Anime - HxH MadHouse Anime Discussion! (Use Spoilers for safety...) - Part 4 | Page 33 | MangaHelpers

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Anime HxH MadHouse Anime Discussion! (Use Spoilers for safety...) - Part 4


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Nov 4, 2012
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United States
Holy shit that's a lot of text XD I'll read it later! And welcome back! You haven't been on even before I joined (I know because I read all the anime threads xD)
I'm also an anime only viewer! Most people have read the manga here though but I just can't because the anime is amazing :p
Yeah, I used to post all the time during the Phantom Troupe and Greed Island arcs :P and at the beginning of Ant Arc alittle.

I still come here to read the posts and see the anime/manga comparisons, I just didn't post :P


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 19, 2012
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Shinobi said:
On ther hand I always pictured her with red hair. I guess the screen tone used for her in the manga is what made me see her that way. (That or because I have a red hair fetish )
I was talking about Pariston's hair, not Kite. I think the "Kite's" new hair color isn't too bad actually.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Dec 7, 2007
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United States
Its not too off from red, I wonder how the explanation for Kite turning into an ant will be, always thought I never got it, turns out it was just bad translations before, looking forward for the anime to clarify it...

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 AM ----------

So the next arc starts, what ends is an arc which I thought was crappy in the manga, the anime turned it into one of my favorite arcs ever!!! The emotions were so well portrayed, you kinda start liking the chimeras, even the bad guys... I loved the king's transformation, he got castled by a mere human girl, very well shown... I remm thinking the girl should have lived, but not any more.

Best moments of the arc for me:
1. Gon showing Palm the tree with fireflies
I remm this in the manga as cute and romantic, the anime did a good job

2. Pitou controls people's brains with knitting rods...
cold and gory, had an impact

3. King tears his arm

4. Killua removes Illumi's insert
OMG, that was a great fight with that rabbit chimera, including the chimera's powerup to nen transformation

5. Pouf's moments of orgasm for the king
It is disgusting when you think of it.... but the role of all the chimeras specially the royal guards is to exist for the king's benefit. For organisms that cannot procreate and lack sexual organs, the portrayal of Pouf getting an orgasm everytime King grows stronger is twisted, yet accurate within the world defined....

6. King's completed transformation
That was it, the best moment for me.... his dialgoues to Welfin and specially when he mentions " I didn't deserve their loyalty" while thinking of the royal guards was fitting. If you think of the chimeras as ants through social structure, they are better than humans and kinder as well, something the previous episode highlighted well....

A special thanks to [USER]SHINOBI-03[/USER] again! The comparison was definitely required, it helped us recap the manga which was lost due to infinite breaks and also reminded the greatness of Togashi as a story-teller...... looking forward for the next arc...


Bishoujo Collector
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 17, 2012
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Marine Headquarters
For some reason I've alway liked the small parenthesis deidcated to Brovada, Welfin and Reina; I don't know, it's just that I think it has always been a beautiful moment. :)
Either way, it was an awesome episode and damn, I can't wait to watch the next arc, because it will fantastic.
Loved Killua's determination BTW. :D


