Need help with creative ideas! | MangaHelpers

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Need help with creative ideas!


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Please don't mind my spellings and gramars, they sux.

I want to write a fan fic somewhat original, and used some ideas from other manga. But what is the point of writing if no one will read it or like it so may I ask you for some originals ideas for characters, themes, environments, places, weapons, abilities, and anything you think is neccessarily for a good fan fic.

The title of the fanfic right now is "Sign of Dragon" (any ideas for a better name?)

The story is about a boy of the current time who bore with reality, but then he was send to another dimension where the place is a cultural difussion between time and places and on earth. The places on the planet will pretty much the same as earth, every nations where it susposed to be but there are in different time era plus somewhat of unnatural elements such a myth creatures, gods, magics.... For Ex:

China could be in the 1500s or something with all those crazy martial art theme or it could be in the 1800s or 1900s about Western dominion over it or it could have the theme of the Three Kingdoms Era. Same thing the rest of the world, but they need to be in somewhat consistence.

Continue on the theme- so he was send back to defeat a new threat to the world peace "the demon lords' army and allies." In doing so he must grather the new generation of the ten guardians and such and bring every nations together under one common goal.

I have the character to be in China as his first place in that world and then he probably travel either to Europe or across the ocean to USA. Or he could travel South down to Australia.

Here is some characters that I thought of (give me more ideas please)
-The movingstone alchemist- advisor to the demon army, his goal is not get reveal (he should look like somewhat like King Bumi in the last air bender if you don't know then it, and like the chessmaster in Cowboy Bebop)
-The Dark Lord title "Skeletor" - wearing a white skull mask commanded the entire demon empirer, travel around to kill off any potential guadians, he is supposed to be an incarnation of the previous demon lord but his real identity is unknown.

Here is what I got for the Guardians:
*note that they will not be ever grather into one group
-chinese, monk, kungfu master, have a somewhat power to see into the past, and psychic or chi
-native american, wielder of the twin sword, nature theme, can use power of plant and sun.
-american, cow boys, tech master, sharpshooter,..
-japanese, ninja, ninjutsu, master of weapons, dark and light element.
-japanese, samurai, sword master, master of different sword styles
-wizard-like, european, elemental master.
-transformer, into different substances, diamond body, and so for
-transformer into different beast, half or full transformation
-dragon power, unknown, little bit everything.

Read my first chapter also and comment on what I should have done better.
*Raine_Joybringer's link

*Pevee's idea
"Eragon and the Eldest for the Heritage by Christopher Paolini but don't try to become a homeschool like the author though, him and his over usage of SAT words killed part of the novel."


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 15, 2005
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Are you aiming for fanfiction, or is this an original fiction? I think you mean original fic, but anyway ^_^;;

It seems that you have a pretty good idea of what you want to see. I've never been too good at thinking "new worlds", so I'm probably not one to ask. You'd be better off asking someone who's been in the roleplaying scene, especially someone who has made and run a few themselves. You need to work out stuff like political structures and different races of people/creatures.

Aside from the world you'll be setting in, the next most important thing is the characters you will be following around. I really suggest that you look up some sites that have to do with character creation so you don't make a bunch of Mary Sues/Gary Stus.

I've written a little guide myself on creating a character. It may be for anime fanfiction, but I've had a lot of people comment that it is quite a handy start for creating in general:

There's also this: It's usually used for roleplaying characters, but could be handy anyway.

Other than that, I think you've got something interesting going- so keep working on it and good luck! :)


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
Thanks you one thousand times
I almost gave up on this project for I don't get too much support but.
Your post give me the motivation for keep going
i will check the website out soon! And read my 1st chapter see and please comment on how bad or good it is.

Oh you right it isn't a fan fic
but it could be because i based some element of all the mangas i have read over my short life.


