Chapter 55 - Boston | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 55 - Boston


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Boston was something very different from what the exorcists were used to, There old HQ was in the middle of the forest desolate and perfect for headquarters, Boston was a tad different. It had people everywhere and they were out in droves, all of them out and about doing whatever was to be done from shopping to peddling they all lined the streets as the exorcists looked on a little dazed and confused.

"Well everyone here it is, Boston, Massachussetts." Lione turned around and Faced the group of them standing together, in uniform they looked a little like Liones own little private army. "I'm sure you may all be asking why it is that I've chosen Boston, I told Blade while everyone was sleeping that it's because we have a back-up base here and it's pretty low-tech." Lione saw a couple of the faces flinch at that " Don't worry! It'll take some time but I'm sure we can bring it up to date in about a couple of months, but for the meantime you will have to manage."

Stephanie cleared her throat to get Liones attention, "Yes, Stephanie."

"Where exactly is this base?!"

Lione looked turned around and opened his arms "Somewhere out there."

"You mean you don't know! Oh GOD! I think I should reconsider professions" Rinvak yelled in exasperation.

Lione disregarded this outburst "I don't know, but I have a way to find it."

"And how is that?!"Stephanie asked with a touch of annoyance in her voice.

"Like this" Lione went into his uniform and pulled out a box, he opened up the lid and 5 golems jumped into the air they danced around as the sun revealed that they were all different colors. "I just got these yesterday, They are the latest models in golems and they have the location of the back-up base in them so just follow them and it should take you there. "They all have names the red one is Kit, blue is Nita, green is Cuchullain, violet is Pooka, and the goofy orange one is Amadaun" the orange one was spinning at a a pretty fast rate and fell down from dizziness.

"I need some medical items before we leave to the new HQ" Ying said in her usual monotone voice

"I wanna go exploring with-" Tabitha said as she grabbed Eny's hand "with HER!"

"I'd also like to find a smith, my sword is a little dull and I haven't had the chance to sharpen it in ages" Blade said as he examined his sword.

"Alright then Flames go with Ying and..." Lione looked around and smirked "Stephanie you could go with Blade, both of you can take a Golem, Pooka with Blade and Kit you with Flames...oh yes and Nita you can go with the girls"

"Now Cuchullain and Amadaun lead the way to the base! Everyone Follow me or follow the Golem!" Lione marched forward and Rinvak, Amiti and Daniel stood carrying everyones belongings after him luckily Amadaun was moving pretty slow so they could follow him

"Damn everyone! They go wherever they want to go and leave US to carry the luggage" Rinvak was thoroughly pissed. "If I can get my hands on any of them I will kill them!". At that moment Amadaun twirled up into the air and spiraled down, successfully knocking everyone over and having luggage fall on top of everyone.

"Geez, that hurt! If I find that golem I'll kill him" Daniel said right before another piece of airborn luggage fell on his head, knocking him out."

Amiti tried to bring Daniel back to conciousness, but no success then Rinvak came and shaked Daniel real roughly and slapping him to conciousness
"Ouch! Get off you cow!" Daniel yelled after coming to his senses.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!" but just before Rinvak could do serious damage Amiti shook her on her shoulder "What do you want can't you see I'm in the middle of something?"

"Yea, but ummm I think we may be lost..." Amiti said noticing that the trainstation was nowhere in sight and neither was Lione

"Wow this place is really lively!" laughed Tabitha as she ran through the shopping district dragging along Eny who had Fermy scurrying after her chasing Nita

"Yea it is, but I would appreciate it more if you let go of my arm!" Eny said as she forcefully removed Tabithas hand around her forearm. "Geeez now its red, Fermium stop that right now! We're going to need that golem if we plan on finding the base later!" Fermium was trying to catch Nita but she was dodging all of its clawing, almost playing with the cat "But I am interested on what you golems are made of...NO! FERMY" Fermium had just caught Nita and was planning on having it join the sardine she had earlier in its stomach when Tabitha kicked Fermy away from the golem.

"Thats what you get for trying to eat cute little golems!" Nita was fluttering around Tabithas head in gratitude, as Eny's face held a mortified expression.

