Chapter - Tower of God Chapter 621 Spoilers & Discussion | Page 23 | MangaHelpers

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Chapter Tower of God Chapter 621 Spoilers & Discussion


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Aug 1, 2007
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I fail to see how this incident was that important, or far-reaching, or how it created a rift beetwen the climbers. They all forgot about it anyway.

I am pretty sure as well that it was not a grand plan from Zahard and Traumerei. That was just Traumerei acting on impulse, and covering his tracks.

I enjoyed the flashback, but now what ? What consequences ? Is that all there was in the book ? What about when they decided to stop climbing ?


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Apr 15, 2024
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Leviathan was talking from His EGO
Nobody was under him.. Traumerei sealed him
Easy lol
Lmfao that would be more believable :Haha
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I enjoyed the flashback, but now what ? What consequences ? Is that all there was in the book ? What about when they decided to stop climbing ?
Will Gustang try to remember more forgotten memories or just leave it here in this Arc ?


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
I wonder if Leviathan was sealed before Enkidu or after.

Traumerie was able to rule every creature & made Levi the king or something?

Or did he use just all his knowledge on Levi to make an incredibly powerful being?
Probably well after. IIRC the creature made the point that traumerei created him. It wouldn't be that weird if he was created for the sole purpose of containing traumerie's memories... Which could factor into traumerei's inability to control leviathan.
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神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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They already erased some of their memories. Leviathan exists already.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 15, 2009
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Why act like she's a victim while acknowledging this? Spies generally can't expect good treatment if caught. She was lucky to just die quickly rather than being subjected to more prolonged torture.

Whatever Traumerei might have done to her 'regardless' is irrelevant. She made the choices she made and got the consequences.
Because, as the chapter repeatedly points out, none of the Family Heads cared about her spying in the slightest, not even Rei.

Her spying had zero to do with why she was killed, it's purely incidental. The only choice she made that led to her death was deciding to break up with Rei.

All these things are linked. They changed because they didn't want to climb anymore, that's the source of the conflict. She was initially fine with living with Traumerei alone, but she couldn't bear it after some time and decided to join FUG.
The thing that really pushed her over the edge to leave wasn't even that, it was the twisted shot he sad doing for Jahad.

And is that a good thing to spy like that, without announcing that you are planning to betray them until everything is ready? No. That's dangerous and sly.
Is spying then running out the door unannounced any better morally?

She gave them a chance to renounce her for spying and turning on them and none of them did, because they didn't care.

I also think that you are exaggerating saying that no one had a problem with it. She was allowed to do so because of Traumerei's bias. Enkidu has always hated Ameuz and was jealous because of that treatment. Ameuz was way too bold.
Enkidu whose opinion no one cared about.

I am not saying he killed her for being a spy. But she became a spy because she wanted to leave which means she wanted to join V and Arlen which means she couldn't stay living with Traumerei and marrying him. He killed her because she wanted to leave him. Traumerei is worse, but Ameuz's behavior wasn't okay either.
So why are you bringing up the spy stuff then? Ameuz being a spy isn't even in the same dimension as the shit Rei did.

She at least had the decency not to cover up what she did.

They talked about it at first, then Traumerei decided he would lock her up and there were no objections. Lee Rang had to use her scent and lie so that Eduan wouldn't find her. There is no way he would have just told her good bye and let her go. She even avoided seeing Traumerei. When Traumerei found her on the island, that's the first thing he told her. To return to the ship with him.
That is not what happened at all.

When Traumerei talked about locking her up, Eduan and Gustang took it as a joke. We know this because they then started discussing how Rei should use some fond memories to convince her to stay.

When Eduan ran around looking for her he specifically mentioned wanting to see her before she left.

I would say she is a bit of a victim, because Traumerei used her treason to spark the conflict with Arlen and V even more while pretending to be innocent but yes, these are the consequences of her actions.
How is her death being used to start a war the consequences of her actions?

Never ceases to amaze me the way some people cape for Irregulars.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 12, 2020
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There war is already here. Gustang's not waging war on his own. What could happen to Gustang is a fake death and he would come back later in the story, but for Traumerei's death to happen, the person who can kill him, must want to kill him. And so far, that's not what the story is depicting.

Gustang's role is to preserve the true story, but he helped to spread lies. He is more like an observer. Traumerei, as of now, is more interwined with the overall plot than Gustang. We'll have wait and see If SIU is really intending to kill Traumerei, because as I see the current scenary, only Rachel would want to kill him.

We'll probably get the part 2 of Traumerei's past later, this time from a first person perspective. I suppose some things may change after that.
Gustang won't die because Enne.

