Life - I can feel it, now that you've gone | MangaHelpers

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Life I can feel it, now that you've gone


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 15, 2014
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United States
(Just copy the questions and answer them on your own (:)

Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
Yeah. Not much of an age difference, tbh.

When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
Last Saturday. This guy always knows how to annoy me.

Would you ever smile at a stranger?
I have, so yes.

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
No, thankfully.

Three facts about you:
I'm shy.
I work really hard for what I want.
Total bookworm. (Proud)

Are you a social or an antisocial person?
Anti-social for the most part.

Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?

Do you care if people talk badly about you?
I try not to. It depends on the person, really.

When was the last time you cried?
Few weeks back.

Five favorite Tv Shows:
Sherlock, Orphan Black, Veronica Mars, Merlin, Scrubs.

Favorite kind of bean out of Kidney, Black, or Pinto?

Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
Not being able to sleep.

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?

Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
Not yet, at least.

Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
Probably not.

Do you think someone has feelings for you?
Yes and I wish they didn't.

Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
Yes, too many times.

How’s your heart?

Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?
Yes, if it was someone I loved or cared for.

Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?

Do you have someone of the opposite *** you can tell everything to?

Did you wake up cranky?
Yes, this morning I did.

Is there someone you will never forget?

Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite ***?

Your favorite adult as a child?
Aunt Yolanda, man. She always reminded me of Fiona from Shrek.

Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk?
I switch; 1-2%.

What’s your favorite scent?

What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Power Puff Girls.

How far can you throw a baseball?
Not far, lol.

If you had to move to another country, where would you move?

Do you eat enough vegetables?
Some days I don't, but I try.

City or nature person?
Preferably nature.

Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.
I do.

Current craving?

Favorite song right now?(old or new)
Nico Vega - I Believe (Get Over Yourself)

What are your bad habits?
Biting my nails and swearing.

Who are the three most important people in your life?
Three closet friends.

Would you ever settle for someone you didn’t feel was “the one”?
No, never settle.

Top 5 things you can't live without:
Internet, music, humor, clothes, car.

What was your first job?


What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?

who is your celebrity crush?
Robert Downey Jr.

What are some of your nicknames?
Ash cash is my fav.

Who was the last person you texted?

Are you a secretive person? Or are you more of an “open book”?
Secretive with most, but with those close to me, totally an open book.

What is your favorite animal?

What is your dream vacation?
Anywhere but here.

Three bands you like:
Brand New, The National, Wild Child.

What age do you get mistaken for?
Older than 20.

Do you wear contacts/glasses?

Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it:
Work in progress.

Do you have any tattoos? Do you want more?
No I don't. And I don't think I'll be getting any.

What are your favorite books?
I have way too many.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 1, 2012
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United States
Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
I am 18 right now

When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
It has been a few years

Would you ever smile at a stranger?
No, I try not to make eye contact with people

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?

Three facts about you:
I am lazy
I am apathetic
I like classical music

Are you a social or an antisocial person?

Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?

Do you care if people talk badly about you?
No, but I always assume they do.

When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago. A local animal shelter was having a pet adoption day and they didn't have any adoptions. I like animals and that makes me sad because I know what they do to the pets that don't get adopted. The only reason I cared was because they were animals, if it were humans I would care one bit. That may sound bad, but that is how it is. Cats and Dogs not getting adopted and being put down really bothers me.

Five favorite Tv Shows:
Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, DBZ, and Parks & Recreation.

Favorite kind of bean out of Kidney, Black, or Pinto?
I don't like beans

Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
I have to go back to work soon

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?

Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?

Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?

Do you think someone has feelings for you?

Do you replay things that have happened in your head?

How’s your heart?

Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?
Yes but only because I don't value my life very much

Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?

Do you have someone of the opposite *** you can tell everything to?

Did you wake up cranky?

Is there someone you will never forget?

Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite ***?

Your favorite adult as a child?
Can't recall

Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk?

What’s your favorite scent?
Any baked goods

What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

How far can you throw a baseball?
almost far enough

If you had to move to another country, where would you move?
I don't know, some place cold and snowy

Do you eat enough vegetables?

City or nature person?

Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.

Current craving?

Favorite song right now?(old or new)
Inner Universe- Origa

What are your bad habits?
Eating too much sugar

Who are the three most important people in your life?
I don't know

Would you ever settle for someone you didn’t feel was “the one”?

