Chapter Nineteen: Family Bonds | MangaHelpers

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Chapter Nineteen: Family Bonds

rhapsody blue

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Three chapters in one day... oh yeah!

Author's Notes- Read after story
I apologize for the length but with the end of the first volume approaching, I didn't want it to end with an incomplete battle.

Guess when this event occurred in the manga timeline?

To AthrunZala, thanks for writing the battle scene so early! Save me from writing more paragraphs on this growing chapter. :) No sarcasm; I mean it sincerely. I wanted to explain why I didn't write your battle in this chapter.

Please, do not write anything about my sister or my past. I've gotten it planned out in my head already. Thanks!

Chapter Nineteen: Family Bonds

Opalo was usually a quiet town; nothing exciting usually happens. The farmers brought their crops to the market daily. Families went out to the marketplace to buy said crops and went to church on the Sabbath. The restuarants were moderately busy throughout the week. The most extraordinary event that had ever occurred in such a peaceful place would be the scandelous affair between the mayor's daughter and a priest adorned in a golden uniform.

Yes, Opalo was the place to be for people to start families and to continue living a simple, uneventful life. That was until today...

"Run for your lives! There are monsters and freaks fighting out here!" Screams of terror like these had engulfed the quiet town. Innocent townpeople, who had never heard of Innocences or the Earl of the Millenium, stampede the ground, causing the earth to quake. As a dark figure watched from the sky, she noted that the Duke would be pleased to see such chaos disrupting these fools' lives.
"Stop playing hide-and-go-seek, pretty ladies! Face your deaths like the proud infidels that you are!" taunted I.A. as he charged at Rivnak and Tabitha at full speed. Fortunately, the two exorcists jumped out of the way but unfortunately, the cat that had followed them since the Maria's incident felt the full blow of the attack.

"Me-owwwwwwww!" screeched the cat as it slowly and painfully turned to dust. Tabitha and Rivnak watched in horror upon seeing such a dreadful sight. Damnit! How could they battle someone with such a power?

Tabitha looked over at Rivnak and noticed the exorcist slightly nodding at her. She smiled slightly and nodded back.

"INNOCENCE, ACTIVATE!" screamed Rivnak as she flew towards the Noah. I.A. smirked; it looked like someone was actually going to entertain him for the night.

Sharp feathers filled the room and one managed to brush the Noah's cheek. As he wiped the blood falling from the cut, he laughed widely. This sensation, this pain; what a wonderful feeling.

Rivnak cautiously approached her enemy; if she finished him off now, she could help the others with their ongoing battle. She backed away quickly as she noticed the Noah jerked suddenly and began clapping.

"Congratulation, Miss Exorcist! It's been a while since I have felt this feeling of ecstasy! I haven't felt alive in such a long time so please do your best to amuse me," said I.A. happily. With a quick movement, he grabbed some of the cat's dust and threw it into his opponent's eyes. Hearing her scream, he reached his right hand for the girl's wings. Goodbye, pretty girl...

Suddenly, a melody reached his ears and before he knew it, he was hitting the wall. "It's about time, you little brat!" screamed Rivnak as she rubbed her eyes. Tabitha ran from her hiding place to her comrade.

"Sorry about that! I didn't want to do it too early or it'll ruin the plan, " she apologized. "Did we get him?" Rivnak shook her head and directed her head to the Noah's direction. Though his body was crushed against the wall, he stood there, giggling like the Mad Hatter. It looked like a long night...

Talk about luck! Two toys to play with in one night and that's not including all of the exorcists she had killed earlier. She looked at her ragdoll who was leaning against the wall. The exorcist was fun but like any child, an old favorite could be easily replaced with a brand new one. As explosions surrounded her, she giggled. It won't take her long to break this one down.

"Yo! Are you going to stop giggling and fight me?" questioned Lione. Though he was usually a laidback person, when it came to fighting, something triggered a change in his behavior. He was serious, calculating, and easily annoyed. This Noah was mocking him and treating this battle like some sort of game. He'll show her...

"Of course, but shouldn't you be more careful? Your attack almost hit that girl here and that wouldn't be nice now would it?" pointed Magier at the injured Stephanie. Lione stood in shock; killing any innocent bystander was bad, but killing an exorcist would place the Black Order at a disadvantage.

::Slash:: The exorcist barely missed the blade of a swinging katana and touched his ripped sleeve. He glared at the Noah standing a few feet from him. She grinned and spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice, "Silly exorcist! Getting distracted by such a simple statement! Holding such emotions towards each other! No wonder humans are so weak! Don't you know? Everyone dies."

Removing his coat and looking at his unconscious comrade, Lione studied his enemy contemplatively and muttered, "It's true that everyone dies at one point; however, not everyone lives."

Tsk, tsk, tsk! The dark figure had no problem tracking down her targets; those Noahs sure knew how to make a big mess. However, they did seem to be enjoying themselves and as long as they were happy, the Earl would be happy. Unfortunately, she would have to end it.

::whack:: Rivnak and Tabitha felt the air knocked out of their lungs. A long, green ribbon from the sky had hit them straight on the chest, causing them to hit the ground. Oddly enough, their opponent was also hit and held against the wall, struggling. A yelp was heard inside the cafe where Lione was battling as well as on the rooftop. It seemed that the exorcists were being separated from their opponents. What was going on and who or what was causing this?

"Good evening, Lady Magier, Lord Jacques, and Lord I.A." sang a figure as she moved gracefully closer to the struggling Noahs. Tabitha gasped as she finally got a clear view of the person. It couldn't be...?

"Stephanie? But the ribbons' color is green while yours is red. And you're..." trailed the exorcist as she noticed her unconscious friend on the cafe floor. The figure looked exactly like her friend but she gave a cold, murderous aura.

