Ok I'll give you a review of it, cuz i think you'd benifit more from that than you do from 10 people saying 'oh it looks good'
still doing the nose ... you do it in all your pics. you should tone down on the realism, unless you plan on redrawing his entire face in realistic style, kubo doesn't draw realistic noses, trying to fit one on his characters is pretty useless. Make it more manga-ish.
Skin tone is a bit too dark, but that's no biggy, you do well with the muscles, only in the neck area it looks a bit meh, it needs more depth, plus the chin will give a shadow on it.
Also, some shadow from the hair would've been nice.
too dark, it probably makes it easier to do his hair, but if you have a tablet, and even when you haven't, you could add extra hair, and you can also go outside the lineart with it, since you are able to do fine hairstrands.
you always make the eyewhite a bit too greyish.
The JUGULATORS could have used more attention, really drawing attention to that, instead of the 2 added color blobs. You're distracting attention from a perfectly hot looking title to some added stuff that doesn't have any real meaning.
Also, your style, to me, looks always very blurred, like you think, I do softshading, it's gotta be as soft as possible. I'd like to see you do the shading in a not so soft manner, cuz you do know how to shade, but don't use that soft brush as much, don't oversmudge stuff. It also makes the lineart look out of place. It also looks weird if you redraw his nose, leaving no lineart, and don't do it on the mouth or eyes. Either leave the nose lineart, or be prepared to redraw the WHOLE page.
I'll say it again, it's not to critisize you or make you feel bad, I just want to point some stuff out to you so you can improve on it. I know it will help you tons more, cuz I had a certain someone who did it to me too, going 'your hair sucks!!', and it helped me improve. The positive comments help you be motivated, but they don't help you get better.