Top 5 things you can't live without:
Internet, music, food, anime, my pets

What was your first job?
Pizza Cook


What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?

who is your celebrity crush?

What are some of your nicknames?

Who was the last person you texted?
my brother

Are you a secretive person? Or are you more of an “open book”?

What is your favorite animal?

What is your dream vacation?
New Zealand

Three bands you like:
Blink 182, beatles, Two Steps From Hell

What age do you get mistaken for?

Do you wear contacts/glasses?

Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it:

Do you have any tattoos? Do you want more?

What are your favorite books?
Boy's Life, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Last edited:


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
Nah. I'm attracted to elder ones.

When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
Not sure.

Would you ever smile at a stranger?
No, I think. Unless I have a reason to smile.

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?

Three facts about you:
I'm egoistic.
I'm depressive.
I'm utterly worthless.

Are you a social or an antisocial person?

Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?

Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Only when someone really close does.

When was the last time you cried?
Probably when I last met with my mom. It's been 4 years.

Five favorite Tv Shows:
Bloody Monday, Iris, Yu Yu Hakusho, Prince of Tennis, DBZ.

Favorite kind of bean out of Kidney, Black, or Pinto?
I don't like bean.

Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
Not sure.

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?

Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
I don't drink.

Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
Not sure.

Do you think someone has feelings for you?

Do you replay things that have happened in your head?

How’s your heart?

Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?
I don't really value my life. But I still wouldn't. Cause deaths are usually painful & I'm too coward to face it before it comes itself.

Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?

Do you have someone of the opposite *** you can tell everything to?
I used to have.

Did you wake up cranky?

Is there someone you will never forget?

Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite ***?

Your favorite adult as a child?
Denis Bergkemp.

Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk?

What’s your favorite scent?
Scent of rose.

What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Tom & Jerry.

How far can you throw a baseball?
Not sure.

If you had to move to another country, where would you move?
Brazil, right now. For Football World Cup.

Do you eat enough vegetables?

City or nature person?

Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.

Current craving?

Favorite song right now?(old or new)
Amnesia-Akiko Shikata

What are your bad habits?
Too many to list.

Who are the three most important people in your life?
No one.

Would you ever settle for someone you didn’t feel was “the one”?
Don't know this much about myself.

Top 5 things you can't live without:
Breath, Blood, Food, Despair, Thought.

What was your first job?
A part-time job at a library. I'm still doing that.


What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?

who is your celebrity crush?
I don't have any.

What are some of your nicknames?
I have some. But all of them are irritating.

Who was the last person you texted?

Are you a secretive person? Or are you more of an “open book”?
Not sure.

What is your favorite animal?

What is your dream vacation?
Somewhere far away & expensive.

Three bands you like:
Stereopony, Peterpan, Breaking Benjamin .

What age do you get mistaken for?
I don't get mistaken about age.

Do you wear contacts/glasses?

Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it:
Not comfortable. I get sick easily.

Do you have any tattoos? Do you want more?

What are your favorite books?
I have many, since I work in a library. Here are a few of them.
The Count of Monte Cristo.
Angels & Demons.
All Quiet on the Western Front.
Sophie's Varden.
River God.
Norwegian Wood.
No Longer Human.
Last edited:


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 6, 2013
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United States
Hmm I'll play along, maybe this thread could use an 'old' guys perspective lol.

Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
No. Age isnt a big factor for me really, but generally somewhere closer to +/-10yrs so 25 would be around as young as I'd go.

When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
Hmm thats a strange question, I'm sure its happened but been a while.

Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Sure why not? Even us shy and anti-social types can atleast smile! :)

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Yeah, seems like a lot of songs remind me of someone.

Three facts about you:
I love everything outdoors.
I'm a distance runner (26 miles is my record so far).
I try to be barefoot everywhere I can, so more healthy for your feet and gait.

Are you a social or an antisocial person?
Anti-social for the most part. Though I can be very social with friends, but often anti-social even to many of them. :(

Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?
Well, my wifes name starts with B so yeah.

Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Yeah I suppose I do, I am very self conscious.

When was the last time you cried?
Oh I've been through some rough times lately so sometime in the last couple months.

Five favorite Tv Shows:
If anime counts then Claymore, Ghost InThe Shell, Star Trek & TNG, hmmm having trouble with a fifth favorite... dont really watch much tv anymore.

