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Discussion Discussion of Bounties in One Piece

Meijin no Kori

After this arc, is finished, do you think the bounties of any of the Strawhats will change? If so, which ones and what will be their new bounties. Here is what I currently believe:

Sogeking/Ussop - 30 million+ - Well I'm thinking that Sogeking would possibly end up with a bounty. If anything, for being an accomplice with Sanji and Frank when they were storming through the trains trying to get to Robin. I'm also sure that there's more in store later on on Eneis Lobby as I doubt he's just going to lazy around especially considering what the particular argument he had with Luffy about being useless and all.

Zoro - 120-150 Million - Should be higher than Luffy's previous bounty, he's also the one who destroyed the stranded Government train and defeated a Captain. And again he's probably going to take out one of the more important members this arc.

Sanji - 60-80 Million - Well he's done probably the 2nd most damage so far... walking through Puffing Tom and defeating every single government official in sight. Including a few Cipherpol leaders.

Franky - 100+ Million - He already did a lot of stuff in the past to warrant a bounty. I'm sure he's also done lots of illegal things while on Water 7 and disfiguring the CP9 leader in the past with a cannon... among what he will probably end up doing later on this arc. Then take his strength level into account, he's easily one of the stronger people around, along wtih his shipwright building skills with his fondness of battlewships it seems, he'd pose quite a threath. So his bounty should be quite high.

Luffy - 180+ Million - Defeating over 500 marines... wreaking havoc on the buildings in Eneis Lobby... and going to only cause more damage, his bounty is obviously going to be pretty high.

Don't think the rest are going to get a bounty, well it really depends on what Robin does, she may or may not get a higher bounty. Though if she does decide to go back, and Franky does join the crew, both of them being together would obviously pose a very dangerous threath, increasing both their bounties a lot.

I changed the name of the thread since the new bounties have now been released - Boff


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Nov 24, 2005
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Well, despite the insane amount of damage that is likely to occur here, 1 important thing will also affect how high their bounty goes...

If they have possession of the Pluton plans once this is done.

If they do, which is a good possibility, That will be a major increase in Franky's (assuming he goes), Robin's (assuming she returns), and probably Luffy's as well.

Luffy will probably be well over 200 million after this. He didnt get any increase after Crocodile (though it is apparent that they know he was involved now), and nothing for the Skypiea stuff. The amount of damage he has done alone, leading an attack into one of the Main strongholds of the Marines... He will probably be among the major players as far as bounty values once this is done.

I agree on Zoro's. likely over 100 mill.

Sanji needs to get a bounty now. He has too long been able to get around easily because no one knew he was one of the Straw Hats.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 30, 2005
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Well I think it would've been hilarious if Sogeking/Usopp got a really high bounty (more than Sanji) because of the ally with the rampaging giants.. Well might not happen, but I think it would be funny : )


vs. The World.
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jan 17, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

For the most part, I agree with MnK, but I think Nami will get a bounty, as the new clima tact seems to be able to cause some serious damage, she just need to learn how to control it...

Also, Robin's bounty will raise, since she's going to escape with the straw-hats after causing some havok.


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Jan 25, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Actually i think eveyone will get bounties. I mean they know of all the persons in the Crew and they have all caused more or less destruction now. And one more thing... Why does everyone think that Franky will join the Pirates. It could just as well be the rope guy (can`t remember da name) that joins the clan (although it is more likely that it's franky)


Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Nah, I'm quite Franky will be the one who joins, assuming there's gonna be a new member. When I was thinking about the bounties I kept in mind that the highest bounty I've seen so far is 340 million (that guy with puppeteering powers, back in vol 25 i think), and since that guy with 340 million was one of the government's seven converted pirates, Luffy's rise to 200+ million might be a tad too much?


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Dec 7, 2005
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Yeah, it's totally going to be Franky. Paulie is too invested in Iceburg, while Franky has his own dreams to pursue and has less ties to Water 7. Also, Franky has way more character than Paulie <3 (not that I don't feel the Paulie love).

white silver

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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Most likely each of the Mugiwara Pirates would have a bounty.  For the ones that already has one would have a major increase IF THEY MANAGE TO SURVIVE!  Considering the damage they have done plus the fact they have declared WAR to the World Government, I'm pretty sure the bounty would be raised to levels where every pirate/marine would become their enemy!  And let's not forget the size of the Migiwara Pirates, if Frankie was included it would be the total of 8 (probably the smallest pirate crew to ever sail in the 4 seas and in the Grand Line)I think these should all contribute to the size of the bounty they would have to be placed.


