Chapter Ninety-One: The Venom After the Bite | MangaHelpers

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Chapter Ninety-One: The Venom After the Bite

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Author’s Note (Before Reading)
Apologies in advance for the late chapter. I had too many projects, tests, and reading for school :shakefist

Hmmmm… this might be a short chapter (as in shorter than my usual). We’ll have to see though since it pretty much depends on how well and satisfied I am with the chapter. This pretty much consists of flashbacks and dinners so this will be really slow.

I think both sides need a break from all this constant battling so here is a nice reprieve for them. Hopefully this will serve as a nice transition to the next arc.


Chapter Ninety-One: The Venom After the Bite

Part One
The smell of rotting flesh and burnt earth hovered around the debris, causing those unfortunate souls who had a whiff of the odor to cover their noses in a vain attempt to avoid inhaling it. Smoke rose from the ground, making it nearly impossible to walk lest one tripped over the countless corpses that lined the battleground. Blood bathed the field and flowed like a river, emptying into a makeshift ditch. Yet, with all this chaos, a faint light could be seen, blocked by the opaque fabric of a torn tent.

It was odd seeing his brother this way, catatonic as he stared into nothingness with tears rolling down his face. The food lay before him, uneaten and cold after it had been served before the Noah hours ago. Despite all the etiquette lessons that he had to endure while he was at court, Amaterasu grew impatient and ate without Jacques; it was pointless to starve and waste perfectly good food when it was obvious that the host was not going to eat. However, he could not blame his sibling for not eating. The centerpiece was quite grotesque and unappealing.

There lying in the center of the rectangle table was the dead body of their “beloved” sister, her hair matted against her pale skin. Her clothes were torn from her fierce battle with the exorcists, a huge tear revealing a deep stab wound in her chest. Magier appeared to be in peace and Amaterasu could have sworn that she was giving a small smirk. Even in death, she mocked him.

Terrified screams snapped the Noah out of his thoughts and he turned in the direction of the disturbance. Once he determined the cause, he sank lower into his chair and sighed. The defeat of the Noahs had greatly affected the doppelganger but it was the death of her mistress that had driven the Akuma into insanity. Enraged, she had begun slaughtering the followers of Jacques, causing her to rapidly level up. No matter how much they begged for their lives, no matter how young the victims were, “Stephanie” could not be appeased from her killing spree. Their prayers to their savior fell upon deaf ears as the priest sat motionless.

Amaterasu stared angrily at his brother and wondered why Jacques was doing absolutely nothing at a time like this. Didn’t he understand that people die all the time? It would pointless to think that no one would be killed in a war including Noahs. They are somewhat humans after all.

Annoyed, he reached over and grabbed the sword that Magier still clenched in her hands. Removing it, he playfully began swinging it around, causing the blood that stained the blade to splatter around the table. Jacques felt some drops hit his cheek and he automatically wiped them off with his sleeves. “Don’t touch it,” he hissed, eyeing his brother.

The last memories of her life flashed before his eyes. The secret and forbidden meetings, her wicked grins and laugh, and then her final breathes seemed unreal to the priest but deep inside he knew that they did happen. He was used to death; after all he had witnessed so many including the death of his most faithful follower. Still, none of them had affected him but losing Magier caused him great pain.

He noticed that his brother had stopped playing with the sword and wiping his own tears away. The Noah genes were mourning and there was nothing that either of them could do to prevent them from crying. Amaterasu smiled and answered, “It’s a shame that we both lost our favorite playthings. I was using the exorcist to perfect my skills before I try them out on our dear sister. It’s a pity that I won’t be able to do so.” He licked the girl’s sword playfully, hoping that this will rile Jacques and secretly celebrating when he knew that he succeeded.

“Don’t speak ill of our sister that way,” scolded Jacques as he slammed the table. Uriel and Michael slowly backed away from the table, sensing the murderous intent of their master. None of them had the courage or charm of Gabrielle to calm the Noah down. “She is not a doll to be played with unlike that exorcist nor does she need to be corrupted by your hands.” His hands were quickly curling into fists as he felt the blood rushing to his head. How dare Amaterasu insinuate such a dirty act especially towards a member of their own clan!

