Discussion - Re-write the Alvarez Arc | Page 2 | MangaHelpers

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Discussion Re-write the Alvarez Arc

Would you change the Alvarez arc?

  • Not at all

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Minorly

    Votes: 18 10.3%
  • Moderately

    Votes: 33 19.0%
  • Majorly

    Votes: 72 41.4%
  • Completely

    Votes: 47 27.0%

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Crimson Ice

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 10, 2016
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Really? I always figured he was on Warrod's level, which would be GOI, and that Yuri God Serena was stronger than him. I'd put Mard Geer at around Wolfheim and Hyberion's level personally.
He should be much stronger than Warrod. When Hades was around Griamor Heart was the strongest of the Ballam Allience despite Hades' underlings being weaker than Mard's.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 26, 2016
Reaction score
I didn't read everything so i apologize if that has been said already. There's one major thing that i wish would be different, it's about deaths.
I don't think Sherria dieing would have been good, it would have felt like ONLY side guilds suffer while FT is safe.
Imo either Gajeel, Mira or Juvia should have stayed dead. I like the fact that each of them, individually, got to survive. But all three of them is... meh.
Especially considering their survivals are extremely far-fetched (especially Mira and Gajeel).

Secondly, i wish side guilds would have suffered less and FT would have shined less. I mean, aside from Sherria and Jellal, nobody outside of FT had a good moment. Sherria even lost all of her magic for that. Whereas in FT side, Natsu walks freely during Dimaria's Age Seal, one shots or two shots an Enhanced Spriggan, Gajeel fights and defeats the Spriggan responsible for a ton of death on the Northern front...
Overall, i would have prefered team-ups, one FT guy + 2 side guild guys VS a Spriggan. That's a decent match-up. But FT members having 1v1s when side guilds are getting fodderized feels pretty unfair.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 23, 2016
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I didn't read thread fully, so sorry if I repeat some ideas
1. God Serena didn't stomp GoI. They had been fighting equal, but suddenly Acnologia appeared killing Serena. (I don't like Goddy, so killing him as fast as possible is good idea :D)
2. No fake-deaths. Bradman wasn't trying to kill Gajeel, Mirajane's torture didn't happen, Juvia stays dead.
3. Change of Neinhart's role. He should have stay hidden longer, bringing back dead people. His Historias should have been appearing throughout most of arc, and we shouldn't know why and how those "zombies" are bringing back for a long time.
4. No Zera's return. She didn't have any important role, there's no reason to waste panels on her.
5. Bigger role for side guilds. They should have been battiling Historias, Spriggan's undelings or even Spriggans throughout arc. For now, only Ichyia, Cheria and Kagura got a role, it's irritating a little (especially when we see Lisanna fighting a Spriggan).
6. Explanation of effect of Red Lightning. Hiro didn't even try to make it logical...
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Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
Reaction score
I'd scrap it. Throw it in the trash and burn it.
Lol jks :derp
But I do think that Hiro's cringy fake deaths and hype fails are a bit excessive. And don't even get me started on wasted characters


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Mar 12, 2016
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Let us start with the first notion:

The wizard saint or council meeting happens as it did. g. Serena is still not present.

  • The Forces on the eastern side are immense, the Ishgar forces that is, With King Fiore acknowledging the gravity and consequences of the war, he has no choice but to lead his army into battle as well. It's the least Ishgar's royal head can do for his one true home. A massive army of Ishgar soldiers numbering over 500K makes its way to the eastern front. The council has agreed to cooperate with Fiore, Warrod and Jura head the massive assembly of warriors. The Garou knights are also present.
Jura: Master Warrod, do you feel that?(shocked expression)
Warrod: Yes, The force of a million slowly is approaching.(Serious face he sometimes wears)

Both Jura and Warrod are suddenly brought to a horrifying realization, they stand there shocked.

Only two mages approach the armada.

They carry with them the force of a Million, in only two souls. This is Alvarez.

  • We go to hargeon with the FT squad finally arriving.

Alvarez is quite overconfident with Wahl and Dimaria leading commanding the soldiers there.

It happens as in the manga with Laxus surprising Wahl, then their battle ensues. However, as Laxus and Wahl go at it, Laxus succumbs to his ailment and Wahl, still in frivolous mode, gets the upper hand, Laxus gets battered hard. He slowly recovers from the onslaught though, yet Wahl has already landed too many hits on him and he just can not seem to make up for that.

Gray arrives.

Gray: You know, Ishgar is known for its off weather. Here, it thunders and hails twenty-four seven.
Huge Ice make burst from Gray.

Wahl dodges but is greeted by Laxus, still partly recovering, and is blown into a building(as in the manga).

Wahl engages into his battle mode.

Wahl: estimated time to complete annihilation, 180 seconds.

He engages them once more and overwhelms them both. He separates them as he punches Gray, seemingly, away from hargeon. The force pf the blow sending shockwaves throughout that sector of the town.

He singles out Laxus. It happens as in the manga, this time with a better explanation to the learning and use of runes. Wahl is only mildly surprised however, as he believes that it does not matter. He resets his estimate to 360 seconds.

Laxus still feels the pain from his previous wounds and can not keep up with Wahl as Wahl holds him by the neck and uses his free arm to summon a Genos-like beam that blows Laxus into the startosphere(way up into the sky).

Wahl is about to exit his mode When he notices an Arrow(Ice) of a different nature, more ominous, being fired at him. He dodges in the nick of time. He sees Gray on top of a building quite far away.

Wahl: Such a persistent bunch. This is pointless on your behalf. My calculations never fail me. Estimated time to complete annihilation 8.5 seconds.

Wahl rockets towards Gray with even greater speed.

Gray takes the blow and transforms the bow into a lance that he attempts to pierce through Wahl with. To no avail, however, as Wahl grabs his arms and uses a weapon on his found on his abdomen to propel Gray far up into the atmosphere as well. Gray recovers with moderate injuries, up in the sky he activates his devil slayer form.

Wahl is shocked by this form.

He, on his way down, uses gravity to his advantage as he summons for an enormous weapon(the longsword) of ice to seemingly use against Wahl.
However, he suddenly changes his mind and encases himself in ice. Wahl wastes no time and immediately starts firing at him. Gray forces more and more ice around himself. The sheer force of Wahl's flames keep the "Gray-sickle" in the air. This goes on for a while.

Wahl: I admire your will, human mage. That form of your sure is a pain.

The heat increases and increases as Wahl speaks.

Wahl: This is it, join your pathetic friend.

Gray smiles.

The rising heat with the moisture of the melting and rapidly evaporating ice has lead to a makeshift cloud. Thick and bearing.

Wahl is puzzled by this when he suddenly gets blindsided by a nearby Laxus.

Laxus: Don't you dare downplay Fairy Tail!

The "Gray-sickle" falls down, already in bits. Gray comes oout dazed and panting heavily.

He takes his top off.

Both men stand there shirtless.

The cloud starts to rumble.

