Discussion - Impactful moments in this series until ch325. | MangaHelpers

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Discussion Impactful moments in this series until ch325.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Gotei 13
So we almost at the end of the series (unless nakaba pulls a ch310 again on us!) l was wondering about the decisive moments like powerups, reveals , fights etc..Which moments do u thing was important to an arc or the whole series..

For me when I look at it, King growing full wings in ch280 . Let me explain why.

There wasn't anyone capable of stopping 4C mael who had the highest PL we had ever recieved in the series at that point and he was wrecking all the 3 sins present there after killing multiple archangels and a commandment.
If king hadn't grown out wings we could have lost 3 sins, elizabeth and hawk , the reason i explicitly mention hawk is that Ban came back through hawk' eyes ,so what if there was nothing to return from , would ban be stuck in purgatory ?.

Also after his powerup we see king protecting merlin and escanor from sinner and zeldris , I'm sure that we could've lost escanor then and there in ch294 , his presence in battlefield helped escanor to be rescued by mael while he was falling after turning to night mode as mael mentions.

Without his interruption in the camelot battle and stopping mael , we would have lost 4 sins ,elizabeth , probably ban .

There you go let me know what u think are the defining moments in the series, im sure there are others like mael/estarossa identity reveal and the god's curse on the couple etc.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
IMO, some of them are:

- Pretty much every moment featuring Day Escanor. Dude is a damn legend. His lines are legendary and his moments make you feel like: "holy shit, this dude is insane". Good or bad moves when it comes to writing aside, every Day Escanor moment has been pretty damn impactful and awesome for me. Though that may be due to the fact that I am an Escanor fan. That moment of Night Escanor protecting Gil, Howzer and Griamore of that baby Indura was damn intense and impactful, and added more to his character.

- The Estarossa being Mael reveal. Honestly, this was one of the best moments of the series for me. It felt like such a good twist. It wasn't obvious at all (at least until the last few chapters before the reveal) and hints were dropped since the first time Estarossa appeared. The flashback featuring Mael's vision of killing those he was decided to protect one after the other was very good too. Overall, I feel like this twist is one of the best things Nakaba has done.

- The Gods being introduced for the first time. The atmosphere around them, the battlefield, their legendary designs and the curses placed on their respective childs makes this moment probably one of my favourites of the series (if not my favourite one).

- Galan vs The Sins. This was the first time we got to see what a Commandment was really capable of and it didn't disappoint at all. The sheer brutality of that whole fight was incredibly impactful for me. I wish the DK had had a similar introduction.

- Meliodas vs Drole&Gloxinia and Meliodas vs Ten Commandments: These fights were pretty enjoyable too. In the first battle, I particularly enjoyed the scale of destruction that Nakaba gave to those characters, it felt like the whole Country was shaking only for their fight. The second battle was very good too. No asspulls were included and the battle felt realistic. Meliodas got utterly crushed and when Estarossa popped out stopping his Revenge Counter the hype was strong on me. His death scene was also pretty good.

- The Holy War Flashback: We got to see three of the four AA and saw them fight against the commandments. Indura forms (a really cool concept that barely had any depth in the series) got introduced and we got to see OG Gowther and Doll Gowther's backstories, as well as Elizabeth finally doing something worthy of praise. Overall, I liked that flashback

- DK Mel (Chapter 300): Honestly, I didn't expect the DK to possess Mel at all, it was a good twist that made a lot of sense too. That scene in which King, Diane and Mael attacked him at the same time and got repelled and fucked with one single casual move that also broke the unbreakable by that point Perfect Cube was soo good. His design was also pretty good. What happened afterwards that chapter was just awful, IMO. That fight as a whole had incredible potential and I still can't believe how bad (IMO) it turned out to be.

- Ban's Sacred Treasure Release: Letting aside all the BS of Merlin having the Treasure all along, I found Ban's Sacred Treasure Release to be pretty damn good. It is pretty simple and yet it works so well with his fighting style, and the range of his attacks was actually disgusting and pretty impactful. Again, I'm a Ban fanboy, so I may found scenes of him that aren't that impressive, pretty impressive.

- The Sinner's Introduction: When it was revealed that Chandler and Cusack were originally one person. This moment is better when you realize that it had been foreshadowed 40-50 chapters ago when the DK gave his power to his servant. When the Dark Cocoon got destroyed by his mere presence and all the Sins felt his presence kilometers away I was so hyped to see him in action and yeah... He ended up being a complete and utter joke, but that doesn't take away the initial hype and impact of his first introduction.

- Mother Catastrophe: This was one hell of a moment Diane had before Nakaba decided to make her be pretty much useless for 200 chapters. The scale of that move and Helbram shitting himself were incredible to see in my sight. Hopefully, Nakaba can pull out something at least half as impressive as this in the next chapter.

