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Destiny's FMAB Episode Reviews


MH's Most Friendly Member
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 30, 2008
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United States
Epic is not enough of a word to describe the awesomeness of episode 54. This is definitely one of the best episodes in the anime, so many incredible moments, and some of them even better than in the manga.

Episode 54

Beyond the ranging Fire

This episode is another proof of why FMAB is the awesome anime it is and why FMA is the amazing manga and story it is. I remember the excitement I felt when I read the corresponding chapters in the manga and how I imagined enthusiastically the way those scenes would appear if they were to be animated. However, Bones went beyond what I had imagined, it went way beyond my expectations.

Let’s start with the beginning of the episode. What a powerful way to start the episode!! The song, the animation and the seiyuus, all of them were great!!

Fumiko Orikasa did such a splendid job transmitting the deep sorrow that Riza was feeling at witnessing that her dream of a better Amestris (the reason why she had revealed the secret on her back to Roy and why she had joined the Military) was just that, a dream, a hopeful dream. The grave before her was a clear reminder that the reality she was living was far different from her dream. Watching this scene reminded me of the question Riza asked Roy some episodes ago:

"Why are soldiers, who ought to protect citizens, killing them instead? Why is alchemy, which ought to bring happiness to the people, being used for murder?"

This very same question must have been present on Riza’s mind when she asked Roy to burn her back (so that a new flame alchemist couldn’t be born anymore) and if he couldn’t do that then to “please release her from the burden her father had placed on her back, to please release her from Alchemy”, in other words to please kill her.

Shinichiro Miki, what an incredibly talented seiyuu this man is. He did such a superb job during this entire episode, conveying with success each and every one of the emotions Roy felt during this episode. Starting with the frustration and sadness Roy felt when realizing the only thing he could do to help Riza, the only thing he could do for her at that moment, was to burn her back.

“When we are alone together, the Colonel always calls me ‘Riza’ ” Loved the way Riza tricked Envy and got him to reveal his true self!!! Why I loved it? Because it shows just how deeply Riza knows Roy. She knows him so well that she knew there was no way he could be acting and walking all calm and unruffled just moments after finding Envy, the one who had killed his best friend, the one who had killed Hughes. So she smartly set up a trap for Envy and he fell right into it.

Roy pwing Envy with his flames was amazing!! Left and right, with both hands, the Flame Alchemist passionately let his flames conveyed all the hate and rage he left towards Envy for having killed his best friend.

“What do you think you’re doing to my precious subordinate?” Roy calling Riza “precious” would have been enough to make me swoon with happiness , since I’m a big Royai fan, but the look of complete terror on Envy’ face when he realized Roy was going to have no mercy on him and was going to burn him to ashes just like he had done with Lust plus the look of pure hate and anger on Roy’s face made me like that moment even more!!

The look of shock, concern and grief on Riza’s face when Roy was blazing Envy was great! It completely allowed us see what Riza was feeling at that moment. She knew that at that point Roy was being consumed by the flames of revenge and hatred burning inside his heart, she knew she had to do something before those flames were to totally consume his heart.

“No I don’t want to die” Seeing Envy saying that with tears in his eyes and desperately trying to escape his fate (Roy killing him) made me realize just how human Envy looked at that moment. I think out of all the homunculi, he has been the one to show the most fear regarding death.

“What do you think you’re doing, First Lieutenant? And so one of my favorite FMA and Royai moments has begun!! Riza pointing her gun at Roy in an attempt to prevent him from taking a road that would make him lose himself in hatred, Ed standing bravely before Roy in an attempt to help him see that he was heading the wrong way and trying to remind him of his goal and Scar using reverse Psychology to get to Roy, all of those moments were fantastic!! And the flashbacks of the conversation between Roy and Hughes made that moment more touching and awesome!

Riza reminding Roy that the road of revenge would be one that would consume him and that he could not afford to descend to that level plus the flashbacks made for an emotionally powerful moment. And I must say I did like how they used the flashbacks to show us just how hard was for Roy to let go of avenging his beloved friend…but why? Why? Why did the animator decide to leave out one of the greatest Royai moments in FMA?! :( I’m referring to this one:

“Please Colonel”

“Don’t go where I can’t follow”

The woman who had vowed to follow him even into hell, was now telling him to “please don’t go where she couldn’t follow”! In other words, she was asking him to please don’t turn into someone she could not follow anymore, to please don’t destroy all the reasons why she had loved him and admired him during all those years together.

“If you are going to shoot, shoot?”
Those words have so much meaning when we remember this little conversation and vow between Roy and Riza. She was fulfilling her vow by pointing her gun to his head and Roy was aware of it.

Maybe it was because of censorship or I don’t know why but I think the fact that Riza had her gun directly against Roy’s head in the manga gave more depth to those words and of course Riza’s expression in the manga, the pure terror of having to kill the man she loved and admired was so much better in the manga, at least in my opinion.

Roy: “What would do you after you kill me?”

Riza’s answer: “I have no desire to live a carefree life all alone. After the batter is over, my body will leave this world together with the corpse of the Flame Alchemist.” In other words, Riza was telling him: I can’t live without you and I can see myself living without you, so I would rather leave this world too. If that is not a declaration of love I don’t know what is.

But here’s come the best part, Roy’s answer!!

“Unacceptable. I won't lose you too./ I can’t lose you”.
In other words, I love you too much to allow that, so for you, for your sake, I won’t take the path of revenge. Again, if that is not a clear way of showing your feelings for a girl, I don’t know what is. Royai is so awesome!!

Roy apologizing to Riza and lowering her gun as if telling her “you don’t have to worry now. The old Roy is back.” And then Riza finally sighing with relief and slumping down on the floor. Amazing, that Royai moment is just so amazing!!! I love how Roy and Riza don’t need to be all love-dovey with each other to show us just how strong the bond between these two is. :)

The conversation between Ed and Envy and culminating in Envy killing himself did make me feel a bit sad for Envy…in the end, Envy who always was so proud of being stronger than humans was the more coward and weaker; instead of facing his reality he decided to kill himself.

The Armstrong siblings were incredible in this episode!! Olivia was the supreme leader she is and Alex once again proved himself to Olivia. The moment I liked the most during this part of the ep was Olivia not allowing anyone to assist Alex, because it showed just how much she was trusting his brother’s ability as a fighter and the respect she now had for him as a soldier/fighter.

Buccaneer and the coolest housewife in the world’s appearances were wonderful!! That would have been a great way to end the episode but Bones spoils us with an even more awesome ending. Hohenheim and Father’s reunion face to face!!!

Epic episode, epic indeed!

I just finished watching episode 55; it was a pretty cool episode. :) I’ll write my review for the episode today after I finish taking care of some of my pile of school work.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 22, 2008
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 22, 2008
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 22, 2008
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