Chapter 67 - Two sides of the same coin | MangaHelpers

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Chapter 67 - Two sides of the same coin


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Chapter 67 - Two sides of the same coin

Gomen, I could not wait. I promise to study now but I really, really had to finish this chapter >_<

The dawn had broken and dipped the port of Boston into a light red tone. The black shadow who joined the colourful festivity, let the red appear deadly. The shapes of gulls, cawing in the fresh morning breeze, flitted over the stony ground which was discoloured by the foam. The person with the creepy shadow lifted the arm to down a white drink with one gulp, before it raised the gun in the other hand and silenced one of the gulls in an unsavoury manner. White smoke soared up of the barrel and the person who identified as the strange pirate girl Lione had meet in the bar, put the gun back to its familiar place. She looked at the empty bottle, bent her brow, then threw it carelessly away. The bottle landed somewhere between two wooden, lettered boxes at the port and bursted into thousand pieces. The fragments sparkled in the upcoming sunlight and a last, loose drop of rum trickled onto the ground.
"Great", the girl muttered. "everything for nothing."
Her look wandered to a box full of rum that stood right behind her. The voracity for this alluring alcohol mirrored in her dark eyes. Her ala of the nose vibrated when she turned her look towards the sea to resist the desire to drink. But the pirate girl was satisfied with the embosomed sight of the water in front of her, her second love besides rum.

"Maybe...just almost for nothing", the female pirate added. "He sent me to Boston to find an important box -How was it called? Ah yeah, something with pandora...- and then, he orders me today's morning to retreat cause the business with the box is already settled. Why did I went through whole Boston then?" She sighed.
"In the end, I wouldn't have found it anyway, so it doesn't matter. But he should know that walking on land is a doing I am loath to do. However..."
A happy yet astute look appeared on her face when she recalled last evening.
"However, being on land has also some good sides. He was really cute, I hope I can meet him again one day. The day, when everything is over."

A sudden rumble wake her up from day dreaming and caused her hat to fall to ground. When she bent down to lift and brush the dust off, her look wandered to an away area at the edge of the city called Boston. From her knowledge, the girl remembered an old, abandoned church to be placed there. Her eyes narrowed when she kept staring into that direction. She was obviously interested in the event that was going on there but she had other things to accomplish first.
"Akuma...huh? I wonder what is going on there but I have no time left", the girl said and took out some records she had produced. The old paper blew in the upcoming wind before the pirate put them away again, hiding them in her dark-red coat.
She stepped forward, moving towards the sea. Right in front of the water whose foam sprayed against her black shoes, the pirate adjusted her hat. The remaining gulls flew away as if they felt danger approaching. Two fingers of her right hand touched her lips and a whistling sound echoed over the port and faded away when crossing the endless sea. Slowly, then quickening, bubbles appeared on the surface of the water. The splutter of it was the only sound that broke the silence. A smile on the face of the girl disclosed misfortune, misfortune to everyone who dared to fight her.

Within seconds, a figurehead, then a first mast, finally the whole keel emerged on the water surface until the ship was noticeable in its whole glory. It had just appeared out of nowhere. A person who was not familiar with this phenomenon, might had screamed. The pirate looked at her pride an joy. Her own barque, a ship with three main masts. From its appearance, it looked like a normal wooden ship but once the captain entered it, it changed into its other form. A form that perfectly fitted to the pirate's emblem, the "Jolly Roger", also known as the common pirate flag.
The ship was made of shapely, black painted wood, scaled some sizably metres, white sails blew in the wind and a figurehead that resembled a beautiful woman with a dove in the one and a saber in the other hand, decorated the bow. The foremast and the mainmast were rigged with three sails, the mizzen mast, which was placed abaft, with a lateen sail.

A rope suddenly landed in front of the girl. But when she grasped it, the threads began to loosen and to disengage a little. However, the female pirate did not seem to care about this fact and entered the ship at once. Her hand caught a hold of the wooden railing and with a jump full of verve, she landed on the deck.
"Well, seems as if we have to set sails and turn our backs to this city, you malodorous landmen", the girl said while unbending.
She stared into the faces of several Akuma but among them were also some humans, southerners who seemed to be less scared of the strange creatures than normal people from country and city. It was an implicitness for people who wanted to be hired in this crew. The encounter with the despair and the stubbornness of the world and its result, the Akuma, was inevitable.
"Get this ship out of the bay!", the girl ordered.
"Aye, Captain Anlen!"

