Final - August vs Irene | Page 22 | MangaHelpers

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Final August vs Irene

Who wins the Tournament?

  • August

    Votes: 52 57.8%
  • Irene Belserion

    Votes: 38 42.2%

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 28, 2016
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United States
I'll have to disagree with that.
You don't know if the prep time is little, this wasn't shown. And you also don't know if she can fight while doing it. In fact it's more probable that she can not.
She casted U1 on the Earth through her staff, but that doesn't mean she can't cast it without it. U1 is no more than an enchantment, and Irene has been shown to be able to enchant stuff without using her staff, though she sometimes does for whatever reason. Usually she enchants stuff using a sweep of her hand for instance; and when she was in Wendy's body, she didn't have to use her staff to use these same enchantments. There's no reason to believe her staff is an essential tool to cast enchantments, in our case U1.
It was done the same chapter it was set. And she fought Acno while holding onto the enchantment. She has shown to use enchantments in mid battle. Even Wendy in her body could do an enchantment while simultaneously clashing off against Irene. Prep takes no longer than five minutes as she prepared the attack mid Gajeel v Bradman, and finished before the fight ended.

Yeah, but she casted it through her staff therefore making it a holder magic. She doesn't need the staff to do it, but she can use it as way to make her magic into holder magic, and cancel August's copy magic.

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 12, 2017
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I think August can dodge attacks like Jellal intended to against Acno.

But, what can he do? Cast Grand Chariot? Irene is a dragon, GC won't tickle her.

August stomped CS because nothing they did could hurt him, and they're certainly weaker than him. But this is not comparable to fighting a dragon. Gildarts was able to deal damage to August, despite the fact that he had to use a prosthesis, which was durable enough for one Empyrean only. Gildarts was favouring his left side of his body, so it's either a one-time hit or it's weaker than his good arm.

August needs DSM or he dies imo.

It depends if there is a difference between human Irene and August' magic power.

As a dragon, Irene's abilities to enchant increase. August would need more MP to compete, or he'd have copy master enchantments (which is a property of a sage dragon, which August is not).

I don't think it comes down to a which magic is better. In this manga, dragon slaying magic is portrayed as the best, because Acnologia is superior. But when people are of equal power there shouldn't be any difference. The main thing here is Irene has reached the end point of DSM, becoming a dragon. I guess the question is, assuming August and Irene have comparable magic power, what's better - being able to copy and nullify magic, or being a superior species?
I see master-level enchantment simply as enchantment with far greater range, thanks to the enhancement of Belserion's sage powers. I don't know if it lowers the magic power consumption rate, or allows one to enchant certain things that high enchantment cannot even if they are within range. If one assumes that such perks are available for master-level enchanters then Irene stands to win in an enchantment duel, not necessarily the whole match-up.

It's hard to determine if August can replicate the range boost granted by master-level enchantment. Supposing that he can copy enchantment but cannot acquire master-level range, that only means Irene would have more items to choose from for her enchantments, but when said enchanted items approach August's range he can counter them accordingly.

The point however is that enchantment as an ability involves affixing one's magic power to something, and so the question of magic quality comes in. Species difference would matter in the question of enchantment battles only insofar as it would also entail a difference in enchantment capabilities. One can say that dragons are normally and often better at enchantment than humans, but the problem is we don't know how much of an anomaly August is, so it boils down to underestimation or overestimation of his 'x-factor'. I believe his copying ability stems from the nature of his magic, and if one interprets them optimally, he can stand a chance against dragons as described in Fairy Tail, barring the upper limit anomalies such as Acnologia.

As for dragon slaying magic, I deem it a superior sort of magic only in the restricted sense that it allows one to deal with dragons more effectively, plus the dragon-like perks one gets by becoming a dragon slayer. Proposing an absolute hierarchy of magic in this series not counting the One Magic is really difficult, because Hiro did not formulate a comprehensive theory of magic.

ADDENDUM: On the matter of how August would fare against dragon attacks, it depends once again on how we view the nature of his magic, and if he gets special stat boosts from that. We never really got to see him being pushed to the limit, and he took himself out using an ancient suicide spell without getting to see what he is weak against, given that I see holder magic as more of a constraint or a loophole rather than a natural weakness of his. Our best indicator is that he dreads Acnologia, but it's not clear whether that's because he can get killed easily like what happened to God Serena, or because he knows his magic arsenal is futile against Acnologia.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 16, 2016
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What? She literally went in front of Erza's face before she could react. That's literally blitzing. Just bcs you don't attack doesn't make it not a blitz.

