!!! page 01
Kyoto, which I've longed for since I was small.
But I, Takamoto Chikahito, have always lived in Tokyo,
And I never had the chance to visit even once.
Takamoto: There were educational trips to Hiroshima and Kyushu, too.
But in the autumn of my second year in high school, I persuaded my mother, and I finally came to Kyoto.
Naturally I didn't have any experiences that you'd call mysterious.
After all, I transferred to a Kyoto high school,
And furthermore, I did it alone.
Takamoto: Two years from now is a delicate time!
Today is my first day of searching for an apartment to live alone in.
FX: Walking steadily
It's the second time I've come to Kyoto, though.
!!! page 02-03
The beauty the old capital hides,
Now, when it opens, vividly--
Chapter 1: Chikahito and Hana
!!! page 04
Anyway, I investigated on the net for a notable place,
But finding one near the school was pretty difficult.
FX: Pages flipping
Takamoto: Above all, it's that I'm a high school student living alone.
There's almost nowhere that's okay with minors.
And if there is, it doesn't match my budget.
This is why mother wasn't opposed when I decided to transfer to school in Kyoto, huh.
Takamoto: …I thought she'd cry, at least.
But though Mother ran around saying I couldn't transfer into another prefecture,
Takamoto: But I love it, so I'm happy--
I decided on Kyoto.
I want to be excused from meeting something like I did the time I came before.
!!! page 05
Anyway, I didn't understand at all what that was.
!!! page 06
FX: Snapping out of it!!
We…well, we won't meet again…right.
An extraordinarily cute kid, though.
FX: Sigh
Takamoto: Or not!
FX: Clenching fists
!!! page 07
FX: Stomach rumbling
Takamoto: I haven't had anything to eat since I came on the first shinkansen this morning.
FX: Rummaging
Takamoto: There's a store near hear that I wanted to go to before.
FX: Beep beep
Takamoto: Let's see, the main shop is ahead,
This is the north shop.
There it is!
It's a bit sad to eat alone, but
FX: Door clattering
FX: Beaming
Staff: Welcome!
But this is the nishin soba I've longed for.
[TN: Nishin soba, which is soba topped with herring, is a Kyoto meibutsu, or local specialty. It's good.]
!!! page 08
FX: Staring
Takamoto: Augh!!
Tachibana; You're noisy.
FX: Popping up
FX: Huh?!
Sakura: You have as huge a voice as ever.
FX: Popping up
!!! page 09
Takamoto: Wh…why are you here!?
FX: Grasp
FX: Kiss
FX: Gasp
FX: Grip
!!! page 10
FX: Sitting down
FX: Sitting down
Waiter: Four nishin soba!
Takamoto: Huh?
FX: Footsteps
Waiter: Sorry for the wait!
Takamoto: Huh?
FX: Setting down
FX: Sparkling eyes
!!! page 11
Takamoto: Why is there a portion for me?
Sakura: That's Hana's portion.
She always eats two.
Another nishin soba--
FX: Inhaling
Waiter: Right!
Tachibana: It's not speed eating, Hana.
FX: Nodding
Tachibana: It's hot.
Sakura: Right,
Thanks for the food.
!!! page 12
FX: Eating
FX: Happy
Takamoto: It's delicious.
FX: Nodding
Takamoto: Wait,
It's the same development as before!
FX: Auugh!
Tachibana: Don't yell in the store.
FX: Gobbling
Takamoto: S…sorry.
Sakura: Hana finally handed it over, but it'll get stale.
!!! page 13
FX: Devouring
FX: Slurping
FX: Blowing on the noodles
Takamoto: Ri, right!
Thanks for the meal!
Waiter: Thank you!
Takamoto: Ah--
So that's what nishin soba tastes like.
FX: Beaming
Sakura: Was that your first nishin soba?
Takamoto: Yes.
But since I'm going to live here from now on, I'll come again.
Sakura: Live here?
Takamoto: I'm transferring to a high school here,
And I'm in the middle of looking for a place to live on my own.
[TN: They've eaten at Matsuba, a famous nishin soba joint downtown.]
!!! page 14
Tachibana: …What about your mother?
Takamoto: Well,
She suddenly decided to take a company transfer overseas,
So we'd be parting no matter what.
Sakura: Oh,
So that's how it is.
FX: Looking around
Takamoto: Um, is something…
Tachibana: ……
You can't be…
!!! page 15
FX: Walking along
FX: Stopping
Hana: We've arrived.
FX: Grab
Takamoto: Augh!
!!! page 16
Takamoto: I've
Seen this place on TV.
It's famous for starting and ending relationships.
There it is!
[TN: They're at Yasui Jinja in eastern Kyoto--the "enkiri, enmusubi-ishi" Takamoto's talking about is a huge rock completely covered with paper inori.]
!!! page 17
Takamoto: It's certain that if you pass through this rock from the front to the back, you'll cut a bad connection.
If you pass through from back to front, you'll make a good one.
Hana: Is this your first time here too?
Takamoto: Y--
Hana: Are you glad?
That we came.
FX: Nodding
Takamoto: It's a shrine I wanted to visit--
Sakura: Oh--the ema are as amazing as ever.