Laxus: It's our turn now, punk.
Laxus jumps into the air, high up, as Gray throws an ice pole his way. Wahl has no idea what they have planned for him. He runs his calculations, when,

Lightning strikes.

It strikes the extending ice pole and makes its way to Laxus.

Laxus appreciates the grub and comes back down.

Wahl stands there, he swallows hard.

Laxus powers up now, red lightning encasing his entire body. Gray does likewise. Channeling his remnant devil slayer powers to fight Wahl with.

Wahl: Estimated time to annihilation...ERROR ERROR ERROR.
  • We go back to the eastern front.
They, the Ishgar forces, stand in awe of the two inhuman mages before them.

Jura: These two... they surpass even master Warrod! Yet we must hold them off until reinforcements arrive.

Suddenly, One of them(Jacob), disappears.

Fiore: wha-what?

Then it happens.

Soldiers are flung around everywhere by an unseen,unnatural force. The garou knights try to fight back, but they do not even know who they battle with.

Kamika: What is this! Wher-!

Sh gets blasted away with the rest of the soldiers that make up the front line as the invisible adversary makes way into the armada. Warrod and Jura both decide to attack August first, at least try to get a numbers advantage over one of them.

When suddenly Jacob turns visible standing in between them. What he hold in his hand shocks not only them but the entirety of Ishgar forces there too.
A battered Toma E. Fiore.

Jacob: I found your army mascot. Thought I'd teach him a few new tricks like this one.

He slowly makes Toma's clothes disappear. Then tosses him aside.

August: Jacob enough!

Jacob disappears again and reappears behind August this time.

August nukes them.

They all lay there, the forces of Ishgar.

Jura and Warrod, still partially conscious after the nuke push themselves back up.

Jura: We will not allow you to proceed!

Warrod: We shall stay true to Ishgar and deny anyone who does not deserve her glory! It is on this land's beauty that we have spent our lives. Ishgar IS our home!

Jacob quickly appears beside the injured Jura nad Warrod as he kicks them both away.

Suddenly the ground breaks up. The enire battlefield erupts into bits.

Jacob jumps, but is met with a large shadow.

He looks up and Gildarts comes flying down and rams Jacob back into the ground.

He quickly follows up with a whitebeard-Akainu like Punch to Jacob's body.

Jacob screams due to the unbearable pain as he feels a part of his thigh crack.

Suddenly Jacob appears beside August again(August did this). Still screaming from the remnant pain.

He sits upright for a while. Blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

His veins start throbbing as he gets very pissed off.

Jacob: Why you little...

Gildarts: Well, It wasn't wrong to blindside you. (He thinks to himself, these two... they're powerful indeed, maybe even the strongest mages I might ever face...He looks at August)

August stares back. Calm. Completely calm.

Jacob tries to get back up, but the pain of the partly shattered hip keeps him from doing so.

Gildarts smiles. I'm not too sure I could take you both out myself, but... good thing I brought back up! HAHAHAHA.

Jura and warrod stare into the distance. Across the valley.

Jura: This is!(Jura is shocked once more)

Warrod: He actually came, (he chuckles lightly).

Warrod begins smiling.

Gildarts: I ran into an old sparring buddy of mine. This is Ishgar. Don't you quit on us that easily.( He smiles)

g. Serena fires an enormous breath blast across the valley.

It goes straight for August.

August gets a stern look on his face.

He erects a barrier and blocks the massive ray.

When things clear up, August stares at the both of them now by each other.

g. Serena: Yo.
He does a series of poses.

g. Serena: All eight dragons in attendance.

Gildarts knocks him on the head comically.

Gildarts: Quit that! Can't you see that we are being serious here!(comedy faces)

g. Serena: I know(serious face)

g. Serena: That's why I'm here.(sarts posing again).

August: Hybrid theory. The man who stands atop the wizard saints. Also, the strongest mage of the west, Gildarts Clive.

August: An honor to meet you both.

Jacob looks at them(Ishgar force) still enraged.

Jacob: Let me do this.

August: You can barely stand. rest for now Jacob. We move on after.

g. Serena AND Gildarts start moving towards August.

g. Serena: I guess It can't be helped.

Gildarts: (starts stretching) Let's do this.

IMMENSE cloaks of magic start emanating from both g. Serena and Gildarts as they slowly walk towards August.

They Bro-fist eachother.

g. Serena: Like old times aye?

Gildarts: HAHAHAA, quite so you buffoon.

Suddenly, pillars of magma erupt across the entire eastern front. They create a lava pillar pathway right to August himself.

August still has not gone into his battle mode.

Ishgar charges fiercely.

At that time, mages of the past started appearing all across Ishgar.

  • A ship somewhere in Hargeon.
Mystery Mage: This land holds a fairy tale in everyones' hearts, What fantastic tales indeed.

The silhouette of Neinhart in the boat.


We go back to the eastern front as we see Serena spamming attacks. He is revealed as a dragon slayer. He hopes to fight the black dragon himself one day.

They clash fiercely.

August gets real.

awesome spread.

On one side g. Serena in his dragon slayer mode surging with magic. Gildarts at his side also surging with magic.
August on the other side.(Similar to his appearnce when he first entered his battle form).

It all happens in a flash.

Next, we see an ENORMOUS pillar of light. At its center is August's staff. Protruding prominently from the ground.

In front of the pillar is August, meditating.

He stands up, picks up his staff and Jacob(he levitates him along). He moves on.

g. Serena ad Gildarts suddenly get back up(They do not have any injuries but were seemingly vanquished by August).

Gildarts: grrngh! (he shatters the ground August stands on).

August is VERY surprised by this development. He turns around, MANEUVERS through the rubble flung everywhere(still with Jacob) and sees that g. Serena has combined all eight elements into one ultimate move.



It happens so slowly, so methodically.

Someone entered the battefield, walked across, and slashed right through g. Serena.

Enter Acnologia.

Acnologia(his line about the slayers.

Gildarts gets a panic attack.

August is distraught by the development.

To be continued.
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Brandish μ

The one with the mic
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
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Well, I think Hiro has a plan, I hope so. That in mind I don't want to change anything major as it would effect future plot too much.

So the people who are injured, dead, fresh, received power up etc - they keep them.

The main thing I would change is to have Universe One be used at the start. This would eliminate the whole NSEW thing, and scatter everyone from the good team... and when they make their way back to the guild they will get their fights against the 12. This would probably cut down the amount of chapters we've had. I'd say U1 can come in after Brandish "heals" Natsu (so tempted to write that allergy L Brandish suffered, but how else do you capture someone who can solo FT in seconds). U1 might have to be changed a bit so that the 12/Zeref can transported to the guild where Mavis is, everyone else gets randomly scattered, and Acno gets BFR'd.