The boy chuckled and replied mockingly, “I was just joking with you, dear brother. I would never do such a thing to her or your whore.” He placed the sword back into its sheath and threw it back on the table. The sound of metal echoed throughout the tent, causing the remaining guardians to flinch as they anticipated what was about to come. Wiping away his tears on a handkerchief, the blond added, “After all, none of them are worth the tears I shed.”

Before he could react, Amaterasu felt a slap across his face and he fell to the ground due to the impact. Looking up, he stared into the cold eyes of Jacques who appeared more foreboding than ever. His face grew darker and the bloody crosses lined up along his forehead. His fists clenched so tightly that his fingernails dug into his palms, resulting in their bleeding. The boy shuddered at this sight and tried to back away.

Unfortunately, his brother caught his feet and dragged him back to the table. Forcing him onto the table, Jacques forced him to stare into the lifeless face of Magier. “Look at it,” said the Noah coldly. “Tell me that she isn’t worth your tears. She is worth more than the likes of you.” He slammed the boy’s face onto the table and then threw him to the ground. Unable to control himself, Jacques began beating his sibling up with kicks, punches, and slaps. Deep inside, he knew that his actions were wrong; after all, one should not hurt a family member. Still, he felt such an euphoria from doing this and continued doing so.

The guardians had no idea what to do as they watched the brothers’ fighting. They knew that they should stop them since it was their duty to the Earl and his followers. However, they believed that Amaterasu had it coming and they derived pleasure watching him suffer.

Jacques lifted his brother up. The boy’s face was bruised and bleeding but this did not move the priest. He was tempted to finish the deed when a familiar voice stopped him from committing the act. “Stop it Jacques~”

He did not have to turn around to know who the voice belonged to. If she was sent here as a messenger, then he knew that he was in trouble. The Earl only sent her when he was displeased with one’s actions or when he was extremely happy with one’s effort; in this case, it would be the former.

“We have lost more than enough family members. Let’s not lose another one~” For some odd reason, Jacques instantly dropped Amaterasu who was now breathing deeply for air. He quickly scurried away from him and moved towards the figure who hissed, “Don’t touch me, you perv!”

Turning her attention towards the older brother, she continued, “The Duke wants to see you~”. A door suddenly appeared and the Noah knew what that meant. Entering it nervously, he feared the punishment the Earl had decided to impose on him.

Part Two
The plan worked better than any of the exorcists expected and perhaps they would have experienced a sense of euphoria from their victory. They had successfully rescued their captured comrades and actually killed a Noah. Unfortunately, their joy was shattered with the death of an exorcist and the fact that they might have come too late for their friends—the Noahs had inflicted their damage onto them and no one had any idea how they were psychologically or physically.

The escape was frantic with everyone’s trying to retreat before Jacques could release his rage onto them. Madeline recalled the adrenaline running in her blood as she gathered all of her companions together. Her heart dropped once she noticed Zane and Daniel there but at the moment, their presences were the last of her worries.

“We’re almost there,” voiced Lyra, breaking the awkward silence in the air. No one had spoken after the battle but then, what was there to talk about? Everyone was left to his/her own thoughts, contemplating what had happened and what they should have done. The pink-haired woman turned back to evaluate the group whose sullen faces expressed their tiredness.

Her Finder was carrying the girl who had exhausted herself from her stay at the camp and the scrimmage she had with her Akuma sister. She noticed the Bookman glancing at the exorcist as she slept and quickly turned away as if he was embarrassed and ashamed. He didn’t seem to be injured that severely, confirming the fact that he was a special target for the Earl’s forces. Flames was leaning on Daniel for support while the rest of the girls were congregating together, surrounding Madeline as if they wanted to protect her from the evil clutches of Zane. The man must have realized that for he was distancing himself away from them.

A faint light stood out in the darkness, resulting in sighs of relief from the group. As they moved past the sign that proclaimed “Green Olive Creek”, a man swung opened the door and greeted, “Welcome back, victors!” He ran over and immediately hugged his cousin who didn’t have enough time to react and avoid his embrace. She started smacking his back, beseeching, “Not so tight! I can’t breath.”

