Help Wanted - Writer looking for an artist AND feedback for my manga Beyond Our Song! | MangaHelpers

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Help Wanted Writer looking for an artist AND feedback for my manga Beyond Our Song!

Yo Pumpkin Head

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 8, 2014
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United States
I've submitted multiple posts about this story over the year(s) looking for your thoughts and a partner. Either would be greatly appreciated!
-----------------------**Beyond Our Song**-----------------

**General Themes**: Fantasy, Super power, Action

**Background**: BOS is a story inspired by music and the effect it can have on healing. Mix that in with an interest in anime and mythic gods and we've got a story to tell. The story takes place both on Earth (Terra), and a world on another separate plane called Yggdrasil. This other world is home of the Tree of Life, responsible for all living things in both worlds. There are beings, Silians, that inhabit this world and have control over specific elements. Descendants from the three original Silians, Zeus(Lightning), Poseidon(Water), and Hades(Fire), this race has control over their respective elements, and are divided into three clans.

**La'Tempête (Lightning)**: Considered to be the most powerful. Known for their speed, ranging from visible movement to near teleportation, and their precision power. Home of the assassination corps, who are the only Silians who use weapons in tandem with their abilities. Have full control over lightning. Royal family has power significantly greater than the average person, and can be identified by their Birthmark*.

**Vulkan (Fire):** Considered La'Tempêtes' rival. Responsible for the main defense force of Yggdrasil against the corruption. See themselves as above the others in both strength and ability. Can empower themselves to increase physical performance, as well as make familiars out of flame. Royal family can be identified by their Birthmark*.

**Xuánwō (Water)**: Can control ice for war, and water for healing. Neutral party. Responsible for medicinal duties, and caring for the Tree. Can be trained either in the way of the Ice(fighting), or the way of the Water(healing). It is a naturally very defensive birthright* for the purpose of self preservation.

*Birthmark: A marking/tattoo unique to each faction. Members of the royal family have it on them at birth, and proves that they are members of royalty (i.e. direct descendants of the original Silians)
*Birthright: The power that was bestowed upon them at birth (lightning, fire, water).

~Each clan has power over their respective elements, each with unique properties and traits, as well as lifestyles. For example, Xuánwō's structures and culture reflects the water of life, with many natural buildings (i.e. Garden of Babylon). Each clan lives separate from the others around the base of the tree, each one being the size of their own country.. Each clan has a royal family, in which the head of each family is a part of the Triumvirate, a group of individuals who govern over the fragile alliance the 3 clans have, allowing them to work together and defend both Yggdrasil, and through it,the human world from the Corruption. Next to no knowledge is known about the corruption; it simply seeks to destroy and control all life. The clans fight this corruption using the powers they possess.

-----------------------Key Plot Points--------------------------
Each member of this society has a partner, a soul mate. These partners were decided upon birth, and were chosen by Ygg itself. When you come of age, your power is "unlocked" through a ritual with the tree, and you can find your partner by seeking out the song of their heart. A Silian can only hear the song of the one destined to be with them, everyone else sounds like static. Music is going to be a prevalent theme throughout the story.

**Corruption**: An evil force residing in an unknown location. They've only shown up relatively recently, and no one knows why. They are fighting the Clans in an attempt to corrupt the world tree. They are directly responsible for disease and illness in the human world. There are different classes. Some possess people, controls their actions. Others become disease, natural disasters, etc.


**Intro to the Story**: We find ourselves with the heir to the La'Tempête clan, struggling to find her way. She is the only child of the royal family, and as such has a huge responsibility on her shoulders. Unlike other Silians, she has yet to find her partner by the age of 21. This is un-heard of, and she is seen as an abnormality within her species. Silian's are defined by their pairs. Being seen as a disappointment by her father, the pressure to live up to the expectations of everyone weighs heavily on her shoulders. After an argument with her father, she leaves Yggdrasil and travels to the human world, which unless you have a specific reason, is normally forbidden. But in the process of this "alone time", she finds something she wasn't quiet expecting. A human who had no song. Everyone who lives has a song, whether you can hear it or not. But who is this human, and why doesn't his heart sing? (Ninja Edit: I have no idea why this is blue, but fuck it.)

