Chapter 44- Innocence | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 44- Innocence


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
United States
A drop of sweat rolled down the side of Flames face, He was surrounded by Akuma. Blade and Stephanie stood behind him Stephanie clutched the newfound Innocence in her hand tightly. It was the first time he was put into a situation where he had to use his Innocence. When Ying and Flames had gone on their mission to retrieve Blade they didn't even encounter 1 akuma or Noah. "Paco Taima!" a crash of lightning riped the earth apart.

--------3 days before--------

"It would seem that we have concentrated all of our power on one aspect of our jobs as exorcists." roared Lione as he paced back and forth in front of Flames and Stephanie "Our jobs as exorcists are to save the souls in the akuma, Stop the Earl of Milenium, and" he paused as he emphasized this last word "to find the Heart, Do you two know how many Innocence we have found?" Flames kept his head down and Stephanie shook her head. Lione let out a sigh as he took a marker and scribbled on a piece of paper he held it up to show Stephanie and then Flames, It was a big fat 0.

"No way! don't you have other exorcists who do that sort of thing while we go out and kick Noah ass" Stephanie looked mad "So your telling me that WE" she gestured her hand between Flames and herself "Have to do everything!"

"Lione, whatever you want consider it done" Flames spoke up. He stood up looked at Stephanie "We are exorcists, He is our Leader therefore we do what are leader says"

Stephanie was gaping, she then shook her head ready to stand her ground when Lione spoke up "Flames is right, but I do like your Idea about having seperate teams. One to do Akuma clean-up and another for Innocence procurement. How about you and Flames here take Innocence procurement."

At that moment Blade walked into the room with his Elemental sword at his side. "I heard everything"

"Who are you?" asked Stephanie with a befuddled expression on her face

"I'm sorry I haven't Introduced you yet."Lione walked over to Blade and said "This is Blade he's the bookman Ying and Flames here brought back from the 'Save the Bookman' mission"

Stephanie held out her hand to shake hands with Blade but instead of shaking it he kneeled and brushed his lips against the back of her hand. Stephanie turned red and then slapped him. "Don't you ever do that again you perv!"

Blade merely rubbed the spot where she slapped him "You are the most beautiful exorcist I have ever seen." he turned to Lione who was awestruck and said "I would like to go on the mission with these 2, I have been stuffed up in this mansion for far too long" he then turned back to Stephanie who was blushing a little "I look forward to working with you"

Lione still stupefied came back to his senses when Flames asked him about the mission. "The mission is to procure a Innocence located approximately 3000 miled west of here there is a train that will take you about 2500 of the miles to a city called New Grove East and from there you can rent horses and then proceed the rest of the way to a little town called Kelfun. There you will meet a Geraldine Harris who will take you to an excavation site where you will take the Innocence and bring it back here where we have a team to send it back to HQ in Europe. You must protect the Innocence or else I'll kill you all personally." Lione handed a folder with the rest of the information to Stephanie. He went into a a drawer in his desk and pulled out 3 tickets "Here take these, I have blank tickets to anywhere I want just hand them to the ticketmaster show them the cross and then tell them the destination and that should be it. Any Questions?"

Stephanie stood up "You can get us free tickets! I bought my own ticket to Opalo and everywhere else" She sank into a chair in front of Liones desk.

"You'll be reimbursed at a later date" Lione looked a little depressed as he thought that he'd have to pay her back with his own money


The train cart was empty except for a couple seated near the front. Stephanie plopped into a seat and threw a bag next to her as to avoid Blade. Blade then came into the cart lifted her bag into a compartment and sat next to her.

"I thought I saw you head into here" Blade was staring at the back of the seat in front of him "I was wondering whether.." at that moment Flames walked into the compartment his spear was on his back, which was only inches from the roof of the carraige.

"The trip is going to be long Stephanie, I reccomend resting up and then going over a plan of action." Flames looked into the seat and found Blade sitting next to Stephanie. " Blade I didn't see you should get some rest too.

Stephanie began shaking her head "No , absolutely not!" Stephanie hit the wall and a compartment opened up and some pillows fell on her and Blades head "Twice I have fallen asleep and I have had to walk very long distances to catch up with the group, who by the way didn't even wait for me!" She pouted and squeezed the pillow that fell on her head

"Blade spoke up "It would seem that you are forgetting the fact that we are neither irresponsible nor a 14 year old girl" Steph couldn't help but grin at this. Blade took a pillow and put it behind her head and then he took one and put it behind his own head. "Do you care for some 'pillow talk'?" Stephanie grinned again at this but smacked him regardless "I can learn to love this you know?"

