Voting Round 2 - Naruto vs. Tokyo Ghoul | Page 3 | MangaHelpers

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Voting Round 2 Naruto vs. Tokyo Ghoul

Who wins?

  • Naruto

  • Tokyo Ghoul

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 10, 2017
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The Emperor Who Rules the World
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Wow, okay I forgive you now :glomp
Forgive me Reebi.This was only time I ever betrayed you.Never again I will do that.
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Androssi Worshiper
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Mar 16, 2006
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United States
I'm weeping right now. Weeping for you poor exploited Naruto fans.:crying

Abused, betrayed, mistreated, and abandoned but still you love and defend the memory of what once was. A memory sullied by Killer Bee's terrible raps, a final villain that didn't even make sense, and turning from an underdog story into one about how elitism and nepotism is awesome. But still you love it. And still you defend it. Like guards at the gate of a kingdom fallen to ruin but even so you stand tall and vigilant.

I will not condemn you for your faithfulness to a lost cause, only admire the beautiful tragedy of it.

All that I can do for you is say this. If you ever grow tired. If the ever wish to experience the the fulfillment of the promise to you that Naruto never kept. Tower of God is waiting for you with open arms. A series worthy of fans such as yourselves.
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The President

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 18, 2016
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Honestly for me the Akatsuki started going downhill with Sasori´s death, out of all the members, Sasori was one of the very ideal role models for the ninja, works with poisons, puppets, hidden weapons, devised many missions that were hardly linked to him whatsoever, even then Chiyo pointed that Sasori had a hand in Gaara´s father´s death all Sasori said was that one of his puppets lead Orochimaru there, like no biggie, with the information network.

The fact he was the first to die and what came afterwards, just showcased how the ninja thematic lost their ground against the DBZ logic which started to gain more ground around that time.
That sounds like more of a complaint about the series as a whole rather then the Akatsuki as a group though. I agree the loss of its ninja roots were a blow to the series (which is why I say it declined after Part 1) however everything Pre-War was still very well written stuff in as far as shonen go and the Akatsuki were still all really really good characters. Tobi was a god-tier villain right up until we actually learned who he was and the motivations behind what he did (at which point he went from top-tier to bottom barrel in the biggest character quality shifts Ive ever seen). The revelation about Itachi is one of the biggest twists in shonen to date, one of the few moments in manga where I was straight up speechless. Jiraiyas death was arguably the best, or one of the best deaths in shonen. The Pein Arc was actually magnificent and if Nagato didnt go ahead and become a cock at the end of it and made all his actions in the war meaningless it would have been an arc that IMO would have even surpassed the Chimera Ant Arc. The whole solve the mystery in a fight against time aspect was phenomenal, and all those deaths were glorious to see in a shonen (even though they were all redundant because of fucking Nagato). It was also amazing to see an MC have literally no answer to the ideals of the villain, he was pressed into a corner both physically and mentally, a villain who was incredibly methodical and sound in reason to do what he did, making him yet another god-tier villain up until he ruined everything by becoming a complete twat and reviving everyone.

This is all in an arc where a village was getting blown to smithereens, so what I am getting at is that Naruto did not need to be deadlocked in Ninja antics for it to be at its best. Kishimoto was genuinely an amazing shonen mangaka up until he lost his shit with the final arc (as damn near every mangaka seems to do for whatever reason).

Deidara vs Gaara was a pretty good indicator of what was to come in shippuden, that came even before Sasoris death. In fact that still might be the largest scale fight in the entire series sans anything to do with Madara and Naruto (in the war arc).


