Society - What fuels anti-Americanism? | MangaHelpers

Society What fuels anti-Americanism?


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 19, 2006
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This was the subject of a Huge debate over BBC. It is perhaps the greatest challenge America will face after the 2008 election. What to do with the severely damaged US Image around the world? What caused the hatred and how to stop it.

I chose some comments from the Have your say section on BBC.
What do you think fuels this hatred?

Successive American governments have rained death and destruction either directly or by proxi on much of the rest of the planet (see 'Rogue State' if you need to).

No one is 'anti' the American people, but we are against the pursuit of commercial goals through militery means.

Put people before dollars and start recognising the value of human life.
Go Go, Bristol, United Kingdom

Imagine you buy a top-class Mercedes and a Dacia (a cheap car from Romania). Imagine both The Dacia AND The Mercedes gives you problems. You'd be more upset that the Mercedes was unreliable than the Dacia. You expect better from Mercedes.

Same with America. We're not surprised if a troubled country breaks human rights but we expect the USA to be A Model Democracy and are VERY critical if they aren't.

Anti-Americanism is, perhaps, a disguised compliment, we think America should be perfect.
bob bob, United Kingdom

US is a big interfering bully all over the world. This has been proven many times such as Iraq (supporting Saddam against the Iran); Iran (shah against the ayotollah); Indonesia (Sukarno; Suharto); Pakistan (Supporting Taliban); Israel (against Palestine). Specific to Latin America Cuba(Batista); Chile(Augusto Pinochet), Nicaragua (Anastasio Somoza) and Paraguay(Alfredo Stroessner). US is the beacon of freedom and a big hypocrite. All these countries suffered due to USA in the name of democracy.
brian, san francisco

I hate to say it, but America seems hell bent on re-making the world in it's own image. At least "Gee Dubya" seems to want it that way.

What's so much better about America than anywhere else? Nothing: the contining tragic news which pours from America proves that.

Why not stop bullying other nations and sort out the US's own problems before spreading them around the globe?
matt, Edinburgh

I much prefer a strong US than any other country in the world I can think of.
Elizabeth Straker

It seems anti-Americanism has become the worlds favorite pastime. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't. We have become the scapegoat for other peoples failures and mistakes, blamed for the problems in their lives that are rightly their own fault. Everything American does is wrong, while really evil regimes like Sudan or North Korea are given a pass. I for one am sick and tired of it. We're not perfect, but this is ridiculous. Isolationism is starting to look very attractive.....
Tim, USA

The US was behind most military coups in Latin America since the independence of these countries, it also invaded Mexico and it took half of it's territory in a war that started under false pretenses. Everytime a latin country tried to take it´s own path, the US was there to break it, like in Chile, Guatemala, and more recently Venezuela. How can Venezuelan's like the US when it supported the coup against Chavez, who like it or not was elected by the people? Is that their idea of democracy?
alejandra moreno-letelier, Mexico City, Mexico

it would seem that any criticism of american foreign policy is percieved by americans as `anti-american´.
many people feel angered by the propping up of dictators such as somoza,batista,noriega, saddam,the shah,pinochet,etc, then dumpnig them when they become an embarressment whilst preaching the joys of democracy. this is percieved as serious hypocracy. the unconditional support of israel and constant vetos in the u.n. also doesn´t help.
i´m not anti-american, but u.s. foreign policy sucks.
matt, madrid


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 7, 2006
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Abu Dhabi
Lot of things fuel anti americanism, and I will mention things that are not in the news but you will have to search it if you really want to know

For example, in my country Panama, they had turned it into a puppet state before, and then they invaded here and took down whole houses killed citizens under the pretext of finding the biggest drug dealer, yeah right, like 20,000+ died in that day, places destroyed, and inocent people who had nothing to do with it, 20,000 deaths; bigger than US 911

Iraq situation: do you see people hanging signs saying "Please save us America/Usa" ? if they want freedom so much why there are Iraqis resisting ?and now that their leader is gone, they are free to ask for freedom and help from america safely without punishment, why are they resisting and don't ask for direct help do you see it at the news, at least, once ?

