Favorites - Top 5 Favorite Matches in the Series? | Page 3 | MangaHelpers

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Favorites Top 5 Favorite Matches in the Series?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Dec 5, 2014
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United States
No order here:
Marui/Jackal v. Momo/Kaidoh
Probably the last match where the Dunk Smash meant something. Also, Specialists against All-Rounders (or aggressive baseliners).
Tachibana v. Chitose
I loved most of the match but realizing how Tachibana was holding back was depressing.
Fuji v. Niou
I liked how Fuji easily uses his original 3 counters against "Shiraishi". Also liked the Inui dream.
Shiraishi v. Fuji
Sometimes, a genius will be completely outclassed. Fuji's big break with the 5th counter is cool but still beaten down.
Hiyoshi/Mukahi v. Inui/Kaidoh
The reveal of Kaidoh's new move is just perfect. The power shift was just executed brilliantly.

Atobe v. Irie
This is the first high tension battle in NPoT. The fact that Atobe practically abandons his pride is great.
Marui/Kite v. Kimijima/Tono
The victory of the high schoolers is great. I liked Tono's executions, Kimijima's negotiations, Kite using Viking Horn and Habu, and Marui's perfect fortress/wonder castle.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jun 30, 2015
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United States
1 tachibana vs. chitose
2 kite vs. tezuka
3 fuji vs. ryoma
4 akaya vs. krauser
5 akaya vs. yanagi

Fuuji Genichiro

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jun 28, 2015
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my top 5

1. Sanada vs Tezuka.....only the emperor has the authority to tell the BALL what to do, and we get to see how useless tezuka is when his tezuka zone spam fails. sanada now my 2nd fav character from this match. the opening was the single best rally ive ever seen, and the rai reveal looked dope.

2. Atobe vs Echizen...... ok, i lied, THIS is the best rally ive ever seen, koori no sekai at its best, the is one of the few matches where ryoma's play is actually interesting (my opinion) i actually LIKED that comeback (and i generally dislike ryoma), but the opening rally (higuma otoshi bitchez) and the ending was awesome too

3.Yanagi+Kirihara vs Inui+Kaidoh.... "its ok kaidoh...ive collected....the data" Inui makes nerds look cool sometimes, but the star of this match was Kaidoh. Im convived that if this was a 2vs1 match, Kaidoh would have won. A little desperate to use demon akaya but even then, Gyro Laser, Tornado snake, reverse snake, Boomerang all hit with the same pose, and both yanagi's data, and kirihara's anger were utterly useless, give credit to inui for MAKING this beast what it was, kaidoh was unstoppable. this match would have been no.1 IF kaidoh had a LITTLE rampage with devil mode. just a little, all i asked :)
[yet still kaidoh's tech stat stays at 3 while akaya's went up]

4. Fuuji vs Tezuka.... not as intersting as other matches, but on the list because of the relevance to the series, lets be honest, we ALL were waiting for this match to happen, trple counter vs tezuka zone, and tezuka zone won(sadly), but fuuji losing for the first time in his life (and crying like a baby) turned out to be more good than bad, as us fuuji fans get to see fujji evolve from this match ( if only fuuji got his rematch befor TnK), fuuji is my fav character and some tezuka fans gave me a hard time but it was good to finally settle the long standing issue. and it was a pretty close match to be fair.

5. Fuuji vs Niou....the losses from tezuka and shiraishi built up to this point. we see fuuji at his best (at the time). tezuka zone and bible tennis defeated fuuji in the past, but this time neither stood any chance, even though he never ACTUALLY played tezuka. Fuuji at this point was probably the strongest at seigaku (for the next few hours anyway) and hoshi hanabi pwns. Fuuji quite easily beats niou (after little trouble) and looks cool while doing so.


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
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So apparently there was a larger scale survey on this topic at Tanabata 2017. I'm not sure how many people participated, but you can see the top 20 results here if you're interested.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 11, 2017
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1) Tezuka vs Atobe
It's really a wonderful match and no matter how much I rewatch it it's just so good ;_;

2) Atobe vs Ryoma
My fave part was how everyone was against Ryoma winning but he still won anyway

3) Silver Pair vs Golden Pair
It was really fun seeing the dynamics of each pair

4) Yukimura vs Ryoma

5) Gakuto, Hiyoshi Pair vs Inui, Kaidoh Pair
I really like the tenimyu song for this match


Mr. Elite
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Global Moderator
Oct 31, 2009
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I always have trouble with these top X lists, but I think an update is overdue at this point.