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 4, 2009
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For some reason I've alway liked the small parenthesis deidcated to Brovada, Welfin and Reina; I don't know, it's just that I think it has always been a beautiful moment. :)
How often do minor characters get proper sendoffs? Most of the time they get ignored after they fulfill their roles or just disappear.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 2, 2014
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El Salvador
Geez, I don't think I've posted here since Kite died (who apparently isn't really dead?) anyway, sorry about that guys, as an anime onlyh viewer I know my input to you guys is important but I guess I grew tired of saying how amazing this series is week after week. Regardless, since I'm posting now I might as well say what I thought about the Chimera Ant Arc.
You know, it's funny. Based on comments and input I saw from other people it seems as though alot of manga readers considered this one of the worst arcs but after the anime covered it they now consider it one of the best arcs while anime-only watchers considered this one of the best near the beginning and now consider it one of the worst. I guess it's an arc you appreciate with time, though I can see why many would argue its flaws. Another thing I found interesting was manga readers saying The Invasion was gonna be the fastest paced when it was adapted but actually was the most dragged out (Though, these were the same people commenting how long Greed Island was going to be when it was actually done in less episodes than Yorkcity, which in of itself is ironic because Greed Island is longer in the manga). The biggest problem I have with the Ant arc is the length. In both the anime and the manga the Ant Arc is basically as long as everything that has happened prior in Hunter x Hunter, combined If this was the series finale It could and probably would be justified, but smacking this long ass arc mid-point in the series is just awkward, especially with so many of the series key players being left out (Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka) but then again, I guess Togashi just has pacing issues (I mean, this is the guy who has a series, which is still amazing by the way, that has more than half of its content taken up by tournaments) *cough* Yu Yu Hakusho *cough* It's just awkward scrolling through the episodes and seeing a series that is still, for the most part, new and upcoming, still introducing its world, it's characters, and it's goals, suddenly have one arc that takes up half the show. I mean, how many arcs did we get before this? Hunter Exams, Zoldyck (if you want to even count that) Heavens Arena, Yorkcity, Greed Island, and then BAM. The monster. We're still getting into the groove of the series before we're hit with this monster of an arc imo. Disregarding the length though, that's where my complaints end for the most part. I heard the Ant Arc before it started was Hunter x Hunter "DBZ arc" and that it had lost its strategy, its adventure, it's complexity, and it's deconstruction of the shounen genre. Too this I say, "Come again??" This arc was basically the EMBODIMENT of everything HxH had built up and established prior to this arc. The Gon vs Knuckle fight and Killua vs Shoot? Are you gonna tell me that wasn't strategy? Meruem's development. Are you gonna tell me that wasn't complexity? Gons sick, twisted, and irrational development of a shounen "hero." Are you going to tell me that wasn't deconstruction? I just have no words for these people. Another thing I want to address is perhaps the most hated HxH character to appear thus far, Pouf. This is something I couldn't grasp. Whether it was online, or to people i knew in real life that watched the show, nobody was fond of Pouf and wanted him to die some sick, terrible death. Now, if I had to rank my favorite royal guards it would be Pitou, Pouf, Youpi, in that order. Not counting the King since I didn't really like his character. I loved his development, but his character felt bland to me, which is the same reason I rank Youpi last. Respect his judgement, but his character is bland. Now, why is Pouf your 2nd favorite royal guard you may ask? Why do you like him more than Youpi, and even *gasp* THE KING! Well, I loved Pouf because he was, well, an actual VILLAIN. Pitou came in touch with her (yes, I'm calling her a her. Idc what the manga says, in the anime she is a GIRL, and since I'm an anime only watcher. SHE'S A GIRL!!) human side. Youpi came in touch with his human side. And even Meruem came in touch with his human side. Pouf was the only one who stayed loyal to his roots and never faltered the entire arc and stayed a true ant. People want to say that Pouf was an ass and didn't care about the king and only cared about himself. No. It's precisely BECAUSE he cared about the king that he went to such extreme measures. This is the leader of his race we're talking about. Pouf is an ANT. Meruem is an ANT. If Meruem caved into his human side and disowned his Ant side, what's that say about the rest of the Ant race? That's basically a slap in the face for their whole existence and reason for living. It's like, why should we exist if humans are clearly the dominate species? Also, Pouf