Irene whooped Erza's butt in BASE Wendy's body. They were not in the same league of any stat. Only time Irene got hit is when she stood there and took the attack or when she was distracted. She easily played around with Erza and parried all her attacks while joking around.
She literally did nothing. There is no need for Erza to react when Eileen made no move to attack. Facts are facts, Erza kept up with Eileen for most of the fight, their speed is equal. Neither Eileen nor Erza landed many attacks on the other.
Wendy Belserion whooped Erza's butt, and only because Erza wasnt willing to fight back.
The only time Erza got hit was when she stood there and took the attack, or when she was distracted. Even when Eileen stopped playing around and got serious Erza still had no trouble keeping up with Eileen's speed.

Meteor is not doing anything. His meteor couldn't even wound Cana and he hit her directly. Meteor isn't even a factor when it couldn't even be used to beat a fodder character like Cana. And again how is meteor keeping up with Dragons that can scour continents in seconds?
Meteor wont be used offensively, there is no need for August to go anywhere near Eileen. All he has to do is keep his distance and shoot her from afar, Eileen's physical attacks are all August needs to worry about.
Meteor doesnt keep up with Eileen, it outpeeds her by miles. A much weaker wizard was able to use it to outspeed a much stronger dragon, add slow to the equation and Eileen is basically a turtle from August's point of view.

Acno asked her if she would provide him a challenge for more than moment so he was def going for the kill. If she was weak he would blitzed and kill her like he did with Serena. It's dumb to think he would use more force on a guy who's severely weaker than Irene.
That right? Like he blitzed and killed a weakling like Wendy? Oh.... wait.... Jellal intercepted that... in Base too, hrm, and who was it again that demolished Jellal and 4 other wizards?
He beat three average mages and Jellal. OS doesn't have one single feat on Wendy's level let alone Erza's so I don't why that's being put up as a high end feat. And he only beat them that easily bcs he was a hard counter to all of Jellal's magic (and Jellal is the only member worth his rep).

Jellal was not outspeeding Acno. Acno didn't even care for Jellal and literally grabbed him out of the air. Acno only cared about Wendy and that showed when he didn't bother to speak to Jellal.
Sure, didnt care about Jellal, doesnt change the fact that Acno tried to kill Wendy and failed because of Jellal.

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 12, 2017
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I've stated my hypothesis about mutual overestimation and mutual underestimation on several occasions, now I'm going to explore the extent to which partisan arguments in favor of one party rely on direct assertions against the other party.

Optimal interpretations and extrapolations of August's copying ability and magical nature don't really need to make reference to what Irene can or cannot do even though many of those arguing in favor of August would also tend to downplay some of Irene's traits in order to make the victory appear easier. That is because said optimal views have a more abstract claim in mind, namely the comprehensive character of the caster magic copying ability, subject only to minimal restrictions and loopholes such as holder magic or caster magic mediated by a tool or a conduit. Moreover, a very generous view of the nature of August's magic would tend to focus on the exceptional perks August gets thus enabling him to survive against many dragons, of which Irene is simply a special example. Basically then it is possible to just stick to a high opinion of what August can do given his origin in order to elicit the disputable conclusion that a dragon like Irene can be overcome and defeated by a master copy mage, without undue prejudice to her capabilities or the overall general superiority of dragons over humans in terms of power.

Essentially, this is like saying that August can beat Irene because if he is interpreted optimally he has what it takes to deal with basic dragon attacks and Irene's enchantments no matter how they are also optimally interpreted. This of course reeks of exceptionalism, but at the very least the claim need not involve character assassinations against the other side.

Optimal interpretations and extrapolations of Irene's enchantment capabilities and dragon stats could theoretically just reiterate the gap between humans and dragons as far as physical prowess and magical potency is concerned, without having to refer to what August can or cannot do. But given the various claims and hints about August being an anomaly among humans, then just a mere assertion that dragons trump humans in general and on average would no longer suffice. Thus all the disputes about whether August can or has already copied dragon slayer magic, whether he can endure dragon claw swipes, and so on. Basically in order to pave the way for the claim about dragon superiority, which I believe is the main argument in favor of Irene, auxiliary claims about August's limits are mobilized to deal with the exceptionalism, even if it means resorting to much underestimation and downplaying.