Japan and South Korea: they want US military out of their soils, there are incidents that soldiers kills civilians, rape women and nothing can be done to them, one case is a tank in south korea that passed through two girls and nothing had been done to them, you tell me why it fuels anti americanism, oh... and if they do anything to U.S. soldiers, it's war with those countries... freedom and democracy

China : look for unequal treaties, opium wars in wikipedia and you will see why, i know is great bretain fault for taking Hong Kong, but then, where did the people from United States came from to begin with ? and the taiwan situation, if china wants war with taiwan, is their problem, chinese problem, why do US have to come to ally with Taiwan when its china problem since milleniums ago ?
and China Economics, why do they make big deal about Google/Yahoo censorship when they are the ones trying to bring new technology to other country ? that is called bullying
And besides they are questioning why China is spending big money on Military Budget, when USA have the biggest budget in military, again: search "unequal treaties" in wikipedia, again freedom and democracy
Besides, USA is afraid of China, why ? have China invaded other country before ? you tell me who's bullying here

Reality= US wants dominance over Asia, that's why they have troops stationed in S. Korea, Japan and don't want to leave, same thing as if your neighbor park his car all day and night in your garage whenever he wants to, you get mad and you want him to take his stuff and leave

Latin America: Argentina have anti-americanism but I don't remember why, Venezuela because USA wants their oil, just like IRAQ

USA protect others countries at their own convenience, oil & money, simple as that, that's why is there is envy, you take from others and take it for yourself and then you boast about it having high salary, having nice home, nice cars, at the expense of whom ? nothing is free in this world, even the manga you're reading for free had been sacrify of many people spending on their manga, buying it, ripping off the pages so they scan it, then clear it, then typesetting it, and the final product you just enjoy it without caring about it later, got the point ? undestand the "envy" ? It's just like getting into a download page, you see one million downloads and only like 30 posts saying thanks

"It seems anti-Americanism has become the worlds favorite pastime. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't. We have become the scapegoat for other peoples failures and mistakes, blamed for the problems in their lives that are rightly their own fault. Everything American does is wrong, while really evil regimes like Sudan or North Korea are given a pass. I for one am sick and tired of it. We're not perfect, but this is ridiculous. Isolationism is starting to look very attractive.....
Tim, USA"

---> We have become the scapegoat for other peoples failures and mistakes, blamed for the problems in their lives that are rightly their own fault.
Now tell me... is Iraq fault being bombed by America ? and you're sick and tired ? of what ? of getting bombed day and night and getting bullied ?

And about WMD, who's the one enforcing other countries to leave their nuclear bomb programs, when they are developing it to defend from the only one country that had used it more than once !? It's the same as if the Criminal rights, they kill and the next day they are set free and with more protection than before, and the one who died ? who cares ah ?... US the epitome of human rights ? where in other countries they kill the criminal and justice is done, and USA calls it unhuman

"US is a big interfering bully all over the world. This has been proven many times such as Iraq (supporting Saddam against the Iran); Iran (shah against the ayotollah); Indonesia (Sukarno; Suharto); Pakistan (Supporting Taliban); Israel (against Palestine). Specific to Latin America Cuba(Batista); Chile(Augusto Pinochet), Nicaragua (Anastasio Somoza) and Paraguay(Alfredo Stroessner). US is the beacon of freedom and a big hypocrite. All these countries suffered due to USA in the name of democracy.
brian, san francisco "

I'm not Iraqi, but think this: If you were an Iraqi, how would you feel right now that day and night there are tons of troops marching throught your home and don't know if they're gonna shoot you and even afraid to sleep? while listening to tanks and soldiers walking around? .. in the name of freedom and democracy, think about it, it happened to me and I was in Panama

The reality about this is: America media just want them to listen to their sides, but doesn't let the others countries gives their opinion, and even if they do, U.S. will force them to surrender their opinion... that is 1st amendment in US right ? freedom and democracy...
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MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Sep 2, 2006
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A word of advice here. While the topic is a valid topic, please refrain yourself from posting everything that is considered bashing, hatred or any offensive things. Please stay with the main debate here. We don't want any problems with racism here.