"Fermy! Are you alright?! Did the mean girl hurt you?" Eny was looking over her kitten and turned around to face Tabby "Your lucky Fermy isn't hurt! Cause if she was I'd-"

"You'd what, tickle me to death?" Tabitha gained a sinister experession on her face "Please, I'm older than you small fry its best you realize now that you, can't do much to me."

Eny was seething she was going to retort and make Tabitha look extremely stupid, but she thought of a better idea. "Maybe your right, but one day you'll be 30 and I'll be 26 and we'll see who's laughing then!"

"HA! You are just a child, you can't even give a good response to an insult!" Tabitha looked proud and continued walking down the street with Eny following her

"How about we go and get something to eat, I'm a little hungry, and so is Fermy thats why she insists on eating Nita."

Tabitha stopped and felt her stomach, she turned around as a loud growl came from her stomach, "Your right, I can't remember when when it was I last ATE! It must have been a century ago!" Tabitha grabbed Nita and put the golem in her pocket and she started running looking for the nearest restaurant, she didn't have to look far

Ollie's Shackhouse

Tabitha looked up and ran inside, Eny and Fermy quickly followed her in.

"I'm gonna have 2 burgers with everything PLEEEEEASE!" Tabitha was already ordering when Eny showed up

"You must be an idiot!" Eny walked by Tabitha "We'd like a table for 3 please." The hostess looked at the 2 young girls and guided them to a table for 3, and had them seated after showing them a menu.

"Ummm, Why are we sitting at a table for 3?" Tabby asked

"Because, Fermy needs a seat too!" Eny picked up the menu and started looking through it.

Tabitha picked up the menu, most of the food sounded good and she decided on the cheeseburger with no onions extra pickles. The waitress walked on over to the table and introduced herself .

"I'm going to have 2 orders of the most expensive thing on the menu, and a pink lemonade" Eny declared as she handed the menu back to the waitress

"So 2 orders of the lime seared prawns?" Eny nodded, The waitress turned to Tabitha " And you?"

"I'd like a cheeseburger well-done no onions extra pickles, and a glass of iced tea" she said as the gave her menu to the waitress

"Okay coming up" The waitress took the menus and left Tabitha and Eny. They sat in silence for a few minutes waiting for their order

"Why are they taking so looooong?" Tabitha wailed in her seat

"Geeez and your calling me young? Be patient, they have to make the food!"

The waitress came back and gave Eny her pink lemonade and Tabitha her iced tea.

As Tabitha sipped on her iced tea she looked at Eny " Why do you act like your 10 years older than me?"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean you treat me like your older than me sometimes."

"Well maybe if you act more like your age I won't have to make up for the age difference!"

Tabitha and Eny both shot scathing looks at each other and turned away. They sat in silence until the food arrived. They both sat in silence as they ate, Eny wasn't going to feel guilty now.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the ladies room...and I'm taking Fermy" She got up and picked Fermy up who was licking his plate and left Tabitha alone. Eny sat in a corner and watched Tabitha as the bill arrived and she looked at it, a look of horror was written on her face. Then Tabitha sat there for awhile as Eny watched pretty soon it looked like Tabitha figured out that Eny wasn't coming back. The waitress approached Tabitha and Tabitha made the gesture of pulling out her pockets revealing nothing except for maybe a few dollars to cover her cheeseburger but not enough to cover the $30 a piece lime seared prawns that Eny had ordered. The waitress left and came back with the manager and by this time Eny was rolling on the floor, but she decided that this was the time to make her escape. She left the restaurant with a giant grin on her face hugging Fermium Nobody messes with my cat

Stephanie walked down the avenue with Blade as he browsed the stores looking for a blacksmith. Geeeez, I'm sure Lione put me with him on purpose. I haven't really had a chance to think over what happened with Blade all those weeks ago, and he wasn't even concious. Stephanie looked sideways towards Blade who got her stare and gave her a cheery smile, she blushed and turned away I wonder if he knows that I kissed him. If he knows he doesn't seem mad, and that smile...