**~Main Characters~**

**Revelry "Zaps" La'Tempête**:

Age: 21

Height: 5'7"

Hair: Brown, with blonde highlights

Eyes: Green

Race: Silian

Birthmark: Left Side of her Abs

Birthright: Storm

-Revelry grew up an only child, the sole heir to the La’Tempete clan. Having her whole life planned out for her since before her birth, she felt controlled and manipulated. Her mother loved her very much, and was always caring, but her Father was always disappointed with her. Most of her time was spent cooped up inside the palace learning the ways to govern or training under her uncle. Any free time is spent wandering her kingdom and interacting with its people. When it was time for her coming of age ceremony at 16, she is unable to find her partner. She becomes an abnormality within her species, the only Silian in history to ever be this long without their soul-mate. Feeling dejected and even more depressed, Revy started to think of herself as a failure. When she hit her breaking point after an argument with her father, Revy fled to Terra to be free of her universe of obligation for as long as she could. Independent and strong willed, but treats her people with kindness only second to her mother the Queen.

[Concept Art](

[Concept Art 2](

**Silas Holway:**

Age: 23

Height: 5'11"

Hair: Black

Eyes: Midnight Blue

Race: Human

Birthmark: Right Shoulder, wraps around to his elbow.

-Born into a wealthy family, Silas had pretty much his whole life easy, never wanting for anything. But as he got older, he felt the need to prove himself, though to no one in particular. He began to work out and practice martial arts. Took part time jobs outside of his parents company with Jack( his best friend), working menial labor jobs. He cared deeply for his parents and his baby sister, and always came back with stories of his adventures with Jack. One day after work, he found his parents and little sister being held hostage in his home for money. Once the thieves got the money they shot his parents and his baby sister in front of his eyes because they saw their faces. Silas snapped and managed to wrestle the gun from one of them and killed them both. After this traumatizing experience, Silas was left in the care of Jack’s family. Now a complete introvert, the only person Silas could talk to for years was Jack. As he grew older, he learned to hide this void inside of him behind an easygoing façade, and drowned himself in music. At the age of 21, he moved out of Jack’s house and built his own record/coffee shop/apartment, naming it after his sister; Grace Records. This is where the beginning of the story takes place.

Well folks! That's a general overview of the story I am making! I am not a very artistically talented individual, but I have a very visual mind. Most of this story is fleshed out in my head, and I am working on fleshing it out and making it into something beautiful, rather than a bunch of bad ass fight scenes in my head (they are so goood).

I would love to know what you all think! I am desperately seeking someone who can draw with a similar style as those concepts, someone who is genuinely interested in the story and being instrumental in creating all that it has to offer. If so, send me a message! I'm available all the time. Otherwise, let me know what you think!

P.S. [Here]( is my DeviantArt page with more in depth character profiles and some more artwork, as well as Chapter 0: Prelude script and soon to be Chapter 1: Yin.
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Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Mar 23, 2014
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I can tell from your choice of name for the other planet that you've played Etrian Odyssey: The Millennium Girl. I can probably do this with you. I may publish this on . Its the most secure and copyrighted website for manga artists and authors. If you would like for me to send you some samples, please ask. I hope to hear from you soon. But before I leave, one questions: Did you do the art yourself? Because it seems as though you can do this by yourself xD I still want to do it with you though.

Yo Pumpkin Head

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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 8, 2014
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United States
Hey sorry for the late response! I hadn't gotten a single one since i submitted it so I stopped checking it every day. I would absolutely love it if you could send me some samples and gladly talk over everything with you! I have actually not played Etrian Odyssey. I chose Yggdrasil because of the actual mythology behind it and I needed a purpose for the "other" world. That reason became giving life to Earth, i.e tree of life, i.e. Yggdrasil, the tree that connects worlds together.

And as for the art, I did not personally do the pictures posted. I have a few mock sketches I did myself to give the artists for reference, but it was purely commission work for them. I would love to chat with you more, so please send me a message either through:

Skype: BullFrogSlam

I hope to hear from you soon!


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Mar 23, 2014
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Yggdrasil in the game is a tree that gave life to the world when the world began to die. The tree is staged In a labrynth in the bottom of the floor. I had to fight the man who absorbed the tree so the world could continue to be happy in B20F. Was not easy. Had to burn that shit a million times lol. Anyway! Good profiles! thing is, is your story as good as the profile?

Yo Pumpkin Head

Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Apr 8, 2014
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United States
I am now in talks with Yui over the process of creating the art for the manga, but I would still love to have feedback from anyone! Even if you are interested, this culd easily be a multi-person project. Let me know what you think, or if you are interested!