Essentially, this is like saying that Irene can beat August because whether or not she is interpreted optimally she is nonetheless a dragon, and August despite his freakish background isn't really that exceptional and remains a mere human. Notice how in order for the more general claim to proceed an alleged exceptional challenger had to be cut down to size, and normalized, as it were.

In sum: Irene doesn't have much to gain when overestimated and doesn't have much to lose when underestimated because she's already a dragon. August has much to gain when overestimated and much to lose when underestimated because he's a wonder child with an x-factor shrouded in mystery.

All other details are, as it were, ornamental as far as argumentation is concerned, but they are very much part of the polemical and apologetic games that readers and fans play...

Since this tournament is about to be finished, I hope I was able to fairly articulate the concerns and points of the various sides, even if at the end of the day my vote goes to the magic king
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Ring Your Bell (In The Silence)
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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Another Irene's impressive feat is she could know that Acnologia's joined the war (The Fourth Guest Chapter) and came to his place. She also immediately knew that Erza was around Mercurius. While August didn't know that Acnologia was near until he made appearance. He also didn't know his mother was watching him until he saw her. (Though this is not really important to a match like this)

I would have happily picked August if he had not been disappointing.

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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Apr 12, 2017
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Well... Hiro is to blame for the inconsistent depiction of what the antagonists are able to do, and I believe August was the one who got ruined the most out of all the antagonists not counting Zeref and Acnologia.

On the one hand, August could disable the magic radar from a distance, but on the other hand he didn't even tamper with Cana's cards up close. On the one hand he was able to infer the effects of Universe One, but on the other hand he didn't even detect Acnologia's presence until it was too late for God Serena. It's frustrating that he ended up like that, but I take it against the author, not the character


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 13, 2016
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Thats not blitzing, Eileen telling Erza she's her mum is the most impressive thing she did in that panel. Erza's speed is more than a match for Eileen's, she had no trouble keeping up with her the entire fight, both Eileen and Erza barely landed hits any on each other.

Acnologia was serious against Serena, he was casual against Eileen. Jellal jumped in front of Wendy and blocked an attack from Acnologia WITHOUT Meteor, should i be impressed by him? And even if i were impressed by that particular feat, that would just make me more impressed with the guy that demolished Jellal and his guild without effort. Putting down someone who can go even faster than when he was outspeeding Acnologia, as well as simultaneously beating 4 other wizards, is still way more impressive than what Eileen did.
Base August's speed=Eileen's speed, Meteor August's speed>>Eileen's speed, Meteor+Slow August's speed>>>Eileen's speed.
even God Serena defeated invidually stronger Mages than---->Cobra/Midnight/Racer/Richard... and this was Easy-Medium difficulty fight and this only happened because Serena was cocky and was holding back his real powers... so was that impressive feat?



Biri Biri

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Another Irene's impressive feat is she could know that Acnologia's joined the war (The Fourth Guest Chapter) and came to his place. She also immediately knew that Erza was around Mercurius. While August didn't know that Acnologia was near until he made appearance. He also didn't know his mother was watching him until he saw her. (Though this is not really important to a match like this)

I would have happily picked August if he had not been disappointing.
The history revisionism here is staggering. Irene intentionally seeked out Acnologia on her own accord. This allows Irene to cast Universe One and fulfill her objective of removing Acnologia from the battlefield, sending a message to Zeref to urge him to stop treating the war as a game, and to show greater sense of urgency to acquire FH.

On the contrary, Acnologia was introduced to the war with his first appearance at Fiore's eastern end, just outside the borders of Bosco. It was never shown to the readers how Acnologia made his way there. After murdering God Serena, he announced his desire of eradicating all the remaining dragon slayers. Subsequently, did Irene sensed his presence.

I have happily picked August because as opposed to Irene, since his introduction, he has displayed feats of higher quality with greater consistency. The one among the two with lesser ambiguity over their abilities.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 16, 2016
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even God Serena defeated invidually stronger Mages than---->Cobra/Midnight/Racer/Richard... and this was Easy-Medium difficulty fight and this only happened because Serena was cocky and was holding back his real powers... so was that impressive feat?


