Theory - Titans, Their Origin, and Their Purpose. | MangaHelpers

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Theory Titans, Their Origin, and Their Purpose.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 21, 2013
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Abu Dhabi
Hello everyone. I've come to this little theory on the origin and purpose the titans.

The story tells since the first episode that territory plays a very important role. Humans have been enclosed into the walls to be protected of the sudden appearance of the titans. But how the titans have born? I'll start with the why, imagine the world before the titans, where nations fought each other to spread territory, they needed a better way of approach, the creation of drugs to enhance human physical traits have come as an option. One of these nations started to research in this matter and ended up creating a titan, although the experiment have been a failure and the guineas pigs long forgot their humanity, although the titans did fulfilled their purpose, they would only attack humans, they would eat them and do not harm any other food supply. The first bunch of titans would be dispatched into the "Battlefield".

Another nation, aware of this bio technology, would start developing better kinds of titans, thus creating new, bigger and advanced titans as a counter-attack. The titans started to develop this way.
One of the nations located in the middle of this war, unaware of the titans, started to receive those bigger than three meters "gift". As seen in this image:

At this point, a group living in this city started to research on this matter and discovered the origin of the titans, hiring scientists from other nations to help on a defensive measure. The experiments with the titans would be forbidden and inhuman to the eyes of the people, so the church was created as a façade to the experiments and would hide any information about the titans. The experiments started and another bunch of titans were created, one that could solidify, and they thought that it would help to create walls but the titans were still brainless, the creation and development of the titans continued until they managed to hold the humanity in the titans for a small amount of time, and used them to stand tall and generate the walls, the humanity on those titans were soon lost, but they were already part of the walls. This allowed Grisha Jaeger to develop a way to create titans that would not lose their humanity at all. Soon Grisha, who would be known to cure diseases inside the walls, but in the end, he would use the diseased people in his experiments, but the drugs would take a considerate amount of time to develop.

The Titan Shifters that Grisha created would come to ears of another nation, that would persuade some of those shifters to their side. With the power of the colossal, this nation started a move: Break through the walls and take the territory. But they would not do this so harshly, they wanted other specimens of Grisha, as well as his annotations, all his documents and research about his lifetime experiments. Going on rampage would grant them the territory, but with nothing of great benefit to them in it.

Grisha, after the breakout, would give his son medication, so he could turn into a titan and protect himself from other possible attacks. He leave the walls, he have been hired by one other nations to create Shifters.

The story proceeds normally until to the point titans have been see inside the walls, just after the victory over Annie Leonhardt. In fact, there were no breakout, but the titans were just born from Conny's village, results of the experiments Grisha conducted years ago when he was "curing" an epidemy there. One new kind of titan appeared, one full of fur resembling an ape, probably one of Grisha's creation outside of the walls, he is a Shifter that is able to speak, he starts an infiltration and ended up beating up Mike Zakarius, discovering an interesting engine, the Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear technology, that proves that outside the wall know nothing about this technology. With this in hands, the Ape Titan called it a day, and decided to return to his land.

Another small theory I have is about that there is a few to no female titans. I say that female humans does not welcome the titan medication as well as the male. Thus, dying in the process or having no means of survival after being a titan, Like the supposed Conny's mother (She would not be able to move after she became a titan).


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Apr 10, 2013
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United States
Re: Titans origin and purpose.

Interesting. Then, Reiner, Bertolt and Annie are from where exactly? Experiments of Grisha as well?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 21, 2013
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Abu Dhabi
Re: Titans origin and purpose.

I say it is Grisha's. I presume they live inside the walls since before they became titans. Athough they are working for the outside of Maria. And I say that Ymir came from the outside as a titan already, but is helping in the inside.


Bishoujo Collector
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 17, 2012
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Marine Headquarters
Re: Titans origin and purpose.

Well, what can I say, your theory really intrigues me, also because we somewhat had a confirmation of the fact that the normal Titans we have seen so far are in reality humans in which probably the transformation in Titans has been inducted...


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Re: Titans origin and purpose.

