Hisoka vs Chrollo Deathmatch and Aftermath | MangaHelpers

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Hisoka vs Chrollo Deathmatch and Aftermath


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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I decided that rather than taking out the arcs by order, i'd focus on interesting bits of the manga.
So here we go:

I reread the whole deal and there were some things that i noticed that i did not notice before:

Most of all, back when the chapters came out, everyone wondered what chrollo meant by his 'style is possibly even more important than victory' comment.
I assumed, back then, that chrollo had to fullfill certain conditions to steal hisoka's ability. Now, to our knowledge, that did not happen.
So, what could he have meant? I think this comment meant that Chrollo planned the deathmatch exactly the way it went to hurt and humiliate Hisoka.
Chrollo could not forget that two of the spider died indirectly due to hisoka.
Chrollo can fight Hisoka with other strategies, but he decided to take this approach.
An approach which drags as much fun out of it as possible. He tell hisoka his abilities to show him how small he is HIm asking whether hisoka wants to stop can be considered as a taunt.
Looking at the fight like that, it could even have been chrollo's intention to suffocate hisoka instead blowing him up. Just so that he suffers more and has his last moments to contemplate how inferior he is.

We know that hisoka was not quite as shaken as chrollo might have believed (hence the 'huamsn are fascinating' comment), but i do see a clear intention here.

Secondly, the whole speech of chrollo oftentimes felt like he was giving hisoka information that we as the audience did not understand yet.
He often said stuff like 'ah, you seem to understand'.
Hisoka made an upset face after chrollo said that one of his abilities belongs to a dead person.
It makes no sense that hisoka is upset just because chrollos ability got stronger. Hisoka didnt freak out when he noticed that chrollo could make his copies permanent with that ability.
I think hisoka freaked out because he knew the elder from meteor city and, after chrollos comment, knew that he had died, possibly thinking chrollo might have killed him.

Also, to further the idea of chrollo wanting to humiliate him: Chrollo explained all his abilities in very great detail, but he conventiently left out that the seals explode even cut off body parts. He probably exspected Hisoka to take body parts with bungee gum and knew he could surprise him by that.
That tells us that chrollo does not have the limitation to explain the complete details of his abilities (like initially many people thought). He might have to explain them, but there are bound to be parts he explained that were not necessary.
He just liked to do it, which is unlike most HxH characters, but makes sense if chrollo was holding a grudge.

About hisoka's ressurection: I am sure by now that hisoka does not consider the fight to be over. He just sees the spiders as body parts of chrollo and sees that he has to take them down before he can win against chrollo.


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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New prediction:

Chrollo cloned himself with kortopi's ability, then used shalnarks ability to fullfill the conditions of his heavenly typewriter prediction skill and thus was able to predict his own future by using the clone as proxy.

By that he knew the outcome of the fight and he knew that Hisoka would survive it (or at least how to lead to the outcome it had).
Chrollo's actions of letting hisoka live might have been necessitated by the prediction.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Mar 31, 2017
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Chrollo definitely wants revenge on Hisoka now for killing off his 2 precious comrades. He's going to have to steal more abilities or use a new strategy to defeat Hisoka. He's certainly a very careful fighter, using a bunch of clones to prevent his real body from being attacked.


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
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Chrollo definitely wants revenge on Hisoka now for killing off his 2 precious comrades. He's going to have to steal more abilities or use a new strategy to defeat Hisoka. He's certainly a very careful fighter, using a bunch of clones to prevent his real body from being attacked.
By now I am almost convinced about Chrollo knowing that this outcome would happen and actively pushing for it.
I just do not know yet why.

I severely doubt chrollo hates Hisoka now. After all, Hisoka joined the spider after killing another one and Chrollo wanted to offer Kurapika a position too after killing Uvo and before knowing Kurapika's plans.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 8, 2011
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Chrollo is going to be pissed off!!

1) Hisoka is not dead, he's going to be mad about that, & understand Hisoka may be holding a strong grudge

2) He knows Hisoka is holding a grudge, because he's killed 2 long time members, & Korotopi's ability isn't easy replaceable

Brandish μ

The one with the mic
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
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Hisoka's game is the Spiders now not just Chrollo. In the fighting arena I'd call that Hisoka's win despite Chrollo winning the battle. The hunt isn't over, just changed the players so to speak. Since Chrollo is heading to the Dark Continent, there is good chance we get Kurapika and Hisoka teaming up again. Or Kurapika acting on his own accord takes out some of the spiders. Another possibility is Illumi being involved. Hisoka could team up with him; the Spiders could hire him; or with Kalluto in the Spiders perhaps Illumi battles Hisoka by default. Well, not wanting to speculate too much, just chucking out some random thoughts.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 19, 2017
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I think hisoka freaked out because he knew the elder from meteor city and, after chrollos comment, knew that he had died, possibly thinking chrollo might have killed him.
its been a while since I read the chapter, but this is interesting. if togashi did drew hisoka like that then why so? plus why would hisoka care about the meteor city elder? and why the thought of chrollo killing anyone would surprise hisoka? I hope you would elaborate as of why you thought that's the case.

regarding chrollo, I always thought of him as "ace-motional" itsnotarealwordbtwimadeitup.
he barely shows any emotion, he's reticent, sombre and grim most of the time. his words to hisoka regarding humanity and his views is fascinating! when he talked & referred to humanity in 3rd person shows how detached he is from his human self. I feel his journey is about self-discovery. I predict his journey will end up leaving him disappointed.. the answers he seeks cannot be answered. I love chrollo.