Meh, the main thing was Jellal being there since he's got the speed, but the fact that the dude had 4 human meat shields serving as distractions as well makes August beating him more impressive. So is beating CS impressive? Yeah, cause Jellal is a part of CS. Would beating the OS be impressive? No, cause they're fodder without Jellal, at least i assume they are. We'll see how Cobra does against Acnologia, i'll probably scale the rest of the OS to that.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Jan 20, 2017
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Eileen's physical attacks are all August needs to worry about.
I'm sure August also needs to worry about her master enchentmants. Irene did some impressive enchentmants feats while being a high enchenter. Imagine her master enchentmants.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 18, 2016
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I'm sure August also needs to worry about her master enchentmants. Irene did some impressive enchentmants feats while being a high enchenter. Imagine her master enchentmants.
He just outright nullifies them, they're caster magic.


It would be such a travesty if Irene wins this...

And no, before the haters and bashers here say it, aka @EmptySoul :derp , I'm not wanking August, I actually like Irene more. :nah


Queen of Dragons
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
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Jun 13, 2016
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Antigua and Barbuda
He just outright nullifies them, they're caster magic.


It would be such a travesty if Irene wins this...

And no, before the haters and bashers here say it, aka @EmptySoul :derp , I'm not wanking August, I actually like Irene more. :nah
Nullifies them how? Are you implying August MP > Dragon Irene's (or any other Dragon's) MP?


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Feb 26, 2017
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He just outright nullifies them, they're caster magic.


It would be such a travesty if Irene wins this...

And no, before the haters and bashers here say it, aka @EmptySoul :derp , I'm not wanking August, I actually like Irene more. :nah
I don't think August can just go and Nullify for example a Deus Sema falling straight at him he might be able to Nullify the Damage it deals to him or would deal to him i give him that.
But i don't see him Nullyfing an ongoing Spell/Enchantment considering he would need to stop her from Casting then unless that's what you mean,but probably not judging by the Words you chose.

Nothing against Wank in here really :yodawg this is mostly Fandom Wars so no one can really say that some Bias isn't included.Same goes for me.:victory


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2015
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United Kingdom
Nullifies them how? Are you implying August MP > Dragon Irene's (or any other Dragon's) MP?
I don't think August can just go and Nullify for example a Deus Sema falling straight at him he might be able to Nullify the Damage it deals to him or would deal to him i give him that.
But i don't see him Nullyfing an ongoing Spell/Enchantment considering he would need to stop her from Casting then unless that's what you mean,but probably not judging by the Words you chose.

Nothing against Wank in here really :yodawg this is mostly Fandom Wars so no one can really say that some Bias isn't included.Same goes for me.:victory
August's ability is described as being able to nullify and copy others abilities.
That's what happened to Gildarts when he used crash magic against August, he simply stood there and was basically unaffected.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Feb 26, 2017
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August's ability is described as being able to nullify and copy others abilities.
That's what happened to Gildarts when he used crash magic against August, he simply stood there and was basically unaffected.
I am not saying that he can't but i just wonder about Deus Sema here really,i mean its basically a Giant Rock being drawn towards the Earth at his Location at that and the Impact of a Meteor is definitely huge Scale damaging, i mean he can't negate the Impact of a Meteor on the Earth it doesn't even have to hit him thats the Point.
But as i said i am not denying that he can't nullify the Damage it would have on him at all.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
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He just outright nullifies them, they're caster magic.


It would be such a travesty if Irene wins this...

And no, before the haters and bashers here say it, aka @EmptySoul :derp , I'm not wanking August, I actually like Irene more. :nah
Wank :derp

Jk but fr like Bel said which is a rather good point:
Dragon Irenes MP > August MP
He wouldnt be able to nullify it :hee


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 27, 2015
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United Kingdom
I am not saying that he can't but i just wonder about Deus Sema here really,i mean its basically a Giant Rock being drawn towards the Earth at his Location at that and the Impact of a Meteor is definitely huge Scale damaging, i mean he can't negate the Impact of a Meteor on the Earth it doesn't even have to hit him thats the Point.
But as i said i am not denying that he can't nullify the Damage it would have on him at all.
I believe he would negate it but say he didn't....
He can crash the meteor using Gildarts' ability, he can dodge the meteor using time stop or make it tiny using Brandish's ability, that's what makes August so powerful, dude basically has all the abilities of the Spriggan 12 and just about anyone he's encountered.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Wank :derp

Jk but fr like Bel said which is a rather good point:
Dragon Irenes MP > August MP
He wouldnt be able to nullify it :hee
The way August's MP was displayed, especially when he was about to level the entire town seemed like it was more powerful then Irene's, everyone could sense how powerful it was but I guess the MP argument is up for debate.
I'm confused, did August's ability specify that he can't negate and copy someone's magic who's stronger than him? I don't believe it did, correct me if I'm wrong.