After he released her, Grim smiled and cupped her face. “I’m so happy to see you alive. I have been so worried about your and your friends’ safety,” he rambled. “After all, who is going to take care of your father’s debt?” He shut his mouth and backed away once he noticed the dirty glare he received from Lyra who seethed, “That is between your father and mine. Don’t get me involved with it.”

She faced her comrades and motioned them inside. Upon seeing the injured prisoners Grim made a fuss about their health and immediately ordered his employers to set aside a hallway dedicated to their treatment. As the servants rushed their preparations, he ordered, “Prepare a feast for my cousin and her companions!” and he ran to the back to help out in the kitchen.

Embarrassed, Lyra felt her face turned red and went behind the counter. She quickly distributed keys to various rooms to each of the exorcists. “Girls are to room with girls, boys with boys!” she fussed as she noticed some flirtatious looks especially between Tabby and Daniel. Once she said it, Tabby and Eny started fighting over who would have the bigger bed and the location of their room. In the distance, Rinvak was growing more irritated by their ruckus but part of her was happy that it was slowly becoming like old times.

“Can someone take Blade, Flames, and Stephanie to their respective rooms please?” requested Madeline as she collapsed into a chair in the lobby. When they heard her commands, Grim’s servants ran over and led them to their rooms. A yell of “Dinner will be ready in an hour! Go ahead and wash up” could be heard from the kitchen. The nun looked over at Lyra who just gave a small smile. Maybe everything will be okay.

Part Three
The warm water felt refreshing and comforting as she placed her foot into the bath. It had been a while since she had bathed but there was no point in doing so. The Noah came so often and made her feel dirty from their forbidden interactions. Even if she did bathe, he would be present and watch her, fulfilling his dirty little fantasies in his voyeur ways.

Stephanie hoped that she would become clean again by doing this as she quickly disrobed and entered the tub. The water splashed against her skin and she tried her best to scrub any remnants of her stay away from her. Nevertheless, no matter how hard she scrubbed, she could not get the feeling that she could be purified or forget what had happened to her.

The exorcist could still feel the presence of Amaterasu in the room as if he was still here, whispering his perverted thoughts in her ears. She could still feel his fingers moving across her body as he would force himself upon her. Stephanie felt herself lowering in the tub as she pleaded with whomever to cleanse her from her sins. Her face was completely underwater and she tried to force herself to stop breathing.

However, her ribbons must have known her desires and immediately brought her back to the surface. As she grasped for air, she broke down and started wailing. Why did it had to happen to her? Why did the Earl have to take everything away from her? First it was her entire family and her home. Now it was her innocence—something that she could never recovered. No one would want a broken girl.

She got up and dried herself with her soft towel. Stephanie glanced up and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was clean from the dirt of the battle and sweat and saliva of the Noah yet her eyes had lost their glimmer. I need to see Blade, the girl thought as she quickly dressed with a nightdress that was not flimsy as the ones she was accustomed to wearing.

The exorcist rushed out of her room and headed to the door that had a tag labeled “BLADE” on its exterior. Her heart was beating quickly as she raised her right hand to knock on the door. But she couldn’t do it. She was too afraid that he would reject her, too afraid to see his reaction after she had confessed to him that she had indeed slept with the Noah multiple times that she quietly retreated back to her room.

Curling herself with the thick comforter, Stephanie couldn’t shake the feeling that at any second, the Noah would enter and demand that she would do as she was told which she always did. It was odd that he would not be coming tonight and perhaps part of her found pleasure in their activities. Her body missed Amaterasu’s warm and touch and it seemed to yearn for his attention. Her ribbons wrapped around her body as if it knew of her desire and seemed to beckon her to return to her former master. She tightened grasp on the blanket and quickly closed her eyes. She did not have to be that girl anymore.

