charlotte linlin | MangaHelpers

charlotte linlin

  1. wastuwastu

    Theory Nami Maybe Big Mom's Daughter: Chapter 843 has reveal it!

    Long time i assume that nami has a relationship with Big Mom. And now Chapter 843 start to reveal it. Big Mom & Vinsmoke Arc is not only about Sanji, but bigger than that. Why this chapter make me believe? because of this: Nami was found by bellemere in a chaos (bellemere armies destroyed) when...
  2. zetsu banned

    Predictions Mystery Rabbit & Croco-Man

    What's everyone's thoughts on this guy? Is he a mink that simply can't use electro? Not out of the question, since we've never seen Bepo use it and he was separated from Zou since childhood IIRC. Electro could just be a cultural thing for the minks. OR, is he a user of a variant Hito Hito no Mi...