? Why do I have such bad luck?”

“I DEFINETLY WON’T LOSE!” Zeran yelled.

“Are you alright?” a voice asked.


“Why are you crying?” the voice of a young girl asked. Zeran stood up and wiped the mud from his face.

The swords were shaking violently in their owner’s hands.

“None of your business,” he yelled and pushed the girl to the ground. He continued walking along the muddy path.

One of the swords started cracking.

I’m doomed to be alone like this… the young Zeran thought and continued crying in the rain. Suddenly he didn’t feel the rain anymore. He looked up and saw an umbrella.

“Shia…” Zeran said quietly.

“What’s wrong with you?” Zeran shouted. “Leave me alone!”

“Zeran-kun…” Shia whispered.

“Aren’t you cold if you stand out here in the rain all by yourself?” the little girl held her umbrella out to cover Zeran while she was getting rained on.
“Why do you care?” Zeran retorted.
“My name is Shia,” she smiled brightly. “Let’s be friends.”

A sword shattered completely and blood was spilled into the sky.

Part 8:
Jigoku spilt into pieces and Shia had a huge wound across her body.
“Don’t think it ends here exorcist!” Shia yelled. “With my ability I’ll make as many blades I want!”
“Sorry, but it’s over…” Zeran said and appeared right in front of Shia.
“Eh?” Shia looked in surprise.
Zeran clutched something in his right hand and pushed it into Shia’s wound.
Rasengan Innocence Hatsudou!” Zeran shouted and pushed the Innocence deep into Shia’s bloodstream.
“Ugh1” Shia coughed and the black make-up disappeared, revealing Shia as she always looks.
“Shia,” Zeran said softly. “You’re back.
“Zeran-kun,” Shia cried and ran into his arms. “I’m sorry for injuring you. It’s all my fault.” She continued to cry while Zeran gently patted her head.
“I should be the one who’s sorry,” Zeran said solemnly. “Just now… I killed you with my own hands…”
“It’s alright Zeran-kun,” Shia smiled brightly. “Because I wanted you to be the one to kill me. Now… I don’t have much time to live. The Innocence is destroying me from the inside out.”
“Shia!” Shima called out.
“Onee-san!” Shia smiled. “I’m glad I could see you one last time before I died.”
“Baka…” Shima cried. “You’re the most idiotic sister in the world.”
Shia cried happily but it wasn’t tears that flowed out, instead it was blood.
“Ah, my time is up,” Shia smiled sadly. “Good-bye…”
“Hey… Shia…” Zeran looked into her eyes.
“What is it Zeran-kun?” Shia never stopped smiling.
Zeran leaned in closer and kissed her on the lips.
Shia blinked in surprise, Shima smiled, and Stephanie covered Tabitha’s eyes.
Blood trickled out of Shia’s lips and into Zeran’s mouth.
Shia pushed Zeran away and yelled, “Don’t drink that, you’ll die!”
“Too late,” Zeran grinned and swallowed it.
“Why would you do that?” Shia gasped.
“Because I was going to die anyways,” Zeran said. “The pill I took was also Akuma blood.” HE rolled up his sleeves, and showed her the pentacles that were appearing on his arm. “I also… don’t have much time left.”
“ZERAN!!!!!” Stephanie rushed over to where they were. “You mean… you were…”
“Yeah,” Zeran grinned. “I was planning to die today.”
“Uso… Uso darou…” Tabitha watched in horror. “Zeran… you… can’t die…”
“You’ve found some great new friends,” Shia said happily. “I’m sorry I can’t stay with you anymore.”
“I’ll join you shortly anyways,” Zeran shrugged.
Shia smiled one last time and said, “Sayonara… Zeran-kun… I’ve always loved you.” She turned ot dust and her soul vanished into the sky.
“Looks like it’s my turn,” Zeran said as the pentacles began appearing faster now that a catalyst has been added to increase the corrosion process.
“Idiot,” Ying walked over.
“Eh?” everyone looked surprised. “What are you doing here?”
She picked up Tengoku and stabbed Zeran in the same spot where Shia stabbed him.
“AGH!” Zeran groaned in pain.
“What are you doing?” Stephanie lifted her up by the collar.
“The Innocence is now in direct contact with his bloodstream. The corrosion should stop momentarily.” Ying stated matter-of-factly.
“So… I live to die another day,” Zeran sighed.