1. Tezuka vs Atobe
2. Tokugawa vs Byoudouin

These two are at the top for me for very similar reasons, specifically because they were the first matches to define what a confrontation between two top level players looks like in the respective series. Both have a pretty similar setup too with Atobe/Byoudouin exploiting Tezuka/Tokugawa's injury more or less on purpose and the latter showing their resolve to exceed the expectations of both their opponents and teammates. Overall I'm putting Tezuka vs Atobe slightly higher because I really like the way the ending is portrayed.

3. Ryoma vs Yukimura
Prince of Tennis has never been famous for having a super consistent theme, but this match pitting a move of pure enjoyment against one that robs the opponent of their will to even pick up a racket was a great conclusion to part 1 regardless. I think it's a nice message in general too.

4. Atobe vs Noah
I'm cheating here and putting this one for Japan vs Australia as a whole since it was the overarching narrative of all the matches. Especially now that the English scans are starting to come out, I feel like each match had an element that made it really enjoyable. Getting some insights into how Yukimura and Sanada first met and the first match they played together was nice and even gave me minor Ace of Diamond flashbacks in how it was presented. I liked seeing Niou go all-out like that and the trick that turned the match into Japan's favor. Finally, Dorgias' struggle against Kintarou and how he went beyond his limits made me really appreciate his character. Ultimately that's also the main reason why I want to include these matches in my top 5 here - by the end I was rooting for the opposing team to win, which doesn't happen very often, and just wanted it to keep going for longer. If it evokes that kind of response, Konomi must've done something right.

5. Oishi/Kikumaru vs Yagyuu/Niou
I could've put many matches here, really, but I'd like to include one stand-alone doubles at least. If Tezuka vs Atobe set the pace for top level singles matches, I think this one did the same for doubles. Both sides showed great teamwork and tactical play and even more so than D2, it showed how much of a threat Rikkai really was.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 1, 2012
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1. Sanada vs Tezuka
This was the match that struck me the most visually in the anime. I can never forget the image of Tezuka Phantom. I was rooting for Tezuka then, and Tezuka Phantom's reveal was just incredible and dramatic. I loved the addition of Sanada's Rai and In too, though it irks me that he didn't use these to defeat Echizen. I get that it's for the story, but argh.

2. Tezuka vs Atobe
This was the point where I got hooked into Tenipuri. This is when the drama just seems to peak, and things start getting interesting. You get the handsome, all-out captain with a destroyed shoulder.

3. Niou and Yagyuu vs Oishi and Eiji
Oishi and Eiji barely defeating the laser, only to find that the real laser is far stronger when the switch is revealed? Best twist.

4. Yanagi vs Inui
The drama.

5. Sanada vs Echizen
I have conflicting feelings for this one. I honestly really hate thinking about this match because Sanada lost. (UH HE WOULD'VE WON IF HE JUST UNSEALED RAI? dammit sanada I love you but why??) I would've appreciated Echizen losing for once; would've made good drama and room for improvement, plus the thrill and suspense of the threat of Rikkai winning their third consecutive championship would've lasted until the final battle at nationals. For now, this goes on my favorites because of Sanada's FuRinKaZan, dramatic Muga no Kyouchi reveal, and Sanada himself coming out like the strongest boss while being only the vice-captain of Rikkai. He prepares the terror of facing Yukimura in a match.

Shout out to Yukimura vs Echizen because Yukimura returning two halves of a ball was epic. His entire being is epic, looking like a contradiction and jacket over the shoulders and all. And he came from the hospital too.

André Vinícius

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Dec 10, 2019
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Since this is "top favorites" and not "better" it makes things easier for me. I will divide into two top 5 to cover the 2 series, since my top favorites are all on NPoT and leaving PoT out would be kinda bad I think ?

Prince of Tennis:

No. 5 - Ryoma vs Akutsu
If I remember correctly this was the first good match for Ryoma, that really demanded him, and Akutsu has one of my favorite playstyle in the series.

No. 4 - Tezuka vs Sanada
This one is the only match that I was really waiting in the finals, and then we have a beginning with Zone starting to waver, -> Hyakuren rendered useless, Saiki rendered useless and then the phantom. The techniques that Sanada used are also really good here and this could be the best match visually speaking.