Takamoto: Are they different from normal ema somehow?
!!! page 18
Sakura: Their shape is.
FX: Popping forward
Sakura: But, take a good look at all the wishes.
Takamoto: "Let my son separate from his lover and wake up."
"Let him leave his current wife and marry me."
"Let my boss be transferred immediately and never come back again."
"Let the harmful relationship with my cousin who's in it for the money be severed."
"Let the living ghost of the girl my boyfriend was dating before not appear again."
These are all pointing fingers!
Sakura: Just as you'd expect of a shrine mainly for benefit in this world.
Takamoto: They're quite open about it.
!!! page 19
Sakura: A place like this, it piles up easily.
That's just why people like us are called upon.
Takamoto: Do--
Do you mean--
Could you possibly--
That thing, the time before…
Tachibana: Encirclement.
!!! page 20
Sakura: Yeah.
FX: Silent splash
!!! page 21-22
!!! page 23
Takamoto: We're in a weird place again!!
Tachinbana: Why is he in here?
FX: Finger pointing
Sakura: I left Chikahito-kun out precisely.
Takamoto: What is this place!?
And what the heck is going on!?
Hana: I knew it.
Takamoto: Huh?
FX: Shrieking
!!! page 24
FX: Shrieking
FX: Flapping
FX: Thump
!!! page 25
Takamoto: Augh!!!
FX: Noogie
Tachibana: I said you're too noisy.
Sakura: So,
Your perception?
Tachibana: Inzoku,
[TN: Lunar genus, water, lion]
!!! page 26
Sakura: It's not a lion-dog, but a
Very fine lion.
[TN: This word for 'lion' can also mean the left-hand guardian lion-dog at a shrine.]
Tachibana: There are as many people's wishes stiffening it as those paper prayers.
It'll become a wild lion.
!!! page 27
FX: Roaring
Sakura: This'll make "Toyotomi" excited.
Tachibana: We'll make them pay.
Takamoto: But why do you have that leeway!
I don't understand what it's doing, but it's making a racket!
!!! page 28
Hana: A racket.
Sakura: Just wait a bit.
We're in the middle of a job right now.
Now then.
Lunar genus means that the weapon creation this time is--
FX: Gasp
!!! page 29
FX: Breathing in
Takamoto: Before, I'm sure…
Sakura: I did it.
That's because that was solar genus.
Takamoto: Solar??
[TN: This is out of onmyou, or yin-yang. Solar is also bright, obverse, male; lunar is also dark, reverse, female.]
Hana: A racket!
Sakura: People too, and things like that,
Are all divided into solar and lunar types.
That's why, to dispel it,
A weapon that opposes it is necessary.
!!! page 30
Sakura: I'm lunar.
Tachibana is solar,
And Hana--
!!! page 31
FX: Jumping
FX: Sudden
Takamoto: Look out!
!!! page 32
FX: Quick movement
FX: Sudden
FX: Whoosh
FX: Grab
Sakura: You're in danger, Chikahito-kun.
Takamoto: But that kid--!!
Tachibana: If you went, what could you do?
Takamoto: Bu…
!!! page 33
Tachibana: Is Hana really
That far behind that thing?
FX: Fong [magic]
Hana: Myouhou. [TN: Mysterious method]
FX: Roar
Hana: Kasha. [TN: Fire chariot]
!!! page 34
FX: Wind (of motion)
Fx: Quick movement
!!! page 35-36
FX: Shrieking
FX: Roaring
!!! page 37
!!! page 38
FX: Jumping
Hana: It's fine if you live with Hana and the rest.
Takamoto: Huh?
Tachibana: I knew it, that time.
Takamoto: Huh?
Sakura: You brought your technique to bear, huh,
Using myouhou.
Hana: Yeah.
Takamoto: Brought to bear?
!!! page 39
Sakura: Your lips
Were sucked, right? By Hana?
FX: Blushing
Hana: Myouhou,
Modoridori. [TN: The returning bird]
Sakura: It's a technique that makes the person it's used on return to the person who used it on them, without fail.
Takamoto: Then--!
The fact that I'm living in Kyoto, too--!?
Hana: Is that bad?
Takamoto: I--it's not bad.
I really do love Kyoto.
!!! page 40
Hana: Then,
Let's live together.
FX: Humming
FX: Um, um
Takamoto: Bu, but!
Sakura: Chikahito-kun, you can cook, right?
So you'll be helping us out.
Tachibana: …If it's what Hana wants.
I felt it incredibly strongly,
!!! page 41
FX: Slowly
Takamoto: I'll be in your care.
That I wanted to be at this kid's side.
!!! page 42
!!! page 43
Sakura: Once again,
I'm Sakura.
This is Tachibana.
!!! page 44
Hana: A racket!
Takamoto: Huh?
Hana: A racket!
FX: Swaying
Sakura: You've taken a liking to him, huh, Hana.
Tachibana: Hmph.
That's what I thought,
FX: Shaking
And though it might already be too late for starting to have regrets,
I'm okay with that!
source: http://starlady38.livejournal.com/419208.html