"Hey Steph! I found one." Stephanies attention shifted to the smithery and walked in after Blade. the place was dark and dingy. The smith was short but really muscular and looked like he was losing his hair. Around the store were all sorts of metal work displayed on the walls. He had everything from axes to pots and all of it looked expertly done. "Wow! I'm sure this guy could sharpen my sword he definitely looks competant." Blade walked over to the smith " Excuse me, but I'd like for you to sharpen this sword."

The smith took the sword and inspected it meticulously, he weighed it in his hands and shifted the the blade into the light where he watched the light dance off the blade, Then he glided the back of his nail across the blade and inspected the cut, after doing this he put the sword on the counter. "Sir, I'm not sure what your here for, but this sword is in perfect condition." Stephanie looked at the sword and then at Blade, on his face was a smirk.

"Hehe, you are pretty sharp I was just hoping you would take the sword and sharpen it."

"Sir, I'm sure you're well aware that I couldn't sharpen this sword if I tried, and it would destroy my equipment" The smith raised his finger that he used to test the edge of the blade and the nail was split cleanly in half. "Good thing I used my instincts and decided to touch it lightly with the nail of my finger, because If I used my skin or pressed any more heavier with my nail, I would be a smith with one less finger"

Stephanie stared at the mans nail."W-wait, so your telling me that his blade is that sharp?!"

"Yes, It was obviously created by a smith of likes the world has never seen before, I wouldn't be surprised if it could cut a hair that would just drop on the blade" The smith plucked a hair out of Stephanies head "Sorry ma'am but I'm a balding man." and dropped it on the blade and sure enough the hair was cut cleanly.

"Well, I was wondering if you know and smith who was capable of such work or have heard of any rumors or stories?"

The smith looked into Blades eyes "Well the only story I know of comes from greek lore."

"Well please enlighten me my dear sir, for I have never heard the tale"

The smith stared at Stephanie and then back at Blade "Well the name of the god was Hephaestus, the god of fire, especially the blacksmith's fire, was the patron of all craftsmen, principally those working with metals. He created alot of things from various materials. He forged bolts for Zeus and Eros, the god of love, he formed the arrows and Helios' chariot or goblet...well thats all I know I hope I was of some help."

"Sir, your tale was of the utmost importance, but just one more question."

"Yes sir?"

"Do you think that this sword might be formed from such a god?"

The blacksmith eyed the sword for a few minutes before he answered the question "I might be willing to bet my life that this sword was not created through normal means but by a god" he paused to look at the sword one more time before he could finish "but by a god I think not. I have to say though whomever created this didn't use normal anything from materials to smithing."

Blade smiled and sheathed his sword "Well sir, I'm glad that you could help." he then gestured to Stephanie that he was leaving and proceeded through the front door. They walked in silence for several minutes before anyone said a word "I believe that this sword might have been created by a person who the tale of Hephaestus was based on."

Stephanie looked a little confused "Wasn't your sword created like the other weapons from the order?"

"No, and neither was Flames spear. I believe though that the person who created these weapons might be a little...special"

"Special? Well if he managed to live this long I imagine so."

"Well, I was thinking that he created these weapons a long time ago, I found mine in a rock and Flames said that the spear was handed down to warriors in his tribe every 100 years." Blade touched his sheathed sword "I came to this man, because rumer has it that he is a master smith and I was hoping if he wasn't the master then at least he can point me in the right direction."

"Well he did didn't he?" Stephanie looked back at Blade and he smiled again at her, so this wasn't a date after all...

Blade smiled at her "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Stephanie smiled a little inside and then ::SMACK::.

"So is that a yes?!"



"..." Flames stood there following Ying through all the medicinal shops picking up this and that. It was like this when they had gone to find the bookman who turned out to be Blade, Extremely quiet.

Ying was walking into another medicinal shop, looking through all the shelves trying to figure out which one was which. Most of her supplies were depleted and i would take a great deal of time to restore it to its former glory, and she had Flames around who looked quite able to fetch a few pounds of herbs and other salves and remedies.