Ebony Maw

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 8, 2016
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Again you are ignoring the science. You want to claim the atmosphere affected the movement speed than show an actual feat of it bcs as I see it all we were seeing was Erza's perspective compared to the Meteor's perspective. And Irene gets scaled to the Meteor's "outerspace" speed either way as she has to control the path it's going to reach Earth. That means she has the reaction to control it going at that speed.
I'm ignoring the science? My entire point is backed up by science, not to mention just common sense. Erza has never reacted to anything near that fast in the manga, and to my recollection, neither has anyone else. Broken bones Erza intercepting and destroying Deus Sema was ridiculous anyway, but you're making it even more ridiculous by saying that it didn't slow down. The sonic booms not being there may be strange, but I'll repeat my question from before:

What's stranger, Deus Sema slowing down without making sonic booms, or broken bones Erza reacting to, somehow getting herself in the air and destroying a meteor that went by multiple planets in seconds?
Letting go of staff is not hindering anyone's speed to dodge easy cards. Gild grabbed is staff not August.
Gildarts grabbing his staff was hindering August's ability to dodge:

He got caught in a grapple with Gildarts and refused to let go of his staff. Gildarts then breaks the staff and Cana immediately follows that up with a card attack. And again, keep in mind that August was still shocked about Gildarts figuring out his magic at that point, so it's not like he was paying much attention to Cana.
Erza was already stated to be severely weakened from her fight against Ajeel. A half dead Wendy oneshotted Ezel. Laxus oneshotted Hades while half dead. Julia is pretty darn weak and had done nothing this arc to say she was that much above 9D class.
Good points here, I forgot to factor in the battles they had fought before. That said, if Juvia was having trouble with Keyes, then Gray should've practically one-shot her in Ice Lock. Keep in mind that Juvia ended up tanking punches from bloodlusted DeS Gray, the same guy who sent Invel flying through a wall.
Berserker spell ruins the minds of the soldiers making them crazy. She wouldn't use it unless she had to and it really didn't look like she did or they would've referenced the soldiers as crazy powerful.You were right but Yukino said she only saw Larcade for a second. Sabers looked to be together in the war till U1 so I doubt Rufus or Orga strayed from the pack to fight Bradman or Rufus.
You're right on this, but my point was that we shouldn't be attributing Saber's defeat to Irene alone. Even if it was Irene alone who beat them, we have no idea how it went down. My problem with this is due to the amount of speculation is required if we go down this path, something which I feel is unfair given people are questioning whether Melt was DS magic despite it being with all of the other copied magics.
You want to hype OS by one word that was contradicted as soon as she sent Heine and Juliet? If she found them so troubling why didn't she send Larcade or Bradman who are stronger than both of the sisters?
I already answered this, Bradman and Larcade were already on the battlefield, they were already fighting. And she didn't go herself as she was preparing for the arrival of Acnologia.
The North Forces are stronger than OS. Heck Team FT North and Team Saber were both way stronger as individual team than OS. Honestly give one single feat to say they're above their OS arc version bcs all I see is one single statement and no proof of backing that statement.
The OS should all at least be GMG level if Cobra's performance against the Rock Dragon is anything to go off. He did just as well as the other dragon slayers despite being imprisoned for 7 years. And if Cobra managed to stay decently powerful being in prison, I don't see why the other OS members wouldn't.

And again, a high tier Spriggan, let alone a 400 year old dragon, wouldn't call 5 Tenrou level characters "troublesome". And tbh they shouldn't even be GMG level due to this.
Jellal oneshotted Neinhart who got two shotted by base Natsu. I wouldn't call him a mid tier S12.
I said Jellal one-shot an S12 with a mid-tier technique, not Neinhart is a mid-tier Sprig. And tbh the whole two-shotted by base Natsu thing doesn't really detract from Neinhart, because Natsu was mid POF speech when he did it, and we know how powerful POF Natsu is.
Rufus, and Orga are good back up as they did go toe to toe with FT greats (Rufus was even stated to hold back against Gray),
They're good back-up, but it shouldn't really make a difference. Saber's three strongest mages are S12 Historia tier, and even that isn't majorly impressive, so two more sub-S12 Historia mages shouldn't make that much of a difference against a Spriggan tier (I'll come back to this later but in terms of where the OS stand IMO).
and Minerva can bfr people to other dimensions.
Which she never does anymore. She mainly just makes large explosions and teleports (and even then, she rarely does the latter now).
Yukino even has usefulness with Libra's gravity pin.
She has to open the gate first though, and as Larcade showed, that's interrupt-able. Seeing as how Jellal's Grand Chariot can smash terrain apart, it should interrupt her.
Combined with the twins who have Holy and Shadow losers make for a deadly team.
Guessing that's a typo. :XD