And just change the fights a bit so that FT members get help rather than win by questionable means. This can include swapping fighters around.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom
The entirety of this arc and previous arcs could have and should have been done differently. The way I would have done things would start with GMG.
Grand Magic Games
I would have liked Laxus to have an extremely difficult fight against Raven Tail, I would have liked for Ivan to have him on the ropes and have Erza use her fake eye to see through the illusion, alert everyone to what is going on and have Makarov jump down and own Ivan alongside Laxus.

I would have had liked to see Natsu and Gajeel genuinely lose to Sting and Rogue in their DF, I would have liked Sting to take the same approach that he took to the match but this time he actually pushed Natsu and Gajeel to the limits, as a result Natsu would unleash LFDM, this would in turn force Sting on the back foot, with the combination of Natsu in LFDM and Gajeel's teamwork, they will nearly defeat Sting until Rogue intervenes and saves Sting, Sting will then apologise to Rogue, Natsu and Gajeel for being overconfident and then proceed to use flawless teamwork alongside Rogue to absolutely demolish Natsu and Gajeel.

In the final day, I would have wished for Jura to completely steamroll everyone, it would have been enjoyable to see Natsu take part as well and use teamwork and the tactics of Mavis to corner Rogue, Rogue would then fight it out with Natsu and Gajeel, which would lead to Gajeel acquiring ISDM and the combination of him and Natsu defeating Rogue while he is in DF.
Sting would then act on impulse and head for their location where he would run into Laxus, who would after an extremely hard fought fight defeat Sting. Gray would defeat Lyon, Juvia would defeat Shelia, the other two Lamia Scale members would be defeated by Orga and Rufus, Minerva, Erza and Kagura would have their fight, but it would end in a stalemate. People would then one by one start encountering the 5th wizard saint Jura, and one by one everyone will get taken out, there will even be a final stand-off between the survivors and Jura, with everyone forced to band together to take him out, that would display the true strength of the 10 Wizard Saints, the combined effort between everyone simply won't be enough and Jura would proceed to dispatch everyone and win the Grand Magic Games for Lamia Scale. The ending phrase will be something like "the power of the man who has chosen to challenge the gods (the gods of ishgar), is completely overwhelming"
Fairy Tail will come 2nd, therefore saving face and having people cheer for them and they officially lose the title as the worst guild in Fiore.
Sabertooth will come 3rd but they would all learn a valuable lesson about what a guild is meant to be and how they can move forward from there.

Eclipse Dragons Arc
This arc should have been the introduction of the gods of ishgar. Future Lucy will have done the smart thing and contacted the magic council regarding the future of the kingdom, her messages would have been sent anonymously through the magic council by Lahar, Lahar will then proceed to bring a case for her regarding the future events that would occur and put his career on the line as a result. The magic council will then invoke the highest order, which will be the summoning of the 10 Wizard Saints, Warrod, Hyberion, Wolfhiem and God Serena will answer the call and tell the other Wizard Saint's (other than Makarov and Jura who are currently in the capital) to stay out of the way and that they will deal with the problem.

The king will then make the same request of that he made in the manga which was to call on all the Wizards to help them fight, Lucy would escape future Rogue with the help of Ultear and Meredy while Future Lucy dies like she did in the manga. The Eclipse gate will then be opened and 7dragons will walk through before it is closed, Cobra will be brought to the capital by Mest in a desperate attempt to slow down the dragons, Future Rogue will be far more powerful than anyone else (counting the fact that the Sting and Rogue in these events were on par with Laxus) and proceed to climb aboard Motherglare who will then drop her eggs and have them hatch all over the ground, Jura will not be able to hurt a dragon but his sheer strength with earth magic would be enough to hold off one, everyone else would be hopeless including all the dragon slayers and be on the verge of death and defeat.

The sky begins to darken, it seems like there is a giant spider web forming in the distance and drawing nearer, when the object of confusion draws much closer, Makarov then realises that it isn't a web but is long and extending branches of wood, on each branch stands one of the four gods of ishgar, nobody know who they are but they then begin to descend, Warrod sends the branch that Wolfhiem is on the the ground, Wolfhiem then proceeds to single-handedly wipe out the dragon hatchlings on the ground with brute force from one of his forms, Warrod will then send the branch that Hyberion is on the the top of Motherglare where Future Rogue is, Hyberion will then engage him in single combat, God Serena will be sent to the middle of the city where he will let out a roar that will draw all of the 7 dragons to him, while he does this, Warrod will then proceed to start picking up survivors and the wounded with branches that extend from his own. God Serena will then begin his fight against that 7 dragons using Hybrid Theory and his 8 dragon lacrima's to its fullest. Hyberion will proceed to have a difficult fight against Future Rogue, knocking him off Motherglare as she descends towards God Serena, the pair will battle in the streets, destroying a quarter of the city in the process but Hyberion will come out on top in the end, killing Future Rogue. God Serena will then proceed to taunt the dragons, Atlas Flame will attempt to burn him but he will simply consume the flames and proceed to wipe out Atlas Flame with a Neptune Dragon attack, he will then pull of a very hard earned victory against the 7 dragons (with a lot of support help from Warrod). Wolfhiem will wipe out all of the hatchlings and Warrod will save everyone with his magic. The ending will be Jura staring at the gods of ishgar in awe of their power (alongside everyone else but it will mainly focus on Jura) and the statement would be something like "so this is what it takes to be god".

Jura will then smile and say that he has a long way to go, it will also cut to Natsu and Gajeel who will reflect on their performances in the GMG's and their performances against the dragons who they were supposed to be able to slay. This will cause them to be extremely upset and motivate them to become stronger. Laxus will also be staring at Jura as he stares at the gods of ishgar, thinking that he has to train more to reach that level. Sting and Rogue will realise that they, albeit still being powerful mages are too cocky and focus on improving themselves so that they can protect their guild and guild mates and so that Natsu and Gajeel don't catch up to them.
In Tartaros I wouldn't change much, it was an ok arc and while I have my gripes about it, I wouldn't actually change the whole plot of the arc.
Edit: Zeref doesn't destroy the book, but simply seals the demons within the book and retrieves it.

Alvarez Empire Arc

It's after Tartaros that I would change a lot, instead of there being a time-skip, I would rather have Zeref give the signal to Invel to invade Ishgar because of the turmoil caused by Tartaros and the guaranteed absence of Acnologia, this will then cause each of the Spriggan 12 to rally their followers and proceed to sail to Ishgar, the Wizard Saints will get word of this and prepare to defend against the attack, Mavis will then reveal her past with Zeref and everyone will be motivated to defeat Zeref.
Alvarez will then land and be encountered by resistance in the form of the 10 Wizard Saints and the armies of Ishgar, the fighting will then commence, God Serena will take down a Spriggan, realise that defeat is imminent and flee, Hyberion will call him a coward and proceed to fight to the death, taking a Spriggan down with him, Wolfhiem will take one down but will be severely wounded in the process and mages (Strauss siblings) from Ishgar will evacuate him and retreat, Warrod will stay behind to cover the retreat of the defeated forces with his tree magic and he will sacrifice his life in the process. Jura and Gildarts will proceed to use teamwork and take down a Spriggan but be severely wounded in the process and be force to retreat, Jellal and CS will do the same and with the same outcome, at the end of this fight, CS will notice that Cobra has gone missing.