Flames stood there and then moved toward the couple in the front of the train, the couple scared of him moved into the next cart. He sat next to the window his thoughts moving through his head as fast as the moving scenery.



The city of New Grove East was huge, Stephanie who had been worrying she would get left on the train had not slept a wink for 24 hours worth of train ride and was paying the price now, her hair was unkempt and she had bags under her eyes. Both Flames and Blade were well rested and went off to find a place where they would be able to rent some horses, leaving Stephanie at the train station to relax.

"So where would we find this place that rents horses?" Blade asked Flames while he surveyed his surroundings

"You should go back and get Stephanie, The horse rentals should be at the edge of town." Flames told Blade, who gave him a incredulous look, he then shrugged his shoulders and left.

Flames continued down the road and found a place called-

Nortons Quick Carraiges

We Get You From Here to There Without a Care

Flames looked up at the sign and went in. It was clean and and everthing had a polished finish. At the desk was a ginger-haired woman , he went in and rented a carraige with a driver then he waited at the edge of town.

"He-he-hello s-sir my name is Da-daniel Fawkes, whats y-yours?" The driver was a relatively young he looked about 15 he had hazel eyes set on freckled skin and his hair was ginger like the lady at the desk. He looked rather nervous staring at the tall figure that belonged to Flames.

"I am called Flames"
Flames turned to look down the road trying to catch a glimpse of his companions

"S-sir, why are we w-waitin here?"
Flames turned his head and looked upon the boy

"We are waiting for my friends who will be joining me very soon."
The boy stood quiet for about a moment

"So where are you g-goin sir?"
This time Flames a little annoyed turned around completely

"We are going to Kelfun about 500 miles west of here, we are going there for business, and Including me the passengers will be 3. "

"Flames! Flames can you come over here for a moment, Stephanie fell asleep in the station and I had to carry her all the way over here."
Flames turned around to find Blade a little tired holding Stephanie. Flames walked towards Blade and lifter her with ease from his arms and placed her in the back of the carraige.

Blade went around the front and introduced himself to the driver as Flames hoped into the carraige from the back. Flames was holding his spear and remembering that time when he spoke with the ancients.

"Flames remember that the wolf spirit inside of you needs to be tamed, but so far you have been unsuccessful so we must now tame it for you."

"To be sure we have not left you helpless, know that.."

Blade walked into the carraige and sat beside Flames as he gazed upon Stephanie

"Beautiful even when she sleeps." he said as he brushed some hair from her face with his hand.

"Okay sirs you better brace yourselves, our horses move pretty fast the run at about 50 mph easy so the ride might be a little uncomfortable, but its like our saying 'We Get You From Here to There Without a Care' but thats cause we move so fast there is hardly ever time for comfort" he turned and saw Stephanie lying down "oh well you might wanna hold on to that little lady cause if she keeps layin down she won't be for long" he turned around again "You ready?"

Flames was a little startled to see the stuttering young man, so energetic and courageous it was almost as if it was a different person sitting up there. Blade placed a grip on Stephanie and Flames gave a nod to Daniel as his eager face lit-up.

"Alright then, Giddyup"

With a startle the horses reared and then shot forward with a speed that rattled the carriage as it struggled to keep up with it. Stephanie despite Blades best efforts to hold her still, fell with a crash and woke up immediately with a bump on her head.

"Sorry guys but I told you to hold on tight!"

"What the...? How did I get here ? Where am I?" muttered Stepanie as she got to her feet shakily before crashing down again. After Blade helped her to her feet and into the seat beside him. She rubbed her head and shot questioning looks at both Blade and Flames.

"We are on our way to Kelfun, and It would seem that we have got our hands on a Speed Demon for a carriage driver." Blade began rubbed her head as he continued "You fell asleep at the trainstation, when I got there some kids thought you were dead and were poking you with sticks but I carried you all the way back. I hope you got enough beauty sleep but I don't see how you could get anymore gorgeous." She blushed as he said this and then made a sound as though she was infuriated by what he said and looked away.