Anlen did not let herself ruffle when the excitement behind her back got under way but she slowly moved towards the figurehead. Every single step she took, let the wood under her feet cracking. Her hand slowly caressed the railing. Strangely, it began to rot until it reduced to the shape of bones. Her skin darkened and crosses appeared on her forehead, halfway covered from her light green hair. The ship was about to transform into its hidden look. The figurehead was not exempted from the metamorphosis. It lost all its beauty and a skeleton superseded. The whole ship condemned its unique glory and embraced the aspect of a ghost ship. Raddled black sails, rotten wood and bony elements asigned the creepy guise. It was a curse. A curse that just rested on the captain. Bound to the ship and an imposed thraldom that had taken her freedom as pirate away, Anlen was not able to enjoy the gorgeousness of her once beautiful pride. Nonetheless, she still regarded it. Actually, it had the same functions as a normal pirate ship, owned the same solidity, even surpassed that of a normal ship although the appearance of it might cause viewers to be beset by doubts.

A little marine animal, obviously a crustacean, fell out of her hair and dropped onto the bony railing. A hand squashed it like a bug, grasped and led it to the mouth. A cracking sound echoed through the rush of the crew who prepared everything for departure when Anlen broke the shell of the poor small animal with her teeth, then spitted the remains out.
"Maybe...", Anlen said. "It is not as bad as it seems. After all, the sense in being a pirate is to spread fear and terror. With this...", she knocked the railing and some chippings broke away. "...I will certainly scare my opponents."
Anlen's look lost fortitude when she stared at the floor where some of the slim remains of the railing spent their existence. The corner of her mouth quirked and her figure almost slumped down but she kind of managed to keep her countenance.
"Fear and terror...", she mumbled and approached her cabin which lay, as it befitted the captain, at the back of the ship but not before signifying her crew not to disturb her unless a heavy storm was coming up. Anlen opened the door to her cabin and revealed a room full of books, maps, burning candles and a host of bottles full of rum spreat over the whole ground. The captain kicked an empty bottle carelessly away and collapsed into a chair which was almost completely buried under tons of papers, bottles and other indefinable items. She took out the records from earlier and observed them for a little while.
"I wonder why he needs those documents", she finally said.

Magier stepped towards the unconscious bookman who had hoped to be able to beat the creepy Noah. Unfortunately, his wish did not come true. The female Noah looked at her broken sword and a slightly disgusted face was mirrored in the blade's remains. She put away the fragments with caution, then scowled at the Bookman who was lying in the dust of the fight anew. She approached Blade with sinister steps and every footfall contained her disgust for humans. Just the look of such a pitiful human made her sick, this and the fact that the bookman in front of her owned a better relationship with his beloved than she did with Jaques.
"It's absolutely sickening", she screamed and collared the boy. "Why does everyone have luck in life except of me?!"

It was quite obvious that Blade would not respond since he had fallen in a faint, nonetheless his silence made the girl angrier and angrier until she finally stroke in his face. Magier's annoyed gasping just stopped when a desperate smile took the place of it. She seemed to calm down a bit but it was just appeared outwardly, she did a slow burn and inwardly disintegrated.
For a short moment, silence occured but it were broken by a melancholic song.

"Bookman, the trash of humanity...I love to strangle, to kill, to tear them.
Bookman, the vermins of all living beings...aren't even worth to be pitied.
Kill them, tear them, strangle them, viscerate them, play with them.
Send them to hell, let them betray."

Magier bent forward while singing and crows began to gather around her left arm. She collared Blade with her right arm as strong as she wanted to choke him to death here and now. The eye-patch that had covered her injured eye, came loose and revealed a horrible scar that crossed it.

"God, those cowards...their time keeps running away.
Like the blood that flows out of their dead bodies.
Bookman, the trash of humanity...I love to strangle, to kill, to tear them.
Bookman, the vermins of all living beings...aren't even worth to be pitied..."

The crows departed from Magier's arm with a horrible cry that sent chills down the spine. Long, sharp claws sparkled in the upcoming light of the day. Claws, that directly pointed at Blades throat, then began to wander downwards until they had reached his stomach.
"Where to begin? Since you've destroyed my beloved weapon, I think I have to use my hands to rip your intestines and every single vital organ out of you." Magier laughed. "It's a shame that you can't experience this. It's so much fun. However, it makes definitely more dirt than a sword."

Magier was about to ram her claw into Blade's body when she felt the stony ground under her feet crumbling. A "Tse!" flashed over her lips before she jumped back with Blade in tow and landed on a more steadier ground of the street. Her look passed along the street until she could figure the reason for interruption out. She stood up, the poor Blade still collared with the right hand and the claws threateningly clicking.