"Flames will you please pass me that green jar on the top shelf?" Flames obliged and reached for the jar when he saw in the corner of his eye a man's hand reaching for Yings pocket. but before he could move Ying with inhuman reflexes grabbed the mans hand as it was just about to reach into her pocket.

"Excuse me sir, but if I catch you doing that again I'll break more than your wrist." The man looked at his wrist and noticed that it wasn't broken.

"!" Ying squeezed his wrist tightly until a very audible snap was heard throughout the store "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!"

Ying let go of the mans hand and looked at Flames "I'm sorry, now will you please get the green jar for me?"

Flames picked up the jar and placed it inside the basket filled with other assorted herbs and serums. Just who exactly is this lady? She was obviously more than a doctor, because the medicine chiefs in the village used to be trained spiritually not physically and Ying... Flames replayed the scene in his head slowly, the man didn't even touch her before she felt his presence and her hand moved extremely fast catching him. He then thought of her hands and how they snapped that mans wrist with just a squeeze Her reactions were inhuman, I myself wouldn't have noticed until his hand was in my pocket. Ying looked at Flames and smiled her very fake smile. "Ying.."

"Yes, Flames how may I help you?"

"I was aware of your proficiency in battle, but that was..."

"I was trained for that sort of stuff, I was used for battle as I imagine you were."

Flames stared at her, his file was only read by Lione and only a few of the people in the European branch had read it.

"I didn't read your file, even though I tried to." Flames stared into her face."I've read everyones files at least those who have them, and those who don't have classified profiles"

People other than me have classified profiles? I wonder if Stephanie has one?, After his last mission with Stephanie, Flames now considered her a friend and he didn't have much friends other than Lione.

"I needed to know them, or else I might not know who I have to kill" Ying smiled again, which usually had the usual effect of sending shivers down Flames spine.

Flames cleared his throat a little "So how did you know that-"

Ying was looking at a bottle of which contents still looked...alive "I knew because, I am intelligent and I can see that you show signs of being used. For instance, you follow orders without questioning them thats a sign of years of service and while with your intelligence you can pass as maybe an advisor your technique in battle is a little too refined. Meaning you have seen many battles and have shed countless gallons of blood. Like me"

Flames looked at her, part amazed and part scared. She came up with all of that without even really needing much, and she was right.

"Well I think that I have everything that I need from here, I'll go to the register and you can carry the bag with the other ones and then we can head off to the next store."

Flames shrugged his shoulders wondering how many more bags he would have to carry.

"O GAWD! Now we're lost all because of you!" Daniel said as he dangled Amadaun by his long orange tail. "I mean really! Aren't you suckers supposed to be helping us? How about you carry some luggage?" Amadaun looked frightened before Rinvak punched Daniel in the face and took Amadaun from his grasp

Rinvak closed her eyes and when she opened them they looked dreamy and vulnerable and she had pouted her bottom lip a little "Amadaun, I was wondering if you could maybe take us to the base here in Boston?"

Amiti's face held a shocked expression, I can't believe it, she's flirting with the...golem

Amadaun started to wizz in the air, and just kept spinning and then lost speed after a few minutes and started moving ahead. Rinvak gave Amiti and Daniel the luggage to carry as she followed Amadaun carrying one small bag. Daniel struggled under the weight of the baggage as Rinvak walked ahead with Amadaun. Amiti looked just as worn as he was and was sure that wherever base was it wasn't close enough to keep him from falling on his face.

I haven't felt this carefree in ages Rinvak thought, as she stopped to look at a street merchants wares, she turned around and saw that Amiti and Daniel were still following though at a snails pace. Amiti is nice but, I have enough stress without having to carry luggage, as for Daniel he deserves it Rinvak picked up a little mirror and was looking at her reflection when the merchant came to speak with her

"I see you have found a very interesting object." The merchant was a old, tall handsome man dressed rather shabby and he had his hands in his pockets "You see that mirror is one that was given to Queen Elizabeth I when she was crowned, by her secret lover." Rinvak was paying close attention to the mans words "They say that her lover used another mirror to signal to her times to meet in secret."