You can reflect the situation, state the causes and what you can do to help cure the situation, but if we see anything that crosses the line, we will delete the post and expect a warning after that.

Politics and racism are sensitive subjects, so be considerate and think before you post. If the situation is becoming serious, we may have to delete this thread.

Happy discussing everyone.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 7, 2006
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interesting, I've never thought I'll be writing this ever here in manga helpers, I am from middle eastern origin and I will tell you why people in the middle east have distaste for america, its simple really, its one of two things, economic policy or foreign policy, when it comes to economics, it really is all about power, you see in jordan where I used to live, the country doesn't have wheat to make bread, and its not allowed to buy it from neighboring countries, because we are customers for american corporations, we have to buy from them, no matter that what they send us is second or third class rated goods, I mean when I tell you there was once a crisis in our only sea harbor because the american wheat was infested with rats that filled the whole harbor to the rim with rats you'll think we'd never deal with the same people again, but thats not the case, truly when its economics its about power, second one is foreign policy, the people of the nation are mostly ignorant of what america does overseas in this regard, but it always has a damaging effect on others while having americas interests mostly economical in mind, for example:
donald rumsfeld leaded the sale of american weapons to saddam husain when he was fighting iran, that wat kept on going for eight years , the war on iraq, and similar acts which were to destroy communism at first but after that it became without a target and became for economical reasons, does that mean I hate americans, no I just hate their governments policies regarding my country, the solution to me is obvious, the people of my country should work harder on their status especially the economic status and stop whining about america, but thats not easy and not going to happen soon and needs a lot of time to happen, it will happen, hope fully in my life time, but not soon.

what fuels anti ameracinism has an obvious answer right now, the policies and the hypocrisy.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Dec 31, 2005
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United States
This concerns the anti-Americans that are Americans themselves, of this current generation:

It's simple. Our generation was predestined to be anti-American.

Think about it. We, the present young people, were shafted by coming from a bad generation. We're the product of the babyboom. Increasing the population so much is a good thing, but not when it's mostly by accident. We're all getting screwed because the generation before us was ignorant and destructive compared to the ones before that.

Now, most of us follow in those footsteps by living in selfish ways, and it hurts everyone, and the country. Suicide, murder, violence, drugs, rape, fornication, poor health, moral decline, the damage done to the nuclear family- Dysfunctional children come from dysfunctional parents and grow into dysfunctional adults.

We hate America because we got shafted, and now we're expected to fix things. We got the short end of the stick. We hate America not because of the government, but because of the people.

Master O

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Sep 23, 2006
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United States
Am I correct in assuming that America's unflinching support of Israel and Iraq Part 2 are two of the more important causes of current Anti-Americanism?


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Dec 24, 2007
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United States
Our anti-americanism is probably fueled by the way our education system teaches what the government says is right, and everything else is wrong...... political parties hav as much a right to defend their positions as Dem. or Rep. do, the government just doesnt want them to, so they hav the schools teach kids they are evil, so they dont go and join them....and this causes great discontent among many over the viewpoints not being shown to them....


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 9, 2006
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United States
What fuels anti-americanism? Probably American foreign policy. Or our sense of entitlement. But hey, not everyone's going to like your country. Although acting like the global cop probably doesn't help...


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Dec 15, 2005
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I can't speak for other but I think that its not Anti-Americanism.

USA Government use the worst strategy "If you're not with me, you're against me" and thats not the way the things work, lots of countries are tired because every time they give an opinion or oppose USA they get sanctions, or discredit from the US president.