reminded me of Light, who is one of my all time favorite anime characters. Pouf was calculating, charismatic, evil, and ruthless. I honestly don't see how anyone can hate him when he's doing his job. Another thing I should probably address is what people call "The Ass-pulls" aka,The Rose and Beast Mode Gon. Now, Gon. I can see why people would call it an asspull. One-shotting Pitou who killed Kite. Transforming out of nowhere to someone whose as strong as the King. Proving once again dat MAH ANGER can get you out of any situation in anime. Well, it's not an asspull. I can say it's not an asspull cause I'm deep into HxH, conversing with people on forums, on social media, and reading reviews from the hardest of hardcore Hunter fans. Therefore, I realize where this power came from. If you're just watching HxH straight thru and don't understand these concepts I can see why you'd be like "Wtf?" Hell, if I didn't research all I've researched I'd probably be like "Wtf?" so I guess only people who analysis this series to an insane degree would get it, but you have to understand....remember when Kurapika made a nen contract and basically gave up his ability to use OP attacks on anyone but the Phantom Troupe? (Well, most notably Chain Jail) and if he broke that rule he'd die? That's putting your life on the line to trap a hand full of people in a world that consists of millions. Of course the pay off would be great. That's how he was OP against them. How often have we seen Kurapika square up against non Phantom Troupe members since he's learned nen? Not often, have we? If at all. He took a shortcut. And was willing to pay the price. There's a right way to do things, and there's a wrong way to do things. There's a hard way to do things, and there's an easy way to do things. The hard way, is...well hard, and could very well take many years, but the incoming results are phenomenal and permanent. While the easy way, is...well easy, but at the end of the day the only person you're hurting it yourself and your wasting potential to get a moments relief. I'm speaking about both the real world, and Hunter x Hunter. Nen Contracts are a thing people. They've existed. And they're basically giving you the option to take the easy way out, if you so choose, but not without equivalent exchange (FMA anyone?) Gon basically sacrificed his ability to use nen...all his potential, everything he is, and everything he could become (Think DBZ Unlock Potential with Guru and Krillian, or Elder Kai and Gohan) AND sacrificed part of his life force. All in that VERY MOMENT for that power. He took the condition Kurapika made of death, and timed it by 6. When Gon said "I don't care anymore" he meant it. and thus...that monster was born. This may even be a bigger shocker, but I'm not that fond of Killua. My favs are 1) Gon. 2) Kurapika. 3) Leorio. 4) Killua. I will say, however, that Killua's development and closeness to Gon was amazing. Too see his only friend, his first friend, his best friend, the friend who pulled him out of his shadows and accept him for who he is, enter a dark place like that. Seeing his mind desolve into insanity, and seeing his friend go through the same physiological torture that he had experienced all his life, and being able to do nothing about it, while simultaneously being the only person to notice that this isn't his happy go lucky friend must have been crushing. That bond being shattered was probably even more dramatic, if not as dramatic, and Naruto losing his one friend, having grown up alone and bonding with someone who had lost every bond he managed to create in his short life in one night. Gon telling Killua he didn't care about him or Kite...that was probably the worst most conflicting thing Gon could have said to Killua. Anyway, on the whole Rose matter, that wasn't a asspull either. They explained the rose for a reason, and when The King came back, stronger than ever, I honestly had no idea who would beat him, but then I remembered this is Hunter x Hunter and it screams "ANTI-CLIMATIC!" seriously, for those of you who expected some big flashy fight ending, after 75 episodes of Non Ant Arc Hunter, how could you expect any different? Hunter Exams, the main character was unconscious, Killua killed someone, and everybody automatically passed on the spot. "Here's your Hunter licenses, now GTFO" Zoldyck Arc "Oh, Hey Killua!! Just the guy we were searching for! Lets leave this place with no type of struggle what so ever. Go right through the front doors!". Heavens Arena *POW* "Got you Hisoka! Damn, I lost. Oh well, f*ck the floor masters, f*ck the money, f*ck everything. Onto our next adventure!" Yorknew City "Naaah, we're not going to solve this with some big flashy fight. Lets NEGOTIATE!" Even Greed Island which arguably had the most climatic ending was basically Gon and company shortcutting by taking all the cards GENTHRU and company had acquired and claiming them as their own. So if you were expecting anything else from the Ant Arc ending, tough balls. We got something so much more deep and meaningful. Overall, if I had to rank my favorite Hunter arcs it would be Yorknew City > Chimera Ants > Hunter Exams > Greed Island > Zoldyck > Heavens Arena. But, yeah. Even though it was long, the Ant Arc was still a great story, and a welcome addition to Hunter x Hunter.