Part 9:
Tabitha watched over Zeran while Shima and Stephanie made the grave for Shia.
“Hey where did Ying go?” Tabitha suddenly noticed.
“She disappeared?” Stephanie asked.
“There’s a note here,” Tabitha bent down and picked it up. “It says: I have some personal business to attend to, don’t expect me back anytime soon ~Ying”
Zeran got up and shouted. “SHIMA MOVE!”
“Eh? Why?” Shima said surprised. A huge shadow stood behind her and Tabitha and Stephanie all looked in her direction.
“So you killed one of our toys,” Jacques said quietly. “The kids think I’m taking a bathroom break, so I’d better make this quick.” He drove one of his hands into Shima’s chest and pulled it out. “It’s all stained with dirty human blood now.” He looked at it disgustedly.
Zeran stood up and glared angrily at Jacques. “I’m sorry Shia, I broke the only promise I made to you. I couldn’t protect Shima like you wanted.” A tear trickled out of his left eye.
“Zeran, you should lay down,” Stephanie said. “I’ll take care of this guy!”
A black aura surrounded Zeran and it was centered on his right eye. The Innocence in Stephanie’s hand also exploded. It shone and collected the scattered Jigoku pieces around itself and then embedded it along with the Jigoku fragments into Zeran’s right arm.
“What’s happening???” Tabitha said in fear. “What’s happening to Zeran?”
“His Innocence is fusing with his right arm…” Stephanie said in disbelief. Is what you’re feeling now… so strong that your Innocence can even react from so far away?
Zeran’s right eye whirred and made mechanical noises as it turned from it’s usual black to a blood-stained eye with strange markings.
“Come Jacques of the Noah,” Zeran said in a voice that did not belong to him. “Let me settle this once and for all.”

ED theme:

So that took a long time… ANYWAYS…. After the battle Stephanie and Tabitha wind up seriously injured along with Jacques. Zeran has also disappeared elsewhere. Nobody knows where he is. When the next person writes his or her next chapter, please start the story with: ‘A few weeks after Zeran’s disappearance’ Thanks for reading!

Omake Time:
Lavi’s April fool’s Day

On a fine April 1st, Lavi was bored out of his head. “Ah, man… There’s nothing to do at HQ…” He kicked a nearby stone.
“Hey did you know?” a finder was talking to another finder. “Today is April Fool’s Day.”
“What’s that?” his friend asked.
“It’s a day where you pull practical jokes on people,” the finder said. “For example, oh my god there’s an akuma behind you!!!!!!”
“Where???” His friend jumped.
“April fool’s!” his friend laughed. “That’s what you do on April fool’s Day”
“Ah I see,” his friend laughed.
“April fool’s Day, eh?” Lavi snickered to himself. “This ought to be good.”

Lavi quickly gathered his necessary materials and worked constantly on plotting his two most gullible victims. That’s right; it’s Allen and Kanda… Lavi snickered. What an awesome way to spend a day like today! Lavi told a finder to give a box to Allen and give a bowl of Soba to Kanda. He told the finder quietly that he wasn’t allowed to reveal where he got it from, and that it was from a “friend”.
“Do your best Mr. Finder,” Lavi said nonchalantly. Now the fun begins…

“Eh?” Allen looked in surprise. “A present for me?”
The finder nodded. “It’s from a person who wishes to remain anonymous.”
“Oh, I see,” Allen opened the box and his eyes sparkled. “THEY’RE CHOCOLATES!!! I <3 CHOCOLATES!” He quickly popped one in his mouth and spat it out. “
“These are filled with alcohol!!!!!!” he continued spitting and rushed into the nearest bathroom to remove the taste from his mouth.
The finder moved on to Kanda’s room...
“What the hell do you want?” Kanda glared at the finder.
The finder shrunk under Kanda’s merciless gaze. “A friend sends his best wishes with this bowl of deluxe soba.” Kanda quickly took it and closed the door to his room.
The finder sighed and quickly left, glad he was left unscarred.
In his room, Kanda quickly ate his delicious soba, but quickly stopped and spat it out. “What the hell? It’s filled with… moyashi (bean sprouts also what Kanda calls Allen)??? I HATE MOYASHI!”
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???” Allen and Kanda shouted in unison.

