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Asako's Capital


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
Reaction score
Asachi, with Gelda back and waiting for the final chapter in a few weeks, what are your thoughts on the ending?

Revy you already know my thoughts about the ending, already said it in discord....
As for gelda I'm happy she back but where the feck is best boi.....


First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score

Finally, it's soo close, I can't wait

Also yea it was a temporary thing, everything back to normal now.

As for the test, I think they went well, the teacher are all basically speeding up the pace considering final are here soon so they didn't return the paper, tho I think I was pretty lucky considering I heard some of my friends in other classes had to take two test in the same day right after each other considering how little time there was (or they were unlucky...god these teachers are ruthless )

The teaching system is all over everywhere here :feelsbadman
Sounds pretty annoying =/ Well if you did well that's what really matters in the end :arf

It's starting:
Hope they're going to reach all the goals :zomg


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
Reaction score
Recently finished Danganronpa UDG, but just bits of the gameplay and all of the cut scenes. I gotta say that it was pretty alright overall. The story and characters are okay and while the gameplay from what I've seen is clunky, I guess it doesn't take away the overall experience. Favs are definitely Nagisa and Komaru. Toko's a lot better there as well.

Gonna check the anime next... I'm very scared. Hope it won't be a total letdown >.<

Oh, and I found this on reddit. Feel the despair :P
Last edited:


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
Reaction score
Recently finished Danganronpa UDG, but just bits of the gameplay and all of the cut scenes. I gotta say that it was pretty alright overall. The story and characters are okay and while the gameplay from what I've seen is clunky, I guess it doesn't take away the overall experience. Favs are definitely Nagisa and Komaru. Toko's a lot better there as well.

Gonna check the anime next... I'm very scared. Hope it won't be a total letdown >.<

Oh, and I found this on reddit. Feel the despair :P
Glad u liked UDG, yea it's definitely not on the lvl of the main games but it's interesting story wise.

Don't worry the anime is good, 3 that is for both future and despair.
Watch ep future first and then switch to despair, they related story wise and each ep is connect to the other considering when they were our they were running at the same time.

Ohhh is that a full fan story or just an example ? Does it have any continuation?

this is the real reason why kaede is the MC


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
Reaction score
Don't worry the anime is good, 3 that is for both future and despair.
Watch ep future first and then switch to despair, they related story wise and each ep is connect to the other considering when they were our they were running at the same time.

Ohhh is that a full fan story or just an example ? Does it have any continuation?

this is the real reason why kaede is the MC
Yea, I heard about that. I'll be able to watch it this week or the next depending on my time.

Unfortunately, it's just that :emocat
The artist who drew it only made the manga vers of it then the rest of the v3 characters are just mastermindAU artworks.

Also, that video though XDDD


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
Ok, its reviewing time! This is damn long, I apologize in advance, its better if you take your time to read it :p

I enjoyed the novel, its still a clear isekai genre with all its bad habits, but it was nice and kept me hooked until I catched up (End of Volume 12). This is an interesting feat, because till now only Re:Zero Novel was the isekai that managed to truly get me.
The story is divided in Acts, and each Act is divided in a few Arcs involving certain characters.

Act 1: Volumes 1 - 4

The thing that impressed me the most was the huge difference in character between Naofumi and his anime version. He's way more heartless and rude in the novel, to the point he's even kind of a jerk. The problem I talked to you about before, that of bad way of writing, was very present in the first two volumes. The events are interesting, the way they are told... not so much.

For example, in the first arc, when Naofumi is framed and he becomes a ruthless bastard, then takes Raphtalia to kill for him. The novel focused a little too much on his way of watching everything, to the point even the reader absorbs his apathy. I could tell the author wasn't very experienced at narrating from a 1st person perspective and he improved along the way (the last volumes are way better), so at the beggining the story felt like a Self-Insert MC, with not enough emphasis in telling the story and everything on how the character feels about all that surrounds him.

Consequently, all characters save Nao (and slightly Raphtalia) were non-existant to me, they just weren't defined well: this guy is good, this guy is bad, that girl is a bitch, these three guys are fools... you know what I mean.
This is the double edged weapon that is poor 1st person narrative. The backstory of Raphtalia is very bad in the novel, I didn't get to feel anything unlike in the anime where the feelings of the characters and their relations were founded much better, even if it was for a short amount of time.

Still, I absolutely loved how the first novel portrayed the damaged psychological state that Nao had, his paranoia and grief, hiding his true emotions even to himself (readers) and twisting reality in his head to fix the world into the hateful image he created. Also the cute relationship with loli Raphtalia was heartwarming and more direct, I wish her feelings and thoughts were shown in real time and not in the special chapter at the end, but still the final battle against Motoyasu and how Raphtalia manages to get him and release him from his cage... it was beautiful :blush

The 2nd Volume was quite boring tbh, only good thing was the addition of Filo and at the end the Shield of Rage appearance (which was done much much better in the novel compared to the anime). The whole adventure to get Filo's clothes, the mining stuff and the Bioplant incident... I get they were necessary to build an image for Naofumi as your friendly neighbour Spid... I mean Saint of the God Birb :lambirb But they just weren't told well, too much blabber and uninteresting upgrade talk. Again all characters except the main duo + Filo were forgettable, even the Witch of the shop that helps them against the Nue just stays as... the Witch of the magic shop. The Weapon Shop owner at least built a nice relationship of trust with Nao and he would appear to react to the developments of their adventures, but he was the exception to the rule.

Then again, I love how dumb yet adorable Filo is, her innocent way of thinking and reasoning is nicely done, it still gets me a smile everytime she gets upset and says "Booo" :XD
The Shield of Rage episode against the Dragon Zombie (Gaelion's corpse lol) was cool and had a way better transition and drama added to it. It also made a pivotal point in Raphtalia's maturation, it feels like the moment she stepped up her game to protect Naofumi from himself she also got a duty to look over him. From then on her character became much more composed and serious, unlike her anime version in which she's just a little too weak mentally.