The ride was quiet, the time drifted along fast as they all sat in solace deep within their own thoughts. Flames mind drifted on Poloma and how sometimes Blade and Stephanies interaction reminded himself of how he and Poloma used to act towards one another. In all of his years he had thought of no other woman other than Poloma who had promised her life to him, It was hard to think about her she was one of the best things he had in his life. Before he met her her father, the chief, made it seem as if he would only be useful for war and bloodshed, but when she said she believed he was more than a weapon, that he was someone who could exist for someone else, and who could forge bonds stronger than steel with love he was immediately drawn to her. They would meet everyday at a small lake where a giant tree stood in the midde. The tree was legend among his people, The Lifa Tree, where only the most ancient of creatures could go. At the tree Poloma would teach Flames many things other than warfare, she taught him songs, poetry, and laughter. He was happy as he let a smile cross his countenance.

The carriage came to a halt and Daniel Called out to them "Sorry, guys The horses need some water its a pretty hot day." The exorcists stepped out of the carriage to stretch their legs as Daniel went to give the horses water. It was indeed a very hot day the sun was blazing high in the sky as it must be 3 p.m already. Blade went over to help Daniel give the horses water which left him and Stephanie alone.

"Oh wow it's really hot here! I'll kill that Lione for making me come to a place where there was no trian....Soooo Flames we don't really talk much do we? I guess it's probably because your the quiet sort of guy, you know introspective and wise (lol snoog you remember that?)."

Flames was staring at her and she looked a little nervous and began to talk a little more, but it wasn't her that had his attention in the distance he could see something moving at a fast speed. From the looks of it it was coming from the direction of Kelfun, running away maybe " yea I usually go on missions with the usual people..." As the thing approached Flames couldn't make out the shape it looked as if it could be an..


"What?!" she said with an alarmed expression on her face, her eyes darting around feverishly.

He barely did it in time he grabbed Stephanie, and jumped away from the carriage as a towering figure emerged from the sand destroying the carriage in its jaws. "It looks like a giant shark!" said Stephanie as she jumped to her feet, meanwhile Flames eyes darted around looking for Blade and the carriage driver. Luckily it seemed that Blade protected Daniel.

The shark akuma had already retreated once more into the Earth as the 3 exorcists joined together. They all looked nervously in wait for the Akuma "Invocate Innocence!" blared out Blade ready for combat.

Then Flames spotted a rippling in the earth "Blade 5 O' Clock"

Blade turned with lightning quick reflexes and his blade turned to Ice, he then leapt and slashed at the akuma effectively slicing it in half. He landed behind it ready for more but it seemed that the the Akuma was down.

Daniel stood at the wreckage of the cart, after seeing that there was nothing to be salvaged he turned to the exorcists "What are you people? and What was THAT!"

Blade decided to speak first " We are exorcists, and that was an Akuma."

Daniel nodded as if satified and then "WHAT THE HELL ARE AKUMA!" his voice was shrill, this time Stephnie answered

"They are souls who have been enslaved by the Millenium Earl with the help of a person who loved the trapped soul" and before Daniel can scream again he quickly added "The Millenium Earl is a bad guy who wants to put an end to mankind and we exorcists are here to stop that!"

Daniel looked a little broken as he gazed upon the broken carriages then he saw his 2 horses dead. "Oh man.....These two were my fathers favorite Greased Lightning and Wildfire...." Stephanie went to comfort him and Blade walked over to Flames

"Thanks It was probably gonna eat me next good thing you spotted it!" Blade patted Flames on the shoulder "So what do we do now?!"

"The only thing we can do, continue the mission." Stephanie said as she walked over to the 2 with Daniel.

"I agree, the only thing to do is walk so lets get moving we might have about 50 miles left but we should probably stop at dusk and rest." Flames said with authority. The others nodded and they started walking.

The walk was long and they got thirsty cause of the beating of the sun. They had some rations with them in their bags but everything was gone with the carriage. Blade turned his blade into water and let them drink from it and also he started the fire with his sword that they were all now huddling around. The desert became unreasonably cold during the night. The 3 exorcists took 3 hour shifts during the night of watching over everyone first it was Flames then Stephanie and lastly Blade.

As Flames stood watch he found himself thinking again how close he was to being discovered. His secret was almost out of the bag and what an embarassing secret it was. Even as he stood watch he was nervous the idea of battle made him nervous. Before he knew it though Stephanie was tapping at his shoulder.