"Secret?" It was Amiti

"Yes, sir secret." The merchant came around to the other side of the table, he picked up a jewelry box on the edge of the table. It was solid mahogany and had designs painted in what seemed to be liquid gold, and on the corners were orifices that seemed to hold some jewels, Rinvak rubbed her hand over the surface "This is a jewelry box that was rumored to be 'Pandoras Box' at one point but has since been used to contain a power that will change the world, The only problem is the key is missing, also the keyhole is nowhere to be found." The merchant showed them all sides of the box to reveal nothing but the liquid gold design. "The box will reveal the keyhole once, and only after all of the original gems are put back in place. I was once was a very rich man and I squandered every penny of mine to find the 4 jewels and the key, but now I am penniless and have nothing except..." The man pulled his hand out of his pocket and on it was a ring with a single sapphire set into it and showed it to Rinvak and Amiti.

Amiti looked at the ring, and gasped. "Could it be?!"

The merchant placed the finger with the ring against one of the holes in the jewelry box and a soft click was heard. "I'm too old now to continue the journey of finding the other 3 and the key, but maybe you two will be able to make more progress than I ever have."

Amiti looked at Rinvak "I would like to do that, but sir I'm sure we couldn't possibly be able to afford it."

The merchant looked at the two and smiled "For you lovers I shall give it to you for free, may what you have help your journey and enrich the lives of those around you!"

Rinvak began to choke, the thought of her and Amiti being a couple was the most preposterous thing she had ever heard.

"I'll also give you the diary of my travels, may it help you." The merchant handed everything to Amiti who had dropped the luggage a long time ago.


"O-of course not!" Amiti gave everything to Rinvak and went to pick up the luggage,"Oh I forgot!" then he dropped it again and pulled the ring with the sapphire off his finger and slid it on Rinvaks ring finger who began to blush a little at the moment and he then rushed over to the bags to pick them up and chased after the mad Daniel.

Rinvak stared at her finger for a little while and then turned around to thank the merchant, but when she did nothing was there.

"Figures that no one would be here yet." Lione stood at the front of a large dilapidated church. Cuchallain floated around Liones head as he sighed thinking about the amount of money that would be spent on bringing this up to date.

Lione stepped forward and climbed a few steps to the large double doors. He pushed the doors open and they creaked. There was a a thick coating of dust on the 7 feet of floor exposed to the light by the door. He looked in and sighed again, It's going to be at least 6 months before I can even make this place livable, So what am I going to do? Rent rooms in town? He walked in as he opened the doors further and walked past the oak pews. He looked toward the stained glass windows in the front of the church, in the gentle light was a figure. Liones heart stood steady. He walked slowly as the figure became clearer. Whoever it was, it was kneeling at an altar.

"Excuse me?"

The figure looked a little startled and then turned its head

"Who goes there?" The voice came from a woman, a woman who was powerful Lione recognized the authoritive tone in her voice as that of a woman with great strength.

"Lione Parcoeur, Leader of-"

"The North American Black Order Headquarters?!"

"Yes, how do you know about me?!"

The shape stood up and then hit a switch, the stainglassed windows let out a stonger light revealing the church in its entirety. She turned around and walked at a quick pace to where Lione stood, she was a nun and she stood before Lione looking through him with her icy blue eyes, eyes that seeme so familiar.

"I am Sister Madeline Price, but you may call me Madeline"

"Madeline, you haven't answered my question. How is it that you know of me?"

Sister Madeline Price brushed her robes and then looked into Liones face with an upset look "I am a little upset that you know not of me or my 'organization'" she played with her robes a little more "But I am leader of an organization that exterminate akuma locally in the Boston area."

Lione was shocked, I don't ever remember of hearing of such a group, an organization that destroy akuma locally? Impossible, you need Innocence to do that., and as if reading Liones mind Madeline raised her left hand revealing a ring, a ring that Lione was very familiar with, he began to shake his head in shock.

"I am aware that you were acquainted with the previous owner of this Innocence, Ring of Force, Julia Rose Sheffield."