I only have one doubt regarding that moment, when Nao was absorbed by the Shield, he heard a voice instigating him to get angrier, to eliminate everything, but at that moment he hadn't absorbed the Dragon's core so the conscience of the Demon Dragon couldn't have been there... I dont know if there's an explanation to it or if the Shield was directly speaking to him.

Then Volumes 3 and 4 were much better, the wave battle and the first showdown with Glass was intense and swift (I really really liked her characterization at the moment, as powerful cold antagonist), then the Melty issue and the ploy from the Church.
I still dont get how Trash and Bitch got so far in the plan, mainly because of the 20iq heroes and plot convenience, but it was very intense. The raid on the Fat Nobleman's house and Raphtalia giving no fucks to get her revenge was sweet, infinitely better than the anime :hip

Then Fitoria's inclusion was amazing, gave purpose to Filo as character and a look at the past of the world, aswell as truly OP yet interesting side character that sums to the cast.
Finally, the confrontation with the High Priest was epic, a little too slow most of the time due to the steady rythm that the story had at the moment, then comes a turn based battle with everyone being useless except Naofumi... but still epic. Blood Sacrifice was a nice way to close the conflict and the punishment for Bitch and Trash was priceless.
Loved the ruthless Queen, a little too ruthless but I honestly didn't care since those bastards were designed to be hated after all. Motoyasu marked himself as the dumbest shit in the series by believing in Bitch after all but still the closure to Nao's struggles in Melromarc was so satisfying.

Act 2: Volumes 5 - 9

This is the Act that promised to be fantastic and ended up being... Okay.

First the Cal Mira Islands: Exp Event, the heroes consolidate themselves as the dumbest creatures on earth and in their pride they refuse to listen to Nao, I can understand they got suspicious of him, but outright dismissing everything anyone said because "Thats not the game I knew" is blatantly stupid, it felt like they had to be completely retarded so they could be weak for the sake of plot, and that wasn't good.
Then L'Arc and Therese showed up as pretty interesting side characters, I could tell they could become an interesting side party and when I saw they had special weapons I instantly thought "Seven Star Heroes", but when they showed up to be foes from the other side of the rifts I was greatly surprised.

The battle was quite cool, the only thing I didn't like was the downgrade that Glass's character took, she completely lost her powerful antagonist aura by being so threatened by Nao's party alone. I expected her to be much more than just a simple miniboss in the 3rd Volume... Had she taken Kyo's spot as antagonist of the Arc itself would have been so much better with her cold personality, then Kizuna can stop her and bring her back into the pacific way... now that would have been a much more engaging development, besides, having Ultra Instinct Rishia match her instead of the angry baby that was Kyo... holy crap that would have been amazing.

Anyway, whats done is done.
After the Cal Mira Arc Itsuki positioned himself as the Trashiest piece of Trash, then Rishia gets added to the team. I wasn't very fond of her at the beggining since excessively shy-undecisive characters annoy the hell out of me. Then when she finally awakened she started to have purpose as member of the party.
The opposite happened with Eclair, she started off amazingly well, as a master swordswoman teaching Raphtalia and composed knight, then she just lost her edge (lmao) and vanished in between other characters. At least she recently came back to bring back Ren into his senses. :mono

After the heroes kept showing their retarded sense of reason they separated from Melromarc but, even if Naofumi says he couldn't have done more I strongly disagree. Nao has almost none empathy with people he doesn't care for, its one of his faults as character, so he just kept thinking of the other heroes as morons not worth discussing with instead of people he had to understand.
There was one line that Ren or Moto said back when they snapped that really caught my eye because it was true: "You keep watching us from over your shoulder, it pisses me off", he treated his teachings to them as truths they had to abide instead of things he had to convince them of. His approach was weak, still right that the other Heroes lived in denial.

The Spirit Tortoise Arc was intense, Ost was nice as the Oracle type of supporting character. My main issue with it was that it took too long, too much fighting against the same enemy with the same mechanic "Shooting Star Shield, Air-Strike Shield, Second Shield, blablabla Zweite Aura blablabla" you know...the first time it was epic, when he did it for the 27th time against the heart of the Turtle was just too much. :shootme

Kyo was a pretty bad antagonist, an angry mad scientist with a hundred tricks under his sleeve, he wants to steal the Turtle's energy to conquer the world... huh. At least it was cool that Rishia brought him to the edge.
Ost's death was so sad tho, she was around for a very short time but still felt as part of the the Naofamily, it was painful to see her go :emobirb

You already know what I think of the Other World Arc. It started of pretty good with the labyrinth and meeting Kizuna but, since taking revenge on Kyo was the main goal, it lacked interest on the final purpose. L'Arc lost quite a bit of representation and Therese became non-existant, at least Glass remained present most of the time.
The best was Kizuna (Nao's counterpart), Raph-chan (Best pet) and Raphtalia getting the Vassal Katana, the rest was forgettable. Well, the final battle was cool I guess, it was a mix of the previous Arc battle and the High Priest battle (magic combos with supporting spells + awakened Rishia + Shield of Wrath IV).

Act 3: Volumes 10 - 14 (?)

Its in this Act when the improvement in the writing shines, the narrative is so much better and the comedy took a step forward. I wont get into details like the previous Acts because its not over I guess, besides I only read till the 12th

The Village Reconstruction arc is connected with the other mini-arcs (Hero Hunting Arc and Gaelion).
Sadeena's playful personality, I liked it, Im not fond of characters that stay around only to hit on the MC but she still has a charm about her.
The Cursed Heroes left pretty amazing moments and a good development in Motoyasu and Ren's cases. It was so satisfying to have Rishia kick Itsuki's ass, now that was true Justice:gent

Im just not very excited about Atla as a character, I didn't expect her to go full stalker mode on Naofumi, that self-imposed rivalry with Raphtalia doesn't add to her character since she has no chance against her. I hope she gets another motivation soon because her character actually has potential, being related to Trash and all the lineage of Siltvelt.

