Question - Will I ever be able to be a manga artist? | MangaHelpers

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Question Will I ever be able to be a manga artist?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 16, 2012
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United Kingdom
Really dreading the decition on posting this, not that im even sure if i even should, but yh, will i ever become a manga artist? don't answer now, i'll have to explin myself first.

You see, im not the worlds greatest independent guy you'll ever meet, my life-style alone os far too easy-going for most people, adding to that i don't think i can ever really catch a break from down times or disasters that in most cases seem to be simply unexplainable, my worst time (or part of it) was when i first moved away from my parents to study Animation at Uni (what a mistake that subject turned out to me) and as natrual, i failed miserable before i could even finish my first year, come to think of it, its basicly a fact that i managed to fail every single year of education i've ever been thru. so how i got into uni in the first place is kind of a mistery really.

Following that failure i was pretty much thrown out of my own place and left on the streets for about 2 weeks before finally finding a suitable place to stay in, of course since it was an upside there had to be a down side shortly after, that happened to be the breaking of my laptop, since i have no income at that point i wasn't able to just get it repaired, so i was without a laptop for almost a year before getting this one, great right? not really, where im staying now isn't a perminant place as well as a house belonging to another family that help people like me, but while im here i have to learn the 'basic life skills' just not good at, not with the mood im mostly in, i just can't help thinking that everywhere i go i upset people, that i'll just be a problem and that no matter what i do everyone hates me.

That's why im asking (to you all and myself) if i'll ever be able to be a manga artist, i mean, I have the story-line...most of it anyways, i have the characters that im still typing out in this forum and i can draw with enough skill to actually give the impression its streight out of a manga...but what am i thinking right? its just wishful thinking now.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 28, 2006
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United States
Commit your life to it and anything is possible. Practice practice practice. Try and keep trying. Struggle and work and eventually you will meet your goal. Good luck


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 16, 2012
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United Kingdom
Well its good to know that i get some support like this and i appreciate it much, but when it comes to the poeople im around in person seem to always find a way to shoot me down when they ask me how i see myself in so and so many years time, when i reply that i'd like to do my manga its back to the "That won't happen" talk all over again. :(


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 28, 2006
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United States
I went through a phase like that with my own stuff. Have confidence someone will always be hyper-critical. Ignore them and move forward full steam ahead. "Fuck everyone else" Follow your own dreams. Work even harder and prove them wrong.

A) Constantly and consistently read.
B) Do stuff that makes you uncomfortable and improve it.
C) Research and write
D) Refine


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 16, 2012
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United Kingdom
Tha last time i did a "I'm gona make my manga anyways" attitude its only resulted in my getting shouted at, hell before i even know it i'll probably be living out on the street...again.

I just feel like im at war in my head, coz like one moment i feel as tho. im finaly getting somewhere, plus some added confidence when i get told how talented i am once in awhile, but then one slip-up on anything causes a big chain reaction of horrable moment from missing appointments and over-sleeping a whole day to a family members death, that then brings up a voice in the back of my head telling me how much of a waste of space i am and im nothing but trouble to everyone, there are points where i just can't take it anymore sometimes...


MH's Most Beautiful Member
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 6, 2010
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Fun Forum
It sounds like you've had a rough time for the past few years. You can't really control having bad luck, but you have to ask yourself questions about things you CAN control. For instance why were you failing classes and what not? If you're really passionate about something, you should put all of your strength into it. If getting an education is necessary for fulfilling your dream of becoming an artist and storyteller, then it should be a priority.

You're asking the right question, but to the wrong people. We don't know if you will ever become a manga artist. I'm sure you feel like you've asked yourself enough by now, but you need to start answering it with your actions.

I support your creativity, talent, and chasing your dreams, but you must keep reality in mind. The artistic community and mangaka professions are very competitive and have the potential to be cruel. Ask yourself if you're really willing to take this sort of challenge on. And if you are, you should always have a fall-back plan.

Good luck and persevere. Don't forget that just because you have your heart set on something, doesn't mean you shouldn't be open-minded and aware that change can be a good thing. I don't want to sound discouraging, though! Try to make your decision in a way that will leave you with less weighing regrets.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 16, 2012
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United Kingdom
Of course i asked the wrong people, it me thats having this problem and it's not only that i 'had' a rough time the past many years, i STILL am having a rough time and your post is exactly what i mean about how whatever i'd like to do/be is nothing more than just wishful thinking, but then when i say along the lines to "Fine screw my drawings" i get told off for giving up.

As for the bloody education crap, it a tad difficult to do when spending 70% of the time watching my back from bullies and that the other 30% one of my family members gets a deadly illness of dies added with the fact that drawing is pretty much the only think i've ever been capable of doing...literaly.

