Shounen - Totsukuni no Shoujo by Nagabe | MangaHelpers

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Shounen Totsukuni no Shoujo by Nagabe

Brandish μ

The one with the mic
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
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Oct 24, 2015
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The Girl from the Other Side: Siuil, A Run
aka Totsukuni no Shoujo

by Nagabe
Shounen, Fantasy
Serialised in Comic Garden​

Synopsis - A human girl, Shiva, lives with a cursed being who she calls 'Teacher', in a land referred to as 'The Outside World'. This story presents as a fairy tale of a much older demon who takes care of a kind-hearted girl. Along the way mysteries of the world and their existence come to light.

Brandish μ

The one with the mic
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
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Oct 24, 2015
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@Erinyes @revo Didn't realise new chapters were scanned in December. Are you guys up to date?

I just ordered vol 5 which should be chaps 21-25. Vol 6 comes out in April this year, vol 7 in September. At this point, the books are quicker than scans.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
@Erinyes @revo Didn't realise new chapters were scanned in December. Are you guys up to date?

I just ordered vol 5 which should be chaps 21-25. Vol 6 comes out in April this year, vol 7 in September. At this point, the books are quicker than scans.
Oh i thought Edited Manga have stopped, thanks for lettingme know, need to catch this Asap :zomg definitely need the volumes too !
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Brandish μ

The one with the mic
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
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Oct 24, 2015
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I'll rename the thread to the Japanese title.

And I shouldn't have opened those spoilers! Man, I have to read these new chaps asap.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
chap 35-40 out :wtf

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn !!!! Just perfect, such an emotional volume, a lot happened ! Shiva is just toooooooo sweet ! :zomg

amazing color page !!

This scene :awe !!!

There s a lot of other amazing quotable scenes especially in chap 40.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Chapter 41 to 45 out ! this volume is awesome, no joke !:wtf

some interesting thngs (especially regarding History an beliefs) the King has some interesting devlopment and well cant say more....but :pout

Some selected pages, hard to pick a few only

this guy is interesting :zomg

that volume made me cry :( we re probably close to the end of the manga, i assume

edit also the art is so amazing :wtf

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Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
As i suspected, Totsukuni no Shoujo is ending on March 5th. So 10 volumes.

edit : vol 10 cover

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Last volume (10) will be released on April 9. Source : twitter Mogura
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Seemingly, the manga will get an anime adaptation : source Here
"A domain listing for "Totsukuni no shoujo" (The Girl from the Other Side) by Nagabe indicates that the series will get an anime adaption "
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Brandish μ

The one with the mic
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
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Oct 24, 2015
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I've got books 6 to 9 on order to catch up. Am happy the series is ending within a reasonable length.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
i've got books 6 to 9 on order to catch up. Am happy the series is ending within a reasonable length.
Yeha the series lenght is perfect not rushed not stretched, just good as it is. I hope the ending is as satsfying as the the whole series, either it's a happy or a sad end.
Apologies tho i did a mistake , its not 10 volumes but 11 seemingly. i thought the 9th (up to chap 45) one was the penultimate, but theres another volume, the 10th which is not yet out on scan, probably was released later due to being delayed.

  • Volume 10 Japanese release was september 2020 -> English release 13 april 2021
  • Volume 11 (last one) - manga serilaization ended this week. Japanese release scheduled on April 10th 2021 -> English release unknown yet
  • + Extra volume special -> Japanese release scheduled on March 2022

Here s the preview of the final cover ( volume 11)

from mangamogura twitter


"The official Twitter account for Nagabe's The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún manga revealed on Friday that the manga will get a feature-length anime project. The anime will ship as an original anime DVD (OAD) bundled with a bonus volume of the manga that will ship on March 10, 2022." (ann)


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"Totsukuni no shoujo" promo illustration by Kamome Shirahama (Tongari Boushi no Atelier author) (thats so cool, i love both mangas :zomg )

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Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Nagabe interview with editor Shinpuku (conducted last month)

Please share with us how Nagabe-san and Shinpuku-san first connected.

I published a short manga that was the prototype of The Girl from the Other Side on Twitter, and Shinpuku-san found it.
Shinpuku: Had some other publishers already gotten in touch with you at that time?
Nagabe: I received several invitations, but Shinpuku-san was the first to contact me, and the communications were smooth. That was about five years ago now.

Shinpuku: I remember Nagabe-san was a university student at that time. Especially when I spoke to him, he was a "mysterious person" to me (laughs). He was soft and polite in emails, so I thought he was a woman until I actually met him. But people often say that to you, right?
Nagabe: I don't often make public appearances, so when I do, I'm often told that people mistook me for a woman based on their impression of the pictures I draw (laughs).

Do you recall any memorable moments or challenges from that encounter to the release of the manga's first chapter?