Im also glad Gaelion is not some Filo #2 and adopted the personality and wisdom of the previous Dragon Emperor. Now I wonder whats going to happen now that Raphtalia's origins have been revealed and the Naofamily have to take on that ancient kingdom of Ninja demi-humans. I hope Naofumi finally gets past his damn density and appreciates Raphtalia after it. :awe

In conclusion, so far its a pretty interesting series and Im looking forward to further releases. It has many things to polish and some mistakes here and there but I dont regret stepping beyond the anime territory. A 7/10 for me. :verily

Thanks for reading, if there's something I didn't really get please tell me, I read very fast so maybe my memory is hazy.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
Reaction score
Ok, its reviewing time! This is damn long, I apologize in advance, its better if you take your time to read it :p

I enjoyed the novel, its still a clear isekai genre with all its bad habits, but it was nice and kept me hooked until I catched up (End of Volume 12). This is an interesting feat, because till now only Re:Zero Novel was the isekai that managed to truly get me.
The story is divided in Acts, and each Act is divided in a few Arcs involving certain characters.

Act 1: Volumes 1 - 4

The thing that impressed me the most was the huge difference in character between Naofumi and his anime version. He's way more heartless and rude in the novel, to the point he's even kind of a jerk. The problem I talked to you about before, that of bad way of writing, was very present in the first two volumes. The events are interesting, the way they are told... not so much.

For example, in the first arc, when Naofumi is framed and he becomes a ruthless bastard, then takes Raphtalia to kill for him. The novel focused a little too much on his way of watching everything, to the point even the reader absorbs his apathy. I could tell the author wasn't very experienced at narrating from a 1st person perspective and he improved along the way (the last volumes are way better), so at the beggining the story felt like a Self-Insert MC, with not enough emphasis in telling the story and everything on how the character feels about all that surrounds him.

Consequently, all characters save Nao (and slightly Raphtalia) were non-existant to me, they just weren't defined well: this guy is good, this guy is bad, that girl is a bitch, these three guys are fools... you know what I mean.
This is the double edged weapon that is poor 1st person narrative. The backstory of Raphtalia is very bad in the novel, I didn't get to feel anything unlike in the anime where the feelings of the characters and their relations were founded much better, even if it was for a short amount of time.

Still, I absolutely loved how the first novel portrayed the damaged psychological state that Nao had, his paranoia and grief, hiding his true emotions even to himself (readers) and twisting reality in his head to fix the world into the hateful image he created. Also the cute relationship with loli Raphtalia was heartwarming and more direct, I wish her feelings and thoughts were shown in real time and not in the special chapter at the end, but still the final battle against Motoyasu and how Raphtalia manages to get him and release him from his cage... it was beautiful :blush

The 2nd Volume was quite boring tbh, only good thing was the addition of Filo and at the end the Shield of Rage appearance (which was done much much better in the novel compared to the anime). The whole adventure to get Filo's clothes, the mining stuff and the Bioplant incident... I get they were necessary to build an image for Naofumi as your friendly neighbour Spid... I mean Saint of the God Birb :lambirb But they just weren't told well, too much blabber and uninteresting upgrade talk. Again all characters except the main duo + Filo were forgettable, even the Witch of the shop that helps them against the Nue just stays as... the Witch of the magic shop. The Weapon Shop owner at least built a nice relationship of trust with Nao and he would appear to react to the developments of their adventures, but he was the exception to the rule.

Then again, I love how dumb yet adorable Filo is, her innocent way of thinking and reasoning is nicely done, it still gets me a smile everytime she gets upset and says "Booo" :XD
The Shield of Rage episode against the Dragon Zombie (Gaelion's corpse lol) was cool and had a way better transition and drama added to it. It also made a pivotal point in Raphtalia's maturation, it feels like the moment she stepped up her game to protect Naofumi from himself she also got a duty to look over him. From then on her character became much more composed and serious, unlike her anime version in which she's just a little too weak mentally.

I only have one doubt regarding that moment, when Nao was absorbed by the Shield, he heard a voice instigating him to get angrier, to eliminate everything, but at that moment he hadn't absorbed the Dragon's core so the conscience of the Demon Dragon couldn't have been there... I dont know if there's an explanation to it or if the Shield was directly speaking to him.

Then Volumes 3 and 4 were much better, the wave battle and the first showdown with Glass was intense and swift (I really really liked her characterization at the moment, as powerful cold antagonist), then the Melty issue and the ploy from the Church.
I still dont get how Trash and Bitch got so far in the plan, mainly because of the 20iq heroes and plot convenience, but it was very intense. The raid on the Fat Nobleman's house and Raphtalia giving no fucks to get her revenge was sweet, infinitely better than the anime :hip

Then Fitoria's inclusion was amazing, gave purpose to Filo as character and a look at the past of the world, aswell as truly OP yet interesting side character that sums to the cast.
Finally, the confrontation with the High Priest was epic, a little too slow most of the time due to the steady rythm that the story had at the moment, then comes a turn based battle with everyone being useless except Naofumi... but still epic. Blood Sacrifice was a nice way to close the conflict and the punishment for Bitch and Trash was priceless.
Loved the ruthless Queen, a little too ruthless but I honestly didn't care since those bastards were designed to be hated after all. Motoyasu marked himself as the dumbest shit in the series by believing in Bitch after all but still the closure to Nao's struggles in Melromarc was so satisfying.

Act 2: Volumes 5 - 9

This is the Act that promised to be fantastic and ended up being... Okay.