Makarov and Laxus will face off against August at the guild, trying to defend Lumen Histoire and will get wrecked, Makarov will die in the process, leaving a dying message to all the guild members by casting Fairy Law and using up every ounce of his magic power, this will cause Laxus to go berserk and attack August with everything he's got but he will still be defeated easily by August. August will spare him, allowing him to take Makarov's body and bury it.

Other significant mages from Fairy Tail, Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, Quatro Cerberus and Blue Pegasus will face off against Spriggan Lieutenants, most of these fights will be victories to the mages of Ishgar, however, when the Spriggan 12 arrive, these mages will be utterly defeated.

Natsu will hear Makarov's dying message and go berserk, he will proceed to cut a path to the heart of the Alvarez army with Gray's help, there they will encounter Zeref and Invel, Happy will attempt to dissuade them and get them to obey the retreat order and flee, the two will stubbornly refuse and attack Invel will handily defeat Gray while Zeref beats Natsu, Zeref will then unleash his death wave and Happy will get in the way and save Natsu, sacrificing himself in the process. These chain of events will push Natsu over the edge and awaken E.N.D., this revelation will shock Gray and Natsu will begin a mindless rampage, Invel will try to get involved but Zeref will stop him so that he doesn't lose his closest advisor and will engage Natsu in single combat, Gray will escape in all the confusion. The fight will end with Zeref winning, END will act on instinct and flee, Zeref will then Notice that the book of Zeref is missing and realise that END stole it while they were in combat.

END will then flee to a remote location and unbind many of the remaining 9 demon gates from the book and will also release Mard Geer, they will bow to him and he will order Mard to take him to the underworld to raise an army of Demons to return and destroy this world, Mard will oblige, open the gates of Tartaros and END will enter the underworld to train in the use of curses and also train in the use of greater fire dragon slaying magic.

Zeref will gain hold of Fairy Heart but will wait for the dragon king festival (sort of like the promised day in full metal alchemist) to unleash it on the world, which will be in 3 years.

Gray will be filled with rage and sorrow, not just because of the revelation, but also because of the death's of his comrades and the utter annihilation of Ishgar's forces, he will then proceed on a journey of his own, to defeat END and bring his fathers wishes to fruition.

Laxus will curse his failure once again, he will curse his powerlessness and feel his desperation and as a result he will flee into the mountains, on his jouney he will encounter God Serena who will ask him how powerless does he feel, Laxus will attempt to avoid him but God Serena will ask him if he want's more power, he will reply that he does, God Serena will then tell him that he has a master and that this master taught him everything he knows and that he can make Laxus strong enough to protect the guild when the dragon king festival begins in 3 years. God Serena will then lead Laxus to his master. The master is revealed and it turns out to be......... Acnologia, Laxus prepares for his death but Acnologia tells him that he will give him power rather than kill him, Laxus asks him why he would give him power that could be used against him, Acnologia replies that he would rather fight against the dragon slayers powers, then against the combined might of Zeref, the Spriggan 12 and Lumen Histoire, he want's to recruit powerful mages to help in his struggle against Zeref and tells Laxus that they have a common enemy and that once Zeref and the Spriggan 12 have been dispatched of, then he will proceed to fight the remaining dragon slayers. Acnologia reveals that when the dragons left the dragon slayers bodies in during the events of the Tartaros arc, they left them with lingering magic that leave's them immune the Acnologia's temptation and thus he has recruited the second generation, Laxus accepts this deal and Acnologia reveals that he has another student, joining him, Laxus turns and finds Cobra leaning against a rock grinning. Acnologia then says "we have 3 years, let us begin" and thus the four dragons (Acnologia, Laxus, God Serena and Cobra) faction is formed (akin to the four horseman of the apocalypse).

The final arc
The defeated Ishgarian forces from 3 years ago regroup and begin a counter attack against Alvarez.
The final battle: Demons (END, 9 demon gates (retrained), Mard and a demon army) vs Alvarez (the Spriggan 12, Zeref and an army) vs Ishgar rebellion (remainder of the 10 Wizard Saints, Ishgars magical guilds and a rebel army) vs the four dragons of the apocalypse (Acnologia, God Serena, Laxus and Cobra).

The dragon king festival has begun.

Well, that's how I would have done it.
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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
The Gods of Isghar come back already and help.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
The entirety of this arc and previous arcs could have and should have been done differently. The way I would have done things would start with GMG.
Grand Magic Games
I would have liked Laxus to have an extremely difficult fight against Raven Tail, I would have liked for Ivan to have him on the ropes and have Erza use her fake eye to see through the illusion, alert everyone to what is going on and have Makarov jump down and own Ivan alongside Laxus.

I would have had liked to see Natsu and Gajeel genuinely lose to Sting and Rogue in their DF, I would have liked Sting to take the same approach that he took to the match but this time he actually pushed Natsu and Gajeel to the limits, as a result Natsu would unleash LFDM, this would in turn force Sting on the back foot, with the combination of Natsu in LFDM and Gajeel's teamwork, they will nearly defeat Sting until Rogue intervenes and saves Sting, Sting will then apologise to Rogue, Natsu and Gajeel for being overconfident and then proceed to use flawless teamwork alongside Rogue to absolutely demolish Natsu and Gajeel.

In the final day, I would have wished for Jura to completely steamroll everyone, it would have been enjoyable to see Natsu take part as well and use teamwork and the tactics of Mavis to corner Rogue, Rogue would then fight it out with Natsu and Gajeel, which would lead to Gajeel acquiring ISDM and the combination of him and Natsu defeating Rogue while he is in DF.
Sting would then act on impulse and head for their location where he would run into Laxus, who would after an extremely hard fought fight defeat Sting. Gray would defeat Lyon, Juvia would defeat Shelia, the other two Lamia Scale members would be defeated by Orga and Rufus, Minerva, Erza and Kagura would have their fight, but it would end in a stalemate. People would then one by one start encountering the 5th wizard saint Jura, and one by one everyone will get taken out, there will even be a final stand-off between the survivors and Jura, with everyone forced to band together to take him out, that would display the true strength of the 10 Wizard Saints, the combined effort between everyone simply won't be enough and Jura would proceed to dispatch everyone and win the Grand Magic Games for Lamia Scale. The ending phrase will be something like "the power of the man who has chosen to challenge the gods (the gods of ishgar), is completely overwhelming"
Fairy Tail will come 2nd, therefore saving face and having people cheer for them and they officially lose the title as the worst guild in Fiore.
Sabertooth will come 3rd but they would all learn a valuable lesson about what a guild is meant to be and how they can move forward from there.