As for Traumerei's death, SIU could surprise us (with or without another retcon).
There's that bracelet and the Boss that are unkwnow variables.
Luslec saying he came to see the death of FHs (IIRC) means there's got to be a way.

Only thing left about Traumerei is his loyalty to Zahard.
We know almost everything about him.
Dude controls animals, has no consideration for human life and all his family members, in addition to being rubbish, wish him dead.
That's all folks.
I fail to see how this incident was that important, or far-reaching, or how it created a rift beetwen the climbers. They all forgot about it anyway.

I am pretty sure as well that it was not a grand plan from Zahard and Traumerei. That was just Traumerei acting on impulse, and covering his tracks.

I enjoyed the flashback, but now what ? What consequences ? Is that all there was in the book ? What about when they decided to stop climbing ?
This flashback basically set Traumerei as a dude who manipulated and lied to his closest friends. His lie might be the catalyser that escalated the war. At the time of the flashback Hon and Lee Rang were kinda reluctantly fighting against V/Arlen.
Only Traumerei was cold about this.

But now that you mention it, does erasing Ameuz death also erased Traumerei's lie?
"V is a bastard, he must pay. Why? Hell if I know."
Did they also use MIB neuralyzer on Luslec too?


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
I can't help but wonder if traumerei has some sort of insanely long term plan (eons long) from way back in the foundation of the empire... And it's still ongoing. And gustang removing their memories and their eventual return being part of what traumerei has foreseen. It's a bit on the nose but the chess bit concerning traumerei and gustang seems to set up traumerei as a master strategist. And of course to be that good at chess requires some tactical savviness (which shouldn't necessarily carry over to real life but it might be what siu is going for).

The chapter is also a bit weird because I feel like it flips the narrative on what's going on between traumrei and gustang. So far traumerei has appeared to be an shut in sad boy who can't get over something which he can't remember. Gustang has been making big and bold moves in his war against traumerei and zahard. Originally we had ameuz, traumerei's girlfriend at the time, appearing to be the cause of traumerei's sadness. And her death being related to gustang's anger. But that's immediately weird with how the family heads over time care less and less about tower residents. But now we learn that traumerei killed ameuz with enough of a poker face and a hand steady enough that he fooled the other family heads and even almost fooled gustang. We had traumerei acting as a sad god without much purpose beyond acting as a zahard cronny and gustang as a vengeful purpose driven god... But now to me it kinda looks like it's traumerei who is anticipating moves eons in advance while it's gustang who is acting surprisingly... human. Going a bit deeper into the rabbit hole... it's a bit weird that traumerei seemingly lowered his guard just as gustang was about to walk out of the room when otherwise traumerei was appropriately thorough. Did he let enkido speak at this point on purpose?


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Aug 5, 2018
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United States
I doubt it. Her arrival to the party would have been a bigger deal... Also, the hair color more commonly associated to the eurasia family is pink, multiple phonsekal women have it. That specific red is characteristic of red witches.
Multiple?! Who?!? Drak has green hair. Laure had brown hair!

Lo Po Bia

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 26, 2021
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Saying that Ameuz is a victim and innocent ends up being funny to say the least, there are many innocent people here that one person could be betraying but a few tears and "Enkidu, please take care of him" is enough, Traumerei made a lot of mistakes with his friends and Enkidu, Ameuz's big mistake was trusting too much and abusing the protection and affection that Traum and the others had for her, that's the truth, when V and Arlene decide to leave Traum had already changed, as we see she says to Rang "it was always my decision to follow/stay on that person's side", so Ameuz always had the intention of one day being on V and Arlene's side, so that was more important than what she felt for Traum, the first mistake is in her staying with Traum and not having left right away, she still tells Traum that she would stay with him forever, very innocent, very innocent and intelligent, starting to communicate with the enemy side, "ah but maybe she would only talk to them about the day and the flowers" and ? It's already wrong and a betrayal, most likely she was passing information to the enemy, she could simply break up with Traum in private and the next day but no, she decided to abuse and do all that in public once again, humiliating Traum, as if that wasn't enough, in the end she still tells him that she knows the secrets of Traum and Zahard, in short, she played too much with fire and in the end she burned herself, the truth is that she was going to die anyway, if not there it would be in the war since she was going to join the side doomed to failure, Rang, Eduan and the others who are sad about her death would be much more so if they had to kill her during the war, Traum even did a favor here


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Nov 21, 2023
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United States
Didn't enkidu say something about how Belier (or w/e his exact name is) was not the first to resist his mind control ?
Arent belier, goruro and the original enkidu the only ppl enkidu ever controled?
Enkidu said Belerir was the second person inside his HEAD, making Traumerei the first. It wasn't the people he took over, though even I felt that's what it implied, but it really meant Traumerei. Also, personality-wise, this fits PERFECTLY with what I said just chapter about Traumerei being a spoiled child who, when he doesn't get what he wants (everything), throws a tantrum and then blame shifts. As I've also mentioned, the key player behind much of this is Jahad, who would've suggested this to Traumerei (his loyal dog) to help get the other FH further divided against Arlene and V.