Favorite kind of bean out of Kidney, Black, or Pinto?
Not crazy about beans to have a favorite.

Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
I'm working a nightshift.

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Haven't we all at some point?

Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
LOL well no not hidden. I do collect a few though.

Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
Well I'm in the process of divorce, so I don't know. I really hope I can find that perfect someone for me within 5 years.

Do you think someone has feelings for you?
Yes and I wish they didn't. (autoclaved, that works well for me too lol)

Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
Yeah I tend to do that over and over.

How’s your heart?
I bit shaken with recent events.

Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?
My list of who I'd do that for would be pretty small, but yeah I think I would.

Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
Depends, to a close friend there isnt much I wouldnt talk about.

Do you have someone of the opposite *** you can tell everything to?
Most everything, yeah, but not absolutely everything.

Did you wake up cranky?
I wouldnt say I've ever really woke up cranky before.

Is there someone you will never forget?
Of course.

Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite ***?

Your favorite adult as a child?
Hmmm not really sure.

Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk?
I don't beleive cows milk is natural for humans to consume, but when I do have it (rarely) I'll drink whatever.

What’s your favorite scent?
Hands down balsam Fir, up in the alpine zones hiking in the mountains.

What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Hmmm, I'll have to go with Transformers.

How far can you throw a baseball?
I've never measured. Pretty good with a discus though!

If you had to move to another country, where would you move?
If Canada counts I'll move there.

Do you eat enough vegetables?
As much as I try, I'm sure usually not.

City or nature person?
Nature 100% even though I work in a big city. I can't wait to get back to my rural home every day!

Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.

Current craving?
To grab the kayak or backpack and not come back for a while!

Favorite song right now?(old or new)
Come What May by Iced Earth (if there was ever a heavy metal song that could be described as beautiful, sad, and inspiring to me this is it).

What are your bad habits?
Being foregetful and hard of hearing sometimes I guess.

Who are the three most important people in your life?
My son and my parents.

Would you ever settle for someone you didn’t feel was “the one”?
I did, was a terrible mistake, don't do it!

Top 5 things you can't live without:
Running, hiking, peace & quiet, good wine, and my weber grill lol.

What was your first job?
Faculty assistant at my college.

Soon to be single.

What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?
Dark greens and greys

who is your celebrity crush?
Don't really have one.

What are some of your nicknames?

Who was the last person you texted?

Are you a secretive person? Or are you more of an “open book”?
More of an open book.

What is your favorite animal?
Not sure I have a favortie.

What is your dream vacation?
Hmmm IDK. A long hike in the mountains. Or scuba diving the great barrier reef. Anything with someone special to share it with that has similar passion for nature.

Three bands you like:
Metallica, Iced Earth, Halestorm

What age do you get mistaken for?
Don't think I get mistaken for any particular age.

Do you wear contacts/glasses?

Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it:
Just about there.

Do you have any tattoos? Do you want more?
No I've never seen the attraction of putting permanent ink onto ones self.

What are your favorite books?
Sadly I havent made much time for books in my whole adult life. Its hard enough trying to read one manga series lol.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 2, 2015
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Fun Forum
Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
No, that's considered an adult and I'm only 15... I shouldn't be dating in general.

When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?

Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Yes, especially if they were crying or sad.

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Millions. In particular, How Do You Love Someone reminds me of my boyfriend. Basically we're in a situation where I'm finding it hard to trust and love him after I had such a grueling terrible break up before him :(

Three facts about you:
I have depression.
I still love to be happy and give smiles :):):)
I'm in love with Natsu and don't tell me there are better fictional crushes to have or I will explode cx

Are you a social or an antisocial person?
I'm quite social :):):)

Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?

Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Normally, I just get super depressed for months. It has happened on a forum before, not this one, but it scarred me emotionally forever...

When was the last time you cried?

Five favorite Tv Shows:
Sherlock, Fairy Tail, K-On

Favorite kind of bean out of Kidney, Black, or Pinto?
Black :)

Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
Not being able to sleep (same), ignoring my boyfriend, not taking a shower, staying on the internet for hours...

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
*sigh* Yes, his name was Derek and we were best friends. I started to have feelings for him and I guess I sort of lost control and he figured out he was flirting with me and... he's been mean to me ever since, but since he's friends with my friends, I can never get away from him =(

Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
Not yet and not ever.

Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
My boyfriend really wants to marry me... And he does make me super happy <3 (Please don't tell me I'm only 15 because my boyfriend and I both have depression so we connect with eachother very closely... Anyone else would never understand...)

Do you think someone has feelings for you?
My boyfriend :):):) <3

Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
It is my life now. I replay the good, the bad, whatever stays with my heart.

How’s your heart?
So broken I'm finding it hard to love again...

Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?
Yes, my cat, my boyfriend, my parents, my friends... All the people who matter in my life c:

Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?

Do you have someone of the opposite *** you can tell everything to?
Not anymore, I use to but when I started to have feelings for him and he found out he gave me the cold shoulder :(

Did you wake up cranky?

Is there someone you will never forget?
Yes, my first true love who stole my heart and crush it forever.

Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite ***?

Your favorite adult as a child?
My mother <3

Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk?
I switch; 1-2% (Same c: )

What’s your favorite scent?
The smell of rain c:

What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

How far can you throw a baseball?
I've never tried, but probably not far either.

If you had to move to another country, where would you move?
Germany c:

Do you eat enough vegetables?

City or nature person?
Both really.

Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.
XD No, but I'll take your advice.

Current craving?
Sleep, pizza, Fairy Tail and love... lots of love.

Favorite song right now?(old or new)
The Writer - Ellie Goulding

What are your bad habits?
Not taking my medicine for depression.

Who are the three most important people in your life?
UM.... I guess... My boyfriend and my parents... that amounts to three people... With my friends I have like 10 so I'd have to choose but I love them all... so sorry friends...

Would you ever settle for someone you didn’t feel was “the one”?
Never. Not on my life. I'm not going to devote my life to someone who'd ruin my life. I can take being independent. All I need is friends and I'm good c: (and cats cx )

Top 5 things you can't live without:
Internet, music, friends, Fairy Tail, love (not just romantic love... friendship/parent love as well)

What was your first job?
I've never had a job.

Taken <3

What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?
White, it makes me feel happy :):):) Dark colors make me sad. I have to be wearing a white bra though so it doesn't sjow through cx

who is your celebrity crush?
I don't have one, just Natsu Dragneel <333

What are some of your nicknames?
Life... Idk why it's my nickname =P

Who was the last person you texted?
Cole (my boyfriend c: )

Are you a secretive person? Or are you more of an “open book”?
Secretive... My friends don't even know I have a boyfriend because I want them to see me as an independent girl... And they might think I was lame for getting a boyfriend so young. (15, not too young, but pretty young)

What is your favorite animal?
Kitties (like my name <3 )

What is your dream vacation?
To the magical lands of Fiore! =D
(Actually... Japan c: )

Three bands you like:
The Living Tombstone, Ellie Goulding, Owl City

What age do you get mistaken for?
A girl named Desiray who takes a million selfies and admits to me she wears “sexy" clothing to get the guys... I feel sorry for her because she feels that's her only option... =(

Do you wear contacts/glasses?

Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it:
I love my body =) I don't have a big breast but Idc! A guy who truly loves me wouldn't care either way, I'm skinny at least and I like that =D

Do you have any tattoos? Do you want more?
No, I would never get a tattoo. My parents are strictly against it.

What are your favorite books?
I really love Maximum Ride :):):)


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
What age do you get mistaken for?
A girl named Desiray who takes a million selfies and admits to me she wears “sexy" clothing to get the guys... I feel sorry for her because she feels that's her only option... =(

What age do you get mistaken for, not whom you get mistaken for.


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Casterly Rock
Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
I guess I'm too oldie for that now, lol. So, most likely not.

When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
I don't ever recall having such contradicting feelings at the same time, to be frank.

Would you ever smile at a stranger?
I do it often. I don't have to be stingy with smiling. If I beg someone's pardon walking on the road and we make eye contact, that's enough for me to smile.

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Songs never remind me of people. If I wanted to recall someone, however, any song would help for that purpose.

Three facts about you:
Gifted with my way around words.

Are you a social or an antisocial person?
Anti-social, simply.

Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?
Can copy paste it for the whole alphabet, the answer is no, lol.

Do you care if people talk badly about you?
I will most probably ignore it entirely.

When was the last time you cried?
I don't really recall. Must have been long enough.

Five favorite Tv Shows:
Prison Break, Lost, Merlin, Heroes, Flashforward. I probably haven't watched anything else.