"Is it time already?"

"Just about, I really couldn't sleep that well just between you and me I prefer a soft pillow instead of a mound of sand"

Flames looked at her and then let out a bellowing laugh, he smiled at her "Well I suppose a pillow would be preferable." He stood up and said goodnight and as soon as his head hit the mound of sand he smiled and fell asleep.


The morning was just as hot as the preceding afternoon, Flames woke up when Daniel in his sleep made a jerking motion with his leg and kicked him in the face. He stood up and rubbed the left side of his face, It wasn't anything serious. He stood up and saw Blade fast asleep with is sword unsheathed at his side. At first he was alarmed he thought he might have been knocked out but when he spotted drool he eased down a little but knew he was going to have to talk to him about sleeping on the job.

He woke up everyone, and then he said that they'd freshen up when they get to the village.

They arrived in town less than an hour later, but they found the whole place in a state, blood stained the walls of the buildings, all of it dried now and the place reeked of baked corpse. Not a single soul was here they walked into a bar and found the people in there massacred. It looked as though every living thing in the whole places lives were snuffed out. They couldn't find a single living soul not even this 'Geraldine Harris' They moved toward the other end of town and all they found was more bodies. They eventually found a place that was completely deserted and used it to freshen up. Daniel who never saw anything like this in his life was shaking almost violently as Stephanie put him to sit in a chair

"Oh my god! Whats happened to this place!? is it the Akuma!?" Stephanie just nodded as Blade went to change places with her in consoling Daniel.

Flames found this deeply unsettling, that boy had been happy 24 hours ago and now he has seen things he will never forget in all of the rest of his years. Even though they came here to procure this new Innocence the loss of this boys own Innocence was, in Flames opinion, more detrimental than the idea of losing the Innocence they came here for.

After everyone was done they left the village in hopes of discovering the 'excavation site' as Lione had called it They walked past a a hill with a tree at the very top which reminded Flames of the Lifa Tree. After inspecting the perimeter of the town they looked a bit disheartened.

"I can't believe not one of the finders is around, they must have all been killed, how are we supposed to find the Innocence without them?!" Stephanie was pacing at the entrance of the town Flames kept a steady eye out for trouble and listened for Blade who was still gone.

"Guys! Guys! I think I found a clue!" Blade came running out and he had a piece of paper in his hand. "I was Inspecting the tavern where everyone was massacred and I found this map on a wall in a secret room in the back of the tavern!" He unfolded it and pointed to a spot on the map "I think that might be it and from the look of it its about 2 miles north of here" He slid his finger in between the 2 points.

"I've heard of that place its called Dovers Grotto" Daniel stood up still loking quite stricken "Rumors say that place is the place where Sound does not exist"

Flames looked at him for a moment deciding on whether on not he was going to make the journey then said "Well thats where we're going"

The trip was pretty quick Stephanies eyes were the first to clap upon the grotto. "How are we supposed to get dow-...." She just realized why it was called the place where sound does not exist. She moved her lips but no sound came out. Everyone tried to speak, but to no avail. Daniel even picked up a large rock and dropped it on the ground but it didn't make a sound and you couldn't even feel of its vibration on the ground.

The exorcists looked at each other, it would seem that this retrievel of the Innocence was going to be harder than expected. All of them raised their guards and Stephanie and Blade even activated their Innocence, Flames brandished his spear ready for a fight, and at the center was Daniel who looked as frightened as ever.

Flames spotted an area that had a couple of horses at the front of it, in front of the grotto had upturned earth and the rocks seemed to part very unnaturally. He gestured towards the others and they followed him. It was very narrow and Flames gestured for Stephanie to go first then Blade then Daniel. Flames began to head through it as well. The narrow space eventually became wider and it opened into absolute darkness.

Blade turned his sword into fire to provide light. The group headed further into the cave the darkness feeling as though it would devour them. They kept walking at Stephanie was the first to stop, about 20 feet away a there was a soft glow. They ran towards it and stopped in front of it. Flames who was the closest looked at both Blade and Stephanie both of their faces reflecting the light of the fire. They both nodded their head giving Flames the permission to pick up the Innocence.