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Jan 26, 2006
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United States
Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

I know it's been said but it's definitely going to be Franky who joins the crew. If you recall in Vol 34 chapter 323 Luffy draws a picture of their future crewmate. And with the exception of Franky being 5meters tall, the picture matches perfectly. That and Franky is a Pirate orphan similar to Usopp. What I can't personally wiat for is the ship that Franky will design and build for his new nakama. I can only imagine it's desctructive force.

As for what was said that about Luffy not likely getting a 200+ bounty not being plausable, let's not forget that Crocodile had a measley 80 million on his head before he became one of the schischibukai. What I think will happen with the crew is they won't have bounties anymore. They will reach the rank of such pirates as Shanks and Whitebeard who arent schischibukai (or so we think) but don't have bounties big enough to be put on their heads because their destructive force is so high. Not to mean that they wont be targeted in fact they will become a priority higher than any bounty out there so the bounty would be meaningless. The Pirate summit which I'm guessing is the arc after this one should be quite interesting to see whats happnening with blackbeard and Ace and why is Shanks so interested in their fight?


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 25, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

I can't really restrain myself now... I really do hope you were sarcastic when you said "the picture matches perfectly", cuz the picture looks nothing like a human at all.( As we all can recall Luffy's drawing skills are just a liiiitle bit crappy)


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Jan 26, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Sephcloud said:
I can't really restrain myself now... I really do hope you were sarcastic when you said "the picture matches perfectly", cuz the picture looks nothing like a human at all.( As we all can recall Luffy's drawing skills are just a liiiitle bit crappy)
If you look at the picture carefully the face especially the nose is similar. Not to mention that the arms and legs are exactly proportional to that of Franky's. Now of course he doesn't look exactly like him but as for the human part remember Franky is a cyborg.


Puella Magi
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Jan 20, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Ehmz, seems i had not posted here yet...

Luffy 150
Zoro 80
Sanji 60
Sogeking 30 :eyeroll
^ Usopp 0 ;) ( if you know what i mean... )
Franky 50

I don't see Chopper or Nami with a bounty yet, though... And i do not think Robin's will rise...


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Dec 30, 2005
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

They attacked a World Government facility. Everyone who can be identified will have a bounty. Luffy's will be the highest, possibly 200+ million considering he's declared war on the World Government. Zoro, Robin and maybe Franky will have 100+ million bounties. The others will probably range from 20-80 million.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Umm of course they'll all have bounties, there is no way they could attack Ennies Lobby and the government wouldn't care, and Luffy did declare war on them. The only exception is Usopp cause of his Sogeking get up (he's such a pussy). I'd say obviously Luffy will have the highest bounty, Zoro will have the second highest, Franky or Robin will have the third and fourth (Cause of past offences that will probably factor in), Chopper and Nami will probably get minor bounties compared to the rest probably in the 30-60 million range. Also I think that if Franky stays with the Mugiwaras that his and Robins bounties will increase more due to the fact they would be able to revive pluton and/or other weapons.


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Mar 13, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

Khaludh said:
I don't see Chopper or Nami with a bounty yet, though... And i do not think Robin's will rise...
sure robin's bounty will rise.. " if " franky join strawhead crew and it'll become especially dangerous for the navy to know that now luffy has the power to resurrect the weapon.. franky + robin = ancient weapon..

white silver

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Hong Kong
Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

You should also consider the fact that once they defeat CP9, it's gonna make the bounty rise to a new level.  If you have noticed, Luffy (I assumed) would never have taken out ANY of the CP9 during the Water Island arc.  Bounties raise if you defeat someone with a higher bounty such as the Crocodile case.  It could also increase if you happen to beat the "Top" guys in the World Government.  Now if Luffy defeats the strongest person in CP9, his bounty is more likely to par up with the best of the Shichibukai!  


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Mar 14, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

To be realistic: every Straw Hat will have their bounty raised, (or get one). They've gone beyond the pirate-criminal level now.

Luffy: I'm going to have to agree with (most?) everyone else and say 200+. It should be in the Shichibukai range now since he has now proved to be an enormous threat to the government.
Zoro and Sanji: This probably won't happen but I want Zoro and Sanji to be in the same bounty-range, just 'cause it's give them something else to fight about and compete over. Close to Luffy's bounty, maybe 130-150.
Robin and Franky: Of course Robin's will be raised when (and if...) she escapes because when (and another hopeful if) Franky joins them, their combined minds will be an extremely dangerous threat to the world through the eyes of the government. Maybe... 100-120.
Nami, Usopp, and Chopper: Last but definitely not least! All three are powerful in their own rights and can hold their own in (certain?) battles. Somewhere between 60-90 maybe.

hrseber said:
I know it's been said but it's definitely going to be Franky who joins the crew. If you recall in Vol 34 chapter 323 Luffy draws a picture of their future crewmate. And with the exception of Franky being 5meters tall, the picture matches perfectly. That and Franky is a Pirate orphan similar to Usopp. What I can't personally wiat for is the ship that Franky will design and build for his new nakama. I can only imagine it's desctructive force.