Allen and Kanda stormed into Komui’s office. “KOMUI WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” they shouted in unison.
“Eh? Do what?” Komui blinked innocently.
“You put moyashi in my soba!” Kanda growled.
“You gave me alcohol induced chocolates!” Allen shouted.
“I did no such thing!” Komui protested.
“Oh really?” Allen pulled out his Crown Clown and Kanda drew his Mugen. “Do you think we can persuade you to tell you the truth with these?” they said in unison.
“Eh?” Komui whimpered.

Several beatings later, Komui cried. “I didn’t do it! I swear on the heart of the innocence I didn’t do it!” he pleaded.
Allen and Kanda took one last look at him and then walked out.
“I don’t even get a sorry????” Komui cried.
“Shut up scum,” Kanda growled. “You’re lucky I let you live.”
“Komui-san, I’m going to find out who did this and make him pay severely. You’d better hope you had nothing to do with it.” Allen threatened.

“Who would do something like this to us?” Allen thought carefully.
“It has to be someone with a grudge against us,” Kanda pondered.
“It has to be someone who knows what we hate,” Allen said.
“It has to be…” Kanda and Allen thought for a few moments. “YOU!”
“So moyashi, you hated me enough to put moyashi in my soba eh?” Kanda growled.
“I could say the same thing Kanda-san,” Allen stuck his left hand out. “How dare you give me alcohol-induced chocolates!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Don’t try to hide your guilt by saying I did something I didn’t,” Kanda drew his Mugen.
“I didn’t put moyashi in your soba!” Allen defended himself. “But if you insist on lying, then I’ll have no choice but to force you to tell me by force…”
“Want to take this outside?” Kanda grinned evilly.
“Gladly,” Allen grinned back.

Once outside, the two began to clash.
“NIGENTOU!” Kanda unleashed his Mugen’s second ability, twin energy blades.
Allen prepared his left arm for action. “Crown Clown…”
Kanda jumped and tried to slice Allen. Allen dodged out of the way and tried slicing downwards. Kanda blocked it with his 2nd blade and jumped back.
“Che, not bad,” Kanda commented.
“You too,” Allen grinned. Allen jumped and shouted, “CROSS GRAVE!”
Kanda jumped back and barely avoided a huge impact. “HAKKA TOUROU!” he shouted and unleashed an energy wave. Allen jumped and avoided it, but Kanda was expecting it and cut upwards. Allen swung his head back in time to avoid a near lethal blow. The fight continued until…

The two were panting from exhaustion. “Let’s settle this with one last move, moyashi,” Kanda suggested.
“Here I come!” Allen jumped and launched himself towards Kanda. “CROWN BELT!”
“MUGEN!” Kanda charged towards Allen as well, when suddenly… a clipboard smacked Kanda upside the head and he fell to the ground. Allen tripped over Kanda’s body and crashed into a tree.
“Geez what are you two doing at this time?” Rinali sighed. “You’re disturbing the peace. What’s going on?”
“I don’t think either of you would do that,” Rinali sighed. “When you think carefully it doesn’t make sense.”
“She’s… right,” Allen said.
“Then who did it?” Kanda growled. “I’ll slice them apart.”
“I DID IT!” Rinali yelled. “What are you going to do about it?”
“That’s what I thought now come on!” Rinali grabbed Allen and Kanda and pulled them towards the infirmary. “You’re all beaten up.”
“Forget it,” Kanda pulled his hand away. “I’ll be fine by myself.”
“Suit yourself,” Rinali shrugged. “Let’s go Allen-kun.”
“Eh? Yea…” Allen stuttered.

As the two walked to the infirmary, Allen said quietly, “Rinali you didn’t give me the alcohol induced chocolates did you?”
Rinali sighed, “Of course not, but how else could I get you two blockheads to stop fighting?”
“I’m really sorry for causing you all this trouble.” Allen smiled apologetically.
“It’s fine,” Rinali smiled brightly. “Allen-kun is Allen-kun. That’s the way I like it best.”
“Rinali…” Allen looked at her.
“Ah here we are,” Rinali pointed to the infirmary. “You can walk the rest of the way yourself right?”
“Ah? Yeah…” Allen said.
“Then I’ll be off,” Rinali walked away. “See you later Allen-kun!”
What a mood killer, Allen thought bitterly.

