Voting Rules:
- This Battle is a 1 vs 1.
- You may vote for one character in this fight.
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Characters | Info and limitations |
Mercphobia | In human form. Has his dragon form abilities |
Selene | In human form |
Yes, but it's a tournament and DF isn't allowed, thus, his power should have (and has) been allowed to be used in his Human Form, it's not like he was amped up to 100%.
All Merc has is the power he held when he was a Dragon, which was less than half of his full power, hence, him not even being as strong as Selene & Ignia.
Merc stomps both of them solo.
I'll assume human Merc is at like 33% his full potential. More than enough to defeat Laxus and Brandish.
Seems people are confused here about "which Merc"
It would be human Merc, with all the power that he had left.
After WW used her abilities on Merc, two things happened:
- Merc's entirety of his power available to him, got reduced to < 50%
- Merc's powers became entirely under WW's control. She can make it either 0 or whatever max Merc still had left.
The one Kyria stomped was probably close to 0%. The one that stomped entire team Natsu, was Merc with all his remaining powers.....and this would be the percentage used in the tournament. That's correct? @Kiki
Merc's dragon form had all the power he had left, after WW took control of him. Which was < 50%. Same applies to Merc's human form as well, some percentage less than 50.
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