Sting, Yukino, Rogue, Minerva, Rufus and Orga are pretty much the only notable characters in Sabertooth, and their strongest mages are all Historia S12 tier, meaning Rufus, Orga and Yukino are all weaker than that. Jellal's Grand Chariot should easily tag 3 of them, and it should one-shot the 3 it tags. At best, that leaves base Sting, base Rogue and Minerva. Jellal could just follow up with spells like Pleiades or Kyuuraishin from there. And that's at best. At worst he catches Sting, Rogue and Minerva in GC and goes on to stomp the remainders.
Edit: Just want to layout that I already said Jellal was a strong opponent. What I'm saying is OS isn't Saber level by feats.
By feats (or the lack of them) they're on par with Orga and Rufus. But they were hyped as trouble by Irene. Because of this, they must be better than their GMG selves as GMG top tiers like Jura are fodder now and a high tier Spriggan wouldn't consider fodder "troublesome". If I were to guess where they are on the power scale, it would be:

Midnight: In-between S12 Historia and just under S12 (it's mainly due to illusion hax)
Cobra: In-between S12 Historia and just under S12 (sound magic and poison is tricky)
Racer: Just under S12 Historia (slowing reactions is great but his offense isn't good enough)
Hoteye: Under S12 Historia (his magic is more for support)

As a group, they should be worth a Spriggan, though this is obviously hard to prove due to their lack of proof. That being said, Irene shouldn't be considering anyone below a Spriggan tier "troublesome".
Meteor is not blitzing a Dragon. Dragons cross continents, and Jellal needed a ship to escape Acno. Meteor doesnt even enhance him pass Exceed lvl speed.
What you listed there are speeds though, not reactions. And as for saying Meteor isn't blitzing a dragon:
That's Jellal blitzing Acnologia in Meteor. Keep in mind Acnologia exterminated the dragon race and thus must have better stats than basically all other dragons. He still couldn't react to Meteor.

I want to state this again though, I'm not saying August will use this to attack Irene, this is useful because it means he can avoid claw swipes for some time.
Buff spells increase stats by double. Wendy already showed that she's capable of raising stats in Irene's body as she raised Erza's elemental resistance via Deus Crona.
Fair enough here. As I said though, Meteor August should still be faster though as his Meteor should be better than Jellal's.

Jean Grey

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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jun 16, 2016
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The way August's MP was displayed, especially when he was about to level the entire town seemed like it was more powerful then Irene's, everyone could sense how powerful it was but I guess the MP argument is up for debate.
I'm confused, did August's ability specify that he can't negate and copy someone's magic who's stronger than him? I don't believe it did, correct me if I'm wrong.
it didn't.

but I guess it would make sense because otherwise he can just copy Acnologia or whatnot.

something like Goku vs Hit.

you can overcome Hit's Time Skip it through sheer power in the manga and later in the anime when Hit tried to kill him he overcome it while powering up.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 11, 2016
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I believe he would negate it but say he didn't....
He can crash the meteor using Gildarts' ability, he can dodge the meteor using time stop or make it tiny using Brandish's ability, that's what makes August so powerful, dude basically has all the abilities of the Spriggan 12 and just about anyone he's encountered.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

The way August's MP was displayed, especially when he was about to level the entire town seemed like it was more powerful then Irene's, everyone could sense how powerful it was but I guess the MP argument is up for debate.
I'm confused, did August's ability specify that he can't negate and copy someone's magic who's stronger than him? I don't believe it did, correct me if I'm wrong.
No but thats how magic worked throughout this arc

E.g Brandishs magic didnt work on enchanted Neinhart cause he had more MP than her

Dimarias time stop didnt work on END because he had more MP than her

I think Hiro last minuted this rule so those ppl with hax Magic could be defeated :XD
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