A knock came from the door of Kanda’s room. Kanda opened it and saw Rinali.
“What do you want?” Kanda said tiredly.
“You need medicine,” Rinali sighed. “You don’t have any right?”
“I don’t need medicine,” Kanda said. “It’ll be fine within a day or two.”
“Liar!” Rinali poked Kanda’s ribs and he doubled back in pain. “See, a couple of your ribs are broken, Allen did quite a number on you.”
“Shut up,” Kanda winced.
“At least let me treat a few of your wounds,” Rinali sighed, growing impatient.
“Whatever,” Kanda sat down on his bed.
“What’s that flower?” Rinali asked when she saw a rose in a vase.
“None of your business,” Kanda said seriously.
“Geez, you are so mean,” Rinali pouted.
“You didn’t actually put moyashi in my soba did you?” Kanda said quietly.
“You figured that out as well?” Rinali asked surprised.
“I’m not THAT dumb,” Kanda retorted.
“Well I had to say something; otherwise you’d keep going at it until one of you died. And seeing how you two have really powerful Innocence… It wouldn’t be pretty,” Rinali said.
“Sorry,” Kanda muttered.
“Eh?” Rinali looked surprised.
“Don’t make me say it twice,” Kanda muttered. “Now if you’re done, get out of my room.” Rinali finished up and headed for the door.
“By the way, I have an inkling of who did it,” Rinali said to Kanda. “Grab Allen from the infirmary and head out to the garden.”

“Hey Rinali, why’d you call me out here?” Lavi asked.
“I just wanted to have a small talk,” Rinali smiled brightly. “Did you hear about how Allen and Kanda almost killed each other?”
“Yeah, I know!” Lavi laughed. “It’s so hilarious! I mean they honestly believed they did that sort of stuff to each other? What a bunch of morons!”
“Do you know who did it then?” Rinali asked. “I promise I won’t tell.”
“Ah, I did it,” Lavi grinned. “I hired a finder to deliver that stuff to Kanda and Allen. But don’t tell those two okay? It’s all a part of a holiday called April fool’s day! I really got them good!”
“Oh?” two voices said from behind the tree.
“Eh? Who’s there?” Lavi jumped back in fear.
“Teme (Bastard) so it was you all along,” Kanda growled.
“I should’ve known you would do something like this Lavi,” Allen glared.
“Eh? Rinali? What’s going on?” Lavi looked around trying to find a means of escape.
“I said I wouldn’t tell,” Rinali grinned. “You brought this upon yourself Lavi.”
“Uh…” Lavi looked at Kanda and Allen’s weapons. “April fool’s?”
“Mugen/Crown Clown,” they moved in closer and closer to Lavi.
“Don’t you dare call me that,” Kanda invoked Nigentou
“I’m sorry Lavi, but you know how I feel about alcohol,” Allen cracked his claws.
“CAN’T YOU GUYS TAKE A JOKE?!!!!?!?!?!??!?” Lavi’s voice echoed throughout the entire HQ.

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MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, another new long chapter and I ahve to say I love it. Ona strange way, I nearly began to cry with your first mentioned song in the background. It's a beautiful song, thanks for sharing :3.
Wow, the fight was amazingly detailed and the little "flashbacks" right within the fight were amazing as well.
Everyone was stalking Zeran xD. But how you put it in the story, it didn't look arrogant.
Uhuhuuuu and Jaques appears again. His little bathroom break xD *imagines him to suddenly appear with a dressing gown*
What did he pull out of Shima's chest? Her heart? Seemed so.
The scene where Zeran pushed the Innocence in Shia's body was well-thought and the strikeout Rasengan, haha.

So the end of the battle: Steph and Tabby seriously injured as well as Jaques and Zeran suddenly disappeared. Woho, he has to be really angry to hurt Jaques seriously. So Zeran took the black pill?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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Jaques is hurt......
I need to remember him kicking Zerans a.. the next time ^^
a long bur really great chapter
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Remember Allen's 'curse'?
Same thing induced by Shia's blood. Except Zeran's right eye can see attacks and redirect it into another direction. (Example: Jacques punches him and Zeran's right eye redirects Jacques' punch to himself)
Zeran's right eye is stronger than ALlen's because Allen was cursed by a lvl 0 Akuma.
Zeran has been cursed by a lvl 4 thus the 'Akuma' within him is a WHOLE lot stronger than w/e is inside Allen etc.
That's enough explanation
And no he didn't take the black pill

BTW: did u guys read Omake time?
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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lol the omake is nice ^^ poor Lavi