It's a same, I know that the citizens of USA are good people but the US goverment It's other stuff. I had the luck to met some guys from US and they were really nice and kind, they came here (Spain) for an interchange, they told me that looking their country from outside they were amazed from lots of stuff they didn't knew about their government's doing, they were so enraged because of the lies and the news manipulation that one of them is still here (She came back to stay after a year in US).

Anyhow governments change, the way people of a country are don't. So, I guess, that a good government can remake the good reputation USA had once.
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Celestial Belgian
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 27, 2006
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Am I correct in assuming that America's unflinching support of Israel and Iraq Part 2 are two of the more important causes of current Anti-Americanism?
The problem over here (not this forum, but the country - let's say continent - where I live) is you have to deal with strange dumb/stupid people. An example can explain it:

Your opinion is bad opinion because it isn't the common (said to be common and true) opinion.
eg: I can agree on some political aspects invading Iraq
answer of the oppostion: for what use? Oil, claiming democracy and overtrhowing a dictator who neglects human rights but meanwhile americans did un-human things to prisoners in abu graib etc, etc blah blah

and now there's the contradiction
Because their opinion is common (said to be common and true) whatever they say it's good because it opposes a bad
eg: because war isn't good, because Iraq was a war for oil, there weren't massive destruction weapon, etc it's for them a reason to say I hate americans, I hate their society

So explain me where the reason is: you aren't allowed to sympathize because it's bad but everything the opposition says is good even if it contains words of hatred

Conclusions (to answer the question): dumb people who can't make distinctions and make generalisations on every issue. You're either good or you're either wrong. Because I hate Bush and Bush is elected by americans, I hate americans. In other words: anti-bush=anti-americanism because of the stupidity

Now the irony: I am anti-anti-americanism and the funny thing -> when people say: oh I hate americans because of their politics, I generalize myself and think (difference I don't say it because it isn't common and true): you stupid pigs

@mods and others: I hope this is not considered as an attacking. I hope this can be considered as freedom of speech. If I hurt any people, I would like to apologize. It's just my opinion from a subjective perception. You can delete this if you want to (the reason: contemporary, tolerance is far away)
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 25, 2007
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United States
Am I correct in assuming that America's unflinching support of Israel and Iraq Part 2 are two of the more important causes of current Anti-Americanism?
Yeah thats on point man. We all know about the long time conflict between Muslims and Jews. Supporting Isreal defintly makes us a target for radical muslim terrorists and their allies. As they say A friend of my enemy is also my enemy and it applies here.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 30, 2005
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Oh my god...there are so many causes for anti-americanism.

Where should i begin?

1. Not knowing their roots.
Americans forgot their roots. Nearly anybody knows that America was once a country of controst with Canadia. There many people know which country their family comes from (British, French, German, African etc). So with their stupid politic they show that to the world. Best example would be the rename of French Fries to Freedom Fries during a conflict with France.

2. Low education.
The Americans are portraied as stupid people by the media....not knowing where their own capital is or where important countries are lying on a world map. Even students who exchanged or worked as au-pair or something like that report such things...for example as germans: Oh you have electricity in Europe? Hitler is not still alive? Parents explaining how a toilete works and some lines like that. Of course you could pick such people in every country but the famous people who represent America show it to us (eg Bush...the majority of exports come from other countrys and lines like that)

3. American way of life=selfish
Learning other languages? Not needed the others can speak english
Polution? The others will make it.... would only cost money
I think this way of live sounds god for Americans but for others it is only a way to achieve the best results for themselves...without thinking about others

4. Election-System
Politicians are not democtraticaly elected for european standard. If 51% are for Person A and 49% are for Person B....the opinion of 49% isn´t represented. That´s one problem.
The other is: The most famous person or the person with the most money will win....not the one with the best program.
The last one is: Politicians in America have to borrow their money from firms....and therefore the firms want somethin in exchange for it...if politicians borrow money from military could easily see where this leads to.

