The skills thread | MangaHelpers

The skills thread


Celestial Belgian
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 27, 2006
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Hey I came up with something. When I write a chapter, it is always difficult ot guess to attacks or defences ouf our charcaters. So that is why I came up with this idea. Everybody who is being or will be part of the story can post his skills on this topic.

Be aware to use the next structure (because I will modify this topic using copy and paste):

Name of character:....
Skills + explanation

1. Jacques (noah)
important: He can manipulate all elements freely BUT if he wants to manipulate something inside a human body he needs to touch them (through this he scans the body structure). Then his techniques are limited by your knowledge about the laws of physics
1. Coup de Grace (simple: Finishing Blow) -> Jaques heats up the water inside the human body. Either cooking or burning his victim to death. Quite Painfull I guess.
2. L'homme propose, Dieu dispose.- > Manipulating the elctric signals inside the brain Juaques manipulates the thoughts of his victims. Beware extencive usage leads in severe brain damage

2. Magier (Noah)
important: Use of her right eye and a katana
1. Katana -> Magier simply uses her japanese sword in a normal way
2. Schwarze Krähe (Black Crow) -> Black feathers, as sharp as razors are surrounding the katana and can be shoot at the opponent with a single swing of the sword
3. Heerschar der weissen Krähe (Host of the White Crow) -> unknown
4. Heerschar der weissen Krähe Zweiter Akt(Host of the White Crow Act Two) -> unknown
5. Rad der Zeit (Wheel of Time) -> Magier is able to foresee the opponent's attacks and actions with her right eye. When the eye's power is realeased, her right eye turns into a darkish blue colour. It's unable to beat her in this kind of state unless the opponent is faster and can beat her before she can avoid the foreseen attack.

3. Zeran (excorsist)
important: innocence -> Tengoku(Heaven) Jigoku(Hell) can manipulate it in the air and can activate effects when held
1. Tengoku
-> a) Regular: Tenkai no Uta (Heaven's Song) Plays a beautiful melody which distorts all Dark matter beings
-> b) Ougi: Tenkai no Raionkei no Ryuu (Heaven's Blessed Lightning Dragon): Gigantic Lightning Dragon, enough said.
2. Jigoku
-> a) Regular: Makai no En (Hell's Flames) A fire-type attack which sends out blue flames
->b) Ougi: Makai no Enjyu no Phoenix (Hell's Cursed Flame Phoenix): Giganic Flaming Phoenix, enough said.
3. Twin Swords (combo technique)
-> a) Regular Technique: ?????
-> b) Ougi:Tenshi no Gekido/Oni no Jizen (Angel's Wrath/Demon's Benevolence) 1st attack sends out a giant ball of light which encircles everything that touches it. Then everything with a sinister heart will be encircled in golden rings. 2nd attack with tighten the rings until... SPLAT!

4. Stephanie (excorsist)
important: innocence -> Ribbons (really, really long ribbons)
It can be used either to manipulate people's movement like a puppetmaster or change its shape into a weapon. Most of the time, it can move freely like a snake and doesn't need any verbal commands unless it's a specialized attack (user doesn't need to say anything and can control it mentally). It depends on how my character or more importantly the writer wants to use it.

1. Destiny's Unforgiving Hand -> Ribbons attach themselves into an opponent body (enters the nervous system) allowing the exorcist to control his/her movement. Enemy is aware of what she/he is being forced to do but can't do anything about it. This attack drains a lot of energy.
2. Metamorphosis -> Ribbons change shape. Instead of being flexible, it hardens to form a weapon (sword, lance, etc). This attack doesn't drain that much energy.
3. Divine Protection -> Ribbons wrap around user as a shield; likewise, it is not energy draining.

5. Tabitha Brown (Exorcist)
important: Paraistic Innocence, Star Crossed Melody

1. Angel's Voice
-> a) Temptress' Song - The powah or persuation XD limited ability to pursuade akuma to bend to her will, but as her synch rate is a bit on the low side, its pretty limited to disrupting an attack pattern and causing it to abandon a victim in favor of her, but even this would drain a considerable amount of energy, so she doesn't use it much. As her synch rate goes up, this attacks power would increase, evenually allowing her to cause akuma to inciate its selfdestruction sequence and in its ultimate form, convert akuma. But thats waaaaaaay in the future, but I can dream neh?
-> b) Angel's Song - A soothing song that clams allies' fears. At higher synch rates, has a moderate healing ablility.
2) Sonic Boom -> it's a sort of sound wave she can have her voice produce

6. ying (finder)
-> instinctive dodging, toxic & antidote concoction, exhaustion & pain negligence (she will remain concious unless on the verge of death)
-> weapon 1: ring pendulum (ring, cord, crest)
-> weapon 2: almost any weapon w/o innocence smile
throwing knives/any throwing weapons > pierceing weapons > hack & slash
(there is no mastery over any of the weapons, and can be beaten by a single weapon wielder/specialist...)