Now, about the newest episode. I felt weird getting more feels from the Reina reunion than Killua grieving over Gon but i guess that was just me. At first I thought Colt had kidnapped some random girl and was calling her Reina because he thought that was his sister (since she looked like her) but after reading around I realized that was the baby fetus Colt had pulled from the Queen. (Man, they grew up fast) and yeah, if that is Kite why didn't Madhouse give her White hair to match his White hair when he was human. Also, Kite seems alittle hyper from the mellow, calm cool collected Kite we know. Good lord...that ending though. GING!!!!! As much as I just went over how I like the Ant arc, I haven't been this hyped for a new episode of Hunter x Hunter in a long, looooooong time. A new arc after more than a year? And it's brightly colored? HELL YES. I was re-watching some of the Hunter Exams and found I enjoyed it alot more simply because it was a change of pace from the edgy dark stuff I got in the Ant arc week, after week, after week, after week. This introduction to characters we haven't seen in a long time, and cast of colorful characters all sitting around each other conversing just got me so hyped and idk why. Also, I've heard good things about this Pariston Hill guy and I can't wait to see what kind of character he is.

btw, was I the only one confused about the Zoldiacs? When they first said Zoldiacs at the end of the episode I thought they were referring to the Zoldycks and I was like "This isn't Killua's family...maybe this is another branch to their family" then when I saw Ging I was like "Ohhh, maybe these guys are the guys the Zoldiacs summoned to be apart of this election" Regardless, I didn't understand that the Zoldiacs were something completely different from the Zoldycks. Have they ever been mentioned in the story prior to this? Kinda seemed random. Please use more diverse names if we're going to do this Togashi.

Last comment: How much you wanna be the New Opening (aka, Departure Version 1) is going to be the best Opening (scene and animation wise) we've gotten in the series thus far? Idk why, but I just feel like MADHOUSE if really going to outdo themselves this time with the scenes they choose to put in this new "YOU CAN SMILEEEEEE AGAIN" after having "YOU CAN TRYYYYYY AGAINNNN" for so long. (It's also pretty funny that Departure Version 2 has been used in the series more than Version 1 at this point)

Also, incoming ANOTHER f*cking Yuzu song -__- He was okay for Ending 3 and Ending 5, but they REALLY didn't need for him to do a cover of Ending 4. I would have preferred them used the original female singer for Ending 4. Quite frankly, I'm tired of Yuzu. Out of the 5 endings we've had, 3 of them have been Yuzu. And how much you wanna bet Ending 6 is going to be Yuzu too? Either MADHOUSE is dick riding Yuzu, or Yuzu is being selfish and hogging HxH because he likes being the singer for the series. Regardless, kinda tired of him.

But anyway, yeah, that's what I have to say about the arc and the episode etc. Hopefully this post will make up for not reviewing/commenting on the episodes in so long :sweat
I agree however, the king is not bland in any way, that would be to characters like Genthru.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 5, 2012
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Yuyunarutoballz, it's a pleasure that you post, but please learn to press Enter often for more reading pleasure. I think i'll cut&paste your comment in Notepad and do it myself when i have time.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jun 2, 2014
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Can't read the wall'O'Text personnaly, my eye's had to drop.
And for Pitou... let's say that's ... is a Genderless shemale. No wait that just sound wrong. Well its genderless for me.
Or let's just say that she/he is neither, pitou is pitou.
ATTN >Togashi could we please have an official naked picture of pitou please !

But if you have watched only the anime , i totaly agree with the point.
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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 7, 2012
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United States
I've always just accepted that Togashi likes to play loose with gender, gender queer characters are all over HxH. If it was ever outright stated Pitou is a he then I'd drop it but the Crunchyroll subs made me lean towards female/genderless.

Anyway Yuyunarutoballz
I enjoyed reading your analysis but please use proper paragraph structure! I love Madhouses adaptation of the Chimera Ant Arc, though ultimately I still think its about 10-20 episodes too long. There are definitely still moments where I still felt the length but I would consider that a nit pick if its my only critique of the series! I'm really looking forward to the next arc, its a clean slate and we get the return of Hisoka!