First the Cal Mira Islands: Exp Event, the heroes consolidate themselves as the dumbest creatures on earth and in their pride they refuse to listen to Nao, I can understand they got suspicious of him, but outright dismissing everything anyone said because "Thats not the game I knew" is blatantly stupid, it felt like they had to be completely retarded so they could be weak for the sake of plot, and that wasn't good.
Then L'Arc and Therese showed up as pretty interesting side characters, I could tell they could become an interesting side party and when I saw they had special weapons I instantly thought "Seven Star Heroes", but when they showed up to be foes from the other side of the rifts I was greatly surprised.

The battle was quite cool, the only thing I didn't like was the downgrade that Glass's character took, she completely lost her powerful antagonist aura by being so threatened by Nao's party alone. I expected her to be much more than just a simple miniboss in the 3rd Volume... Had she taken Kyo's spot as antagonist of the Arc itself would have been so much better with her cold personality, then Kizuna can stop her and bring her back into the pacific way... now that would have been a much more engaging development, besides, having Ultra Instinct Rishia match her instead of the angry baby that was Kyo... holy crap that would have been amazing.

Anyway, whats done is done.
After the Cal Mira Arc Itsuki positioned himself as the Trashiest piece of Trash, then Rishia gets added to the team. I wasn't very fond of her at the beggining since excessively shy-undecisive characters annoy the hell out of me. Then when she finally awakened she started to have purpose as member of the party.
The opposite happened with Eclair, she started off amazingly well, as a master swordswoman teaching Raphtalia and composed knight, then she just lost her edge (lmao) and vanished in between other characters. At least she recently came back to bring back Ren into his senses. :mono

After the heroes kept showing their retarded sense of reason they separated from Melromarc but, even if Naofumi says he couldn't have done more I strongly disagree. Nao has almost none empathy with people he doesn't care for, its one of his faults as character, so he just kept thinking of the other heroes as morons not worth discussing with instead of people he had to understand.
There was one line that Ren or Moto said back when they snapped that really caught my eye because it was true: "You keep watching us from over your shoulder, it pisses me off", he treated his teachings to them as truths they had to abide instead of things he had to convince them of. His approach was weak, still right that the other Heroes lived in denial.

The Spirit Tortoise Arc was intense, Ost was nice as the Oracle type of supporting character. My main issue with it was that it took too long, too much fighting against the same enemy with the same mechanic "Shooting Star Shield, Air-Strike Shield, Second Shield, blablabla Zweite Aura blablabla" you know...the first time it was epic, when he did it for the 27th time against the heart of the Turtle was just too much. :shootme

Kyo was a pretty bad antagonist, an angry mad scientist with a hundred tricks under his sleeve, he wants to steal the Turtle's energy to conquer the world... huh. At least it was cool that Rishia brought him to the edge.
Ost's death was so sad tho, she was around for a very short time but still felt as part of the the Naofamily, it was painful to see her go :emobirb

You already know what I think of the Other World Arc. It started of pretty good with the labyrinth and meeting Kizuna but, since taking revenge on Kyo was the main goal, it lacked interest on the final purpose. L'Arc lost quite a bit of representation and Therese became non-existant, at least Glass remained present most of the time.
The best was Kizuna (Nao's counterpart), Raph-chan (Best pet) and Raphtalia getting the Vassal Katana, the rest was forgettable. Well, the final battle was cool I guess, it was a mix of the previous Arc battle and the High Priest battle (magic combos with supporting spells + awakened Rishia + Shield of Wrath IV).

Act 3: Volumes 10 - 14 (?)

Its in this Act when the improvement in the writing shines, the narrative is so much better and the comedy took a step forward. I wont get into details like the previous Acts because its not over I guess, besides I only read till the 12th

The Village Reconstruction arc is connected with the other mini-arcs (Hero Hunting Arc and Gaelion).
Sadeena's playful personality, I liked it, Im not fond of characters that stay around only to hit on the MC but she still has a charm about her.
The Cursed Heroes left pretty amazing moments and a good development in Motoyasu and Ren's cases. It was so satisfying to have Rishia kick Itsuki's ass, now that was true Justice:gent

Im just not very excited about Atla as a character, I didn't expect her to go full stalker mode on Naofumi, that self-imposed rivalry with Raphtalia doesn't add to her character since she has no chance against her. I hope she gets another motivation soon because her character actually has potential, being related to Trash and all the lineage of Siltvelt.

Im also glad Gaelion is not some Filo #2 and adopted the personality and wisdom of the previous Dragon Emperor. Now I wonder whats going to happen now that Raphtalia's origins have been revealed and the Naofamily have to take on that ancient kingdom of Ninja demi-humans. I hope Naofumi finally gets past his damn density and appreciates Raphtalia after it. :awe

In conclusion, so far its a pretty interesting series and Im looking forward to further releases. It has many things to polish and some mistakes here and there but I dont regret stepping beyond the anime territory. A 7/10 for me. :verily

Thanks for reading, if there's something I didn't really get please tell me, I read very fast so maybe my memory is hazy.
I'm glad you enjoy it lambu

I must agree that the aneko doesn't do well with emotional moments especially compare to how well they can make you hate a character, at least in the beginning arc but it's rather great to see their writing evolve and get better and better

Most people agree that ep4 that was one of the best eps and way better than the LN in the emotional aspect and the other one is the second half part of ep 15 I think with raphtalia seeing rifana body that made me cry as much as it affect raphtalia character in a way, while the LN version made me hate the dude more than anything and pity the girls of how rough things been

Yea nao is differently way meanie in the LN, the main example is his reason for buying raphtalia..that was oof :sweatdrop but I guess it shows how emotional broken he was, just rage
Well as for how little characters were actually developed in the first LN, I blame naofumi for that, but I also think that if nao did pray attention to other it could be Out of character, the man is in his own little group world and thats all he cares about, other aren't important and so he doesn't bother with them to the point of not caring about their names and nicknaming them. (And I as someone who forget names easily I thank naofumi for nicknaming them with easy remember names that are hilarious :lmao
If nao and raphtalia had a child and nao was the one to name it, he probably name it natalia or sth (well I guess raph chan is their child in a sense, so he did it)