"H-how ? A-are you an exorcist?!" Lione stuttered lost in his shock

"Thats a hard question. I'd have to say the best answer is I was an exorcist. You see I was in the order, but I ran away." Madeline picked up the bottom of her robes and walked up to the pulpit and gestured for Lione to follow her, he obliged. " I know your in shock but what I'm about to show you might send you over the edge. So just tell me when you are feeling okay." Madeline was now standing next to Lione in the pulpit.

"So you're, I mean were an exorcist? How did you run away? If so why create an 'organization' that deals with akuma? Why don't you just go back?, And why did you take the Innocence with you?"

Madeline sort of smiled at this "Yes I was an exorcist, It's a secret, I found that no matter how far I ran way from the order akuma just were there so I created this locally before the Order had the idea of opening a chapter here, I refuse because of personal reasons, and It won't come off of my hand."

Lione looked at her face looking for any trace of a lie but found none.

"Are you ready then?

Lione nodded, and Madeline pressed a button on the pulpit. It was an elevator and it took them down, down and farther down. It was dark and he could hear the breathing of Madeline, then the darkness broke and there was a lot of noise. Lione looked around and it was the most technologically advanced headquarters he had ever seen, not to mention the most gigantic one, it was almost s big as the city it was under.Cuchullain flitted about happily absorbing the information for Lione to recall later just so he can make sure that it wasn't a dream.

"It wasn't this big before, but luckily I am an heiress to the Price fortune, which is probably enough to buy the planet." Lione looked around there were people all around, building robots, researching weapons, studying akuma behaviour, and discussing The Earl of Milleniums whereabouts.

"Oh my God, what is all of this for?!"

Madeline cleared her throat "For War."

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I've been waiting for this chapter for such a long time and I have the privilege of getting the first post! What a great ending for the night!

Such an amazing chapter! I love, love the character interactions; they were amusing and enjoyable. None of the characters seem OOC and the story was engaging. So it took us that long to be friends? Sadness... :(

Does the Pandora's Box contain an Innocence? And is Lione going to have a gf? Just wondering since I probably will incorporate these things in my chapter :amuse

Great job! The wait was definitely worth this chapter!

::edit:: Oh shoot! I just realize that Madeline is a nun. Oh well... maybe she'll break her vows?


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
What a great and amazing new HQ. nobody would expect a HQ under an old, forfeited church. Great. And, as I already said, nice idea with the five golems and Ying still scares me ^_^".
The interaction of the exorcists was nice detailed and lovely. Eny surely is kind of nasty to Tabby. Both aren't taking any shit from each other. :P
The Innocence in it...would be interesting if it were. So, Rinvak, Amiti and Daniel will search for the remaining gems?
The inlcuding of a greek tale was really good and now, I wonder who this master is? Our story has at least as much unanswered questions as the original DGM story xD.


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
United States
What a great and amazing new HQ. nobody would expect a HQ under an old, forfeited church.
At first I was sad about the loss of the old HQ but then I thought the idea of having an HQ in a church was great but then I thought of having a super HQ right under an old run down church to be better. After all they started out in the Vatican didn't they?
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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I've been waiting for this chapter for such a long time and I have the privilege of getting the first post! What a great ending for the night!

Such an amazing chapter! I love, love the character interactions; they were amusing and enjoyable. None of the characters seem OOC and the story was engaging. So it took us that long to be friends? Sadness... :(

Does the Pandora's Box contain an Innocence? And is Lione going to have a gf? Just wondering since I probably will incorporate these things in my chapter :amuse

Great job! The wait was definitely worth this chapter!

::edit:: Oh shoot! I just realize that Madeline is a nun. Oh well... maybe she'll break her vows?
Well we've been friends for much longer snoog :D

Pandoras box does contain an Innocence and I was hoping it would be opened very slowly :)


Wow this chapter was VERY enjoyable ^^Eny is sooooooo devious XD


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
United States
Teeheehee! Eny is such a devious little bitch. <3 And really enjoyed all those interactions. Under an abandoned church... Cool idea! And Pandora's Box... Yay! Questions! These mysterys just keep piling on!
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