5. Black and white
It´s the point Moenova descriped earlyer....America devides everything into black and white....easy to see in superherostorys comparde to mangastorys....a guy turning from evil to good? Not posible in the American way of thinking...if you are not with me you are agains my...the enemy of my enemy is my friend and things like that

6. Foreign policy
Not respecting human rights, signed contracts etc....showing off as the world police. Ignoring the UN which should be the real world police etc

7. Wars
The best would be to post a picture...
US World Domination tour....has to do with point 4 of my list and of course point 6

8. Americanication
McDonald´s, Subway, BurgerKing, HaimSaban
Very aggressive expansation of firms....has to do with point 3. But this has two could also be jealousity of these firms who take over home firms etc (there should be better examples as the above ones)

9. I think there are more points but that should be enough until today


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 15, 2007
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United States
I think its because our leaders and people in power have had it so good they have become very corrupted. The lies like iraq needs to be liberated when darfur is way way more worst. its about money and if you wanna help someone help who wants to be helped. if ilamic people and whoever wanna kill each other thats their problem. Its not the governments responsibility to baby sit other nations.


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 21, 2006
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United States
I'm an American myself, and I love this country. But sadly, there's no room for true patriotism here anymore. It's either "You're with us or against us." And it's sad that their are people who actually want to help solve the internal strife of the U.S., but they are impeded. Some are even killed just because they want to better the country.

The reason why the people in the U.S. are stupid might be caused by intentional mis-education. Do you know what the U.S. government fears the most? It's the U.S. citizens. If the U.S. citizens, as a whole, desired, a new government could be instated overnight. That's how much power the people of the U.S. has.

The selfishness of the people of the U.S. was most likely due to the baby-boomer generations. From the older people, they've said that they had it good. I'm sure this has rubbed off on a lot of people. In other words, a type of arrogance has been passed down.

But this is what I see as an American and it saddens me outright. The U.S. has started to follow in the footsteps of Nazi Germany. What has been taking place here in the States is very similar to how the Nazi's took over Germany. In other words, the U.S. has shifted into becoming more like a police state. Call me paranoid or so but that's how I'm seeing it.

As for anti-Americanism, which should actually be anti-U.S.-ism, abroad, if the government of the U.S. does not treat its own people well, what makes you think that its going to treat the people of other nations any better? But yet, blame shouldn't fully be placed on the government alone. The people of the U.S. are also to blame for letting things come this far.

And a thank you for insights from people of other nations about their perspectives on the U.S.

Gold Knight

MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 16, 2005
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Abu Dhabi
Well, yeah, the fear of imperalism is strong around the world... but it's been around since the dawn of the 20th century when we had a treaty with Spain that gave us Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, it's nothing really new. We've had anti-Imperalists here ever since then too, Mark Twain was one.

It's also not new at all that we've been interfering in other countries for a very long time. Heck, just coming to the North American continent in the first place was interfering with a foreign country. But then, what "top dog government" doesn't interfere with other nations? Britain certainly did, so did France, Spain, Alexander the Great spread his Greek empire all over, Rome was all over the map, and if China had cared at all about the rest of the world (which they do now) they would have dominated too, and they're working towards that goal right now. North Korea wants to, too. I suppose that's what spurs us on, even after the fall of the Soviet Union. (Other than oil, which is crucial to our economy right now.)

I suppose you can look at America like this - we're top dog right now, and because of the fear of nuclear war for so long during the Cold War, so our government is taking advantage right now to try to make the world more oriented towards our ideal government - democracy, instead of communism, etc, in order to open up better trading relationships. Preferably through negotiation, but in the case of terrorism, or threatening dictators, by force, yes.

Communism, for a very long time, has been the biggest single thorn in our side, and is really more or less against everything we've worked for here as Americans. Most of us here are big believers in the system of capitalism. WWII, Vietnam, Korea, etc. all these wars we went to, was for the sake of defending our style of government on a worldwide basis.

We're trying to arrange events and convince other countries to fall to our way of thinking while we can, while we're in power.

