quincy | MangaHelpers

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  1. Theory Is Ichigo also a part of the rare quincy bloodline?

    I just noticed that Jugo as in Hashwalth's name can be pronounced "Yugo" which would interestingly make him have his name starting with the same sound as Juha. Moreover, "Ichigo" is also starting with those "i" and "j" sounds (I know that "i" is a vowel and "j" is consonant but that's not the...
  2. Quantized

    Discussion The remaining of Bleach, future as well as yet to be revealed history

    We all know that Kubo said that this arc will be large, and therefore it doesn't seem reasonable for it to end any time soon, despite how far Yhwach has gone by now. It seems the war is far, far from over, the real war with mixed alliances (Quincy/Shinigami) has only just started~ This...
  3. Discussion What was the system like before Asauchi were created?

    In particular I'm wondering what SS did with hollows. Did they rely on Quincy since the Asauchi weren't around? Did they just destroy them? And how did the Soul King perform his duties, without the Shinigami's Asauchi to rely on? Since the shinigami acted as balancers and keep the worlds in...
  4. Fox666

    Discussion Source of Uryuu Quincy powers

    The Auswauhlen didn't affected Uryuu. The obvious reason is that he already lost his Quincy powers during the Gotei 13 arc, and was given new ones by Ryuuken. We have seen that scenario with Ichigo multiple times. But how exactly Ryuuken give Uryuu new powers? It's not like Uryuu has the...
  5. Question Ichigo's Current and Old abilities.

    Hello, helpers! I've searched throughout mangahelpers' forum and have not found an answer to any of questions. I have two really quick questions if you don't mind to help me with them. :) 1. Does Ichigo still have his hollow powers/mask? Here is my reasoning. Ever since he lost his hollow...
  6. Lee.J.Baxter

    Discussion Equal but Opposite - What makes the Shinigami polar opposites of the Quincies?

    Okay, so I've set up this thread to discuss what might connect the dots between the Shinigami and Quincies, which have been stated on several occasions to be "polar opposites" to each other. This is something I've been dying to find out from Bleach, as we've seen the term isn't loosely used, as...
  7. Harshavardhan

    Theory What if Juha and the Soul King are two beings of the same entity

    I am like on a threading spree today. But along with my train of thoughts, I came about with the theory below. So many years back, there could have been a single super strong person who along with his sub ordinates took care of what soul society is doing now. He is somewhat divine like there...
  8. Discussion Combat experience : quincy vs Gotei 13

    I guess this is really a pointless topic, since in shonen manga people get magically strong very conveniently for the plot, but anyway. Since quincies are humans (presumably except for Yhwach) one should expect that the Stern Ritters have a human life span. Moreover, since they were hiding from...
  9. Quantized

    Discussion So... how did Yhwach get to this millennia as a human? really?

    This is quite a freaky question, since as far we all know, so far, Yhwach, aka Juha Bach, is a human. He's still somewhat young/middle aged, and yet, here we are, a whole millennium later, and he's just standing there, lively as ever, as a human... Something isn't adding up. The easy answer...
  10. danzouismadara

    Discussion What made quincies so wicked?

    How do you think Juha Bach gained his ability? Did the soul king create him? Why was quincy world sealed? What made juha bach become so ruthless. I think it's ironic that evil villains use holiness as they their sole motivation. Why attack shinigami so vehemently when the quincies original...
  11. Quantized

    Discussion The next TBTP mini arc - What to expect?

    As many of us are aware of I assume, the mini-arc TBTP wasn't counted as a real Arc back in the HM storyline, but a parallel mini arc to the show inorder to reveal some interesting History that was needed to make sense of the events at the time, thus the negative chapter numbers. Therefore when...
  12. Immo

    Discussion 9999 song

    So from what I understand, 900 years after fight with Yamamoto, Bach got his body back, then 90 years later his memory, then 9 years later his power, and THEN after 9 days he should regain his "World" (basic logic). Now my question: Why did he say that World gonna end in 9 days from now...
  13. Lee.J.Baxter

    Theory Theories of the Four Races

    Hi everyone, I've set up this thread to discuss the origins and relationships between the 4 main races in Bleach; that is, Humans, Hollows, Shinigami and Quincies. Firstly, I have a theory that these 4 races are connected to each other, and I'll explore my theory for those connections...
  14. Discussion "races" and connection's between them

    I wanted to talk in this topic about "races"(humans, hollows, shinigami, quincy and others), differences between them, how they are connected to each other and how they affect each other. I wanted to say that it's weird how well humans, hollows, shinigami and quincy fit together, like they were...
  15. Zeta42

    Uryu as a Stern Ritter

    So... Do you think Uryu is powerful enough to become a Stern Ritter, not a Jagdarme or a regular Soldat? Which letter will he receive? What would be his special power?
  16. Discussion Ichigo has to master his Quincy powers

    Not sure if this has been mentione before (and is its probably obvious that he will master his Quincy powers) but I was just thinking about an interesting theme to Ichigo's development. His hollow abilities reached their height during his fight with Ulquiorra, a hollow. His shinigami powers...
  17. kisuke u.

    Discussion Why Bach Wants to Recruit Ichigo?

    Why Bach wants to recruit ichigo? – Because of Masaki, - Or because he is a hybrid/quincy. Note : Bach (somewhat) denied being an enemy to ichigo. He wanted to take ichigo with them but couldn’t succeed because he ran out of time. However he did take care to give ichigo some hints about...
  18. conn-man

    General What Ichigo is showing us

    Ichigo, in the spiritual themed universe of Bleach, seems to be collecting spiritual existences.. becoming a culmination of all the 'species' of Kubo's astral depiction. So I have to ask, what does Kubo ultimately have planned for Ichigo to become?
  19. Discussion Why wasn't Ishida killed instantly by SS??

    Here we have a person who alone could destory the world (via slaughtering hollows). When you consider that 1 Menos is the equivalent of 100's maybe even thousands of hollows. SS had already tried to wipe them out once, Ishida's grand father and father it seems got away by agreeing to not...
  20. Quantized

    Discussion The number 5 - Play of numbers or does it have a meaning?

    Hey :verily I'll go straight to the details & theme for this discussion leaving out my own private thoughts. 5 Floating cities in the Royal Dimension. 5 Noble families (4 at the moment). 5 Royal Guards 5 War potentials maybe in relation to the Royal Guards. 5'th Squad had Aizen who...