Eclipse Dragons Arc
This arc should have been the introduction of the gods of ishgar. Future Lucy will have done the smart thing and contacted the magic council regarding the future of the kingdom, her messages would have been sent anonymously through the magic council by Lahar, Lahar will then proceed to bring a case for her regarding the future events that would occur and put his career on the line as a result. The magic council will then invoke the highest order, which will be the summoning of the 10 Wizard Saints, Warrod, Hyberion, Wolfhiem and God Serena will answer the call and tell the other Wizard Saint's (other than Makarov and Jura who are currently in the capital) to stay out of the way and that they will deal with the problem.

The king will then make the same request of that he made in the manga which was to call on all the Wizards to help them fight, Lucy would escape future Rogue with the help of Ultear and Meredy while Future Lucy dies like she did in the manga. The Eclipse gate will then be opened and 7dragons will walk through before it is closed, Cobra will be brought to the capital by Mest in a desperate attempt to slow down the dragons, Future Rogue will be far more powerful than anyone else (counting the fact that the Sting and Rogue in these events were on par with Laxus) and proceed to climb aboard Motherglare who will then drop her eggs and have them hatch all over the ground, Jura will not be able to hurt a dragon but his sheer strength with earth magic would be enough to hold off one, everyone else would be hopeless including all the dragon slayers and be on the verge of death and defeat.

The sky begins to darken, it seems like there is a giant spider web forming in the distance and drawing nearer, when the object of confusion draws much closer, Makarov then realises that it isn't a web but is long and extending branches of wood, on each branch stands one of the four gods of ishgar, nobody know who they are but they then begin to descend, Warrod sends the branch that Wolfhiem is on the the ground, Wolfhiem then proceeds to single-handedly wipe out the dragon hatchlings on the ground with brute force from one of his forms, Warrod will then send the branch that Hyberion is on the the top of Motherglare where Future Rogue is, Hyberion will then engage him in single combat, God Serena will be sent to the middle of the city where he will let out a roar that will draw all of the 7 dragons to him, while he does this, Warrod will then proceed to start picking up survivors and the wounded with branches that extend from his own. God Serena will then begin his fight against that 7 dragons using Hybrid Theory and his 8 dragon lacrima's to its fullest. Hyberion will proceed to have a difficult fight against Future Rogue, knocking him off Motherglare as she descends towards God Serena, the pair will battle in the streets, destroying a quarter of the city in the process but Hyberion will come out on top in the end, killing Future Rogue. God Serena will then proceed to taunt the dragons, Atlas Flame will attempt to burn him but he will simply consume the flames and proceed to wipe out Atlas Flame with a Neptune Dragon attack, he will then pull of a very hard earned victory against the 7 dragons (with a lot of support help from Warrod). Wolfhiem will wipe out all of the hatchlings and Warrod will save everyone with his magic. The ending will be Jura staring at the gods of ishgar in awe of their power (alongside everyone else but it will mainly focus on Jura) and the statement would be something like "so this is what it takes to be god".

Jura will then smile and say that he has a long way to go, it will also cut to Natsu and Gajeel who will reflect on their performances in the GMG's and their performances against the dragons who they were supposed to be able to slay. This will cause them to be extremely upset and motivate them to become stronger. Laxus will also be staring at Jura as he stares at the gods of ishgar, thinking that he has to train more to reach that level. Sting and Rogue will realise that they, albeit still being powerful mages are too cocky and focus on improving themselves so that they can protect their guild and guild mates and so that Natsu and Gajeel don't catch up to them.
In Tartaros I wouldn't change much, it was an ok arc and while I have my gripes about it, I wouldn't actually change the whole plot of the arc.
Edit: Zeref doesn't destroy the book, but simply seals the demons within the book and retrieves it.

Alvarez Empire Arc

It's after Tartaros that I would change a lot, instead of there being a time-skip, I would rather have Zeref give the signal to Invel to invade Ishgar because of the turmoil caused by Tartaros and the guaranteed absence of Acnologia, this will then cause each of the Spriggan 12 to rally their followers and proceed to sail to Ishgar, the Wizard Saints will get word of this and prepare to defend against the attack, Mavis will then reveal her past with Zeref and everyone will be motivated to defeat Zeref.
Alvarez will then land and be encountered by resistance in the form of the 10 Wizard Saints and the armies of Ishgar, the fighting will then commence, God Serena will take down a Spriggan, realise that defeat is imminent and flee, Hyberion will call him a coward and proceed to fight to the death, taking a Spriggan down with him, Wolfhiem will take one down but will be severely wounded in the process and mages (Strauss siblings) from Ishgar will evacuate him and retreat, Warrod will stay behind to cover the retreat of the defeated forces with his tree magic and he will sacrifice his life in the process. Jura and Gildarts will proceed to use teamwork and take down a Spriggan but be severely wounded in the process and be force to retreat, Jellal and CS will do the same and with the same outcome, at the end of this fight, CS will notice that Cobra has gone missing.

Makarov and Laxus will face off against August at the guild, trying to defend Lumen Histoire and will get wrecked, Makarov will die in the process, leaving a dying message to all the guild members by casting Fairy Law and using up every ounce of his magic power, this will cause Laxus to go berserk and attack August with everything he's got but he will still be defeated easily by August. August will spare him, allowing him to take Makarov's body and bury it.

Other significant mages from Fairy Tail, Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, Quatro Cerberus and Blue Pegasus will face off against Spriggan Lieutenants, most of these fights will be victories to the mages of Ishgar, however, when the Spriggan 12 arrive, these mages will be utterly defeated.

Natsu will hear Makarov's dying message and go berserk, he will proceed to cut a path to the heart of the Alvarez army with Gray's help, there they will encounter Zeref and Invel, Happy will attempt to dissuade them and get them to obey the retreat order and flee, the two will stubbornly refuse and attack Invel will handily defeat Gray while Zeref beats Natsu, Zeref will then unleash his death wave and Happy will get in the way and save Natsu, sacrificing himself in the process. These chain of events will push Natsu over the edge and awaken E.N.D., this revelation will shock Gray and Natsu will begin a mindless rampage, Invel will try to get involved but Zeref will stop him so that he doesn't lose his closest advisor and will engage Natsu in single combat, Gray will escape in all the confusion. The fight will end with Zeref winning, END will act on instinct and flee, Zeref will then Notice that the book of Zeref is missing and realise that END stole it while they were in combat.

END will then flee to a remote location and unbind many of the remaining 9 demon gates from the book and will also release Mard Geer, they will bow to him and he will order Mard to take him to the underworld to raise an army of Demons to return and destroy this world, Mard will oblige, open the gates of Tartaros and END will enter the underworld to train in the use of curses and also train in the use of greater fire dragon slaying magic.

Zeref will gain hold of Fairy Heart but will wait for the dragon king festival (sort of like the promised day in full metal alchemist) to unleash it on the world, which will be in 3 years.

Gray will be filled with rage and sorrow, not just because of the revelation, but also because of the death's of his comrades and the utter annihilation of Ishgar's forces, he will then proceed on a journey of his own, to defeat END and bring his fathers wishes to fruition.