In gaelion fight I'm pretty sure it was the cursed shield talking, well I'm sure we get anan exexplanation considering I heard that in the future LNs we get a lot of answers about the curses and the legendary weapons

I say the fight of the priest was better in LN but the big down fault is aneko focussing too much into details taking away form the intensity of the fight, still good to see them improve in thier writing in the future

Btw I'm surprised you said nothing about the first extra chapter that is about the spear hero, I will not say anything but that chapter is really important for the future

You be rather surprised about how much aneko foreshadowed in the early volumes to the future.
After all there a reason why the fans says aneko never waste anything, while we playing tic tac toe with them, she playing third dimensional chess with us.
So don't worry about any questions you have or characters that seem to have now are underdeveloped, they all have time to shine in time but it take a while to see that with how slow the translation is taking :emobirb

For glass, honestly I wasn't surprised of how she became, she never really seemed to me like a villian type, I also disagree with the fact ultra instinct rishia could been great if it was battling glass considering rishia could never even unlock her ultra instinct mode, rishia unlocked because of her sense of justice to kyo for what he did to ost and the heros causing the death of millions of people, if it was glass it be sooo OOC after all she herself hold a sense of justice, she could never involved other people other than the heros that she have to kill for her world, I could say that kyo could have been better if he was less annoying and more like a proper mastermind without BEING ANNOYING

Arghh and that may be the thing I hate the most about SH, is that none of the villains are likable villians, I want a likable one one day plzzz
Tho I compliment aneko for how well she can make us despise someone, that's impressive considering I rarely hate any characters

How dare you not like the FUEEEEE she is our god
Jk :heh
God I'm glad they made her voice cute in the anime or it could been soooooooo annoying to hear her Fue every single sec she there

Don't worry about eclair/atla they important in the future
Tho the one that become more like a background is the old lady, form what I heard at least, she stay as just the mentor and not really in the team
We call itsuki bitchsuki for what he did to rishia, like bruh he almost caused her to commit suicide

LN7 was the worst LN, it dragged soooo much the only good thing was ost and then she gone :emocat
That's why I say it be better for 6/7 to not be the start of season 2 but be a movie with the start of S2 being nao in an other world with his LVL getting rested, after all it could kinda kill the hype if the rest happen in the middle of the season, plus I want to see Ara ara whale S2 and not wait for S3 that have less chance of appearing and i want to see motoyasu calling nao "father in law"
Ln6/7 couldn't be good as thea start of S2 of how much it drags but a great movie

Ohhh L'arc, I guess he was, but it's mainly the problem that the LN is in nao view, argh as much as its great to always know what nao is thinking, it sucks to other character, like man I wish we seen lolitalia in miko clothes, even nao wanted to see it (his inner otaku side is showing, but it's funny that it's always related to raphtalia with either the miko or raph chan, first signs he likes her :heh )

I loved how l'arc kinda got his pray back with him calling naofumi gay, now he unwillingly stole your crush with the power of making jewels :fan
Nao the magnetic, gets all the beautiful girl without wanting any
I also really loved the section of nao showing his merchandise skills with kizuna and rishia, ofc the best things were kizuna and raph chan taking the top

Won't go much into details either for 10+
The serie overall just became soo much better with kizuna being some kinda motive for nao to actually want to build a place he can call his own like her + raphtalia
Loved that she appeared in his head as a comedic way
Also keel reveal that she was a trap all along without even those close to her knowing or even herself, that's impressive :lmao
Motoyasu calling nao father was one of the best things and then him completely obliterating the vassal heros that even nao had trouble with
Filo laughing at gaelion getting punished and then getting punished herself because of that but she used the ultimate counter attack withon saying "b-buuuut master you always laugh at other miseries (not word by word) and nao admitting that and stop punishing
Everyone in the cast defending naofumi by saying that he more like a slave than the slaves and him getting extremely pissed
Nao you have too much good karma, your overlord acting will not work

Man I love this family :XD

Btw who your favorite characters in the serie, what do u love and hate about it

For the character for me I write it later cuz my phone is overheating (and when it does writing become hard )

But for the things I love, it's how well aneko does world building and with how it mixes in other cultures
The well handled timing of comedy
The varies cast and how everyone have sth unique to them, their development ect..
How willingly aneko is at making fun of cliches in their serie and other isekais
And finally aneko never wasting anything, examples gaelion, the bio plants (and other stuff I spoiled myself vaguely )

Things I hate
Too much girls and lolis in the cast, I want more males
The "genius" villains, I want a likable one that stays a villains and doesn't become somewhat part of the group (cough the other world cast cough)
Still no world map till today

Will add fanarts in the character post (don't forget to tell me best waifu :hehraphtalia)


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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So it takes a lot of time to release... is it worth to read the WN, or better to not get expectations of the events to come?

Btw I'm surprised you said nothing about the first extra chapter that is about the spear hero, I will not say anything but that chapter is really important for the future
I remember that chapter... but I didn't really pay it much attention, I was falling asleep and it seemed to talk of his adventures with the group of bitches (one of them, the bioplant seed discovery I think). I guess I'll have to re-read it.