Flames was getting nervous as hand neared the the glow. He moved his hand steadily and then Daniel tripped over something and bumped into his hand causing it to thrust into the light.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Screamed Flames clearly audible now, it would seem that all of the sound that this Innocence has held was coming at him all at once. He dropped the Innocence stopping the sound. Stephanie ran to Flames side and helped him up. Blade tapped Flames on the shoulder and pointed to the floor Flames couldn't see anything but then Blade waved his sword at the floor and a figure appeared. It was female and she looked like she was in the order. It could have been Geraldine Harris, but whoever she was, she was now dead. Daniel was cowering on the floor as he stared at the body.

Flames turned around as Stephanie lifted the Innocence with her hand for some reason it wasn't bothering her. Flames was unsure how this was possible but gestured so they could leave the cave.

When they finally saw the light they heard a bird soaring in the sky breaking the spell of silence. Stephanie was staring at Flames a little scared. "You have blood all over you!"

Flames felt his face but there was no wet blood anywhere. Blade walked over to him and turned his blade to water and Flames stared at his reflection in the water. The blood marks he had made when he entered The Burial Ground of The Ancients reappeared which meant only one thing.

"Lo-lo-look!" said Daniel pointing with a shaky finger.

Flames followed his finger and saw a lot of akuma. There was probably 25 . Flames brandished his Spear holding it high and ready to attack.

A drop of sweat rolled down the side of Flames face, He was surrounded by Akuma. Blade and Stephanie stood behind him Stephanie clutched the newfound Innocence in her hand tightly. It was the first time he was put into a situation where he had to use his Innocence. When Ying and Flames had gone on their mission to retrieve Blade they didn't even encounter 1 akuma or Noah. "Paco Taima!" a crash of lightning riped the earth apart. As it split a screech came from the bolt of lightning, it was the sound of a bird.

Stephanie and Blade looked at each other each with their mouths agape, but before they could say, ask, do anything, The group of Akuma came rushing in towards the small group. Blades sword turned to Ice as it cleaved two akuma in half. Stephanie who was protecting Daniel and The Innocence formed a tight coil and then it sprung forward successfully Impaling an Akuma. Flames Lightning bird was still active as he aimed it towards 3 akuma who were near. The lightning bird screeched as it flew, the ground splitting in its wake. One of the akuma leapt out of the way but the other to disintegrated when the Lightning bird hit them.

The 3 exorcists were fighting fiercely protecting the Innocence and Daniel. Stephanie was knocked against the wall by an akuma that looked like it was tangled up within thousands of vines. It Blade had just turned 3 akuma who were trying to kill him, into charcoal with a flourish of his sword. "Stephanie watch out!" Blade screamed as he rushed to help her. Flames heard Blades screaming was also runnign to help her. The akuma that looked like it was tangled in vines was a level 2 and it looked like it was going for a kill. Time seemed to tick by sluggishly as both Blade and Flames rushed to her aid. Both were close yet so far as the akumas whip like tentacle sed past as it tried to impale Stephanie. She was slowly regaining conciousness when a scream and blood splashed across her face and the rock behind her. In front of her stood Blade who turned his blade into lightning that surged through the vine and killed it. He fell to his knees but still held his sword high ready for a fight.

For Flames time stood still, he looked upon Blade who was lucky, The akuma didn't hit any vitals and Stephanie was safe. Time went back to normal as Flames looked around and there was at least 15 more akuma left. He ran towards them spinnng his lance and then screamed "Taima!" as he stuck the head of the lance into the ground. The lightning seemed to go towards the akuma and explode underneath them. When Flames made sure that all the akuma were dead he found Daniel cowering in the crevice that they had just come out of. He then headed over to Stephanie who wore a fearful expression.

Alot of blood was seeping out of his wound. Stephanie looked up at Flames "The vine must have had an anti-clotting agent on it!"

Blade looked up and them "Caut-cauteriz- it.

Stephanie looked surprised "You want me to do that!"

Blade nodded his head and turned his blade to fire and Flames took a stick on the ground and took some of it before it went out.

"Do you want me to do it?!" Flames asked as he looked into her very frightened face, Then she looked like she gained some strength

"No I'll do it!" She took the stick and closed Blades wounds with the fire. Blades screaming must have been heard for miles and when it was over he passed out.

The started a fire using the same flame that just burned Blades wounds closed. Stephanie said she'd take first watch cause she couldn't really sleep. She put the Innocence in a pouch, and told everyone to go to sleep.

