Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rinvak - An Omake | MangaHelpers

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Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rinvak - An Omake

rhapsody blue

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rinvak - An Omake

Earlier in the night...

For a limp girl, she sure can walk fast, thought Rinvak as she and Taby watched Stephanie sprinting ahead of them. Earlier, the exoricst was grateful that they had come to help her with the akuma. Unfortunately, that Tabitha had to remind her about their leaving her on the train, resulting in an 180 in Stephanie's attitude towards them.

"Hey, wait up! Don't go walking in front of us!" screamed Tabitha. She was skipping along acting like nothing had happened. Rivnak growled and followed behind; it was because of that girl, Stephanie refused to walk or talk to them. She recalled the rumors circling the Asian and North American branches.

Two years ago, Tabitha had decided to play an April Fools joke on Stephanie. Unfortunately, the prank was a success. And most unfortunately, Zeran was at the wrong place at the wrong time, leading the victim to believe that he was the one responsible. Despite his protests and his constant apologies for a "crime" he did not commit, Stephanie hasn't spoken to him since.

Rinvak sighed; the last thing she needed was an angry and uncooperative exorcist especially on such a dangerous mission like this. She needed to come up with something fast in order to quell the anger of this Asian exorcist. But what would be able to assuage her wrath?

Rinvak's thinking was interrupted by a sudden childish voice, causing her to jump about 3 feet. "Steeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Why are you walking away from us? Don't you know that you're going the wrong way? We missed the turn to the monastary 5 blocks ago!" Tabitha was now attracting attention from the street vendors with her crazy antics of jumping and waving her arms. How embarrassing! No members of the Black Order should tarnish the name of this organization by such childish behavior! Besides, no mature exorcist like snooge would respond to this kind of behavior.

Stephanie abruptly stopped and turned around. She briskly walked by the two and gave them a dirty look. Rinvak shuddered; even though it was 70 degree Fahrenheit, she suddenly felt cold when the girl walked by her. Damn, at this rate, the mission will be a failure. How frustrating and disappointing!

"Ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr" Stephanie stopped and clutched her stomach. She hadn't eaten a complete meal since the train ride. And the pain from her leg injuries had been bothering her since the end of the battle. However, she mustn't let her companions know about her discomforts; she was still pissed off about getting lost in Opalo and the train incident. She commanded her body to keep walking despite the pain.

"OMG! How could I be so inconsiderate?" gasped Tabitha. Could it be? Rivnak pondered. Is Tabitha going to admit her wrongdoing concerning the prank and the train incident? Has she finally matured?

Tabitha ran and grabbed Stephanie's hand. "That taco is definitely not enough to sustain you! For all of your troubles in Opalo so far, let us treat you to dinner!" Rinvak's head fell in disappointment and defeat; she will never learn.

"I'll pick the restuarant and Rinvak will pay for your meal! How does that sound?" Tabitha smiled and gave that innocent look that worked on almost everyone. Stephanie stopped and turned around to face them. Rinvak saw her smirk and felt a sense of dread coming over her.

The Asian brushed her hair back and replied, "So you say that you'll pay for all of it?" Tabitha shooked her head and corrected snooge, "Rinvak's paying for it, not me! She's filthy rich! I pick the restuarant!" Rinvak frantically shook her head and hands. What was this girl thinking?

"Is alcohol included?" ventured Stephanie cautiously. Tabitha nodded with too much enthusiasm for Rinvak's taste.

"Well then, let's go eat, my new friends!" chirped a devlish Stephanie. She clasped her arms around both of the exorcists' shoulders and walked happily.

"I heard that there's a really good restaurant nearby the monastary and it serves high quality food. Too bad it's expensive..." chattered Tabitha. Stephanie shook her head and exclaimed, "Nonsense! Only the best for us exorcists!"

"Wait, wait! What about the mission? What about your leg? You need medical treatment!" protested Rinvak.