Did anyone else notice his slightly more orange hair (instead of red with blue) it almost looks more like the 99' anime colors to my eyes. That's pretty cool cause something I always liked to imagine in the manga/99 anime was that Hisoka was a very fickle man who is constantly changing wardrobe and hair colors. It might just be because the old studio swapped his hair color mid series to look more in line with some of Togashi's color artwork. Either way I'm hyped! Ging's walk was so cool, it made me want to see him do Drunken Master styled martial arts!


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Nov 4, 2012
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United States
Sorry guys. I was in a rush for school when I made that post haha, I fixed it.

Zoro Zoldyck

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Nov 9, 2013
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I like Hisoka's new earrings :cheez
But isn't his hair a little bit too orange now? I know for a fact it looks rather different than the usual red.

I like red more tbh but Hisoka is Hisoka!
And I heard that Illumi makes an appearance too!
We don't know much about him so I'm excited to see a lot of hunters because of Netero's request/election :D
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Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Finally watched it.

It's great to hear those old tracks, clearly a sign that this arc is over. The end with Ging joining the other Zodiacs like that was just perfect.

Dat preview! :gar Can't wait for next week. I am curious to see the new visuals of Departure considering how different this arc is compared to what we were used to. They can't show Gon and Killua running happily again, right?


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Nov 30, 2011
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I agree however, the king is not bland in any way, that would be to characters like Genthru.
Nope,genthru is not bland. his got his characteristic developed quite well


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 4, 2012
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Genthru to me is equal level development to Chrollo and even Hisoka. Obviously of all enemy characters Meruem has best development.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 8, 2011
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United States
Genthru to me is equal level development to Chrollo and even Hisoka. Obviously of all enemy characters Meruem has best development.
I would put Genthru and Hisoka as equal and above Chrollo.
We at least have some what of an understanding of why Genthru and Hisoka kill.
But we're completely lost with Chrollo's motives...hell even Chrollo seems to be!

The "problem" with all of these characters is that we don't know their past. The reason Meruem has the best development is simple---we knew him from womb to tomb.

But Hisoka was just this mystery figure in the Hunter Exam who just so happened to run with a group of more mystery figures and Chrollo is the mastermind mystery man.

Genthru doesn't seem mysterious as his motive to kill for money is standard. Yet we seen on more than one occasion that he puts his friends above himself despite signs of being a sociopath.

Zoro Zoldyck

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Nov 9, 2013
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Finally watched it.

It's great to hear those old tracks, clearly a sign that this arc is over. The end with Ging joining the other Zodiacs like that was just perfect.

Dat preview! :gar Can't wait for next week. I am curious to see the new visuals of Departure considering how different this arc is compared to what we were used to. They can't show Gon and Killua running happily again, right?
You edited my post and made it a spoiler? Now I know for a fact it'll happen :darn
Well I guess it's not that big of a deal though..


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Fire Nation
Just checked the episode. Really heartwarming.

In my opinion, the whole thing with Reina was the best part of the episode. But the Welfin and Bizeff part was awesome too.

Poor Killua. Gon doesn't deserve such a great friend. Smh.
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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
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Poor Killua. Gon doesn't deserve such a great friend. Smh.
Without him Killua would still kill people every day while getting psychologicaly raped by Illumi lol. Killua is cool and all but I find this bitching about Gon after the deal with Kite pretty annoying. "OMG Gon how could you hurt my baby Killua" and similar comments are so.... questionable and heavily biased. I mean I'm not denying that Gon partly behaved like a selfish ass during the Ant arc but there's a reason why Killua holds him so dear. People seem to forget that Gon basically saved him from the grasp of his family and was a mental support for a long time. On the other hand neither Gon nor Killua are goody two shoes and for that I'm actually glad, it gives them some much important personality a lot of other shounen main characters lack. That Killua helps him now is more of a sign for a very strong friendship between the two of them, not some one-sided kindness like lots of people make it sound to be :s