The timeline would not fit your theory though. Humans have presumably been within the walls for 100 years, grisha can't really be from the time titans first appeared or have taken action in such a thing as the creation of titans. Whether they were biological weapons created by several nations is kinda up there though. I would question the idea to some extent.... I mean, we have 3 different nations coming up with different sort of titans? And the one that follows the other is the one with the more advanced titans? I can imagine titans as physics defying biological weapons but if they were odds are only one nation created them and unleashed them upon the world... At least that would make more sense to me.

As as female titans.... The main issue with that theory is that we only saw one female titan who apparently went through a failed transformation. Presumably half or so in the village were female, if titanism had that sort of failure rate among women we would have seen more women like her in such a state. Heck, even the notion that titan origins are unknown would be absurd as in every case of infection half the population would end up even more deformed than regular titans.

I take it that annie's female body is the result of her being a succesful human titan. Normal titans are not necessarily male looking, they are just deformed and have no genitals. On the other hand human titans are not in any way deformed so to speak. Eren and reiner are obviously make in terms of body type at least. What we know does not necessarily imply annie is a special case, it implies annie is much like other human titans. The exception would be ymir considering she is a tiny titan with relatively weak strength and is at large deformed though.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 21, 2013
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Abu Dhabi
Re: Titans origin and purpose.

The Titan biotechnology is being developed over the time, and every time one nation comes with a new kind of titan, as i said. This process took a considerate amount of years. Of course old scientists have been replaced, Grisha is just another scientist of his time giving continuation to the researches, resulting in the shifters. There's no time flaw.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Re: Titans origin and purpose.

Ahhh, I see what you mean. The idea is kinda weird though.. if they were currently at war with another nation wouldn't the members of the scouting legion know about it by now? They venture outside the walls quite often and it does seem like there are places where they are relatively safe from titans at large such as the forest. If there are nations around then odds are they are far away enough for an actual war between them to be impossible at least on horseback. Human titans are another deal and they could indeed wage war against other nations. Perhaps this is what the armored and colossal titan refer to as hometown? Although that would be weird as their initial attacks do seem to be an initiative of their own.... I don't have a problem with the idea of other settlements but I do find the idea of them currently somehow waging war on each other strange.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
May 31, 2012
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United States
Re: Titans origin and purpose.

I would say based on the physical features of the Titans, it's not really a performance enhancement drug, but rather a means to obtain eternal life along with eliminate the need to feed to survive. If you recall a Titan does not need to eat, but they feast on humans, almost like zombies in a sense to eat in hopes of regaining humanity.

Of course what went wrong is that bv using this drug they lost their humanity and they became cursed beast sure they have eternal life but at the price of being unable to really live life, a short of twisted joke, all that time but you can't do anything with it.

THe other interesting note is that, they way their bodies appear is still a mystery, almost as if it's done through an alchemic mutation, where it gathers the atomic resources around them to create the body, which actually would make sense when you consider that a titans' body is avery hot or rather when they leave the state it leaves them not only weakened but in a very fevered state.

It may be safe to conclude that a titan transformation is a nuclear reaction, gathering the elements around them and creating the body which they hide their vessel in the back of the neck.

Though hopefully in 2-3 chpts we will learn most of the secrets am pretty sure that the reason why Eren was taken by the other titans is to find out the true origin behind everything and since he has the key to the laboratory/basement that his father left him and he's also a titan, they want him to see the truth.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 23, 2013
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Okay, I have a pretty good idea about what is going on.

Here's the thing, I've got a theory for a while now. I find it VERY hard that I am wrong about this. Spoilers follow, naturally.

About the humans inside the wall? Remember that Eren kept saying at the beginning that they're cattle? I think that's what they are. Cattle.

They are encased in the walls to reproduce. Why? To make giants. My guess is that there is someone out there wanting an army of titans. And to that end they've put community of humans, so that they can grow in numbers and then someone can come and turn then into giants. The Ape Giant is the one doing the "giantification". That is the reason people in Connie's village were turned into giants. It is also the reason why the walls are made of Them. It is ALL an experiment.