After looking at the site,
I need to watch out for "mary sue"

Ok this is what I got for the main character:

*NAME: Zachary Vandel-------Nick: Zaku (PS the name and nick can be change if find a better more formal and cooler)
*BIOGRAPHY: currently live in the USA (state = still have not yet decide) with mom, ok social life but he held none as an important friend. There is a prophecy involving him but not yet reveal at the moment.
*AGE: thirteen, eighth grade, middle school, still haven’t see the world as it really are yet
*HEIGHT: mid, pretty lend in, but compare to his peer he the shortest, but the differences is too little, standard measure unit (I dun even know how tall I am so and said about him)
*WEIGHT: avg, but rather light
*BODY TYPE: small build, thin, light, somewhat bony, but quite sturdy, this image will change over the course of the story
*FACE TYPE: baby faced, almost look worry all the times, doze off from conversation from time
*COMPLEXION: ????? Skin color? - really dark white
*EYES: black, always see something not the way others may see it
*HAIR: really black, short, messy, can’t seem to comb it right, (the hair will change over the course of story)
*CLOTHING STYLE: like baseball cap, sweat shirt- sky blue, army green and Tshirt-white , Jeans- blue and white, pants-black. (After he got to the other world he end up having a little choice of clothes, since he is lost by himself in a forest in china)
*SPEAKING STYLE: think a lot and deeply of what other may said or at time he put it aside, speaking he usually got to the point, shy toward stranger and stumble over words when speaking to them.
*GENERAL DEMEANOR- looking to have an adventurous life which he will regret later
*CAREER- as he travel he will different life style, and career
*PREJUDICES- lower expectation on strangers, but really high expectations on people he consider friend
*BEST QUALITIES- really, extremely loyal
*WORST QUALITIES- shy and afraid of not knowing what to do (natural), but consciously he trying to change it into a risk taking personality
*WEAKNESSES- have little life exp, may not know the nature of human, and not easy to get to a depression but once he got it, it will be difficult to get out
*HOBBIES- adventures, fun stuffs
*TALENTS- gain at the story go on

-Stereotype- too much thinking at time
-Blood type
-Zodiac- snake (loner), and dreaming to be a dragon
-Animals- ox (trying hard), dog (loyalty), snake (loner)
-Ancestry- human, dragon-humanoid
-Powers- gain as adventure go on, he will train on basic survival skill, learning martial art in sholin temple, ninja, how to handle a gun, sword, and so on.


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
^_^ I'm glad I could be of some help! Writing is one of my passions, and I just hate to see someone's imagination and creativity just go to waste!

Ooh, that's good to look through some different manga for some ideas. They're a really good source to get you thinking :)


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
I am motify my post after looking at the web site.
And I may post my original story chapters which i wrote a year ago before I gave up (get to 6 chapter)- They might be change and edit after I got to see some comment. YIKE!
Raine_Joybringer said:
^_^ I'm glad I could be of some help! Writing is one of my passions, and I just hate to see someone's imagination and creativity just go to waste!

Ooh, that's good to look through some different manga for some ideas. They're a really good source to get you thinking :)
Totally agree =)


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 14, 2006
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United States
your fiction really reminds me of Eragon and the Eldest for the Heritage by Christopher Paolini, a really good read with a story line similar to yours (the dragons, the chosen one, and the dark lord and stuff). Check it out, it should spark some ideas. It's probably take you a bit longer than mangas since it's a pretty thick book (think HP... time that by 2) but don't try to become a homeschool like the author though, him and his over usage of SAT words killed part of the novel.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
United States
Pevee said:
your fiction really reminds me of Eragon and the Eldest for the Heritage by Christopher Paolini, a really good read with a story line similar to yours (the dragons, the chosen one, and the dark lord and stuff). Check it out, it should spark some ideas. It's probably take you a bit longer than mangas since it's a pretty thick book (think HP... time that by 2) but don't try to become a homeschool like the author though, him and his over usage of SAT words killed part of the novel.
Haven't read it yet, but I may check it out... I will add this idea on the 1st post so it can be easy to find... ")