For the first chapter, I asked Nagabe-san to come up with 4 to 5 pattern composition plans from different angles, and from there I created the current style.
Nagabe: At that time, I was still attending college and had to devote time to production while also submitting reports to classes. So I have the impression that the preparation period, which was the first step, was difficult.

Shinpuku: At that time, you also had practical training, didn't you?
Nagabe: That's right. Shinpuku-san contacted me just before practical training began, so I was very busy for the next few weeks. I still have an art teacher's license.
Shinpuku: So you also could have decided to become an art teacher. But at that time, the serialization of The Girl from the Other Side began.
Nagabe: You made the way for me to become a manga artist, and now we are celebrating our 5th anniversary. I'm grateful.

Regarding character design, what kind of things do you pay attention to when drawing non-human beings?
For example, creatures such as cats, dogs, whales, and jellyfish have more distinctive silhouettes than humans, so I think it is important to capture and draw them. The character design of Teacher in The Girl from the Other Side was also first created by the visual of the face and body, and then fitted with the nature and the attitude of the character afterwards.

Initial sketches of illustrations for the compiled volumes.

You link the story further from there, right?

Especially during the creation of the first chapter, I discussed with Shinpuku-san about what I wanted to draw in this manga while making the best use of visuals. From there, we agreed that we should focus on the "gentleness" of Teacher and Shiva rather than the plot, and describe the time in the story slowly and carefully.
Shinpuku: I didn’t make any decisions as a general rule, but since the editor in charge is also the first reader, I gave him some advice to better convey the story's appeal to its readers, such as "This information should be given first" and so on.

How did you decide on the cover illustration for the first volume, as well as the binding and design of the manga?

I ended up drawing two patterns for the cover of Volume 1, but the outline of the character drawn in watercolor was blurred, and I couldn't convince myself in the end, not to mention that I couldn’t make it by the deadline....
Shinpuku: That's right. At first, Nagabe-san requested, "I would like to publish the manga in an antique foreign book style, including the texture," and when the draft started to proceed as planned, he asked, "Could you hold it for a moment?" (Laughs). The feeling of the illustration was the same, but the technique was different. Although it may not be noticeable to the readers at first glance, we consulted with various sections that we think it would be better to replace it.
Nagabe: At first glance, the eye-catching elements may be weak, but I didn't want to have a cover like a standard manga. As a result, the style of the current cover cherishes the atmosphere of the work.

Concept and final draft of the first volume cover.

Have you added any touch-ups to the manga from an editorial point of view, or devised something during sales promotion, to acquire fans of the work?

Due to the serialization schedule, only one book can be released every six months, so we often talked about "where to divide the story to retain the readers’ interest." Fortunately, I was in charge of another work on the subject of non-human beings, so I conducted a cross promotion involving that. Especially in the case of The Girl from the Other Side, there were some commercial challenges because it was different from the general manga appearance, but we focused on communicating it to our readers sincerely. I think that the recognition of Nagabe-san's ability has led to the current evaluation from the readers.

How was the response from readers after the release of Volume 1?

When it was first lined up on shelves, I actually thought that only the existing readers who liked it would pick it up because it didn't look like a manga. But after it was released, the response was more than I could have imagined and it was read by various readers. For example, we received comments such as "I don't usually read manga, but I read this work." I was able to reaffirm the direction this work should aim for.
Shinpuku: I agree. There was a wide range of feedback and we also had many responses from people from overseas, including those who do not usually read manga. While it wasn't surprising for me, I was happy that the theme of this work was well evaluated. Since this manga is drawn solely by Nagabe-san, I think that may be one reason that it is easy to convey a coherent image.

The first Limited Edition of Volume 8 also came with a short anime produced by Wit Studio. Did you voice any requests during this production?

I didn't request anything. There are anime professionals for anime, and I'm a manga professional. As I'm an amateur when it comes to anime, I thought I would leave that to the professionals.
Shinpuku: Two directors were in charge of the short anime. As a preliminary step, I discussed the basis of the work before leaving creation to them, and they started the production after communicating with each other. Because of this, the anime's image was never different from ours. Rather, I felt, "They like this work so much!" (Laughs)
Nagabe: Especially with regard to visuals, they were able to draw more than I had imagined, and I was able to leave it to them with confidence.

Please tell us your favorite scenes in the anime.

I posted a GIF animation on Twitter, but the scene where Teacher and Shiva are cooking is drawn very naturally and attractively. I watched the clip over and over, while thinking, "I love this scene…"
Shinpuku: That scene is packed with the best elements of The Girl from the Other Side. I like the last sequence of beautiful frames when they begin rowing a boat. Although it is possible to draw a manga illustration in color , I think it is difficult to express and produce every scene of the manga in color. So when I saw the animation, I thought the benefit would being able to express that part.

It was the 5th anniversary of the manga's serialization in September 2020. Do you have any new goals after the anniversary?