And now, let's get some things out of the way:

Eren's father: My guess is that he is a supervisor for the project OR that he's a cientist turned rogue. Reason: Apparently he suddenly appeared in Eren's town:
I know, not directly said... but the way I see it it is highly implied.

Ymir: I THINK Ymir was a high-ranked person in the society that is turning people into giants(which is also the reason she can read in another language). She, however, did not approve of the experiments. So she was cast out and was turned into a giant "for the happiness of a great many people". THAT is the reason she wanted to meet Christa/Historia. They are, in a way very similar. Proof: the next two pages) the next two pages) the next page) the next page)

Reiner and Bertholdt: Here's my guess. They are from another community of humans that got turned into giants and they, one day "woke up" and managed to control their giant powers. They want to end these experiments by killing all the humans before they get turned into giants. Hence, the reason why they broke Wall Maria. Proof? There are two. Small ones.
Look at Reiner's face when Eren said "we passed by your home village". He's thinking "what the hell does he mean by that?"
And, finally, the most relevant proof:
JUST AFTER it was discovered that there is no breach, Reiner and Bertholdt are saying that there is no need to break the walls anymore? Why is that? I'll tell you why, my friends. Because things already went to hell. People already started turning into giants and there is nothing they can do about it. The only thing they want is to Eren to follow then and to help them break other walls in other places(and maybe help them get their home town back from the giants). I think they think that Eren is also from the outside world like them(because he's a giantshifter too), but I'm not sure.

Annie: I have no idea. My guess is that she's also from the outside world and someday she bumped into Reiner and joined his cause.

The Giantification: Ok, the biggest thing here is motive. Why turn humans into giants? I have no idea, to be honest. I DO think, however, that the people turning humans into giants ARE humans. Here are my guesses:
#1: They want an army because they are in war with another country that also uses giants(which is why giants eat humans).
#2: They want an army to defeat another type of enemy that is hugely powerful.

Yeah, those were my guesses. Another reason for giants to eat humans are to keep them inside the walls, btw.

So, what do you guys think?

P.S.: I HATE the word "titan" for the creatures in this. I'm actually kind fond of "eotena" and "giant". Don't judge me.


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Re: Titans origin and purpose.

Every time I try to figure the mystery behind Titans I have headaches. I don't think we have enough elements. We know that:
-Titans are more or less sensitive to the sunlight.
-There is a pilot mode.
-They are violent.

It also seems that only the shorter can speak
(Ymir, the titan in Ilse's notebook,and Conny's mother)
but Eren and the others don't speak at all.

I don't know why there are so much titans but if they were all titan shifters I wonder what was their objective(at first, I thought famine was the reason) but they kill humans for the lulz and ignore other species...


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 21, 2009
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Re: Okay, I have a pretty good idea about what is going on.

Do you like norse myth? ^^

Imho there's not too much organization/s around titan factor, maybe only one.
For me it's a disease, at least at the begginning, than probably someone manage to use this disease as a bacteriological weapon in two ways:

1- Turn people against themselves from within the walls
2- Have huge soldiers with varied powers to use against the army inside the walls

Ape Titan can be a deviant specimen, born from an ape or similar, and act in solo.

All the stuff about giant writings and so on are related not to giant but to a civilization, existed before the 100 years of giant attack, maybe responsible of the disease or its use as a militay weapon.

This is my 2 cents ;D


MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 26, 2010
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Hong Kong
Re: Okay, I have a pretty good idea about what is going on.

They are encased in the walls to reproduce. Why? To make giants. My guess is that there is someone out there wanting an army of titans. And to that end they've put community of humans, so that they can grow in numbers and then someone can come and turn then into giants. The Ape Giant is the one doing the "giantification". That is the reason people in Connie's village were turned into giants.
Reiner and Bertholdt: Here's my guess. They are from another community of humans that got turned into giants and they, one day "woke up" and managed to control their giant powers. They want to end these experiments by killing all the humans before they get turned into giants. Hence, the reason why they broke Wall Maria.
Isn't there something wrong with that logic. To prevent this breeding of titans, we shall save the world by destroying the barrier that's protecting everybody and let's kill everybody so they don't end up turning into titans.... Wait, wot. ಠ_ಠ

Logically speaking, if one were to prevent something they'd protect, not destroy.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Dec 9, 2012
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Re: Okay, I have a pretty good idea about what is going on.

ok, i will give some of my thoughts of the story:

I think, that the titans breed the humans, because they need them. The intelligent titans build walls for the humans and created a religious sect, that praises the walls.