Also, to further the idea of chrollo wanting to humiliate him: Chrollo explained all his abilities in very great detail, but he conventiently left out that the seals explode even cut off body parts. He probably exspected Hisoka to take body parts with bungee gum and knew he could surprise him by that.
That tells us that chrollo does not have the limitation to explain the complete details of his abilities (like initially many people thought). He might have to explain them, but there are bound to be parts he explained that were not necessary.
He just liked to do it, which is unlike most HxH characters, but makes sense if chrollo was holding a grudge..
I like when togashi do not not use "narrators" when explaining things. having characters interact and talk with eachother is much more interesting, for exmp; after the fight with castro and then hisoka meeting machi, there were barely any interaction, but the anime made that a conversation between 2 characters and that added a lot to the scene than it would otherwise! .. regarding your comment I find it interesting you see it like that, I think I need to re-read those chapters!
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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 13, 2015
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If chrollo wants to punish Hisoka for surviving and killing off other spiders, all he needs to is organize a spider bandwagon on him, by the spiders rules chrollo wouldnt do anything against kurapika or hisoka if they were only gonna kill one member because of the invitation into the spiders being possible through defeating a old spider member but if they are going to go on a streak it's a different story.

About his fight with Hisoka, all Chrollo did was giving him the Castro treatment, which essentially was to try and mind break Hisoka and humiliate him, which was a consequence of hisoka not being ready for the fight, hisoka crushes others who are inferior to him, Chrollo only gave him the same treatment in a much more unfair deathmatch.


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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If chrollo wants to punish Hisoka for surviving and killing off other spiders, all he needs to is organize a spider bandwagon on him, by the spiders rules chrollo wouldnt do anything against kurapika or hisoka if they were only gonna kill one member because of the invitation into the spiders being possible through defeating a old spider member but if they are going to go on a streak it's a different story.

About his fight with Hisoka, all Chrollo did was giving him the Castro treatment, which essentially was to try and mind break Hisoka and humiliate him, which was a consequence of hisoka not being ready for the fight, hisoka crushes others who are inferior to him, Chrollo only gave him the same treatment in a much more unfair deathmatch.
Won't be that simple. Hisoka is doing the same thing as Chrollo now, he just wants to kill them all. He won't try to attack them all while they are in groups, that would be the worst thing to do. He might even cooperate with other people for this.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 13, 2015
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Won't be that simple. Hisoka is doing the same thing as Chrollo now, he just wants to kill them all. He won't try to attack them all while they are in groups, that would be the worst thing to do. He might even cooperate with other people for this.
Then while The spiders are grouped Hisoka is fucked for solo, the spiders have at least a few members whose nen abilities work quite well on teams, no way Chrollo is letting them go solo to be hunted down by Hisoka, with maybe the exception of Feitan and thats a stretch.

The point of Chrollo doing a spider bandwagon would be to get rid of serious threats with less risk of losing members, the reason why Uvo, Pakunoda, Shalnark and Kurutopi got killed was because they were separated from the rest of spider gang which made them vulnerable, after recovering his nen Chrollo could´ve set a spider bandwagon at Hisoka at the Heaven´s Arena to make sure he was properly rid off, instead Chrollo has him being bandwagoned by clones and doesnt come up to check up on the supposed deceased to Kill confirm (this was a case of Chrollo wanting to test a combo of his and humiliate Hisoka in his own game more than actually getting rid of him).

Hisoka can try and form a group to hunt the spiders (there are some options for him to pick like Hanzo or/and Illumi), but he´d need a really big group to try and mess with the spiders and there´s also that Kalluto situation going on as well, it´s a very unstable ground Hisoka is walking plus Chrollo has other nen abilities he stole that he can use to set up Hisoka again, not as easily as before but still set him up reasonably. Eitherway, if Chrollo tries to set up a spider bandwagon on Hisoka and join all the members up, Hisoka is gonna get a advantage but also a disadvantage, first he will no longer be able to hunt the spiders properly 1 on 1, so he will need to form a hunting party, but on the otherhand this would force Chrollo to stop taking fellow spider nen abilities to set up against Hisoka which in turn raises Hisoka´s chances in a 1 on 1 with Chrollo.

Also money wise, Hisoka would´ve no problems making a hunting party for the spiders I suppose, but if Chrollo doesnt learn his lesson after getting 4 killed, case of them being left alone, would just be begging for his death, also by PT Protocol, getting replacements for the fallen spiders is a priority and with Hisoka being on the hunt like he´s he will just kill whoever else they could try recruiting, which is bad for PT business, the 1st kill is free, but letting a guy go for a streak is seriously bad and letting him live means he can mess with any of their future operations and missions and sabotage them, Chrollo wouldnt allow it, he even said he was tired of Hisoka, when they went deathmatch.

Fuuji Genichiro

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jun 28, 2015
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Kalluto being a spider means he's a target of both kurapica and Hisoka doesn't it. So is an Illumi intervention possible?


Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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The spiders are not a target of Kurapika anymore.
I would not say that. They are not his priority anymore, but if he meets them again he will try to kill them for sure.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 13, 2015
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The spiders are not a target of Kurapika anymore.
Not entirely true but not entirely untrue either in reality the spiders are simply not one of kurapika's current priorities and even if they were the prefered targets kurapika kills are spiders with over a 5 year experience time in the troupe, he wants those spiders to suffer his vengeance the most, the others are secondary targets at best, whom he has no beef with, by this logic he shouldnt have any beef with kalluto or anyother spider who joined after the Kurta massacre but he knows from uvogin's own mouth that Chrollo called the shots on the operation and that he admired the collected eyes, therefore Kurapika has Chrollo as a high priority target he's the leader of the troupe that killed his clan he will obviously be wanted dead by kurapika the most.

Hisoka on the otherhand has completely different approach now he will strike at all the other spiders before moving up to Chrollo making him a even bigger threat to the spiders modus operandi.