Favorite kind of bean out of Kidney, Black, or Pinto?

Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
Nothing comes to mind at the moment.

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
I don't think someone can possibly reply as no to this question.

Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
No, my alcohol intake in the whole last decade has been meager.

Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
I don't think so.

Do you think someone has feelings for you?
There isn't even "someone" around me, so, no.

Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
More so than replaying, I rewrite different cases as scenarios and play through them in my mind.

How’s your heart?
Needs a test, I think. Last time I got it checked, my cardio health was pretty decent, however.

Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?
No, I believe in the power of living. I won't ever intentionally die for someone else's sake. Though I might end up dying trying to save someone.

Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?

Do you have someone of the opposite *** you can tell everything to?
I don't have anyone I can tell everything, and I won't ever have one. It's not a gender related issue.

Did you wake up cranky?
I often do. Must be the genes from my mother.

Is there someone you will never forget?
I don't ever forget people.

Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite ***?
Never had a "best friend" in a girl, nor I will.

Your favorite adult as a child?
I didn't have such an idol, though I have always admired my parents, in a sense.

Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk?
No interest in milk.

What’s your favorite scent?

What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Tom & Jerry.

How far can you throw a baseball?
Never tried throwing one, baseball isn't really a thing here. But I doubt I'd make a good pitcher.

If you had to move to another country, where would you move?

Do you eat enough vegetables?
Plenty, yes.

City or nature person?
City, too technology dependent.

Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.
I do.

Current craving?

Favorite song right now?(old or new)
Tough one. I will go with Simon & Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair.

What are your bad habits?
Overthinking to complicate things.

Who are the three most important people in your life?
My parents. There isn't a third person.

Would you ever settle for someone you didn’t feel was “the one”?
I don't believe in "the one" concept, so, I have no actual answer to the question.

Top 5 things you can't live without:
Internet, music, sweets. I can't count two more.

What was your first job?
Web developed (Still one).


What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?
Navy blue.

who is your celebrity crush?
Maria Kirilenko (Russian tennis player).

What are some of your nicknames?
Besides "alien", I never really got one.

Who was the last person you texted?
My best friend, a year or so ago. Haven't been using a mobile phone since then.

Are you a secretive person? Or are you more of an “open book”?
I like playing with my cards open.

What is your favorite animal?

What is your dream vacation?
A trip to Japan or to the plains/mountain ranges of Europe.

Three bands you like:
Led Zeppelin,

What age do you get mistaken for?
Around 17-18.

Do you wear contacts/glasses?

Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it:
It is completely bugged.

Do you have any tattoos? Do you want more?
I don't. I plan on getting a dragon tattoo one day, maybe.

What are your favorite books?
Kazancakis' Zorba and Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov.


#1 Ranker
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Global Moderator
Aug 6, 2014
Reaction score
-Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?

-When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
Not too long. Spending much time with my sister leaves me feeling that way I guess

-Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Yeah though rarely

-Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?

-Three facts about you:
If I have to do something, I give it my all and a bit of a perfectionist
Tend to stay up at night and sleep at day
I spend a lot of time thinking about things. Mostly what if's

-Are you a social or an antisocial person?
Bit of both. More social than anti though

-Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?

-Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Depends on who. For majority, no. For those I care about, yes to an extent

-When was the last time you cried?
Can't remember actually. Probably when I was a kid or so

-Five favorite Tv Shows:
Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Suits, Originals, How I met your mother

-Favorite kind of bean out of Kidney, Black, or Pinto?
Kidney. Never even heard of the others

-Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
It's just like every other day

-Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?

-Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
Nope. Not a fan of drinking anyway

-Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?

-Do you think someone has feelings for you?
Right now, not sure.

-Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
I spend a good deal of my time doing that

-How’s your heart?
Normal I guess. In need of some action to get it pumping hard

-Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?
Lol tough. I guess there's only one, my sister

-Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?

-Do you have someone of the opposite *** you can tell everything to?

-Did you wake up cranky?
Most times yeah

-Is there someone you will never forget?

-Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite ***?

-Your favorite adult as a child?
My mum I guess

-Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk?
Not big on milk

-What’s your favorite scent?
Don't think I have one

-What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
A lot. Tom & Jerry, Pinky & the brain, Cow & chicken are few examples[

-How far can you throw a baseball?
Never thrown one before

-If you had to move to another country, where would you move?
Probably England

-Do you eat enough vegetables?