Part Four
Despite the nice treatment he had received as a prisoner at the camp, Blade despised his stay. The Bookman would start his day tallying the length of his stay—the last day was number 67. His room was a cold, dirty alcove which was miserable enough since the sunlight never reached him. What made it worse was the lack of human interaction which almost drove him to insanity. He constantly worried about his comrades, wondering what happened to them but the Akuma guards revealed nothing to him.

:: Flashback begins::

Then came the whispers. They started coming once he was given to the female Noah after an uproar caused by his former “owner”. After he had been beaten severely by Magier, he leaned against the cold wall, trying to catch his breath. However, his guards were noisy as they voice their disappointment at one of their masters. The one called Amaterasu was rumored to be mixing his sacred blood with that of a dirty exorcist. When he heard this, Blade felt his heart getting stabbed and he tried his best to elicit more information by eavesdropping on their conversation.

“They make so much noise. I can’t believe he would do that to one of them. She must have bewitched him,” muttered one as he patrolled the area. The other one nodded in agreement adding the fact that he believed that THAT akuma was responsible as well since she had much to gain from this. Blade slammed his hands to the ground as he digested the news. They had to be lying…

Laughter caught his attention and he noticed that the guards were looking at him with great interest. “Did we say something to upset you, Bookman?” questioned one as he tapped the bars with his metal arm. The boy glared at them and said nothing. He had not given the Earl’s force any information that was of use to them and he was not planning to.

“Haha! Should we tell him?” asked the other as he struggled to contain his giggles. “Your comrade and your former master have grown closer and well, let’s us say that they know how to comfort each other.” Seeing Blade’s shocked reaction caused them to laugh some more, stinging him with their heartlessness.

“Stupid Akuma! What are you doing?” came a voice that caused the Akuma to stop moving. A girl in a short skirt stood at the entrance, a sword being held by her right hand. They shivered as she walked by them and ordered them away. Magier knelt down to look directly into the prisoner’s face through the bars.

“I must regretfully admit that what the Akuma have said is true,” she noted as she pondered her next move. Blade did not move nor react as he felt a sense of betrayal and shock. Noticing his behavior, she added with a smirk, “However, if you help us, if you tell us everything you know, I can make her whole for you. It would be like nothing ever happened. You can protect her. Besides, if you join us, you will receive great power and be remembered as a great ally of the Earl.” No response was heard so she sighed and turned around. What a stubborn boy!

:: Flashback ends ::

The offer ruminated in the boy’s mind even at the moment. He had always believed that the Akuma and the Noah was lying. After that encounter, the guards began giving him preferential treatment and would never mention that incident again. It wasn’t until he saw Stephanie again that he knew that what he had heard was true. He felt regretful and angry at himself for allowing this to happen.

The Bookman unsheathed his weapon and stared at the midnight colored sword. It was odd that the Noahs would return his Innocence, ensuring him that they had made it stronger. However, the cost was to work exclusively for the Earl and his allies. Closing his eyes, he began to absentmindedly swinging it, imagining in his mind that he was chopping apart the enemies with each attack.

He got off the bed and exited his room. Blade wanted to apologize to her for letting it happen. Upon reaching her room, he let out a sigh to ease his nerve and knocked. No one replied and he waited outside for a few minutes. The Bookman eventually resigned himself to his fate and headed back to the room.

He should have taken the deal.

Part Five
Perhaps it was the werewolf part inside of him but Flames could not force himself to sleep. He tossed and turned on his bed, sweating underneath the hot comforter. The exorcist eventually gave up and got out of the bed. In an attempt to refresh himself, he opened up the window, allowing the cool air to enter the room. He sighed and sat on the windowsill, staring at the night sky. Clouds engulfed the moon and the stars, creating an unpleasant atmosphere.

Though he was reunited with his friends and comrades, he felt misplaced and isolated from them. It had been months since he had seen them and he was overjoyed with his reunion with them. Still, so much had occurred during this gap that it was different. Flames could not discern whether they felt pity towards them or disappointment in his inability to fight back. Because of this paranoia, he could not force himself to eat dinner with them.