In truth, Traumerei is such a manipulator (literally to animals) & chess player that he would've had this planned (the rules of the administrator he requested for Enkidu & killing Amuez) from the very moment he knew Amuez wasn't doing what he wanted (ch 618), when Eduan was questioning him about why he'd associate with a human if he couldn't control humans. They all knew something was strange, especially Eduan. Then Traumerei said to himself, "Ah...... Right..... He had that ability..... Why did I forget?" Meaning he already calculated how this was going to go, even down to manipulating Enkidu's testimony. I think neither Eduan nor Gustang believed what happened, but Enkidu was decapitated EXACTLY when Eduan was about to question him. That was no coincidence. I think the being who stopped the growth is indeed Eduan, & Gustang keeping Enkidu alive is for the same reason. They didn't trust Traumerei (& by extension his leader, Jahad).

Lastly, I believe Jahad (as the leader and strongest) stopped the climb because if they'd proceeded further, they'd have gotten to a challenge too difficult for them to overcome, & declared himself "King" in order to give the impression that they reached the end. Yeon Hana even said that there were "ALMOST no one left in the tower stronger than us!" This implies there ARE some stronger than them, even when they stopped climbing.

This backstory is beginning to resemble Übel Blatt.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Jan 7, 2010
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United Kingdom
they definitely gave up. why would they care if you can just continue climbing. Enryu even killed one what would be the point. Zahard doesn't want to continue climbing he wants to rule. the experiment look more like he is trying to create a chimera super soldier army, expendable pawns.
We don't know why Zahard and the 10 FH 'chose' to stop climbing, only that they sealed the door to the 135th floor and split the key into 15 parts.

Gustang definitely wants out and Zahard appears to be waiting for the right set of circumstances before having another go.

His immortality and kingship was given to him by Administrators, and thus can be take away.

Enryu even killed one what would be the point.
Enryu killed the Administrator of the 43th floor a long time after this flashback. And prior to that event it was believed that the Administrators were unkillable.

Since then there has been an arms race with FUG researching Blue Thyrasa and the Thorn and Trumerei collecting creatures that have the ability to possess or mind control others e.g. Nene (Akrinak), Wang Wang, Leviathan and Enkidu. Why all that when they already rule the Tower?


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Saying that Ameuz is a victim and innocent ends up being funny to say the least, there are many innocent people here that one person could be betraying but a few tears and "Enkidu, please take care of him" is enough, Traumerei made a lot of mistakes with his friends and Enkidu, Ameuz's big mistake was trusting too much and abusing the protection and affection that Traum and the others had for her, that's the truth, when V and Arlene decide to leave Traum had already changed, as we see she says to Rang "it was always my decision to follow/stay on that person's side", so Ameuz always had the intention of one day being on V and Arlene's side, so that was more important than what she felt for Traum, the first mistake is in her staying with Traum and not having left right away, she still tells Traum that she would stay with him forever, very innocent, very innocent and intelligent, starting to communicate with the enemy side, "ah but maybe she would only talk to them about the day and the flowers" and ? It's already wrong and a betrayal, most likely she was passing information to the enemy, she could simply break up with Traum in private and the next day but no, she decided to abuse and do all that in public once again, humiliating Traum, as if that wasn't enough, in the end she still tells him that she knows the secrets of Traum and Zahard, in short, she played too much with fire and in the end she burned herself, the truth is that she was going to die anyway, if not there it would be in the war since she was going to join the side doomed to failure, Rang, Eduan and the others who are sad about her death would be much more so if they had to kill her during the war, Traum even did a favor here
Pretty much exactly what I am thinking and was trying to say.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Nov 21, 2023
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United States
We don't know why Zahard and the 10 FH 'chose' to stop climbing, only that they sealed the door to the 135th floor and split the key into 15 parts.

Gustang definitely wants out and Zahard appears to be waiting for the right set of circumstances before having another go.

His immortality and kingship was given to him by Administrators, and thus can be take away.

Enryu killed the Administrator of the 43th floor a long time after this flashback. And prior to that event it was believed that the Administrators were unkillable.

