Question - What spells do you think Selene will use | MangaHelpers

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Question What spells do you think Selene will use


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jun 16, 2020
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United States
We know she can teleport but what else?


Anti Toxic-Human
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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"Question" prefix? shouldnt it be "Predictions" since none of us know?

I predict she uses some light & darkness magic, since everything around her is so dark. Black Moon Mountain, surroundings turning to nighttime, etc. Also in Chinese mythology, she has the moon element.

Didnt she nullify Faris' white-out effect in Aldo arc? Or was it Faris being so confused that she had to undo her white-out?


Anti Toxic-Human
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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What if Selene was the one who created Moon Drip.
I remember in bahasa subbed episodes they mentioned North Continent. But I dont remember what exactly it was. Could be Ur's origin, Gray's origin, Deliora, or Moon Drip. And idk if it's true or just a mistranslation

Biri Biri

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Speculation time :zomg We have already seen Selene controlling space when she teleported Natsu and co. to Elentir.

If we were to revisit the Galuna Island arc, we have seen that the effects from moon drip altered the memories of all the demons on Galuna Island.

Memory manipulation is feasible. The ability to gain access to complete memories of anybody, giving her knowledge privy to her targets e.g. their history/background, powers, personalities, relationships, and etc. To usurp the role of somebody important to her target e.g. making Natsu believe she is his foster parent rather than Igneel, or she is Gray's teacher/guardian as opposed to Ur. Make it such that they believe their reason to be at Elentir is to save her, rather than fight her. Altering somebody's memories so that they forgot how to use their magic. Could also apply to the memories of inorganic/non-living beings to turn the environment against them, e.g. a forest to modify its' structure like it has laid a trap a long time ago. But. Then I realise these are a rehash of Mest, Rufus' and Ultear's abilities. :lmao

Moon drip was a type of nullification magic used to dispel Iced Shell, which takes an eternity to melt. I guess she could negate spells like how August did, though in her case it is effective on both caster and holder type magic. However, that's still not entirely new. I'm hoping Selene can control something of vital importance to FT since day one. Emotions. If my memories have not been altered too, I seem to recall reading from somewhere that the lunar cycle governs the changing tides of emotion. Therefore, Natsu's flames of emotions would work on the contrary. The more emotional he becomes, the more it depowers and reduces his strength. Similar to powers of feelings. The greater emotional state Natsu and co. are in, the weaker they becomes. Or she could simply induce any forms of emotions in her foes. This would force them to rely less on using PoF to defeat their opponents. Could let us have some character development too. It could also be similar to how Nirvana change the alignment of people, from morally good to the bad side.

R.E. memory. Another thing that works on Iced Shell apart from moon drip, is lost attributes. It was only brought up once when Gray tried freezing Zeref with Lost Iced Shell. It is said to empower a spell several times, at the cost of having the user's existence (memories) wiped off the face of earth. Selene could be the one who invented it. And in her case, she could utilize it freely without the obvious repercussion. It could make Gray more relevant. Another thing I'd like to note is that almost all major female antagonists in FT do not get beaten by a male character. The only exception seems to be Ultear, but her fight with Gray has been foreshadowed since Galuna Island due to their obvious relation to Ur. This trend could continue with Selene. Erza supposedly destroyed "the moon" on Galuna Island, so she has a decent chance to actually be the one who bring Selene down eventually. Either that, or it requires a team effort to do so. Selene is the token female antagonist in the 100yq, and I don't see Natsu fighting her in the way he did vs Aldoron.
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