Until now, I haven't drawn works that emphasize art style like The Girl from the Other Side does. But thankfully, after having the opportunity to continue this for five years, I've realized that the readers are looking at the drawings more than I expected. I would like to preserve the charm of the art style, while also considering which manga-like elements to add to the work, such as the fun parts of the scenario and developing characters whose emotions the readers can embrace.
Shinpuku: My primary thought is to give Nagabe-san the freedom to draw the work in a healthy manner. Although there is little that the editor can do about the art, I think that I can be of help for the storytelling. What do you think?
Nagabe: Thank you very much. I'm counting on you (laughs).
Shinpuku: While aiming to be such a dependable person (laughs), I would like to be able to deliver the story of The Girl from the Other Side to readers without breaking the current style.

And the final volume will be released on April 9, 2021, correct?

Now that I've come this far, I feel like, "Let's do it!"
Shinpuku: How many volumes did you expect the manga to have at the beginning of the series?
Nagabe: I was thinking that I would be happy with about 4 to 5 volumes. I never imagined that it would grow to more than twice that number. That is why I want to do my best, and I want to make the most of the time remaining to deliver the charm of The Girl from the Other Side to its readers as much as possible.

Finally, please give a message from Nagabe-san to the readers.

Thank you for reading The Girl from the Other Side. As the story continues to be tough, I think that many of you may be heartbroken now, but I have prepared a final scene that will satisfy everyone. I hope that you will stay with us until the end. Thank you very much.

Interview and text by Kuranosuke Yoshino.
Interview was conducted in Japanese and originally posted on Animatetimes.

Source and credits translation Mal

Vol 11 (end) cover

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Chap 46 up to chap 49 out ( Vol. 10)
A lot of reveals in this volume, we get to see Albert's past with his family, and 2 guys who were nice to him, he met after being cursed, and then more reveals about Shiva. Art is stunning as usual, story is full of twists, 'm really looking forward the last volume, hopefully the ending will live up to my expectations !

Some amazing panels :

his waking up.

their escape.

persecution again .

those scenes reminded me the 1st volume when he shielded Shiva and when she was pursued.

after his waking up an realizing what happened slowly.

some flashback with the old man and his grand-son who were kind to him and how it ended.

more despair.

Memories when he 1st met shiva.

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Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Last chapters from vol 11 are available here
It was really a nice manga to read with a bittersweet ending ( we were warned from start the story would be sad, it is). The ending is satisfying, how a work is wrapped often is the hardest thing, most manga have disappointing to decent ending, at best, so a nice ending often is the proof of a good writing. The last pages remind me Hunter x Hunter Meruem and Komugi scene, even the format.

Hunter x Huner Komugix Meruem :

The last volume art is as usual, stunning a lot of darkness and light contrasting scenes and, cold/warm too. Some panels are gorgeous. Here are some selected ones.

Overall, it was really a great manga from start to the end, that had many emotional moments, everything was enhanced with the sublime art. i enjoyed reading it, even though I admit I didn't want shiva to be what she was actually, but the explanations confirmed the fact that her soul was always a pure one as expected, but in the end Sensei was the one who suffered the most. I still don't understand how the story is related to Suil A Run song, in the title. But I have the feeling that the story might have some Celtic inspiration ?

Even though I have hard times assessing/ ranking my favorites manga, Totsukuni no Shojo manga was defnitely among my faves and still is, as for now.
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Sharing the trailer here too , it's really beautiful, atmosphere seems really faithful to the manga. I do enjoy the musical background, the visuals and voices too, they fit the characters, imo, :zomg I'm looking forward to it ! :nod

Seinsei is voiced by Jun Fukuyama ( Saiba Asashi (SNS) Lelouch, Shinra (DRR!), and shive by Rie Takahashi ( Megumin, Emilia, Takagi-san)
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The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
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Oct 2, 2016
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Finally finished the last few chapters... it was a bittersweet ride indeed. I suppose that's the only way this story could go - starting from us being told it wasn't going to be a happy story to the art work, which suits the sad fairy tale perfectly.

In the beginning of the story, I thought it would be a story about Shiva and her journey in their strange little world. But thinking about it, I think it was always more about teacher. Loved how the last chapter looked back at his life, his memories. The black and white of the artwork beautifully portraying the contrasts of the manga, between dark and light.

It's honestly a bit sad this manga has come to an end, but on the other hand I'm glad it wasn't dragged out needlessly long. I'm considering of rereading this manga sometime soon (when I have the time for it, that is...) - as I feel that the long waits between chapters kind of messed up the hype I initially had for this story. Or perhaps it was the flow? It was hard getting back into the story sometimes, and I feel because of the long waits I missed/forgot possible foreshadowing (and symbols).

(And yessss that trailer!! I'm excited)


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
The Wall
What was it?
Ah they deleted the twitt. Oh It was nothing more than indecent accusations, based on the fact the story features a child and a man. Seemingly it happened when he was in Spain, he was upset about it, and got a lot of support from Spanish fans.

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