"Nonsense! We can't continue our mission on empty stomachs. Besides, my leg is perfectly fine!" snapped Stephanie who was clearly leaning on her companions for support.

"Yay! That's the spirit! Now let's come up with a list of what you wanted to eat!" Tabitha said as she clasped her hands. As the two exorcists listed all the food and drinks they wanted, Rinvak resigned to her fate as they walked by a small cafe. She vowed that one of these days, she will kill Tabitha.

Inside the cafe, a man was busy reading newspaper. Every so often, he would drop his paper and looked annoyingly at his pocket watch. At 9:15, he glared and muttered. "Damn those two brats! They were supposed to meet me here for dinner!"

::end of volume one jk jk::

Author's note (please don't post this to the official thread ttxdragon!):

I wanted to make a lighthearted chapter before we get to the seriousness and gravity of the later chapters. I hoped it worked...

To the following people:

Rinvak: Because you haven't been on, you're the unfortunate victim. Sorry that your wallet is now empty! :XD

AnthrunZala: Well, you wanted to make a team so I thought if we ever become team members, I wanted an interesting interaction between us.

Djmewmew: You reminded me of Lavi

Raijatsu: I hope you know that you're the guy at the cafe. I look forward to your chapter!


英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2006
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Re: Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rivnak - An Omake

I like it lol poor Rivnak but thats what happens when your not here to contribute. hehehehe.

Zeran is always such a uptight character I'd like to see his intereactions with tabitha especially after THE incident that took place on april first lol

rhapsody blue

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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Re: Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rivnak - An Omake

deathshadow25 said:
Zeran is always such a uptight character I'd like to see his intereactions with tabitha especially after THE incident that took place on april first lol
Yeah, I just remembered how he wanted to make a team so I thought it would be interesting and awkward if something horrible happened in the past. Like my refusal to talk to him and his anger at Tabitha for framing him.

I'm hoping that djmewmew or zeran will come up with a prank because I'm not that creative when it comes to that kind of stuff.


Re: Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rivnak - An Omake

Actually Zeran started out as an exorcist TWO years ago, but oh well not it matters now XP

rhapsody blue

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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Re: Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rivnak - An Omake

AthrunZala222 said:
Actually Zeran started out as an exorcist TWO years ago, but oh well not it matters now XP
My bad. Changing year of prank


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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Re: Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rivnak - An Omake

Bwuahahahha~~~!!!!! >D OMG, I LOVE YOU!!!! You write Tsbby so good. I saw the entire scene in my head, complete with Chibi-Vision. >w> So many good lines in this, I was laughing my ass off! And oh my, Tabby with alchohal. Whoo-boy. Run for cover. XD She's like Tsubasa Chronicle's Sakura when drinking. She'll start meowing or talking like gir from Invader Zim.

rhapsody blue

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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Re: Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rivnak - An Omake

Thanks! I was hoping that people would get the humor.

I guess you or AthrunZala could decide on the prank because I really don't have any idea what prank it could be; I'm sure you and Athrun have enough imagination to think of something though you have plenty time to think about it since we won't be meeting him anytime soon...


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
Re: Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rivnak - An Omake

I was thinking something with hairdye >w>


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Re: Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rivnak - An Omake

A great and funny chapter *O* *laughs*
It was really an unconstrained chapter, enjoying reading it and there were some nice hints in it ^__^
You're so good in writing chapters

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Re: Chapter Twelve: The Suffering of Rivnak - An Omake

Schwindelmagier said:
A great and funny chapter *O* *laughs*
It was really an unconstrained chapter, enjoying reading it and there were some nice hints in it ^__^
You're so good in writing chapters
Thanks! You and the other posters here are really good writers too! :)[br]Posted on: February 13, 2007, 08:31:15 AM_________________________________________________
Djmewmew said:
I was thinking something with hairdye >w>
Okay, I think you just inspired me... hehe I got it planned now when the exorcists meet at the same place...