Question - How does MH mods decide which "one liners" get deleted and which don't? | MangaHelpers

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Question How does MH mods decide which "one liners" get deleted and which don't?

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Dec 5, 2015
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United Kingdom

On the the thread above I had a post that was a one liner, although it was a one liner it was very useful information I was sharing. It was something about expecting more spoilers as the person that usually provides the spoilers on another website specifically said that he will be providing more spoilers(after posting some spoilers)

Now on the same thread on the exact same page I see at least 2 more one liners but I don't understand why they weren't deleted for the the reason of being "one liners". Both posts were one liners like mine and had around the same word count in each post but mine was deleted but theirs weren't. Also like I said at least one was above my post and the other below so there's no way the mods missed this.

Again I was posting useful information and as for proof I had around 5 likes on this one liner.

And with that being said How does MH mods decide which "one liners" get deleted and which don't?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 10, 2015
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Imperium of Mankind
I have the same question.


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 6, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah, how do MH mods decide on what to delete and what not to? This question has bugged me for quite some time now, so I'd appreciate some goddamn answers.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2013
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United States
I would really like some insight on this as well. I've noticed it a lot lately but a lot of my post get deleted for being one liner or off topic.
As for off topic post I've notices that some members post that go way off topic seem to not get deleted, but mine do.
I'm losing a lot of trust in mangahelpers....

Notice me Escanor senpai

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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Dec 27, 2008
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It's pretty random actually, it's entirely on the mod's hands. There is no real guideline for that.


MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 6, 2015
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So this thread doesn't get out of hand, I'll try to explain it shortly.

Everyone's ideas, opinions and thoughts differ. A moderator of one section might have a completely different opinion of what post should remain and what should be deleted compared to a moderator of another section - there is no guideline which states what form of post is subject to deletion, because there are too many of the aforementioned forms. While one post and the other may seem identical in structure, one may contain valuable information, but would still be subject to deletion due to the structure. That being said, a formal guideline would almost never prove to be "fair", since it may generalize multiple, very different posts into one category.

However, there's also your opinion, which matters just as much.
Moderators are, just like you, human beings (or are they?) and therefore not omniscient. They can make mistakes, so your best bet would be to message them about the content which was deleted. If you think that other posts (alongside yours) should have been deleted aswell, simply report them - this enables the moderator to have more time to analyze the post and may end up deleting it, not because he/she was incompetent, but perhaps because he/she missed it or simply didn't pay the required attention to it at that time, since they're not robots.
The moderators are generally very understanding, so please note your concerns in a polite manner (often in private messages).

I hope this helped.


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 16, 2010
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Water Tribe
As far as I am concerned, "one liner" isn't a reason for me to delete a post. Whether if it is only a word, a line or multiple sentences, as long as it is informative and relevant, it will stay. (Though in a broad sense, a word or a few words may sometime be insufficient to express an opinion clearly and accurately.) However there will always be a guide (though not formally) or indication to decide if a certain post should be deleted or not. For example, someone says, "Terrible chapter!" In the usual circumstances, this post will probably be deleted. But sometimes, it may not be so. If it was posted in my section, I may take the time to advise the member if he/she would like to elaborate more and why he/she feels that the chapter is bad. Truly, the course of further action is entirely up to me as I would like to give that member a chance to express his/her thoughts and opinion.

On the other hand, the two-word sentence comes to a halt when it is unable to encourage other people to respond to him/her or to participate in it. It is like a closed-ended sentence (full stop and period). It is clear that people who join an internet forum would eventually wish/want to participate in it, whether directly or indirectly. A thread will stay stagnant when the posts in it do not heed value for discussion. A "yes, no and maybe" answer will not lead a conversation further meaningfully. One way or another, one of the people involved may give up the conversation entirely.

Therefore, members of a forum are (always) encouraged to express their opinion in a manner that is as comprehensively as possible. One need not require to post an entire essay (though it is not against the rule to express in great lengths and details to bring messages across), but the post should at least state something clear and proper enough in order to be regarded as an information and not as a spam that is related to the subject matter duly discussed. Regardless if an opinion is positive, negative or neutral, it should always be respected. Whether one is to agree on the opinion or not is another story.

In the case of bad scenarios - if people are quarrelling, perhaps with cursing and swearing, criticising, being sarcastic, scolding, giving people names and so on, they will deem to have their posts either corrected (edited) or worse, deleted.

What if a single-line post is to respond to someone else's post? Assuming Member A wrote something about a situation of a particular manga chapter or he/she posted something useful and there may be a follow up on that post he/she had written, then Member B came along and posted a question or a sentence to enquire, or solely responded to what was said of Member A; if such one-line post was deemed related and relevant that did not deviate from the subject matter, then the post should be considered to stay.

Though having said of the above, I do not delete posts blindly. Every post is carefully analysed and considered, and may be based on case by case basis. Everyone writes and expresses differently, and "one size fits all" may not be necessarily applicable to every single person. If a post were considered to be deleted, I will usually leave a note to explain to the member why I have done so. Deleting post isn't a norm to me, as long as they are not porn photos or ads, or vulgarity or to any extent of indecency or inappropriateness, most posts usually get through without issues.

Thanks for bringing up the matter to us. I hope all of you will continue to stay in our "One Big MH Family," a place where we all enjoy our unique interest in manga and anime.

Cheers! :^_^


Ring Your Bell (In The Silence)
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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Sorry for late reply. I see you three are usually fairly active in Fairy Tail section. I will give my best answer. Note that this is from my own perspective.

One-liner posts are posts that have only one line in length and are considered fairly non-contributive to the forum and thus worthy to be deleted. Because this is subjective, each moderator has different perspective. A moderator may consider a post one-liner, but other moderator may not.

Things to note are:
  • Every section is different (has own standards). Maybe in other section you can post a very short reply, but in Fairy Tail section you can/may not.
  • Every moderator has different perspective.
  • Due to a huge spike in Fairy Tail, the section has become more strict. We strongly recommend you to be a high-quality poster.
If you have more question, please let me know. Thank you in advance!
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