And im more then aware about any kind of community being competitive as well as being crues, coz from my experiance i found that this whole shitty (excuse my language) and pathetic excuse of a planet we call 'Earth' is over-run by nothing but crues and hateful people, when ever i normaly come up about my ideas of my manga i get put down all just because im having a number problems at one time, heck there are even moments where i think i should really take their advice to just take my life if i can't do this only and single think im ever good at.

But whatever really, im sure not many would want to read any form of story made by someone that isn't considered "normal"


MH's Most Beautiful Member
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 6, 2010
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Fun Forum
Of course i asked the wrong people, it me thats having this problem
Well, at least we agreed on something from my entire post.

it's not only that i 'had' a rough time the past many years, i STILL am having a rough time and your post is exactly what i mean about how whatever i'd like to do/be is nothing more than just wishful thinking, but then when i say along the lines to "Fine screw my drawings" i get told off for giving up.
I never said your life has gotten easy. But when I said that you've been having a rough time, I was implying that perhaps clear skies are coming and it's time to turn things around. Forgive me for not saying "you've had a rough past few years, you're still having a rough time and it's not going to get better." Telling you that it isn't going to get better is the last thing I want to say because it's a lie and I'm attempting to be honest.

At the same time, I'm not just going to sit here and tell you what you want to hear. Not my style. I don't think you should say "Fine screw my drawings" either though. Take it from a girl who has been drawing since I could hold a pencil and in my middle school and part of my high school years, I wanted to be an artist. But I sat there and realized what a risk the artistic career path can be and knew that I should probably go a different way because there are SO many more artists that are more talented than I am and competing would be a career/financial nightmare. So I decided to study chemistry in college and become a chemist instead. Does that mean that I said "Fine, screw my drawings and paintings!"?

Absolutely not. Just because I'm not going to become a professional artist doesn't mean I don't draw every single say and paint when time permits me to. The same goes for you. No matter what you decide, you never have to give up on something you love.

As for the bloody education crap, it a tad difficult to do when spending 70% of the time watching my back from bullies and that the other 30% one of my family members gets a deadly illness of dies added with the fact that drawing is pretty much the only think i've ever been capable of doing...literaly.
Please don't bash education around me. I understand that college is not for everyone, but I'm an advocate for education and it irks me when people call it "crap".
Anyway, you did just what I asked, and I think that's a good thing. You asked yourself why college wasn't working for you. Apparently bullies and a death in the family were getting in the way of your studies. I'm sorry for your loss, I have to say... But these reasons sound like things that will not get in the way of your education forever. You can always try again (if you see fit). I guess I didn't realize that bullies were such a menace as in college as they are in high school If they're physically hurting you, press charges. If they're mentally making fun of you, then block them the fuck out. Their opinions do not matter.

And im more then aware about any kind of community being competitive as well as being crues, coz from my experiance i found that this whole shitty (excuse my language) and pathetic excuse of a planet we call 'Earth' is over-run by nothing but crues and hateful people, when ever i normaly come up about my ideas of my manga i get put down all just because im having a number problems at one time.
It's alright, I don't mind if you say shitty. As you can see, I'm not an angel when it comes to curse words either. XD

The world is not overrun by cruel and hateful people. They exist in this world, sure. But they don't overrun it completely. I'd say it's about half and half. And people are going to criticize you no matter what. Even if you had written the best story in a century, there is ALWAYS a critic that wants to bring you down. It's up to you whether you do something constructive with it, ignore it completely, or let it bring you down.

heck there are even moments where i think i should really take their advice to just take my life if i can't do this only and single think im ever good at.
I've had moments of consideration of wanting to die, or even taking my own life as well. So many people do. But I have to say, I am so happy that I didn't. There is not a day that goes by where I don't feel relief that I'm still here. You have to remember that there WILL be a day when you are glad you didn't give up. You have so much to offer this world, and you owe yourself more than that. Fuck those people that tell you to end your life. Fuck. Them. You deserve better than that and you know it.

But whatever really, im sure not many would want to read any form of story made by someone that isn't considered "normal"
I couldn't disagree with you more! The most brilliant things come from abnormal people.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 16, 2012
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United Kingdom
I knew somewhere along the lines i'd be told to still do something besides drawing, I just. can't. do. anything. else. besides. drawing. I don't think any more words are needed to point out that if i were to try something else will end in just a complete disaster for me, also just to point out i too started to draw the moment i could hold a pen and made my very forst character when i turned 5 and it just added on from there right up to this day, drawing is what makes me, ME, if i can't do that or feel i have to force myself to do something different, then im a no-body.

You, as well as every single person on this planet can tell me not to draw, I'll get my manga out there, if not, then i'll have no reason to live, don't like the idea of me doing that? tough luck to everyone then.