-City or nature person?
I love nature but I'd pick a city

-Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.

-Current craving?
Nothing in particular

-Favorite song right now?(old or new)
Err..King Kunta by Kendrick Lamar

-What are your bad habits?
Sleeping most of the day and generally reluctant to do strenuous work (basically anything needing me to leave my bed :XD).

-Who are the three most important people in your life?
I only have two, my mum and sister

-Would you ever settle for someone you didn’t feel was “the one”?
Yeah, as long as we understand each other. Dunno if there's a one anyway.

-Top 5 things you can't live without:
Internet, food, music, books, water

-What was your first job?
Not that time of my life yet


-What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?
Probably black. Not particular about it

-who is your celebrity crush?
Don't think I have one.

-What are some of your nicknames?
Holt lol

-Who was the last person you texted?
A friend I hadn't seen in about 2 years

-Are you a secretive person? Or are you more of an “open book”?
Secretive though I'd open up to a few

-What is your favorite animal?
Peregrine Falcon. I'm in love with that bird

-What is your dream vacation?
Don't have one

-Three bands you like:
Foo fighters, Maroon 5..don't have much knowledge about bands

-What age do you get mistaken for?
depends..21+ until they see me in person then it ranges between 17-20

-Do you wear contacts/glasses?

-Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it:
Lol, I'd like to be a bit more 'built'. Not too muscular or anything but something certainly better than current me

-Do you have any tattoos? Do you want more?
Nope. Don't really plan to get one

-What are your favorite books?
Uh, I like a lot. Cherub and Artemis Fowl are some I like to reread but no particular favorites come to mind


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 3, 2014
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United States
Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
Yeah, I'm only 22.

When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
Never, my feelings hardly have a gray zone. Terminator Hk mk 2. Either I'm one or the other. In all seriousness all the time, when i deal with my dog.

Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Nope. I like to assert my flimsy dominance through goofy scowls.

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
Yes. But never good ones. (Says alot about the people i hang with)

Three facts about you:
I'm loud.
I'm right handed but i seem to automatically gravitated towards using my left (I'm ambidextrous i suppose... but my right hand is much stronger)
And i have a Christmas CD that is a lie and contains a CD shaped Gum piece.

Are you a social or an antisocial person?
Both. I gotta recharge every now and again... I deal with people for more than 5 hours? Then I can't be bothered messing with people for like a day.

Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?

Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Not particularly. I was always the jokster in class. People naturally made fun of me in both mean and playing-along type of ways. I grew thick skin after middle school, and once i made it through high school... i honestly could care less. However I do 'hate' having what i said misconstrued? If you hate me because of what i said accurately.. thats fine. But if you hate me because you 'think' i said something. Then i have an issue.

When was the last time you cried?
Last time i .... That is a good question.

Five favorite Tv Shows:
Walking Dead, Orange is the new Black (sue me), How i met your Mother (Da best no matter who says what), CSI (More of a classic, i hear the newer ones suck), and Dexter.

Favorite kind of bean out of Kidney, Black, or Pinto?
.... Kidney is the only way to go.

Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
Not wanting to sleep. I'm a university student doing comp science... The little bit of time i have after going through the motions of HW, Work outs, eating, studying... i spend trying to play games because i miss video games. And i usually end up going to bed wayyy later than i should. and Rinse and repeat.

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Who hasn't? Mostly Celebrities tho...:hee

Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
Yes... Mostly classy stuff like.... Fireball *cough*.

Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
Who knows.

Do you think someone has feelings for you?
'Yes and I wish they didn't.' <- I second this motion. A sister of a friend, shes an alright person. But its kind of damn awkward.

Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
'Yes, too many times.' <- +1 I'm gonna quote you here as well.

How’s your heart?
Getting back on it's feet. Lost a bout of love 8 months ago and swore i was gonna shave my head and forget about them (obviously joking) but I'm getting around to being my normal self again.

Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?
I can think of at least 3 people that would apply to.

Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
No, only because i've always been taught to be an open book if the person has the right literary skills to read between the lines.

Do you have someone of the opposite *** you can tell everything to?
Not particularly.

Did you wake up cranky?
This morning? Pft. Every morning

Is there someone you will never forget?
Of course. First love best love. High school romance... swore we'd be together? Now i can hardly remember her name... but i imagine that's how most first loves go.

Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite ***?
Yes. A sweet girl i knew first year of college. She was fiendishly taller than me. (I'm only 5'10") and she was like 6'2".

Your favorite adult as a child?
None. I was your typical irritable angsty child all the way until i grew up. But in all seriousness my mother. She pushed me to do the stuff i wanted to Do like play baseball. And thanks to her uncanny ability to find crap to throw at me on demand, my hand eye coordination is pushing the lower limit of a Deity's.

Whole, skim, 1%, or 2% milk?

What’s your favorite scent?
Laundry detergent... now before i get called out for snorting what shouldn't be snorted, i just have too many child hood memories of falling asleep in freshly washed/dried covers. You know... when they are all warm and toasty on a rainy day.

What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Power Puff Girls, Ed, Edd, and Eddy, Thundercats, and Dexter's Laboratory.

How far can you throw a baseball?
I used to play Baseball in middle, and highschool. Played a Club here at my university. And played against a few teams in Japan when i went on my Tech stay, so I'm at least Decent... (I'm the worst pitcher on my team probably... but it was a college intrum so i'd like to pretend that makes me good by normal standards)

If you had to move to another country, where would you move?

Do you eat enough vegetables?
Nope, i tend to skimp on the veggies and pick one random day to eat a loaded salad and pretend like it averages out.

City or nature person?
City. Something about lights at night and artful architecture calms me. Maybe that's because i grew up in the Suburbs and had a view of the city sky line my whole younger life.

Do you use a reusable water bottle? If not, you should.
I use a water gallon... does that count?

Current craving?
Time... Can i do that? Crave more time in my day? It never feels like there is enough.

Favorite song right now?(old or new)
Tep no - It's Alright (Feat. Lizz kellermann)(NGNTMRE remix)
Skrillex and Diplo - Where are u now (Mr Fijiwiji remix)
Telegraph Ave - Childish Gambino

I know you said song... but ... i ... i can't decide...

What are your bad habits?
Thinking really smart ass things and realising that it didn't just occur in my head... i muttered it in real life.
Grinding my teeth when i think.

Who are the three most important people in your life?
My little brother, my Best friend Chance, and my Dog... who is basically a person so i won't have you questioning his standing on this list.

Would you ever settle for someone you didn’t feel was “the one”?
I'd rather be alone than settle.

Top 5 things you can't live without:
Music, coffee, my phone, TokiDoki brand hats and my computer..

What was your first job?
Not sure if it was a 'job' but first consist source of money was mastering the tracks of my friend's band. Pay was terrible in retrospect, but as a 15 year old i was more than stoked to earn a couple hundred every month or so.


What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?
Grey. Because i wear alot of graphic style ball caps that have cartoon and anime influence so they are usually colorful... and grey goes with everything. Gray and black that is.

who is your celebrity crush?
Beyonce... and Jennifer Aniston. Making me pick is cruel

What are some of your nicknames?
Toki. It came from my first hat i wore when i was in middle school, and it used to be cool wearing hats backwards. People would walk behind me and need to get my attention, and wouldn't know my actual name but would see the TokiDoki symbol on the hat since it was facing backwards. Then they would call out TOKI to get me to turn around. And despite my disapproval, it stuck.

Who was the last person you texted?
My self.... I have a work phone as well as a personal phone and needed to transfer a file... no judging.

Are you a secretive person? Or are you more of an “open book”?
Open book. While i say that, i'm sure there are things i'd reserve if i didn't know a person.

What is your favorite animal?
Um. Tigers! Duh.

What is your dream vacation?
Anywhere but here.

Three bands you like:
ODESZA, Moloko(Back in the dayyy), and pierce the veil. My music taste is everywhere. I listen to everything BUT country.

What age do you get mistaken for?
Older than older than 25. I think it's the beard.

Do you wear contacts/glasses?
Neither. I wear glasses sometimes just for work (Some glasses help 'protect' your eyes when working for long periods of time staring at a pc screen) whether or not they work is debatable. But i'm a better safe than sorry type of person i suppose.

Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it:
I'm comfortable because i have a fast metabolism. And I play Baseball, so i'm in shape. But it could always be better right?

Do you have any tattoos? Do you want more?
I have a single one on my shoulder, i might get more but honestly leaning towards not over doing it. Many people already don't approve of the single one i have. And the other half love it.

What are your favorite books?
Reading? *crowd laughter*
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