(all of the skills have the restriction of being negated with the incapacitation/death of the user & by the prolong usage, the endurance of the user to activate the skill. All of the skills are impassive. Skill 1 & 2 cannot function together and are used seperately. The time span for switching between skills 1 & 2 is short but existant. All of the skills will function with the movement of the user unless stated not being applicable.)

1. white trial - dowser -> sources for a visually imaged object/being visually, so precision is required. It is based on the mapping effect of the absorption spectrum of the structure. Success and duration is dependent on the amount of confusion/objects/beings present.
it is independent to distance and the focus of the area scanned can be extended to a known field, the maximum area can be shaped as long as it is within the area limit/diameter/height (i haven't decide on the limit...). The effect of the scan will not weaken with distance, but will cease to function outside the area limit. The user will immobile during the scanning duration.
white trial - convoke -> accumulation of cell renewal/metabolism/growth. Applicable to the user only.Control over the amount of accumulation is possible.
white trial - ameliorate recovery of the user dependent on the amount of convoke. The volume of accumulation with convoke will decrease with the usage.

2. tribulation - eclipse -> masks the visual prescene of an object/being. Based on the imagery of the absorption of light waves into a camouflage.
the success is dependent on the distance and weakens the further the object/being to be masked is. Movement of the masked object/being also causes the camouflage to waver, the more the movement, the lower the chances for success. The focus area can be shaped as long as it is within the area limit/diameter/height (i haven't decide on the limit...)
black tribulation - oblivion -> suggests cell necrosis to the user only. Control over the amount of necrosis is possible.
black tribulation - detriment -> transfers the wounds/injuries of the being/s to the user and vice versa. It can function as long as there is contact of the being to the crest. Control over the amount of injuries to be transfered is possible. It is not usable to the already dead.
contact of the crest to the targeted being/object, other than the user, from the ring pendulum is needed for skill 2

7. Legno (bookman)
important: as weapon legno uses a wooden stick as weapon. Legno is very skillfull doing different attacks and defences with it. Activating his innocence makes his wooden strong as a katana
1. wooden trial -> legno attacks his opponent with the stick. By touching the opponent with the end of the stick, he always suck up a certain amount of energy. Disadvantage: the attack can kill a weak ennemy, but the stronger the ennemy the more difficult to kill it or weaken it.
2. tree of justice -> legno just simply touch the ground with his stick. Opponents on the ground are immobilized like a tree. Disdavantage: just like lavi seals attack, this attack has only a short-mid range
3. root of earth -> this is a defense, legno puts his stick on the ground. He turns the stick, in a circle around him. By doing this a huge amount of earth comes up, like an opposite water fall, to neutralize attacks or get the opponent away of him
4. branch of wind -> isnpired by the attack of kanda. Legno makes katana swings with his stick, thus causing wind strikes attacking the opponent


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 20, 2006
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Character: Jaques
important: He can manipulate all elements freely BUT if he wants to manipulate something inside a human body he needs to touch them (through this he scans the body structure). Then his techniques are limited by your knowledge about the laws of physics
Coup de Grace (simple: Finishing Blow)
Jaques heats up the water inside the human body. Either cooking or burning his victim to death. Quite Painfull I guess.
L'homme propose, Dieu dispose. (the man thinks but God moves (my french sucks but it's a nice sentence)
Manipulating the elctric signals inside the brain Juaques manipulates the thoughts of his victims. Beware extencive usage leads in severe brain damage.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 6, 2006
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great idea :) this will make the battle scenes easier to fomulate :amuse

name: ying
specializes in: instinctive dodging, toxic & antidote concoction, exhaustion & pain negligence (she will remain concious unless on the verge of death)
weapon 1: ring pendulum (ring, cord, crest)
weapon 2: almost any weapon w/o innocence :)
throwing knives/any throwing weapons > pierceing weapons > hack & slash
(there is no mastery over any of the weapons, and can be beaten by a single weapon wielder/specialist...)
(all of the skills have the restriction of being negated with the incapacitation/death of the user & by the prolong usage, the endurance of the user to activate the skill.
all of the skills are impassive.
skill A & B cannot function together and are used seperately.
the time span for switching between skills A & B is short but existant.
all of the skills will function with the movement of the user unless stated not being applicable.)

skill A:
white trial - dowser
sources for a visually imaged object/being visually, so precision is required.
it is based on the mapping effect of the absorption spectrum of the structure.
success and duration is dependent on the amount of confusion/objects/beings present.
it is independent to distance and the focus of the area scanned can be extended to a known field, the maximum area can be shaped as long as it is within the area limit/diameter/height
(i haven't decide on the limit...)
the effect of the scan will not weaken with distance, but will cease to function outside the area limit.
the user will immobile during the scanning duration.