The man angrily suppressed his frustration to himself though a part of him felt guilty over his ordeal. Not only did Flames suffer but his other two companions suffered as well. He recalled briefly their arrival at the Noah camp.

:: flashback begins ::

As he opened his eyes, he struggled to stay awake. Unfortunately, the injuries he sustained from the battle with the guardians and the drugs administered to him by Ying had greatly affected his cognitive abilities and his body felt numb.

The sensation of cold metal on his back relayed the fact that he was on a metal bed, strapped tightly by cloth bonds. Flames could not move, his head the only part of his body that could turn. On his left was Blade who was barely alert as well with Amiti next to him, administering a syringe into the Bookman’s arm. He watched as the boy twitched violently before he slowly stopped. The grin on the redhead’s face shocked the exorcist until he came to the realization that the boy he thought was his friend was the one responsible for events that took placed.

The exorcist rotated his neck to the left to see Stephanie strapped onto a bed like him. For an odd reason, she was unconscious, causing Flames to believe that she was already drugged. Shh-ing sound was heard in her direction and he noticed a blond boy whispering, “It’ll be okay. It’s just a physical examination” as he reach towards her, angering the second-in-command. A beautiful young woman smacked his hand, scolding, “I’m conducting this, not you!”

Before the boy could protest, a deep voice from behind the exorcist boomed, “Get away from here, brother! You’ll just ruin the data.” Jacques’s voice startled Flames and apparently had the same effect on his sibling for the werewolf heard someone scuttling away quickly, muttering how much his brother ruined the fun. The priest headed towards Amiti and requested a report on his findings so far.

“The prisoners have sustained various injuries that will make it easy to break them. Their Innocences are currently being studied by Michael and as you can tell, Gabrielle is doing a more thorough examination on the girl. I will be focusing on my comrade and will help Michael with his inspection on the savage. From my interactions with them, he is the one I believe is the most dangerous for he is unstable in his werewolf form. I personally believe that it is useless since it’s obvious that he is dead.” Jacques seemed pleased with the report for he muttered, “Excellent” under his breath.

Flames heard the rustling of papers as he watched the priest examining the results of his guardians. Something must had caught something intrigued him for he ordered his followers to stop what they were dealing and to come to him. At this point, Blade was left with needles still stuck into his body while Stephanie was left with a think sheet covering her bare skin. Pointing to a specific part, he demanded, “What is this supposed to mean?”

Realizing that his angels could not respond, he sighed and answered, “It means that he was not murdered; he was given something that gave it the illusion that he was dead.” Jacques rushed over to Flames’s side and stabbed him in the arm with a scalpel. The exorcist screamed as he tried in vain to get out of his bondage.

Huffing, the Noah glared at his guardians and angrily admonished, “Research more carefully!” Though he was extremely annoyed, Jacques could not help but admire the work of the Black Order. Whatever was administered to the exorcist was interesting and could be useful in the future. As he filled a syringe with a clear liquid, he explained to the man on the examination bed, “This might sting a little.”

Flames felt the sensation of burning at the site of injection and just like Blade, he began to violently twitch until numbness quickly spread through his body and all he could see was black.

:: flashback ends ::

Watching his breath in the cold air, the exorcist attempted to recall what he endured afterwards but no matter what, he could remember anything. Nothing he did could fill the gap and he doubted that his two companions could remember either. There were too many unanswered questions.

Flames stared at the table which was placed across him. The spear that he inherited from his tribe lay there innocently but the exorcist grew suspicious. It was unusual and illogical that the Noah would return weapons that could kill the allies of the Earl to his enemies. As he looked out into the night, the man wondered what the opponent’s next move was.

Part Six
”This meal look so yummy!” exclaimed Lyra as she clapped her hands in excitement. Grim always cooked delicious food and she knew that whatever she was going to eat was going to greatly surpass whatever food she and her companions had been eating for the past few days. Plates of cooked fish, vegetables, fruits, freshly baked rolls and various desserts lay upon the table, causing some to salivate. The smell overpowered the room as the exorcists tried their best not to grab all the food and eat it all. They had to be good houseguests, right?

