Iwanin said:
Ok, some basic questions:
How was it that you started doing translations?
How did you find mangahelpers?
Have you found it difficult working on as many translations as you are? I'm just amazed that you manage at all. I'd find it impossible, personally, so ... I believe the expression is 尊敬しっちゃうよ...
4. Besides translations, what are you occupied with now and what are your dreams for the future?
5. What sort of manga do you enjoy reading the most? How about translating?
2. I was looking for the latest raw Jump chapters (I think it was One Piece) using a search engine and then MH popped up~
1. Well, the first trans I ever did was DGM ch. 76 (on MH) and... I felt guilty for just leeching off the site all the time so... I just wanted to do something in return...? サ、サービス精神ってコトで・・・(汗) But then I got to know a lot of people who've made translating really fun for me, so right now I'm really enjoying it 'u<b (う、上手くまとまったかな?w)
3. Difficult? Well, sometimes. 現に I skipped last week's Naruto and I won't be continuing with all the series I'm working on... But I'm guessing my life as a translator's going to be short-lived (until I go back to studying), so I want to do as much as I can right now.
仕事と両立していける方が私は尊敬しますよ ☆o☆(笑)
4. I'm going to be studying medicine, so right now I'm trying to enjoy my last few months b4 school starts as much as I can. Which I suppose means that at the moment I'm doing a lot of translations ("besides translations", hmm...) and bothering some people a lot? lol But I thought it's really great that a manga site can be linked to a call for bone marrow donors (
here) ホントに皆さん様②ですよ・・・(感動)
5. What sort of manga? (な、何と漠然な・・・w) I guess I like manga/books that give me something to think about, but I can enjoy totally senseless stories too~. (Anything except for pure sports, I suppose >u<) Well, for translating, I'm tempted to say anything with very little text. But then again, I really enjoy it when the words used in Japanese have a lot of implications that can't be easily translated into English. Actually mostly everything that's enjoyable to read is enjoyable to translate though. The only thing I dread is the idea of translating Japanese puns that go on and on like the "Rouga" one in One Piece...(あれをやった方々、本当にお疲れ様でした・・・w)
Posted on: August 10, 2006, 10:14:20 AM_________________________________________________
yeste said:
Thats a lot of mangas! Im kind of new to the mangaverse, so unfortunately I dont know much from your list
lol I can give you a
much longer list, but that'll just make everyone sick >u< And yes, for some reason I seem to like the more minor manga, so I'm sure you aren't the only one~
Does your nick/username stand for anything or is it just a nick?
My nickname is a modification of the Japanese word "yoroshiku" which has...a I-hope-we'll-get-along feeling to it (for lack of a better explanation ・x ・) Well, my friends call me "Yopiko" so I took "yoroshiku" and mashed the two together to get this. Tada~☆ >∀<ノ
What kind of music do you like?/Do you like music?
I listen to both english and j-pop. (If you'd like a recommendation for j-pop, check out
Do you like to draw? Whos your favorite Naruto character?
how old are you? Nevermind that! You are in Japan, right???
Do you like going out/hanging out with your friends? Where do you like to go? I mean do you go clubbing
or have a favorite place to hang out with friends
What do you like to do in your own free time?
Yup, I enjoy drawing. Naruto character?...Tobi? lol (still fresh) Yes, I'm in Japan. Yup, I go out quite often with my friends. Just to chat about things that couldn't matter any less (-- Girls. *rolls eyes*) and I don't go clubbing but we go to the karaoke every now and then♪Free time = sleeping & playing-with-Momo (my dog) time (or translating/chatting time nowadays >u<)
Luckas04 said:
What do you think about Gintama?
It grow slowly on me, then hooked me and then disappointed me.
The story doesn't get anywhere, but for some reason I really like it~ (ツボ②) Just seeing Sadaharu is enough to make me laugh ・∀ ・。 Actually I haven't read a large middle portion yet, so that may be the difference? But I found the last few chapters hilarious (e.g. the one with Katsura and the mole...)