You can also repeat yourself telling how wrong i am about the world being filled with nothing but hateful people because to me, that's just what seems to be the case, just about every person i talked to, drew with, or even just shared a shred of thought about my manga instantly turned on me about how much i can't do that, how much i shouldn't bother doing the very only possible thing that makes me even the slightes bit happy, all i ever did to the small nuber of people that considered me a friend and to my family was be a burden to them and my manga is the only thing i have to proove to myself and them that im worth something.


MH's Most Beautiful Member
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Aug 6, 2010
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Fun Forum
I don't ever recall telling you to do something other than drawing. *goes back to read posts* Nope, sure didn't. I told you to keep your mind open. But apparently you don't want to do that. So fine. You don't have to take my advice, but it's getting really annoying how you just turn everything I say down with little thought. If you didn't want to hear people's opinions, then why did you even post here in the first place?

I don't think the world is filled with nothing but hateful people, because it isn't. I think you're the one that's being hateful when you say that.

So you've just said that you'd rather die than do anything than write/draw your manga . Then go do it and prove you're worth something like you said. But don't be so condescending towards me just because I told you something you didn't really want to hear.

I guess I'll just say "good luck and never give up".

Peace bro.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jul 16, 2012
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United Kingdom
Fine, im out of here then, clearly wanting to do a manga is sooooooo bad and of course im twisting everyones words saying that drawing is all i can do and that it also stand so me totaly being an ass that refuses to take advice.

Could have been told to get lost the first time i even mentioned i'd write about my manga here, best "help" yet!


Seller of goods 🐐
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 7, 2009
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United States
Fine, im out of here then, clearly wanting to do a manga is sooooooo bad and of course im twisting everyones words saying that drawing is all i can do and that it also stand so me totaly being an ass that refuses to take advice.

Could have been told to get lost the first time i even mentioned i'd write about my manga here, best "help" yet!
Hey Link - I'm not sure why anyone would say get lost or the sort to you.
Being a mangaka / comic book writer is not going to be easy. You won't always succeed on the first go, so if you have the passion for writing or drawing or both I say go for it mate. If you excel in the writing part and not as well in the drawing portion - work with an artist and vice versa. Enter some competitions and see how you do. Having said - you have to be determined to achieve your gaol.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Can you post some of your art?


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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I get the feeling you're just trolling.

But if you don't like how your life is going, then shut up and do something about it. Simple as that. Even if it's hard, work hard and do your best to improve your life. Otherwise you have no right to complain if you won't put in the work. You wanna be a manga artist? Have you thought about how to support yourself while you're waiting to be approved? What you'll do if you fail?

I won't lie, I skipped most posts. But yeah, change your thread title. i actually thought we'd see some of your artwork or examples of a manga you're doing, but all you're doing is being negative and complaining.

This is just my opinion though, so don't offended or whatnot.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 30, 2009
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Of course i asked the wrong people, it me thats having this problem and it's not only that i 'had' a rough time the past many years, i STILL am having a rough time and your post is exactly what i mean about how whatever i'd like to do/be is nothing more than just wishful thinking, but then when i say along the lines to "Fine screw my drawings" i get told off for giving up.
You get told off because you deserved it, if you say something along that lines obviously somewhere inside you, you came close to giving up. Only when people actually cares will they bother telling you off.

As for the bloody education crap, it a tad difficult to do when spending 70% of the time watching my back from bullies and that the other 30% one of my family members gets a deadly illness of dies added with the fact that drawing is pretty much the only think i've ever been capable of doing...literaly.
And nearly 100% of you beating yourself up. Self-pity can't do shit and you should actually ask yourself whether it is truly difficult because you don't try hard enough.

And im more then aware about any kind of community being competitive as well as being crues, coz from my experiance i found that this whole shitty (excuse my language) and pathetic excuse of a planet we call 'Earth' is over-run by nothing but crues and hateful people, when ever i normaly come up about my ideas of my manga i get put down all just because im having a number problems at one time, heck there are even moments where i think i should really take their advice to just take my life if i can't do this only and single think im ever good at.
More self-pity.
If you don't like something, change it, if you can't change it, change yourself.
Why? Because maybe the problem lies with you.
If then maybe the problem lies with this society of yours and this people that you constantly label as jerks, then change them.

But whatever really, im sure not many would want to read any form of story made by someone that isn't considered "normal"
You don't even believe in yourself and you expect people to buy your work.

Fine, im out of here then, clearly wanting to do a manga is sooooooo bad and of course im twisting everyones words saying that drawing is all i can do and that it also stand so me totaly being an ass that refuses to take advice.
Truth is, you are kind of an ass. Now there's no point in this post but if you ever returned, I wouldn't even say something like "don't give up" to you because you won't take it. I just hope you at least realized that people were trying to help you if you ever read this.

Could have been told to get lost the first time i even mentioned i'd write about my manga here, best "help" yet!
Maybe I realized a troll too late.