white trial - convoke
accumulation of cell renewal/metabolism/growth.
applicable to the user only.
control over the amount of accumulation is possible.

white trial - ameliorate
recovery of the user dependent on the amount of convoke.
the volume of accumulation with convoke will decrease with the usage .

skill B (contact of the crest to the targeted being/object, other than the user, from the ring pendulum is needed):

black tribulation - eclipse
masks the visual prescene of an object/being.
based on the imagery of the absorption of light waves into a camouflage.
the success is dependent on the distance and weakens the further the object/being to be masked is.
movement of the masked object/being also causes the camouflage to waver, the more the movement, the lower the chances for success.
the focus area can be shaped as long as it is within the area limit/diameter/height
(i haven't decide on the limit...)

black tribulation - oblivion
suggests cell necrosis to the user only.
control over the amount of necrosis is possible.

black tribulation - detriment
transfers the wounds/injuries of the being/s to the user and vice versa.
it can function as long as there is contact of the being to the crest.
control over the amount of injuries to be transfered is possible.
it is not usable to the already dead.
*i'm still coming up with new techniques but these are the present and final ones (as soon as the area/time limit is set), with the crest in its "current state" so far... :) *


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Great idea and I think it is good to post this thread among the main thread we have in this fanstory-forum (among chapter claiming etc.) ^_^
Okies here we go, my character

Character: Magier (Noah)
Weapons:Use of her right eye and a katana

1)Katana: Magier simply uses her japanese sword in a normal way
2)Schwarze Krähe (Black Crow): Black feathers, as sharp as razors are surrounding the katana and can be shoot at the opponent with a single swing of the sword
3)Heerschar der weissen Krähe (Host of the White Crow): unknown
4)Heerschar der weissen Krähe Zweiter Akt (Host of the White Crow Act Two): unknown
5)Rad der Zeit (Wheel of Time): Magier is able to foresee the opponent's attacks and actions with her right eye. When the eye's power is realeased, her right eye turns into a darkish blue colour. It's unable to beat her in this kind of state unless the opponent is faster and can beat her before she can avoid the foreseen attack.


Character: Zeran
Innocence: Tengoku(Heaven) Jigoku(Hell)
Abilities: Can manipulate it in the air and can activate effects when held
Regular: Tenkai no Uta (Heaven's Song) Plays a beautiful melody which distorts all Dark matter beings
Ougi: Tenkai no Raionkei no Ryuu (Heaven's Blessed Lightning Dragon): Gigantic Lightning Dragon, enough said.
Innocence Overflow: ????????????????????????

Regular: Makai no En (Hell's Flames) A fire-type attack which sends out blue flames
NEW Technique! Ougi: Makai no Enjyu no Phoenix (Hell's Cursed Flame Phoenix): Giganic Flaming Phoenix, enough said.
Innocence Overflow: ?????????????????????????

Twin Swords: (combo technique)
Regular Technique: ?????
Ougi:Tenshi no Gekido/Oni no Jizen (Angel's Wrath/Demon's Benevolence) 1st attack sends out a giant ball of light which encircles everything that touches it. Then everything with a sinister heart will be encircled in golden rings. 2nd attack with tighten the rings until... SPLAT!
Innocence Overflow:????????????


Celestial Belgian
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 27, 2006
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okay, later on I'll modify the topics. got to go now, thanks for doing this and this will make fights easier

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Hmmmmmmmmm... guess I should follow suit

Character Information
Name of character: Stephanie
Weapon/Innocence: Ribbons (really, really long ribbons)
Important: Uuhhhhhh... what do you consider important? It can be used either to manipulate people's movement like a puppetmaster or change its shape into a weapon. Most of the time, it can move freely like a snake and doesn't need any verbal commands unless it's a specialized attack (user doesn't need to say anything and can control it mentally). It depends on how my character or more importantly the writer wants to use it.

Skills (God I hate coming up with attack names...)
Destiny's Unforgiving Hand: Ribbons attach themselves into an opponent body (enters the nervous system) allowing the exorcist to control his/her movement. Enemy is aware of what she/he is being forced to do but can't do anything about it. This attack drains a lot of energy.
Metamorphosis: Ribbons change shape. Instead of being flexible, it hardens to form a weapon (sword, lance, etc). This attack doesn't drain that much energy.
Divine Protection: Ribbons wrap around user as a shield; likewise, it is not energy draining.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
((Wah. Tune, you use big words XD))