As for what was said that about Luffy not likely getting a 200+ bounty not being plausable, let's not forget that Crocodile had a measley 80 million on his head before he became one of the schischibukai. What I think will happen with the crew is they won't have bounties anymore. They will reach the rank of such pirates as Shanks and Whitebeard who arent schischibukai (or so we think) but don't have bounties big enough to be put on their heads because their destructive force is so high. Not to mean that they wont be targeted in fact they will become a priority higher than any bounty out there so the bounty would be meaningless. The Pirate summit which I'm guessing is the arc after this one should be quite interesting to see whats happnening with blackbeard and Ace and why is Shanks so interested in their fight?
I'm going to have to disagree. Without a bounty, no one would really care about them. The ranking system between pirates is based off of bounties, (look back to Mock Town). And the government wants them caught, preferably without loosing their own men, (we now know how pathetic and cowardly the government is; most of them anyway), so they'll want bounty hunters to go after them.


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Jan 26, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

I'm not saying that the bounties aren't important for their ranking system, I'm just saying that at some point they will stop raising the bounties because they will be on a whole other level. The Shichibukai are always introduced, with the exception of Hawk Eyes, with their previous bounties. Now do you really believe that their powers haven't increased since they joined the world government? Remember, Rockstar, the newbie who joined the Red Hair's crew? He's a newbie but he had a previous bounty of 94Million meaning that, the ranking system is no longer important once he entered the Red Hair's crew. I think it will be the same with Luffy's crew or at least with just Luffy. They will be on the same level as the revolutionary Dragon, who has no bounty we know of but is an enemy of the World Government.

I agree that the government will not go after Luffy directly, and may wish for bounty hunters to apprehend him and his crew. I also think that they will offer Luffy the post of Shichibukai, except of course he will turn it down. Which will make him more dangerous under the eyes of the world government. Of course they could issue an order to the shichibukai to take him down, since their role is to keep other pirates in line. Anyway, this is why I think the next arc will be the pirate summit. That should answer all of these questions.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Mar 14, 2006
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

hrseber said:
I'm not saying that the bounties aren't important for their ranking system, I'm just saying that at some point they will stop raising the bounties because they will be on a whole other level. The Shichibukai are always introduced, with the exception of Hawk Eyes, with their previous bounties. Now do you really believe that their powers haven't increased since they joined the world government? Remember, Rockstar, the newbie who joined the Red Hair's crew? He's a newbie but he had a previous bounty of 94Million meaning that, the ranking system is no longer important once he entered the Red Hair's crew. I think it will be the same with Luffy's crew or at least with just Luffy. They will be on the same level as the revolutionary Dragon, who has no bounty we know of but is an enemy of the World Government.

I agree that the government will not go after Luffy directly, and may wish for bounty hunters to apprehend him and his crew. I also think that they will offer Luffy the post of Shichibukai, except of course he will turn it down. Which will make him more dangerous under the eyes of the world government. Of course they could issue an order to the shichibukai to take him down, since their role is to keep other pirates in line. Anyway, this is why I think the next arc will be the pirate summit. That should answer all of these questions.
I'd completely forgotten about Rockstar. So when they got to this whole-other level, would they only have the Shichibukai to apprehend the threat? I can see Luffy getting to this level but probably not for awhile. The government will probably send the Shichibukai after them and when (and if) he defeats whomever they send, then they'll consider him to be a major threat. I don't even think the official declaration of war could constitute this level of "bounty" because I'm thinking the government has a lot of faith in their pirate puppets.

So yeah, I think one of the Shichibukai, (or maybe all of them, like everyone getting paired up in a fight type of scheme), will come after the Straw Hats. I'm still sticking by my prediction of Luffy's bounty because I don't see him reaching this level of "bounty" until something bigger happens that makes the government really worry.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Dec 29, 2005
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Re: The Future Bounties of The Mugiwara Pirates

everyone will get a bounty or their bounties will rise...because dont forget that they are formally oppned fire on world governmet by attacking one of their islands with marine HQ...whoever does this against a nation, they automatically becomes on wanted list...