Since then there has been an arms race with FUG researching Blue Thyrasa and the Thorn and Trumerei collecting creatures that have the ability to possess or mind control others e.g. Nene (Akrinak), Wang Wang, Leviathan and Enkidu. Why all that when they already rule the Tower?
It's because NO ONE is immortal on the 135th floor, and likely that the admin will NOT grant that law to them on that floor. There's something they're afraid of (Jahad included) on the be 135th floor, and the test for anyone to be able to get to the 135th floor could very well be the ability for the right group to be able to obtain the key in the first place, which would mean whatever team is stronger than the first climbers and therefore potentially able to overcome the next floor.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Multiple?! Who?!? Drak has green hair. Laure had brown hair!
Irure, yurure, strawberrry... We have seen silluetes of enne, her hair doesn't seem quite red either. Definitely not the red seen this chapter. Pink is easily the color that repeats the most in eurasia related folk.


神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Global Moderator
Apr 30, 2012
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Enne's hair looked rather pink in S2(from her back) but in S3 it's the same color as Dumas.


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Nov 21, 2023
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United States
I can't help but wonder if traumerei has some sort of insanely long term plan (eons long) from way back in the foundation of the empire... And it's still ongoing. And gustang removing their memories and their eventual return being part of what traumerei has foreseen. It's a bit on the nose but the chess bit concerning traumerei and gustang seems to set up traumerei as a master strategist. And of course to be that good at chess requires some tactical savviness (which shouldn't necessarily carry over to real life but it might be what siu is going for).

The chapter is also a bit weird because I feel like it flips the narrative on what's going on between traumrei and gustang. So far traumerei has appeared to be an shut in sad boy who can't get over something which he can't remember. Gustang has been making big and bold moves in his war against traumerei and zahard. Originally we had ameuz, traumerei's girlfriend at the time, appearing to be the cause of traumerei's sadness. And her death being related to gustang's anger. But that's immediately weird with how the family heads over time care less and less about tower residents. But now we learn that traumerei killed ameuz with enough of a poker face and a hand steady enough that he fooled the other family heads and even almost fooled gustang. We had traumerei acting as a sad god without much purpose beyond acting as a zahard cronny and gustang as a vengeful purpose driven god... But now to me it kinda looks like it's traumerei who is anticipating moves eons in advance while it's gustang who is acting surprisingly... human. Going a bit deeper into the rabbit hole... it's a bit weird that traumerei seemingly lowered his guard just as gustang was about to walk out of the room when otherwise traumerei was appropriately thorough. Did he let enkido speak at this point on purpose?
He killed her because he doesn't "feel" in love with her anymore. He's that much of an "immature kid" with too much power. Jeffrey Dahmer also started with animals before he went on to killing and collecting the body parts of people (maybe even putting them together; he was a true American psycho)


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下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Mar 25, 2024
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Saying that Ameuz is a victim and innocent ends up being funny to say the least, there are many innocent people here that one person could be betraying but a few tears and "Enkidu, please take care of him" is enough, Traumerei made a lot of mistakes with his friends and Enkidu, Ameuz's big mistake was trusting too much and abusing the protection and affection that Traum and the others had for her, that's the truth, when V and Arlene decide to leave Traum had already changed, as we see she says to Rang "it was always my decision to follow/stay on that person's side", so Ameuz always had the intention of one day being on V and Arlene's side, so that was more important than what she felt for Traum, the first mistake is in her staying with Traum and not having left right away, she still tells Traum that she would stay with him forever, very innocent, very innocent and intelligent, starting to communicate with the enemy side, "ah but maybe she would only talk to them about the day and the flowers" and ? It's already wrong and a betrayal, most likely she was passing information to the enemy, she could simply break up with Traum in private and the next day but no, she decided to abuse and do all that in public once again, humiliating Traum, as if that wasn't enough, in the end she still tells him that she knows the secrets of Traum and Zahard, in short, she played too much with fire and in the end she burned herself, the truth is that she was going to die anyway, if not there it would be in the war since she was going to join the side doomed to failure, Rang, Eduan and the others who are sad about her death would be much more so if they had to kill her during the war, Traum even did a favor here
Yep.she was no innocent women. Falling in love with Traum says a lot about her,climbing the tower alongside the likes of Jahad says a little more. Ameuz was just another asshole.
Last edited:


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Aug 5, 2018
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United States
S3ch164 - I don’t see pink hair LOL


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 15, 2009
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Yep.she was no innocent women. Falling in love with Traum says a lot about here,climbing alongside the likes of Jahad says a little more. Ameuz was just another asshole.
So she deserved to die? Apparently they weren't even so bad in the past.

Ameuz didn't even hide from the crime of spying and switching sides. It's Rei who murdered a woman for leaving him and then covered it up by betraying the rest of his friends.