“I can’t wait anymore!” muttered Daniel as he reached for a roll only to be smacked by Madeline who sat beside him. He gave a small yelp only to notice that Tabitha who sat across from him smiling. The boy felt his face burning up and turned quickly away, apologizing for his rudeness. “So where is Zane?” he questioned, trying to avoid the girl’s gaze.

Other members of the table quickly looked around. Lyra noticed that the sister’s face was becoming paler as she came to the realization that Zane had in fact disappeared and that this could mean trouble for her. Before she could say anything to qualm the woman, Grimm’s booming voice bellowed from the kitchen, “Zane? You mean that stern, blind guy? He asked me if he could use the telephone so he should be using right now. He said it was urgent.”

Hearing this caused Madeline to freeze as the thought of her arrest and possible torture paralyzed her mind. So many people had risked their careers and lives to help her out but it seemed that their attempts were in vain. She felt someone touch her shoulder and she turned to face Eny.

“Should I get the others? Flames, Blade, and Stephanie aren’t here yet and I’m sure that they want some food too,” she asked as she tried her best to change the topic. Tabitha and Daniel immediately got up and simultaneously offered to get them. Before they could run upstairs, Lyra raised her hand and advised, “Don’t bother them. They have been through a lot and probably want to be alone for now. When they are ready, they will come. Besides, Ying will be upstairs later to take care of them.”

Awkward silence overtook the table. Rinvak looked down at her plate and pondered why things couldn’t be like they used to be. It was so much easier when all they had to worry was doing their missions well and just getting along with each other in such closed quarters. Now they were missing a leader and their friends had endured whatever cruel treatment the Noahs had placed upon them.

“What are you doing? Eat, eat, eat!” admonished Grimm as he carried a huge turkey into the room. “You need your strength and a bit of fattening! How can you fight the Earl with scrawny bodies?” he continued as he pinched his cousin’s arm. The man quickly filled everyone’s plate with various foods and once he was done, he raised his arms and proclaimed, “Now enjoy!” before he exited the room.

Everyone at the table looked at each other, wondering what just happened. Suddenly, Lyra laughed and muttered, “That’s my cousin for you” as she swallowed a piece of turkey into her mouth. It was just like home, far from the battlefield and disgusting food rations that the Black Order had provided them. Soon everyone was eating, savoring each bite as it brought back memories of home before they enlisted into the Order. Conversation began to ease in and the meal became enjoyable.

“What are we going to do about Zeran?” asked Reina as she picked at her sautéed beans. The exorcists ceased their conversations and their eating. The death of their comrade was still lingering and no one really wanted to talk about it. However, there was no point in denying that he was dead and nothing was going to change that fact.

Before anyone could say a word, an unsympathetic voice boomed over. “We’ll burn his body and scatter them over the sea. Hiding his death is only best for us all and for those who might be affected by his death at home.”

Madeline’s eyes met Zane’s and quickly moved to her place. The man moved to the seat on the other side of Daniel and began filling his plate with the food. The mood on the table was still somber and grave. The food was slowly becoming cold and the night sky grew darker.

“Well, at least he’ll be useful,” replied Lyra optimistically as she motioned scattering the ashes. “Feed little fishies! Become plump and juicy!” Someone had to lighten the mood. Groans were heard from around the table as Madeline pushed her plate. She had suddenly lost her appetite as she eyed the last piece of cod left.

The blind man chuckled for a bit and continued. “I have given the main branch my report concerning the past few days starting with our arrival to the now defunct North American branch headquarter. Then our mission was to capture the fugitive Sister Madeline” His gaze focused on the lady sitting two seats away from him; she was pale and her hands were shaking with anxiety.

“However,” he added, “after what had happened the past few days with the rescues of exorcists whom we believed were dead, I was able to inform Central that you were not a threat and that you were loyal to the Order. You are allowed to remain free but I will maintain your leash.” Madeline looked up and glared at Zane, demanding that he repeated what he had just said.

“I said that I will maintain your leash. The Order does not completely trust you so I will personally oversee every mission that you are sent on.” He raised his drink and joked, “Let us toast to the beginning of our new relationship.” The man could sense her anger towards him and thought that he had successfully pushed her over her limit.