No. 3 - Tezuka vs Atobe
Well, I don't really know what to say about this one, it's just you know, I can't really put in words here (even though I can't really put in words the most part of this list), it was this match that put Atobe as one of my favorites characters, I guess this enters here by the phrase "the first time you never forget" seeing as this was a first top level match on the series.

No. 2 - Yuushi vs Momoshiro
Now this is strange I know but I really liked this one, the playstyle that Yuushi use is simple yet I like maybe too much and Momo using his nature oriented Insight was probably the best point in the match, how calm he was, using the wind, the sun and thinking ahead. Then Yuushi counter Momo Insight to win the match like a boss.

No. 1 - Shiraishi vs Fuji :Ecstasy
In Prince of Tennis my favorite playstyle was always Shiraishi Bible Tennis, playing perfectly was simple yet... perfect :derp but seriously, Shiraishi countering all Fuji's counters and then Fuji evolving his counters and creating a new one (that I particularly liked the most) and even after Fuji's "evolution" Shiraishi yet managing to win, really hit me in a good spot. But this is probably in no. 1 only because I always had a hard time deciding who was my favorite character between Shiraishi and Niou (not anymore though).
And I think it's pretty astonishing that in this top 5 there aren't any Niou match even though he's my favorite, I could put his doubles agaisnt golden pair or his match against Fuji but I don't think I liked those that much compared to the five above, but in NPoT this changes.

New Prince of Tennis:

No. 5 - Niou/Atobe vs Ochi/Mouri
Here we got Niou doing a show, first we have a Atobe-Tezuka doubles (which is cool), a lot of service aces and Niou making the sacrifices for the win, after that Atobe is basically forced to play alone agaisnt 2 HS and what Niou can do to help is use an ilusion of Atobe to force a synchro and help Atobe to see what the enemies are gonna do and seeing your favorite character like this have some plus, the only problem of this match is that the genius 10 used around 60% of their max, which makes all the struggle seems useless.

No. 4 - Kintaro vs Dorgias
Here we have TnK in action, I like how TnK is visually portrayed and in general it was pretty, we have Kintaro dominating the match and I liked to see how Dorgias was playing here, he was keeping up with Kintaro TnK even though he was desperately trying to return Kintaro shots. But even though it was 3-3 when it became on screen it was clear that it was an one sided match when it was show how Dorgias was exausthed on the 5-3. Dorgias even having reason to slack off in the match, he was putting his life on the line and it was a really good moment when Dorgias won his fourth game making 5-4, his comeback was good but in the end he would still lose, I wanted this match to have a real end but it still enough to put on this list.

No. 3 - Shiraishi/Kimijima vs Tristan/Timothee
I need to put the most stylish match in the series here right ? I would put this here mainly because of Shiraishi, since we got his evolution and the path he choose to follow. As a fan of his Bible Tennis I didn't think I would like for him to change his style, but I liked what was done, he didn't just start to copy people like Niou and Kabaji, he used what he saw his companions doing everyday and he continued to focus on stats to overcame his opponent, the only thing that change is now he's more flashy and this match was a good place to start a more flashy style seeing who are the 4 players. Of course I also liked the france double and Kimijima surprised me in this match, by how good he were playing basicaly by himself and when he lost his "cool" appearance.

No. 2 - Byodoin vs Tokugawa
There's not much to say about this, Byodoin vs Tokugawa was the first high level match we saw on NPoT so this leave an impression. I really liked Byodoin playstyle, his world techniques and mainly the Pirate Spirit, that was cool to see (and this is also important to the first place). Personally, I have mixed feelings about Tokugawa black hole but it's alright.

No. 1 - Niou/Duke vs Bertie/Schneider
Well, this was Niou finest performance, we have Niou and Duke against 2 pros and Niou brings Byodoin into the game from the beginning, where we see Pirate Spirit in the first set and the world techniques in the second set. The third set Byodoin was already useless and I liked how Niou brought Zeus, Noah and Camus to the field (personally I tought Niou was only going to use Byodoin in this match but was gladly wrong). Even though I find Bertie pretty busted, I like him (can't say the same about Schneider) and his playstyle. Here we also saw Camus playstyle that looked pretty interesting and then we have Duke and "Camus" Howling that was unexpected for me but also taken gladly. Then the highlight of the match was in the Match point with Niou playing as himself and with Duke help getting the last point.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 17, 2020
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1. Atobe Vs Tezuka
2. Shiraishi Vs Fuji
3. Sanada Vs Ryoma
4. Kite Vs Tezuka
5. Kintaro Vs Ryoma