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 13, 2015
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That sounds like more of a complaint about the series as a whole rather then the Akatsuki as a group though. I agree the loss of its ninja roots were a blow to the series (which is why I say it declined after Part 1) however everything Pre-War was still very well written stuff in as far as shonen go and the Akatsuki were still all really really good characters. Tobi was a god-tier villain right up until we actually learned who he was and the motivations behind what he did (at which point he went from top-tier to bottom barrel in the biggest character quality shifts Ive ever seen). The revelation about Itachi is one of the biggest twists in shonen to date, one of the few moments in manga where I was straight up speechless. Jiraiyas death was arguably the best, or one of the best deaths in shonen. The Pein Arc was actually magnificent and if Nagato didnt go ahead and become a cock at the end of it and made all his actions in the war meaningless it would have been an arc that IMO would have even surpassed the Chimera Ant Arc. The whole solve the mystery in a fight against time aspect was phenomenal, and all those deaths were glorious to see in a shonen (even though they were all redundant because of fucking Nagato). It was also amazing to see an MC have literally no answer to the ideals of the villain, he was pressed into a corner both physically and mentally, a villain who was incredibly methodical and sound in reason to do what he did, making him yet another god-tier villain up until he ruined everything by becoming a complete twat and reviving everyone.

This is all in an arc where a village was getting blown to smithereens, so what I am getting at is that Naruto did not need to be deadlocked in Ninja antics for it to be at its best. Kishimoto was genuinely an amazing shonen mangaka up until he lost his shit with the final arc (as damn near every mangaka seems to do for whatever reason).

Deidara vs Gaara was a pretty good indicator of what was to come in shippuden, that came even before Sasoris death. In fact that still might be the largest scale fight in the entire series sans anything to do with Madara and Naruto (in the war arc).
But it should to a degree at least until we got to see the 3 other villages, which I honestly thing it should´ve come sooner.

Sasori vs Kankuro balanced that out, honestly the need for the ninja antics was very focused on the series, even in Shippuuden Kishi couldnt just overlook, it and he proved this by having characters like Itachi, Sasori and Danzou, the problem here was that while they did carry the ninja antics quite a bit, they were also killed off quickly (itachi got revived later on but by that time he was much more different), the war also had it´s share of ninja antics behind it, it only got to be shitted on when it started showcasing DBZ logic too much. The problem with Shippuuden is this the DBZ logic was prevalent whereas the ninja antics, werent properly showcased as it went along, Kishi made 2 of the ninja antics guys in Shippuuden take very villainous tones and only 1 was kinda seen as a good guy, thats also one of the problems, it had, you cant have a ninja world shunning it´s own ninja antics like that, easily, Itachi was a good example of that, he did the greater good, but was shunned as a criminal for it, when he had no better choice, if people realized he acted on ninja antics for the greater good, then the conscience of many ninja at the time, would be tainted with the concept of what Itachi symbolized.

Supernatural stuff is nice and dandy, but it´s no excuse for sabotaging the ninja antics.
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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
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Do I even need to say what I'm going to vote for? :kappa

I might have actually considered Tokyo Ghoul if not for the later half of :re, because until then it definitely did an amazing job. I guess almost every manga is bound to drop in quality at some point, but Tokyo Ghoul really did a nosedive during it's second half or so.

Basically since Eto was defeated off-panel by this incredibly boring and annoying character called Furuta.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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New Do I even need to say what I'm going to vote for? :kappa

Basically since Eto was defeated off-panel by this incredibly boring and annoying character called Furuta.
I honestly can't find it in me to get invested in Furuta, no matter how many villainous deeds he carries out in the series. I think it probably has to do with the fact that his rise to the top as a main villain just felt WAY too rushed for me to care, Ishida should have taken more time with him imo before pushing him to the spotlight. Ramsay from A Song of Ice and Fire and Blackbeard from One Piece feel like better done Furutas to me, in regards to how they were brought from the bottom to the top.
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MH Senpai
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 30, 2016
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United States
Do I even need to say what I'm going to vote for? :kappa

I might have actually considered Tokyo Ghoul if not for the later half of :re, because until then it definitely did an amazing job. I guess almost every manga is bound to drop in quality at some point, but Tokyo Ghoul really did a nosedive during it's second half or so.

Basically since Eto was defeated off-panel by this incredibly boring and annoying character called Furuta.
Could the same not be said for Naruto though? I mean for that matter its worse in Naruto's case since it took up 2/7 of the series and was at the ending at that. At least TG Re: has a chance to pull itself out of a little slump, which I would argue is still not nearly as bad as Naruto during many parts of the war arc.

