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Discussion Yearly Highlights

Ebony Maw

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 8, 2016
Reaction score
Rate: 6/10

This arc has been really mixed for me, but overall, there's just enough good to overshadow the bad. The Spriggan 12 were massively overhyped but as a group they had a good dynamic, and though most of them suffered terrible defeats at the hands of plot, it's a shame we didn't see more. As for the mages of Ishgar, far too many side characters were used as hype tools for me, and the ones that weren't often achieved victories in "questionable" methods... With this being said, I still enjoyed most of the characters themselves, a lot of them got some much needed development and redemption.

Yearly Highlights:

MVP of 2016: Sting Eucliffe

After so many chapters of being (essentially) fodder, it was awesome to see Sting shine, but more than anything it was his spirit that I really liked, he's the Guild Master that Sabertooth deserves and he's finally got the strength to back that title up.

Honorable mentions:
- Wendy (great development)
- Laxus (same as Wendy)
- Makarov (he actually died)
- Bradman (would've killed Gajeel had UO not happened, he had great presence IMO)
- Jellal (Has had some epic moments and lines, Hargeon was fantastic for that)

LVP of 2016: The Gods of Ishgar + Jura (God Serena included)

For me, this was worse than the let down of the Spriggan hype. After so many chapters of hype, they just all get demolished? They were hype tools, but even worse, failed hype tools as we never actually saw anything impressive from them. To further discredit them, the one God of Ishgar that actually did something (God Serena) got used as a hype tool right after, for Acnologia of all people, because he needs more hype /s. As much as I love that panel of Acnologia one-shotting God Serena, it's just too much of a waste for me. The only person more disappointing than them is Jura, this guy used to be top tier, used to be >> Natsu, used to be a peer of Laxus' and now.... he's so far below them that it's actually pitiful. This really annoyed me because I liked Jura, he was my favourite character from Lamia Scale but he's fallen victim to the curse of being a side character that was powerful before the timeskip. And the icing on the cake is that the Gods of Ishgar and Jura can't really do anything to redeem themselves as the current Spriggans are too strong and God Serena is dead. Overall, I have to put these guys as the LVP's, despite the fact that I love them as characters.

Best Quotes of 2016:

1st place: "Here and now, I shall commit just one more sin."

This gave me chills...
2nd place: "And consequently... I am the Reaper. The guide to the Underworld."
Personally, this one line changed the tone of FT for a couple of chapters, I was actually worried about Gajeel.
3rd place: "Then have a taste! Of mine and Rogue's combined power... Of the spirit of Sabertooth!"
Another line that gave me chills, this is why I love Sabertooth, they had an awful Guild Master and did something about it, creating a guild to be proud of.

Best Spell of 2016: Reverse-Reflector , White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk, First Seal

Reverse-Reflector: This was just too epic, not only did August negate the spell but he sent it back 100x more powerful (at least he complimented Midnight)

White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk: Just yes.

First Seal: Killing people by walking near them... This was brutal, and I respect that.

Best Chapter(s) of 2016: 509-512

Sting, Rogue and Kagura vs Larcade was incredibly refreshing, we actually had side characters shining, hardly any/no BS and a villain with interesting magic. While Pleasure was a bit on the goofy side, I loved the overall theme, using the base desires of humanity to make your opponents orgasm to death, eat each other or simply fall asleep is actually pretty terrifying. All in all, I just thought these were a great few chapters that gave the fans of side characters something to rejoice over, and it also contains the ongoing Natsu's heart subplot, something I'm very curious about.

Worst Chapter of 2016: 500

My poor Neinhart. :emocat

Best Fight of 2016: Sting, Rogue and Kagura vs Larcade

For the same reasons of best chapter. Honestly, Sting's entrance alone made that fight amazing, but the White Shadow Dragon mode returning?

Worst Fight of 2016: Jacob vs NaLu + Happy + Makarov

This fight had a lot of potential, but instead we get Virgin Eyes Lessio up against his worst nightmare. Smh Lessio, you have DiMaria, Irene and Brandish as comrades, how the hell is that your weakness?

I'd rant about Happy stopping him from using Transport, but this is the same Happy that stopped a bloodlusted IgNatsu.