"Stephanie" glanced coldly at the girl and huffed, "Why do everyone confuse me with THAT girl? I am nothing like her. Don't ever call me that again."

Something in Jacque's mind clicked and he roguishly grinned, "Oh, you're that special Akuma! The one that the Duke allowed to have her own body back! I heard that you level up quickly by killing unsuspecting Finders through your disguise of an exorcist. How amusing that you'll ruin our fun."

Muffling the cuss words of Zeran from her mind, the Akuma smiled and replied, "My purpose was not to disrupt your game but to deliver a message straight from the Duke's mouth. 'Come back, my siblings! It's been a while since we had a family dinner. Come home; there will be plenty of opportunities to rid the world of these false apostles.'"

The message was quickly absorbed into the Noah's minds and they immediately stopped resisting.

"I see. Well then, I guess we have no choice but to leave," contemplated I.A. "Goodbye, pretty ladies. Till next time, " he said haughtily as he blew kisses towards Rivnak and Tabitha. They felt sick to their stomachs.

A giant door appeared right before the Noah clan; its checkerboard design shone against the moonlight.

"Ah! It looks like Road is giving us a shortcut; how sweet of her," noted Magier.

"My lady, I have a favor to ask you," spoke the Akuma. Magier turned and gave her a questioningly look. "Do not kill my sister. Ying cannot exist without yang." Magier looked at the figure for a while and shrugged. "Do whatever you like."

As their enemies entered the door, the ribbons holding the exorcists down were released. As they rushed towards it, Magier spoke, her back facing them, "Are you seriously thinking about coming after us in such weak states? Shouldn't you invest your time saving the people in the cafe, considering the structure can't stand much longer? Which is more important, their pathetic lives or your slaughter?"

Watching the door closing, Zeran looked back at the devastation of the fight. Damn...
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Was that sarcasm? :sweat if so I'm VERY sorry,,, I wanted to give other ppl a chance to plan out the way they wanted the fight to end but then I forgot the end of the 1st Volume was coming up so....

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
No, no, no! I wasn't sarcastic. I was grateful that you did write your battle because it was one less battle to write. If you didn't write it, it would be much, much longer! LOL Plus, I would have to find some cool attack names for you and that would worry me because I would be afraid of messing up your character.

Plus, your chapter gave me an idea of how to incorporate your story with mine and the battle. It was more fun writing in different characters than just the usual Rivnak, Tabitha, and me :)


:relieved: I like making up my attack names XP and if u need attack names you can always PM me so I can give u some lolz

You don't have to worry about messing my charcter up. His basic character is just like Kanda only a TINY bit nicer. I'm worried about screwing up Lione tho. I have no idea about him. I don't even know what his innocence is I just know he killed 1000 Akumas with it. XP

*random smilies*
:sgan :Itachi :allen :ulq :byakun :sasuke :burnkk :sasuseal


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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so it's my turn again ^^
I'm so happy I don't have to write a fight scene!


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Yuhu, I love your chapter, snooge. You're a master (well, better mistress) in writing chapters for your story. I love how it turned out and that the fight ended. I have nothing against fights but no one should die in the very first beginning of the story ^_^.
The appearance of your sister was great, luv it. and the "Ying and yang"-thingy, great thought out.
And I love this sentence:"Run for your lives! There are monsters and freaks fighting out here!", especially the freak part xD. I guess I. Amaterasu, Jaques and I are really a crazy part of the family. Furthermore, this serious sentence from Magier at the end of the chapter *_*, so coooooooool.
But it's true, once I began giggling around, I can't stop so easily :P I can really get convulsions of laughter. ^_^"
But I guess when your opponent keeps laughing around and can't stop, I would feel kinda messed around, taken for a ride. xD

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Raijatsu said:
so it's my turn again ^^
I'm so happy I don't have to write a fight scene!
I thought the last chapter ending with a fight wouldn't be a good transition to Volume 2. I hope I left enough info for you to write you chapter... :sweat

Schwindelmagier said:
Yuhu, I love your chapter, snooge. You're a master (well, better mistress) in writing chapters for your story. I love how it turned out and that the fight ended. I have nothing against fights but no one should die in the very first beginning of the story ^_^.
The appearance of your sister was great, luv it. and the "Ying and yang"-thingy, great thought out.
And I love this sentence:"Run for your lives! There are monsters and freaks fighting out here!", especially the freak part xD. I guess I. Amaterasu, Jaques and I are really a crazy part of the family. Furthermore, this serious sentence from Magier at the end of the chapter *_*, so coooooooool.
But it's true, once I began giggling around, I can't stop so easily :P I can really get convulsions of laughter. ^_^"
But I guess when your opponent keeps laughing around and can't stop, I would feel kinda messed around, taken for a ride. xD
I try my best. I wanted it to end in a draw so everyone could continue writing a chapter in the future.

Cool quotes? I try to fit each character with the appropriate quote. Some of my friends say some cool things so I "borrowed" their favoritie sayings. :)


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
Isn't there one more chapter before the next volume starts? @_@;;;;?

WHOO! DESCRIPTION!!!!!! >D *runs off like a mad person to finish steph's pic* Teh green ribbons are sick, that's gonna make my drawing even more fun~!!! <D

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Djmewmew said:
Isn't there one more chapter before the next volume starts? @_@;;;;?
Yeah there's one more chapter (Raijatsu, you're keeping me in suspense) but I thought ending the battle on the last chapter wouldn't provide enough transition to the next volume. Besides, I didn't know if he wanted to continue writing it because it's been going on since chapter 13.

WHOO! DESCRIPTION!!!!!! >D *runs off like a mad person to finish steph's pic* Teh green ribbons are sick, that's gonna make my drawing even more fun~!!! <D
Her picture is on the character thread if you're interested. :) Have fun drawing!