The sister had to repress her urge to punch the guy not because it would be improper and senseless. Daniel was in the way and most likely would receive the blunt of it. “Calm down, everyone!” beckoned Rinvak. She had dealt with Zane long enough to realize what he was planning. Turning her attention to the troublemaker, she questioned, “Is that all you wanted to tell us?’

The man shook his head as he cut a piece of turkey thinly. “Due to the battles and other circumstances, you all will be receiving new uniforms to better fight the Earl and his allies.” Expressions of surprise and shock overcame the table as the girls immediately jumped out of their chairs, squealing excitedly, “We’re getting new clothes!”

Lyra slammed her glass against the table, restoring order to the group. “If we’re getting new uniforms, does it mean what I think it means?” If her premonition was correct, this would be the greatest night for the North American branch in a long time. The young exorcists looked at her questioningly as Madeline sensed what the woman was thinking and began to look optimistic.

Zane smirked and nodded in agreement. “Yes, after the events of the past days, the Black Order believed that it is a necessity to keep branch active because of the growing influence of the Earl’s forces. Due to the absence of Lione Parcoeur, a new branch leader has been named and will be arriving at a later date.”

Shouts of happiness and disbelief echoed throughout the room. Yes they were happy that the branch was no longer closed down but still it hurt to think that Lione was no longer going to be their leader. “What will happen to him?” asked Tabitha as the news sank into her brain. He was the one responsible for making the branch what it was presently so ignoring his accomplishments would be a slap in his face.

The man rolled his eyes as Lione’s name was mentioned. He knew that the exorcist would have been brought up but he was secretly hoping that no one would say anything about the former branch leader. Loyalty to the man still existed and must be dealt with accordingly but carefully.

“When he is found, he will be treated as the Order sees fit,” answered Zane as he tightened his grip around his fork. Knowing that this response would only cause them to become suspicious and distrustful of Central, he decided that it was best to announce his last news at this time.

“Until Renee Epsteini arrives here, I will be the interim branch leader.”

Author’s Notes (Post-reading)
That’s it! I hope that this was a nice chapter for the audience and that this will serve as a nice transition to the next arc.

I also hope that you notice the nice parallel between the dinner of the Noah and the dinner of the exorcists. I enjoyed writing both though the former was a lot of fun to write since Amaterasu finally got what was coming to him. (Writing an entire part to that was enjoyable enough to write though I’m sure that it was more fun to read ^^)

Thanks again for reading and I can’t wait to read the next chapter!
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MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Wai, amazing as always. I love all of your chapters.
I especially like the part where Amaterasu and Jacque are sitting close to the dead Magier. What you wrote almsot made me cry. It was so touching. *cries*
I feel so damn sorry for Jacque. T__T

I think it was good to let the exorcists have a little break. It's kinda similar to the original DGM storyline atm. I also think that it was a nice idea to get Renee Epsteine into the story.
Wonderful chapter, love it to death.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Wai, amazing as always. I love all of your chapters.
I especially like the part where Amaterasu and Jacque are sitting close to the dead Magier. What you wrote almsot made me cry. It was so touching. *cries*
I feel so damn sorry for Jacque. T__T
so amaterasu's beating almost made you cry? jk yeah, i wanted to show how magier's death actually affected jacques and i wanted a little appearance by road
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Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
United States
Aww! ;_; Lovely chapter. I sort of almost kind of pity Amaterasu, but not as much as I do Jacques. Amaterasu is such a d---head. x_x

I loved the Exorcists part, too. They really deserve a little break- not that they're probably gonna get a long mourning time, with Zane in charge - and I think it was a great idea to bring in Renee.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
yay new chapter! ^^
It was a lot of fun
Ameratsu got beaten up :)
and the excorcists finally get some rest after all this fighting
and we'll see Renee! I wonder how we should make her character

great chapter snoogen :luv

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
United States
I wonder how we should make her character
she seems like a stern teacher who is strict but likes to joke around. i hope that makes sense