Best moment of 2016:



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 30, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Rate: 3/10

MVP: Irene/Lucy

Irene and Lucy chapters have been the best chapter this year. Personally they were the only chapters that were really enjoyable. That ain't saying much though given how crap this arc has been.

LVP: Mavis/Zeref

They have pretty much been the most disappointing this entire arc. All they do is sit around and act surprise by spells. They aren't living up anywhere near their hype.

Best Quote of 2016:

Best Spell: Grand Chariot or Fire Pillar by August

Best Chapter of 2016: Personal taste 501 but for overall purpose 489/514 I guess.

Best Fight 2016: I loved Lucy vs Brandish in chapter 501 and then I also enjoyed Lucy/Natsu vs Jacob for the most part

Worst fight: Gray vs Invel or Sting vs Larcade

Larcade was super hyped up just to be taken out by a mid tier mage

Best Moment of 2016: Irene turning into a dragon

Mind you though overall this arc has been crap.


Registored User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 8, 2016
Reaction score
Rate: 8/10
MVP of 2016: Natsu and Lucy both are making this manga lively and awesome. Truly the best characters ever.
LVP of 2016: Makarov, His death is just bad. He committed suicide and tbh i didn't feel sad. I Even listen to sad music while reading the chapter still no feelings. It would be better if Mavis said what she is planning first then Makarov should decide after.
Best Spell of 2016: Crushing evil spreading the truth. ~Gildarts
Best Chapter of 2016: Chapter: Chapter 469.
Worst Chapter of 2016: None.
Best Fight of 2016: Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Makarov vs Jacob - Lucy vs Brandish - Erza and Bisca vs Azir - Wendy and Sherria vs Dimaria - Mira vs 2 girls or sword.
Worst Fight of 2016: Natsu vs Gray.
Best moments of 2016: Natsu breaking Invel's ice, Igneel appearance in Natsu's dream, Lucy warming Natsu.
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Crescent Jinx

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
Reaction score
Kingdom of Fiore
Rate: 6.5/10

MVP of 2016:
August (for protecting Azir from Laxus, and Jacob from Acnologia; for knowing that the spriggans are pawns; for taking out legit threats in a fight; for not pursuing personal motives; for being loyal; for caring for Brandish and being angry at Mest; for not putting up with Irene's crap; for respecting Acnologia's strength; and for being the last Spriggan standing in his own body.)

LVP of 2016: t
he Loli who has the infinite power, and was basically the reason why this war is happening, and whos best feat the whole arc is tricking Irene with an illusion and strategies include sending dragon slayers to a ship, letting Natsu confront Zeref, sending all strong fighters to the south, not asking for help, and who was last seen naked (losing her illusion clothes) to the orgasm that her son gave her with implication she has had carnal knowledge....... and who basically mimicked/stole Brandish's magic by making a large illusion of herself that allowed all the soldiers to look up her skirt in order to give a pep talk and then proceed to still do nothing.

Honorable mentions: Yukino and Sorano for not even fighting/standing around for 25 chapters and then being taken out so quickly by Larcade.

Best Quote of 2016:

Best Spell of 2016:

Best Chapter of 2016: Chapter 501 (fight me)

Worst Chapter of 2016: Too many to count

Best Fight of 2016: August vs CS

Worst Fight of 2016: For every fight a female was sexually assaulted or stripped unnecessarily

Best moment of 2016:

Added: Worst Panel of 2016
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Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 5, 2016
Reaction score
Rate: 5/10

MVP of 2016: Irene Belserion. Her presence made this year interesting imho, starting from her "fight" with Acnologia and her magic which is absolutely outstanding. Sending Acno to the ocean, turning Hisui into a mouse, almost killing Mirajane and stealing Fairy Heart, enchanting Neinhart, Bersekers spell- if not for plot convenience this war would have been already over thanks to her. Not to mention her backstory, the creation of dragon slayer magic and dragonification.