For glass, honestly I wasn't surprised of how she became, she never really seemed to me like a villian type, I also disagree with the fact ultra instinct rishia could been great if it was battling glass considering rishia could never even unlock her ultra instinct mode, rishia unlocked because of her sense of justice to kyo for what he did to ost and the heros causing the death of millions of people, if it was glass it be sooo OOC after all she herself hold a sense of justice, she could never involved other people other than the heros that she have to kill for her world, I could say that kyo could have been better if he was less annoying and more like a proper mastermind without BEING ANNOYING
I know, I mean I expected Glass to play the role of Powerful Antagonist (not Evil Villain), she forfeited her choice of destroying the other world for the sake of her own place way too easily.
She is a noble character so she wouldn't have been as villanous as Kyo for example, but I expected her to lead the charge on the attack to Nao's world, instead she just attacked because it was "the first possible solution" and then Kizuna scolds her like a child... she seemed like a cold rational character in Volume 3 and then she became a polite skilled fighter that has a thing for Kizuna. Its not exactly bad, but it disappointed me.

I think both Glass and Rishia's sense of justice could have clashed with each other very well, giving a good struggle between the two. Instead Kyo was simply a jerk that had to be eliminated, classic bad guy thats also childishly annoying. :errr:handgun

Still, I hate Itsuki way more than Kyo, the second is a traitorous evil guy but he's what he is (except with the useless Yomogi side-plot).
Itsuki is a self-righteous bastard that plays the good guy only to satisfy his selfish needs, even if it means to hurt people that believe in him. Its a "wolf in a sheeps clothing", the type of person I hate the most, the fact that he was bullied and chose that path to evade his inferiority complex shows how deranged and weak he is mentally. Expelling Rishia after having her go through the same as him to feel good... a piece of trash if I've ever seen one.

I felt bad for Ren's case, trying to deny the truth but he knew deep within he regretted his ways (besides the weight of the lives of his party members), I even felt bad for Moto's stupid naivety, but Itsuki... it felt so good to see him lose everything, and him becoming a puppet without inhibitions was the "justice" he deserved (how ironic).

LN7 was the worst LN, it dragged soooo much the only good thing was ost and then she gone :emocat
That's why I say it be better for 6/7 to not be the start of season 2 but be a movie with the start of S2 being nao in an other world with his LVL getting rested, after all it could kinda kill the hype if the rest happen in the middle of the season, plus I want to see Ara ara whale S2 and not wait for S3 that have less chance of appearing and i want to see motoyasu calling nao "father in law"
Ln6/7 couldn't be good as thea start of S2 of how much it drags but a great movie
It was way too slow indeed, but I dont think they are going to make a movie adaptation for that arc. I think they will simplify the arc to make much less encounters with the Tortoise and its underlings. If thats the case then Im sure Orca girl will appear in an hypothetical S2 o/

I also love volumes 10+ for its high comedic content, the Slave Traders comparison killed me, also all the situations in the Naofamily. :XD
But the narration itself became much better aswell. Its not nearly as good as other LN I read, but it was enjoyable.

Btw who your favorite characters in the serie, what do u love and hate about it
I dont really have a favourite, but a range of characters that interact with each other.

For Nao's side my faves: Raphtalia and Filo (honorable mention to Raph-chan).
For side-characters: Weapon Shop Guy, Queen, Fitoria
For spontanous appeareances: Kizuna

I agree theres way too many females and lolis, but this is an isekai... its one of the main faults the genre carries. I also miss a world map about now, the story has gone for too far without knowing the boundaries of it.

And yeah Raphtalia is best waifu, no discussion allowed :lambirb


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
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@Asako @Nii finally finished DR3! And added bonus, read Zero as well.

It was quite a ride, but one that I might forget. It was an okay anime overall, though Despair was a lot more disappointing than Future and Hope. I also ended up loving two characters out of the new cast there. But, for all of its faults, I can't say I really regret it cause there were some good parts. Zero is on the same boat, but a little better than the anime.

Here's my kind-of final character tier list since I didn't include the novel characters! \o/
If you guys have any questions regarding my experience with the franchise, do ask o/

And with that, my DR journey is over! :mokona
Doesn't mean I'm done obsessing over it.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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@Asako @Nii finally finished DR3! And added bonus, read Zero as well.

It was quite a ride, but one that I might forget. It was an okay anime overall, though Despair was a lot more disappointing than Future and Hope. I also ended up loving two characters out of the new cast there. But, for all of its faults, I can't say I really regret it cause there were some good parts. Zero is on the same boat, but a little better than the anime.

Here's my kind-of final character tier list since I didn't include the novel characters! \o/
If you guys have any questions regarding my experience with the franchise, do ask o/

And with that, my DR journey is over! :mokona
Doesn't mean I'm done obsessing over it.
pretty good list i say
btw i doubt u watched the dub soo here this

if u did,t hear it there one part where nagito says “His hands were so soft”
and Naegi respond with “Why was he sticky? “
at the same time hiyoko says “is it just me or is he getting gayer with age“

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

btw @Nii wanted to say that i started umineko again :yay
also here some danganronpa fanarts cuzzzzzzzzzzzz im lazy to write the review but the bigger problem is that i forgot a lot of details unless they about kokichi :darn

a really important pic i found

kaede :emocat


:emobirb x2

now two comic ( i think they related to each others but it basically the aftermath ) but in jp so let your imagination run wild just saying this pic hit me like a truck in the feels

i made sure to get as many maki fanarts as i can cuz its your fav

now for the animation or what ever u call it, neverless its beautiful (sorry its mostly kokichi stuff)

love his face the art so beautiful
--- Double Post Merged, ---

hmm i want to send 5 others but it doesnt let me :emocat
--- Double Post Merged, ---
i wasnt going to give in
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
Reaction score
pretty good list i say
btw i doubt u watched the dub soo here this

if u did,t hear it there one part where nagito says “His hands were so soft”
and Naegi respond with “Why was he sticky? “
at the same time hiyoko says “is it just me or is he getting gayer with age“