Maybe titans need the humans to get children, becuase if 2 half-human half-titan (like Eren) pairs, they will just get a silly titan, that cant pair.

The young titans (Reiner, Berthold) are just playing around with humans, because they want them to fear titans.

The titans have the possilibity to destroy humankind for sure, but they wont kill them. I mean the colossal titan could just destroy all wall Entries, but he didnt.

Additionally the titans are testing mutation drugs like the armored titan or the colossal titan. Actually I think, that Erens father is one of the superior titans and maybe the one who created the armored and the colossal titan.

So the modified titans want to catch Eren for his father.


風立ちぬ いざ生きめやも
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 12, 2012
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Holy Britannian Empire
Re: Okay, I have a pretty good idea about what is going on.

I think the Ape Titan is on a different side to Reiner and Bertholdt. Those faces on them, as well as Ymir's, when the Ape Titan passes by... there's just so much written on their face, but in my opinion for now, "the enemy boss is here" is the most fitting description for their expressions.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Mar 20, 2009
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Re: Titans origin and purpose.

Every time I try to figure the mystery behind Titans I have headaches. I don't think we have enough elements. We know that:
-Titans are more or less sensitive to the sunlight.
-There is a pilot mode.
-They are violent.

It also seems that only the shorter can speak
(Ymir, the titan in Ilse's notebook,and Conny's mother)
but Eren and the others don't speak at all.

I don't know why there are so much titans but if they were all titan shifters I wonder what was their objective(at first, I thought famine was the reason) but they kill humans for the lulz and ignore other species...
I find Ymir the most interesting titan we have seen so far, first because of what she tells historia, about getting a second chance in life, secondly because of her appearing to be somewhat inferior to the other shifters and lastly because we see her in a flashback attacking Ryner and his friend as kids, so how old is she !? Why is her healing process slower than others. I personally thing she was a human that got turned into a mindless titan and somehow managed to regain control


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 21, 2009
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Re: Titans origin and purpose.

In today's anime episode Eren's dad clearly say he injected in Eren's body a substance to permit him to transform into a titan in the future to protect Mikasa and Armin and to reach the basement. He added that that injection would clean his memory about the fact for some time and than he would remember about it in the future.

All this stuff appears in the manga too? Cuz explain a lot of things if ALL human shifters had simply injected their powers.


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Re: Titans origin and purpose.

In today's anime episode Eren's dad clearly say he injected in Eren's body a substance to permit him to transform into a titan in the future to protect Mikasa and Armin and to reach the basement. He added that that injection would clean his memory about the fact for some time and than he would remember about it in the future.

All this stuff appears in the manga too? Cuz explain a lot of things if ALL human shifters had simply injected their powers.
Yes. It is in the manga.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
May 24, 2012
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Fun Forum
Re: Okay, I have a pretty good idea about what is going on.

This has been mention in a lot of forum discussing the possibilities in the SnK world. I'll just briefly mention some here.

In the latest chapter when Ymir was cut of from saying who is the real enemy in the raw she said "sei-".
In jap it could be Seifu > government or Seiheki Kyokai > church of holy walls.

Previously when Pixis was talking with Eren on the wall he told Eren before titans wreak havoc humans have been fighting among themselves so one day someone said what happens if humans share a common enemy? They will cast aside all differences and work together.

So my guess is this:
A certain organisation delve deep into researching how to make humans into titans and develop a serum (think zombie style). They unleash it into society (probably vaccine or water system) and create chaos. Then they sort off like in the movie 2012 invite the worlds richest most influential people to board ships that carries them to a continent with walls already prepared by the same organisation that introduced titans. The ones contribute most get to live in the inner district. They do this to control or save humanity or whatever grand delusions they have (think new world order).