]"To be sure we have not left you helpless, know that the Cheveyo Lansa was a gift from long ago to our tribe. It was created by a master and said that he had embedded within it the power to destroy demons"

"We think this is what you call Innocence, so we haven't sealed away your Wolf Spirit we have given you another weapon to fight!"

Flames opened up his eyes and across from him was Stephanie, he heard audible sobs coming from her direction. She then whispered something in Blades ear and gave him a kiss on the lips that was blocked by the dancing flames. Flames turned around to face the other direction and closed his eyes once more. Stephanie never woke him up again for his watch.

When Flames woke up the sun was high in the sky, He stood up and saw Daniel keeping watch "Good Morning Flames, see I'm not completely useless!" Daniel stood up and helped Flames ready the horses

"We're gonna have to take these horses all the way back to New Grove East" said Flames as he was fastening the saddle

"I know, these past 2 days have been scary, I've seen things in this world that I'll never forget" Daniel jumped up on the horse he was saddling "Thats why I want to join you!"

Flames looked at him and then shook his head implying 'If you want to'

They woke up Stephanie and she rode behind Daniel and Flames carried Blade who was still passed out on his horse.


When they finally arrived at the order the exorcists were extremely exhausted. Half-way to New Grove Easy Blade gained conciousness. When they arrived at New Grove, Daniel quit his job at Nortons, but made the Flames pay the owner for the horses and carriage which Flames found to be more irksome. Flames also paid for Daniels Ticket to the Order. They all slept in the train, but for some reason they still felt exhausted so when Lione approached them to ask about the journey, They all walked past him except for Flames. As Flames sat in Liones Office he explained everything to Lione, including his new Innocence.

"So who is this 'master' that created your weapon?"

"That same master created my weapon as well." Blade stepped into the light and so did Legno and little girl whom Flames didn't recognize

"We have been exchanging Information and we may know who this 'master' is"


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, very nice chapter and so long. *o* . Luckily I already read the biggest part XD.
So, I assume that the Innocence that was found was not the heart. There was Innocence involved with the Thunderbird-legend, if you referred to it in your chapter and I think so. Not hearing anything must be horrible. Ahhh~~~ terrible thought xd.
And I wonder who this mysterious master is. I have no idea.

One request. Don't write anything about the Noah (Jaques, Amaterasu and Magier) in the next chapter before I haven't released my one. I've already written a great part of my chapter. Well, as normal, it's all about Magier but I can write so many nice things about her xD. But it also includes Jaques' bloody return and the way Magier behaves after that. I hope this is okay. ^____^"


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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ohh if Magier-chan wouldn't have destroyed the village we might have found the innocense first! XD
So Flames has a all new weapon now?

waiting for magiers comment on Jaques defeat. :gigglebunny


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
The "comment" will surely surprise you cause it's no real comment, it's, I will say nothing. What is "when Magier-chan wouldn't have destroyed the village?" XD OMG, you're right. haha.

Ah right, Flames, new weapon, there was sth said like that...
"We think this is what you call Innocence, so we haven't sealed away your Wolf Spirit we have given you another weapon to fight!"
What kind of weapon it is?


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 2, 2007
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United States
Wow, long. =3 Blade flirting with Stephanie amused me to no end, and poor Steph-chan's penchent for sleeping on trains triumphant return got a couple of laughs out of me.

I was going to ask what Flames' new weapon was, but Schwindelmagier's already done so. =)


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Wow, long. =3 Blade flirting with Stephanie amused me to no end, and poor Steph-chan's penchent for sleeping on trains triumphant return got a couple of laughs out of me.

I was going to ask what Flames' new weapon was, but Schwindelmagier's already done so. =)
what I meant by new weapon(Innocence) was the spear that Flames was given by the ancients. His old weapon(innocence) was his Lycanthropy Innocence.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 2, 2007
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United States
what I meant by new weapon(Innocence) was the spear that Flames was given by the ancients. His old weapon(innocence) was his Lycanthropy Innocence.
Oh, I understand now. x333 Thanks for the clarification.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Ooooh~~ the spear, I understood. The spear is the new weapon. Thanks for that ^___^.
Hahaha, my chapter is finished and I really thought about it. It's kinda psycho :P. Can't wait to poste it.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
DS (hope you don't mind me calling you that lol),

Like I said in the PM, such an amazing chapter. And we have our first coupling (BS = Blade x Stephanie lol)