Tabitha Brown (Exorcist)
Weapon: Paraistic Innocence, Star Crossed Melody

1) Angel's Voice - makes Tabby's voice layered with Innocence, activation needed for following skills
a) Temptress' Song - The powah or persuation XD limited ability to pursuade akuma to bend to her will, but as her synch rate is a bit on the low side, its pretty limited to disrupting an attack pattern and causing it to abandon a victim in favor of her, but even this would drain a considerable amount of energy, so she doesn't use it much. As her synch rate goes up, this attacks power would increase, evenually allowing her to cause akuma to inciate its selfdestruction sequence and in its ultimate form, convert akuma. But thats waaaaaaay in the future, but I can dream neh?
b) Angel's Song - A soothing song that clams allies' fears. At higher synch rates, has a moderate healing ablility.
2) Sonic Boom - Its a sort of sound wave she can have her voice produce

Tabby hasn't really begun to explore what her innocence is capable of, so she can't do much yet XD


MH Senpai
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 30, 2006
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Wow, many attacks that could be dangerous for us Noahs, for example your Angel's voice, Djmewmew
or all these control attacks, wow ^_^


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
It would be dangerous if she paid attention to how she used it more XD Right now she'd be more of an annoyance X3


Celestial Belgian
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 27, 2006
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okay, I tried to do my best. Tune you were really a pain in my ass :D and zeran you were the second one :D

I tried to do my best and will later on make it more structured and add my skill


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Dec 6, 2006
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*flees from hailing stones!*

ying is only a finder...not an exorcist, so there should be loopholes in her abilities... ><
not big words, the [THRESAURUS]
*huggles thesaurus~*

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Ummmmmmmm... my second attack is Metamorphosis though Divine Protection is another skill.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
tune said:
*flees from hailing stones!*

ying is only a finder...not an exorcist, so there should be loopholes in her abilities... ><
not big words, the [THRESAURUS]
*huggles thesaurus~*
Long live thresauruses then XD

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
shot! i forgot to mention that my ribbons are black until they are invocated. could you please add that to the important section? thanks!


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
changing stuff/adding stuff. 'cause I wrote my first one in a hurry.

This got out of hand, and I didn't quite explain it right and well cha', here's a revised/clarified version >x<
->Temptress' Song - A word or two said with a certain tone that have a small influence over things, used to slow/change direction of attacks so Tabby can block/dodge easier. Can be used with lots energy put into, or with only a tiny bit. With lots, it can temporarily stop or deflect attacks by saying that its going a differant direction. er...that didn't come out right, but its like if there's 180 degrees btween right and left, and the attacks going right, and with this amount of energy, Tabby says will probably be deflected 15 or so degrees. For the amount of energy it takes ((at full power, can be used about twice without rest)) its not usually worth it. With a small amount of energy, attacks are delayed by fractions of seconds or deflected fractions of degrees. Depending on the willpower of the target though, this can be rendered useless.
->Angel's Song - A soothing song that clams allies' fears. At higher levels can heal small cuts/scrapes/bruises. Takes the edge off of large injuries. Does almost nothing to takes-3-months-to-heal-unless-your-Kanda injuries.

3) Puppet's Voice - Its called this,but Tabby would never call it this,she just does it. Its basically ventrilaquism ((sp? XD)). Tabby uses it to confuse her enemy by sending her voice at them from all directions

*) Not really, a skill, but Tabby is very good at impressions. XD Feel free to use themin her pranks X3


Fires of Hell? *twwitches*
Huge lightning dragon? *twitches more* Does the word ORIGINALITY mean anything to u?????????????????????????????????????????????


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2007
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United States
I agree, Blade is sounding more like Zeran, again.......><;;;; You should really consider rewriting your skills. If your stuck for ideas, try your firends, but please, make sure your not copying Zeran. You have to work at seprating the two, and this isn't helping. Blade is like, Zeran's twin or something. XD ((Wait, don't use that please!))

KeyBlade Master

Ok i'll change it.......

Innocence:A katana with four elements embed into it

Fire Element:Fira-the enemy/enemies will be surrounded by a super hot
circle of fire.

Ice Element:Blizzard-Heavy and big chunks of ice will be summon and will fly towards
the enemy.
Blitz-Enemies nearby will freeze and become ice.

Earth Element:Ragnorak-Earth in the shape of spears will rose and pierce trough the
the enemy.

Thunder Element:Lightning-A wall of electric which will paralyse and kill the enemy

btw Blade could combine elements you people can name however you want.

Sorry if some of u are unhappy about this.

rhapsody blue

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 9, 2006
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United States
Since this thread is dead, I will post Stephanie and Lyra's fighting styles based on a video game.

Stephanie's is similar to Velvet's (ignore the skimpy clothes >.>)

Lyra's is similar to Mercedes's (long range attacks) and Gwendolyn's (when she uses her weapon as a mace/spear). Ignore the gliding/flying parts.