--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

btw @Nii wanted to say that i started umineko again :yay
also here some danganronpa fanarts cuzzzzzzzzzzzz im lazy to write the review but the bigger problem is that i forgot a lot of details unless they about kokichi :darn

a really important pic i found

kaede :emocat


:emobirb x2

now two comic ( i think they related to each others but it basically the aftermath ) but in jp so let your imagination run wild just saying this pic hit me like a truck in the feels

i made sure to get as many maki fanarts as i can cuz its your fav

now for the animation or what ever u call it, neverless its beautiful (sorry its mostly kokichi stuff)

love his face the art so beautiful
--- Double Post Merged, ---

hmm i want to send 5 others but it doesnt let me :emocat
--- Double Post Merged, ---
i wasnt going to give in
Yea, while I did use dub for the games (except for the first), I used subs for the anime. This is news to me :XD
And V-Consent on Hiyoko's comment :P

Thanks for the wonderful fanarts! :zomg
Gonna give thanks by posting them as well.

sees Kokichi, Shuichi, Rantaro and Miu
uhh... Marry me.

The three rivals!
Though, about those comics, I happened to stumble on both translations. Hope you enjoy them!
Here are the links o/
(Credits to two peeps on reddit. They translated a lot of danganronpa comics)
I also watched some of the vids and saw those that I haven't, but nonetheless, thanks for bringing them feels :emobirb

And btw, this is off-topic to DR, but today on MM, there's a special bday...

for the two best boys in the game! I already got a lot of screenshots from the bday greetings XP
I hope you greet them too!
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
Reaction score
So it takes a lot of time to release... is it worth to read the WN, or better to not get expectations of the events to come?
Imagine OPB planning 5 books to release this year yet none were released...Imagine the dayend the book is supposed to release they delay it and then a week later they redelay even further than the initial delay without any explanation... :epicfacepalm
At least tell us why
Btw usually every year 3 LNs are released but this year its sth, form 5 planned LNs to only 1 that will release now in October...they really messed up hard this time, at least talk to your customers and tell them the reason of the delay.
For the WN honestly it's completely different form the LN, form the characters like naofumi being a real jerk (yes I have to admit WN nao isn't that great, while I love LN nao, WN nao is meh) but the biggest change in character is probably alta that girl in the WN was oof, she probably the most hated character in it, be glad we got the alta we got imagine a blind girl trying to rape nao for a full month and every night it took the full village to stop her, a village that have 3 heros, the girl was overpowered more than her LN self plus she didn't have much a character other than being used as a plot device to advance the story, LN alta have a character and is no longer used as an overpowered plot device, thank god
her character will shine in LN15

Tho I have to say that the WN is more like an alternative timeline that is semi cannon, the most interesting part is main villain of the WN doesn't exist in the LN because at the end of the WN they got erased form all world and timeline
I do recommend to read WN as an alternative timeline story and especially to see the spin off (that is double longer than the WN main story and Still on going ) but definitely not to know what will happen in the LN, the story is complete different in a lot of parts, plus right now the JP version of the LN passed the ending of the WN.

If you don't want to wait till October and beyond, the Russian version of the LN right now is in LN17 (and it gets translated by chapter every 2 weeks) but you have to google translate it, the good thing form what I heard form people that read it, the translation is surprisingly understandable even with google translation (and if you want more there the chinese version that is at LN19 but I don't recommend to read that considering unlike English and Russian were they pretty close, chinese and English language are far away that it hard to understand what's going on most of the time, but I have to mention that itsuki name when translated form chinese to English, it become "tree" :XD and melty "goods" )
Tell me if u want me to send you the Russian version in PM
I remember that chapter... but I didn't really pay it much attention, I was falling asleep and it seemed to talk of his adventures with the group of bitches (one of them, the bioplant seed discovery I think). I guess I'll have to re-read it.
You should definitely reread it and especially pay attention at the details, that chapter going to be relevant way later in the story, I guess that's always the bad thing when binging sth

I think both Glass and Rishia's sense of justice could have clashed with each other very well, giving a good struggle between the two. Instead Kyo was simply a jerk that had to be eliminated, classic bad guy thats also childishly annoying. :errr:handgun
Now that you say it, I can see the fight being very cool, with justice vd justice (but I guess we got that with itsuki but less cool cuz of itsuki)
Still, I hate Itsuki way more than Kyo, the second is a traitorous evil guy but he's what he is (except with the useless Yomogi side-plot).
Itsuki is a self-righteous bastard that plays the good guy only to satisfy his selfish needs, even if it means to hurt people that believe in him. Its a "wolf in a sheeps clothing", the type of person I hate the most, the fact that he was bullied and chose that path to evade his inferiority complex shows how deranged and weak he is mentally. Expelling Rishia after having her go through the same as him to feel good... a piece of trash if I've ever seen one.

I felt bad for Ren's case, trying to deny the truth but he knew deep within he regretted his ways (besides the weight of the lives of his party members), I even felt bad for Moto's stupid naivety, but Itsuki... it felt so good to see him lose everything, and him becoming a puppet without inhibitions was the "justice" he deserved (how ironic).
It's funny that the cursed series all messed up every hero and made them worse but then you have itsuki were the curse actually made him better.
Btw his proper redemption is coming in LN17 and let's leave it at that.