NPOT(So Far)
1. Qp Vs Oni
2. Ryoma Vs Ludovic
3. Tanegashima Vs Zeus
4. Fuji/Atobe Vs Milman/Mcgregor
5 . Kintaro Vs Dorgias

NOTE: Tezuka Vs Yukimura may enter this depends on the progress and outcome of the match.
Last edited:


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 1, 2016
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1. Atobe Vs Tezuka
2. Shiraishi Vs Fuji
3. Sanada Vs Ryoma
4. Kite Vs Tezuka
5. Kintaro Vs Ryoma

NPOT(So Far)
1. Qp Vs Oni
2. Ryoma Vs Ludovic
3. Tanegashima Vs Zeus
4. Fuji/Duke Vs Australia
5 . Kintaro Vs Dorgias

NOTE: Tezuka Vs Yukimura may enter this depends on the progress and outcome of the match.
I'm kinda confused.. are you pertaining to Fuji/Duke vs Bismarck/Siegfried (Germany) or Fuji/Atobe vs Millman/McGregor (Australia)?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 17, 2020
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I'm kinda confused.. are you pertaining to Fuji/Duke vs Bismarck/Siegfried (Germany) or Fuji/Atobe vs Millman/McGregor (Australia)?
Sorry I messed up. I am referring to Fuji Atobe pair. Fuji's skill to slowmo the ball using his brain is very cool


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 11, 2010
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Mine are 1.Atobe vs Romeo, 2.Tezuka vs Yukimura, 3.Atobe vs Tezuka, 4.Sanada vs Tezuka and 5.Byo vs Volk.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 17, 2020
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NPOT only

Volk VS Byodouin

Atobe VS Romeo

Tezuka VS Yukimura


Zeus VS Tanegashima


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
May 21, 2007
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Tezuka vs Yukimura Tezuka vs Yukimura Tezuka vs Yukimura Tezuka vs Yukimura Tezuka vs Yukimura

It's all I've wanted in 2008 (I literally dropped the manga back then when Tezuka and Sanada stepped on court for S3 😭😭😭😭) and it lived up to the hype!!!!!!!!


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 17, 2020
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Tezuka VS Yukimura is good.

However, with all the data and advantage Prep of Yuki.

He was still outclassed by Tezuka in the last set.

Maybe Tezuka was just a Clear Better Player


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
May 21, 2007
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Tezuka VS Yukimura is good.

However, with all the data and advantage Prep of Yuki.

He was still outclassed by Tezuka in the last set.

Maybe Tezuka was just a Clear Better Player
Yes my fave Yukimura was outclassed in the end but I still love it lol.

My only gripe about this match is that strange (and frankly lazy) last set, but pretty much everything else was amazing. There is so much history, the upgrades were not pure magic powder but are extensions of their existing arsenal/situation, there was actual strategy, and the narratives at play for both characters are central to their characterization that harks back even to the original series. And the freaking zero shiki LOB is the perfect way to end it all.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 17, 2020
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Tezuka Service Aced Yuki Consecutively in his service Game

And then in Yuki's Service. Tezuka Won with a Hidden Move Zero Shiki Lob.

I think Tezuka is pro level now.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
May 21, 2007
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Tezuka Service Aced Yuki Consecutively in his service Game
Then Tezuka broke Yuki's serve in the final game. Before that Yuki won like, what, six consecutive games? So Ryoma's intervention clearly did something in those last two games and it's not well explained that's why it's annoying. It's either he got a mental upgrade (to neutralize Future which up to that point was beating his ass) or he was holding back all along. But the idea of yudan sezu ni ikou's inventor holding back is just absurd to me.


伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Then Tezuka broke Yuki's serve in the final game. Before that Yuki won like, what, six consecutive games? So Ryoma's intervention clearly did something in those last two games and it's not well explained that's why it's annoying. It's either he got a mental upgrade (to neutralize Future which up to that point was beating his ass) or he was holding back all along. But the idea of yudan sezu ni ikou's inventor holding back is just absurd to me.
He won 4 then Tezuka sat down and thought about it all, then kept his serve one final time before Ryoma jumped in.

I wouldn't say he was intentionally holding back, but his heart was split since he was playing against his friends. The Germans had noticed he wasn't playing up to his potential just some chapters before, and Tezuka started clearing his mind reminiscing the words of his coach and Volk's. Ryoma's stare (who had ironically gone through something similar with USA, even if the scene is a reference to Seigaku vs Hyotei) finished this development.