Special mention to Happy because he is basically the only one to think straight about the Natsu-Zeref issue and he also was the only one to wonder about Neinhart refering to Erza as "Erza-sama / Lady Erza" (ch. 500)

LVP of 2016: the Dragneels and Mavis. Natsu fell right into the category of my less favourite characters this year: he oneshotted everyone and he was literally everywhere for no reason. Zeref is just the worst emperor the Spriggans could have, as even Irene had to scold him because of his softness towards Mavis. The same goes for her, worst tactician Fairy Tail could have in such a war. Larcade's magic is cringy and disgusting.

Best Quote of 2016:
"What you are seeing is your historia... a tale of love, friendship, betrayal,.. and death. What a beautiful, sordid historia indeed..."
- Neinhart, chapter 480.

"This kind of weather is normal for Magnolia. Sunny, with a chance of Laxus... transitioning into freezing rain later in the day!"
- Gray, chapter 472

"Your paltry chill is naught before my winter"
- Invel, chapter 497

"I wanted to protect you... no matter what the cost... but... I coudn't"
- Gray, chapter 499

Best Spell of 2016: Water Make: Blood :teehee making blood out of water? Simply awesome. As I said in my thread about water magic, this ability has the same principle as ice make (so it's molding magic) and if explored this could become something huge.

Best Chapter of 2016:
- 499, Gray and Juvia comes at the top for me, obviously. Having Gray and Juvia as enemies again, commiting double suicide for the same reason (love) is Romeo and Juliet in Fairy Tail and I absolutely love it. I love the reference to Shakespear, the endless parallels with Juvia wanting to protect Gray in 56 and now Gray swearing to protect her. My two favourite characters aka my otp was the best "plus" I could get to love this chapter.

- 515, I am you... You are me is also in my preferences because as I said, Irene's backstory was refreshing and each panel was epic.

Worst Chapter of 2016:
- 500, Fire and Ice: well, we alll know why. Neinhart's treatment, Juvia returning so fast (we all knew this would happen, so... too sudden for me) etc. Lame for a milestone chapter.
- 488, The two of us [...]: the Gajevy angst was too cheesy and full of honey for Gajeel that I wanted to throw up, sorry.

Best Fight of 2016: Dimaria vs Wendy and Chelia. Absolutely amazing. Ultear's comeback, Chelia's third origin and Dimaria's take over were just wow.

Worst Fight of 2016:
- Natsu vs Gray. Mashima tried to make me like it with the flawless graphic choreography but nope. I knew I was going to dislike this fight ever since Tartaros.
- Larcade vs Sting aka Natsu 2.0 in Gray's devil slayer mode (I liked Kagura's part only)
- Jacob vs Natsu and Lucy because of unnecessary fanservice. Comic relief battles in a serious war aren't needed.

Best moment of 2016:

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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
Reaction score
Rate: 7/10

MVP of 2016:
From Acno blitzing God Serena to Irene casting Universe one,these two really made this arc interesting for me

LVP of 2016: Zeref,Natsu,the 4 Fodders of Ishgar and the historia spriggan

Quite a lot,i know
But Zeref has barely done anything this year other than sweating
Natsu and those god awful oneshots makes him the worst character for me
As for the historia spriggan,GS got oneshotted and the other two were off-paneled like why were they even brought back? :notrust
And last and definitely least the 4 fodders of Ishgar,i was sooo hyped for them and they got off-paneled too :fail

Best Quote of 2016: "7 more dragonslayers until theres none left"
My boy Acno aint playing no games:hip

Best spell of 2016: Fairy law and Universe one
I gotta give props to Makarov for that spell and for actually doing something no fairy tail member could do and that is actually staying Dead:derp
Universe one was pretty cool too so im adding that there too

Best chapter of 2016: 470,489,494
470,Hybrid theory is definitely the best tho, Acno was sooo hype:hip

Worst chapter of 2016:
I literally have no words :-_-

Best fight of 2016:
Sting vs Larcade and Acno vs Irene
Lol i used to think that sting was soo lame before this fight but now hes just a little lame:XD