Out all the heros I probably feel the most bad about motoyasu even tho he was stupid (nao is close but considering he didn't do a full dive compare to motoyasu and had people to stop him and care about him, he made it) motoyasu was without a doubt the nicest hero out all four but in the end he got the worse effect of the curse because he was too nice and naive to doubt his "friends"
And filo ended up messing him up more even tho she gave him exactly what he need it, it was in the worst way possible in the worst timing possible.
As for ren at least his cursed serie didn't affect his sanity unlike the three others (not his luck tho, that got affected )

It was way too slow indeed, but I dont think they are going to make a movie adaptation for that arc. I think they will simplify the arc to make much less encounters with the Tortoise and its underlings. If thats the case then Im sure Orca girl will appear in an hypothetical S2 o/
If so then I hope orca girl will not appear in S2 as her arc is related to the village that ends in LN12 kinda than again he have S1 that did cover LN5 that is part of the other world arc

And yeah Raphtalia is best waifu, no discussion allowed :lambirb
A true man of culture

Btw this is my interpretation Summary of the naofamily
Nao: the mother that is trying to provide the best life for their kid but also keep them form going dumb stuff, have angry problem form stress because of work, also BEGONE THOT

Raphtalia: the best girl that is waiting for her senpai to notice her, but also understand him and give him space, sometimes will make moves when necessary, also a good care taker of childer so make a prefect waifu

Filo: the stubborn brat that surprisingly knows about adult stuff

Rishia: FUEEE, the second girl in notice me senpai club, have super saiyan powers

Sadeena: your hot older sister spoilers for the future that is also the wingman of best girl, bless sadeena, ara ara power

Alta: the overpowered blind girl that want to steal best girl crush but fail miserably because of how much in denial the guy is in

Fohl: have a sister complex, gets bullied by his blind sister all the time (poor guy)

Raph chan: BEST CHARACTER EVER, rafuuuu

Gaelion: knock knock who's there guy

Rat: your hot hot Frankenstein girl


Keel: the trap

Ren: "I CAN SWIM" ,fail miserably everytime he try sth cool RENjected

Motoyasu: FATHER


S'yne: h____

Man I love this :XD

If I had to say for me in the main cast my favs are naofumi, raphtalia sadeena and raph chan
For heros other than nao, my fav is ren than motoyasu then you know who
For side characters, it's kizuna, l arc, Erhard( blacksmith) and fitoria
For villains.....meh none, maybe glass but she falling form villain case sadly...
For villains I hate, now that's more like sth shield hero, make u hate everyone, witch bitch, mald that piece of trash ...kyo doesn't even have the honor to get hated, he was just annoying
For least favorite main cast, for now s'yne but I heard she have sth going on in the recent arc and eclair

Here some fanarts

sees Kokichi, Shuichi, Rantaro and Miu
uhh... Marry me.
I agree in the boys but for miu, not really, I could choose kaede instead :blushbirb
Though, about those comics, I happened to stumble on both translations. Hope you enjoy them!
Here are the links o/
(Credits to two peeps on reddit. They translated a lot of danganronpa comics)
I also watched some of the vids and saw those that I haven't, but nonetheless, thanks for bringing them feels :emobirb
Ahhhh thanks for posting the translation, the comic so heartwarming :blush

Those vids are heartbreaking, always up for the feels especially when it's about your favorite character
And btw, this is off-topic to DR, but today on MM, there's a special bday...

for the two best boys in the game! I already got a lot of screenshots from the bday greetings XP
I hope you greet them too!
Yup saw it yesterday, thx for the reminder man reading those messages also so great, also the cover when op the app so great, loved saeran especially seeing him eating ice cream while saeyoung is being your usual super nerd.
Btw did you start ray route or still not enough HS?
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Oct 16, 2017
Reaction score
I agree in the boys but for miu, not really, I could choose kaede instead :blushbirb

Ahhhh thanks for posting the translation, the comic so heartwarming :blush

Those vids are heartbreaking, always up for the feels especially when it's about your favorite character

Yup saw it yesterday, thx for the reminder man reading those messages also so great, also the cover when op the app so great, loved saeran especially seeing him eating ice cream while saeyoung is being your usual super nerd.
Btw did you start ray route or still not enough HS?
Kaede's pretty cute too. And Tsumugi. And Kaito-
You know what? Everyone is waifu/husbando material in that pic if we just ignore the in-game crazy people XP

You're welcome on those translations! \o/
They're just as beautiful as those vids.

And yea, it was very heartbreaking yet at the same time, cute to see them both. It's probably just me though, but too bad we didn't see how Ray celebrates his bday. Oh well :emocat

No, still not enough HGs. As it turns out, I can't spend my money on them, so I'm broke as ever :emobirb
I wish there's good gameplay on youtube so I can just watch them instead along with V's route.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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No, still not enough HGs. As it turns out, I can't spend my money on them, so I'm broke as ever :emobirb
I wish there's good gameplay on youtube so I can just watch them instead along with V's route.
I wish too, I'm farming some HS by repeating the first chat in the april fool one over and over, it actually give a good amount of HS, it have a goof chance of giving at least 1 even when u not in it, if not 3 if lucky

Still better not to abuse it too much at the same day


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 12, 2016
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Lol, I didn't even realize how much I needed this, next is the three heroes going Pillar men "Ayayayayy" :lmao

That genderbent Naofumi tho... now I can't unsee... :emobirb

Also, damn they are going to take long... I dont think I can wait till October for just one LN. Im also too lazy to be translating from Russian tho... still I would like to give it a try please :nod


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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SinoAlice is starting in three days! : D You gonna give it a try Asa? :zomg
Without a question, I download it as soon as it's out.

Btw there's been rumors going on that there will be a delay in the release recently, I didn't check if it's true because I find out very soon, but it's sth to keep in mind.
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First Shield
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Jun 20, 2008
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Yeah, like an hour after reading your post I saw confirmation that it's getting delayed indefinitely... :XD Not sure what's the problem exactly, but I could imagine people complained about the censorship in the localized version. Saw this two days ago or so, left one's apparently the localized version:

Anyway, I wonder how far it's going to get delayed =/


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jan 24, 2018
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They made alice a loli :gwah
Man they weren't even that revealing, I don't see the problem with the last original one, leave it as it is :emobirb
Some are ok in the localized but alice had became a loli somehow...and I'm not ok with that, bring back alice boobs.

The iOS version put sinoalice release date to September 30th, it's most likely a place holder as there was no official announcement, I hope it is, don't want to want months for the game after thinking it be out this month.
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