Laxus will curse his failure once again, he will curse his powerlessness and feel his desperation and as a result he will flee into the mountains, on his jouney he will encounter God Serena who will ask him how powerless does he feel, Laxus will attempt to avoid him but God Serena will ask him if he want's more power, he will reply that he does, God Serena will then tell him that he has a master and that this master taught him everything he knows and that he can make Laxus strong enough to protect the guild when the dragon king festival begins in 3 years. God Serena will then lead Laxus to his master. The master is revealed and it turns out to be......... Acnologia, Laxus prepares for his death but Acnologia tells him that he will give him power rather than kill him, Laxus asks him why he would give him power that could be used against him, Acnologia replies that he would rather fight against the dragon slayers powers, then against the combined might of Zeref, the Spriggan 12 and Lumen Histoire, he want's to recruit powerful mages to help in his struggle against Zeref and tells Laxus that they have a common enemy and that once Zeref and the Spriggan 12 have been dispatched of, then he will proceed to fight the remaining dragon slayers. Acnologia reveals that when the dragons left the dragon slayers bodies in during the events of the Tartaros arc, they left them with lingering magic that leave's them immune the Acnologia's temptation and thus he has recruited the second generation, Laxus accepts this deal and Acnologia reveals that he has another student, joining him, Laxus turns and finds Cobra leaning against a rock grinning. Acnologia then says "we have 3 years, let us begin" and thus the four dragons (Acnologia, Laxus, God Serena and Cobra) faction is formed (akin to the four horseman of the apocalypse).

The final arc
The defeated Ishgarian forces from 3 years ago regroup and begin a counter attack against Alvarez.
The final battle: Demons (END, 9 demon gates (retrained), Mard and a demon army) vs Alvarez (the Spriggan 12, Zeref and an army) vs Ishgar rebellion (remainder of the 10 Wizard Saints, Ishgars magical guilds and a rebel army) vs the four dragons of the apocalypse (Acnologia, God Serena, Laxus and Cobra).

The dragon king festival has begun.

Well, that's how I would have done it.
Why would Acnologia side with dragon slayers? Laxus and Cobra have the best chance of killing him out everyone.


The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
If i rewrite the entire arc the first things will be:-
i)God Serena not being one shotted by Acnologia.His backstory will be revealed and his 4 other elements will be revealed.He will have an epic battle with Gildarts.
ii)Bloodman will not have much curses.It is plain trolling by Hiro by giving him so many curses and not letting him to use it.He will have the Curses which he had shown.
iii)Wahl will not have resistance to lightning.This will make him a strong fighter.Laxus will use a huge lightning nuke to finish Wahl instead of Red Lightning.
iv)Neinhart and Jacob will have better treatment.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2015
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United Kingdom
The Gods of Isghar come back already and help.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Why would Acnologia side with dragon slayers? Laxus and Cobra have the best chance of killing him out everyone.
I already explained it in the write up, he thinks he has a better chance against them then against the SP12 + Zeref + LH. He can also only teach DS magic so he'll teach them and then he can fight on a more equal footing then Zeref.
Laxus and Cobra don't have the best chance of beating him though..... Natsu does atm. The 1st and 2nd gen also have DF


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 18, 2016
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@Stormsfury Damn dude, that's EPIC! I wonder why Hiro can't think up something as good as this...

Only thing I would change from your re-write is that I would make Acnologia stronger (I think you implied Acnologia was weaker than the actual manga version?) and make him a lone competitor would the war. The Dragon Slayers teaming up with him...just puts a bad taste in my mouth lol.

Otherwise, it's a 10/10 re-write, seriously.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2015
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United Kingdom
@Stormsfury Damn dude, that's EPIC! I wonder why Hiro can't think up something as good as this...

Only thing I would change from your re-write is that I would make Acnologia stronger (I think you implied Acnologia was weaker than the actual manga version?) and make him a lone competitor would the war. The Dragon Slayers teaming up with him...just puts a bad taste in my mouth lol.

Otherwise, it's a 10/10 re-write, seriously.
In my version of the manga, the SP12 are actually crazy strong, like as strong as they were hyped up to be at the beginning of this arc (even stronger), Zeref also has Fairy Heart which means he's incredibly powerful atm.
Just the thought of Acnologia having his own little faction appeases me.

And thank you for the compliment.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 11, 2016
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I'd rewrite the entire dang arc at this point, I've given this arc so many chances and this is the last straw.

It started off ok than in my opinion went down hill quick, an entire chapter dedicated to fan service instead of focusing on the War more? Really? A chapter on my least favorite character, tied with Erza fighting an army of Zeref's, yah I wanted to see all that. We hardly got to see team works between Fairy Tail and other Guides, that Dragon Arc did a better job with team efforts than this arc did.

I'd also have had Zeref's top 12 give better fights, some of them sounded so boss for one of the Fairy Tail members to fight but look what happened, oh the disappointment.

I'd allow the others to show off more, Natsu trained for months and hardly got to show it off, instead Hiro thought it'd be a good time for some humor and have Natsu and Gajeel to get moving sickness which in my opinion again was awful time for it, one I feel they should have been over it by now and two they should have been able to fight right from the beginning of the arc but no we have to watch Queen Erza hog all the spotlight when this arc shouldn't even give her big parts to begin with this. Hell, Geey should have had more to do than that, he's at least connected to the main plot oh but no Hiro had make room for his Queen Erza and add in a family member for her, not just that lets give her the second strongest of the 12 for a family member just so she can steel more screen time instead of allowing her to sit out a while >>

This arc should have had more team work between Fairt Tail Guide members and allow other Guides to join in more. It also should have allowed Zeref to actually do more this arc, I feel like he hasn't really been doing much for being pretty much the main villain of this arc next to Acnologia.

END in my opinion was sloppy, why now? I'd have rather seen him slowly awaken in a fight with August or Acnologis to show the Deamons strength and emotion but what was with the situation? No one other than Lucey was around to see this, no serious reactions from Grey or any one else? You'd think others would be able to sense this great power, especially Zeref who created him specifically to kill himself yet nothing??? That frustrated me the most. I know others are in different situations but at least shoe them sensing it, give tension man. I hope ENDs not done and slowly release itself over time cuz Hiro that's just sad and I've dealt with a lot of your crappy writing in the past but this takes the cake.

Oh the most fun part of all, let's have Grey be = to the beginning face of END and or Erza stopping the fight with just her bare hands, that's the icing on top, oh the fun.


初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Nov 9, 2016
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The Wall
In my opinion, most of the Arc are fine, but some things I would change.