Worst fight of 2016:
Gray vs invel and every Natsu Fight

Best moment of 2016: Acno blitzing GS and that spriggan 12 Squad pic :datass
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Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 16, 2016
Reaction score
Rating: 7/10
I complain about most of what this arc does but i couldnt help feeling hyped for everything that would eventually happen, more so than i did for many better arcs.
MVP of 2016
August. For barely being affected by a massive stab wound to the gut, for no diffing Brandish, for no diffing Jellal and CS and for having Eileen cow down before her lord/general/alpha dog.
LVP of 2016
Zeref, for still loving Natsu, for not wanting Mavis to suffer, for doing nothing the entire arc, for being an arrogant piece of shit when facing off with Mavis despite not doing anything himself, and most of all for being a whiny little bitch.
Best Quote of 2016
Broke my heart seeing this panel. Cheria is such a good girl.
Best Spell of 2016
Fairy Law. Cause it massacred over 800000 people.
Best Chapter of 2016
515. Eileen's backstory was amazing, seeing her break was really interesting.
Worst Chapter of 2016
504. Gray's yelling at Natsu, demanding answers like he has a right to know anything, talking about how he cant reason with Natsu anymore, everything about it just made me think that Gray was a real piece of shit. Couldnt even get hyped for the action cause the fights premise was just so ridiculously stupid.
Best Fight of 2016
Larcade vs Sting. Beause it was awesome, had minimal bullshit, took a lot of people/advantages to win, had Kagura in it, let side characters actually do something worthwhile, and cause WSD Sting was awesome.
Worst Fight of 2016
Neinhart vs Natsu, It was an absolute waste of time, it made Jellal look like trash, the enchantment was utterly pointless, and it didnt even look cool.
Best moment of 2016
Makarov dying. Great speech, told Mavis to shut up, really made me feel something.


Ring Your Bell (In The Silence)
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
Rate: /10

MVP of 2016:
Laxus Dreyar

He succeeded to kill Wall. He ignored his feelings towards Makarov's death. He ignored his illness. This is war. Even August let Jellal and co alive. Even END!Natsu didn't kill DiMaria. Had Jellal killed Neinhart, Spriggan 12 would have lost 4 members.​

Best Quote of 2016:

"Thanks to all of you, my journey was one filled with an abundance of elation and jubilation. I have no regrets. All of you, be well." - Makarov Dreyar​

Best Spell of 2016:
Universe One

A new magic from new era. Combining some kind of magic like Brandish's mass manipulation magic (shrinking a country's size) and Jacob/Minerva's spatial magic (teleporting everyone). The second biggest AoE after Arc of Time: Last Ages. Sending Acnologia away.​

Best Chapter of 2016:
Chapter 494 - The Hill Extending Towards Tomorrow

credit: zelkam

Invel's cold heart. A cold, dark dawn. Randi and Mari moment. Neinhart showed off that he can summon 3 Historia of his fellow Spriggan. Squad goals.​

Best Fight of 2016:

3 in 1 in Wendy Marvell, Sherria Blendy, Carla, and Ultear Milkovich vs DiMaria Yesta:
1. Wendy and Sherria's character development
2. Ultear's comeback surprising everyone
3. The truth behind DiMaria's mystery: Age Seal and new kind of Take Over magic, God Soul: Chronos

Best moments of 2016:
Warm moment: The flashback about Mavis telling Laxus resembles her old friend, Yury
Cold moments:
- Invel's iceberg
- Zeref and Spriggan 12
- Irene's entrance
- August vs Irene
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Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2016
Reaction score
Rate: 6/10
Yearly Highlights
MVP of 2016:

Brandish - imo she has been one of the most helpful people out on the battlefield even though she was mean't to be an enemy aha. She saved Mira who had been hit heavily in the chest by August(Although it is not the heart just wanted to confirm that as it's not even close), offered to negotiate with August who I might add actually was willing to listen to what she had to say had it not been for Mest so who knows what could of happened there, but she also saved Natsu with the "tumour" and had she not he would not have awoken to help protect Mavis and Lucy. Then recently helped both Juvia and Gray with their injuries although Juvia was helped more by Wendy.
LVP of 2016:
Mavis - She has done absolutely nothing this past year worth mentioning or benefited the war in anyway, first off she decides to send the dragon slayers on board a moving airship (well done) forgetting that they get motion sickness and when the war has just started you know your screwed when you muck up already not even a few chapters in. She then gets captured by Zeref to unleash FH and if it were not for Invel getting defeated they would of won so, so far she has screwed up with the dragon slayers and then gets caught. Larcade's magic then seems to effect her even though a few ages prior Larcade dis activates his magic due to Zeref's command so I am not sure why she is still effected xD