So yeah... we're the perceived bullies right now, because we have the power to try to preserve and spread our government, but rest assured, that's the nature of the beast. Any other nation would have done the same, purely out of self-interest and political ideologies. And we're not really trying to take over the world, just protecting our interests.

The good news is, I suppose, with the advent of the internet, we may be much closer to a truly global community than ever now, but until then...
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 4, 2006
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United States
anti-Americanism is probably fuel by pride and bias (or not trying to understand the other side)...

Pride in one's belief (religions, politics, etc) that is different to the American's system. This can be seen communist states and currently Islam states

Strong pride in one's nation that was or is having a conflict with the America. This can be show in Vietnam. For years, I've been reading about war stories that promoting nationalism of Vietnam and demoting the American/ French images. But it can be easily understandable because those writing was written during the war. But some students who learn those writing in school may think otherwise.

Bias and refusing to understand the other side is mostly can be seen by the examples of the extremists from the middle east.

And Education also play a factor here since now we learn about the take over of Hawaii, the ill treatments of the Native Americans, etc.... People began to doubt that American's interest may not always be the best for the rest of the world.

-these are just some hypothesis, and it does not reflect my view of America-


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 9, 2006
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United States
I just read the first post, which has a bunch of quotes from Brits accusing the US of imperialism and of trying to remake the world in it's own image.... that's kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.

I'll admit, many of our policies are on the imperialist side and I don't personally like it, but this imperialism is more of an economic one perpetrated by CEOs bent on making their profit margins bigger (which I think is disgusting) and is not the general will of most people in our government (except the aforementioned jerks). And yes, we were involved in most of the military coups that went on in Latin America and the Middle East (and most of those plans backfired immensely), but they were usually in the interest of national security, even if the plans were crazy. I'm not excusing what we did, but at least we didn't do it in the spirit of conquest, like, shall we say...

The British Empire? I mean come on, it was the one of the biggest (if not the biggest) in history, being comprised of India, Canada, the United States, Australia, South Africa, Hong Kong (which it didn't give up until the 80's or 90's if I recall correctly), etc... Heck, remember the saying "The sun never sets on the British Empire"? They controlled (at different times) the better part of two continents! The British Empire was far more imperialistic. Then again, that was back in the days when empire was the cool thing to do, with France, Spain, and Portugal into it.

We're the main world power because of luck basically. There was never any major battles on American soil during WWII (excluding Pearl Harbor, some minor skirmishes in Alaska and a bomb that went of in Oregon), so our economy didn't have to suffer through reconstruction like countries in Europe and other major theaters did. We "won" the Cold War by being able to outlast the Russians in the arms race spending spree. With all of our main competition gone (except for China, perhaps) we're the "alpha dog" and people are always ripping on the guy at the top. I mean, look at the New England Patriots. They win a few Super Bowls and everyone hates them enough to boo a 14 year old girl who's wearing a Patriots jersey.

Basically what I'm saying is, people hate us because we're on top and we're smug about it. Sooner or later we'll be knocked off the dog pile and someone else will be on top and everyone will hate them and love us (hopefully this will happen in a peaceful way). Until then we should just try not to give them any good reason to hate us.

It's that or because when we go abroad, we expect people to know American English. Now that's just rude...
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Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 12, 2008
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was there any bashing there õ_o... as far as I can see, he is being sarcastic... oh these posts are maybe when you posted ^^... things were different...


lol I got what you meant... yes ... but deep down, people become hateful when they see other peoples right being destroyed and ignored ;)

@Gold Knight

It's also not new at all that we've been interfering in other countries for a very long time. Heck, just coming to the North American continent in the first place was interfering with a foreign country. But then, what "top dog government" doesn't interfere with other nations? Britain certainly did, so did France, Spain, Alexander the Great spread his Greek empire all over, Rome was all over the map, and if China had cared at all about the rest of the world (which they do now) they would have dominated too, and they're working towards that goal right now. North Korea wants to, too. I suppose that's what spurs us on, even after the fall of the Soviet Union. (Other than oil, which is crucial to our economy right now.)
None of those guys defended freedom of speech like you guys do :XD

see... the USA is completely different, your ancestors fought against the British exactly because you wanted to pick your own destiny... and now you deny this to the rest of the world :XD

Do you see why people get so mad ... it is not only because USA is ... and they are... our leading Country, but because you guys are lacking the concept ... the concept you people built your country upon...