1. No fake deaths like Gajeels, Juvias or Mira. I think badly injured or near death experiance is enough.
2. Neinhard gets killed by Jellal with Altaris.
3. Following the upper point -> No Historia of Wahl, Bradman and God Serena.
4. Gildarts vs August OR Jellal vs August like it is at the moment + Jellal uses Abyss Break and almost defeats August. (maybe Gildarts has his moment after this but I think it is unlikely)
5. Eileen vs Erza + Mira. (could still happen but it is unlikely IMO)
6. Rahkeid vs Sting + Rouge. (could still happen but it is unlikely IMO)

Edit: Sorry for bad english :P

Ebony Maw

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 8, 2016
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So I'm reviving this thread because I had some ideas while talking to a friend, my thoughts about how to make the arc better include:

- Have 6 High Tier Spriggans (August, Irene, Serena, Larcade, Bradman, DiMaria)

I shouldn't have to explain August, Irene's there so that Erza stays relevant, Larcade is there because he's a savage and adds to the Natsu/Zeref storyline (though he's introduced earlier), Bradman is here as he's Zeref's second strongest creation and hax AF and DiMaria's here for her backstory and hax.

- They would go in these match ups (that happen at various points in the arc)

August vs Jellal, OS and GOI

Irene vs Erza, FT girls and MH

Larcade vs Sting, Saber Squad, Natsu and Gajeel

Bradman vs Sting (holy attribute), Gray (DeS), Cobra (can eat poison), Meredy (for the bonds + her attacks should affect him) and Midnight (can use Reflector to protect him and others from MBP's, just so we don't get "That won't work, my lungs are made of plot armour")

DiMaria vs Ultear, Meredy, Orga and Chelia (Ultear stops time again, Orga and Chelia try to fight DiMaria but begin to get overwhelmed so Meredy links with DiMaria and commits suicide, just as Jellal arrives. This leaves everyone present shocked and enraged, with Jellal crushed but fueled for vengeance)

God Serena vs Jura + GOI (Jura encounters Goddy first, GOI arrive to help but they can only stalemate him, as it looks like Goddy is going to win the war of attrition due to how old GOI are, in comes Acnologia who tears into him after he reveals why he defected)

- As for the other Spriggans

Jacob is a serious deal, no humour apart from his one-liners and he doesn't have virgin eyes. He still goes down to NaLu + Makarov but Makarov puts more work in).

Ajeel is perfectly fine, as is his battle.

Neinhart's personality is the same but he isn't made of paper and he goes down to an enraged Laxus after he summons Makarov to fight him. He is killed in Hargeon by Laxus instead of Wahl vs Laxus taking place.

Wahl is the same but this time his death isn't done poorly, he faces Jellal who keeps bypassing his weakness, with him being killed by Grand Chariot when he tries to charge his Etherion in a race against Jellal's GC.

Invel is kept the same, as is his fight, though instead of Gray getting enraged by Juvia's death (no fake deaths here!) he's enraged by Invel badmouthing Ur and Silver, resulting in him eating the ice and launching Invel.

Brandish is difficult. I can't decide what to do with her, I don't like how she was nakamarized but she doesn't have much story other than that. Tbh I'd likely have her defect as normal but then reveal she's actually a spy (they need to learn that you can't trust someone because they bathed with you)

As for Ishgar....

- Have all of the Dragon Slayers get King/Queen modes

- Have QC actually do something

- Have Minerva, Erza, Kagura and Mira all around/on the same level

-Have Gray's DeS on par with the King Modes normally, then have his full demonization as >> DF on demons, = on Normal people

-Have Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus vs S12 North on panel (that would generate more hype and bring context to their defeat)

That's it so far, but I'll add more later.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Aug 14, 2015
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United States
Okay it's my turn. GodOfDestruction is here to tell you how he would re write Alvarez.

Let's start after the defeat of Wahl by the hands of Freed and Ichyia.

First after sending the Fairy Tail Members to each location to fight the Spriggans.

Kagura puts up more of a fight between DiMaria, she gets assistance from Lyon and Milliana and then is taken down.

Laxus vs Wahl is like 2 more chapters. Laxus(instead of Red Lightning) finds a way to exert the magic barrier particles and becomes his god their self. Next chapter him and Wahl do some hardcore attacks(Laxus deserves more attacks) next chapter Wahl is killed by Laxus in some super Lighting Punch(not Red Lightning).

Wendy and Sherrias are completely defeated by DiMaria(DiMaria is stronger than Third Origin), Sherrias loses her magic and faints. Wendy tries to fights, but is taken down. Carla, Lyon, and Kagura swoop in and dragging them away. Gray gets a small battle between DiMaria but he flees.

Neinhart is the only one to get taken down(not because I hate him with the ultimate passion) his Historias are taken down by Erzas eye thing, Jellal comes up and does Grand Chariot. But plot twist, the real Neinhart appears and is some master swordsman. Jellal starts to battle him. Kagura joins him while Erza is down. Jellal and Kagura take him down with a Unison Raid.

DiMaria sees that both Neinhart and Wahl has fallen. She stops time, grabs Neinhart and flees.

God Serena and the others are on equal grounds. Jacob steps in and fights Jura. God Serena is overpowered by them, then shows his Dragon Slayer abilities, starts to wreck them, then they start to wreck him. Everybody stops. Acnologia appears. He killed Serena and continues on. The GOI try to face Acnologia and are taken down as well.

The North
You know there was nothing to bad about this. But the Gajeel's vs Bradman fight should be like one chapter. So we get more Gajeel Dragon force. Gajeel doesn't die and neither does Bradman.

The Final Stand
Gildarts appears and destroys God Serena. Gray vs Invel starts. Invel has confirms he is a Ice God Slayer. A battle between God and Devil begins. Gray wins but with a better attack.Lucy fights Brandish. DiMaria then faces Lucy and Natsu and is defeated. Larcade is confirmed to be Edolas Zeref who came to earthland and took Zerefs last name. He is confirmed to be a Light version of E.N.D. so he's a clone. Sting beats him with a new attack.

So that's what I have for now, I don't know how this Irene business will go down. But I hope Erza doesn't nakama her.

Crescent Jinx

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Kingdom of Fiore
Uh. I would rewrite everything but chapter 419 after the timeskip because first Avatar was a good time to foreshadow stuff in the Alvarez Arc (beynd Gray vs Natsu) plus you could have had some stuff besides Avatar.

Cuz have you seen Fiore? Lamina scale, Hargeon, avatar, sabertooth, magnolia, the rain village...... these aren't exactly places next door......

Plenty of opportunity to do some funky side stuff. And mess around. Where did the days go of just being stupid and going on missions?

The Alvarez would be a real war arc. I love war stories. Read the art of war and historic tactics of ancient battles and naval battles my whole life.

Would love to rewrite this. @Emperor Spriggan asked me to post here by twisting my arm the new form of bondage he learned from Larcade

But if I do this rewrite.... y'all should stop me now.... Cuz I will hijack this thread.

Cuz I would want to rewrite by arc
1. Intro Arc
2. Lamina Scale thanksgiving
3. Avatar
4. Rescue Makarov
5. How the ships should have went down - prelude to war
6. War
How the Spriggans conquered the world and the last 300 standing is Fairy tail and their small alliance of friends from other guilds plus Flare and giants and galuna demons
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
So I would start rewriting from 420 because everything before that was just setting up from Natsu and Lucy meeting. Actually going to write out a short/long/some length summary of these chapters soon. Just have too much with RL stuff right now.