I honestly can't find it in me to get invested in Furuta, no matter how many villainous deeds he carries out in the series. I think it probably has to do with the fact that his rise to the top as a main villain just felt WAY too rushed for me to care, Ishida should have taken more time with him imo before pushing him to the spotlight. Ramsay from A Song of Ice and Fire and Blackbeard from One Piece feel like better done Furutas to me, in regards to how they were brought from the bottom to the top.
Those are very different characters to Furuta honestly. Ramsey was a character that essentially had such rage at his father and had an almost inferiority complex, that he took it out on the world. BB is a schemer and someone that basically is very similar to Luffy in that he wants OP for himself because it is that ultimate goal. Furuta's true goal is not fully known at the moment, and all he has done so far is show a disdain for the Washuu and wants to eliminate Ghouls (though I highly doubt this is as cut and dry as it seems considering recent developments). They may have some similarities, but the actual theme they represent is not really all that close, imo that is.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 9, 2016
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Those are very different characters to Furuta honestly. Ramsey was a character that essentially had such rage at his father and had an almost inferiority complex, that he took it out on the world. BB is a schemer and someone that basically is very similar to Luffy in that he wants OP for himself because it is that ultimate goal. Furuta's true goal is not fully known at the moment, and all he has done so far is show a disdain for the Washuu and wants to eliminate Ghouls (though I highly doubt this is as cut and dry as it seems considering recent developments). They may have some similarities, but the actual theme they represent is not really all that close.
I didn't mean they were similar as in character wise, it's more of how they were written as antagonists? If that makes sense:
Blackbeard was a subordinate in Whitebeard's crew, before he defected after killing Thatch, captured Ace, became a Warlord before finally becoming an Emperor of the Sea.
Ramsay (In the books anyway, I know the series did this differently), was initially a servant to House Stark, but then after Theon captured Winterfell, he backstabbed Theon, and became prominently known as the Bastard of the Dreadfort.
Furuta was initially a CCG member, but then after the Tsukiyama Arc with Shirazu's death, he began taking a more active role as a villain.
^With Furuta, there's no middle ground for his rise to the top. It's like he just decided to become a large scale villain on a whim, something that's always bothered me, since I felt like his writing when it came to Furuta was a tad rushed. There should have been more build up to him becoming an endgame villain, or just have him start out as a large scale villain from the get go (Jason and Arima were written this way). It's why I can't find myself getting behind him as a character.
Though I will admit recent developments for Furuta have solidified him a little more in my perspective, but not enough for me to consider him one of my favorites.

Lawl Po Bia

The OMO King
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 18, 2010
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do we stand a chance against sakura fanboys?


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Do I even need to say what I'm going to vote for? :kappa

I might have actually considered Tokyo Ghoul if not for the later half of :re, because until then it definitely did an amazing job. I guess almost every manga is bound to drop in quality at some point, but Tokyo Ghoul really did a nosedive during it's second half or so.

Basically since Eto was defeated off-panel by this incredibly boring and annoying character called Furuta.
You know, with comments like this one you and @Aloy are going to get along pretty well, Im sure of it. :nod

With Furuta, there's no middle ground for his rise to the top. It's like he just decided to become a large scale villain on a whim, something that's always bothered me, since I felt like his writing when it came to Furuta was a tad rushed. There should have been more build up to him becoming an endgame villain, or just have him start out as a large scale villain from the get go (Jason and Arima were written this way). It's why I can't find myself getting behind him as a character.
Though I will admit recent developments for Furuta have solidified him a little more in my perspective, but not enough for me to consider him one of my favorites.
Uhmm, Im not a big fan of Furuta either but I dont think you are right. If anything what made Furuta's villain status be so awesome at the beggining was his subtle and hidden way to the main scenario, if you know what I mean:

He was the freaking cause Kaneki turned into a ghoul at the beggining when he dropped the pipes on Rize, he then makes flashy but key appeareances in the backstage as the "PG clown" (ghoul restaurant and the 11th ward raid aftermath) and even meets Touka at Kamii Universtity. He was the character behind the mask that everyone wanted to know, even more than Eto back then.