Did I tell you that I was blushing the entire time while I was reading it? Even my sister thought it was cute. Did you base Blade and Stephanie's interaction off my own interactions with ryk/kadodo on the ff? :rofl Though it's kinda embarrassing that my character got her first kiss before me... :sweat

btw, is the Innocence that was acquired sexist or something? I mean, there has to be a logical reason why Stephanie was the only one capable of holding it? jk jk

@ Magier, my chapter has been finished for a while but I need to edit it to include this story. I already wrote the Noahs in but my chapter is supposed to occur several weeks after this mission so I guess your chapter could be a flashback... You guys kinda play an important role in it and say some pretty cool quotes... :sweat

Overall, great chapter and mine should be up soon


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Haha, yeah, almost forgot about the couple Blade-Steph. Really cute I have to say. ^_^
@snooge: Oh, it's already finished. Okies, hm...maybe I could send you my chapter so that you can compare yours with mine. Not that something really different occurs in Magier's behaviour xD. If that is okay, of course. *goes to PM snooge*

"Some pretty cool quotes"? I am looking forward to your chapter ^__^.
Last edited:

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Haha, yeah, almost forgot about the couple Blade-Steph. Really cute I have to say. ^_^
@snooge: Oh, it's already finished. Okies, hm...maybe I could send you my chapter so that you can compare yours with mine. Not that something really different occurs in Magier's behaviour xD. If that is okay, of course. *goes to PM snooge*

"Some pretty cool quotes"? I am looking forward to your chapter ^__^.
Got your PM!

Do you want to switch chapters? It would make the story more flowing and make the transition between chapters easier. ^^


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Okay, then I will post my chapter now ^_^. *looks at the watch* OMG, so alte haha. it's 0.56 a.m. over here in Germany. Me is a bad little girl xD. Luckily we have holidays. Strike ^__^.


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
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United States
DS (hope you don't mind me calling you that lol),

Like I said in the PM, such an amazing chapter. And we have our first coupling (BS = Blade x Stephanie lol)

Did I tell you that I was blushing the entire time while I was reading it? Even my sister thought it was cute. Did you base Blade and Stephanie's interaction off my own interactions with ryk/kadodo on the ff? :rofl Though it's kinda embarrassing that my character got her first kiss before me... :sweat

btw, is the Innocence that was acquired sexist or something? I mean, there has to be a logical reason why Stephanie was the only one capable of holding it? jk jk

@ Magier, my chapter has been finished for a while but I need to edit it to include this story. I already wrote the Noahs in but my chapter is supposed to occur several weeks after this mission so I guess your chapter could be a flashback... You guys kinda play an important role in it and say some pretty cool quotes... :sweat

Overall, great chapter and mine should be up soon
I don't mind DS actually alot of peeps calll me that on the Forums at least

Blushing....I'm honored. I actually didn't base it on your flirting with ryk/kadodo but I did base your reactions on this girl I wanted to go out with once except she didn't slap me nearly as much... btw I was still deciding up to the moment before I posted the chapter on who I was going to pair with Stephanie, but I was thinking Daniel....

about the Innocence thing, I'm not too sure I knew what I was doing with that but maybe someone will want clarify on that someday with maybe one or 2 more exorcists.

I hope everyone liked it cause I tried by best to make it lighthearted yet serious at the same time. My personal favorite part was when Daniels leg jerked in his sleep and he kicked Flames in the face.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Haha, yeah, the kicking-scene-in-sleep-mode was great xD.

KeyBlade Master

wow seriously long chapter.btw it seems that the elemental sword prove useful in giving water and light.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Blushing....I'm honored. I actually didn't base it on your flirting with ryk/kadodo but I did base your reactions on this girl I wanted to go out with once except she didn't slap me nearly as much... btw I was still deciding up to the moment before I posted the chapter on who I was going to pair with Stephanie, but I was thinking Daniel....
Awwwww... I hope the girl you based me on was nice then.

So the coupling isn't official?


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
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United States
Awwwww... I hope the girl you based me on was nice then.

So the coupling isn't official?
I sort of left it open ended, I think. I know your probably like 'what do you mean you think?' but I left the decision all in Stephanies hands, because when she kissed Blade he was asleep. It was sort of like the Orihime/Ichigo thing where she wanted to kiss him before she left for Hueco Mundo.