Title and Characters Appearing in chapter
Chapter 420 New Era
  • Mest, Warrod, Sorano, God Serena, Gajeel, Levy, Pantherlily, InVel (foreshadowing Alvarez)
Omake: Gajeel's Dreams of Punishment
Chapter 421 The Abandoned Village
  • Natsu, Lucy, Happy meets Sho and Walley under shocking circumstances
Chapter 422 Our Sins We Bare
  • CS members: Cobra, Midnight, Racer, Hoteye
Chapter 423 Star Dress
  • Sho, Midnight, Lucy, Happy, Taurus, Virgo
Chapter 424 Dragon vs Demon
  • The arc villain, Natsu, Igneel, Dragon!Natsu, END!Natsu
Chapter 425 Lamina Scale Thanksgiving
  • Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Chelia, Toby, Bushy brows, Wendy, Carla,
Chapter 426 Lyon vs Cobra
  • Lyon, Cobra, Lucy
Chapter 427 Orochi Fin
  • Lamina Scale + Natsu, Lucy, Cobra, Happy
Chapter 428 Breath from Above
  • Sky sisters vs Orochi Fin's (way cooler) leader
Chapter 429 The one from before
  • Bluenote vs Natsu
Chapter 430 Regulus Impact
  • Cobra, Lucy, Loke, Lyon, Tobi, Bushybrows, Spinning lady
Chapter 431 Then the Earth Moved
  • Natsu vs Bluenote (continued)
Chapter 432 Redemption
  • Cobra, Bluenote, Jellal, Rustyrose
Chapter 433 Because He Loves You
  • Wendy, Chelia, Natsu, Lucy, etc....
Chapter 434 Undercover
  • Levy, Briar, Gray, Avatar underlings (based around that comment of Gray seeing Levy's bad acting when she was undercover in Avatar)
Chapter 435 Avatar
  • Avatar members introduction
Chapter 436 Alone in the Rain
  • Juvia remembers past year
Chapter 437 Sickness
  • Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Happy discover that Juvia has been poison by Gray's magic. Symptoms didn't show up until after he left.
Chapter 437 Sabertooth X792
  • Nalu, Minerva, Rogue, Sting, Yukino
Chapter 438 You are an idiot
  • Gray's cover is almost blown when someone starts shouting "Gray!"
Chapter 439 Frosch
  • Guess what happens here
Chapter 439 Black Heart
  • Who's heart am I talking about?? I wonder
CHapter 440 Fierce Fight Underground (Gray vs Gajeel vs Natsu vs Evil Rogue vs Sting)
  • All Avatar comes here
Chapter 441 Shadows, Demons, and Gods
  • Avatar, Summoned god, Lucy, Gajeel, Evil Rogue, Gray, Natsu, Sting
Chapter 442 Sting vs Rogue (elongated chapter)
Chapter 443 The Loving Briar
  • Gray, Juvia, Lucy, Wendy, Mary, Briar
Chapter 444 Natsu ate a god
  • Natsu vs summoned god
Omake: Relax from your troubles (Jellal and Erza sidemission)
Chapter 445 Victory Shout
  • Gajeel arrests everybody
Chapter 446 Memoirs
  • Zeref, (child Anna??), child Natsu
Then from 447+ we would be in Rescue Markarov Arc
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 23, 2015
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I would change it so most main characters (Natsu,Gray,Erza,Lucy,Wendy,Mira,Gajeel get more than 1 fight and other more imrpotant characters fight at least once).

ROUND 1 (Bigger team battle)
Neinhart&Wahl Icht vs Lucy,Sabertooth,Oracio seis(Midnight,Cobra,Angel,Racer,Hoteye,Meredy)
->Ninehart and Wahl team up
->Nienhart summons Layla,Jiemma,Hades. Wahl splits into 2
-> Layla is dispelled by a heartwarming mother and daughter speech with Lucy(Yukino and ANgel by her side,who met and are happy/sad bla bla), Jiemma(demon) fights Minerva,Rufus,Orga,, Hades fights OS, Twins fights Wahl
-> Jiemma defeated,Hades defeated by OS
-> Wahl manages to kill Yukino. Proceeds to be slaughtered by Sabertooth members and Angel
-> Ninehart summons Yukino who summons Oppuchious who attacks everyone who's now weakened (Pisces and Libra manage escape to Lucy)
-> Lucy and Angel attack Ninehart.Yukino shields them and begs them to finish him.They hesitate.Yukino begs her sister to end this before anyone else get's hurt/killed. Angel (crying) sends a flock of her angels which begin to dispel Yukino and knock Nienhart back.Lucy(angry) rushes with Taurus,Loki and Pisces(assassin form) at him and finishes him of.
->Yukino begins to be dispelled and Sorano makes a sad angel comment as a reference to Yukino as she leaves.
END: 2 spriggan down,Lucy slightly injured(gets 2 keys),Yukino died,the others vary from exhausted to injured).

Took me so long to write thisWell I gotta study.I'm gonna repost and updated list when I can.
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 30, 2013
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United States
Honestly I wanted to see alot of Different characters go all out. Some of these fights could have been done gorgeously.

What happened to Minerva's Demon powerup she got in the Tartarous arc?

Before the powerup she could do spells like this:

I wish we could have seen a better showing of Neo Minerva powers. She feels so nerfed this arc. Like what was the point of giving her a powerup if we didn't see it in action.

Without a doubt I feel like Erza should have used her Nakagami Armor against a Spriggan for majority of the fight:

I mean it is an armor with a powerful sword that can dispel Magic. I mean it would be the perfect armor to use against a Spriggan.

Kagura's Unsheathed Sword. It was a really destructive sword that has been downplayed this arc.

Not to mention her gravity Magic.

Lucy Celestial Spirit King Summoning should have happened this arc also:

I also would like to See Capricorns magic. Do he still posses Human Subordination

So I would change the battles to be:

Lucy vs Dimaria: Lucy summons the CSK to battle it out with Dimaria while Lucy uses Human Subordination to merge with Chronos and make Dimaria her Subordinate.

Erza vs Serena: Erza use Fire empress, Water Empress, Wind God and Lancer to negate his Dragon Lacrima spells. Takes him out with Nakagami.

Neo Minerva vs Jacob: Battle of the Spacial users. Have her use an upgraded 18 War God battle spell to take him out. Siphon his power away with the Spell she used on Millana.

Mirajane vs Bradman: Use her Etherious Takeover to battle Bradman Etherious powers before using her Takeover power to take him over.

Wendy vs Azir: Healing magic heals him from Azir Dehydration magic. Her wind and enchantments allows her to keep up Azir.

Lucy/Mirajane/Minerva/Kagura/Wendy vs Irene