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
I thought I had 42 XD haha, oops. *is teh spaz and lsightly dislexic or whattever*


=D Neat chapter. Oh noes~! Zeran. D: but I was so awesome! But he's gone-ah screw it. Loved teh chapter. 'Specially the part where it says 'Stephanie covered Tabby's eyes'. rofl. XD And this is perfect for what I want to do in my chapter~!
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rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
omg such a good chapter! amazing, amazing!! though i must admit, i feel threatened by the length :sweat i don't want anyone to beat my chapters... lol

who knew that taby, ying, shima, and i could be such good stalkers? hehe

so sad that shia died but it was bound to happen sometime. i was going to kill my sister the same way you killed shia except more graphic. oh well; i'll have to think of any way to kill her. great minds think alike ^^

omg you killed shima! who else is going to die? jacques, you're so bad! :nono man, our exorcists at the NA branch are so messed-up...

the omake was so funny! poor komui, allen, and kanda... but lenalee is so clever!

overall, great chapter! and djmewmew, you're next so yay! :)


who knew that taby, ying, shima, and i could be such good stalkers? hehe

i was going to kill my sister the same way you killed shia except more graphic.

the omake was so funny! poor komui, allen, and kanda... but lenalee is so clever!
Ying is the only actual good stalker, Zeran didn't notice the others cuz his ind was elsewhere.

You were going to have the two sisters kiss? :blink

no poor Lavi? he got pwned by Nigentou and Crown Clown XP

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
You were going to have the two sisters kiss? :blink

no poor Lavi? he got pwned by Nigentou and Crown Clown XP
No, no! I don't support twincest. I was going to stuff part of my Innocence into her body and let it destroy her organs (imagine a tapeworm wiggling in someone's body). Disgusting but quite a painful way to die.

Well, Lavi kinda deserved it, didn't he?


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
No, no! I don't support twincest. I was going to stuff part of my Innocence into her body and let it destroy her organs (imagine a tapeworm wiggling in someone's body). Disgusting but quite a painful way to die.

Well, Lavi kinda deserved it, didn't he?

........................D: You just HAD to say tapeworm didn't you. DDDDDD; I HATE tapeworms. I saw this picture once of one coming out of this guy's body, and now I'm morbidlly afraid of them. Thanks, I'm now morbidly afraid of Stephanie's Innocence. XP And Ruben Studderd. 'Cause my friends just HAD to connect him to the Earl XD //randomness

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
........................D: You just HAD to say tapeworm didn't you. DDDDDD; I HATE tapeworms. I saw this picture once of one coming out of this guy's body, and now I'm morbidlly afraid of them. Thanks, I'm now morbidly afraid of Stephanie's Innocence. XP And Ruben Studderd. 'Cause my friends just HAD to connect him to the Earl XD //randomness

Well I wanted people to think that my Innocence was pretty yet deadly so I guess that works...

How on earth is Ruben = Earl? Ruben reminds me of a teddy bear...


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 6, 2006
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amazing story & length~ o_o
i can't wait to know how this chapter continues against jaques... ><
zeran's victory was really short-lived with shima's death... ;_;

::yeap, ying is a professional stalker :) ::


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States

Well I wanted people to think that my Innocence was pretty yet deadly so I guess that works...

How on earth is Ruben = Earl? Ruben reminds me of a teddy bear...
Exactly. XD I've been trying to get my friends to watch DGM, and two of them have decided the Earl is a Teddy bear. >_+ ((Me and another friend keep telling them 'ITS SUPPOSED TA BE SCARY!'))


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Haha, a teddy bear...but if you don't see the Earl getting really frightening, for example when he recognizes Allen in the Manga or when he blames the Noah not doing their work properly, then they will change their opinion of a teddy bear. xD


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
Haha, a teddy bear...but if you don't see the Earl getting really frightening, for example when he recognizes Allen in the Manga or when he blames the Noah not doing their work properly, then they will change their opinion of a teddy bear. xD

..............I'm pretty sure they wouldn't ><;;;;;;;;; ((One of them has an Ochimaru obbession. Not a fangirlsim, but still, she squees when he does stuff. Yeah. ><;;;; ))


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Oh, oh~~~~oh.......oh
You mean Orochimaru from Naruto, right? (I hate this guy xD)..then...I guess, it won't change ^_^". You're right.