The wall government forbids, destroy all kinds of information about the outside world to make sure humanity remains ignorant and cast fears about them. ignorant and scared society are easy to control. So this is my guess on the history behind the creation of the wall and its government and people.

Now i'll state my guess on the outside.
Of course not all humans were destroyed in the initial attack of the titans. There are probably places that the titans couldn't reach (snow mountain, island, tall tress etc). And probably they knew about that certain organisation's objective so they probably have counter measures that made them able to survive outside the wall. They are what we would call rebels. This is what Reiner, Annie, berthold belongs to. They were send to infiltrate and mess up the wall. They probably only attack now cause recently they made a breakthrough in their own titan research.

My guess are based on the fact given inside each SnK graphic novels. You can check it out

Though i realise there are a few holes or questions about this theory
Why didn't Annie grab the king since she was already deep inside the inner district. Unless the palace guards are titans themselves.
The monkey titan. What is he. It looked like even berthold the biggest titan is afraid of it. One of the originals perhaps? a mutant?
Why didn't the rebels made contact with the scouts who always venture outside the walls. Unless they think those scouts are actually looking for the rebel base to attack.
This is my guess.


風立ちぬ いざ生きめやも
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Nov 12, 2012
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Holy Britannian Empire
Re: Okay, I have a pretty good idea about what is going on.

Yeah I think Grisha is in a shady business. I'm thinking he's related more to the government at first, but later defects due to the loss of his wife, Karla. Now he's running away from committing anymore dodgy things.

The thing with him looking for the last of the Oriental race, Mikasa and her mom, could be that--- he's looking for potential Shifters!!

The Oriental race apparently has some sort of berserk-ish strength?

Mikasa's headache, could it be something to do with Grisha's "medical attention?" Because Mikasa met him twice, once as a kid, the other during that incident. Meaning he could have done something to her the first time round.

If that's so, I have a feeling Grisha knows Annie's father.

Note that all the Titan shifters we know at the moment are all around Eren's age (I think Ymir is too, right?)


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Re: Okay, I have a pretty good idea about what is going on.

Well, it is almost certain that in some form human titans are involved with the deeper levels of government. Titans are not quite something which humans can force to do something and yet a number of titans were used all through the 3 walls to build them. Someone else posted a translations of the random text in the SnK which explained how the wall situation came about. However it is rather weird, it does not seem like humans had that much technology back in the day and the notion that they built 3 immense walls on their own while they were being eaten is absurd. So for whatever reason the humans got a bunch of titans to build the walls in a remote region where there were no normal titans yet. Everything does indeed suggests its the central government which is somehow involved and in control of this. The government being behind everything would explain why the church got authority over the wall. Now, the motives behind everything are still a mystery though. Government, nobility and royalty being that central to the plot would explain why historia is that important too. Well, it does not explain it as we still have no clue of what her relevance is however it does give us some context under which current developments start making a shred of sense.

As for the titan attacks on the wall I am honestly beginning to think they were the result of reyner and berholt going crazy. Reyner going crazy is obvious by now, his grip on reality is shaky at best. Berholt seems to have a better clue on what is going on but it does seem like the idea of them not wanting to destroy humanity anymore is consistent. Anyways, the last chapter does give us some important perspective. Reyner and berholt are not capable of controlling other titans and even with all their power they risk being defeated by them when in large enough numbers.

Now, if titans are ultimately that dangerous even for the freaking colossal and armored titan then why in the world would they aim to destroy the wall? They would in fact need the wall just about as much as every other human. In particular berholt, he is slow. Reyner can probably keep himself safe just as annie by running a ton however he must still eventually stop and rest. Right now they are in danger even though they are still within the broken wall, I would think that the concentration of giants outside it would be even larger.

Anyways, the only thing that makes sense right now is that their hometown is somewhere they can return to where they can be safe and there are people they give a crap about. The more I think about it the more I get the impression that people within the walls are just an experiment to make more titans.