Best Quote of 2016:
"Acnologia...The black winged one. Upon this land in which the white angel reined supreme, a black dragon now descends...it's as if the malice of the black angel has been made manifested. But the one who will be laughing when all is said and done is I...The Scarlet angel."
Best Spell of 2016:

Sting finally got a fight and he sure did not disappoint for me this is one of the best spells shown. Universe one was mentioned a lot and sure it is cool but I found this panel to be to epic along with the spell itself aha
Best Chapter of 2016:
Chapter 515 - I loved Irene's backstory and felt like it made the impact it should off, tragic and explains why she is how she is. I enjoyed ever moment of it and like I have said before the backstorys are always done best imo and this really showed it and was foreshadowed a bit in some ways. Her interacting with Hisui and her father about how she could love something like that but also (Now I am not sure it was her) with the Crucifixion of ST of which I think Irene did linking back to her backstory. Some did say it could of been Bradman but I see him just killing them and not bothering with things such as that.
However it also linked in nicely to why she serves under Zeref, he was the one who gave her back her human form or at least appearance and so would owe him for that but she probably also wanted the chance to fight Acnologia herself.
Worst Chapter of 2016:
Chapter 500 - For a benchmark chapter this one was quite a let down with both what happened in this chapter a d the big event which is mean't to happen. Let's start with what happened in this chapter, so first off a character who was pretty much dead from either blood loss (she gave Gray her own blood plus the wound from the actual stab) or the wound itself being located where it is and yet somehow Wendy managed to heal her...it makes zero sense how this even worked as Wendy can not revive people on heal and a wound that sever I do not imagine is possible. Next we have Invel defeated with PoF which was more a disappointment than anything because Gray's fights are normally good considering they have tactics in them and not and overall beat down which this one was. It was not that great to watch and could of been done a lot better.
The final part is the Neinhart one shot which was very poorly done, someone who has mean't to be enchanted from Irene herself went down that easily...I just do not enjoy Natsu's fights anymore...Tartaros Natsu and prior was ok as he was not overly OP but now thats just out the window. It's not fun to read and rather boring now when he does enter a fight considering this is what I expect, same with Jacob.
Best Fight of 2016:
Wendy/Sherria/Ultear vs DiMaria no questions for me although the Irene vs Acnologia fight is a close second. The fight was very early on in this war and kept my expectations high for what is to come, it had teamwork and side characters actually helped/ won it which was nice to see. Not only that but Sherria made a sacrifice in order to win which was great as it shows that the Spriggans would not be simple to beat (or so I thought aha) which gave me more hype tbh. Then and my bias comes in here haha Ultear made an appearance helping the two out which I loved seeming as she is my favourite character in the series but also helped them win. Sure TO was a bit iffy and suddenly introduced but I did not mind because of the fight as a whole.
The close second fight for me which was Irene vs Acnologia made me enjoy it a lot more when we found out who Irene was, we had the previous Dragon queen vs the current Dragon King which I absolutely love. The fight was hype and them complementing each other made it even better for me haha although now I am unsure of the true outcome if Wendy could damage her...Either way I did enjoy it but the DiMaria fight topped for me.
Worst Fight of 2016:
Laxus vs Wahl - I did not really enjoy the fight all that much and the ending made me dislike it even more for both the randomness and the fact it made zero sense. How did Wahl a robot who can analyse his opponents forget that lightning helps Laxus? I felt like it was a quick escape route to make sure Wahl could of been beaten because of this mistake...But not only that Laxus then uses Red Lightning to defeat him an opponent who is immune to lighting and yet a different shade of colour made it work? It was never explained and is the worst power up so far in this war, lightning is lightning it should not matter if its red, green or blue it's lightning.
Best moment of 2016:
Acnologia one shotting Serena - It was just epic thats all there is too it and thats how you make an entrance to a war. Sure he went out quickly but least it was to Acnologia and unlike the second time not to someone from FT and oneshotted again >.>