I suppose you can look at America like this - we're top dog right now, and because of the fear of nuclear war for so long during the Cold War, so our government is taking advantage right now to try to make the world more oriented towards our ideal government - democracy, instead of communism, etc, in order to open up better trading relationships. Preferably through negotiation, but in the case of terrorism, or threatening dictators, by force, yes.
well... ... hmmm I think what really is there... is America's wish to guarantee that the products will continue to flow... no matter what ^^... no need for trades, or stuff like that ... all you need to have is products and money flowing through the market.

Well I know that sounds a bit weird... but that is what really is happening ^^.

WWII, Vietnam, Korea, etc. all these wars we went to, was for the sake of defending our style of government on a worldwide basis.
hmmm... I really don't see that... it sounds more like you were sending a message to the world... try to change capitalism in your country and we will destroy your country... in Korea and Vietnam...

WWII... well... you guys helped both sides :XD... so I don't see any fight to defend your way of life... actually, the Europeans countries, were similar to the USA capitalism believes; (yeah they had their alternative ways... but deep down they wanted free market just like USA) so deep down that was not the reason why USA was going to WWII... the troops were not defending their way of life... they were...defending USA or so they imagined ^^...

So yeah... we're the perceived bullies right now, because we have the power to try to preserve and spread our government, but rest assured, that's the nature of the beast. Any other nation would have done the same, purely out of self-interest and political ideologies. And we're not really trying to take over the world, just protecting our interests.
Only countries that need to uphold their image towards the world do that... only countries that wish tom expand and still vital resources do that...

It is not the nature of the strongest, is the nature of the most desperate governments... willing to sacrifice thousands over nothing... unfortunately... that how it is...

*Even Brazil does that :XD... we annihilated Paraguay just because we had to proof to the British that we were on their side... so yeahhh... the strong one doesn't exactly have to do that...*


We're the main world power because of luck basically.
negative on that ^^... the Elite, especially on the bank business, planned carefully how to put USA in those wars... never wondered why we changed to comparing the strength of our currency to Gold and started to use Dollars :XD ???

but I agree with you... MOST people hate the Alpha dog ... yeah i agree... but when it comes to Empires... oh people hate them because they tend to destroy other nations ;)

*USA is not a territory empire... it is a Influence Empire... so deep down... the USA is not as terrible as the previous Super Empires... ^^ but the USA have done all the evil deeds the other ones did =___=... so yeahhh...*
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 9, 2006
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United States

negative on that ^^... the Elite, especially on the bank business, planned carefully how to put USA in those wars... never wondered why we changed to comparing the strength of our currency to Gold and started to use Dollars :XD ???

but I agree with you... MOST people hate the Alpha dog ... yeah i agree... but when it comes to Empires... oh people hate them because they tend to destroy other nations ;)

*USA is not a territory empire... it is a Influence Empire... so deep down... the USA is not as terrible as the previous Super Empires... ^^ but the USA have done all the evil deeds the other ones did =___=... so yeahhh...*
1. What wars are you referring to?
2. What is "terrible" about empires? What "evil deeds" can an empire commit that a free nation cannot?
3. America was not the only nation to go off the gold standard.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 12, 2008
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Vietnam... WWI...WWII... the longest ones I suppose ^^ ... Korea I really don't know... never heard of anything like that... what I suppose it was .. was fast deployment to stop North Korea...since America was in Japan ^^... Gulf wars... hmmm who knows ...maybe... I have heard that it was... but I never saw any concrete evidence or stuff like that

A free country can be an Empire right ^^ ???

No ... America forced... or let's say...asked the world to change the standard...
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