There's more but I'm actually tired of writing, lol. Some honorable mentions would be the Hendrickson fight as a whole, Mel going berserker for the first time, King fighting for the first time and humiliating Guila and Mel stopping Gilthunder's spear (I swear to god that Gil was so badass at that time, I can't believe in how much of a bitch he has turned into but there's nothing we can do. Sadly he was destined to be an underdog from the start).
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 1, 2019
Reaction score
United Kingdom
So we almost at the end of the series (unless nakaba pulls a ch310 again on us!) l was wondering about the decisive moments like powerups, reveals , fights etc..Which moments do u thing was important to an arc or the whole series..

For me when I look at it, King growing full wings in ch280 . Let me explain why.

There wasn't anyone capable of stopping 4C mael who had the highest PL we had ever recieved in the series at that point and he was wrecking all the 3 sins present there after killing multiple archangels and a commandment.
If king hadn't grown out wings we could have lost 3 sins, elizabeth and hawk , the reason i explicitly mention hawk is that Ban came back through hawk' eyes ,so what if there was nothing to return from , would ban be stuck in purgatory ?.

Also after his powerup we see king protecting merlin and escanor from sinner and zeldris , I'm sure that we could've lost escanor then and there in ch294 , his presence in battlefield helped escanor to be rescued by mael while he was falling after turning to night mode as mael mentions.

Without his interruption in the camelot battle and stopping mael , we would have lost 4 sins ,elizabeth , probably ban .

There you go let me know what u think are the defining moments in the series, im sure there are others like mael/estarossa identity reveal and the god's curse on the couple etc.
For me, the one that's technically most important on a logical level is the revelation of Meliodas and Elizabeth's cursed lovers backstory, as it's the central plot thread of the whole series. However, if I were to say which twist actually impacted me the most, it would be the revelation of Mael's backstory. Gowther's master plan forms a far more compelling narrative for me than the love story of the main characters, sad to say.

The revelation on Chapter 300 that the DK planned to possess Meliodas all along would have been amazing and even surpassed Mael's backstory IF the DK had taken a massive concerted effort to defeat, even after he had only just begun possessing Meliodas and lacked the chance to absorb much energy. I found his possession plan extremely good, it was an entertaining twist. However, he ultimately got fodderized as if he was a weakling and power levels flew out the window, so it unfortunately failed to be any fun to read, even if it logically was a very great plan. It would have worked if Nakaba actually stated a PL for the DK consistent with commandments and stuck to it, but oh well. Ban is apparently the Captain now and will fodderize all threats easily.

For me, the specific battles that were the best were the Ten Commandments vs Four Archangels fight and the battles that resulted soon afterwards. It felt more like there were real stakes since the sides were even to some extent and the situations that came up felt believable. Beyond that, the choreography was far more visually interesting than anything we got in the DK-Meliodas fight, and it's better than the current DK fight too. That's because none of the characters seemed to hold back at all, they were all trying their best to win with every power they had available. And the fighting in general just looked a lot better overall.

But overall, if I had to pick what moment seemed most impactful, I'd say it's the revelation of Gowther's master plan.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 10, 2019
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United States
I found his possession plan extremely good, it was an entertaining twist.
Fully agree. Not many actually thought the DK himself was gonna appear in chap 300. I still would've liked to see emotionless Mel as the DK and his full transformation, but oh well. And yes you're right about his performance mitigating the impact of the reveal. Another point is why did the DK mess around in purgatory and not deal with them when he had so many chances considering the stakes. He waited millions of years for that one opportunity and ruined it by not dealing with them.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 16, 2017
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For me it was estarossa been mael
and gowther manipulating everyone

The rest were predictable and boring


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 8, 2018
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1. Estarossa = Mael.
2. Estarossa = Mael actually being OGowther's suicidal retribution.
3. Escanor's Sunshine actually being Mael's Grace (impact actually negative for Escanor's character).
4. Chandler and Cusack being the Demon King's "rebellious first minister".
5. Gloxinia and Drole being actual Fairy and Giant respectively.

Yeah those are the only impactful moments to me.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Gotei 13
1. Estarossa = Mael.
2. Estarossa = Mael actually being OGowther's suicidal retribution.
3. Escanor's Sunshine actually being Mael's Grace (impact actually negative for Escanor's character).
4. Chandler and Cusack being the Demon King's "rebellious first minister".
5. Gloxinia and Drole being actual Fairy and Giant respectively.

Yeah those are the only impactful moments to me.
rebellious ministers?...where did u come up with those words..lol
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 8, 2018
Reaction score
rebellious ministers?...where did u come up with those words..lol
I just want some flair haha. Basically what I meant was they were like some being tasked the DK to hold half his power, but he rebelled.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
May 10, 2019
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Elaine saving Ban. ban was just a thief. That scene was when a sin was born. Aside from that, Estarossa being Mael was good twist.