"What do you want here, Amaterasu?", anger resonated in her voice. "You should not interrupt me. It's for your own sake."
Amaterasu stepped forward. Every footfall caused the ground to crumble and a trace of decay lay behind them. A cloud of death resembling the curse of nothingness the Noah had brought upon it, floated above the city behind his back. A crazy smile underlined the scenario.

"You know that Jaques would not like too see this Bookman viscerated like a rotting carcass", Amaterasu responded. "Moreover, it's a disgusting thing a girl like you should not do."
"What do you know about me, huh? You're just interested in yourself", Magier rejoined.
"I know more about you as you can imagine, darling."

Arghs, I hope you can imagine how the ship of Anlen looks like although my description of it is kinda...lame. It's really hard to write about a ship's appearance but imagine it in the head is easy.
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rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Cool chapter!

Yay! Anlen makes an appearance. I like reading her thoughts; it was so sweet that she was thinking about Lione. Don't know how they would react if they find out the truth about each other. I wonder why the documents are important.

I think your description of the ship is fine. I can imagine what it looks like. :)

Poor Blade; he is bearing the brunt of Magier's frustration. Luckily, I.A. was there to stop her from killing him. The last sentence is very intriguing; I'm going to have fun writing their interaction in my chapter.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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I am looking forward to their interaction ^_^.
I am glad that you can imagine the ship (just the matter if you imagine it as I do but that's not the big deal). Well, it's a mix of the Black Pearl, the Interceptor and Davy Jone's ship. The influence of PotC is definitely too prominent xD.

These documents will play an important role with the next meeting with Lione.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States exciting!

At least they both have their bottles of rum to keep them company until the next encounter. :p
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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yohoho a pirates life for me.....
Anlens ship is so great :luv i want one lke that ^^
Magier shure is a monster sometimes, can't wait read whats going to happen next


"Take what you can, give nothing back"~ Jack Sparrow

w00t I watcehd PotC solely for Johnny Depp's acting. Orlando Bloom failed miserably ><

Anyways this chapter was piratey and made me feel like grabbing some rum, spekaing in long and confusing sentences, and annoying the hell out of everybody we meet.

Jack: We fight!
Barbossa: You never fight!
Jack: Yes I do!
Babossa: You always run away!
Jack: Must have me confused with someone else mate. We fight to run away! XD


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Haha, yeah. I assume this is a compliment for my chapter.
And I totally agree with you. I just watch PotC because of Johnny Depp :luv
He's great as Jack Sparrow and definitely enriched my love to pirates. Btw, happy belated birthday, Johnny. :confetti

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Anyways this chapter was piratey and made me feel like grabbing some rum, spekaing in long and confusing sentences, and annoying the hell out of everybody we meet.
We can do that on "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Sept. 19th). :XD

FYI, my chapter may come out this weekend; it depends on my schedule.


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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I am still looking forward to it, no matter who long it might take. There's a "Talk like a pirate day"? Really? How coooooooool, kyaaaaaaa~~~~ *_*

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
:offtopic Yep, there is one. On that day, my high school English teacher taught my senior class in pirate talk. It was awesome!


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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:offtopic2 So damned coool, arrrrr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. :luv


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
Woo! Pirates 8D In my current obbessive state, nothing could be better. Anlen is so cool~ Though the little bit about the curse has my mind going and thinking about the flying Dutchman, which makes me think about

The Dutchman's new captain, Will <D I only like him when he's captain though. He was la-me through the rest of the movie.

I want more with Anlen. <D


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 2, 2007
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United States
Anlen is so cool! =3

Poor Blade. 0_0 She's so ruthless. I got goosebumps. Good news for Blade I.A. was there. I.A.'s crpytic comments continue to confuned me. =3


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Oh yeah, Amaterasu is a mysterious guy. I think this fact is what makes him so creepy, dangerous and capricious. I mean, he already attacked exorcists but also disturbed the Noah, well worth to mention here is propably Magier :P.
He sometimes acts like a real bis brother I think, teasing his little sister.

About the off-topic fact of PotC, Djmewmew, I totally agree with you. He even looked kinda hot then...but he cannot beat Jack Sparrow, never!

@snooge: Thanks for the site, it sounds really interesting. I will surely use some expressions of it in my further chapters when talking about Anlen.

Important pirates-song:" "Fünfzehn Mann auf des Toten Kiste, hohoho... und ne buddel voll Rum!"
I know this song, it's also "sung" by Gibs at the beginning of PotC 2. xD I think he was a little bit drunk that back time.