Thats why the revelation of the shy and insecure Nimura-kun, underling of Kijima in Tokyo Ghoul:re, showing his true colors and killing everyone who witnessed his true allegiance was so impactful and catapulted him into the spotlight of the show. His conversation with Eto in the prison is for a large sector of the fandom one of the bests chapters in the whole series. He was created to be interesting and he goddamn was until he reached the power.

The problems with his character were him becoming a little "try hard" with his jokes later on, his omniscent-like strategies and his over the top fiendish personality (he's a character thats impossible to understand even now).

So in all honesty Furuta is still a good antagonist, not as good as Eto of course, but still good in the "troll villain" standards, with the latest chapters we can agree he plays with Kaneki the way he wants. :p


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Well ill be honest i voted vor TG i don't even read it but i promised to, i know ishida is a great writer, Ive translated his Hisoka spin off , i know he's also a huge fan of HxH, and Ive seen a lot of tg art and i know some stuff about characters and the plot. But i didn't know TG was competing against Naruto before the moment i was about to vote, I don't know why I thought it was against Black clover. So if it werent for my promise i would definitely have chosen Naruto. As the president mentioned earlier Naruto was great and i enjoyed it a lot, its only after the pain arc that story strated to hurt me. but i was watching recently some episodes with gaara & akatsuki to jiraya's death and i remembered how much i was loving it, of course there's a part of nostalgia too. I don't deny that it has some flaws, cant speak about tg but im sure according to some fans that some stuff are not necessary perfect, i didnt vote tg to vote for "the seinen over the shonen thing". Both have excellent campaigns congrats to Arj and SPriggan !

so best luck to both !!!

Lawl Po Bia

The OMO King
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Nov 18, 2010
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Well ill be honest i voted vor TG i don't even read it but i promised to, i know ishida is a great writer, Ive translated his Hisoka spin off , i know he's also a huge fan of HxH, and Ive seen a lot of tg art and i know some stuff about characters and the plot. But i didn't know TG was competing against Naruto before the moment i was about to vote, I don't know why I thought it was against Black clover. So if it werent for my promise i would definitely have chosen Naruto. As the president mentioned earlier Naruto was great and i enjoyed it a lot, its only after the pain arc that story strated to hurt me. but i was watching recently some episodes with gaara & akatsuki to jiraya's death and i remembered how much i was loving it, of course there's a part of nostalgia too. I don't deny that it has some flaws, cant speak about tg but im sure according to some fans that some stuff are not necessary perfect, i didnt vote tg to vote for "the seinen over the shonen thing". Both have excellent campaigns congrats to Arj and SPriggan !

so best luck to both !!!
just read TG and forget about naruto


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
I've never read Tokyo Ghoul, but I've read Naruto.
I've read Naruto, and it's arc sucked all good will I had out of it.

I can't vote for either in good conscious, but I'll maybe read a few chapters of TG later to get a feel for it.
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Spider Yokai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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I don't want to vote for Naruto but Spriggan is making it hard for me...

What to do...
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
do we stand a chance against sakura fanboys?
Juvia beat Touka in the WW. Is Juvia more popular than Sakura? :heh


Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
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I have to vote for Tokyo Ghoul here. Looking at things objectively, both series author's made some... questionable moves and decisions. Only Naruto has more... Tokyo Ghoul appeals much more to my love of complex writing and hidden meanings, parallels, relating to famous mythology and even basing the narrative itself on the Fool's Journey depicted by the Tarot. Tokyo Ghoul has still got what it takes to blow you away on a semi regular basis baby!

Naruto is just too basic for my taste.


#1 Ranker
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Global Moderator
Aug 6, 2014
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Love(d) TG, but this is Naruto. It certainly wasn't the best, and the ending parts weren't amazing or anything, but I'm just too attached to it. Maybe if it's up against some other competition but not TG :P


Bishoujo Collector
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Sep 17, 2012
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Marine Headquarters
Basically, I have to choose between the lesser evil?
Can't really say much about TG, but Naruto went down a questionable road towards the end.
All was kinda good during the Pain arc, but after it, well, everythig suddenly went south.
Still it's a Manga to which I've been attached for a long time, so I'll just go with it.
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